Why do you think you need to study information technology?
Information technology is an important source of competitive advantage to overcome
competitors. Using information technology infrastructure and applications we can build
many business models. IT also allow us to provide better customer service and
differentiate from other competitors with new technologies.
Why are functional areas interdependent?
Functional areas are interdependent because the functions of each individual functional
area must need to communicate with each other in order to fulfil the aims and objectives
of the business
Why must sales and marketing work with operations?
Sales and marketing are interdependent because in order to increase sale they need to
market the product. Sales and marketing are main business operations which provide
information to understand inventory, place orders, transportation costs etc.
What is one of the most important assets in an organisation?
People are the one of most important assets in the organisation
Without databases and spreadsheets how would managers gather, correlate, and analyse
Managers would use pivot tables to gather ,correlate and analyse the data which is
called data to information transformation process.
Which type of information culture will help an organisation achieve the greatest
Information discovery culture, because employees across departments always be aware
of changes, crisis and new entrants to create competitive advantage
Which type of information culture would hurt an organisation?
Information functional culture as employees use information as a means of power over
Can you name any famous CEOs?
Bill Gates for Microsoft
Steve jobs for apple
Why it is so difficult to measure the success of an IT system?
Measure the success of an IT system is difficult because business operations are often
changed in an organisation which allows to the respond for the changes, reduce cycle
times and improve risk management.
10. How would you define success in relation to an IT system? Is it more important to have
IT professionals or business professionals define success for an IT system?
Performance metrics which comes under area of BI which requires both IT and business
professional’s input to define success in IT system. Yes, it is more important to have IT
and business Professionals to define success for an IT system because performance
metrics which are related to success in IT systems are included in BI area which is
neither technology nor the business centered.
11. How does a company decide if an information system helps make a business
Every business need information for its operations. But business operations are
changed often in an organisation which automatically changes the information system
which leads to success of the organisation.
12. How would you determine if the system was performing faster or slower than expected
if there were not any benchmarks?
By using efficient IT metrics and effective it metrics.
13. What types of things might e-government efficiency and effectiveness measure?
Customer service vision, multiple delivery services, population.
14. Which metrics are more important to a company like eBay – efficiency or
Both efficiency and effectiveness metrics are important to a company like eBay because
availability, security, throughput, web traffic, accuracy, response time and speed are the
main contents eBay success.