(Spring 2016)
Erin Malone, MBA
Office Hours: Appointment Only
Prerequisites: None
Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2015), Organizational Behavior (16th Ed.) Prentice- Hall.
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-350764-5
Catalog Course Description:
The study of human behavior in complex organizations with emphasis on individual, small group, and
intergroup behavior and how it affects and is affected by the organization in pursuit of organizational
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, the student will gain an increased knowledge and understanding of human behavior within the context of the organizational environment. Major learning
outcomes will include:
1. To develop an appreciation of organizational behavior as a body of knowledge, a behavioral
science theory that takes the student beyond common sense.
2. To increase the understanding of numerous variables that impact human behavior, resulting
in the complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty, openness, and ever-changing nature of individuals.
3. To experience some of the realities of behavioral differences that exist between individuals in
all organizations and with which all members of an organization must learn to cope.
4. To recognize that “people” problems are often more real stumbling blocks than “machine or paper”
5. To develop the ability for problem solving and discovering answers without relying solely on textbook
explanations and “quick fixes.”
6. To develop the capability to bridge the “gap” between theory and practice.
Course Grade Determination:
Your final grade will be determined by the following:
Exam #1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4) 100 Points
Exam # 2 (Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8) 100 “ “
Exam #3 (Chapters 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) 100 “ “
Exam #4 (Chapters 14, 15, 16, 17, 18) 100 ““
Total of 11 quizzes worth 20 points each: 220
Total: 620 Points
Percentage of Points: 90 – 100% A
80 – 89% B
70 – 79% C
60 – 69% D
0 – 59% F
Disability Accommodations: Students with disabilities may request reasonable accommodations
through the A&M-Texarkana Disabilities Services Office by calling 903-223-3062.
Academic Honesty Policy: Academic honesty is expected of students enrolled in this course. Cheating on
examinations, unauthorized collaboration, falsification of research data, plagiarism, and undocumented
use of materials from any source constitute academic dishonest and may be grounds for a grade of “F”
in the course and/or disciplinary actions. For additional information, see the university catalog.
A&M-Texarkana Email Address: Upon application to Texas A&M University-Texarkana an individual will
be assigned an A&M-Texarkana email account. This email account will be used to deliver official
university correspondence. Each individual is responsible for information sent and received via the
university email account and is expected to check the official A&M-Texarkana email account on a
frequent and consistent basis. Faculty and students are required to utilize the university email account
when communication about coursework.
be assigned an A&M-Texarkana email account. This email account will be used to deliver official
university correspondence. Each individual is responsible for information sent and received via the
university email account and is expected to check the official A&M-Texarkana email account on a
frequent and consistent basis. Faculty and students are required to utilize the university email account
when communication about coursework.
Drop Policy: To drop this course after the census date (see semester calendar), a student must complete
the Drop/Withdrawal Request Form, located on the University website or obtained in the Registrar’s Office. The student must submit the
signed and completed form to the instructor of each course indicated on the form to be dropped for
his/her signature. The signature is not an “approval” to drop, but rather confirmation that the student
has discussed the drop/withdrawal with the faculty member. The form must be submitted to the
Registrar’s office for
processing in person,
Read Chapters 1/2
Jan. 29- Feb 1
Chapter 1-2 Quiz Available,
Read Chapters 3/4
mail (7101 University Ave.,
Texarkana, TX 75503) or
fax (903-223-3140).
Drop/withdraw forms
missing any of the
required information will
not be accepted by the
Registrar’s Office for
processing. It is the
student’s responsibility to
ensure that the form is
completed properly before
submission. If a student
stops participating in class
(attending and submitting
assignments) but does not
complete and submit the
drop/withdrawal form, a
final grade based on work
completed as outlined in the syllabus will be assigned.
BBA Program Goals: At the completion of your degree our BBA graduates should be proficient in the
following areas:
Learning Goal 1: Our graduates will be competent in the broad business disciplines that underlie the
BBA degree.
Learning Goal 2: Critical Thinking/Problem Solving: Upon completion of their degree program, students
will be able to demonstrate critical thinking.
Learning Goal 3: Communication: Upon completion of their degree program, students will be able to
express ideas clearly and coherently.
Learning Goal 4: Ethical Dilemmas in a Global Environment: Upon completion of their degree program,
students will be able to identify and assess ethical issues in a global environment.
Feb. 5-8th
Chapter 3-4 Quiz Available
February 8th
February 10th
Feb. 12-15th
Feb. 19-22
February 29th
March 2nd
March 4-7
March 12-14th
March 21st
March 25-28th
March 28th
March 30th
April 1-4th
April 4th
April 8-11th
APRIL 11th
April 16-18
April 22nd
April 27th
Read Chapter 5
Unit One Test (1-4)
Chapter 5 Quiz Available
Read Chapters 6/7
Chapter 6/7 Quiz
Read Chapter 8
Chapter 8 Quiz Available
Read Chapter 9
Unit Two Test (5-8)
Chapter 9 Quiz
Read Chapters 10/11
Read Chapters 12/13
Quiz Due for 12/13
Read Chapter 14
Unit Three Test ( 9-13)
Chapter 14 Quiz Available
Reach Chapters 15-16
Chapter 15-16 Quiz
Read Chapters 17/18
Chapter 17/18 Quiz
Bonus Assignment Due
Final (14-18)