Section 6

Serial Correlation
(Section 6)
What the problem is
- Serial correlation is most commonly a problem in time series and
panel data (but can also occur in cross sectional data)
- Sometimes serial correlation is called autocorrelation
Serial Correlation:
Corr (ε r , ε s | X 1... X k ) ≠ 0
for some r ≠ s
Conditional on x’s,
errors of two different observations (two different years in time
series) are correlated
NO Serial Correlation:
Corr (ε r , ε s | X 1 ... X k ) = 0
for all r ≠ s
Conditional on x’s,
errors of two different observations (two different years in time
series) are uncorrelated
A. Pure serial correlation
1. First order serial correlation in time series data (stochastic error
term follows an AR(1) process)
AR(1) process (Markov scheme):
ε t = ρε t −1 + ut
- What if ρ = 0 ?
- What if ρ → 1 ?
- What if ρ > 1 ?
- What if ρ is positive? (positive serial correlation)
Picture of positive serial correlation:
What if ρ is negative? (negative serial correlation)
Picture of negative serial correlation:
Picture of stochastic error with no serial correlation:
2. Other order serial correlation
(a) Seasonally serial correlation
(b) Second order serial correlation (error term is an AR(2) process)
3. Serial Correlation in panel data
Correlation between errors of a particular individual will probably
be correlated
B. Impure serial correlation
Impure serial correlation- serial correlation caused by a specification
error (such as an omitted variable or incorrect functional form)
True equation:
Yt = β 0 + β1 X 1t + β 2 X 2t + ε t
Suppose we accidentally omit X 2 ?
Yt = β 0 + β1 X 1t + ε t*
ε t* = β 2 X 2t + ε t
ε t* will tend to be serial correlation if
1. X 2 is serially correlated (
2. size of ε is small compared to the size of β 2 X 2
) &
Ex (from the book)
Ft = β 0 + β1 RPt + β 2Ydt + β 3 Dt + ε t
What happens if disposable income is omitted?
1. Why might the estimated coefficients for RP & D be bias?
2. Error term included left out disposable income effect
Disposable income probability follows a serially correlated pattern
Some more algebra:
C. Does putting a lagged value of our dependent variable in our
independent variables cause bias and serial correlation?
- Most textbooks would say this would cause bias & serial
correlation, but this is not quite right.
Consequences of serial correlation
Three major consequences of serial correlation:
1. Pure serial correlation does not cause bias in the coefficients’
2. Serial correlation causes OLS estimates not to be the minimum
variance estimates (of all the linear unbiased estimators)
( )
3. Serial correlation causes the OLS estimates of SE βˆ j ’s to be bias,
leads to unreliable hypothesis testing
- Does not make it βˆ j biased but standard errors will typically
increase because of serial correlation
- OLS is more likely to misestimate β
Note: It very rarely makes sense to talk about a bias in R 2 (or
adjusted R 2 ) caused by serial correlation
III. Tests for detecting serial correlation
A. A t-test for AR(1) serial correlation with strictly exogenous
Must assume:
Hypothesis we will test:
How do we test this?
Why can’t we regress
ε t = ρε t −1 + ut
and use t-test on ρ ?
t = 2,...T
What could we do instead?
If we get a small p-value what does this mean?
B. Durbin-Watson test
Must meet the following assumptions to use the Durbin-Watson test:
1. Regression includes an intercept
2. Serial correlation is AR(1)
3. The regression does not included a lagged dependent variables as
an independent variable
∑ (et − et −1 )
DW = t = 2
∑ (et )2
t =1
DW =0 : Extreme positive serial correlation
DW ≈ 2 : No serial correlation
DW =4 : Extreme negative serial correlation
- Weaknesses of Durbin-Watson test
• Can have inconclusive results
• Depends on a full set of OLS assumptions
- How to perform a Durbin-Watson test
• Run regression → Get OLS residual → Calculate DW stat
• Determine sample size and use tables, in our book (B-4, B-5,
Decision rule for
DW < d L
DW > dU
d L ≤ DW ≤ dU
HO : ρ ≤ 0 :
Reject H O
Do not reject H O
• Decision rule for
If DW < d L
If DW > 4 − dU
If 4 − dU ≤ DW ≤ dU
HO : ρ = 0 :
Reject H O
Reject H O
Do not reject H O
- SPSS gives a DW statistic
C. Other tests
- There is a DW test for AR(2) serial correlation
ε t = ρ1ε t −1 + ρ 2ε t − 2 + ut
H O : ρ1 = 0 ρ 2 = 0
F-Test for joint significance
- There is also a Lagrange multiplier test
IV. What to do about serial correlation
- What do you do if your Durbin-Watson shows you have serial
A. First check to see if it is impure serial correlation
- Check specification of your equation
1. Is the functional form correct?
2. Are there omitted variables?
B. For pure serial correlation
1. Use generalized least squares (GLS)
- GLS starts with an equation that does not meet CLR assumptions
(In this case due to serial correlation) & transform it into one that
Ways to estimate GLS equations:
a) Cochrane-Orcutt Method (two step method)
- Run regression to get starting values of et and et −1
- Run regression of et = ρet −1
Get ρ̂i
i. Run regression of:
Yt − ρˆ iYt −1 = β 0 (1 − ρˆ i ) + β1 ( X 1t − ρˆ i X 1t )
ii. Run regression of:
et = ρet −1 using new et and et −1
get ρˆ i +1
If ρˆ i +1 − ρˆ i > tolleranceLevel change ρˆ i +1 to ρ̂i and go back to step 1
If ρˆ i +1 − ρˆ i ≤ tolleranceLevel Stop and use your last regression
b) The AR(1) method
Estimate a GLS equation like (4) estimating β 0 , β1 , & ρ simultaneously
2. Newey-West standard errors
- Changes standard errors but does not change β j ’s.
o Why does it make sense to adjust se(β j ) but not β j ’s?
- Typically Newey-west standard errors are larger than OLS
standard errors
o What does this do to significance?