Detecting Fraud Patterns Using Data Obtained from the Application Platform Diploma Thesis for the examination as Graduate Engineer (University of Cooperative Education) in Information Technology studies at the University of Cooperative Education Karlsruhe written by Nico Herzberg Matr.-Nr. 122492 September 2006 Duration Course Company Company Supervisor University Supervisor 3 months TIT03VNS SAP AG Walldorf Dr. Julien Vayssière Prof. Dr. Heinrich Braun University of Cooperative Education Karlsruhe SAP Research CEC Brisbane Diploma Thesis Detecting Fraud Patterns Using Data Obtained from the Application Platform Company Supervisor Dr. Julien Vayssière University Supervisor Prof. Dr. Heinrich Braun written by Nico Herzberg Matr.-Nr. 122492 September 2006 c 2006 Nico Herzberg Non-Disclosure Note The following diploma thesis contains confidential data of SAP Australia Pty Ltd and SAP AG. Publication or duplication of this diploma thesis - or just in extracts - is strictly prohibited without explicit permission of SAP Australia Pty Ltd or SAP AG. This diploma thesis is only to be made accessible to the correctors as well as the members of the examination board. III Abstract The ability to help SAP customers prevent and detect fraud is a growing issue for SAP, mainly because of recent regulatory changes, such as the SarbanesOxley act, and also because, in many business areas, software is replacing humans and operates on business data automatically. The SAP Research project FRODO aims at investigating fraud detection in SAP applications. The object of my investigation is SAP’s new Application Platform. The Application Platform is based on the Service-Oriented Architecture concept and provides different Business Object data sources and access methods to this data. Investigated data sources are the Business Objects themselves and the Technical Object ChangeDocument. The access methods identified include core and compound services as well as the Business Information Warehouse and the use of an own FRODO Business Object. The investigation targets on possibilities of accessing data from the Application Platform in order to detect fraud on it. A methodology is developed and used for the investigation to select the best solutions. The most promising solutions, namely accessing the Technical Object ChangeDocument using its core services and accessing Business Object data via Business Information Warehouse using XML for Analysis, are implemented in Java for further validation. Based on these implementations some discussions are made. A comparison to the R/3 prototype of FRODO transpired that there are no serious differences at the moment, because in all versions the data has to be extracted by hand. Thus, further questions, problems and new ideas exist. Further development on the FRODO prototype targets on real-time fraud detection and therefore, the implemented access methods have to be verified for that focus. IV Kurzreferat Finanzbetrug zu vermeiden und zu erkennen gehört heute zu den Anforderungen von Kunden an SAP Systeme. Dies fundiert erstens auf neuen Gesetzgebungen, wie zum Beispiel dem Sarbanes-Oxley Act aus den USA und zweitens auf der Tatsache, dass Software mehr und mehr den Einfluß des Menschen in Geschäftsprozessen verdrängt. Das SAP Research Projekt FRODO untersucht aktive Betrugserkennung in SAP Anwendungen. Untersuchungsgegenstand dieser Arbeit ist SAP’s neue Application Platform“, ” welche auf dem Konzept der Service-Oriented Architecture aufbaut. Relevante Daten sind in den Business Objekten selbst und im Technischen Objekt ChangeDocument verfügbar. Als Zugriffsmethoden sind Core und Compound Services, sowie das Business Information Warehouse und ein eigenes FRODO Business Objekt identifiziert. Die Untersuchungen zielen auf die Möglichkeit, auf Daten der Application Platform“ von außen zugreifen und damit Be” trugserkennung gewährleisten zu können. Um die besten Lösungen identifizieren zu können, wurde ein Vorgehensmodell entwickelt und während der Untersuchung verwendet. Die Strategien Zugriff auf ChangeDocument über ” Core Services“ und Zugriff auf Business Objekt Daten über das Business In” formation Warehouse unter Verwendung von XML for Analysis“ sind in Java implementiert, um sie besser bewerten zu können. Auf Basis der Programme können diverse Diskussionen geführt werden. Der Vergleich zum R/3 FRODO Prototypen zeigt im Moment keine Verbesserung auf, da in allen Lösungen die Daten per Hand extrahiert werden müssen. Folglich bestehen noch viele offene Fragen, Probleme und neue Ideen. Der Fokus von FRODO wird in Zukunft auf Betrugserkennung in Echtzeit zielen. Für diese Anforderung müssen die implementierten Zugriffmethoden bewertet, gegebenenfalls angepasst oder gar verworfen werden. V Preface This diploma thesis “Detecting Fraud Patterns using data obtained from the Application Platform” was written in the context of my studies in Information Technologies at the University of Cooperative Education Karlsruhe in cooperation with SAP AG and SAP Australia Pty Ltd. The thesis represents the results of the research effort conducted from June 5th to September 8th, 2006. Working on the diploma thesis was a challenging task since it required an in-depth understanding of a new concept that is being set up for the whole development process of a software company. Due to the fact that there is only a few pieces of written documentation available about the new architecture, good cooperation with colleagues was required. Additionally, the conditions are always exposed to changes and this makes work even more interesting. Keeping up the pace and finishing the work on this project could not have been realized without the support of many people. I hereby would like to thank • Dr. Julien Vayssière for great supervision and good teamwork during the further development of the prototype • Prof. Dr. Heinrich Braun for supervising me excellently as the representative of the university • The AP/SRM team for supporting the whole project with experience and knowledge as well as forwarding contacts • The whole SAP Research team in Brisbane for a great time and a lot of support • All SAP colleagues, who supported me with information and experience VI Preface • Christian Möckel and Philip Crow for checking the language • My girlfriend Doreen Seifert and my family for supporting me and keeping everyday life problems away from me Brisbane, September 2006 Nico Herzberg VII Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Fraud and Fraud Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Motivation and Planned Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.3 Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Basics and State-of-the-Art 7 2.1 Reference Scenario for Fraud Detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2.2 The FRODO Prototype for Fraud Detection in R/3 . . . . . . . 10 2.3 Realization of Service-Oriented Architecture at SAP: enterprise SOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 2.4 Business Intelligence and SAP Business Information Warehouse 16 2.5 Structure of the Application Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 3 Specification and Exploration of Possible Access Methods 23 3.1 Investigation Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 3.2 Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2.1 Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 3.2.2 Access Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 3.3 Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them . . . . . . 33 3.3.1 List of Possible Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 3.3.2 Classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.4 Ranking of Possible Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 3.5 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 4 Implementation of Solutions 46 4.1 Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services 47 4.1.1 Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.1.2 Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 VIII Table of Contents 4.1.3 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 Test . . . . . . . . . . Receiving BW Data of Design . . . . . . . . . Implementation . . . . Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BOs Using XML for Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 53 53 55 57 5 5.1 5.2 Validation Validation of Test Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison to the R/3 Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 60 62 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 Final Remark Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Further Questions & Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 63 64 64 7 Summary 66 A Why the Application Platform? A-1 B Process Integration Monitor (PIM) A-4 C Generic Data Warehouse Solution A-6 D Code for Accessing ChangeDocument Using GCPs A-8 E Code for Accessing BW Using XML for Analysis A - 18 F Contacts A - 23 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XVIII Bibliography XXVII IX List of Figures 1.1 Scope of Project “Fraud Detection in SRM” . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.2 FRODO Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.1 Invoice Handling (based on [Vay06]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2.2 Invoice Handling with Duplicates (based on [Vay06]) . . . . . . 8 2.3 Suspicious Pattern of Financial Fraud (based on [Vay06]) . . . . 9 2.4 Structure and Function of FRODO [Vay06] . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.5 From Log File to Audit Trail [Vay06] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 2.6 FRODO’s Function with Composite Events (based on [Vay06]) . 12 2.7 Structure of SOA [Ebe04] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2.8 Correlation between Technology Platform and Application Platform [SAP06d] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 2.9 Function of a Data Warehouse (based on [SAP04]) . . . . . . . 17 2.10 Structure of the AP (ESA - Big Picture) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 2.11 Integration Scenario Model of Reference Scenario . . . . . . . . 21 3.1 Investigation Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 3.2 Services of a BO (based on [SAP06c]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 3.3 FRODO on Top of BW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.4 MDX Example [SAP06a] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3.5 Strategy Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 3.6 FRODO as a Completely External Solution . . . . . . . . . . . 36 3.7 FRODO with Components Inside the AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 3.8 FRODO as an Element of AP/A1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4.1 Waterfall Model for Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 4.2 Implementation of GCP in the Big Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 4.3 Program Sequence Diagram for Accessing ChangeDocument Using GCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 4.4 Program Sequence Diagram for XML/A Solution . . . . . . . . 54 X List of Figures 4.5 XML/A Solution in the Big Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 5.1 Graph of Software Measurement Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 A.1 From former IT to Process Innovation Technology (based on [Dit05]) A - 1 A.2 Paradigm from Automotive Industry [FMW06] . . . . . . . . . A-2 A.3 Software Development in the Future [Red06] . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 C.1 Structure of a Generic Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-6 F.1 Contact Mind Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 28 XI List of Tables 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Evaluation of Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meaning of the Evaluation Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Evaluation of Accessing BO Data Using Core Services . . . . . . Evaluation of Accessing BO Data Using Compound Services . . Evaluation of Accessing Data Using SAP BW on BO Data . . . Evaluation of Accessing ChangeDocument Using Core Services . Evaluation of Accessing ChangeDocument Using Compound Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.8 Evaluation of Accessing Data Using SAP BW on ChangeDocument Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.9 Summary of all Strategies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 39 39 40 42 42 5.1 High-level Measurement Results of the Software Validation Phase 61 B.1 Evaluation of Accessing Data Using PIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-5 C.1 Evaluation of a Generic BW Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-7 F.1 SAP Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A - 27 XII 43 44 45 Listings 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 D.1 D.2 E.1 Rules written in Jena Rules Language [Vay06] . . . . . . Colloquial Rules [Vay06] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LCP Call of a BO Core Service in ABAP . . . . . . . . . GCP Call of a BO Core Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Structure of Connection Property File for Using GCP . . Connection to the AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Section from BO Model Interface Code for Query Creation and Data Receiving . . . . . . Response to SalesOrder Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOAP Request to BI System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Property File for Connection to a BI System . . . . . . . Connection and Data Sending in XML/A solution . . . . Reference Data Structured in XML . . . . . . . . . . . . SOAP Response of the BI System . . . . . . . . . . . . . of XML/A Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of XML/A Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . of XML/A Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XIII . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 13 27 27 50 50 51 51 52 55 56 56 58 58 A-8 A - 12 A - 18 List of Abbreviations A1S mySAP All-In-One/Service-Enabled A2A Application to Application ABAP Advanced Business Application Programming AP Application Platform B2B Business to Business BI Business Intelligence BIS Basis Information System BO Business Object BPP Business Process Platform BW Business Information Warehouse DU Deployment Unit DW Data Warehouse ESA Enterprise Services Architecture ESI Enterprise Services Infrastructure ESR Enterprise Services Repository FI Financials GCP Generic Core Service Consumer Proxy HR Human Resources HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol XIV List of Abbreviations IDE Integrated Development Environment ISV Independent Software Vendor IT Information Technology JDK Java Development Kit LCP Local Client Proxy MDM Master Data Management MDX MultiDimensional Expressions PC Process Component PIC Process Integration Content PIM Process Integration Monitor RDF Resource Description Framework RFC Remote Function Call SAP Systems, Applications and Products in data processing SOA Service-Oriented Architecture SQL Structured Query Language SRM Supplier Relationship Management TecO Technical Object TP Technology Platform UI User Interface WSDL Web Service Description Language XML eXtensible Markup Language XML/A XML for Analysis XSD XML Schema Definition XV Notices to Typography and Writing Conventions Figures and Tables The figures and tables used in this document are labeled and listed either in the table of figures or in the list of tables. If figures or tables are taken from other literature the source referring to the bibliography is given in the label. Sources with the notation “based on” are taken out of literature and are modified according to the author’s needs and the current knowledge status. Listings The used listings are labeled and listed in listings. They represent program code most times. For explaining the code, the lines of listings are numbered and are referenced in the text. Abbreviations Abbreviations are usually given in brackets after their initial use following the written term they stand for. Additionally, they are listed in the list of abbreviations at the beginning of this document. Terms in Italics Terms in italics are components of the Application Platform. This convention is inline with the writing style of the documents in the ESA Architecture Series 2006. Terms Written in Typewriter Style Terms written in typewriter style are code or code components, e.g. JAR files or class names. XVI Notices to Typography and Writing Conventions Literature Indication References to literature are given directly in the text or in squared brackets by a reference which consists of the family name of the first author or the name of the publisher and the year of publication. This reference is listed and explained in the bibliography in detail. Citation Citations are presented in double quotes. The source of the citation is written behind the citation according to the literature indication. The Asterisk ∗ Terms highlighted with the asterisk are explained in the glossary at the end of the document. Words and Terms Written in Quotes Words or Terms written in quotes are proper names. XVII CHAPTER 1 Introduction The topic “Detecting Fraud Patterns using data obtained from the Application Platform” can be classified in the branch of Information Technology (IT) combined with business background. More specifically, the Application Platform∗ (AP) is the core of the technology investigation. The AP is designed to build application solutions by service compositions and follows the model-driven approach by using these services. The topic of financial fraud detection is at the core of the business research. First of all, the definition and the background on fraud and fraud detection are presented. In addition to that, research into existing fraud detection projects is required as well as a plan for solving the task at hand. 1.1 Fraud and Fraud Detection A short definition of fraud is that it “is an intentional deception perpetrated to secure an unfair gain.” [Onl06]. Fraud is a form of white collar crime and one of the most often committed ones in Germany. Other forms of white collar crime are stealing goods from stock or corruption for instance. White collar crime makes up about half of all the financial damage of all registered crimes in Germany. Over 70 percent of all German companies think that white collar crime is a big problem and predict an increasing rate of those crimes in the next few years. Some companies appraise their loss caused by fraud during the last 3 years to over one billion Euro [KPM06]. 1 1.1. Fraud and Fraud Detection In most forms of white collar crimes, no IT system is involved. Examples such as stealing from stock and corruption are independent from IT and therefore are out of scope for SAP Research. At SAP Research especially financial fraud is of interest, because in most of the scenarios, systems from SAP and other software vendors are involved. Different perpetrators are possible. They could come from internal ranks as well as from the external side. This type of fraud is “pervasive throughout the economy and affects organisations of all sizes” [MBCV06, p. 45]. In other words financial fraud is stealing money from a company, for example • Someone sends a fictitious invoice to the company and receives the money into his account. • An employee duplicates an invoice and receives the payback of the second payment at his own account. • A supplier sends excessive invoices which are always approved by the same person in the company. This fraud scenario is a kind of collusion, because internal and external culprits work together. • Someone commits fraud in Human Resources (HR) by creating an artificial employee and getting the salary paid to themselves. • Someone commits fraud while faking a supplier and approving invoices for that supplier1 . 54 percent of the Australians interviewed and New Zealand respondents of the KPMG financial fraud survey had one or more fraud cases between 2002 and 2004. That created an average loss of AU$ 2.1 million per affected organization [KPM04]. Governments also broach the issue of fraud and adopt some legal fundamentals. After big financial frauds, like that of Enron2 or WorldCom3 , the pressure grew on companies and public organizations and consequently, they have to develop and implement strategies against fraud. One example for that is the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation in the US, which aims on ensuring 1 2 3 E.g. A senior executive of a German company stole over one million Euro with this fraud method. In 2000 Enron initiated one of the biggest company scandals in the US while committing falsification of a balance sheet [Wik06b]. In 2004 WorldCom was involved in a stock market scandal while committing wrong entries of more than US$ 11 billion [Wik06c]. 2 1.1. Fraud and Fraud Detection the correctness of financial reports. It prescribes some methods of definitions and descriptions of business processes and their controlling systems [Wik06d]. A second example is the Australian Fraud and Corruption Standard which gives recommendations for fraud detection methodologies. The future trends in software development will produce more complex and automated systems. These new systems, however, will create new access points for perpetrating fraud because human checks will be removed more and more. Thus, variety and complexity of fraud is likely to increase in the future [MBCV06]. Fighting fraud is an issue to be dealt with and be carried out in three different ways: • Prevention • Real-time detection • Periodical analysis Today, in SAP’s software, to meet future requirements, prevention is implemented by segregating duties between roles. This means that different system authorizations enable separation into different groups and roles. For example it is possible to assign one HR employee to the role for creating employees and another one to the role for approving these employee creations. Real-time detection is not yet implemented, maybe it will be realized by one of the next FRODO∗ versions. At the moment, fraud detection is still a mostly manual task performed by auditors. They have the possibility to get support from the Audit Information System∗ , but this only helps with better reports and visualizations and not with an active detection of fraud patterns. Thus, responsible employees have difficulties in working with the big amount of data produced. In order to meet the demand for simple, effective and periodical or realtime fraud detection in existing and future SAP products, SAP Research proposes the research project called FRODO. The acronym FRODO stands for “Fraud Detection in Open and Heterogeneous Environments”. On the one hand, FRODO stands for a collaborative project with the Information Security Institute of Queensland University of Technology. The project has a cross-disciplinary approach which connects research in the branches of IT, business and law. On the other hand, FRODO is a Java Web application pro- 3 1.2. Motivation and Planned Work totype for fraud detection [Vay06]. This paper covers the technical side of the FRODO project and thus the word “FRODO” will be used in the meaning of the application prototype. 1.2 Motivation and Planned Work The strategy of SAP is aligned with the requirements expressed by its customers. At the moment, SAP’s approach is based on a Service-Oriented Architecture∗ (SOA) for its new software products. This requires new developments and new products for replacing the old R/3∗ systems. But the current prototype of FRODO works with data from SAP R/3 and is not up-to-date with the new strategy. Another weakness is that FRODO only covers a few fraud scenarios especially in the Supplier Relationship Management∗ (SRM). Thus, an SAP internal project called “Fraud Detection in SRM” between the department of AP/SRM and SAP Research was initiated. The work focused on two points (highlighted in figure 1.1). • Identification and prioritization of fraud scenarios in invoicing. • Feasibility study that clarifies if it is possible to detect fraud with data from services based on the new AP. In case of a positive result of the studies, a mediator between FRODO and the AP should be implemented. Figure 1.1: Scope of Project “Fraud Detection in SRM” 4 1.2. Motivation and Planned Work The project “Fraud Detection in SRM” can also be seen as a validation of the SAP’s Enterprise Service-Oriented Architecture4 (enterprise SOA)∗ , because FRODO should act as an external tool and should use AP services. Thus, many people pay a lot of attention to this project and therefore the outcome of the thesis will be a demonstration of the strengths and weaknesses of enterprise SOA. The scope of this diploma thesis is the technical part of the collaborative FRODO project between SAP Research and AP/SRM which demands for a feasibility study about accessing the data stored in AP. Thus, the question is how is it possible to connect FRODO with AP to develop an AP/A1S with fraud detection (figure 1.2). Figure 1.2: FRODO Objectives Depending on the outcome of the feasibility study, an implementation of a new version of FRODO may be required. This further development can be seen as a mediator between mySAP All-In-One/Service-Enabled∗ (A1S) and FRODO (see highlighted part in figure 1.1). Additionally, aspects like data volume, performance and software effort should be investigated. Therefore, different software solutions are required and a evaluation is demanded at the end of the work. 4 The term Enterprise Services Architecture (ESA) has been renamed as Enterprise Service Oriented Architecture or enterprise SOA. 5 1.3. Methodology 1.3 Methodology The work on the technology part of the project begins with searching and defining a reference scenario (section 2.1) which is used for developing different solutions and secures a representative test and validation phase. The next step is setting the fundamentals and the basics to understand the topic. Therefore an orientation on the topics FRODO itself (section 2.2), enterprise SOA (section 2.3), SAP NetWeaver∗ (section 2.3), SAP Business Intelligence∗ (BI) (section 2.4), and AP (section 2.5) is necessary. Afterwards, the research begins with the identification of strategies for accessing the relevant data of the application platform (section 3.2). Therefore, the usage of tools, like ARIS∗ and the Integration Builder∗ is necessary. These tools provide different views of the AP and its objects. Every strategy will be explored and validated in different investigation steps (section 3.3 and section 3.4). The most promising access strategies will be polished and implemented (section 4). To compare the different solutions (section 5.2), developing test scenarios is necessary to check the implementations. Also the comparison with the R/3 prototype is discussed (section 5.2). The work is concluded and some questions and recommendations are given after the validation phase. Also the future of the FRODO project is drafted with some words (chapter 6). A summary of the research results finishes the technical part of the project “Fraud Detection in SRM” (chapter 7). 6 CHAPTER 2 Basics and State-of-the-Art Setting up the fundamental knowledge about relevant technologies and products is the first step towards developing new strategies for collecting data from the AP. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the reference fraud scenario in detail as well as the functioning of FRODO. Additionally, it is required to know the basics about the technology environment which is given by SAP NetWeaver and the AP. 2.1 Reference Scenario for Fraud Detection The following financial fraud scenario will be used as a reference for the implementation and research work presented in this document. As the example is complex, three areas of business are touched. The first one is the Master Data Management∗ (MDM). It is responsible for the central management of master data, e.g. a vendor’s bank details. The other area involved is SRM. This sector contains details about planning and controlling relationships with vendors. One essential function is processing invoices of vendors. SRM offers the opportunity to verify and approve invoices and after that, sending them to the Financials∗ (FI) part of the system for payment. The following figures show events along two timelines, also called audit trails, one for the MDM and one for the SRM and FI areas5 together. Vertical arrows 5 For describing the scenario and for the work of FRODO it is not necessary to separate 7 2.1. Reference Scenario for Fraud Detection represent single actions of the process. In the SRM line, the approval actions on a received invoice are shown, including the FI conducted payment process. The state of the vendor’s bank details is obtained from MDM. The next diagram (figure 2.1) describes the normal situation when an invoice is received in the SRM. After a time for verifying and approving the invoice, the SRM system sends a payment request to FI. FI calls the MDM for retrieving the bank details of the supplier. Finally, the payment is triggered. Figure 2.1: Invoice Handling (based on [Vay06]) Figure 2.2 shows that an invoice was duplicated and paid twice. Figure 2.2: Invoice Handling with Duplicates (based on [Vay06]) Duplicating invoices is not yet an act of fraud, because duplicating is used as a regular operation for quickly setting up a recurring payment. An example the SRM and FI in two audit trails. 8 2.1. Reference Scenario for Fraud Detection scenario therefore is that a company receives screws for 10.000 Euro every month and the invoice arrives as a letter. Thus, duplicate an invoice is more efficient, instead of typing in all data every month. Another possibility is that invoices appear as duplicates due to an error. The pattern of Figure 2.3, however, is suspicious since at the moment of paying the second invoice the vendor’s bank details were in a transitory state, namely the bank details flapped. This is an indication that a third person is maybe trying to receive the money of the second payment on another account. Figure 2.3: Suspicious Pattern of Financial Fraud (based on [Vay06]) The analysis of the single audit trails of each system shows nothing suspicious. The MDM part looks like a mistake made while changing data was reverted after detection. In the SRM appears similar to the scenario described in figure 2.2. On closer examination of both trails with reference to the time, a possible fraud becomes evident, because the second invoice payment happened while the bank details were in a transitory state. Now the question is, if this scenario is possible, since SAP systems enforce a segregation of duties strategy. The ideal situation is that different employees work either with master data or in SRM but not in both. In big companies the strategy can be fulfilled and the employees who work with the MDM work center are other people than the ones working in SRM. The situation in smallsize companies, however, is a different one; namely, that one person has the 9 2.2. The FRODO Prototype for Fraud Detection in R/3 authorization to create and change master data and the very same person is also responsible for approving invoices. Collusion is another possible fraud scenario, as the two people involved can have different roles. 2.2 The FRODO Prototype for Fraud Detection in R/3 The two fundamental elements of FRODO are events and patterns. The events differentiate themselves in through audit trails couched base events and composite events. Figure 2.4 shows the structure and the function of FRODO. Figure 2.4: Structure and Function of FRODO [Vay06] The patterns are expressed in single rules by an user with expertise in financial auditing. The financial auditor has the possibility to create new patterns based on existing ones. These patterns describe a certain composition of base and composite events. The system administrator has to export log files from the different applications in the R/3 system, for example from SRM, MDM or Customer Relationship Management. By parsing the log files and tables, event 10 2.2. The FRODO Prototype for Fraud Detection in R/3 streams are created. Figure 2.5 is an example for the log file structure. Every log file line expresses one event on the audit trail. Figure 2.5: From Log File to Audit Trail [Vay06] Once all these event streams are in the same store, FRODO searches for matches for the patterns. If in the timelines a set of events matches a pattern, a composite event is created. As well as base events, this composite event can be analyzed with the help of the event visualization portal. The portal allows top-down investigations from general to precise. Thus, responsible people can investigate both the base events and the found composite events. [Vay06]. For a better understanding of the function of FRODO, explaining FRODO’s handling on the reference scenario is helpful. In the next figure (figure 2.6) the fraud scenario and the composite events are shown. The timeline symbolizes the event streams and every change in color stands for a single event (drawn as dashed circles). The fraud detection in the shown example uses three different patterns. The first one recognizes duplicate invoices and their payments. The second pattern creates a second composite event which shows that the bank details of a vendor were changed and reverted to the initial value after some time. The third composite event detects a possible fraud by combining composite events one and two. 11 2.2. The FRODO Prototype for Fraud Detection in R/3 Figure 2.6: FRODO’s Function with Composite Events (based on [Vay06]) The patterns for fraud detection are written in the cryptic looking Jena rules language. Listing 2.1 shows the rules for the composite event “BankDetailsFlapping” (composite event 2 in figure 2.6). Listing 2.1: Rules written in Jena Rules Language [Vay06] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ? e1 [ rdf:type → s a p : V e n d o r B a n k D e t a i l s C h a n g e d A c c o u n t i n g E v e n t ; sap:at → ? t1 ; sap:bankDetails → ? bd ; sap:clientID → ? client ; sap:vendor → ? vendor ] , ? e2 [ rdf:type → s a p : V e n d o r B a n k D e t a i l s C h a n g e d A c c o u n t i n g E v e n t ; sap:at → ? t2 ; sap:bankDetails → ? bdo ; sap:clientID → ? client ; sap:vendor → ? vendor ] , ? e3 [ rdf:type → s a p : V e n d o r B a n k D e t a i l s C h a n g e d A c c o u n t i n g E v e n t ; sap:at → ? t3 ; sap:bankDetails → ? bd ; sap:clientID → ? client ; sap:vendor → ? vendor ] , le (? t1 , ? t2 ) , le (? t2 , ? t3 ) , notEqual (? bd , ? bdo ) , makeTemp (? s ) → ? s [ rdf:type → s a p : B a n k D e t a i l s F l a p p i n g ; sap:firstFlap → ? e2 ; s ap: se co ndF la p → ? e3 ; sap:startTime → ? t2 ; sap:endTime → ? t3 ; sap:clientID → ? client ; sap:vendor → ? vendor ]; Colloquially, the rules are formed like the following example. 12 2.3. Realization of Service-Oriented Architecture at SAP: enterprise SOA Listing 2.2: Colloquial Rules [Vay06] IF two events of type V e n d o r B a n k D e t a i l s C h a n g e d { are related to the same vendor AND result in the second event reverting the bank details to the state it was before the first event } THEN create a new event of B a n k A c c o u n t F l i p p i n g E v e n t 2.3 Realization of Service-Oriented Architecture at SAP: enterprise SOA Eric A. Marks and Michael Bell claim that “Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a concept whose time has come” [BM06]. Primarily, SOA is a management concept and basically the idea of aiming at higher flexibility on enterprise IT infrastructure and lower the impact of change on the company. The concept follows the idea that IT infrastructure should be aligned with business processes. Processes should be composed with single functionality providing building blocks. This helps companies to react faster on business changes by replacing single building blocks of the process or restructuring the sequence of the blocks according to a business process. This requirement leads to the second meaning of SOA which defines the system architecture concept. It describes that professional services and functionalities have to be provided as single services. These services are applicable by standardized interfaces [Wik06e], they exist independently from each other, and consequently, the business functionalities are well-bounded. For the description of the structure and interfaces of the services, the Extensible Markup Language∗ (XML) standards are used. The communication between services is realized by messages based on a standard communication framework. Simply, a typical structure of SOA can be displayed with the following figure. 13 2.3. Realization of Service-Oriented Architecture at SAP: enterprise SOA Figure 2.7: Structure of SOA [Ebe04] The left hand side shows the service consumer’s request of functionality from the service provider on the right side. The consumer calls a service of the provider and may sends data as parameter of the request. After receiving the results, the consumer uses these for further working. The intermediary is optional and has different tasks. It can forward the original message or process and change the message before forwarding [Wol05]. The important thing is that consumer and provider communicate using service interfaces which are described and known to each party. Mostly these interfaces are described with Web Services Description Language∗ (WSDL) files6 . Now the question is why SOA is required. Business needs have evolved in another direction over the past few years. If a company wants to be successful, it has to be able to react quickly on business changes. With this ability, enterprises can differentiate themselves from their competitors. Additionally, the main goal of a company is to increase its productivity and saving money. As a task of IT management is to decrease the Total Costs of Ownership reusing already existing modules to compose and design new processes is of utmost importance. SAP meets this demand with a special implementation of SOA called the enterprise SOA. Enterprise SOA follows industry standards, such as XML and WSDL; thus, the architecture is open for customers and third parties. It 6 For further information see official 14 W3C website to WSDL 2.3. Realization of Service-Oriented Architecture at SAP: enterprise SOA follows the approach to start software development with modeling and going down to implementation. In enterprise SOA, a development process begins with specification and design through models and ends with code generation and implementation. Enterprise SOA is implemented in the Enterprise Service Infrastructure (ESI) in SAP NetWeaver and is used in application building on ESI. The further development of SAP NetWeaver as the Technology Platform (TP) and the AP is based on ESI completely7 . For a better understanding of the premises of the thesis, knowledge of the correlation between AP and TP is important. To simplify future software architecture of SAP will look like the following figure (figure 2.8). Figure 2.8: Correlation between Technology Platform and Application Platform [SAP06d] The term Business Process Platform or the abbreviation BPP is often used in different contexts in reference to AP and SAP NetWeaver. One opinion is that it is the further development of SAP NetWeaver including a possible extension by the AP [SAP06f]. Another thesis defines BPP as the combination of TP and AP [SAP06d]. However, the use of the term BPP is avoided in this thesis, because the meaning is not yet clear. 7 More details about the decisions for AP are written down in appendix A. 15 2.4. Business Intelligence and SAP Business Information Warehouse The TP is represented by SAP NetWeaver. NetWeaver was introduced as independent integration and application platform for heterogeneous landscapes. One task of SAP NetWeaver is to provide the communication layer for composite applications∗ . An important building block of the TP is the Enterprise Services Repository∗ (ESR) which contains entries about all services of the system as well as all models. ESR is the interface between SAP internal and external applications and can be seen as a library for reusable components. Among other things, it contains a list of available web services for internal and external use. Additionally, SAP NetWeaver harbored other SAP components, like the Enterprise Portal for instance. 2.4 Business Intelligence and SAP Business Information Warehouse One component of the TP SAP NetWeaver is BI. BI itself describes systems and processes for analysis of a company. It consists of three phases. The first one is the definition and inquiry of key data. This is realized with SAP Business Information Warehouse∗ (BW) which holds the data on his own database in a redundant way. Thus, it is possible to create a specific report for collecting data from BO instances. The second phase is the combination of the collected data. This is the task of Analytics∗ which provides pre-defined applications and the environment with SAP Visual Composer to create own analytic applications. In the third part the data have to communicate to the responsible people. This is the task of the SAP Enterprise Portal, which provide all required things to show the results in a UI [Wik06a]. BW is SAP’s product for Data Warehousing. Data Warehouses (DW) are responsible to collect and store information from different sources at a central point. Therefore, it is necessary to have a separate database. Thus, BW provides the definition and the merge of key data by holding this data in a redundant way. The sources can be operative SAP systems, other business systems or external data sources. The reporting is located on top of SAP BW. It is realized with reports or queries from the BW to format the data in different ways. A typical example for such an analysis is the exploration of an 16 2.4. Business Intelligence and SAP Business Information Warehouse inventory. With the analytical results the user can detect conspicuities and abnormalities and can decide for special actions. This decisions and actions are essential for a successful company [SAP04]. The general usage of a DW can be show in a simple picture (figure 2.9). Figure 2.9: Function of a Data Warehouse (based on [SAP04]) The possibilities of the BW can be summarized in the three points: • Combination of data from different sources • Overcoming of heterogeneous problems at different layers • Preparation of data in a user friendly way SAP BW consists of the two main components InfoObjects and InfoCubes. The InfoObjects represent the business evaluation objects and the InfoCubes are the data container. An InfoCube consists of data base tables which are connected via the so-called star schema. 17 2.5. Structure of the Application Platform 2.5 Structure of the Application Platform Since the AP structure is more interesting for the thesis purpose than TP and BPP, a more explicit explanation is inevitable. In general, the AP can be seen as a stock of predefined components. On the AP, the business logic and process logic is defined separately. AP consists of small separated building blocks. The smallest building blocks are the business logic representing BOs. AP implements all of the processes. Thus, the definition also is given, when which message has to be sent to whom. At the AP, the biggest abstract building blocks are the DUs. They build an abstract layer for flexible activation and deactivation of certain functional areas. DUs are executable independently on different systems and they contain one or more Process Components∗ (PCs), single BOs, engines or other components. PCs group BOs in business-relevant and meaningful units. PCs themselves are modeling entities which are reusable for process integration models and integration scenarios. One PC is always assigned to one DU only, not across DUs. BOs contain the business logic and implement the main service providers. Thus, they build the basic elements of business applications. BOs encapsulate semantically related data together with BO logic and rules. They are accessible through their service interface and are listed in the ESR. A BO can provide one or more service interfaces. SupplierInvoice or Supplier are examples for these uniquely identifiable business entities. SupplierInvoice for example belongs to the PC Supplier Invoicing Processing, which is part of the DU Supplier Invoicing. To understand the structure and the elements of the AP in detail, another view on AP is drawn in figure 2.10. 18 2.5. Structure of the Application Platform Figure 2.10: Structure of the AP (ESA - Big Picture) SAP NetWeaver delivers the technical infrastructure on which the AP is based. The dashed rectangle shows the two-layered AP. The Foundation Layer contains the reusable PCs that are accessible from all DUs. Furthermore, this layer includes master data, e.g. Supplier or Business Partner, and reusable service components, such as pricing, date or time. The foundation is part of every AP instance. In the application layer, the predefined processes can be found. All AP resources, like the BOs, are completely service enabled for UI, composition and process integration. For communicating with other services, the BOs provide one or more service interfaces. Here, service means service interfaces with their implementation offered by a concrete IT system. In other words, such a service interface has one or more service operations, which means that they can provide different functionalities. The service interfaces are callable locally from other components of one DU or via messages from outside the AP or other DUs. The services are differentiated in the different service types: • Core services∗ 19 2.5. Structure of the Application Platform • Compound services∗ • Enterprise services∗ Core services access the BO directly and are used for internal communication in DUs. They provide generic functions such as reading data or saving data. For example the BO SupplierInvoice implement the method Retrieve for getting data from a BO instance. These generics are grouped in interface patterns, e.g. Access or Query, with individually defined service interfaces. The compound services are web services using core services and are usually used for message-based process integration. These services secure the communication for Application to Application (A2A) and Business to Business (B2B) communication, because core services are unsuitable for this type of communication. For example SupplierInvoice provides a service interface called SupplierInvoiceProcessingInvoicingIn for creating new invoices. The group of enterprise services are compound services “used in the execution of a business process step which has a significant meaning and impact for the business of an enterprise” [XKS06, p. 12]. All of the provided compound and enterprise services are listed in the ESR and all service interfaces are described in that repository. The communication between the different BOs is direct, if they communicate with BOs of the same DU or of the Foundation Layer. Direct means, that the communication type is synchronous and two-way. With two-way communications, the caller waits for a response and is blocked while accessing. Otherwise, the communication works with messages as do BOs of different DUs when communicating with each other. This communication is asynchronous and only one-way. In order to consolidate the knowledge the reference scenario should be drawn as an integration scenario model out of the ARIS tool. This shows the involved PCs, their DUs and their relevant communication channels. The figure below (figure 2.11) shows the PCs involved in the reference example in the dashed area. The Supplier Invoice Processing is triggered after an invoice arrived either from Purchase Order Processing, from the Inbound Delivery Processing or from the Customer Invoice Processing at the supplier. This PC executes the verification and the approval of invoices. Afterwards, a Due Item Process- 20 2.5. Structure of the Application Platform ing can become necessary. During Payment Processing , the real payment is triggered. All of the PCs call the Accounting PC eventually. Figure 2.11: Integration Scenario Model of Reference Scenario The whole business logic is hidden in the PCs and their BOs and the call to master data for instance is not shown, because the Foundation Layer is called. This call will be executed using a Local Client Proxy∗ (LCP) directly in the coding. Only the process logic is shown in an abstract way by drawing the different communications between the relevant PCs. In conclusion, the business processes themselves are the user of the building blocks. They are controlled interplays between services and executions of 21 2.6. Summary services to achieve a predefined business result. They can interact across applications, thus AP deliver ultimate flexibility. Eric A. Marks and Michael Bell’s opinion is right and the time of SOA has come, because the needs of the customers require simple and efficient business process oriented IT landscapes. 2.6 Summary The based reference scenario for the research is a fraud scenario where MDM and SRM in connection with FI are involved. The SAP’s customers require for detecting such fraud scenarios, because in small enterprises the prevention concept segregation of duties can not be implemented in an easy way like in big companies. The FRODO project should cover this issue while working with patterns to detect specified event combinations. Such patterns are expressed with rules by people with financial expertise. The new prototype should work in the environment of the AP and the new version of SAP NetWeaver as the TP. The AP and the TP follows the implementation of SAP’s enterprise SOA. The first product working on top of the AP is A1S for mid-size companies. The AP itself consists of different hierarchical components. BOs are the smallest building blocks and can be capsulated in PCs and/or in DUs. The BOs provide their functionality as services which can be invoked in different ways depending on the location of the consumer. The communication between these services is realized with messages. Thus, the architecture provides many starting points for getting data out of the AP. 22 CHAPTER 3 Specification and Exploration of Possible Access Methods The aim of the feasibility study is identifying and exploring of strategies for collecting data from the AP. The data has to be accessible from the external software tool FRODO, because the approach of the FRODO project is to work side-by-side with the AP, and not as a part of it. Thus, the deployment of the FRODO prototype is similar to that of an Independent Software Vendor8 (ISV). At the beginning of the feasibility study, a strategy using the Process Integration Monitor (PIM) was investigated. This investigation is explained in the appendix B, because it became irrelevant for further work on the thesis, but it lead to other strategies. 3.1 Investigation Methodology While investigating the different strategies, a methodology became visible which allows dividing the theoretical part in single steps to extract suitable solutions. 8 ISVs are very important for SAP to build up an ecosystem to cover all costumer needs. The network is necessary, because SAP cannot fulfill all customer requirements. For that case, enterprise SOA enables partners to develop niche products. 23 3.1. Investigation Methodology The first step is to identify which relevant data exists (sources) and how this data can be accessed (access methods). Afterwards, all sources are systematically combined with the access methods and are investigated if accessing the data from outside is possible. The out-coming and suitable combinations are listed and explained shortly. Based on the list, classifying strategies in different groups is possible. These groups allow the validation of the first requirement. Changes on AP elements are not allowed. On the base of the first validation the other given requirements has to be investigated. The strategies must fulfill the following requirements: • Collected data has to provide information about changes in a BO instance and about its history. • The transferred data volume should be optimized and the performance should be acceptable. • The software effort should be acceptable in initial implementation, maintenance and administration. The last step is to verify if the strategy refers to the reference example. Finally, a decision has to be made which strategies should be implemented in order to test their practical behavior. Figure 3.1: Investigation Methodology 24 3.2. Components 3.2 Components According to the introduced methodology, identifying the data sources is necessary as well as the access methods. Therefore, becoming acquainted with the given AP and TP possibilities is inevitable. Afterwards, the data sources can be combined with the access methods and these combinations can be validated. 3.2.1 Sources Business Objects BOs are the basic elements of future business applications, because they contain the business logic and implement the service providers. BO means an object of the AP which holds and works on business data. In relation to the reference scenario the important BOs are SupplierInvoice and Supplier. The SupplierInvoice controls the payment obligation to pay the supplier for goods received or services rendered. The BO SupplierInvoice belongs to the PC Supplier Invoice Processing and the DU Supplier Invoicing [RWK06]. Supplier contains information to identify the business partner rather the supplier. The BO Supplier exists in the PC Business Partner Data Management which is located in the Foundation Layer of the AP [Str05]. Platform Change Documents A transaction is a record of changes done to a BO and is described by the time stamp, the user account and the data changed. Thus, these changes have to be logged for reproducing the change path and investigating the BO instance history. This requirement is covered by Platform Change Documents∗ [PKVC06]. The possibility to observe the changes is modeled and implemented as a Technical Object∗ (TecO), a special kind of a BO, with the name ChangeDocument. It exists directly in the Foundation Layer and does not belong to any DU. ChangeDocument provides the enterprise SOA core services Retrieve, RetrieveByAssociation and Queries to read Platform Change Documents. At the moment of current investigations, it implements only one compound service for XML archiving. 25 3.2. Components The creation of ChangeDocument items is called in a generic way during the “After Save” activities by the ESI framework. Thus, during the development of BOs no attention needs to be drawn on calling the TecO ChangeDocument to create Platform Change Documents. After ChangeDocument is called from the ESI, it uses the Retrieve and RetrieveByAssociation services to create before and after images of the changed BO instance. Hence, the BOs has to provide an implementation of the Retrieve and RetrieveByAssociation services, but additional code is not required [PKVC06]. A1S provides a UI for configuring the monitoring of BOs and their actions and displaying items. Therefore, mandatory and optional settings are available. For every changed element of a BO instance a change document line item is created, by which the possibility is offered to reproduce the history of a BO instance. The suitable data sources are the relevant BOs themselves, like Supplier and SupplierInvoice, and the TecO ChangeDocument, which provides information about data changes of BO instances. 3.2.2 Access Methods Core Services Core services are stateful and synchronous services that provide elementary service operations on BO nodes. They represent the atomic functionalities of the AP in a standardized way and wrap the business logic. As a consequence of their standardization, they are not modeled in the ESR. Core services are important for building up UIs, for example with Web Dynpro∗ , and enable the implementation of higher level A2A and B2B compound services. Examples for such core service operations are finding instances or reading and modifying instance data. These service operations are integrated in interface patterns, like the Access interface. This interface delivers the operations Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete. The operations and their parameters are derived from the BO node model and so generic core services can be offered. Thus, all BOs can be handled in the same way and this provides the possibility to build intelligent generic engines. Therefore, “Core services are generic and provide each business object node with something like its own toolbox” [FMW06, p. 18]. Apart from Access, three other important interface patterns exists: As- 26 3.2. Components sociation, Query and Action. Core services communicate only synchronously with each other [FMW06]. Data can be accessed from a BO instance by using core services in general. Usually, calls are realized by using a LCP and can look like the following ABAP∗ code example (listing 3.1). Listing 3.1: LCP Call of a BO Core Service in ABAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 CALL METHOD c l _ e s f _l c p _ f a c t o r y⇒ge t_ lc p_ fac ad e RECEIVING out_lcp_facade = lr_lcp_facade . ** get lcp CALL METHOD lr_lcp_facade→get_lcp EXPORTING in_bo_name = / srmap / i f _ f n d _ c o n s t a n t s _ b o⇒c_bo_po RECEIVING out_lcp = mr_lcp_po . CALL METHOD mr_lcp_po→retrieve EXPORTING in_bo_node_name = / srmap / i f _ f n d x _ p d _ t e m p l a t e⇒co_bo_node - root in_node_ids = lt_node_ids IMPORTING out_data = l t_po _roo t _ n o d e s . In the first step, the LCP facade is created by calling a function of a factory class (lines 1 - 3 in listing 3.1). This LCP facade provides a method to get a LCP (lines 5 - 9 in listing 3.1). Then, the LCP is used to access BO nodes with a retrieve action (lines 10 - 15 in listing 3.1). Therefore, the BO node name and the node IDs have to be transferred (lines 12 and 13 in listing 3.1). The outcome is a list of the called BO nodes which contain actual data of the BO instances (line 16 in listing 3.1). The other way is to access the core services using Generic Core Service Consumer Proxies∗ (GCP). This technology is also used by the UI of A1S. GCPs enable Java applications to call core services from outside the DU by using Remote Function Calls∗ (RFC) or SOAP∗ . For such calls the user, e.g. FRODO, needs authorizations for sending RFC or SOAP calls. Such a call looks like the following code example. 27 3.2. Components Listing 3.2: GCP Call of a BO Core Service 1 2 // Get c o n n e c t i o n ConnectionData connectionData = g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a () ; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 // Get a service facade inst a n c e e s t a b l i s h i n g a c o n n e c t i o n with a backend system IServiceFacade serviceFacade = null ; try { serviceFacade = S e r v i c e F a c a d e F a c t o r y . c r e a t e S e r v i c e F a c a d e ( connectionData , new Locale ( " en " ) ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace () ; } 11 12 13 // Load the C h a n g e D o c u m e n t BO model IBOModel model = serviceFacade . getBOModel ( ISalesOrder . ESR_NAME ) ; 14 15 16 // Create a query IQuery query = model . createQuery ( ISalesOrder . Root . ESR_NAME , ISalesOrder . Root . QU ERY_ HEAD ER_ ESR ) ; 17 18 19 // Execute Query query . execute () ; 20 21 22 // Get the results IBONode node = query . getResul tB O N o d e () ; 23 24 25 // Process input data dumpBONode ( node , IChangeDocume n t . Root . NAME + " : Only 5 records are returned " ) ; 26 27 28 // Close c o n n e c t i o n to the backend system serviceFacade . close () ; After connecting to the AP (lines 2 - 10 in listing 3.2), the relevant BO model is loaded (line 13 in listing 3.2). In this case it is the BO Model of ChangeDocument. Afterwards, a query is created and submitted to the AP system (lines 16 and 19 in listing 3.2). The query delivers data which can be processed in the next steps (lines 22 and 25 in listing 3.2). At the end, the connection to the backend system has to be closed (line 28 in listing 3.2). Compound Services Core services are too finely grained to be used directly for A2A or B2B communication. Compound services are implemented individually for each BO and enable A2A and B2B interfaces to access only the needed attributes and actions. Thus, they are driven by the process needs and the access is limited in data unlike the core services. Usually, compound services are not reusable 28 3.2. Components services. Therefore, they are not limited at one BO, but may combine calls to any number of BOs. In detail, they are the “implementation of the service interfaces, the definition of the interface in the ESR and the corresponding service configuration in the system providing the service” [SAP06e, p. 6]. Compound services are implemented by using core services to access and modify the business object instances. The compound service interfaces are modeled in ESR and provide synchronous or asynchronous communication between service consumer and provider. The services can be invoked from SAP and Non-SAP application code. Figure 3.2 shows the context between core and compound services [FMW06]. Figure 3.2: Services of a BO (based on [SAP06c]) The diagram (figure 3.2) shows that the compound services are the interface to the PC’s external world. Other PCs from other DUs, composite applications and a B2B Partner can access the business logic via the compound services only. That compound services work internally by using core services becomes visible. Thus, the separation is clear, a compound service is never a core service and vice versa. In general, using compound services is possible to collect BO data from external tools. For using the compound services, service consumer proxy classes need to 29 3.2. Components be generated. Such a class provides one callable method for every operation. To develop a compound service, a service interface has to be modeled in the ESR. Afterwards, a service provider in ABAP has to be generated. Only then the BO can be accessed with LCPs. For the usage with Java, a client has to be created for the service provider via WSDL. SAP Business Information Warehouse BW is one part of SAP BI and builds up the DW of SAP. BW collects and stores information from different sources in one central point. Figure 3.3: FRODO on Top of BW Firstly, a suitable InfoCube is inevitable, either by using an existing one or implementing a new one to ensure that the relevant data exists in the BW database. The next step is the access to this data by the FRODO mediator (see figure 3.3). Data access is possible in three different ways. The first one is to copy the needed data to FRODO’s limited data storage with the BW interface Open Hub service. Therefore, a Open Hub destination has to be created in the BI system. The second strategy is to implement the mediator of FRODO as an analysis tool. This means that the mediator directly accesses the tables on the 30 3.2. Components database. The third way is the usage of XML for Analysis∗ (XML/A). The Multidimensional Expressions∗ (MDX) processor of the BI system provides a usable basis for the XML/A interface. By using XML/A, the implementation is very simple. Only a SOAP request has to be sent to the BI and a XML file with the results can be received. The request can be designed with queries written in MDX. Such a MDX statement is similar to the Structured Query Language (SQL) and consists of SELECT, FROM and WHERE parts (see figure 3.4). Figure 3.4: MDX Example [SAP06a] The SELECT definition looks a little bit different to a SQL statement, because it is divided in ON COLUMNS and ON ROWS. With this statements the axes can be defined. FROM and WHERE are equal to SQL; namely with FROM the InfoCube is selected and with WHERE some filters are configured. In figure 3.4 is shown, that the columns profit, document number and open orders are selected with the specification of ON COLUMNS. These details are shown for different locations which is specified with ON ROWS. The source is a InfoCube with the name OD SD C03/SAP DEMO OLEDB. The data is limited on time January and on location US with the WHERE statement. 31 3.2. Components Own FRODO Business Object A possible solution is the development of an own BO for FRODO, the task of which is to access other BOs. After collecting the data, handling can happen in two ways. On the one hand, the BO only combines the collected data and provides it to an external application via the in-built compound service. On the other hand, the BO can also analyze the data itself and present the results in its own UI. The development of an own BO, however, is time-consuming and the management effort is huge, because changes at the AP need to be approved by the Process Integration Content (PIC) Council9 for the development. Accessing the data sources is feasible by using core and compound services, as well as using BW or an own BO for FRODO. Matrix To connect data sources with the access methods the different possibilities are combined with each other (step two of the introduced methodology). The combinations are drawn in table 3.1 and the entries refer to the solution list in chapter 3.3.1. BO ChangeDocument Core service Compound service BW 1. 5. 2. 6. 3. 7. Own FRODO BO 4. 8. Table 3.1: Evaluation of Solutions 9 The PIC Council is the round table of integration experts from all development units. Their tasks are design of semantically correct interfaces and data types, ensuring international standard, encouraging reuse of data types, establishing SAP-wide consolidation and improving the Integration Guidelines [SAP06b]. 32 3.3. Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them 3.3 Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them Referring to the methodology, clearly defining all strategies, resulted from the combination of data sources and access methods, and explaining them in a short way is inevitable. Afterwards, the concrete strategies can be ordered in different groups. 3.3.1 List of Possible Strategies Bearing in mind general combinations, strategies can easily be defined. 1. Accessing BOs through their core services Firstly, accessing the BOs via their core services is possible. Therefore, GCPs can be used. The data can be queried by the interface pattern Query and the received information can be provided FRODO in structured files. In relation to the reference scenario the BOs SupplierInvoice and Supplier have to be accessed for instance. 2. Accessing BOs through their compound services Accessing the relevant BO can happen using its given compound services. Afterwards, working on the received data needs to be done, to filter out the relevant information, if the information is available. In relation to the reference scenario, using existing compound services is necessary, e.g. from both SupplierInvoice and Supplier BO. 3. Accessing BO data over BW Accessing the BW database to get the data of a BO instance and executing the analysis on this data is another option. For accessing this data, BW provides three possibilities: XML/A, Open Hub or direct access to database tables. Additionally, a generic solution is possible as well. This solution works with an interface layer between FRODO and BW and aims on a very generic approach with a regard to a future scope. However, the implementation effort is too huge for this thesis. Thus, the 33 3.3. Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them solution is not investigated but explained in appendix C in more detail. 4. Collecting BO data with an own FRODO BO One strategy is to develop a special BO for FRODO which accesses the relevant BOs over their core services. The FRODO BO itself can only merge the data and provide it to the analysis part of FRODO outside (solution 4a) with a compound service; or the BO executes the analysis itself and provides the results to a UI which is part of A1S (solution 4b). 5. Accessing ChangeDocument via core services One way to access the BO ChangeDocument can be to use its core services. Therefore, the use of GCPs is possible. With that it is possible to query relevant data with the use of suitable interface patterns, e.g. Query. Afterwards, the data can be provided in structured files. 6. Accessing ChangeDocument via compound service From outside, ChangeDocument can be accessed in two different ways; one is to use the existing compound service for archiving and analyze the out-coming XML file. The other one is to request a general compound service for the TecO ChangeDocument or implement one. At the moment of research, in SAP architecture departments, the additional compound service is discussed. 7. Accessing ChangeDocument data via BW Accessing the BW database is another possibility to get the data of ChangeDocument and execute the analysis on that data. Therefore, the access possibilities are using XML/A, Open Hub service or accessing the database tables directly. 8. Accessing ChangeDocument via FRODO BO Developing a special BO for FRODO for accessing the data from the TecO ChangeDocument is also an option. The created BO uses the core services of the ChangeDocument and forwards it either to the external FRODO tool (solution 8a) or executes the analysis by itself and provides the results to an UI which is part of A1S (solution 8b). These variants are like solutions 4a and 4b. 34 3.3. Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them Figure 3.5 shows all solutions to access the needed data. Figure 3.5: Strategy Overview 3.3.2 Classification FRODO takes in the role of an ISV product. ISVs should not be able to change the AP. Additionally, the effort of receiving approval for a development on AP from the PIC Council bears no relation to its use. According to the based methodology, the identified solutions can be classified in three different groups. For reason of simplicity, the TecO ChangeDocument is not drawn separately in the next diagrams and can therefore be regarded as a BO like the other BOs, e.g. SupplierInvoice. The first class describes solutions which only use existing services and components of the TP or the AP. At the AP level the BOs provide core and compound 35 3.3. Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them services to allow access to some of their data and BW provides the access to data for external applications on the TP site (see figure 3.6). Figure 3.6: FRODO as a Completely External Solution For the first class strategy one and two can be applied, namely accessing BOs with their core or compound services, as well as solution three, the usage of BW which provides the data of the BOs. In this category is also the access of ChangeDocument using core and compound services (solutions five and six) and the access of ChangeDocument by using BW (solution seven). Class two contains external solutions with an individual component inside the AP. The component at the AP is typically a BO. The function of the BO depends on the strategy (see figure 3.7). Category two contains the solutions 4a and 8a, both of them using a FRODO BO to access either BOs or ChangeDocument. After merging the data, these solutions forward the data to the external FRODO tool to analyze the data and to display the results over the tool’s own UI. 36 3.3. Identifying Concrete Strategies and Classifying them Figure 3.7: FRODO with Components Inside the AP The third class describes completely new solutions. Figure 3.8: FRODO as an Element of AP/A1S They consist of a BO at the AP and an element in A1S. Thus, the detection 37 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions logic is implemented in the BO and the old FRODO prototype is not used anymore. Here, the results are displayed over the UI component in A1S. Solutions 4b and 8b belong to class three. Strategies 4b and 8b use the FRODO BO to analyze the data from the BOs and show the results in their own UI located in A1S. The mentioned solutions are working without any external application and consequently, the old FRODO prototype stands outside with no functions relating to the AP. According to the first requirement, claiming no changes on SAP internal developments, only the solutions of class one are possible. Thus, the more detailed investigations target on the solutions using core and compound services or BW either on BOs or on ChangeDocument in concordance to the other requirements. 3.4 Ranking of Possible Solutions Step three of the investigation methodology ranks the possible strategies based on three features. • Firstly, the collected data must provide information about changes of the BO instance. Important information is for instance the responsible user and the time of change. The reference scenario requires for collecting information about the times of changing bank details and the person who did the changes in the master data. • Secondly, transferred data volume and performance should be in an acceptable range. FRODO’s current approach is to serve as a tool for periodical analysis. Thus, the data volume is huge after a few weeks or months, whereas a productive system’s data volume needs to be held as small as possible. • A third criterion should be the software effort. The effort can be regarded from three different views. One is the initial effort to implement a running solution. The second view is investigating maintenance costs while the software is running. These costs consider the effort if the product needs 38 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions bug-fixing or if the solution is used with other platforms or other data sources. The last point of view should be the administration. FRODO should quickly be working with new scenarios without much additional effort. The in the last investigation (see chapter 3.3.2) identified solution should be evaluated in tables. Every criterion is evaluated by symbols shown in the following table. Evaluation Meaning Criterion is Criterion is Criterion is Criterion is dissatisfying acceptable fulfilled in a good way not appreciable and needs evaluation in a practical test Table 3.2: Meaning of the Evaluation Symbols Accessing BOs Using their Core Services Core services are not useful for FRODO’s approach, because they only return the current state of the BO instance but no information about changes and history. Data volume and performance are in an optimal range, because with the Query interface pattern only required data can be requested. The initial implementation effort is in an average range. On the one hand, core services are called and so only the mediator has to be implemented, but on the other hand, FRODO needs authorization to call the BO’s core services. This requires for every fraud scenario a huge effort in maintaining the authorization for a special FRODO user. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table 3.3: Evaluation of Accessing BO Data Using Core Services 39 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions Accessing BOs over their core services fulfills the criteria in an average to a dissatisfying way. Thus, this solution is not useful for the new FRODO prototype. Accessing BOs Using their Given Compound Services Compound services of BOs are not applicable because they are based on core services and core services only return the current state of the BO instance but no information about changes and history. The data volume and the performance have to be verified in a practical implementation, because in case of given compound services the response might have too much overhead. In this case overhead means useless data for fraud detection. Thus, the compound services of the single BOs are only usable to a limited extent. The initial implementation effort should be small because only existing services can be used and so only the mediator has to be implemented. The maintenance effort is acceptable but the administration effort is huge, since every new fraud scenario requires new compound services to be searched and the software has to be modified for the new data sources. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table 3.4: Evaluation of Accessing BO Data Using Compound Services This solution fulfills the criteria in a dissatisfying way. Thus, this solution is not usable for accessing data from the AP for providing it to the FRODO tool. Accessing the BO Data Using BW For collecting history data of a BO instance from outside the AP, three access methods provided by BW are possible. The differences are in performance, transferred data volume and software effort. • The first strategy with XML/A depends on the quantity of needed data. 40 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions If the volume is small, the strategy is good, because data is available in XML format. However, if the volume becomes bigger it is not the best solution. The reason is the property of XML files, because the overhead multiplier of such a file can be between 10 and 1,000 compared to the needed data. By using XML/A, the implementation is very simple. Thus, the initial software effort is small for this solution, because the program has to create the SOAP request only and has to parse the received XML file. For new scenarios new BW sources have to be searched and new MDX queries have to be written. Thus, maintenance and administration effort is minimal. • The second strategy using the BI Open Hub service is acceptable, because transferred volume and performance is average. Using this variant, FRODO has more or less its own DW. This may grow with the further developments on project FRODO if FRODO is going to be used with other data sources from other vendors. The initial effort is acceptable since an Open Hub destination has to be created in the BW for every data source. Therefore, for every new scenario the relevant BW database tables have to be identified. The Open Hub service provides all technical background and hence implementation is very simple with further maintenance and administration expenses in an acceptable range. • The last solution, namely direct access to the BW database tables, provides the best value in transferred data volume and performance. There is no effort with FRODO special data mining. The BW might have to be configured to have the relevant data in the BW database. The initial software effort is acceptable, because access methods for the different data sources have to be implemented. For every new scenario on the other hand, relevant data has to be searched in the BW and new access methods have to be implemented. Thus, the maintenance and administrative effort is huge and not acceptable. The most promising solution in this strategy area is accessing BW via the XML/A interface, because it is very simple to implement. The other solutions are applicable for FRODO but require for more implementation effort. 41 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions Requirement Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation XML/A Open direct Hub access Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Table 3.5: Evaluation of Accessing Data Using SAP BW on BO Data Accessing ChangeDocument via Core Services Using core services for accessing the TecO ChangeDocument is another option. ChangeDocument provides, like all BOs, some interface patterns, like Query. Query enables applications to query relevant data from different BO instances. Thus, data volume and performance are optimal. The task of ChangeDocuments is to store and provide information about the history of several BO instances. The usage of the TecO ChangeDocument is exactly the strategy which completely targets at the approach of the FRODO project. The implementation is simple, because only a query has to be submitted from a Java application. For different scenarios only different queries have to be submitted and the receiving data should be presented in structured files. Thus, maintenance and administration requires only for a few effort, because only the Java application is the point where new requirements regarding to new scenarios and new data sources have to be fulfilled. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table 3.6: Evaluation of Accessing ChangeDocument Using Core Services This solution is a very promising one, because the AP is not affected by changes. The implementation will happens only at the FRODO site. 42 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions Accessing ChangeDocument Using a Compound Service The solution of implementation using a compound service is another good strategy in the field of using the TecO ChangeDocument. The requirements information about changes and history, data volume, and performance are fulfilled in the best way. The existing compound service for XML archiving cannot be used for the FRODO approach, because it is not accessible from outside. The service is an outbound interface and so it is only triggered directly from the BO and not from outside. Thus, the creation of an additional compound service should be discussed. The discussion handles topics like the missing security concept for such a compound service. Other development teams are also interested in having such a service to access ChangeDocument data from outside of the AP. For the new compound service the software effort is huge, because it has to be encroach upon the AP. For the new compound service a new service interface has to be modeled in the ESR and the underlie service provider has to be implemented. For new scenarios, the filter for received data has to be modified only. As a consequence, maintenance and administration is minimal. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table 3.7: Evaluation of Accessing ChangeDocument Using Compound Services This solution is also useful, but about the use of the new compound service, the PIC Council has to decide. At the moment, some security compunctions are left about accessing the TecO ChangeDocument from outside. The solution is an exception regarding to the first requirement which claims for no changes on the AP, because ChangeDocument is especially developed for storing history data of BO instances and very useful for FRODO. The new compound service would be an additional component and the development would be controlled by the developer of ChangeDocument. 43 3.4. Ranking of Possible Solutions Accessing ChangeDocument Data via BW Accessing the data of ChangeDocument from outside the AP is also possible with BW, but for ChangeDocument a new InfoCube has to be developed. Developing an InfoCube requires huge effort in management and development. Thus, the initial implementation effort is very huge. Maintenance and administration, however, would be in an acceptable range, because only the filter in FRODO has to be customized for new scenarios. Afterwards, all three BW access methods can be used. • The XML/A solution might have too much overhead, depending on the data volume. • Using the Open Hub solution is acceptable, but with this solution FRODO has more or less its own DW. • Direct access is the most promising access method in this area, because it is the fastest and most optimal in data volume. Requirement Evaluation Evaluation Evaluation XML/A Open direct Hub access Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Table 3.8: Evaluation of Accessing Data Using SAP BW on ChangeDocument Data In this strategy area all solutions are acceptable, but the initial effort to develop an own InfoCube for ChangeDocument is too huge and the ratio between effort and use are not within acceptable parameters. 44 3.5. Conclusion 3.5 Conclusion In the following table (table 3.9) the outcome of the previous investigations should be summarized. According to the investigation methodology, some solutions are selected for implementation. Strategy Information about changes and history Data volume & performance Software effort Usable for FRODO BW BOs Core service Compound service XML/A Open Hub Direct access BW TecO Change Document Core service Compound service XML/A Open Hub Direct access Table 3.9: Summary of all Strategies After consolidating the research results, the implementation effort will focus on the strategy to using the core services of the TecO ChangeDocument. Additionally, the possibility for accessing BW using the XML/A interface should be investigated in more detail. The BW solution focuses only on accessing BOs, because the development of a new InfoCube for ChangeDocument requires too much effort. 45 CHAPTER 4 Implementation of Solutions The two most promising solutions now need to be implemented and evaluated according to the following steps. The strategies are: • Access the TecO ChangeDocument by using its core services • Receiving BW data of BOs using XML/A Each solution is implemented separately and the development follows the “Waterfall Model” of software engineering as shown in figure 4.1. Figure 4.1: Waterfall Model for Development The specification and analysis phases were performed in the previous chapters (dashed rectangles in figure 4.1), because they are very similar for all the strategies. Thus, for every strategy, design, implementation and testing have to be 46 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services investigated (rectangles in figure 4.1). In the design phase, the access method is made more concrete from a programmer’s perspective. The implementation is the coding of the solution; highlights are described in detail. Afterwards, the software has to be tested for correctness. 4.1 Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services Using core services of ChangeDocument is one implementation for accessing data of BO instances. The software is designed in a theoretical way first. Afterwards, the design is implemented and finally, the software is tested. 4.1.1 Design For understanding how this approach solves the problem, it should be presented in the big picture of the AP architecture. Figure 4.2: Implementation of GCP in the Big Picture 47 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services The high-level overview of the software solution is drafted with a program sequence diagram in figure 4.3. Figure 4.3: Program Sequence Diagram for Accessing ChangeDocument Using GCP The access to the TecO ChangeDocument requires a connection to the backend system. Therefore, a central point should be available, where the connection can be configured. A property file is adequate for that and should contain data about: • Connection data service • Host name • System group • System name • Client 48 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services • User language • User name • Password With this data the connection can be set up and the first step is completed. Retrieving the right data should be realized with queries. After creating the query for getting the relevant data, the query is sent to the backend system. The client side is now able to receive the requested data. The received data should be converted into a Resource Description Framework∗ (RDF) file. These RDF files enable the current FRODO prototype to analyze the data and detect fraud. 4.1.2 Implementation The outcome of the design phase is implemented in Java by using the Integrated Development Environment (IDE) SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio10 . The code is written according to the ESF Java Client example11 . For running the code beside the APIs provided by the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.5, the following JAR files are required. These are provided in the folders of the ESF Java Client example. cache.jar esf.base.metadata api.jar api.jar esf.base.rpe.jar api.jar esf.client.gcp api.jar api.jar esf.client.gcp core.api esf.client.smp.jar api.jar esi.metadata api.jar esf.base.cds api.jar esi.metadata core.api esf.base.edo api.jar logging.jar esf.base.internal.jar sapjco.api The connection is realized by the connection data service provided by the 10 11 SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is based on Eclipse and is extended with functionality according to SAP’s technologies and development guidelines. Information and Sample code available at SAP BIS ( 49 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services ESF client metadata API. The connection parameters are configured with a property file like the following listing 4.1. Listing 4.1: Structure of Connection Property File for Using GCP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 cds . channel = JCO mshost = ldcias1 . wdf . sap . corp group = PUBLIC r3name = AS1 client =100 lang = EN USER = HERZBERGNI PASSWD = thesis In detail the connection set up looks like the following code. After getting a connection data service from a factory, the service can be used to retrieve generic connection data (lines 2 and 3 in listing 4.2). These generic data are updated with the specific parameters from the property file (line 8 in listing 4.2). With that connection data a service facade can be instantiated and the connection is set up (lines 11 - 16 in listing 4.2). Before building up the query, a BO model has to be instantiated by using the service facade (line 19 in listing 4.2). Listing 4.2: Connection to the AP 1 2 3 // Get C o n n e c t i o n Data Service and generic C o n n e c t i o n Data I C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e cds = C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e F a c t o r y . g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e () ; ConnectionData cd = cds . ge t Co n n e c t i o n D a t a ( Co nn ec tio nD at a . channelGeneric , ConnectionData . typeGeneric ) ; 4 5 ... 6 7 8 // Add p r o p e r t i e s to the generic C o n n e c t i o n Data cd . putAll ( props ) ; 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 // Get a service facade inst a n c e e s t a b l i s h i n g a c o n n e c t i o n with a backend system IServiceFacade serviceFacade = null ; try { serviceFacade = S e r v i c e F a c a d e F a c t o r y . c r e a t e S e r v i c e F a c a d e ( cd , new Locale ( " en " )); } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace () ; } 17 18 // Load the C h a n g e D o c u m e n t BO model 50 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services 19 IBOModel model = serviceFacade . getBOModel ( ISalesOrder . ESR_NAME ) ; For instantiating a BO model, an interface of the BO has to be generated. This can be realized with a Java application called BODescriptionGenerator. The application is included in the sample project “esf.sample” provided in the SAP Basis Information System (BIS). The interface describes the structure of the BO model. The following figure shows a section of one of the interfaces, the whole code can be found in appendix D. In this case, the interface is shown in listing 4.3. Listing 4.3: Section from BO Model Interface 1 2 3 4 public interface IChangeDocum en t { String NAMESPACE = " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ; String NAME = " ChangeDocumen t " ; IESRName ESR_NAME = ESRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " Ch an ge Do cum en t " , " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ) ; 5 // BO Node C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m interface C h a n g e Do c u m e n t I t e m { String NAME = " ChangeDocumentItem "; IESRName ESR_NAME = ESRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m " , " " ) ; ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 } Afterwards, the query can be created and configured (lines 2 - 7 in listing 4.4). The query is of the type IQuery and can be specified with methods like createSelectOption() (lines 6 and 7 in listing 4.4). Relevant attributes can be identified with the BO browser delivered in the software project “esf.samples”. After submitting the query with the method execute() (line 10 in listing 4.4), the received data is handled (line 12 in listing 4.4). Listing 4.4: Code for Query Creation and Data Receiving 1 2 3 4 5 6 // Create a query IQuery query = model . createQuery ( I Ch a n g e D o c um e n t . Root . ESR_NAME . getFullName () , IChangeDocument . Root . Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D ) ; // Limit the number of results query . s e t M a x i m u m R e s u l t E l e m e n t s (5) ; // Set query options query . c r e a t e S e l ec t O p t i o n ( " Obje ct Typ eC od e " , ISelectOption . Operator . EQUAL , " 00001 " , null ) ; 51 4.1. Accessing the TecO ChangeDocument by Using its Core Services 7 query . c r e a t e S e l ec t O p t i o n ( " ObjectId " , ISelectOption . Operator . EQUAL , " 00001 " , null ) ; 8 9 10 11 12 // Execute Query query . execute () ; // Get the results IBONode node = query . getResul tB O N o d e () ; In the implemented example, the received data is simply printed out to the Java console. The whole software code is attached in appendix D. 4.1.3 Test In the test scenario, retrieving some ChangeDocument data from a BO should be possible, namely the data for the BO SupplierInvoice should be queried. Due to the fact that the author has no authorization to access the development systems and the sandbox systems do not provide real data of BO instances, the execution of the software results that no data is available. Among other things this causes in the fact that the TecO ChangeDocument is still in development. The GCP implementation, however, is correct because the implementation works with another BO, namely the BO SalesOrder. The response from the system looks like the text in the following listing (listing 4.5). Listing 4.5: Response to SalesOrder Query Root: Only 5 records are returned ID: 5000000675 TypeCode: SO Po stin gDat eTi me: null S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t i v e D a t a $ C r e a t i o n D a t a T i m e : 2006 -04 -27 06 :20:34 .0 S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t i v e D a t a $ C r e a t i o n S y s t e m A c c o u n t U s e r I D : T . P . KUMAR S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t i v e D a t a $ L a s t C h a n g e D a t e T i m e : 2006 -06 -13 12 :30:09 .0 S y s t e m A d m i n i s t r a t i v e D a t a $ L a s t C h a n g e S y s t e m A c c o u n t U s e r I D : DEYS SellerParty $ SellerID: 5 BuyerParty $ BuyerID: 6 Incoterms $ C l a s s i f i c a t i o n C o d e C o n t e n t : TES Incoterms $ T r a n s f e r L o c a t i o n N a m e : null T ot al G ro s sA mo u nt : null TotalNetAmount: null TotalTaxAmount: null CurrencyCode: EUR P u r c h a s e O r d e r P o s t i n g D a t e T i m e : null 52 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis P u r c h a s e O r d e r R e f e r e n c e I D : null Status $ A v a i l a b l e T o P r o m i s e C o n f i r m a t i o n S t a t u s C o d e : 1 Status $ A c c e p t a n c e S t a t u s C o d e : 1 Status $ I n v o i c i n g C o m p l e t i o n S t a t u s C o d e : 1 Status $ A r c h i v i n g S t a t u s C o d e : 1 Status $ L i f e C y c l e S t a t u s C o d e : null ... 4.2 Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis Accessing data of BW is possible with the use of the MDX processor given by the BI system. After the design phase the ideas are implemented in Java and tested with a test scenario. 4.2.1 Design The usage of the MDX processor interface XML/A of the BI system is simple. Firstly, a SOAP request has to be created. This request contains property data, e.g. for formatting, and the MDX query. The MDX statement is the main point in the SOAP request. The MDX query enables the software to query the relevant data from an InfoProvider, e.g. an InfoCube. Afterwards, the connection to the MDX processor has to be built up. This is realized with a property file where the following data is configured: • Host • Port • Client • User • Password The request has to be sent to the MDX processor. The response of the backend system is also in the SOAP format. The relevant data is provided in a struc- 53 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis tured form in XML in the SOAP body. This XML data has to be extracted and converted to a RDF file. The current FRODO prototype can use the RDF file for analyzing and detecting fraud. The use of this technology for the approach of the FRODO project is drawn in figure 4.4. Figure 4.4: Program Sequence Diagram for XML/A Solution To arrange this solution in the right way, the following figure should highlight the involved components. 54 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis Figure 4.5: XML/A Solution in the Big Picture 4.2.2 Implementation For the implementation of the design requirements the IDE SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio is used as well for writing Java code. In this case, JDK 1.5 provides all the APIs required. To follow the program sequence, given in the design phase, a SOAP request is built up. This is done by string concatenations, because no WSDL is available. Only an example of a SOAP Request is provided by documentations. In this string, the MDX statement is included. The SOAP request looks like the following code (listing 4.6). Listing 4.6: SOAP Request to BI System 1 2 3 4 5 < SOAP - ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP - ENV = ’ http: // schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / envelope / ’ SOAP - E NV : en co d in g St yl e = ’ http: // schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / encoding / ’ > < SOAP - ENV:Body > < Execute xmlns = ’ urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml - analysis ’ SOAP E NV :e n co d in gS t yl e = ’ http: // schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / encoding / ’ > < Command > < Statement > 55 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 select [ Measures ]. members on columns , non empty [0 VC_COUN ]. levels (1) . members * [0 VC_REG ]. levels (1) . members dimension properties member_name , m emb er _c apt io n on rows from [$0 BWVC_C03 ] where ([0 FISCYEAR ].[ K41999 ]) </ Statement > </ Command > < Properties > < PropertyList > < DataSourceInfo > default </ D at aS our ce In fo > < Catalog > Foodmart 2000 </ Catalog > < Format > Tabular </ Format > < R e t u r n C e l l P r o p e r t i e s > true </ R e t u r n C e l l P r o p e r t i e s > < AxisFormat > TupleFormat </ AxisFormat > < Content > SchemaData </ Content > </ PropertyList > </ Properties > </ Execute > </ SOAP - ENV:Body > </ SOAP - ENV:Envelope > Line six in listing 4.6 shows the MDX statement. The whole part where some properties (lines 9 - 18 in listing 4.6) are set is not changeable by variables in the program, only the fixed string can be changed. After creating the SOAP request, the connection to the BI system is created. Therefore, the URLConnection of the package is used (lines 1 - 16 in listing 4.8). The parameters of the connection are written down in a property file like the following code (listing 4.7). Listing 4.7: Property File for Connection to a BI System 1 2 3 4 5 host = ldcia1y . wdf . sap . corp port =50085 client =100 user = DISPLAY passwd = SHOWME Listing 4.8: Connection and Data Sending in XML/A solution 1 URL url = new URL ( readproperti es ( " c o n n e c t i o n S t r i n g " ) ) ; 2 3 4 // Set up the c o n n e c t i o n URLConnection conn = url . ope nC on ne cti on () ; 5 6 7 8 // Add user conn . s e t R e q u e s t P ro p e r t y ( " sap - user " , re ad pr ope rt ie s ( " user " ) ) ; // Add password 56 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis 9 10 11 conn . s e t R e q u e s t P ro p e r t y ( " sap - password " , re ad pro pe rt ies ( " password " ) ) ; // Add property Accept - Encodi n g conn . s e t R e q u e s t P ro p e r t y ( " Accept - Encoding " ," gzip , compress " ) ; 12 13 14 15 16 // C o n n e c t i o n requires output conn . setDoOutput ( true ) ; // Connect to the URL conn . connect () ; 17 18 19 20 21 22 // Define O u t p u t S t r e a m O u t p u t S tr e a m W r i t e r wr = new O u t p u t S t r e a m W r i t e r ( conn . g e t O u t p ut S t r e a m () ) ; // Send SOAP request to the server wr . write ( data ) ; wr . flush () ; 23 24 25 // Get response BufferedReader rd = new Buffer edR ea de r ( new I n p u t S t r e a m R e a d e r ( conn . getInputStream () ) ) ; Additionally, setting the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) header line “Accept-Encoding” to “gzip, compress” (line 11 in listing 4.8) in the connection configuration is recommended since some SAP systems are configured to send out compressed data. However, if this is not allowed they deliver a message that the host is replaced temporarily (HTTP error code 302) and the real error message, which expresses the missing HTTP header, is hidden. Thus, the host is not reachable and the connection failed. After the connection, the data is sent with OutputStreamWriter (line 21 in listing 4.8) and the response is received with the help of an InputStreamReader (line 25 in listing 4.8). In the example, the received data is printed out on the Java console. 4.2.3 Test In the test scenario, information about invoices should be available. Again, due to the fact that the author has no authorization to access a productive system and the sandbox systems do not provide real data about invoices, the execution of the software received only SOAP requests with an empty data part. Yet, the implementation still works with other systems and other MDX state- 57 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis ments, namely the QB8 system with a MDX query for sales data. The response shows that also a XML Schema Definition (XSD) is delivered which describes the XML structure of the reference data (lines 7 - 33 in listing 4.10). In the section at the bottom the real data exists (lines 34 - 36 in listing 4.10). This data are structured in XML and the data record for Australia for instance looks clearly arranged like the following listing 4.9. Listing 4.9: Reference Data Structured in XML 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 < row > < C000000 > AUS </ C000000 > < C000001 > Australia </ C000001 > < C000002 > AUSNRD </ C000002 > < C000003 > AUS / NRD </ C000003 > < C000004 > 49.996 ,60 DM </ C000004 > < C000005 >X </ C000005 > < C000006 > 224 ,470 PC </ C000006 > < C000007 >0 ,3 PC </ C000007 > < C000008 >1 </ C000008 > < C000009 > 892 ,000 </ C000009 > </ row > The whole SOAP response in this case looks like the following listing (listing 4.10). Listing 4.10: SOAP Response of the BI System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 <? xml version = " 1.0 " ? > < SOAP - ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP - ENV = " http: // schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / envelope / " SOAP - E NV : en co d in gS t yl e = " http: // schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / encoding / " > < SOAP - ENV:Body > < ExecuteResponse xmlns = " urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml - analysis " > < return xmlns:xsd = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema " xmlns:xsi = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema - instance " > < root xmlns = " urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml - a n a ly s i s : r o w se t " xmlns:xsd = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema " xmlns:xsi = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema - instance " > < xsd:schema xmlns = " urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml - a n a l ys i s : r o w se t " target N a m e s p ac e = " urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml analysis:rowse t " xmlns:xsi = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema instance " xmlns:xsd = " http: // www . w3 . org /2001/ XMLSchema " xmlns:sql = " urn:schemas - microsoft - com:xml - sql " e l e m e n t Fo r m D e f a u l t = " qualified " > < xsd:element name = " root " > < xsd:complexTyp e > < xsd:sequence minOccurs = " 0 " maxOccurs = " unbounded " > < xsd:element name = " row " type = " row " / > </ xsd:sequence > 58 4.2. Receiving BW Data of BOs Using XML for Analysis 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 </ xsd:complexTy p e > </ xsd:element > < xsd:simpleType name = " uuid " > < xsd:restrictio n base = " xsd:string " > </ xsd:restricti o n > </ xsd:simpleType > < xsd:complexType name = " row " > < xsd:sequence minOccurs = " 0 " maxOccurs = " unbounded " > < xsd:element name = " C000000 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [0 VC_COUN ].[ LEVEL01 ].[ MEMBER_NAME ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000001 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [0 VC_COUN ].[ LEVEL01 ].[ ME MB ER _CA PT IO N ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000002 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [0 VC_REG ].[ LEVEL01 ].[ MEMBER_NAME ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000003 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [0 VC_REG ].[ LEVEL01 ].[ ME MB ER _CA PT IO N ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000004 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_AMT ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000005 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_DATE ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000006 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_MAX ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000007 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_MIN ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000008 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_ORD ] " / > < xsd:element name = " C000009 " type = " xsd:string " sql:field = " [ Measures ].[0 VC_ZHL ] " / > </ xsd:sequence > </ xsd:complexType > </ xsd:schema > < row > < C000000 > AUS </ C000000 > < C000001 > Australia </ C000001 > < C000002 > AUSNRD </ C000002 > < C000003 > AUS / NRD </ C000003 > < C000004 > 49.996 ,60 DM </ C000004 > < C000005 > X </ C000005 > < C000006 > 224 ,470 PC </ C000006 > < C000007 >0 ,3 PC </ C000007 > < C000008 >1 </ C000008 > < C000009 > 892 ,000 </ C000009 > </ row > < row > < C000000 > DE </ C000000 > < C000001 > Germany </ C000001 > < C000002 > DE BAW </ C000002 > < C000003 > DE / BAW </ C000003 > < C000004 > 1.102.729 ,84 DM </ C000004 > < C000005 >X </ C000005 > < C000006 > 1.134 ,620 KG </ C000006 > < C000007 > 0 ,9 KG </ C000007 > < C000008 > 2 </ C000008 > < C000009 > 297 ,000 </ C000009 > </ row > < row > < C000000 > DE </ C000000 > < C000001 > Germany </ C000001 > < C000002 > DE BAY </ C000002 > < C000003 > DE / BAY </ C000003 > < C000004 > 1.068.745 ,64 DM </ C000004 > < C000005 >X </ C000005 > < C000006 > 1.183 ,430 KG </ C000006 > < C000007 > 0 ,6 KG </ C000007 > < C000008 > 2 </ C000008 > < C000009 > 293 ,000 </ C000009 > </ row > </ root > </ return > </ ExecuteResponse > </ SOAP - ENV:Body > </ SOAP - ENV:Envelope > 59 CHAPTER 5 Validation The aim of the validation phase is to discuss the received results of the implemented software. Additionally, the new solutions should be compared to the R/3 solution of FRODO. 5.1 Validation of Test Results Due to the fact that retrieving relevant data cannot be tested yet, the accuracy of the data delivered by the different backend systems cannot be validated. Nevertheless, the implemented software is tested with similar data. Software measurements are not possible in detail, because the provided sandbox systems do not have enough data to arrange representative data volume and performance measurements. Thus, the quality of the software can only be appreciated in a high-level way. Therefore, the test scenarios from the previous chapter (section 4.1.3 and section 4.2.3) are executed 20 times and the time from program start to program termination is measured in the Java code directly by using the Date class from the package java.util.Date.The recorded times are measurement results of the program executions on a local computer in Brisbane (Australia) at a local time of 3.45 PM to 4.00 PM. The backend systems are located in Germany. Thus, network times should be considered as well. For instance a ping from Australia to Germany takes an average time of 330ms. The results of the measurement are presented in the next table. 60 5.1. Validation of Test Results Run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Average GCP solution 20,760s 15,301s 15,312s 17,285s 15,322s 16,113s 15,312s 15,261s 15,352s 15,312s 15,412s 15,312s 15,332s 15,382s 15,322s 17,485s 15,372s 15,331s 15,412s 15,382s XML/A solution 22,141s 12,818s 12,067s 12,087s 12,077s 18,116s 12,818s 12,808s 12,048s 12,057s 12,038s 12,788s 18,897s 12,788s 12,068s 12,798s 12,838s 12,067s 12,058s 12,849s 15,854s 13,511s Table 5.1: High-level Measurement Results of the Software Validation Phase The average time of the GCP solution is approximately 16s and 13.5s of the XML/A solution. Thus, the XML/A solution is more than 2 seconds faster. On a closer look, the results seem conspicuous since the results of the GCP solution are nearly constant and the results of the XML/A solution differ much more. For that solution the peak time is 22s and the minimum is 12s. For a representative conclusion further measurements with more and relevant data are recommended. Known from experience, XML’s performance goes down if the data volume grows. A definitive conclusion of the validation phase is that retrieving data from the AP is possible with the help of the implemented programs. For more lucidity, the measurement results are drawn in the next graph (figure 5.1). 61 5.2. Comparison to the R/3 Solution Figure 5.1: Graph of Software Measurement Results 5.2 Comparison to the R/3 Solution In comparison to the R/3 solution, no serious differences are visible. In all solutions the data has to be extracted by hand. By hand means in this case, the use a given tools to extract data from a data source and store this in a RDF file. Afterwards, the RDF files have to be imported in FRODO for detecting fraud. Only the data sources are different. The old solution works with data from R/3 systems. One implemented solution works with a kind of a BO of the AP, specifically, the TecO ChangeDocument is directly called from outside. The second implementation works with data from BW. 62 CHAPTER 6 Final Remark After the investigations, the gained results need to be discussed. Additionally, the future of the FRODO project has to be outlined as well as ideas for further investigations and further development. 6.1 Conclusion In conclusion, accessing data from BO instances can be realized from outside the AP. The working applications proof that AP is accessible from outside and therewith, enterprise SOA successfully passed the validation mentioned in the introduction (chapter 1), because SAP’s software architecture is ready for the needs of ISVs and customers. Data can be retrieved from the AP using different solutions (chapter 3.3.1). The most promising ones are implemented in simple examples (chapter 4). The different technologies have their own characteristics and thus, every solution has advantages and disadvantages. Before the very first implementation were the numerous SAP technologies (chapter 2), each with different data sources (chapter 3.2.1) and access methods (chapter 3.2.2). Furthermore, the AP is still in development and therefore, AP is not ready for projects like FRODO yet. It is comparable with Leonardo Da Vinci’s idea of a helicopter. He even drafted that idea in detail, but the world and the technology were not yet ready for such an ascent. Additionally, while creating the thesis, many changes needed to be investigated. Projects like FRODO always have low priority for colleagues involved in AP development, because 63 6.2. Outlook they are necessarily more concerned with getting the AP running. Thus, the initial focus of the thesis changed during the preparation. Focusing on the implementation became less important, whereas attention was more and more drawn on the different solutions and their possibilities. 6.2 Outlook The focus of the FRODO project changed over the time, especially in the last three weeks of preparing the thesis. For the next few months, investigations will target on real-time fraud detection. The further development of FRODO will draw attention on automating the steps, because FRODO still needs to be supported with data manually. In order to become more user friendly, this has to be changed. The usability will improve with further development effort and the functionality will broaden. The generic BW solution in appendix C should seriously be thought about as an object for another thesis. Additionally, the implemented examples can also be used for projects with other focuses. The examples show completely different ways of accessing data from BO instances. The recommendations can be used for improving the implementation of AP. 6.3 Further Questions & Recommendations For further development, the question is if the two implemented solutions for accessing data from AP are suitable for real-time fraud detection. Thus, the question has to be answered, how real-time fraud detection can be realized. On that matter, ideas exist on using the implementation to access the TecO ChangeDocument via GCPs. For real-time detection repeating queries in short periods is possible, because in this area real-time means reactions in a time frame of one to five minutes. Another option would be to react on event occurrences. Such events can rise either from ChangeDocument itself or from a tool around ChangeDocument; PIM is recommended as the tool. 64 6.3. Further Questions & Recommendations Additionally, another question is in which direction the development of the TecO ChangeDocument will go, whether there will be new compound services and a security concept for ChangeDocument or not. Another question aims at the Generic BW solution (see appendix C), the potential of this solution and if it can be used for real-time fraud detection. 65 CHAPTER 7 Summary FRODO is SAP’s research project targeting on the requirement for active fraud detection in business systems. SAP stands at the beginning of a new software era and thus, research projects have to be up-to-date. The task of the thesis was to access data of BO instances from the AP. The first step was to become familiar with the area of fraud and fraud detection; understanding how the FRODO prototype works was indispensable. In order to always have a reference, the example of fraud in SRM in connection with MDM was introduced. Moreover, becoming acquainted with the different SAP architectures and technologies was necessary. Thus, especially SAP NetWeaver and the AP is introduced. Additionally, SAP BI was explained in general. With the aim of finding good solutions for the implementations, a methodology was developed and followed while investigating different solutions. The first step was to identify data sources and access methods. Afterwards, the combinations of both were investigated. While researching, different requirements were considered. The two most promising solutions, namely accessing the TecO ChangeDocument using GCPs and accessing BW via XML/A were concreted. The software was designed and implemented in small examples. The two examples could be compared with each other and the results were discussed. The working applications are the proof, that AP is also able to provide data also for consumers from outside. Solving this problem created significant effort due to the fact that AP is still in development. The new 66 SAP software architecture is not ready for projects like FRODO yet. Thus, the topic provides more potential for interesting research and investigations. Nonetheless enterprise SOA does ensure concepts for accessing the AP from outside, like ISVs and customers will do in the future. 67 APPENDIX A Why the Application Platform? To understand the decisions for AP the new architecture should be shown from the business point of view. Therefore, understanding the evolution of TP and AP regarding the change from integration coding to business modeling (see figure A.1) is necessary [Dit05]. Figure A.1: From former IT to Process Innovation Technology (based on [Dit05]) At the moment, the structure of application landscapes looks like the left diagram of figure A.1. SAP R/3 is also implemented according to this scheme. Functional components are closed in packages and are hardwired to other systems. Hence, the process integration between different systems is hard coded and thus they are inflexible. The User Interfaces (UI) are static objects placed on top of the applications; the database is directly accessed by all components. A-1 All components are tight coupled to each other. In the future, software development will be revolutionized by the new AP and the TP, which enable a loose coupling of the components of a system. AP is designed to build application solutions by service compositions and realizes that idea by the model-driven approach using services. Thus, SAP, ISVs, and customers can implement new features and extend existing business processes. Both platforms fulfill the SOA requirements and build the foundation for SAP business solutions. The idea of AP is transferred from the automotive industry. Today, many different car models are built with the same parts. For instance in the Volkswagen group the different car types share up to 70 percent of the parts, e.g. chassis and engines (figure A.2). The main difference is the body of the cars. This saves a lot of money both in development and in maintenance. Figure A.2: Paradigm from Automotive Industry [FMW06] More than 50 percent of the processes in SAP solutions are the same as well, thus the paradigm from the automotive industry should be copied [FMW06]. With AP, the possibility is given to share parts which all solutions can use together. Consequently, a final solution consists only of implementing the body and connecting the single parts. The Invoicing functionality, for example, is almost the same in Supply Chain Management systems, in Customer Relationship Management systems and in Enterprise Resources Planning systems [SAP06f]. In the future AP will offer one Deployment Unit∗ (DU) Invoicing which is usable for any application, built on SAP NetWeaver A-2 and AP. With the TP and AP only, nothing will work because the content, e.g. UI, composite applications and Analytics, are missing. The body based on TP and AP plus customizing will represent the solution. Such bodies will be created with a model-driven approach at lowest effort and time. One of these bodies will be delivered with A1S. A1S is developed as a final product for mid-size companies and has to deliver UI, composite applications and Analytics. Composite applications consist of different functions of different sources, e.g. functionalities offered by the services. Thus, composite applications are the predefined applications and the solution is ready with individual configuration and small customizing effort. In order to influence the process logic at one point only, the composite application and the UI offer the possibility to arrange the different services. Analytics offers analytical data concerning the business data and are embedded in the applications SAP provides [XKS06]. Thus, software development is split into two parts, as the following graphic (figure A.3) shows. Figure A.3: Software Development in the Future [Red06] There will be experts for developing new functionalities for the platform. In detail, they will develop new Business Objects∗ (BOs) or will extend existing ones. On the other side there will be developers for connecting business objects to create composite applications as well as UIs. A-3 APPENDIX B Process Integration Monitor (PIM) Another considered strategy for accessing data from BO instances of the AP was the use of PIM, which is still a research project. PIM supports realtime monitoring and enables exposing the actual process integration models for various scenarios. Additionally, PIM compares them to the ARIS specified process integration model for quality purpose. PIM enables the side-by-side visualization of the A1S state and the ARIS model, which shows the actual flow between DUs, PCs and BOs. Hence, the task of the monitor is to generate representations of process integration maps for chosen business scenarios at inter and intra DU level [SAP05]. PIM consists of two components the Monitor Observer and the Monitor Server. It delivers an observer for every DU instance, which runs independently, scanning for new interaction events. The observer also enables interaction event queuing and is responsible for sending the events to the Monitor Server. The server merges all posted events from the observers and notifies the front-end of new events [SAP05]. PIM captures messages as well as LCP calls. Thus, it can monitor all service calls whether they address core services or compound services. Currently, PIM is still at the stage of development and the development team is still experimenting with different ideas. One way is to use the ESF trace, but this ESF feature has to be enabled in the system. Usually, the ESF trace is switched off because it is very resource consuming. Thus, the developer perform investigations on designing an own BO or using workflow events. The A-4 current implementation of PIM is based on the workflow solution. Messages and LCP calls in general can be monitored and log files can be built up for FRODO to use. Later, either an interface of the PIM core can be used or the BO for PIM. But PIM recognizes only that an change event happened, but cannot deliver data about the responsible action or user for instance. Therefore, it is necessary to query the data in a second step. PIM delivers some filter mechanisms and thus, the data volume and performance would be acceptable, because it is a trade-off between event notification and data retrieving. Additionally, the software effort is too huge to use this strategy. Thus, the investigation stops after a shallow research. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table B.1: Evaluation of Accessing Data Using PIM Anyway, the experiences gained during developing PIM will help in finding ways to access the given BO ChangeDocument without the existence of a compound service. The developer tried different strategies but most of them were too much of a hack and therefore do not conform to the AP model guidelines. Additionally, PIM is under investigation for the real-time approach again, because event notification is important for that issue. A-5 APPENDIX C Generic Data Warehouse Solution A generic solution for accessing data for detecting fraud is to be built according to the following structure. Figure C.1: Structure of a Generic Solution The idea of the generic solution is to implement FRODO with an interface. This interface follows a target structure. However, in one request only five different fields are required, whereas in another request twelve fields are required. Therefore, the structure needs to be variable, because the size of the requested database tables varies. Thus, the code of FRODO does not have to be changed while connecting a new data source to FRODO. The target struc- A-6 ture should be flexible definable with something like a meta concept. This enables FRODO to run simultaneously in different instances to solve different fraud detections. In this case, the target structure has to be adjusted to the data source. On the data source layer the system landscapes consist of different databases and different data warehouses. Additionally, FRODO should be able to work with flat files12 . This heterogeneous situation must be mapped to one target structure. Therefore, the data sources are described with single descriptors. The descriptors are directly on top of the data sources and work on this data directly. The effort of implementing a descriptor for every data source can become a huge one. A solution for that problem will be the use of meta data from the business logic layer to summarize some data sources. Thus, the descriptors and the mapping layer are only responsible for the handshake between data source and target structure. This offers the opportunity to map the data to the target structure and FRODO is able to detect fraud with the provided data. This solution makes FRODO a generic fraud detection tool for every data source. If a data source should be used, a descriptor has to be delivered. This can be part of a customer’s tasks. A customer can also be an internal department like SRM which would like to use fraud detection (solution idea from Rene Roser). This solution fulfills all requirements in an excellent way, except the software effort. In detail the initial implementation effort is huge, but the solution is very future-proof. Thus, a closer investigation is recommended, e.g. in another thesis. Requirement Information about changes and history Data volume & Performance Software effort Usable for FRODO Evaluation Table C.1: Evaluation of a Generic BW Solution 12 Flat file is a generic description of text file formats like CSV for instance. They are used to exchange data between systems in a simple structured way. A-7 APPENDIX D Code for Accessing ChangeDocument Using GCPs Listing D.1: of XML/A Solution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 /* * Access C h a n g e D o c u m e n t via GCPs */ import java . io . IOException ; import java . io . InputStream ; import java . util . Date ; import java . util . Locale ; import java . util . Properties ; import com . sap . dictionary . runtime . container .*; import com . sap . tc . esf . cds . Con ne cti on Da ta ; import com . sap . tc . esf . cds . C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e F a c t o r y ; import com . sap . tc . esf . cds . I C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e ; import com . sap . tc . esf . gcp . api .*; // import com . sap . tc . esf . test . refcase . I S a l e s O r d e r ; 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 /* * * This is a simple example to show , how is it p o s s i b l e to get data from ChangeDocument . * The c o n n e c t i o n settings are written down in single p r o p e r t y files . * * C o p y r i g h t ( c ) 2006 SAP AG * * @author Nico Herzberg ( D041659 ) * */ 25 26 public class Main { 27 28 29 30 31 /* * * Main method * * @param args A-8 32 33 34 * Possible input p a r a m e t e r s */ public static void main ( String [] args ) { 35 // Get c o n n e c t i o n ConnectionData connectionD at a = g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a () ; 36 37 38 // Get a service facade i n s t a n c e e s t a b l i s h i n g a c o n n e c t i o n with a backend system IServiceFacade serviceFacade = null ; try { serviceFacade = S e r v i c e F a c a d e F a c t o r y . c r e a t e S e r v i c e F a c a d e ( connectionData , new Locale ( " en " ) ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { e . printStackTrace () ; } 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 // Load the C h a n g e D o c u m e n t BO model IBOModel model = serviceFacade . getBOModel ( I C h a ng e D o c u m en t . ESR_NAME ) ; 47 48 49 // Create a query IQuery query = model . createQuery ( I Ch a n g e D o c um e n t . Root . ESR_NAME . getFullName () , IChangeDocument . Root . Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D ) ; // Limit the number of results query . s e t M a x i m u m R e s u l t E l e m e n t s (5) ; // Set query options query . c r e a t e S e l e ct O p t i o n ( " Ob je ct Typ eC od e " , ISelectOption . Operator . EQUAL , " 00001 " , null ) ; query . c r e a t e S e l e ct O p t i o n ( " ObjectId " , ISelectOption . Operator . EQUAL , " 00001 " , null ) ; 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 // Execute Query query . execute () ; // Get the results IBONode node = query . get R e s u l t BO N o d e () ; 58 59 60 61 62 // Process input data dumpBONode ( node , IChangeD o c u me n t . Root . NAME + " : Only 5 records are returned " ) ; 63 64 65 // Close c o n n e c t i o n to the backend system serviceFacade . close () ; 66 67 68 69 } 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 /* * * Method for getting c o n n e c t i o n data from the p r o p e r t y file * * @return * Data about the c o n n e c t i o n to one backend system */ public static ConnectionDat a g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a () { 78 79 // Get C o n n e c t i o n Data Service and generic C o n n e c t i o n Data A-9 I C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e cds = C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e F a c t o r y . g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a S e r v i c e () ; ConnectionData cd = cds . g e t C o n n e c t i o n D a t a ( Co nn ec tio nD at a . channelGeneric , ConnectionData . typeGeneric ) ; 80 81 82 // Open property file InputStream is = Class . class . g e t R e s o u r c e A s S t r e a m ( " / AS 1_ co nn ect io n . properties " ) ; Properties props = new Properties () ; try { props . load ( is ) ; is . close () ; } catch ( IOException x ) { x . printStackTrace () ; } 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 // Add p r o p e r t i e s to the generic C o n n e c t i o n Data cd . putAll ( props ) ; 93 94 95 // Return C o n n e c t i o n Data return cd ; 96 97 98 } 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 /* * * Method for handle the in c o m i n g data . * * @param boNode * The business object node to be dumped * @param text * D e s c r i p t i o n text of the dump */ public static void dumpBONode ( final IBONode boNode , final String text ) { System . out . println ( " \ n " + text ) ; 110 final int elementCount = boNode . size () ; final int structSize = boNode . getDescriptor () . g e t D a t a S t r u c t u r e () . g e t S h a l l o w S t r u c t u r e D e s c r i p t o r () . size () ; for ( int i = 0; i < elementCount ; i ++) { IBONodeElement element_i = boNode . g e t B O N o d e E l e m e n t ( i ) ; System . out . println () ; for ( int j = 0; j < structSize ; j ++) { System . out . println ( " " + element_i . getDescriptor () . g e t S h a l l o w A t t r i b u t e D e s c r i p t o r ( j ) . getName () + " : " + getContent ( element_i . g e t A t t r i b u t e V a l u e ( j ) ) ) ; } } 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 if ( elementCount == 0) { System . out . println ( " no data available " ) ; } else { System . out . println ( " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " ) ; System . out . println ( " number of entries : " + elementCount ) ; } 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 } A - 10 129 /* * * Get content for r e q u e s t e d field * * @param value * The d e s c r i p t o r of a field * @return * The value for the r e q u e s t e d field */ public static Object getContent ( Object value ) { if ( value instanceof ICctContainer ) { value = (( ICctContainer ) value ) . g e t C o m p o n e n t V a l u e ( " content " ) ; } return value ; } 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 } A - 11 A - 12 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 // BO Node C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m interface C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m { String NAME = " ChangeDocumentItem "; IESRName ESR_NAME = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n ToRoot String A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ R O O T = " ToRoot " ; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ R O O T _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " ToRoot " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n T o P a r e n t String A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ P A R E N T = " ToParent " ; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ P A R E N T _ E S R = ES RN am eF act or y . createESRName ( " ToParent " , " " ) ; // Query Q u e r y B y N o d e N a m e A n d N o d e I D String QUERY_QUERY_BY_NODE_NAME_AND_NODEID = " QueryByNodeNameAndNodeID "; IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ E S R = E SR Nam eF ac to ry . createESRName ( " Q u e r y B y N o d e N a m e A n d N o d e I D " , " " ) ; IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ I N P U T _ S T R U C T U R E _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " L i n e I t e m Q u e r y I n p u t P a r a m e t e r " , " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ) ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N O D E _ T Y P E _ C O D E = " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N o d e T y p e C o d e " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ O B J E C T I D = " ObjectID " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ F R O M _ D A T E _ T I M E = " FromDateTime " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ N O D E _ N A M E _ A N D _ N O D E I D _ T O _ D A T E _ T I M E = " ToDateTime " ; /* * * * Model D e s c r i p t o r I n t e r f a c e for C h a n g e D o c u m e n t . * */ public interface I C h a ng e D o c u m en t { String NAMESPACE = " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ; String NAME = " Ch an ge Do cum en t " ; IESRName ESR_NAME = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " Ch an ge Doc um en t " , " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ); import com . sap . esi . esm .*; Listing D.2: of XML/A Solution A - 13 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _CHANGE_DOCUMENT_ITEMID_CCTS = " ChangeDocumentItemID "; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ D O C U M E N T _ I T E M I D _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m I D " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e O b j e c t N o d e T y p e C o d e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _OBJECT_NODE_TYPE_CODE_CCTS = " ObjectNodeTypeCode "; IESRName _ O B J E C T _ N O D E _ T Y P E _ C O D E _ C C T S _ E S R = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " O b j e c t N o d e T y p e C o d e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N o d e F i e l d N a m e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_NODE_FIELD_NAME_CCTS = " BusinessObjectNodeFieldName "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N O D E _ F I E L D _ N A M E _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N o d e F i e l d N a m e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e O b j e c t I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _OBJECTID = " ObjectID " ; IESRName _OBJECTID_ESR = ES RN ame Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " ObjectID " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e P a r e n t O b j e c t I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ P A R E N T _ O B J E C T I D = " Pa re nt Ob jec tI D " ; IESRName _ P A R E N T _ O B J E C T I D _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " Pa re nt Ob jec tI D " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e M o d i f i c a t i o n T y p e C o d e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _MODIFICATION_TYPE_CODE_CCTS = " ModificationTypeCode "; IESRName _ M O D I F I C A T I O N _ T Y P E _ C O D E _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " M o d i f i c a t i o n T y p e C o d e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t O l d C o n t e n t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ELEMENT_OLD_CONTENT_CCTS = " BusinessObjectElementOldContent "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ E L E M E N T _ O L D _ C O N T E N T _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t O l d C o n t e n t " , " "); // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N e w C o n t e n t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NEW_CONTENT_CCTS = " BusinessObjectElementNewContent "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ E L E M E N T _ N E W _ C O N T E N T _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N e w C o n t e n t " , " "); // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e R e a s o n T e x t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _CHANGE_REASON_TEXT_CCTS = " ChangeReasonText "; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ R E A S O N _ T E X T _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " C h a n g e R e a s o n T e x t " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e A d d i t i o n a l B u s i n e s s O b j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ADDITIONAL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_INFORMATION_CCTS = " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation "; IESRName _ A D D I T I O N A L _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ I N F O R M A T I O N _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation ", ""); A - 14 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 // BO Node C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d interface C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d { String NAME = " ChangeDocumentRecord "; IESRName ESR_NAME = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n ToRoot String A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ R O O T = " ToRoot " ; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ R O O T _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " ToRoot " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n T o P a r e n t String A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ P A R E N T = " ToParent " ; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ T O _ P A R E N T _ E S R = ES RN am eF act or y . createESRName ( " ToParent " , " " ) ; // Query Q u e r y B y B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N a m e A n d R o o t N o d e I D String QUERY_QUERY_BY_BUSINESS_OBJECT_NAME_AND_ROOT_NODEID = " QueryByBusinessObjectNameAndRootNodeID "; IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " QueryByBusinessObjectNameAndRootNodeID ", ""); IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ I N P U T _ S T R U C T U R E _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d N o d e Q u e r y I n p u t P a r a m e t e r " , " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ) ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ O B J E C T _ T Y P E _ C O D E = " Ob je ct Ty peC od e " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ O B J E C T _ I D = " ObjectId " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ F R O M _ D A T E _ T I M E = " FromDateTime " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ T O _ D A T E _ T I M E = " ToDateTime " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D _ R O O T _ N O D E I D _ U S E R _ A C C O U N T I D = " UserAccountID " ; // A t t r i b u t e C o m p l e t e N o d e H i e r a r c h y ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _COMPLETE_NODE_HIERARCHY_CCTS = " CompleteNodeHierarchy "; IESRName _ C O M P L E T E _ N O D E _ H I E R A R C H Y _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Nam eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " C o m p l e t e N o d e H i e r a r c h y " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e C o m p l e t e C h a n g e d A t t r i b u t e P a t h ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _COMPLETE_CHANGED_ATTRIBUTE_PATH_CCTS = " CompleteChangedAttributePath "; IESRName _ C O M P L E T E _ C H A N G E D _ A T T R I B U T E _ P A T H _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " C o m p l e t e C h a n g e d A t t r i b u t e P a t h " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N a m e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NAME_CCTS = " BusinessObjectElementName "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ E L E M E N T _ N A M E _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RN ame Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N a m e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N e w C o n t e n t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) } A - 15 120 119 118 117 116 115 114 113 112 111 110 109 108 107 106 105 104 103 102 101 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ELEMENT_NEW_CONTENT_CCTS = " BusinessObjectElementNewContent "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ E L E M E N T _ N E W _ C O N T E N T _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t N e w C o n t e n t " , " "); // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t O l d C o n t e n t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ELEMENT_OLD_CONTENT_CCTS = " BusinessObjectElementOldContent "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ E L E M E N T _ O L D _ C O N T E N T _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t E l e m e n t O l d C o n t e n t " , " "); // A t t r i b u t e U s e r A c o u n t I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ U S E R _ A C O U N T I D _ C C T S = " UserAcountID " ; IESRName _ U S E R _ A C O U N T I D _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " UserAcountID " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s P a r t n e r F o r m a t t e d N a m e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_PARTNER_FORMATTED_NAME_CCTS = " BusinessPartnerFormattedName "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ P A R T N E R _ F O R M A T T E D _ N A M E _ C C T S _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s P a r t n e r F o r m a t t e d N a m e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e D a t e T i m e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ C H A N G E _ D A T E _ T I M E _ C C T S = " Ch an ge Dat eT im e " ; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ D A T E _ T I M E _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " Ch an ge Dat eT im e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e M o d i f i c a t i o n T y p e C o d e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _MODIFICATION_TYPE_CODE_CCTS = " ModificationTypeCode "; IESRName _ M O D I F I C A T I O N _ T Y P E _ C O D E _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " M o d i f i c a t i o n T y p e C o d e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e R e a s o n T e x t ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _CHANGE_REASON_TEXT_CCTS = " ChangeReasonText "; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ R E A S O N _ T E X T _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " C h a n g e R e a s o n T e x t " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e A d d i t i o n a l B u s i n e s s O b j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n 1 ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ADDITIONAL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_INFORMATION1_CCTS = " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation1 "; IESRName _ A D D I T I O N A L _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ I N F O R M A T I O N 1 _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation1 ", ""); // A t t r i b u t e A d d i t i o n a l B u s i n e s s O b j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n 2 ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ADDITIONAL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_INFORMATION2_CCTS = " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation2 "; IESRName _ A D D I T I O N A L _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ I N F O R M A T I O N 2 _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation2 ", ""); // A t t r i b u t e A d d i t i o n a l B u s i n e s s O b j e c t I n f o r m a t i o n 3 ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ADDITIONAL_BUSINESS_OBJECT_INFORMATION3_CCTS = " AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation3 "; IESRName _ A D D I T I O N A L _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ I N F O R M A T I O N 3 _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " A - 16 151 150 149 148 147 146 145 144 143 142 141 140 139 138 137 136 135 134 133 132 131 130 129 128 127 126 125 124 123 122 121 AdditionalBusinessObjectInformation3 ", ""); // BO Node Root interface Root { String NAME = " Root " ; IESRName ESR_NAME = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " Root " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n U s e r I d e n t i t y String A S S O C I A T I O N _ U S E R _ I D E N T I T Y = " UserIdentity " ; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ U S E R _ I D E N T I T Y _ E S R = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " UserIdentity " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m String ASSOCIATION_CHANGE_DOCUMENT_ITEM = " ChangeDocumentItem "; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ C H A N G E _ D O C U M E N T _ I T E M _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I t e m " , " " ) ; // I A s s o c i a t i o n C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d String ASSOCIATION_CHANGE_DOCUMENT_RECORD = " ChangeDocumentRecord "; IESRName A S S O C I A T I O N _ C H A N G E _ D O C U M E N T _ R E C O R D _ E S R = ES RN ame Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t R e c o r d " , " " ) ; // Action M o v e T o A r c h i v e String A C T I O N _ M O V E _ T O _ A R C H I V E = " MoveToArchive " ; IESRName A C T I O N _ M O V E _ T O _ A R C H I V E _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " MoveToArchive " , " " ) ; // Action C h e c k A r c h i v a b i l i t y String ACTION_CHECK_ARCHIVABILITY = " CheckArchivability "; IESRName A C T I O N _ C H E C K _ A R C H I V A B I L I T Y _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa cto ry . createESRName ( " C h e c k A r c h i v a b i l i t y " , " " ) ; // Query Archive String QUERY_ARCHIVE = " Archive " ; IESRName Q U E R Y _ A R C H I V E _ E S R = ES RN ame Fa ct or y . createESRName ( " Archive " , " " ) ; // Query A r c h i v e P r e S e l e c t i o n String QUERY_ARCHIVE_PRE_SELECTION = " ArchivePreSelection "; IESRName Q U E R Y _ A R C H I V E _ P R E _ S E L E C T I O N _ E S R = E SRN am eF ac tor y . createESRName ( " A r c h i v e P r e S e l e c t i o n " , " " ) ; // Query Q u e r y B y B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N a m e A n d I D String QUERY_QUERY_BY_BUSINESS_OBJECT_NAME_ANDID = " QueryByBusinessObjectNameAndID "; IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ E S R = E SR Na meF ac to ry . createESRName ( " Q u e r y B y B u s i n e s s O b j e c t N a m e A n d I D " , " " ); IESRName Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ I N P U T _ S T R U C T U R E _ E S R = ES RN ame Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " } A - 17 182 181 180 179 178 177 176 175 174 173 172 171 170 169 168 167 166 165 164 163 162 161 160 159 158 157 156 155 154 153 152 } } R o o t N o d e Q u e r y I n p u t P a r a m e t e r " , " http :// sap . com / xi / AP / IS / P l a t f o r m C h a n g e D o c u m e n t / Global " ) ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ O B J E C T _ T Y P E _ C O D E = " Ob je ct Typ eC od e " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ O B J E C T _ I D = " ObjectId " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ F R O M _ D A T E _ T I M E = " FromDateTime " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ T O _ D A T E _ T I M E = " ToDateTime " ; String Q U E R Y _ Q U E R Y _ B Y _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ N A M E _ A N D I D _ U S E R _ I D E N T I T Y U U I D = " U s e r I d e n t i t y U U I D " ; // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _CHANGE_DOCUMENTID_CCTS = " ChangeDocumentID "; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ D O C U M E N T I D _ C C T S _ E S R = E SRN am eF act or y . createESRName ( " C h a n g e D o c u m e n t I D " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e O b j e c t T y p e C o d e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ O B J E C T _ T Y P E _ C O D E _ C C T S = " Ob je ct Typ eC od e " ; IESRName _ O B J E C T _ T Y P E _ C O D E _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " Ob je ct Typ eC od e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e B u s i n e s s O b j e c t R o o t O b j e c t I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _BUSINESS_OBJECT_ROOT_OBJECTID = " BusinessObjectRootObjectID "; IESRName _ B U S I N E S S _ O B J E C T _ R O O T _ O B J E C T I D _ E S R = ES RNa me Fa ct ory . createESRName ( " B u s i n e s s O b j e c t R o o t O b j e c t I D " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e U s e r I d e n t i t y U U I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _USER_IDENTITYUUID_CCTS = " UserIdentityUUID "; IESRName _ U S E R _ I D E N T I T Y U U I D _ C C T S _ E S R = E SRN am eF act or y . createESRName ( " U s e r I d e n t i t y U U I D " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e C h a n g e D a t e T i m e ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ C H A N G E _ D A T E _ T I M E _ C C T S = " Ch an ge Dat eT im e " ; IESRName _ C H A N G E _ D A T E _ T I M E _ C C T S _ E S R = ESR Na me Fac to ry . createESRName ( " Ch an ge Dat eT im e " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e T r a n s a c t i o n I D ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ T R A N S A C T I O N I D _ C C T S = " TransactionID " ; IESRName _ T R A N S A C T I O N I D _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " TransactionID " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e S y s t e m N u m b e r ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ S Y S T E M _ N U M B E R _ C C T S = " SystemNumber " ; IESRName _ S Y S T E M _ N U M B E R _ C C T S _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " SystemNumber " , " " ) ; // A t t r i b u t e A r c h i v i n g S t a t u s ( q u a l i f i e d name , esr name ) String _ A R C H I V I N G _ S T A T U S = " A r c h iv i n g S t a tu s " ; IESRName _ A R C H I V I N G _ S T A T U S _ E S R = ES RN am eFa ct or y . createESRName ( " A r c h iv i n g S t a tu s " , " " ) ; APPENDIX E Code for Accessing BW Using XML for Analysis Listing E.1: of XML/A Solution 1 2 3 /* * Call BW data by Using XML / A i n t e r f a c e of the MDX p r o c e s s o r */ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 import import import import import import import java . net .*; java . io . FileInputStrea m ; java . io . I n pu t St re a mR e a d e r ; java . io . O u t p ut S t r e a m W r i t e r ; java . io . BufferedReader ; java . io . File ; java . util . Properties ; 12 13 import java . util . Date ; 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 /* * * This is a simple example to show , how is it p o s s i b l e to get data from BW . In this * case the query language MDX is used . The c o n n e c t i o n s e t t i n g s are written down in the file * p r o p e r t i e s . ini * * C o p y r i g h t ( c ) 2006 SAP AG * * @author Nico Herzberg ( D041659 ) * */ 25 26 public class Main { 27 28 29 30 /* * * Main method * A - 18 31 32 33 34 * @param args * Possible input p a r a m e t e r s */ public static void main ( String [] args ) { 35 // D e f i n i t o n of the MDX S t a t e m e n t String MDXstatement = new String () ; MDXstatement = " select [ Measures ]. members on columns , non empty [0 VC_COUN ]. levels (1) . members * [0 VC_REG ]. levels (1) . members dimension properties member_name , me mb er _c apt io n on rows from [ $0BWVC_C03 ] where ([0 FISCYEAR ].[ K41999 ]) " ; 36 37 38 39 // Call method connect and provide MDX s t a t e m e n t connect ( MDXstatement ) ; 40 41 42 } 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 /* * * Method for c o n n e c t i n g to the MDX p r o c e s s o r and sending the SOAP request and handle the respon s e * * @param M D X s t a t e m e n t * S t a t e m e n t for query r e l e v a n t data from BW */ public static void connect ( String MDXstatement ) { 51 52 53 // Build up the SOAP Request String data = cr ea t eS O A P R e q u e s t ( MDXstatement ) ; 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 // Create and try { // Build up the URL url = new // Set up the URLConnection send request URL URL ( rea dp ro pe rti es ( " c o n n e c t i o n S t r i n g " ) ) ; connection conn = url . ope nC on nec ti on () ; 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 // Add user conn . s e t R e q u e s t Pr o p e r t y ( " sap - user " , re ad pro pe rt ie s ( " user " ) ) ; // Add password conn . s e t R e q u e s t Pr o p e r t y ( " sap - password " , re ad pro pe rt ie s ( " password " ) ) ; // Add property Accept - E n c o d i n g conn . s e t R e q u e s t Pr o p e r t y ( " Accept - Encoding " ," gzip , compress " ) ; 68 69 70 71 72 // C o n n e c t i o n require s output conn . setDoOutput ( true ) ; // Connect to the URL conn . connect () ; 73 74 75 76 77 78 // Define O u t p u t S t r e a m O u t p u t St r e a m W r i t e r wr = new O u t p u t S t r e a m W r i t e r ( conn . g e t O u t p u tS t r e a m () ) ; // Send SOAP request to the server wr . write ( data ) ; wr . flush () ; 79 A - 19 // Get response BufferedReader rd = new Bu ff er ed Rea de r ( new I n p u t S t r e a m R e a d e r ( conn . getInputStream () ) ) ; // Variable for reading input String line ; // Reading input while (( line = rd . readLine () ) != null ) { System . out . println ( line ) ; } // Close writer and reader wr . close () ; rd . close () ; } catch ( Exception e ) { System . out . println ( " Error while connecting to backend system " ) ; } 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 } 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 /* * * Method for reading the p r o p e r t y file * * @param field * P a r a m e t e r for d e f i n i n g which p r o p e r t y is r e q u i r e d * @return * The value of the r e q u e s t e d property , in case of c o n n e c t i o n S t r i n g the whole URL */ public static String readpro pe rt ies ( String field ) { 105 106 107 108 109 // Open property file Properties prop = new Properties () ; File file = new File ( " C :// Documents and Settings // d041659 // workspace // MDX // src // properties . ini " ) ; String property = new String () ; 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 // Read relevant data for c o n n e c t i o n string and build it up if ( field . eq uals Igno reC a s e ( " c o n n e c t i o n S t r i n g " ) ) { prop . clear () ; try { FileInputStream in = new F i l eI n p u t S t r ea m ( file . g e t Ab s o l u t e Pa t h () ) ; prop . load ( in ) ; in . close () ; } catch ( Exception e ) { System . out . println ( " Error while loading property file " ) ; } property = " http :// " + prop . getProperty ( " host " ) + " : " + prop . getProperty ( " port " ) + " / sap / bw / xml / soap / xmla " + " ? sap - client = " + prop . getProperty ( " client " ) ; } 124 125 126 127 128 // Read user if ( field . eq uals Igno reC a s e ( " user " ) ) { prop . clear () ; A - 20 try { FileInputStream in = new F i l eI n p u t S t r ea m ( file . g e t Ab s o l u t e Pa t h () ) ; prop . load ( in ) ; in . close () ; } catch ( Exception e ) { System . out . println ( " Error while loading property file " ) ; } property = prop . getProperty ( " user " ) ; 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 } 137 138 // Read password if ( field . eq uals Igno reC a s e ( " password " ) ) { prop . clear () ; try { FileInputStream in = new F i l eI n p u t S t r ea m ( file . g e t Ab s o l u t e Pa t h () ) ; prop . load ( in ) ; in . close () ; } catch ( Exception e ) { System . out . println ( " Error while loading property file " ) ; } property = prop . getProperty ( " passwd " ) ; } 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 // Return r e q u e s t e d prop e r t y return property ; 153 154 155 } 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 /* * * Method for creating the SOAP Request with the MDX s t a t e m e n t * * @param M D X s t a t e m e n t * S t a t e m e n t for Query the r e l e v a n t data from BW * @return * The SOAP respon s e */ public static String c re at e S O A P R e q u e s t ( String MDXstatement ) { 166 167 String request = new String () ; 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 request = " < SOAP - ENV : Envelope " + " xmlns : SOAP - ENV = ’ http :// schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / envelope / ’ " + " SOAP - ENV : encodingStyle = ’ http :// schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / encoding /’>" + " < SOAP - ENV : Body > " + " < Execute xmlns = ’ urn : schemas - microsoft - com : xml - analysis ’" + " SOAP - ENV : encodingStyle = ’ http :// schemas . xmlsoap . org / soap / encoding /’>" + " < Command > " + " < Statement > " + MDXstatement + " </ Statement > " + " </ Command > " + " < Properties > " A - 21 + + + + + + + + + + + + " 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 " < PropertyList > " " < DataSourceInfo > default </ DataSourceInfo > " " < Catalog > Foodmart 2000 </ Catalog > " " < Format > Tabular </ Format > " " < ReturnCellProperties > true </ ReturnCellProperties > " " < AxisFormat > TupleFormat </ AxisFormat > " " < Content > SchemaData </ Content > " " </ PropertyList > " " </ Properties > " " </ Execute > " " </ SOAP - ENV : Body > " </ SOAP - ENV : Envelope > " ; 193 return request ; 194 } 195 196 } A - 22 APPENDIX F Contacts While working on the thesis expertise were identified and contacts are tied. For further work on the FRODO project the different contacts are listed in the next table. Additionally, some comments to the people are written down. Thus, similar problems can be addressed in future to the right people directly. A - 23 A - 24 Matthias Wasim Schmitt Sadiq Noelle Voss AP Stephan Wollny Pascal Pascal Hochwarth Hochwarth Robert Reiner ARIS Paola Sala SRM Julien Vayssière Noelle Voss Fraud Detection Julien Vayssière Fraud First name Surname Knowledge Field I025248 D027313 D031154 D040491 D040407 D031154 D023473 D020422 I028859 D040491 I028859 User ID Senior Researcher Developer AP Master Data Developer AP/SRM PLM Consultant Developer AP/SRM Developer AP/SRM Developer AP/SRM Development Manager AP/SRM Senior Researcher PLM Consultant Senior Researcher Function Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Author of thesis “Conception and analysis of methods for detecting and preventing of invoice fraud in SRM” Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Project lead FRODO Author of thesis “Conception and analysis of methods for detecting and preventing of invoice fraud in SRM” Project lead FRODO Comments A - 25 Services GCP Platform Change Documents XI Martin Pascal Rogge Hochwarth Joachim Helmut Mueller Bender Stephan Ritter Raja Krishnamoorthy Oliver Andreas Huppert Welzel Martin Guenther Achim Dirk Meier-Barthold Kraiss Kai-Uwe Pielka Jens Frank Klingl Kaiser Alexander Stephan Bundschuh Wollny D020094 D031154 D021862 D022323 D020760 D024817 D038015 D041507 I022374 D020682 D026369 D026048 D002671 D029075 I028930 D040407 Development Manager ESI Tools Developer AP/SRM Developer Org Management Developer ESI UI Development ESI UI Developer Manager ESI Core ESF Development Manager ESI Core ESF Developer ESI Core ESF Development Manager PCD Solution Architect PCD Solution Management PCD Solution Management PCD PM PCD Consultant XI Knowledge Transfer XI Developer AP/SRM Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Author “Specification ESF Generic Consumer Proxy” Author “Specification ESF Generic Consumer Proxy” Analysis, preparation and visualization of data for auditors RIG APA Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” A - 26 Volker Sascha Stephan Martin Schott Hafner Jacobi Wollny Hartig Service Interfaces ABAP LCP Rene Helge Roser Soring Analytics Alexander Peter Rolf Schumann BI Accelerator Carina Schneider Cedric Ulmer Stefan Michael Hoerisch Biedenstein San Tran XML/A Rene Roser BW Andre Jagusch Java Anne Andreas Brossler GDT Anne Jacobi ESR D029621 D039585 D024877 D038903 D041759 D027464 I024048 D025671 D031182 D039585 D038406 D030326 D040407 D030735 D032548 D029352 D033985 D030735 BI Content Development Developer Analytics PMO BI Developer AP/SRM Student AP/SRM Developer BI Researcher Knowledge Transfer BI Developer SRM Developer Analytics Developer ESI Tools Developer ESI Core ESF Developer AP/SRM Developer ESI Core ESX Developer AP/FIN/HCM Developer AP Developer AP/SRM Developer ESI Core ESX Specialist for BI, BW and Analytics Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” Project with BW NW RIG EMEA, Specialist for BI Open Hub Service BW Specialist Specialist for BI, BW and Analytics Specialist for Java Client Proxy generation Involved in project “Fraud Detection in SRM” A - 27 PIM Wasim Aharon Avitzur Sanjay Poonen Sadiq Michaela Degbeon Developer AP/SCM Senior Researcher SVP Analytics BI Content Development Table F.1: SAP Contacts I031688 I025248 I810461 D027219 Figure F.1: Contact Mind Map A - 28 Glossary ABAP ABAP is a programming language, developed by SAP. Analytics Analytics is embedded in applications and offers analytical data concerning to business data. Application Platform (AP) The AP is build on top of SAP NetWeaver and is designed to build application solutions by service compositions to follow a model-driven approach by using these services. ARIS ARIS based on the ARIS concept and is a toolset provided by IDS Scheer AG for creating, maintaining and optimizing business processes. Audit Information System (AIS) The Audit Information System is a tool which supports internal, external and tax audits as well as data security by offering different views on financial data on SAP’s databases. Business Information Warehouse (BW) SAP BW is a component of BI and is SAP’s data warehouse product. XVIII Glossary Business Object (BO) BOs build the basic elements of business applications. They contain business logic and implement the main service providers. Composite application Composite applications are predefined applications which use functions of several services. Compound services Compound services work internally with core services and allow the access of BOs from outside of DUs. Core services Core services access BOs directly and provide for that generic functions. They can be called via LCPs and GCPs. Deployment Unit (DU) DUs are building blocks of the AP which contains PCs and/or BOs. Enterprise services Enterprise services are compound services which are used in a business process. Enterprise Services Repository (ESR) The ESR is the interface between SAP internal and external applications and provides them descriptions about the services. Enterprise SOA Enterprise SOA is SAP’s implementation of the system architecture concept SOA. XIX Glossary Extensible Markup Language (XML) XML is a W3C standard for building up documents with a tree structure. Financials (FI) FI is responsible for the accounting of a company. FRODO FRODO means either the software prototype for detecting financial fraud or the name of the SAP Research project. Generic Core Service Consumer Proxy (GCP) GCPs enable Java applications to call core services from outside the DU by using RFCs or SOAP. The former term for GCP was Generic Client Proxy. Integration Builder The Integration Builder is a tool for setting up the SAP XI. Local Client Proxy (LCP) With LCPs is it possible to call the core services of a BO from inside of the same DU. Master Data Management (MDM) MDM is the business area which is responsible for the central management of master data. Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) MDX is a query language for databases, developed by Microsoft. XX Glossary mySAP All-In-One/Service-Enabled (A1S) A1S is the new business solution for mid-size enterprises and the first one which uses the AP. Platform Change Documents Platform Change Documents contain information about the change of BO instances. They are created by the TecO ChangeDocument. Process Component (PC) PCs are building blocks of the AP and can group BOs in business-relevant and meaningful units. R/3 SAP R/3 is an enterprise information system which exists since 1992. A R/3 system allows the computer aided handling of typical business tasks. Remote Function Call RFCs enable function calls of R/3 building blocks from external applications. Resource Description Framework (RDF) RDF is a formal language for providing meta data in the World Wide Web. SAP Business Intelligence (BI) SAP Business Intelligence is a system based on SAP NetWeaver for systematical analysis of enterprises and their environment. SAP NetWeaver XXI Glossary NetWeaver is SAP’s technology platform based on enterprise SOA for integrating heterogeneous systems and building up a business process platform. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) SOA is on the one hand a management concept which demands for a business oriented IT infrastructure. On the other hand SOA is a system architecture concept for providing services. SOAP SOAP is a protocol for exchanging information between different systems or executing RFCs. Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) SRM is the business area for plan and control relationships with suppliers. Technical Object (TecO) Technical Objects are special BOs for supporting the technical infrastructure or IT Service and Application Management of AP. Web Dynpro Web Dynpro is SAP’s standard programming model for implementing UIs. It follows the Model View Controller design pattern. Web Services Description Language (WSDL) WSDL is a XML specification for describing web services to exchange information. WSDL is independent from any platforms, programming languages and protocols. XML for Analysis (XML/A) XXII Glossary XML/A is a protocol for exchanging data between clients and server over HTTP and SOAP. XXIII Bibliography [BM06] Michael Bell and Eric A. Marks. Service-Oriented Architecture: A Planning and Implementation Guide for Business and Technology. John Wiley & Sons, 2006. [Dit05] Georg Dittmar. Adaptive Computing - Technical Overview. 2005. [Ebe04] Peter Eberlein. Synchronous Cross Component Communication. 2004. [FMW06] Thomas Fiedler, Holger Meinert, and Volker Wiechers. Services. ESA Architecture Series 2006. February 2006. Available via SAP Corporate Portal – Product & Technology Group – Architecture – Media Library – ESA Architecture Series. [ILK06] Tahar Wl Idrissi-Lamghari and Hartmut Koerner. Analytics. ESA Architecture Series 2006. February 2006. Available via SAP Corporate Portal – Product & Technology Group – Architecture – Media Library – ESA Architecture Series. [Kay03] Doug Kaye. Loosely Coupled - The Missing Pieces of Web Services. RDS Press, 2003. [KPM04] KPMG. Fraud Survey 2004, 2004. Available via [KPM06] KPMG. Studie 2006 zur Wirschaftskriminalität in Deutschland, 2006. Available via [MBCV06] George Mohey, Peter Best, Andrew Clark, and Julien Vayssière. Australian research council - linkage projects (round two) - applica- XXIV Bibliography tion form for funding commencing in 2006 - project id: Lp0669644, 2006. [Onl06] Online Ethics Center for Engineering and Science. - The Online Ethics Center For Engineering and Science at Case Western Reserve University. August 2006. [PKVC06] Kai-Uwe Pielka, Raja Krishnamoorthy, Kritesh Vasing, and Sumana Chakraborty. AP Development Guideline for: Platform Change Documents, April 2006. [Red06] Michael Redford. BPP: Da ist musik drin. SAP News, February 2006. [RWK06] Robert Reiner, Andre Wagner, and Benjamin Klehr. SAP Business Object: SupplierInvoice, May 2006. [SAP04] SAP AG. BW305 - Business Information Warehouse - Reporting und Analyse, 2004. [SAP05] SAP AG. Software Design Description - Process Integration Monitor, 2005. [SAP06a] SAP AG. MDX as basis for the interfaces, September 2006. Available via nw04/helpdata/en/start.htm – SAP Library – SAP NetWeaver – Information Integration – SAP Business Information Warehouse – Additional Development Technologies – Open Analysis Interfaces. [SAP06b] SAP AG. PIC council. Available via SAP Corporate Portal, August 2006. [SAP06c] SAP AG. SAP NetWeaver as a ‘Business Process Platform’, February 2006. [SAP06d] SAP AG. Unit 1: Architecture overview. Application Platform Architecture Basics. July 2006. Available via SAP Corporate Portal – Application Platform – Knowledge Transfer – Architecture XXV Bibliography Knowledge Transfer – AP Architecture Overview – Link to PPT presentations. [SAP06e] SAP AG. Unit 4: Services. Application Platform Architecture Basics. July 2006. Available via SAP Corporate Portal – Application Platform – Knowledge Transfer – Architecture Knowledge Transfer – AP Architecture Overview – Link to PPT presentations. [SAP06f] SAP TV. What is BPP? Video available via http://directbeam:1080/noauth Inside What is BPP e 4204.asx, 2006. [Str05] Uwe Stromberg. SAP Business Object Template: Business Partner, May 2005. [Vay06] Julien Vayssière. Fraud Detection at SAP Research, 2006. [Wik06a] Wikipedia. Business-intelligence. Available via Intelligence, August 2006. [Wik06b] Wikipedia. Enron. Available, August 2006. via [Wik06c] Wikipedia. MCI worldcom. Available, August 2006. via [Wik06d] Wikipedia. Sarbanes-Oxley Act., August 2006. via Available [Wik06e] Wikipedia. Serviceorientierte Architektur. Available via Architektur, August 2006. [Wol05] Stephan Wollny. Implementation of the business object ‘SupplierInvoice’ and its services according to the enterprise services architecture. Master’s thesis, University of Cooperative Education Mannheim, March 2005. XXVI Bibliography [XKS06] XU Product Architecture, Knowledge Transfer, and SAP AG. The big picture. ESA Architecture Series 2006. February 2006. Available via SAP Corporate Portal – Product & Technology Group – Architecture – Media Library – ESA Architecture Series. XXVII Statement of Academic Honesty “Hereby, I declare: • That the diploma thesis on hand with the topic ‘Detecting Fraud Patterns using data obtained from the Application Platform’ was created without any help of a third party. • That directly or indirectly used thoughts of third party sources are highlighted in the according places within the document • That the diploma thesis was not submitted to any other university or published in the past. I am aware, that a dishonest statement will have legal consequences.” Brisbane, 08.09.2006 Signature: XXVIII