DNB WORKING PAPER A Copula-Based Autoregressive Conditional Dependence Model of International Stock Markets Rob van den Goorbergh No. 22/December 2004 A Copula-Based Autoregressive Conditional Dependence Model of International Stock Markets Rob van den Goorbergh * * Views expressed are those of the individual authors and do not neccessarily reflect official positions of De Nederlandsche Bank. Working Paper No. 022/2004 December 2004 De Nederlandsche Bank NV P.O. Box 98 1000 AB AMSTERDAM The Netherlands A Copula-Based Autoregressive Conditional Dependence Model of International Stock Markets∗ Rob W. J. van den Goorbergh† December 9, 2004 Abstract This paper investigates the level and development of cross-country stock market dependence using daily returns on stock indices. The use of copulas allows us to build flexible models of the joint distribution of stock index returns. In particular, we apply univariate AR(p)GARCH(1,1) models to the margins with possibly skewed and fat tailed return innovations, while modelling the dependence between markets using parametric families of copulas which offer various alternatives to the commonly assumed normal dependence structure. Moreover, the dependence across stock markets is allowed to vary over time through a GARCH-like autoregressive conditional copula model. Using synchronous daily returns on U.S., U.K., and French stock indices, we find strong evidence that the conditional dependence between pairs of each of these markets varies over time. All market pairs show high levels of dependence persistence. The performance of the copula-based approach is compared with Engle’s (2002) dynamic conditional correlation model and found to be superior. JEL classification: G15, C51, C12, C13, C32. Keywords: stock markets, dependence, copulas, synchronicity. ∗ This paper was written while the author was a post-doc research fellow at the Research Department of De Nederlandsche Bank. The views expressed in this paper are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect those of his current or previous employer. The author would like to thank Carsten Folkertsma, Leo de Haan, Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Maarten van Rooij, Peter Vlaar, Bas Werker, and seminar participants at the Tinbergen Institute for helpful comments and suggestions. Remaining errors are the author’s alone. † Research Department, ABP Investments, PO Box 75753, 1118 ZX Schiphol, The Netherlands. E-mail: r.van.den.goorbergh@abp.nl, Phone: +31 (0)20 405 5892, Fax: +31 (0)20 405 9809. 1 1 Introduction The interdependence between world stock markets is important for various reasons. Economists argue that the comovement of world equity markets is a sign of global economic and financial integration. Portfolio managers are concerned with the level of cross-country stock market correlations as they seek to exploit diversification benefits from international portfolios. Regulatory requirements urge banks to build internal models for multiple, interdependent market risks. Furthermore, stock market interdependence is crucial to the valuation of financial derivatives whose payoff depends on two or more underlying assets, such as better-of-two-markets options. The modelling of the dependence between stock markets, or any kind of (economic) variables for that matter, involves the description of the joint distribution of the process of interest. Traditionally, multivariate extensions of univariate models have been used for this purpose. In particular, the successful univariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models pioneered by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986) and their many variants and refinements have been extended to multivariate versions typically by assuming a joint normal distribution for the return innovations and some specification for the conditional variance-covariance matrix.1 However, a stark contrast exists between the levels of sophistication that have been achieved in univariate models and in multivariate models. In univariate models, various distribution functions have been proposed for the normalized return innovations beyond the normal distribution originally used by Engle (1982). To accommodate for excess kurtosis or fat tails in the error distribution, many authors, including Engle and Bollerslev (1986), have used a Student’s t distribution. Nelson (1990) uses the generalized exponential distribution. To capture the possibility of skewness in the error distribution, in addition to kurtosis, Hansen (1994) proposes a skewed t density function. Moreover, Hansen also allows for time variation in these shape parameters. He suggests modelling the skewness and kurtosis pa1 Two strands of multivariate GARCH models exist. One strand specifies the conditional covariances, in addition to the variances; the other specifies the conditional correlations, in addition to the variances. Examples of the former include the VECH model of Bollerslev, Engle and Wooldridge (1988), the BEKK model of Engle and Kroner (1995), the factor-GARCH model of Engle, Ng and Rothschild (1990), and the asymmetric dynamic covariance (ADC) model of Kroner and Ng (1998). Examples of the latter include the constant conditional correlation (CCC) model of Bollerslev (1990) and the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model of Engle (2002). See Bauwens, Laurent and Rombouts (2003) for an overview. 2 rameters, similarly to the mean and variance processes, as functions of the conditioning information. In the multivariate case such flexible modelling of the joint error distribution is generally much more difficult using conventional techniques. The reason is that conventional techniques construct the joint error distribution as a multivariate extension of a univariate error distribution. This extension is straightforward in case of normality, but it poses serious obstacles for departures from normality. For example, one may use the multivariate t distribution, which is a generalization of the univariate t distribution. However, as Patton (2003) points out, the multivariate t distribution imposes that all the marginal distributions have the same degrees of freedom parameter, which implies that all assets have equally heavy tails. Flexible density models from multivariate extensions of univariate distributions become even more unwieldy if the possibility of skewness, or different degrees of skewness, is to be allowed for. More generally still, the marginal distributions may be very different from each other altogether, leaving the multivariate extension approach in such circumstances of little use. This paper uses copula theory to model the multivariate distribution of daily stock returns. A copula links together two or more marginal distributions to form a multivariate distribution. We make use of Sklar’s (1959) theorem, which states that any multivariate continuous distribution function can be uniquely factored into its margins and a copula. Interestingly, all the univariate information is contained in the margins, while the dependence is fully captured by the copula. In contrast, the usual correlation coefficient is not sufficient to describe the dependence structure unless the joint distribution of the variables of interest is normal or, more generally, elliptical. See, for instance, Embrechts, McNeil and Straumann (2002) for a discussion on the shortcomings of correlation. From a modelling point of view, the advantage of the copula-based approach is that appropriate marginal distributions for the components of a multivariate system can be selected by any desired method, and then linked through a suitably chosen copula, or family of copulas, to form the joint distribution of the components. Hence, in the case of international stock markets, we are able to use this result to model the joint distribution of stock returns without sacrificing the level of sophistication of the modelling of the individual markets. In fact, we argue that if the marginal distributions are not specified adequately, this will blur our perception of the interdependence between stock markets. In this paper we consider various parametric copula families to capture the dependence between stock returns in international markets. These copula families include the normal copula, which is commonly (and usually 3 implicitly) assumed, and several non-normal alternatives. These alternative copulas have different features including asymmetric dependence and tail dependence. Our interest is to find which copula fits the data best. In this horse race the dependence structure is not treated as fixed, but as possibly varying over time. To capture the dynamics of the copula, we impose an autoregressive model on a measure of association which translates into a value for the copula parameter of each family. In the present paper we use Kendall’s tau for this purpose. The proposed autoregressive model for Kendall’s tau is similar in spirit to the GARCH model for the variance. An autoregressive term captures the persistence in the dependence structure, while the shocks to dependence are governed by a forcing variable. In particular, we propose a forcing variable that increases dependence if markets move in the same direction and decreases dependence if they move in opposite directions. A distinct advantage of this parametric approach to modelling time variation in the copula, contrary to a nonparametric approach, is that it does not suffer from a lack of precision when the copula model is wellspecified. On the other hand, a parametric copula model may of course be misspecified. That is why we consider a large number of parametric copula families and do elaborate diagnostic testing. A similar dynamic-copula approach has been used in the foreign exchange market literature by Patton (2003), who found time variation to be significant in a copula model for asymmetric dependence between two exchange rates. Patton (2004) applies the same method to U.S. small-cap and large-cap portfolios to study the effect of asymmetric dependence on asset allocation. The present paper draws on Patton’s idea to consider time variation in the conditional copula. However, the objective of this paper is very different. The main focus here is to describe the time variation of cross-country stock market dependence at a daily frequency. Moreover, we use a different estimation procedure that links all parametric copulas under consideration to the same measure of association, which makes it possible to compare the implications of different copula models for the dynamics of the dependence structure. We propose an evolution equation for the dependence structure that is parsimonious, easy to interpret, and close to the well-known GARCH model for the variance. Another contribution of this paper is that we allow for asymmetry in the response of the dependence parameter to negative and positive innovations, which enables us to test the frequently suggested hypothesis that asset prices have a greater tendency to move together during market downturns than during market upswings; see, for instance, Boyer, Gibson and Loretan (1999), Rodriguez (2003), Patton (2003, 2004) and the references therein. 4 An important practical problem in the modelling of international equity prices is the time difference present in many data records. The use of closing prices from markets in different time zones, such as the New York Stock Exchange, the London Stock Exchange, and the Paris Bourse, leads to biased cross-market correlations. The reason is that news happening after trading hours in Europe, but before closing time in the U.S., say, will be reflected in U.S. prices but not in European prices until the next day. By using lowfrequency data one may alleviate the non-synchronicity problem albeit at the cost of a reduced sample size as well as an inability to model short-term return dynamics. Since the goal of this paper is to do just that, another approach must be followed. Authors including Burns, Engle and Mezrich (1998) have proposed synchronicity adjustment models which construct ‘synchronized’ correlations from close-to-close returns. However, Martens and Poon (2001) show that these models do not remedy the non-synchronicity problem. The corrected correlations are reported to be substantially different from their synchronous counterparts, which the authors compute from series of daily international stock market prices recorded at 16:00 London Time. Moreover, it is not clear how to make non-synchronicity adjustments once one allows for dependence structures that are more general than the Gaussian case. The current study uses the same synchronous series Martens and Poon use in order to model at a daily frequency the dynamics of world stock market dependence. The proposed autoregressive conditional dependence model was applied to the S&P 500, the FTSE 100, and the CAC 40 indices for the period 3 August 1990 until 10 March 2004. We find that the conditional dependence between these markets is not constant over time, but moving with market shocks. Nevertheless, high levels of persistence are observed in the conditional dependence at a daily frequency. For each pair of markets, the dependence structure was best described by a Student’s t copula. Only for the dependence between the S&P 500 and the CAC 40 do we find evidence of an asymmetric response of dependence to joint positive and joint negative events. That is, U.S. and French stocks have a greater tendency to move together in case of bad news than in case of good news. Furthermore, the performance of the copula-based approach was compared with Engle’s (2002) dynamic conditional correlation model and found to be superior. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents a brief review of copula theory and discusses the estimation of copula models. Section 3 describes a copula-based parametric model of international stock returns. The estimation results are discussed in Section 4. Section 5 concludes. 5 2 Copula theory As mentioned in the Introduction, a copula is a function that links together two or more marginal distributions to form a joint distribution. The study of copulas originates with Sklar (1959) and has had various applications in the statistics literature. Examples include Clayton (1978), Schweizer and Wolff (1981), Genest (1987), Oakes (1989), and Genest and Rivest (1993). Only in the last five years or so have copulas been used in economics and finance. See, for instance, the work of Rosenberg (1998, 1999, 2003), Coutant, Durrleman, Rapuch and Roncalli (2001), Embrechts et al. (2002), Cherubini and Luciano (2002), Patton (2003, 2004), and Fermanian and Scaillet (2003). In this section we present a brief discussion of copula theory for the bivariate case, which is also the focus of our application discussed in the remainder of the paper. The discussion is largely taken from Nelsen (1999) who also treats the multivariate case. First we define copulas from the statistical viewpoint and mention some well-known examples. We then state Sklar’s theorem and discuss its probabilistic interpretation. Finally, we discuss the relation between dependence measures and copulas. Definition 2.1 A two-dimensional copula is a function C : [0, 1]2 → [0, 1] such that 1. C(u, 0) = C(0, v) = 0 for every u, v ∈ [0, 1] 2. C(u, 1) = u and C(1, v) = v for every u, v ∈ [0, 1] 3. C(u2 , v2 ) − C(u2 , v1 ) − C(u1 , v2 ) + C(u1 , v1 ) ≥ 0 for every (u1 , v1 ), (u2 , v2 ) ∈ [0, 1] × [0, 1] One can think of a copula as a function which assigns a number in the unit interval [0, 1] to any point in the unit square [0, 1] × [0, 1]. The third defining property is the definition of the two-dimensional analog of a nondecreasing one-dimensional function. A function that fulfills this property is called 2-increasing or quasi-monotone. Note from the above definition that a copula is a joint distribution function whose margins are uniform on the unit interval. Hence, from a probabilistic standpoint, a copula is also the joint distribution of a pair of uniform [0, 1] random variables. Some elementary examples of copulas include the product copula and the Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds. The product copula, Π(u, v) = uv, is the unique copula corresponding to independence. The Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds, M (u, v) = min(u, v) and W (u, v) = 6 max(u + v − 1, 0), correspond to perfect positive and perfect negative dependence, respectively. Any copula can be shown to be in between these bounds, i.e., if C is a copula, then W (u, v) ≤ C(u, v) ≤ M (u, v) for every (u, v) ∈ [0, 1]2 . The most important result in copula theory is Sklar’s theorem, which is stated below. Theorem 2.1 Sklar’s theorem. Let H be a joint distribution function with margins F and G. Then there exists a copula C with H(x, y) = C(F (x), G(y)) (1) ¯ × IR. ¯ If F and G are continuous, then C is unique; for every (x, y) ∈ IR otherwise, C is uniquely determined on RanF ×RanG. Conversely, if C is a copula and F and G are distribution functions, then the function H defined by (1) is a joint distribution function with margins F and G. See Nelsen (1999) for a proof. Sklar’s theorem says that any joint distribution can be factored into the marginal distributions of the components and a copula describing the dependence between the components. The converse of Sklar’s theorem implies that a joint distribution can be obtained from any two marginal distributions and any copula. This result is very useful from a modeler’s point of view; one can specify suitable marginal distributions for the components of a multivariate system by any desired method, and then link these through an appropriate copula to form the joint distribution of the components. Sklar’s theorem thus dramatically increases the set of possible parametric joint distributions compared with the conventional approach of looking for multivariate extensions of univariate distributions. Sklar’s theorem can be restated in terms of random variables and their distributions functions. Theorem 2.2 Let X and Y be random variables with distribution functions F and G, respectively, and joint distribution H. Then there exists a copula C such that (1) holds. If F and G are continuous, C is unique. Otherwise, C is uniquely determined on RanF × RanG. The copula in the above theorem can thus be referred to as the copula of X and Y , or CX,Y . One implication of this theorem and the familiar result that two random variables X and Y with continuous distribution functions F and G are independent if and only if their joint distribution H is given ¯ 2 , is that the product copula by H(x, y) = F (x)G(y) for every x, y ∈ IR Π(u, v) = uv gives a unique characterization of independence. Furthermore, 7 it is easily shown that copulas are invariant with respect to strictly monotone transformations of the random variables, i.e., if α and β are strictly increasing functions on RanF and RanG respectively, then CX,Y = Cα(X),β(Y ) . To go more deeply into this last issue and its relevance to finance, we mention the example of two government bonds with different maturities. Sklar’s theorem says that the joint distribution of the prices of these bonds at any future point in time (prior to maturity) can be factored into the marginal distributions of the bond prices and a copula describing the dependence between the bond prices. Since the price of a bond is determined by its yield to maturity as the discount rate which equates the present value of the bond’s payments to its price, which is a strictly monotone transformation, the copula of the bonds’ prices is identical to the copula of the bonds’ yields. In other words, the prices of the bonds are ‘as dependent as’ their yields. The respective marginal distributions, however, can (and will) of course be very different. Note that Pearson’s correlation coefficient does not have this property; the correlation between prices and the correlation between yields are two distinct quantities, neither of which fully captures the dependence between bonds across the term structure. The example illustrates that any reasonable measure of dependence must be a function of the copula and of the copula only. A popular dependence measure that has this property is Kendall’s tau. The (population version of) Kendall’s tau for two continuous random variables X and Y with copula C is given by ZZ τC = 4 C(u, v)dC(u, v) − 1. (2) [0,1]2 Note that since Kendall’s tau depends on the copula only, it is invariant with respect to strictly monotone transformations of the components X and Y . We remark that the integral in Eq. (2) can be viewed as the expected value of the function C(U, V ) of uniform [0, 1] random variables U and V with joint distribution C. Kendall’s measure of dependence is used in the remainder of the paper for the purpose of comparing different parametric copula models. 2.1 Examples of copulas In this paper we consider several parametric copula families to describe the dependence structure of international equity markets. To illustrate the many shapes that these families can accommodate, we present in Figures 1a and 1b density contour plots of a number of bivariate distributions with standard normal margins, each with a different parametric copula. Each 8 plot shows contour curves for four different density levels, which are kept constant across the plots. The functional forms of the copula families are given in Appendix A. The copula parameters are chosen in such a way that Kendall’s tau is equal to 0.5, implying a positive dependence structure. This calibration is achieved by inverting relation (2). Appendix B provides closed-form expressions—where available—of the relation between Kendall’s tau and the parameter(s) of each copula family under consideration. The top left plot in Figure 1a depicts the familiar concentric elliptical contour curves of the bivariate normal distribution. A slightly different picture emerges for the Student’s t copula (here depicted with degrees of freedom parameter equal to 5), which allows for fatter tails. Both the normal and Student’s t copulas are (radially) symmetric.2 A form of asymmetry can be obtained with Clayton’s copula, whose contour curves are displayed in the bottom left plot of Figure 1a. Note that the probability mass is more concentrated in the negative than in the positive quadrant, indicating a higher degree of dependence if both components are small than if both components are large. The opposite can be achieved by rotating Clayton’s copula. Alternative symmetric and asymmetric shapes are provided by the families presented in Figure 1b. 2.2 Estimation Under certain conditions the copula-based approach allows for a particularly convenient way of estimating the parameters of a multivariate model using maximum likelihood. Note from the definition of a copula in Eq. (1) that the log of a multivariate density function is given by log ∂2 C(F (x), G(y)) = log f (x) + log g(x) + log c(F (x), G(y)), ∂x∂y (3) where f and g denote the probability density functions of F and G, respectively, and c is the copula density, c(u, v) = ∂ 2 C(u, v)/∂u∂v. Now consider a parametric model in which the marginal densities f and g depend on distinct parameters θf and θg , and the copula density depends on parameters θc . Assuming the availability of a sample of size n, with observed random pairs (xi , yi ), i = 1, . . . , n, we can write the log likelihood of the joint distribution 2 See Nelsen (1999) for a precise definition of different symmetry concepts. 9 as L(θf , θg , θc ) := n X i=1 n X log f (xi ; θf ) + n X log g(yi ; θg ) + i=1 log c(F (xi ; θf ), G(yi ; θg ); θc ). (4) i=1 Hence, the log likelihood of the joint distribution is just the sum of the log likelihoods of the margins and the log likelihood of the copula. Standard maximum likelihood estimates may be obtained by maximizing the above expression with respect to the parameters (θf0 , θg0 , θc0 )0 . In practice this can involve a large numerical optimization problem with many parameters which may be difficult to solve. However, given the partitioning of the parameter vector into separate parameters for each margin and parameters for the copula, one may use Eq. (4) to break up the optimization problem into several small optimizations, each with fewer parameters. First the log likelihoods of the univariate margins are separately maximized to obtain estimates of θ f and θg . Subsequently, these estimates are substituted into the log likelihood of the copula which is then maximized over θc . This two-step procedure is known as the method of inference functions for margins or IFM method. Xu (1996) compares the efficiency of the IFM method relative to full maximum likelihood for a number of multivariate models and finds the IFM method to be highly efficient.3 Therefore we think it is safe to use the IFM method and benefit from the huge reduction in complexity it implies for the numerical optimization. 2.3 Conditioning information While the previous section assumed iid observations, we now consider the case of conditioning information. The use of conditional distributions allows us to model the time variation of the joint process. Let (Xt , Yt ) our pair of variables of interest at date t and let It−1 be all information available up to date t − 1. This set includes all past values of X and Y . Sklar’s theorem is easily extended to continuous conditional distributions; see Patton (2004). That is, the conditional distribution of (Xt , Yt )|It−1 can be uniquely factored into the conditional margins of Xt |It−1 and Yt |It−1 , and a copula which is conditional on It−1 . It is important to note that the information set is the same for these conditional distributions. For example, the conditioning information of the conditional marginal distribution of X includes 3 See Joe (1997) for a summary of Xu’s results. 10 past values of X and but also past values of Y . In practice, this presents a slight complication to the modeler in that he cannot just use any off-theshelf univariate model for any one variable. It must be tested empirically if current or past values of the other variables can be excluded. 3 A model of international stock returns This section discusses the set-up and the estimation of a model of the conditional distribution of international stock returns. We propose a copula-based parametric model in which the parameter vector can be partitioned into distinct sets of parameters for each of the conditional marginal distributions, and a set of parameters for the conditional copula. As explained in the previous section, this partitioning facilitates the estimation as it allows one to break up a large numerical optimization problem with many parameters into several small optimizations, each with fewer parameters. First we discuss the data on international stock returns used in the empirical analysis. Subsequently, we present models for the conditional marginal distributions of the stock returns, followed by an exploration of several models for the conditional copula. We perform various diagnostic tests to check the validity of our specifications. 3.1 Data Most studies which model international stock markets use returns computed from closing prices. However, for exchanges with different trading hours, the use of daily close-to-close returns leads to an underestimation of crosscountry returns correlations. To circumvent this non-synchronicity problem, authors have resorted to low frequency data, having to accept an efficiency loss due to a reduction in sample size as well as an inability to model shortterm dynamics. Alternatively, various procedures have been proposed, for instance by Burns et al. (1998), to adjust correlation measures from nonsynchronous returns to reflect the contemporaneous dependence structure of markets in different time zones. However, Martens and Poon (2001) use a sample of synchronous stock market prices to show that these synchronized measures of dependence are not robust to the model used to produce them and that they can be very misleading. To avoid such mismeasurement, this paper uses the same daily synchronous stock market prices from Datastream that were used by Martens and Poon (2001) to test the effectiveness of synchronicity adjustment models. The price data, which is sampled at 16:00 London time, is available for 11 various markets including the U.S. (S&P 500 index), the U.K. (FTSE 100 index), and France (CAC 40 index) since 3 August 1990. Our sample extends to 10 March 2004. Figure 2 plots the prices of these stock market indices over time. Clearly, prices tend to move together across countries, suggesting substantial positive dependence between stock market returns. As a crude measure of dependence consider the correlation coefficients of the time series. The sample correlations between each of the index returns are between .66 and .74, which is roughly in line with what Martens and Poon (2001) report for their sample which ends in November 1998. For markets whose trading hours overlap only for a short time, such as France and the U.S., these values are double the figures implied by close-to-close data. This demonstrates the seriousness of the non-synchronicity problem. 3.2 Flexible models for the margins We denote by Xt (Yt ) the log return over period t − 1 to t on market X (Y ). Several pairs of markets are considered: the U.S. and the U.K., the U.S. and France, and the U.K. and France. In the present paper we limit ourselves to the dependence between two markets at a time. The analysis of the multivariate case is left as a topic of future research. The marginal distributions are modelled using an AR(p) specification for the mean equation. For the variance equation, we use the celebrated GARCH(1, 1) model.4 Moreover, we allow for possible asymmetry in the response of the conditional variance to positive and to negative shocks. TARCH, or threshold ARCH, was introduced independently by Zakoian (1994) and Glosten, Jagannathan and Runkle (1993) to model this type of asymmetry, which is sometimes referred to as the leverage effect. Furthermore, Hansen’s (1994) skewed Student’s t distribution is used to model the density of the normalized return innovations. This distribution is sufficiently flexible to capture both fat tails and skewness. Special cases include the Student’s t distribution and the normal distribution. The density function is given in Appendix C. We present the AR(p)-TARCH(1, 1) specification here 4 Autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity or ARCH models were introduced by Engle (1982) and generalized as GARCH (generalized ARCH) by Bollerslev (1986). The GARCH orders are fixed to unity in light of the overwhelming success of this specification in financial time series analysis. 12 for market X. Xt = κ + σt2 εt σt =ω+ Pp i=1 φi Xt−i + εt 2 β σt−1 + αε2t−1 + (5a) γ ε2t−1 1{εt−1 ∼ G(νt , λ t ), < 0} (5b) (5c) where σt2 is the conditional variance of Xt given information at t − 1, and G(ν, λ) denotes the skewed Student’s t distribution with degrees of freedom ν and skewness λ. One retrieves the usual GARCH model with normal innovations for G(∞, 0) and γ = 0. The leverage effect is captured by the last term in Eq. (5b): if γ > 0, then negative shocks have a greater impact on the conditional variance than positive shocks. To capture possible time variation in the higher order conditional moments, we propose modelling the degrees of freedom and skewness parameters as functions of past innovations following Hansen (1994). Moreover, we extend Hansen’s approach by including autoregressive terms as it is likely that current tail thickness depends on past tail thickness, and that current skewness depends on past skewness. In particular, we specify laws of motion of the form 0 νt0 = a + bεt−1 + cε2t−1 + ψ νt−1 , (6) where νt0 is an appropriate logistic transformation of νt which allows νt0 to vary over the entire real line; recall that the degrees of freedom νt is constrained to lie in the region (2, ∞). The parameter ψ measures the persistence of the degrees of freedom over time. We use similar expressions to specify the law of motion of the skewness parameter.5 Recall from the previous section that the copula approach to multivariate modelling requires a common information set It−1 for the conditional distributions of Xt and Yt . Up to now, we have only included these variables’ own lags in the respective univariate models. It may very well be, however, that lags of one variable affect, say, the conditional mean of the other. To allow for potential spillovers of this type, lags of Y are added to the right 5 0 x is the logistic transformation of x if x=L+ U −L . 1 + exp{−x0 } Notice that if x0 is allowed to vary over the entire real line, x will be restricted to the interval [U, L]. Following Hansen (1994), we use in practice a lower bound of 2.1 and an upper bound of 30 for the degrees of freedom, and a lower bound of −.9 and an upper bound of .9 for the skewness parameter. 13 hand side of Eq. (5a). This is easily done as it does not interfere with our approach of separate estimation of the margins.6 The correct specification of the marginal distributions is essential as it is an important step in the estimation of the copula. From the probabilistic interpretation of Sklar’s theorem it is clear that the copula of the pair (X, Y ) depends on the probability integral transforms F (X) and G(Y ). Hence, misspecification of the margins F (·) and G(·) leads necessarily to an incorrect assessment of the dependence between X and Y . Therefore, it is important to verify any model for the marginal distribution before analyzing the copula. To this end, we perform various misspecification tests in the empirical analysis, which is described in Section 4. 3.3 Models for the copula After specifying the marginal distributions, we can study the dependence between the two markets. Under the assumption that the margins are correct, the conditional probability integral transforms Ut and Vt of the normalized return innovations are uniform [0, 1] random variables whose joint distribution is equal to the conditional copula of the return innovations.7 The conditional copula is modelled using various parametric copula families and estimated using the IFM method. The copula family attaining the highest likelihood is selected as the best model. As mentioned earlier, each copula family is linked to Kendall’s tau. In order to be able to compare the estimated copula models, we will report the estimation results in terms of Kendall’s tau. Moreover, we allow for time-varying dependence by proposing a model for the evolution of Kendall’s tau. Let τt be Kendall’s tau conditional on information up to date t − 1, and let τt0 be an appropriate logistic transformation of τt .8 We propose the following autoregressive conditional 6 The conditional variance may also be affected by past values of Y . In particular, some multivariate GARCH models include lags of the conditional variance of one variable in the conditional variance equation of the other. However, if we allow for such volatility spillovers, which in principle can be done, the estimations of the marginal distributions get entangled, so that instead of two small optimization problems with few parameters, we have a single large optimization with many parameters. Therefore, we do not pursue this possibility here. 7 The conditional probability integral transform Ut of the normalized return innovation εt /σt is equal to G(εt /σt ; νt , λt ), where G(· ; ν, λ) denotes the cumulative distribution function of Hansen’s (1994) skewed Student’s t distribution. 8 See footnote 5. We use an upper bound of .99 and a lower bound of −.99 for the copula families that accommodate both negative and positive dependence and a lower bound of .01 for those that only accommodate positive dependence. 14 dependence model: 0 τt0 = const + χτt−1 + δ (Ut−1 − 12 )(Vt−1 − 12 ). (7) The model is similar in spirit to the GARCH model for the conditional variance. It contains an autoregressive term to capture the persistence in dependence, and a forcing variable which is a cross-product that is positive when both probability integral transforms are on the same side of the median, and negative when they are on opposite sides. We expect δ to be positive as dependence is likely to go up in case of joint positive or joint negative events, and go down in case of opposing events. It is frequently suggested that stock prices have a greater tendency to move together during market downturns than during market upswings; see, for instance, Boyer et al. (1999) and Patton (2003, 2004) and the references therein. We are able to test this hypothesis in the context of our model through the inclusion of asymmetric parametric copulas such as Clayton’s and Gumbel’s copula. We also explore another potential manifestation of asymmetric dependence. Similar to the TARCH model for the conditional variance, we investigate the possibility that there is an asymmetry in the way dependence is affected by shocks by adding to Eq. (7) a cross-product multiplied by a dummy for every (but one) quadrant formed by the point ( 21 , 21 ): 0 0 0 τt0 = const + χτt−1 + δ Ut−1 Vt−1 0 0 0 0 + γnn Ut−1 Vt−1 1{Ut−1 < 0, Vt−1 < 0} 0 0 0 0 + γpn Ut−1 Vt−1 1{Ut−1 ≥ 0, Vt−1 < 0} 0 0 0 0 + γnp Ut−1 Vt−1 1{Ut−1 < 0, Vt−1 ≥ 0}, (8) 0 0 where Ut−1 ≡ Ut−1 − 12 and Vt−1 ≡ Vt−1 − 12 . The positive quadrant, for which no dummy is included, serves as a benchmark. Various tests can be done with this set-up. For example, if γnn > 0, then joint negative events have a greater impact on dependence than joint positive events. 4 Estimation results In this section we describe the results of the estimation of the conditional margins and the conditional copula. Results are reported for the U.S. (S&P 500 index), the U.K. (FTSE 100 index), and France (CAC 40 index). 15 4.1 Estimation of the margins A general-to-specific method was employed for the estimation of the conditional marginal distributions of the stock returns. A parsimonious model was selected by successfully eliminating the variable with the smallest tstatistic. The only exception to this rule are the intercepts which are kept throughout all models. Table I reports the final result of this selection process for the S&P 500 index. Maximum likelihood estimates are accompanied by White (1982) standard errors which are robust to misspecification. The mean equation appeared to require an autoregressive term of lag six, and strong support is found for the leverage effect in the variance equation. We find evidence for time variation in the degrees of freedom parameter. Return shocks seem to have a negative influence on the degrees of freedom. This is consistent with Hansen’s (1994) results for bond yields and exchange rates. Moreover, we find that the model benefits from the inclusion of an autoregressive component, a possibility not investigated by Hansen.9 In contrast, Patton (2004) and Harvey and Siddique (1999) find conditional kurtosis to be constant for U.S. small-cap and large-cap returns. On the other hand, these authors do find significant time variation in conditional skewness, while our results suggest that skewness is constant for the S&P 500. As is reported by many authors, we find a significant negative skew in the stock return distribution. Lagged returns on the FTSE 100 or the CAC 40 index did not turn up significantly in the mean equation of the S&P 500. Hence, spillovers from other markets do not appear to be present in the level of the S&P 500 returns. This gives further justification to our approach of separately estimating the marginal distributions. The last column of Table I shows the test statistics from a parameter stability test based on the cumulative score functions which was introduced by Nyblom (1989) and modified by Hansen (1990). Parameter stability is rejected if the test statistic exceeds a critical value. The asymptotic 5 percent critical value for the individual statistics is .47, and the asymptotic 1 percent critical value is .75. Some of our parameters appear to be individually stable over the estimation period, but the statistics for the intercepts and the parameters in the variance equation hover between the 1 and 5 percent critical values, with the leverage effect being the least stable. The model fails a joint parameter constancy test at the 5 percent level. Nevertheless, a substantial improvement is made with respect to a model in which the 9 A slightly worse performing model (in terms of the information criteria) is achieved by leaving out the autoregressive term and including a second lag of the return innovation. 16 degrees of freedom parameter is restricted to be constant. This becomes clear from Table II which shows the estimation results of this restricted model. The Nyblom-Hansen statistic for the degrees of freedom is huge. Also note the poor performance of the restricted model in terms of the information criteria and the log likelihood; a likelihood ratio test of the unrestricted model against this model produces a statistic of 24.0 which has an asymptotic p-value far below 1 percent. Further diagnostic testing is done through a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for the adequacy of the distribution model. Our specification survives this test easily. Note, however, that the same is true for the restricted model in Table II. This is likely to be due to the well-known fact that the KolmogorovSmirnov test has low power in detecting detailed features of a distribution. Tables III and IV hold the estimation results for the U.K.’s FTSE 100 index and France’s CAC 40 index, respectively. No spillovers of the type described above were found. The FTSE 100 needed a third-order lag in the mean equation, while the CAC 40 required a more elaborate autoregressive structure with three lagged returns of orders 1, 7, and 13. (Although the first lag is individually insignificant, we included it in our model, since it is jointly significant with the other included lagged returns. The three-lag specification was also favored by the information criteria.) Neither the FTSE nor the CAC turned out to have significant leverage effects in the variance equation. Furthermore, no skew was found for either index. Apparently, the Student’s t distribution with time-varying degrees of freedom describes the return innovations for these indices adequately, whereas a skewed t distribution, also with time-varying degrees of freedom, is required for the S&P 500. The specifications for the variation of the degrees of freedom that were preferred by the data are strikingly similar across indices. In each case, a first-order autoregressive term captures the persistence in tail thickness, while a past return innovation serves as a forcing variable with negative sign. Persistence does vary across markets, however, with the level being particularly high for the U.K. and an unstable relation for France. Nevertheless, it is remarkable that the three markets should share the same model that fits the variation in tail thickness best. However, the large NyblomHansen test statistics for France may be a sign of a nonstationary feature of the conditional distribution that could not be incorporated by adding extra lags. 17 4.2 Estimation of the copula Having estimated the conditional margins of the index returns, we are now in a position to estimate the conditional copula. As a first pass, we try a constant copula model. Figure 3 shows the support set of the histogram of the estimated probability integral transforms (U, V ) of the normalized return innovations of the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. Clearly, there is positive dependence on average, and a concentration of mass in the top right and bottom left corners of the graph, indicating that large positive shocks often happen simultaneously, as do large negative shocks. Table V displays the IFM estimates of Kendall’s tau for several parametric copula models for the case of the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100. All copula models under consideration yield estimates between .42 and .45, with the exception of the Clayton copulas, which give somewhat lower values. The normal and Student’s t copulas produce the highest log likelihoods, with the optimum being attained for the Student’s t copula with 11 degrees of freedom. Hence, we get the best fit using a symmetric, fat-tailed copula density, if dependence is assumed to be constant over time. However, the high values of the Nyblom-Hansen statistics are indicative of time variation in the degree of dependence between the indices. To allow for this possibility, we estimated the autoregressive conditional dependence model proposed in Eq. (7). Table VI shows the IFM estimates of this model for the Student’s t copula with 11 degrees of freedom. This copula turned out to attain the highest log likelihood (again). We find close to unit persistence in the dependence between the indices, and a significant and positive effect of the cross-product. Hence, dependence increases in case of aligned market shocks and decreases in case of opposite market shocks, as was to be expected. We get very similar estimates for other copulas. Note that the log likelihood increased considerably with respect to the constant copula model. A likelihood ratio test based on the log-likelihood difference rejects the constant copula model overwhelmingly. Moreover, the Nyblom-Hansen test statistics reveal that the parameter estimates of the autoregressive conditional dependence model are much more stable. To further test the adequacy of the specified copula model, we conducted hit tests à la Engle and Manganelli (2004). For this purpose we split the support set of the copula density up into a number of regions and compared the relative frequency of occurrence (“hits”) per region with the theoretical probability of hitting the region. We chose the seven rectangular regions defined by Patton (2003), which are depicted in Figure 4. The fit of the copula model was tested by checking for serial correlation in the hits. This 18 was done using a linear probability model, as suggested by Engle and Manganelli (2004), in which a standardized hit dummy is regressed on its own lags.10 The results of these hit tests for the individual regions and for the regions jointly, are in Table VI. Clearly, the Student’s t copula passes the hit tests with ease. The data seemed to favor a symmetric copula model for the dependence structure of the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100, implying that the level of dependence is not higher (or lower) for joint negative than for joint positive events. To investigate this issue further, we test whether the model gains explanatory power by augmenting it with dummies as in Eq. (8). Table VII displays the results. All additional variables are individually insignificant, while the log likelihood increases only marginally. The corresponding likelihood ratio test has an asymptotic p-value of 22 percent. The information criteria also favor the symmetric model. Hence, there does not appear to be a threshold or leverage effect in the conditional dependence between the indices. As for the dependence structure of the S&P 500 and the CAC 40, and that of the FTSE 100 and the CAC 40, we again find that an autoregressive dependence model with the Student’s t copula fits the data best. The results are in Tables VIII and IX, respectively. Whereas no significant leverage effect was found in the conditional dependence between S&P 500 and FTSE 100, there did appear to be such an asymmetry in the dependence between the S&P and the CAC 40. The level of dependence goes up by twice the amount for joint negative shocks compared with joint positive shocks. Thus, there is evidence to support the hypothesis that U.S. and French stock returns have a greater tendency to move together in case of bad news. Moreover, we find that there is a significant negative effect of individual shocks in the French market. This means that once we correct for the joint effects of shocks in both markets, an upswing in the French market decreases U.S.-French dependence regardless of the price movement in the U.S. market. The Nyblom statistics indicate that this specification is particularly stable for the period under scrutiny. Hit tests reveal a poor fit of the model only for region six, which corresponds to the rare situation of having a bottom 25 percent shock in the U.S. and a top 25 percent shock in France. For the U.K. and France we find no leverage effect, but we do find a 10 Lags of one day, one week, and one month were included in the hit tests. Following Patton’s (2003) suggestion, standardization was done by demeaning the hit dummies by their theoretical mean (under the null), and scaling them by their theoretical standard deviation. 19 significant individual effect of the French market, again with a negative sign. In this case the data seemed to favor a Student’s t copula with 7 rather than 11 degrees of freedom, implying slightly fatter tails for the copula density. Unfortunately, the model parameters are not as stable as for the other market pairs and the hit tests indicate a poorer model fit. Including higher order autoregressive lags and other lagged variables did not improve the model. 4.3 Comparison with the DCC model In order to determine the usefulness of the copula-based approach relative to multivariate GARCH models, we compare our model to the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model that was recently proposed by Engle (2002). The DCC model is a multivariate GARCH model with time-varying correlations. It assumes a (conditionally) joint normal distribution for the return innovations. Note that this assumption implies normal conditional margins, and a normal conditional copula, which is fully captured by the correlation coefficients. The assumption of joint normality allows for a convenient two-step procedure for the estimation of the parameters, which is similar to the IFM method described earlier. In the first step, univariate GARCH models are estimated for each market. In the second step, the parameters of the conditional correlation equation are estimated using the standardized residuals from the first step. The DCC model is defined as follows. Let ηt be the vector of return innovations at time t, and Ht its covariance matrix conditional on information up to time t − 1. We have ηt |It−1 ∼ N (0, Ht ) 1/2 1/2 Ht = DHt Rt DHt , (9a) (9b) where Rt is the conditional correlation matrix, and DHt is a diagonal matrix with the diagonal elements of Ht —the conditional variances—on the diagonal. The conditional variances are modelled by univariate GARCH models, which are estimated in the first step of the estimation procedure. The conditional correlation matrix is modelled as follows. 0 Qt = (1 − a − b)Q̄ + azt−1 zt−1 + bQt−1 Rt = −1/2 −1/2 D Q t Qt DQ t , −1/2 (10a) (10b) where zt = DHt ηt are the standardized return innovations. These are 20 estimated from the standardized residuals of the first estimation step. For more details we refer to Engle (2002) and Engle and Sheppard (2001). We apply the bivariate version of the DCC model to our three market pairs and compare its performance to the copula-based autoregressive conditional dependence model. Table X shows the log likelihoods for both models broken up into the log-likelihood contributions of the margins and the log-likelihood contribution of the copula. In every case, we find that the total log likelihood is substantially higher for the copula-based model than for the DCC model. The results show that these improvements are mostly made in the margins. The table further shows the p-values of hit tests. While the copula-based model passes the individual and joint hit tests for the pair S&P 500–FTSE 100, the DCC model fails to give an adequate description of the conditional probability of hitting regions 2 and 5 as well as all regions jointly. The copula-based approach is also found to be superior for the pair S&P 500–CAC 40. For the pair FTSE 100–CAC 40, the results are mixed. The copula-based model fails in region 7, but its overall performance is slightly better than the DCC model. 5 Conclusions In this paper we have proposed a copula-based autoregressive conditional dependence model to describe the daily co-movement of international stock markets. The copula approach allowed us to construct multivariate distributions with a great deal of flexibility. Contrary to traditional multivariate GARCH models, we were able to accurately model the margins using distinct parametric models which allow for different degrees of skewness and tail thickness. Conditional dependence structures of several important international stock markets were found to vary over time, showing high degrees of persistence. Using our conditional dependence model, one may test various hypotheses about the dependence between asset returns. For example, we tested the hypothesis of a leverage effect in the dependence structure, and found support for this claim in the case of the S&P 500 and the CAC 40. Furthermore, the copula-based approach was found to perform well in describing the joint conditional distribution of the asset returns relative to a multivariate GARCH model. The Student t copula gave the best description of the conditional dependence structure for each pair of market indices under consideration. An advantage of this copula family is that it can be easily generalized to the case of more than two assets. A drawback, however, is that while each 21 margin is allowed distinct degrees of freedom, there is only one degrees of freedom parameter for the copula. The different degrees of tail-thickness of market pairs that were found in this paper show that this may be a serious restriction. Nevertheless, it would be interesting to extend the bivariate application to larger portfolios. The grouped t copula proposed by Daul, De Giorgi, Lindskog and McNeil (2003) is a promising new development in this area. Several other extensions could be made to the model presented in this paper. For instance, one may include volatility spillovers which have been found to be present in multiple stock returns; see Baele (2004) and the references therein. However, this extension comes at the cost of an increased complexity as the parameters of the margins cannot be estimated separately anymore. Nevertheless, solving the large numerical optimization could be helped using the parameter estimates of models without volatility spillovers as starting values. Another interesting extension would be to estimate the degrees of freedom of the copula density, or even model it using an autoregressive model similar to the univariate case. We leave these extensions for further research. 22 A Copula families Below we list several parametric copulas which are used in this paper. The copula density is referred to as c, while the cumulative distribution function is denoted C. Normala Z xN Z yN pN (s, t; ρ)dsdt 1 1 2 2 2 2 cN (u, v; ρ) = p exp − ρ xN − 2ρxN yN + ρ yN , 2(1 − ρ2 ) 1 − ρ2 CN (u, v; ρ) = −∞ −∞ where xN = Φ−1 (u), yN = Φ−1 (v), and ρ ∈ (0, 1). Special cases are CN (u, v; −1) = W (u, v), CN (u, v; 0) = Π(u, v), and CN (u, v; 1) = M (u, v). Student’s t b Ct (u, v; ρ, ν) = Z xt −∞ Z 1 yt pt (s, t; ρ, ν)dsdt −∞ ct (u, v; ρ, ν) = p 1 − ρ2 Γ ν+2 Γ ν2 2 2 Γ ν+1 2 h h yt2 ν i− ν+1 1+ x2t ν 1+ i ν+2 x2t −2ρxt yt +yt2 − 2 ν 1+ 2 , −1 where xt = t−1 ν (u), yt = tν (v), ρ ∈ (0, 1), and ν > 0. Special cases are Ct (u, v; −1, ν) = W (u, v), Ct (u, v; 0, ν) = Π(u, v), and Ct (u, v; 1, ν) = M (u, v). Furthermore, we have Ct (u, v; ρ, ∞) = CN (u, v; ρ). Clayton CC (u, v; α) = u−α + v −α − 1 −1/α cC (u, v; α) = (1 + α)(uv)−α−1 CC (u, v; α)2α+1 , a Φ(·) is the standard (univariate) normal distribution function; pN (·, ·; ρ) denotes the bivariate standard normal density function with correlation coefficient ρ: 1 1 2 2 p . x − 2ρxy + y pN (x, y; ρ) = exp − 2(1 − ρ2 ) 2π 1 − ρ2 b tν (·) is the (univariate) Student’s t distribution function; pt (·, ·; ρ, ν) denotes the bivariate Student’s t density function with correlation coefficient ρ and degrees of freedom ν: − ν+2 2 Γ ν+2 1 x2 − 2ρxy + y 2 2 p pt (x, y; ρ, ν) = . 1 + ν ν νπ 1 − ρ2 Γ 2 23 where α ∈ [−1, ∞)\{0}. Special cases include CC (u, v; −1) = W (u, v), CC (u, v; 0) = Π(u, v), and CC (u, v; ∞) = M (u, v). Plackett CP (u, v; α) = [1 + (α − 1)(u + v)] − cP (u, v; α) = q [1 + (α − 1)(u + v)]2 − 4α(α − 1)uv 2(α − 1) α [1 + (α − 1)(u + v − 2uv)] 2 [1 + (α − 1)(u + v)] − 4α(α − 1)uv 3/2 , where α ∈ [0, ∞)\{1}. Special cases are CP (u, v; 0) = W (u, v), CP (u, v; 1) = Π(u, v), and CP (u, v; ∞) = M (u, v). Frank (eαu − 1) (eαv − 1) 1 CF (u, v; α) = log 1 + α eα − 1 cF (u, v; α) = α α e −1 eα(u+v) 1+ (eαu −1)(eαv −1) eα −1 2 , where α ∈ (−∞, ∞)\{0}. Special cases include CF (u, v; ∞) = W (u, v), CF (u, v; 0) = Π(u, v), and CF (u, v; −∞) = M (u, v). Gumbel n o CG (u, v; α) = exp − ([− log u]α + [− log v]α )1/α cG (u, v; α) = (log u × log v)α−1 CG (u, v; α) uv ([− log u]α + [− log v]α )2−1/α (α − 1 − log CG (u, v; α)) , where α ∈ [1, ∞). Special cases are CG (u, v; 1) = Π(u, v) and CG (u, v; ∞) = M (u, v). All above copula families except the Gumbel family are comprehensive, in that they include the Fréchet-Hoeffding bounds and the product copula as special cases. All except the Clayton and Gumbel families are symmetric. Following Patton (2004) we expand our set of parametric copula families by considering rotated versions of the asymmetric families. For example, one obtains the rotated Clayton copula by u + v − 1 + CC (1 − u, 1 − v; α). Contrary to Clayton’s copula, this rotated copula displays a greater degree of dependence for joint high values of the pair (u, v) than for joint low values. 24 B Kendall’s tau The table below provides expressions—closed-form if available—of the relation between Kendall’s tau and the parameter for the copula families considered in Appendix A. Normal, Student’s t τ (ρ) = 2 π Clayton τ (α) = α 2+α Plackett τ (α) = 4 Frank τ (α) = 1 − 4 {D1 (−α) − 1} /α Gumbel τ (α) = 1 − 1/α arcsin ρ R 1R 1 0 0 Cα (u, v)dCα (u, v) − 1 Note: D1 denote the first-order Debye function, D1 (−θ) = C 1 θ Rθ t dt 0 et −1 + θ2 . 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Nybloma Mean equation Intercept .031 .014 2.2 .53 Xt−6 −.044 .017 −2.6 .23 Variance equation Intercept .009 .003 2.5 .63 2 σt−1 .92 .014 67 .51 ε2t−1 .030 .009 3.2 .51 ε2t−1 1{εt−1 < 0} .083 .019 4.4 .84 Degrees of freedom Intercept −.54 .15 −3.7 .66 0 νt−1 .56 .12 4.6 .44 εt−1 −.78 .20 −4.0 .26 Skew parameter −.12 .025 −4.6 .30 Model Log likelihood −4258.7 Nybloma 4.86 AIC 8537.3 (2.54) BIC 8598.1 KS test .78 a For individual parameters the asymptotic 5 percent critical value is .47. The appropriate critical value for the entire parameter vector is reported in brackets. The null hypothesis of parameter stability is rejected if the test statistic exceeds the critical value. 30 Table II: Maximum likelihood estimates of an AR(p)-TARCH(1, 1) specification of the return on the S&P 500 with skewed t innovations in which the degrees of freedom and skewness are restricted to be constant. Variables Estimate S.E. t-stat. Nyblom Mean equation Intercept .035 .014 2.5 .51 Xt−6 −.045 .018 −2.5 .24 Variance equation Intercept .010 .004 2.4 .65 2 σt−1 .92 .015 62 .51 ε2t−1 .019 .008 2.5 .45 ε2t−1 1{εt−1 < 0} .099 .021 4.8 .91 Degrees of freedom 8.5 1.2 7.2 2.03 Skew parameter −.11 .025 −4.5 .29 Model Log likelihood −4270.7 Nyblom 4.33 AIC 8557.3 (2.11) BIC 8606.0 KS test .82 Table III: Maximum likelihood estimates cation of the return on the FTSE 100. Variables Estimate Mean equation Intercept .027 Xt−3 −.056 Variance equation Intercept .014 2 σt−1 .91 2 εt−1 .087 Degrees of freedom Intercept −.19 0 νt−1 .84 εt−1 −.58 Model Log likelihood −4371.7 AIC 8759.5 BIC 8808.1 31 of an AR(p)-TARCH(1, 1) specifiS.E. t-stat. .015 .018 1.8 −3.0 .20 .25 .004 .014 .019 3.2 64 6.8 .29 .57 .64 .058 .035 .11 −3.2 24 −5.3 .58 .27 .09 Nyblom 2.42 (2.11) .45 KS test Nyblom Table IV: Maximum likelihood estimates cation of the return on the CAC 40. Variables Estimate Mean equation Intercept .028 Xt−1 .022 Xt−7 −.040 Xt−13 .047 Variance equation Intercept .030 2 σt−1 .90 2 εt−1 .10 Degrees of freedom Intercept −.31 0 νt−1 .64 εt−1 −.96 Model Log likelihood −5333.7 AIC 10687.3 BIC 10748.1 of an AR(p)-TARCH(1, 1) specifiS.E. t-stat. .021 .017 .017 .017 1.4 1.3 −2.3 2.8 .45 .57 .19 .09 .010 .018 .017 3.0 51 5.8 .20 .30 .20 .13 .09 .19 −2.3 7.2 −5.1 1.39 1.12 .58 Nyblom 3.26 (2.54) .61 KS test Nyblom Table V: IFM estimates of Kendall’s tau in a constant copula model of the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 for various parametric copula families. Family Estimate S.E. Log likelihood Nyblom Normal .447 .0083 866.7 1.91 Student’s t ν=7 .445 .0079 882.1 2.64 ν=9 .448 .0079 884.8 2.57 ν = 11 .450 .0079 885.2 2.51 ν = 13 .451 .0079 884.8 2.46 ν = 15 .451 .0080 884.0 2.42 Clayton Rotated Clayton Plackett Frank Gumbel Rotated Gumbel .358 .347 .436 .449 .420 .423 .0087 .0086 .0078 .0031 .0085 .0084 32 711.0 640.5 824.7 812.9 793.0 833.9 .63 2.74 2.72 2.65 2.89 1.46 Table VI: IFM estimates and hit tests for an autoregressive model of the evolution of Kendall’s tau for the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 using a Student’s t copula with 11 degrees of freedom. Variable Estimate S.E. t-stat. Nyblom Dependence Intercept .014 .0047 3.0 .16 0 τt−1 .97 .0068 144 .22 1 1 (Ut−1 − 2 )(Vt−1 − 2 ) .27 .064 4.2 .24 Model Log likelihood 907.6 Nyblom 1.16 AIC −1809.3 (1.01) BIC −1791.0 Hit tests p-value Region 1 .89 Region 2 .31 Region 3 .24 Region 4 .71 Region 5 .72 Region 6 .59 Region 7 .86 All regions .85 Table VII: IFM estimates of an autoregressive model of the evolution of Kendall’s tau for the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 using a Student’s t copula with 11 degrees of freedom and allowing for asymmetries in the response of dependence to shocks. Variable Estimate S.E. t-stat. Nyblom Dependence Intercept .021 .013 1.5 .15 0 τt−1 .97 .012 78 .21 0 V0 Ut−1 .22 .092 2.4 .22 t−1 0 V 0 1{U 0 0 Ut−1 .050 .11 .45 .15 t−1 t−1 < 0, Vt−1 < 0} 0 0 0 0 Ut−1 Vt−1 1{Ut−1 ≥ 0, Vt−1 < 0} .61 .46 1.3 .03 0 V 0 1{U 0 0 Ut−1 < 0, V ≥ 0} −.064 .36 −.18 .13 t−1 t−1 t−1 Model Log likelihood 909.6 Nyblom 1.42 AIC −1807.3 (1.68) BIC −1770.8 33 Table VIII: IFM estimates of an autoregressive model of the evolution of Kendall’s tau for the S&P 500 and the CAC 40 using a Student’s t copula with 11 degrees of freedom. Variable Estimate S.E. t-stat. Nyblom Dependence Intercept .0096 .0041 2.3 .08 0 τt−1 .99 .0042 232 .12 0 Vt−1 −.12 .051 −2.4 .09 0 V0 Ut−1 .17 .061 2.7 .12 t−1 0 0 0 0 Ut−1 Vt−1 1{Ut−1 < 0, Vt−1 < 0} .18 .071 2.5 .11 Model Log likelihood 824.3 Nyblom .49 AIC −1638.6 (1.47) BIC −1608.2 Hit tests p-value Region 1 .74 Region 2 .17 Region 3 .86 Region 4 .80 Region 5 .82 Region 6 .005 Region 7 .46 All regions .22 34 Table IX: IFM estimates of an autoregressive model of the evolution of Kendall’s tau for the FTSE 100 and the CAC 40 using a Student’s t copula with 7 degrees of freedom. Variable Estimate S.E. t-stat. Nyblom Dependence Intercept .025 .0073 3.4 .52 0 τt−1 .97 .0054 178 .79 0 Vt−1 −.29 .091 −3.2 .64 0 V0 Ut−1 .62 .10 6.1 .92 t−1 Model Log likelihood 1240.7 Nyblom 2.17 AIC −2473.4 (1.24) BIC −2449.1 Hit tests p-value Region 1 .65 Region 2 .41 Region 3 .13 Region 4 .25 Region 5 .035 Region 6 .84 Region 7 .010 All regions .044 35 Table X: Comparison of the dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) model with the copula-based autoregressive conditional dependence (ACD) model. S&P–FTSE S&P–CAC FTSE–CAC DCC ACD DCC ACD DCC ACD Log likelihood Margin#1 −4335.9 −4258.7 −4335.9 −4258.7 −4426.1 −4371.7 Margin#2 −4426.1 −4371.7 −5406.8 −5333.7 −5406.8 −5333.7 Copula 899.8 907.6 841.7 824.3 1185.0 1240.7 Joint density −7862.2 −7722.8 −8901.0 −8768.1 −8647.9 −8464.7 Hit tests (p-values) Region 1 .86 .89 .77 .74 .40 .65 Region 2 .01 .31 .14 .17 .07 .41 Region 3 .93 .24 .19 .86 .21 .13 Region 4 .21 .71 1.00 .80 .48 .25 Region 5 .00 .72 .00 .82 .00 .04 Region 6 .17 .59 .01 .01 .56 .84 Region 7 .93 .86 .05 .46 .11 .01 All regions .01 .85 .00 .22 .00 .04 36 Figure 1a: Density contour plots of bivariate distributions implied by different parametric copulas, all with standard normal margins and Kendall’s tau equal to 0.5. The degrees of freedom of the Student’s t copula is set equal to 5. The functional form of the copula families is given in Appendix A. Normal 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 PSfrag replacements -1 0 1 -2 -2 2 Clayton 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 Student’s t 2 1 -2 -2 2 37 -1 0 1 2 Rotated Clayton -1 0 1 2 Figure 1b: Density contour plots of bivariate distributions implied by different parametric copulas, all with standard normal margins and Kendall’s tau equal to 0.5. The functional form of the copula families is given in Appendix A. Plackett 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 PSfrag replacements -1 0 1 -2 -2 2 Gumbel 2 2 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -1 0 Frank 2 1 -2 -2 2 38 -1 0 1 2 Rotated Gumbel -1 0 1 2 Figure 2: Evolution of international stock market indices over time (3 August 1990 = 100). 450 PSfrag replacements 400 FTSE 100 CAC 40 S&P 500 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 1990 1995 2000 39 2005 Figure 3: Support set of the histogram of estimated probability integral transforms (U, V ) of the normalized return innovations of the S&P 500 and the FTSE 100 index. 1 .9 .8 .7 V PSfrag replacements .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 U 40 .6 .7 .8 .9 1 Figure 4: Patton’s (2003) regions used in the hit tests. 1 2 .9 6 4 .75 5 V .25 3 7 .1 1 0 0 .1 .25 .75 U 41 .9 1 Previous DNB Working Papers in 2004 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 No. 16 No. 17 No. 18 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 Jacob A. Bikker, Laura Spierdijk and Pieter Jelle van der Sluis, Market Impact Costs of Institutional Equity Trades J.W.B. Bos and C.J.M. Kool, Bank Efficiency: The Role of Bank Strategy and Local Market conditions Marco Hoeberichts, Mewael Tesfaselassie and Sylvester Eijffinger, Central Bank Communication and Output Olivier Roodenburg, On the predictability of GDP data revisions in the Netherlands Iman van Lelyveld and Franka Liedorp, Interbank Contagion in the Dutch Banking Sector Joke Mooij, Corporate Culture of Central Banks: Lessons from the Past David-Jan Jansen and Jakob de Haan, Look Who’s Talking: ECB Communication During the First Years of EMU Jaap Bos and Mindel van de Laar, Explaining Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe: an Extended Gravity Approach Jaap Bikker and Paul Metzemakers, Is bank capital procyclical? A cross-country analysis Philipp Maier, EMU enlargement, inflation and adjustment of tradable goods prices: What to expect Karel-Jan Alsem, Steven Brakman, Lex Hoogduin and Gerard Kuper, The Impact of Newspapers on Consumer Confidence: Does Spin Bias Exist? Riemer P. Faber and Ad C.J. Stokman, Price convergence in Europe from a macro perspective: Trends and determinants (1960-2003) Wilko Bolt and Alexander F. Tieman, Skewed Pricing in Two-Sided Markets: An IO approach Robert S. Chirinko, Leo de Haan and Elmer Sterken, Asset Price Shocks, Real Expenditures, and Financial Structure: A Multi-Country Analysis Massimo Giuliodori, Monetary Policy Shocks and the Role of House Prices Across European Countries Tijs de Bie and Leo de Haan, Does market timing drive capital structures? A panel data study for Dutch firms Maria Demertzis and Nicola Viegi, Inflation Targets as Focal Points Jacob Bikker and Jaap Bos, Trends in Competition and Profitability in the Banking Industry: A Basic Framework Nicole Jonker, Carsten Folkertsma and Harry Blijenberg, An Empirical analysis of price setting behaviour in the Netherlands in the period 1998-2003 using micro data Olivier Pierrard and Henri Sneessens, Biased Technological Shocks, Wage Rigidities and Low-Skilled Unemployment Henriëtte Prast and Iman van Lelyveld, New Architectures in the Regulation and Supervision of Financial Markets and Institutions: The Netherlands