Acrostic poems The idea of this task was for the students to introduce themselves to the colleagues in the different countries and schools. In order to get an even better idea, Interkulturelles Zentrum had encouraged the young people to include photos. For reasons of data protection and alike, we only received very few pictures and in order to be consistent, we decided not to include them either. Below you can find all acrostic poems we received. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. Austria BRG Krems Chewing gum is what I’m hooked on Loyalty is important to me A good friend always assist you whatever you do Under nerviness I can’t think clearly Dancing is my passion I love being with my family A smile on the lips dulcify you the day Being independent is important to me Equality is what I’m searching for Relaxing in the sun is wonderful Good music is what I love to listen Eating ice cream in summer refreshing Rather be covert clever than uncovered silly Reject eating meat Ocean has to be crossed Meeting new people is my aim in life Addicted to chocolate Northpol is too cold for me, I like the hot areas Australia, country where i want to go once! Knees get hurt while playing soccer Usually I love watching movies, except the sad ones Regarding forward is very important to me Zodiac lion is the best! Cheering up somebody is what I am able to do Lonely is what I hate be [so please just stay.] All my memories keep a good friend [alive] in my heart. Really much energy inside me [that’s why I go postal sometimes] Able to struggle and fight [so rather not to be mean to me] Good tempered almost all the time Master of disaster [but I really don’t care about it.] Everyday could be the last [so just enjoy it.] Independent is what I want to be [so stop commending me] Never let somebody bring me down [so don’t even try.] Every problem is small [if you compare it with the earth.] Right to be different Sometimes I’m a little bit crazy, but Often I am friendly and nice. Perhaps people think that I’m lazy or I work slowly. Happiness is one of the most important things in life. In my own little world I feel confident. Eating and sleeping is what I do in my spare time. By the way I want to thank all my friends for supporting me. Energy drinks are the only drugs I take, and I’m addicted to them. Right Round from Flo Rida remembers me of funny party times with my friends. Gretel is the nickname of my horse called Get Away. Much of chocolate is eaten by me every day. Austria, where the Schnitzel comes from! Not small, but space-saving, is the description of myself. Now we are at the end. Meeting new people & getting to know them in a better way, are things that are making my day (: Asking totally absurd questions is what I am good at :D Daydreaming is my passion! Encouraging people is what I like to do! Loving my family & my friends as much as I can! Enjoying life despite its ups and downs! Independence is what I would like to achieve! Nodding my head in comprehension, without knowing what the person in front of me is really trying to say :D Extremely fond of good talks about the entire world and his brothers! Honesty is what I appreciate! Open-minded is what I hope to be! Equality is one of the most important things in society for me! Living my dream & not dreaming my life is one of my mottos! Destroying undeliberately others stuff, especially in summer, is what I often do :/ Keep together A good friend is hard to find To be open-minded to new situations Hoping the best every time I love photography Enjoying time with special people Nothing really matters… Irony Girls just wanna have fun! Live everyday like it would be your last. Energetic is what I am. Laughing nearly all the time. It is very difficult for me to be disciplined. Simply having fun. Always look on the bright side of life! Being Polish is something I really like. Enjoying all the pleasures of life. Taking time for things I love to do. Honesty is what I appreciate. “Come on, let's do it”, is my motto. Zucchini tastes good. Experiencing not only the good sides of life. Responsibility is what I like. New cultures, new experiences; I love both! I have got a target in my life. Ambitious? Yes, I am. Keep on smiling. BG Leoben Trying to be lazy Often I am under pressure Maybe a bit confused sometimes Always humorous, happy and amused Spending most of my time on playing the saxophone Knowing much about physics And finding geography disgusting Money is a thing I would like to have endlessly Enhancing my abilities whenever I can Never giving up hope Cannot watching TV without falling asleep after half an hour Effort beyond all measure, if it is essential Keen on activities that include water The best thing on world is time. How many people know this crime? Oh! I have started to write about a wrong thing. My opponent thinks, that he is a king. A good friendship is important to me. So and only so I can feel free! Kan is written with c. U is often used instead of you. My favorite music style is rap. And I haven’t stopped riding the BMX yet. Read more about me, if you want! Dave is my nickname. All things I like most are far too expensive. Very amiable. I’m a very athletic person. Dancing is my new hobby. Every time helpful. Riding my bike is my favorite sport. Don’t like boring days. Know all about table tennis. Our village is very popular. (Kalwang) Every time happy. Never alone. I’m very happy to have so many friends. Good food is something I really like. Learn Italian Unable to do bar exercises Keep my friends An important thing for me is to have fun Soccer is my favorite sport Koks is my nickname On my body are birthmarks Knowing as much as possible All you need is a family and friends I can’t lose Love is an important thing Tenacious D is awesome Reading good books can be amusing too I’m playing the piano Should sleep more Trading card games are my hobby Also doing Mathematic Olympiad Never want to stand up Weekends are the best part of the week Easy to entertain Never want to learn I’m doing parkour Going to play CS:S after school Early standing up Rise Against is awesome Rough weather A hopeless race against a car I know it’s impossible to win Man, why am I doing that Under this condition Nothing happens Down on the street Beginning of time Eternal fire Rough weather Gone without a track Eternal fire... burns always Rough days... but this fire burns always My nickname is Michi It is time to relax. Cherry is a good fruit. Have fun in my free time. An important thing is to be helpful. Everything is possible. Love is hard to find. Keep friends. A peaceful live. Riding fast vehicle is very funny. Austria is my favorite country. The last will be the first. Have a good time. A test is very rotten. New beginning. Around me are nice people. See after new friends. Sweets tastes better than vegetable. Immigrants should be friends. Some things must happen. Just enjoying my life Use the day Each of my friends is nice Rain in summer is something i don’t like Gain new experiences Everything has a reason N ever will quit doing sport To sleep long at weekends is great Always be happy Family and friends are very important Everything is possible Ready to rumble Never go to bed before 11 E‘s are annoying if there are so much Rarely punctual Love the life. I am a happy person. Sky diving is something I would like to try once. A family is the most important thing in the world. Playing Volleyball is my favorite leisure activity. Riding my bike is liberating. Experiences are very important for your growing old. To find out who your real friends are can be painful. Zombie is a song from one of my favorite bands. Life can surprise you every day. Every time helpful. Running is absolutely not fun. Kathi is my best friend Every time happy Reading a lot Swimming is my hobby Time is very important for me Never moody Snakes are terrible for me. Climbing is the most important sport in my life. Helpful I like to be Never alone All things I like most are far too expensive Born in Rottenmann Living in Mautern Killing other people in a war is the most terrible thing ever Animals are very beautiful creatures Truth and trust are very important to me Happy when I have my friends and family around me Always waiting for summer Rules are everywhere… I am what I am Nobody is perfect Always hungry Shit happens quite often to me Cooking is very funny Hate boring lessons Meeting friends in my free time I love music and holidays Dreaming about lots of things… Always have time for stupid things Rarely arrive in time Maybe the laziest person on the world In anything “wants” to be the best Never want to be alone Serious if needed, but also easy to make me laugh Honest in any situation, lying is not my behavior A good listener anyway No pocket money left for the other half of the week My friends and family are the most important people for me Everybody in my class is friendly Love is such a wonderful thing As my best friend, I like football very much Nearly everyone says “Meli” to me I have a lovely boyfriend named “Marc” Easter is one of my favorite celebrations Playing tennis is fun Rude and violent people, I don’t like Everyday I think of my dead cousin In summer holidays I will go to Italy Never ever I would try sheep eyes I like Motocross very much Need my brother in my life Germany is our neighboringcountry Every time I meet my father we nearly can’t stop talking Reading books isn’t boring, only when I have a boring book. Most oft he time I’m happy Always funny Riding a bike in summer I really enjoy Things I like are meeting friends, swimming and relaxing In my free time I like playing volleyball Nice person A good friend Using the phone is one of my favourite things I don’t like spiders Crazy, but only a little bit Have always time for my friends I hate it to be stressed Too lazy for everything sometimes All the time helpful Evangelishes Gymnasium All I need is love, god and my family Loving somebody and being loved is the most important thing in my life Every time I pray I can feel the lords presence X-mas with my family is the highlight of the year And my favourite colour is rosy Nobody can change my opinion of certain things Dancing is for me a great way to show feelings, to get more self confidence and to train your body Rising fantasy means freedom to me A is a letter that means a lot to me Philosophic Handmade Intelligent Love maker Inspired Psychopathic Pain, I like! Deep in motion Orally fixed Bleeding for injustice Light in the dark Hopes to grow up very fast On the way, out of the class. Find the answer very fast Fire in the heart Almuth is great Loves the summer My friends are important to me Unique Tired of winter Honesty means a lot to me Always in good mood Clara is great Has a lot of fun Tired of rain Self-confidence describes a person No risk, no fun I like shopping Trying to sleep all the time Clever Loves the summer Always in a good mood Really funny Almuth is great Self- confidence describes a person Tired of winter Opportunities has to be taken No risk no fun Always look on the bright side of life Wonderful Supper duper Knows everything I like shopping Daisy is my Nickname Exiting life Sun I love Music Dancing Every friend is important Really funny and crazy I love shopping And that’s who I am. Fe is my Nickname Exciting life Love doing sport I don’t like school Clown I love music Team player Always laughing Sun, sun, sun Freedom Electronic music Loves nobody, excepted of himself Is not always in a good mood Xena is the only girl I think about Sleeping is important for me Cheeky Hates racism Always stressed Loves to go shopping Egoistic Religion is not that important for me Helpful Always happy No risk no fun Nobody is perfect All my friends are important for me Son makes me feel better Obstinate, not really Plain is nothing in the world Honestly means a lot to me Ice cream Every time caring Joy is an important part in everyone’s life Open hearted Happy April-best month to be born No risk no fun Never stop smiling A blonde Honest Adores shopping Right round Travelling Intelligent Girl’s night out Dancing, having fun, meeting friends, And Nice people are important to me. If you like pizza and ice cream, Eat it like I do!!! L.A. is a beautiful city, And this is the end! Knowing something is everyone’s dream Rumours show up quickly Is that what I really want? Since I’ve been born I am Trying to fit in I’m not the average girl Nothing is better for me than music And I love all my friends My mother is one of the most important persons in my life And I love the rest of my big family too. Round and round the world is circling In this world I am happy And in heaven everyone is happy Violence is always worst Ironic Naturally Zero is my motto Exciting No Risk no Fun Zebras are white with black stripes Loyally Eat is the best thing on earth Now, I have no more ideas for the letter “n” Hairstyle is very important Art is hard Racism is also worst Tennis is my favorite sport Mutant Almost a booty Thinks he is the god father Trouble sucks Established 1992 Oreo cookies are great Powerful and sometimes crazy Ara is a nice bird Uranium is not good and war nether hohoho Lapu malmö Master of disaster Ambitious, in parts like history. X-mas is my favorite day. Presents. Intelligent Gorgeous, I have gorgeous friends like Johanna. Other places like Spain are my favorites. Exiting is something like playing Basketball September is my birthday Stunning^^ I am a stunning boy. Personality is an important thing for me. Intelligent All the war in the world has to stop. British accent is funny. Ordinary style Extra work Humanity isn’t for reality. Money Rise again Addictive to free time Perhaps sometimes moody Haram Always happy Established 1992 Love it to travel Valentine is handsome Always funny Eats melons Nobody resists his charm Talented like nobody else Is afraid of his own beauty Nobody resists his charm Tolerant Arctic Monkeys Very much against apartheid Aram Kolibri Orangutans are great Lovatakian Island Against war No risk no fun My friends are highly important form e All my clothes show my mind on the day For people, whom I love, I will do everything Asking many questions Lovely Days with my friends and family are beautiful for me All Chinese food- I love it S: Sometimes I have to take a nab. I : I am always trying to stay on the track. M: My hope is to get always the best. E: Even in hart times there should be joy. O: Overcoming means a lot to me. N: Nothing should ever stop me on the right way. S: Someone is always here to help me. C: Christ is my savior. H: Home is the place I like most. M: My mom is always telling me to ware my sweater. I: It is nice to see a good movie, but better to make one. D: Does it is true that cars can drive? T: T-Bone stakes are good. To talk is very interesting Often I want to play football Beach and sun Intelligent A very funny person Somebody who often want to meet friends Sweet Tolerant Often funny Run Computer games Happy J EALOUS O BSTIANTE S TUBBORN E XCITED P OLITE H ONEST I NTELLIGENT N ICE E XPIERIENCED HAK Steyr Crazy describes me very good. All good things come to an end. Rescue me from becoming lonely. It’s sometimes a long way to find yourself. No one knows me the way you know me. A mirror shows your soul. Perfect people are boring. Angels are alive. Unites Kingdom is my favorite country. Love is hard to find and hard to hold. I want to be free. Tell me why is the world so cruel. Sorry seems to be the hardest word. Cold eyes make me feel afraid. Homecoming is all I want to do. Don’t like spiders. An important part is music. Nobody is able to know everything. Interesting things are easier to learn. Everybody is able to do everything he wants. Laughing could solve depressions. All the time people think about their problems. Never neglect your friends. On weekends it’s more fun. Everybody should live in freedom. Being only serious is boring. Acting as a lier is ugly. Use all your abilities. Every person is special. Rising your finish is great. Call me Help you sometimes Rock your life so often it’s possible I hate untrue friends Socks are not important Tell a lot of jokes Oh what a wonderful world when you are happy Pray that the world gets a little bit better Hurry up if something is important. Kissing is cool A good time with my friends Telling what I’ve done today is important to me Helping my friends is important too A day of fun Riding my bike is funny Ireland, a place a want to go Nothing could make me as happy as him Animals I like very much Kisses are wonderful. A smile is sometimes better than a kiss. True friends are more important than all other things. Read a book and find yourself. I think my family is very important for me. Nothing is forever. Give everybody a chance. Eyes are the mirror of yourself. You see a tree and feel free. Except yourself. Reality isn’t easy to except. Kissing somebody’s ass is flattery in its most sordid way. Elect a new President. Video tapes from better times. Invaders must die – The Prodigy. Nothing lasts forever Mainly life is not gambling. U wear fur, u’re murder. Embarrassing moments are crappy. Hilarious monkey videos Love is creepy BBQ is great and tasty Arrogance is stupid Chill out Holding something tight Erasing memories is impossible Resting is your satisfaction Kinds of painting with my pencils. A day, a hour, a second, but no one is the same. Too much to do is not good for you. Helping people is not as easy as it seems to be. A wonderful emotion is do be with him. Reading is a piece of me. I am what I am, and most of the time I like it. Nobody is nearly like the other. A smile is the most wonderful thing an earth. Love is one of the most important things I like music Sunshine makes me happy All I want is freedom, peace, family and love Riding my bike when it´s beautiful outside Alone at home is a thing I like Dreams are there to become true Like animals Every day there is a chance to get happy Roses are beautiful Men are complicated. August is a wonderful month. Green are my eyes. Dreaming of my own that I am. An ape I wanna have. Love is hard to find. Every Monday I’m already planning my next weekend. Now of my friends I want to lose. Alcohol I like Worms is a great game for Xbox. Old people’s smell I don’t like. Learning Spanish is important to me. Leaving a bar too early is bad. Mouse is the name my dad called me when I was a child. Ancle is the place where one of my tattoos is. Rum is great. Kids are tiring. Early in the morning I don’t want to stand up. Red hair I have. My life is my own Afraid of being alone Right things to do, isn’t always easy. Time with friends is sooo important to me. Instrictly I often make mistakes No one knows what I made to be, me either All things, which happen have an reason. Kisses touch my heart directly. Unknown, I won’t be. Enter my heart is easy. Help other people, help me too. Nothing compares to me! Eclipse can happen to me. Love would help me in every situation. Master the life Is a hard thing to do Cause if you don’t want to crush Hate quarrel and suppress Always you hear Everywhere you look Lots of death And if you want to stay alive Use your brain to help the world End the wars Restart your life Various feelings are very important. All about freedom and hope. Never lose your target. Every day let the sun shine in your heart. Singing for my soul. Say what you think. All my dreams would come true if I really believe in them. Keep cool. Iceland is my life. Riding on Iceland horses in my free time. Clowns mostly aren’t funny. Horses in my heart. Make me smile. All my dreams keep me alive. Yesterday is not today. Rock my life. Music is the way I express myself. All of us should live in freedom. To help someone shows respect. Trying the best is what I can do. Hope is what I feel in certain situations. I am happy with my life. An important thing is truth. Satisfaction is most important Truth is really important. All I want is to expensive. Nothing is forever. Just do it! A new day – a new chance! Best friends are my life. Underground is a fast way to go. Real fun is to meet friends. Great is swimming in the sea. Haters make me famous. Usually I like sport. Being happy is wonderful. English writing is sometimes difficult. Reading is exciting. Pains are bearable In my room I’m able to relax Always when I’m with animals I’m happy Sex is very good Travelling is exciting Often I dream I’m able to fly Every day is a new day For my best friends I would do everything Forever the sun has to shine Everybody should be treated in the same way Laughing is beautiful Between with and black I don’t make differences All over the world people are equal United families are important Every day there is a new chance to get happy Riding a horse is a fantastic feeling Money isn’t everything, but important Austria’s beautiful, but not the only nice country Running is relaxing The best way is green I am I Not everything is necessary Paying ones debts is important Only the sausage has two ends Everyone is special The world is wonderful Zero is nothing Adidas shoes are cool. Lacoste shoes are cool. Eat Cevapcici is what I love. Karate I don’t do. Sport I don’t do. Answer some questions is what I can’t. Nonsense saying is what I can. Dieter Bohlen is cool. Aleksandar is a cool name. Rafting is dangerous. Often I meet with friends. Like to go out with friends. I write with my left hand today. Very satisfying is playing football. Everybody should live in freedom. Respect is absolutely necessary. Justice is important. All is wonderful if I am happy. Normally I don’t like to be alone. Killer games are sometimes funny, but only if some friends join in. On Saturdays I go out. Today is the day, I know for sure. Hilarious ways of life occur. Often do I think of school. Mates there can be very cool. Afternoons I spend with them. Sorry that they have to end. HBLA Kufstein Loves holidays. I love chocolate. Sport is very important for me. Animals are the most important thing after friends and family. Every single day is treasureful. Horses are my favorite animals. Real friends are very important for me. England is one of my favorite countries. Nine is my favorite number. Swimming is a bobby from me. Biking is a sport I like. Everybody is special. Robin is the name of my brother. Green is the color of my eyes. Early in the morning I hate to discuss. Reading is something what I do not really often. True friends are very important All I want is ice cream My dream has come true After a cup of coffee everything is better Real live is hard All but not boring Poor is who don’t have friends I love my cats Everyday is beautiful Totally crazy Holiday I need holiday Summer is my favorite season. Objectivity is my specialist field. People shouldn’t talk to me before 8 o’clock because I’m a morning person. Handies are great inventions. I love my friends. Always in a good mood. Hate long school days. Always ready to help other people. Shanti is the name of my cat. Every moment is special. Nothing can bring me down. Always look on the bright side of life. Ultraviolet is the color of my hair. English is my favorite foreign language. Really cute. Sunshine and holidays All I need is fun Really important are my friends and my family Always I sleep long at weekends Homework is a thing, I absolutely hate. My hobbies are swimming, meeting friends … All time, I want to have holidays Really important is my moped Green is a very beautiful color Rain is something, I don’t like English is a very important language to me I like to do things with my friends To go on holidays, I like very much Every time I like to sit in the sun and listening to music Reading a book, I like very much Swimming is my favorite sport. All in my family likes to play card. Never, I am going to play hockey. Dangerous form e is pungee jumping. Red is my favorite color. All I like is fun. Rabbits are one of my favorite pets. Every day I go for a walk with my dog Jimmy. Important for me is, to say always the truth. But the most important people in my live are my family. My friends are also very important for me. At weekends I sleep very long. Yellow is the color from the sun. Rain is something, what I hate. Nobody can be funnier… Equality is important for me. Sometimes I can be very crazy… Reason why I am so happy is that, that I like to laugh, my friends and to know new friends… I was born in Turkey / Sivas… Never stop with fun… Only love… Easy to You think I am funny And maybe I am See, I like it sunny Music is my second name xD I’m not a fame and Not quick, but not lame Endings I like Maybe there’s a begin But I don’t like to lose And sometimes don’t want to win Chocolate I like Ham and meat I do hate Everything’s easy? Right now I have to wait… My family is great Emotional Revision and tests are stressful Couch-potato Energy Do crazy things Everyday in a good mood Strange Ultimately nobody is replaceable Like Twilight Important are for me: my family and my friends Snowboarding is one of my favorite sports Always want to do things with friends My moped is important too Often laugh Summer is my favorite time Everybody should be happy Robert Pattinson is my favorite actor Laughing all the time Interested in soccer, play-station, … Should learn more often for school Clumsy Having fun with friends Rocking your parties I’m not the best in school Sometimes a bit arrogant Tyrolean Intellectual Always happy and friendly Never get me down Charismatic is one of the most important things at other guys, I think! Adam Brody is my favorite actor! Riding my bike when the sun is shining makes me very happy! I am a vegetarian and love animals! Normally I go out 3 times a week and make party! ASV is our swim club in our village and I am a swim trainer in this club! Zero is not my favorite number, but 24! English is my favorite foreign language! Love America and want to go to America, when I am 21! Laughing is a very important thing in my life! No one loves sun, summer and sunshine more than I do! Everybody should have the right to say his opinion. Reading a good book is one of my hobbies, but I have less time for that! Annoyed in long school lessons Krazy when I’m round with my clique A morning without eating is impossible Unfair racism is very stupid Friends are very important to me Muffins with chocolate I like best Ain’t no animal I don’t like (without maybe insects xD) Nobody understands me because of m my spoken language Nothing can keep me away from FUN & eating & soccer games Live my life as I like I love to laugh Sometimes a little bit aggressive Always happy Sometimes I don’t understand fun Enjoy mi life Very funny person I am a honest person Generous Nice Always smile Nobody can bring me down I can quickly go on someone nerves Rudolf Steiner School All friends are important non-smoker nightlife lover always funny best time of my life eyes are blue laughs a lot loves lying on the floor Has a lovely boyfriend usually does things with her friends being always there for everyone is most important Music makes me happy I like singing and Love my life Everybody knows me laughing Never want to miss my friends A girl with dark hair Wants to make everyone happy Especially loves animals Needs fun Drawing is what she likes best This is the end of the poem Joyous and laughs a lot nuts always messy Sleeps long omnivorous kills no animals often optimistic likes shopping Funny is a good word for me I am not very athletic Only apples make me happy Nigeria is interesting for me Africa is fascinating for me Sure I am not happy all the time Laughing I practice nearly every day Afraid only of heights Pizza is not my favorite food Often I cook for myself To cook is fun for me Asian food tastes good Hallo, I like doing something with friends after school no, I don’t like homework nor people who always sit at home and study for school hope you don’t do things for school all day Teeny original music player and singer and listener strong character, solving problems ice-cream lover totally crazy so cute and so small Love to do sports or play the piano yes, I am really cool Candy addict who loves movies and reading and music. Laughing and crying often change another world, that’s what I need to calm down reaching for the sky with good stories always embarrassed and disappointed by life Party is life – life is a party! Remember Amber, because he will never forget. After life, my soul will go to explore the universe. Vanish Oxi Action – a tongue twister, isn’t it? I do not think people see me as a human being. Tea is perfect to get a warm nose, but I am too lazy to make a cup. See myself bleeding, I want to see myself bleeding Honest absolutely funny natural normal and hyperactive Silly sometimes creative having fun with everyone watching TV not too often always cheerful running not very fast zippy Dorli open-minded rain lover on Saturday nights always out theatre fan honest energetic awesome, always talking Often laughs about things that are not funny enthusiastic guitar player not very optimistic day dreamer obsessed with British independent films gauche antipathy towards cheesy movies nervous Never forgets to smile all friends are important does not like meat interested in dancing never forgets to laugh eyes are brown Fun is important and understanding my friends everybody wants to live in freedom reading a book is sometimes boring snowboarders are cool totally crazy Dad and mom organize my life ready for life soon one woman in my life nobody is perfect. Monstrous Alone Instincts Emotions Rambo Many friends original right person for everything in the right class the busy graffiti boy zombie if I don’t sleep enough Happy athletic not average out of order shy exceptional knows the best places to chill out Raffi always happy purse is empty honey is tasty always breathing everything alright lol Joyful aggressive kissable out-and-out beautiful Kind astonishing useful friendly motley aspiring natural never depressed Not an adult yet English is my favorite language U2 Gerhard is my grandpa English is cool and so is Bicycling Illiterate sometimes Underground English is very cool and so is Reading books Steffi trustable energetic powerful honest always late not excited about writing this poem interested in a lot of things eager to learn Denmark Norre Gymnasium Zabby is what I’m called Achieving my dreams, is a dream in itself Babies I someday wanna have, 3 of them Rather I have one friend than no friends I’m still in love with my fiancé Nationality doesn’t matter to me Alive I will stay for eternity. Look like a million Outstanding sweet unofficially the queen in my country I am the best Sorry, just kidding Everyone can exaggerate My friends, family and dance It’s what I do, it’s what I live for. Like water. Sometimes I think about what my life would be without them O - A big round O!! Nothing. Many would say that I am noisy Annoying? Rock n’ roll Killing is not good Unobtrusive Skinny, short and sleepless Singing in the rain Classmates are fun Hatred is not for me Understanding Nobody knows Crackpot Here I am at our school- theatre play King of the bad jokes Memories I keep to remind me of life Inspiration is what I get from watching the world Evenings in summer at peace Joking around Everything is my all and more Not having enough time Silence puts my mind at peace Emotion of mine comes in the good and the bad Never taking it for granted Being myself Every day No exceptions Jude law wannabe Artistic in a different way Meaning of life is hard to determine Identity is a process Never looking back Master of the world A champion who spreads Joy And makes Fun Of everything Running in the summer Not too far And Listening to the sounds of the quiet morning, nobody is awake Late for school again It’s incredible how many times a day I think about you Every time I see that picture my heart Brings a pain to me I can’t bear Elegance Life is like a dream Ice cream is the best dessert ever Sun, makes me happy Smile to the world, and the world smiles to you Am I in wonderland? Very important person Angel of Latin America Love, I could live without it Lucky look, is not my hero Every day, is a good day Stars in your eyes, now I realize whom heals me! Peacefully presence. Ever walked through a star-filled night? Tales of imagination. Entering with childish curiosity. Reading, feeling, laughing. All you need is love. New ways, ideas, experience. Day-dreaming, dreaming of the day. Every day is new. Reach in and drag it out. Show me the wonders and beauty. Ever wondered, ever thought? Nowhere and everywhere. Some hate me, and some love me. Annoying persons cannot ruin my day. Right handed. Ask me and you will get an answer. How come I sometimes feel so alone? Even with people around me. Fab that is what my friends call me. Another person is not the boss of me. I do what I want! Being me is like nothing else. Rain I love. I am who I am. Counting on a fab future I don’t care what people think about the way I look. Using a word I cannot pronounce does not happen often. Singing in the rain. ☺ Natural is the way, I believe people should be Always thinking that pleasure is a gift, given to me Talking to people, is something I like to spent my time on Almost unlucky Singing in the bathroom is my daily routine Hate to be stressful All I see is life, and people who smiles Short of words, not at all Often glad, but not so tall Power girl, not really, no Hilarious, I’ll have a go Indie music is not noise Every day I love the boys. Here I am Beware Laughing inside Oh I love to smile Unlike others at some points I like junk food Singing Enthusiastic Strong feelings for cake Thumps up Ridin´ with the G´s Ordinary at some points Music Thinking of pleasures All so simple Breathing Idealizing Travelling High-five! All is good I’m happy to be here Dancing inside All about cake Bungee jumping is not for me Rarity Yahoo! Yes! Yeah! Lingering way too often Doing absolutely nothing can be rather nice Being unable to sing. Oh happy day Sailing across the universe. Life is like a box of chocolate. Angels fall first. Gallimautry in brain. Evolutionatuy aberration. Living on the edge. Surviving of the fittest. Equalizer. Agnostic sometimes Seldom Trying to be poetic Reading could be helpful Irrelevant perhaps Dead poetry Cheerful Amazing Madly in love with cake Incredible Lovely Laughing A pish Aerials Numb Down with the sickness Roulette Evolution Are you dead yet Strike Jamming in the morning Oh my god Nothing special Annoying Sex in the morning Vertical hour Indestructible Thanksgiving Out of control Forever young This moment C harming boys is something I love. Attending parties is something I like. Talking on the phone is something I do. Hearing music is something I prefer. Reading is something I should do more often. Ignorance is something I hate. Negativity is something I stay away from. E very day that passes is something I appreciate. Vesthimmerland Gymnasium Singing in the shower In the pool, I’m happy New York I want to go Ending the winter Jam on bread, jammy! A happy ending I want Kung Fu I want to learn One chance to live right Be able to do what I love Surrounded by friends Ending my homework Not be able to move my body Peter is my name, and I am satisfied with it. Every day is a beer day! Tackle life in your own way – it’s yours for God’s sake. Earn life the respect that it deserves – it treats you the same way. Realistic – guess that’s what I am. Be yourself. Join the club – don’t just look at it. Obligatory – that’s what life is. Evolution is a fact – religion is crap. Respect yourself. No woman no cry? Justice and solidarity in society is significant to me Opportunities give me the possibility of exploiting my talent Navigation in my life gives me more considered decisions And sport makes me motivated for every challenge Simplicity is demanded to make life less stressful Believing in what I care about and what I dream about And resistance makes life worth living, because when accomplishments occur they just feel better Competitions are natural to me Honesty and loyalty are top priorities C – Chocolate I love to drink, when it is winter E – Egoist? No, I’m not an Egoist, but a confident girl C – Cool family I have I – In the evening, I love to do nothing L – Lovely boyfriend in my life I – Ice cream is about the best in the summer, I think E – Examination, I don’t like S – Sixteen, yes I’m a sixteen years old girl E – End of the week, I like J – Jackpot, it will be a great thing to get L – Love to party I – In my life, dance is about the best N – No, it isn’t line dance, but nice disco and hip hop G – Great music, big part in my life Sine Støy Jessen is my full name. I like a lot of things. I like sunshine; it makes me happy on a grey day. Nothing is better than my friends. E very day I want to be happy and laugh, and do things I like. Journeys – when I grow up, I want to live for a while in a country where the sun is shining. Europe is the continent where I am from. S o I am a tall girl, 18 years old highschool student. I have blond hair and blue eyes. Sometimes I miss playing badminton - that is a thing of the past. English is my favorite language. N o one is exactly like me. Freedom is important to me; it’s the most needed thing in my life Release is important to me, if I feel captured Education is important in my life; it gives me opportunity to find a nice job Danger is important to me, because it makes me realize life and death Excitement is important me, it makes my day a bit more valuable Respect is important to me, both among friends and enemies Innovation is important to me; I couldn’t live like I do now till I die Karate is important to me, because it’s the sport I like the most in the whole world Riddles are important to me; they make me think about stuff through my whole life Our Lord Jesus Christ is important to me; he gave us the greatest gift of them all: Faith Life is important to me; it gives me a chance to prove that I’m worthy Death is important to me, because it makes life worth living L – Living in a world of fun I – I smile almost whatever happens N – No one takes my smile away E – Everything around me is good P – Past is gaining in on me A – All these things that made me happy, suddenly make me sad R – Running is not an option, I have to face K – Kiss and love is far gone J – Just a little more sleep, just a little more dream E – Except for the dream, nothing is bright N – Not another day with the same rhythm. S – Sense that it’s going to be this way for a long time E – Everything is boring and normal N – No one likes the same rhythm, and neither do I. Moody – but not all the time Always love hanging out with friends Really hates waking up early Isn’t misbehaving Enjoys reading And seeing a good movie Never got time enough Eats unhealthy – loves candy Many things have changed Over the last 3 years. Everything I want is to move on. Lies behind my back is over, Living a new life has just started. Everything I want is to be happy again, and that is why I am Running away from the past. Bus driving makes me sick Unfortunately has a tendency to spend all my money Untidy person – that’s me Seldom doing the dishes – because I hate it more than anything Be able to teach you Endear oneself Random things Ice I like Tired sometimes Meeting my friends is important for me Every day I love having animals around me. Truthful to my friends. To go outside and be myself is important for me. Each friendship is important for me; I will never let them go. Cake is something I love, but it isn’t good for me. Holidays are important to me, so I can relax. Riding with my friend is something I like because it is so much fun. I never stop loving my family Saddle a horse and just ride out in the countryside and being alone is something a love. The summer holidays are wonderful, because then I can be with my friends and family. Every day is important, I learn something new. Never stop to love them there are around me. Sitting down and see the horses graze and see the sunset in the background is something I enjoy. Every second is important even when I forget it. Never lie to my friends or family. Smiling no matter what And trying to hide the real face, But inside everything is different, Inside there is a deeply felt loss Not many know how I feel Even though the things inside me make me into who I am. Really, really loveable Always ready to some fun and jokes Sarcastical person Magazine I love to read Unnaturalness, I can’t blame you to have Seldom cruel Sweet and sexy E radiating N ever gives in to someone or something No alcohol, no fun I like beer Cycling is my spare time sport Old cars are my hoppy Love is a thing I need And my girlfriend is my world I love my life My life keeps a lot of things A part of me is the people I love – but it’s not only people who are in my life. Rated high in my life are also my animals – they mean a lot to me! If I didn’t have the animals in my life, A big part of me would disappear. Some people might say that I’m kind of fanatical about the animals and the environment. Call me whatever you want – it’s not gonna change anything. Hate me or love me – I’m used to both discussing and agreeing with people about care for animals. Another big thing to me is my camera! If I have those three things; Camera, the people I love and my animals, I’m happy! Hidden in my mind is the fear of war, animal cruelty or other bad things The things that make me sad and depressed. Trustworthy to the ones I love Rebellious from time to time Intelligent in some ways Nitwit in others Energetic when I’m in high spirits Nosy when I’m interested in something Ironic in my humor Earnest in my school work Living life fully Seize the day Emotional when I have to but mostly a happy person Needing love to life – nothing else matters! Always happy, or almost always Nearly always tired, but that’s just me Jolly times, then I’ll laugh with you And in sorrow, then I’ll comfort Perhaps I’m a bit quiet Even boring some would say Don’t judge me though Everybody has a talkative side Rarely mine is shown among strangers See me with friends and you’ll be surprised Even I can be something else Nobody knows me, do I? Sitting smiling The sound of music flowing from the radio Imagining the summer, longing for the vacation. No homework no school. Relaxing. Enjoying the time off, and hopefully the good weather. Arriving in a warm country No need for warm coats here. Bikinis. Diving in the sea. Cooled down. Examination is over. Vacation. Relaxing at home. Spending some time with my friends. Early morning isn’t an option, but.. No vacation jet. Still homework, school, and early morning is the only option. Creative About my life Make my friends happy I wish I could scream sometime Laughing out loud Little Jesus child Able to love the people around me Joy in my life Over and over again Having a better mood After the break Never felt like this Great and sunny Karaoke is fun! Jeans –beautiful Jeans I want to wear Ending your nightmares Love to smile – your pretty smile I like to see Delightful girl I am Able to please everyone Loveable: the word which describes me I chose the word personality, because the poem describes my personality. It kind of seemed like the most obvious choice ☺ Marianne Haugaard Picture a girl like this: Everyday she wakes up in her surrounded by her favorite color, green. Relax is the word she uses most during the day – no need to stress. Scouting and playing the guitar makes her feel good Oh, don’t forget celebrating everything with a drink. Nearly everyday she falls asleep after school And in the evening her boyfriend, her family or her other friends get attention Listening to music and writing at her blog make her happy Insecure she gets when rumors and prejudices take control T rue friendship and freedom means everything to her Yes indeed – that’s what you find when you find me. Danger in every corner Everyday is living a great life Water is calm and peaceful Intermission is coming The seasons are ever changing The rain is falling slowly Ever changing life. Just everyday is a good day, when the people I like, is around me. Exciting and joyful is how I wish my days to be. Not just a boring day alone. Smiles and happy people is what I want around me. E– Eternity is where I hope to go when I die M– My family and friends are very important to me I – I am a Christian L– Love, I simply couldn’t live without I – I play the piano, but not that well E– Every day, I am thankful M– Music is something I love; to listen to and to do my self U– Unique is something I see myself as N– Nobody is perfect C– Creative is a word that I think describes me very well H– Happy and positive, I try to be Life is a gift, and I won’t waste it, Outfitted with a smile I’ll follow my dreams. Usually happy, even in rainy weather, I won’t let my smile fade, even in the wildest streams. Sometimes I do wrong, but I know, Every mistake only makes me stronger. Perhaps mistakes make us, who we are, Or let us believe; let us go a step longer. Unable to know, how my life will be, Living in the present, no dreaming ‘bout tomorrow. Sooner or later tomorrow’s there, and I know Every time yesterdays wasted, it brings sorrow. Never waste your life, but remember to have fun. All that matters in life is freedom Money can’t buy another person’s freedom, because everyone has rights. All the great things you build up breaks if someone steals your freedom Love, a wonderful life and friendship is ruined without freedom I think that is what matters the most to me Every person needs freedom to live a normal life So many things decide if you have a happy life, but it doesn’t matter if you don’t have your freedom Knowing freedom is not a possibility for people who never seen it Over all in the world people are being tortured and then killed, Values are taken from them and that is stealing another person’s freedom. Hungary Bethlen Gabor Reformatus Gimnazium My Eyes are brown, Light brown hair. I like the Nature, the Dark trees, Animals. Jade store always heals my heart when it hurts. Asleep I dream about wonderful things. Never forget people, who helped me. Amiability is the way to my heart. Read is good, I like the sport, Country is Hungary, Here is born, Active life, Running isn’t go to school, Dark is I going to bed. But I like Others, too. Rare books Or the films. Nothing can bring me down, Cycling can make me happy. Scared of spiders. Only wish to have a cat because Kittens are cute for me. Love my friends forever. Unknown places discover. Candidness the most important thing for me. Sandy beaches these places where I recharge with strength. Angelic friends. Number 7, is the lucky number. Youth hides many opportunities. Imaginative arts. Nine favorite books. Ocean the most beautiful place in the world. Vein for playing the piano. Autumn it’s the time when starting something new for me. Days is long, A good time is write poem, Now this is essence, I life. Livia is my first name I play the clarinet every day Visit my best friend in every week I’m cheerfully and happy And I like Dreams in every night Usually when I learn, and Doing housework A Boci chocolate on my desk Sometimes I eat a lot from that. Delicious foods, I like it so much, as you, Apple is my favorite food. Lazy and jealous always Maybe I go too far away At holiday I want to be with my friends all day. Remember: this is what I can’t do And learn in the afternoon at two. Cycling and playing tennis, these are my favorite sports, Zoo is the best place, where I see fox. People are smiling at me Entertaining – they think about me. Thinking about my dreams Regularly about my future A lovely family for example. Magic things interest me A shooting star in the night. Junk foods what I like so much Ordering a cheeseburger, when I’m in the Mc Donald’s. Raft on the sea of the life! – this is my motto. Every Friday I meet my friends Violent people I don’t like. Exercises I do rare, Long hours I study always. I like my school, but Never I will like studying. Cat is my favorite animal, Scared of spiders, Every day I listen to music, Typical is, that I like lot of music. Evelin is my name. Always smiley During rhhe break I’m o happy Rarely eat spinach I like talking Everyday I go to training Never sad and Never be angry The weather is nice I’m so happy Outdoor the view is spectacular I like it The dogs are friendly so I like them Here the life is nice. Never I’m sad Orange is my favorite fruit Relatives and friends And my lovely family. Very helpful and kind for me And they are important for m. Jewels and clothes Not to be enough And it is the best: I like animals. Keep a diary about my life. All I know I love being happy. Thousands of idea sin my head. Always get ready for everything. Spend my time whit my friends. Zest or life is important. Unfaithful which I hate. Care about my family. Sometimes I want to be alone. Vet is my favorite job I like dancing Regularly I get up 7 o’clock Athletic is my favorite sports. Gorgeous. ’Kind and happy’ said my friends I like chocolate Saturday is my favorite day Sunday I always learn for the school. Violin is not my favorite instrument, I prefer to beat a drum. Kick the ball into the goal is not my favorite Taking a photo is a good activity in entertainment, Organizing a party is not my cup of tea Recognize the hid beauties of the nature I rather keen on it. A person said I was slow, Rather I would say I am thorough. Another person said I am lazy, so Can you imagine me? I am a Zealous child in my family. Days are to fast Enough from the running Not enjoying the little things in life Enough from he wakefulness So just sleep my friend. Sweet dreams come true Over the fields of dreams So don’t wake me up Remember my word: Every boy and girl Kind and very friendly they are And so am I. Visiting my friends: Animals and pets Sunshine and riding: it is the best! Forever horse riding A big chocolate cake Never be alone Not being afraid of anything I don’t like singing. Truth is very important for me Use your brain Reading my favorite book I like horses. July is my favorite moth Usually I’m tried Don’t be sad I like animals Try new things True friendship Unfortunately I’m lazy Remember to good things I like horse riding. Rainbow is nice for me Every day I travel by bus Kind and helpful all the time Always laugh a lot Remember is important Every morning beautiful because of the bird's song Happiness and gentleness Amazing bead bracelets which I can make Kids are very important for me Josef Attila Gimnazium A seventeen-years-old average girl Dreaming about nothing but changing the world. As I feel sometimes it is a waste of a time, Maybe impossible but I don’t mind. Fire’s burning through my veins, Aiming noble things, forsaking veins. Not finding my place in this world, Neither child nor grown-up girl, It is me. Being an active person On my way to a training Right yea, why is it always got to be raining Broccoli is what I truly hate Emotional mates! Let's not worry, Hungary is a beautiful place You can see the smile on people's face Backwards is not the way to follow Entering an empty underground station below None of you should be scared, until I'm there Certain thing is that I love you Ending is further away so until then let me hug you C is the first letter of my name, th S is the 29 ones in the ABC. I think..................................sometime, Not only in the morning, but also at night. -This is SPARTA!!!After a minute I forget everything, Last month I have thought twice. A good day begin at eleven o'clock, Not at 10.30 or at 11.15, but at eleven! Luggage is a very funny English word, Especially when somebody pronounce it wrong. Oh this is the end of my poem:) All in all Chasing one’s dream, Sinking in a stream. Inner balance, Zoom on the importance! Share your feelings, I count my breathings. Narcotized by the dawn, Seemingly being alone. Zigzag, narrow river, Key to be braver, Yes, I want it! Don’t wait for it to happen Or sit and urge your mind to broaden. Right or wrong, that’s the question, All in all, make the moves, the actions… Could you stop this? Sinful pleasure spoils us Only you can’t feel it Mind you Oh, you are so blind Scares me sometimes. Blood spattered on the wall Over the rainbow there’s nothing Greed is actually great Idiot, you are so blind. Can’t do something that you tried a lot of time? Zealousness is the right cure for not to end with failure all time. I know nothing can bring me down, Reality doesn’t mean I should give everything up. Just try it harder, Again and again Keep going and I’m sure, it will end with I’m the winner. Shining And Smiling Refusing the impossibility of changing the world, Anyway that’s me, a seventeen year-old girl. Denims, T-shirt, that's what I wear, Anything that is comfortable. Breathing fresh air in the woods On the way to school, that'd be good, Certainly, I like freedom. Zebras are black or white, rather? Yes, I'd like to solve this matter. Kata is my nickname, you see, And now I'd go and swim in the sea. Teasing others is much fun, And I also read, sing and hum, Luckily I have friends, not just one, Indeed, I need them more than anything else, Nothing matters, if there's happiness. Being 17, at the moment Eagerly looking at my life so far Not having satisfaction at this time Evenings, nights, mornings going by Deleting memories in my mind... Every-single-f...-time Kool' it down. I don't mind... Delusional. unexpected. strange, in a way.. Every path on you go, always led astray Moaning and groaning, staring at an ashtray Elderly fella' sitting on that Colorful, still black&white park bench Zebras running by... "Koolwhhip on my pie, yes" You should re-write this poem. Fortunately, I am able to write this verse, Acronymatic, as I was told to, Rising of the sun, I wake up, Kids runnin’ around with their hands in the sky, Additionally, I come out as well, Soccer is the game we play. Do have a nice shower, And walk out into the Night, lights flashing, I am flooded with euphoria, Enthusiastically share my happiness, Lay down at home and have a welldeserved sleep. Final exam what I make Enrich yourself with a cake Ketchup is fine Eating without knife Try to understand once and please Enter my life Neighborhood is kind Oh the sun is shine Energy Makes fun It can pump me up Fantastic is this Poem Environmentally friendly Luggage on my back Master of hiking Energioed by nature Rocks in my way Years have passed but still. Danger is there And it cant be convicted Nature is pure energy Illegally being together Growing up with my family, Added me safety, and being with my brothers Always meant fun and game. Now, I know that, Love is necessary for everybody. Dreams came true, Imagination was nothing, my Aim was only to play. The Nature was my playground, and Arms around me are keeping me going. Give me a kiss baby, And I gonna make you crazy, Rather to me than to the others, And I gonna buy you flowers, If you won't kiss me it will be a couple of months when you gonna see that you'll never find nobody better than me. Maybe you have an other opinion, About the things I've told you, The thing I want from you is to be my boo, in the end it is sure that you gonna see, Everybody is worse than me. Hundred years ago All over the world (Á this letter doesn't exist in English) Several species of them Zebras were just animals and not traffic signs Viki it's my name I am here and writing this Key is that I like zebras, yeah I think so Jungle is a dangerous place And last night Will and Grace Nobody can beat the Nets I am a Nets fun your the best Phone your mother cause she’s not home Everything could happen, but now she went to Rome Tiding your room is the best what you can do Edwin Fancler Saar is a good goalkeeper too Right now get out of the forest, tbe bear is killing you. Kurt Cobain committed suicide Eleven years ago I was 6 Right now I’m 17 Tea is a thing I like Ironman is the best Gyros is my favorite food Yellow is the color of my pillow Underage drinking is bad Leaving now this poem As it was first written Kocsák is my first name, Oral exam is not a game Christmas is my favorite holiday Singing like in a little fairy tail, Always on the bright side Keeping up and go ride. Daniella is my second name, All the people know what it mean Nut is what I like I have a red Csepel bike Every time I wear a glass Love, when I got a five plus Laughing is a high voice Ah, this poem wasn't a good choice. King of Salsa Only I can be him No one else Can you see it? Some people tried to beat me Amateurs- I thought Run away - I shouted They were frightened And surprised My name is Tomi Anyway SALSA King of the tennis court Running all day Only one thing bothers Cause I'm getting tired So I try to relax a bit Kick some butts On my way Just livin' my life Or I won't be happy Zoo is a good place So I won't go there Everybody likes me Find one who doesn't mY LITTLE POEM IS NOT GOOD aND THE LINES AREN'T RHYMING, rANDOM WORDS, JUST BORING. (Ooops, caps lock, sorry) So I don't want to keep going Internet is what I need. Games are always there for me Every time I need these Rap is also important. Google that for me please: "Enthusiastic", cause I don't know that Linux is the best OS Yahoo always shows that. No life without a good family Every one will be like mine in a good case Men and women relationship is an interesting story Embarrassing moments with friends. Time is not my friend How to arrive in time anywhere? After leaving grammar school go to the uni Never say impossible to me No life without sports A never ending story with basketball. New faces from day to day Eating lunch , just like Ray Morning sunshine is the best Everybody goes to rest Talking , dancing all the time Happiness once should be mine . Several years in the high-school Americans are so cool Rowling is the best author All my poem is that , oh sir ! People usually likes me, I take things Easily, I Like my parents and my brother Even if he makes some bother Sometimes I go out with my friends , I always Keep contact with them Every minutes I enjoy in my life You have to make the best of your time Although my life is not perfect Nobody has got that, I like New things, challenge And people, because they make my days better! Pwnda is my death knight’s name, Really, WoW’s the greatest game. Every day I play a few hours Killing monsters, gaining levels. Of course I really wish I could Play all the time and sleep a lot. Anyway I like drawing too, Good thing is that there is food Let alone things like ice-cream, Although if I smell peas I scream. Joking is an awesome thing And laughing till your lungs sting. Pipe is made from hard steel Robin Hood makes huge steal I don't like chemistry very much But the teacher loves us Elementary English too easy for me Like a fuzz or a bee Illness is a horrible thing Pasta always makes me king Ear has got a big hole Try to plug it with ball East side is my enemy Rap genre a charity Starts with an „S” I like that, but No one knows K is stressed Oh this end Z like Zoli that’s my name Ok I’ll tell you from where it came Long time ago in Turkey The leaders were calls Sultan And the Hungarians creates Zoltan Nickname from is, and I got it. Sleepy I usually am. Zealous in playing the violin. Urge myself to decide. Colorful clothes that I like to wear. Shivering with cold in three pullover Just a little sunshine Usually makes me happy. Laughter is important. Intuitions that I sometimes really have. All I want to be is more selfconfident. The girl, who wrote this poem Otherwise one József Attila student. This time she is very happy because Here she found that she ever wanted One lively class, with memorable occurrences Responsible, liberal classmates She has a good sense of Organization, which can help to Live your life without big mistakes Yes you must know how to make a decision And help people, how they can learn it. Voices of people I can hear, And I see their smile-but they aren't happy. Join clubs and become nobody here, Getting famous-they think their life is ready. Everybody I know and is important to me Remind me that this is not the way to live. Never give up myself- I take the advice, Over the clouds there is so much to see. Rules can be broken? This is the quaestion-butI can't answer it. A package is your life and you should carry it, always carry... Closing my eyes, Entering my dreams, Concentrating on the keys to Interesting discoveries. Living the moment as you like Is one way to stay alive. As the hours go by, never forget to smile. Various colors of the scene Are always amazing me. Reality is not that bad, Get up from your depressing sadness, And do the best that you can! Vital things are in the centre of my focus. Inevitable questions have to be answered. Trying to do the best I can. Key of friendship is patience. Orders is what I detest. Various subjects draw my attention. Is it hard to be wrong sometimes? Things shall never ruin my mood! Seeing with my own eyes is way better then reading. Memories are kept to learn from. All the world will be free again. Throwing away old customs is hard but crucial. Experiencing my abilities makes me happy. Who’s that girl on the dancefloor? Extraordinary or not But it’s me Edi, dancing Rocky. Even if you don’t think Dancing Is my life Nothing else is that great And that exciting for me. Having lots of fun Amazing guy Rich like Bill Gates A good idea Summer here This is Sparta Airplane is blue I’m the boss Mister muscle Refuse learning Ede World war I think sad Elemér is my best friend Glem Davis is very fat Linke singing Jingle Bells AND1 is the best Ruppert is the name of my teddy Zámbó Jimmy hadn’t got any money My name is Milán I wash my cloth with Silan Lamborghini is a nice car And the best actor is Jar Jar Nice to see you again Live Laugh Love Kilometers are nothing Our world is just a little something Choose a better life Share it with the perfect guy It can’t be difficult Singing like a little bird. Our world is jut a little something Reading and laughing, Singing and dancing. Once in a lifetime Look up to the bright sky, Yell out what you feel And then…just live. October Keep up, there is something new October is coming to our view Change your hair, Say your common pray It comes and threaten, School year has just began. Oh, it’s not that clever Rising our pressure level. See the other point of view, It comes, there is something new. Don’t let me fall Kilometers are rising Our time is just passing Cry when you’re not fine Stop it when it’s all right I’m not that kind of girl Stop it whatever occur. Of course, it’s really hard Ride in a bike when Something isn’t fine Our mission is to stand up Live and don’t give up You won’t breakdown Also never hit the ground. Wish Kívánság – that’s how we say it Our dreams and wishes mean it Changing the world Stop the earth Imagine something better Share it someday together Once in a lifetime Recognize the sunshine Say it out loud I don’t like the dark cloud! Being an artist No matter how I seize the day Youthfully walking on my way Inspired by the sunny may Kidding all the day Unlock your heart to hear my voice Shall I share my lovely toys Let me live my life like you Empathy is an important value Vanishing dreams revolve around you In order not to argue. With that in mind Needless to say You’re the apple of my eye If only you stayed with me Kindness is what you are Unbelievable desires are in my mind, Shining in the dark Living a delightful life is Extremely hard Vogue words are not used In my philosophical thoughts. Israel Mackif Chet Rishon Le Zion I-I live to laugh L-love music. O-one day I’ll finish school and N-nothing would stop me from making A-all my dreams to come true!!! A- Artistic D- Dedicated V- Very good designer A- Addicted to her camera Not a quiet girl. Organized in my life. Yelling is not my way to get something. W- Will be famous someday A- Ambitious I- imaginative S- Spends any money she can S- Simply know what I want Born to be a doctor. Always help to my friends and family. Reading is one of my favorite activities. Lebanon Hariri High School Hate to wake up early in the morning Always able to make people laugh Driving is my ecstasy Ironically I don’t know how to swim Looks for a prosperous future Up for risks and adventure Brave, trustworthy, organized Naggy but civilized Admires loyalty and devotion Much to my parents’ disappointment All I want to be is a Simpson Helpful Lisa, funny Bart, wise Marge And a female Homer who knows how to have fun Dreams are waiting for me Imaginations beyond reality A sensitive girl No way for giving up A friend to hold on light to Always ready to face obstacles Serious… but I know how to have fun Strength is what best describes me In a world full of imagination Loving A lovely, helpful girl You are definitely in the right place if you All my dreams are related to my country’s name Standing on the surface of water Royalty is my life A chocolate a day keeps my sadness away Weakness is not found in my dictionary An angel on my shoulder shows me the way Never too late is how I act everyday Truly loyal to the ones I love Always tough and strong Lollipops are what I adore An ambitious person I am Truth is what I seek for Hilarious I do look Under the surface, there is a very sweet heart Rights of people, I don’t like to waste A lot of goals and dreams You see me helpful And I am more! Astonished by the weird things around Lost in a life of joy, I don’t want to be found A brave guy I am, I only fear Allah Admire successful people; I would like to be one The Netherlands Porta Mosana Collage Bas Rikers is my name. Atletic is a sport I really like. Sport is a big part of my life. R’nB music is my favorite music style. Indonesia is the land where my grandmother and grandfather come from. Kids are the hope for the future. English is a language I can speak very well. Reading is not my favorite business. School is very useful but it can also be boring. Jill is my name I love being with friends Losing friends will be the worst thing ever Leaflets on the road are very annoying Pommer is my surname Oh this is not as easy as it looks like My hobby is hockey March is my month of birth Exasperating is the way I look to some people Rich is the thing I want to be Jochem is my name Objectivity is an ability I own Clarinet is the instrument I play Hockey is the sport I play Eating is something I like Maastricht is the place I’m born Arts is something I don’t like Rune is my friend TV is something I daily watch Surfing is what I do on the web July is my first name. Use a racket to play tennis. Love to play piano and to read books. Young is my dog who’s name is Milo. Kroeg is my surname, which means ‘pub’ in Dutch. Rita is the name of my best friend. On holiday I like to swim in the see or go to a city. Eating tapas is what I also love to do. Going to friends and watch movies is what I do in the weekends. Laughing with my friend is what I like to do I don’t eat meat, so I am a vegetarian. Stewardess or teacher is what I want to be, when I am old. After I did my homework, I like to watch TV. Pigheaded is what I am sometimes Every year I go on holiday with my parents and my sister. Loving animals is a part of my life. Zero times, I have been in Portugal before. Every day I go to school by bike Riding a horse is my favorite sport. Jordy is my first name October is the month I’m born in Rich I want to be in the future Drums I play in a band Young I always want to be Warnier is my family name Austria is the country where I go skiing Racket I need to play tennis, my sport News I’m always interested in Italy is my favorite country in the summer Engineer is what I’m studying for Respect I try to have for everyone Manon Haenen that’s my name th Already 15, October 09 16 years Now I like the most; visiting other countries, especially by plane On school it goes well: I’ve got no fear Nevertheless I do my best, that’s what my parents want from me Joy is important in my life. Original brands and clothes. English is a very important tool when you’re traveling abroad (and I like traveling abroad). People: I like to have people around me. Music is my passion. Hobby’s are: playing tennis and making Education is important for my future. Netherlands, where my roots are. music on my horn in a band Confidence in my life and future. Architect is what I want in the future to be Koos and Marieke are the names of Exchange to Amora, a beautiful land Nervous about what’s it like, where I’m my parents. Emma and Annemiek are the names going to stay? Excited to meet and make new friends, of my sisters. going hand in hand New experiences, I hope they are super is all that I can say! Be yourself. Enjoy every moment. Rule your own life. Never neglect your family and Not really into writing poems A girl who loves to sport friends. Offer help where ever needed. I really like to travel especially to Use your talents. warm countries My hobbies are gymnastics and Become successful. street dance A girl who is interested in discovering Overcome obstacles. Experience is important. new cultures Risks are to be taken. Make the most of your life. Smiles a lot Ambition will get you there. Open for new things Now is the time. Uninterested in cleaning the house Has a big trampoline were she does Never give up. a lot of tricks A girl who’s very active I’m interested in having fun Reading funny books Vacation Everyone, I want around me Respect Abroad and adventure, love to travel! Decisions to take for yourself and Do whatever you want Responsibility is needed Eating is a must Sports are important for your health Ensemble! New things should be tried Turkey MEF school Am I going to live alone??? Ready to share my love !! You, the only one to understand me, Are you going to leave me alone?? Decided to go back to life, Other choices can never prevent us, Gorgeous and endless life is waiting. Adorable and unavoidable love, No one can stop us. Busy with trying to find hope everyday, Unable to think without music, Sleeping in order to have a dream Rainbow makes her act like a child Against all the rules that are against freedom =) According to her, life is a stage where people act. Tired of not being rebellious . Antibiotic, the real antibiotic is love. Believe in God, an inevitable ending, Exit, is also an enter Yesterday is just the enemy.. Coming closer, to me. After one another, endlessly. Nowhere to escape, no place to be. Can’t you see what it is? Aggravating as it has always been. Liberty is what I need. Dreadfully coming closer, Inadequate in courage, it made me Restlessly thinking, deeply About what to do, Next test is coming closer, to me. Enrage your power Go as fast you can Engine is working Organize your car No one can stop you A new age begins when Lamborgini rocks Istanbul is the city that i lived, Z is the second letter of my surname, Başak is my best friend’s name, U.S.A. is the country that i want to see, Dorian is my favorite music group, Athens is the city that i want to live, Kids are my nightmare. Daisies are the flowers that i hate most, Anything can scare me except ghost, My favorite breakfast is cheese and toast, Lists are my nightmare i always lost, Anything i can eat except roast. Opposite with all the ideas I hear Zoo-like world where I live Among its animals, a rebel I am None of you I care, unless you understand. Blind men would see my thoughts If they wanted to see Rebellious they have made me Silence, in me Even my courage is lost sometimes Sometimes, I’m tired of fighting blindness. Forcing myself to study for the lessons Is always a torture for me Rebelling against the rules Angers my parents Teachers are always intolerant To be or not to be Excuses are not acceptable Most of the time I dream of an Escape from this life Looks like it won’t happen. On the table, papers called me Mystic power was rising in the air End of the night was cold Rivers were crying my name Toto hears “My heart is full of love” Oh! Why aren’t you here The voice is calling me Oh! Shall I come with you? Sometimes tense, Even hurting her beloved ones Very forgetful Doesn't deal too well with drama Energic from time to time Never does she trade her life for any other Unique of her type Running out of things to say Anytime Ready for action Prepared for consequences Always happy to nap Can never seem to have a normal day In the yearning of love And I spoke on behalf of the others None of the words I said was heard Like they were never mentioned Key is to be a good listener After all, Rarely being a good thinker As i see nowadays The key is lost Am i the only one who cares? Seems like yes, i am Usually silent, Modest, Usually. Rarely talkative . Always kind. Yet, there is a long road to go ahead. Yet, there are lots to learn. Ignores many things in life, Leave many things behind. Deep in thought he looks, Indeed few things he cares, Zest for life. Alev Private High School Cheerful Amiable Gigantic Ambitious Tall Adolescence Young Sympathetic Intelligent Natural Active Normal Genius Original Zealot Dominant Energetic Unique Giant Ultimate Responsible Clumsy Anxious Natural Anarchist Lemonade Intelligent Maniac Unusual Radical Anti Turkish Curious Energetic Rastafarien Eternae Nervous Definite Elastic Fuschia-furious Nonsense Emotional Delightful Unique Young Gorgeous Unusual Anarchist Healthy Maniac Energetic Turkish Curious Alien lover Naughty Ominous Gush Undisciplined Zest Hungry Acrimony Natural Energetic Mellow Reverent Elite Silly Elegant Lovely Independent Nervous Undisciplined Giddy Unfaithful Realistic Sensitive Energetic Realistic Reliable Amazing Happy Active Zippy Astonishing Lovable