Fechas de formación Horario Lugar de formación

Curso Certificación Técnica Infoblox
Fechas de formación
25 - 26 - 27 Febrero
De 09:30 a 18:00 horas
Lugar de formación
Nueva Aula de Formación de Exclusive Networks,
C/ Caleruega, 102-104 planta 10 Dcha. - Madrid
de curso
Las plazas para el curso de certificación de Infoblox son estrictamente limitadas y tienen un coste de 1.300 € por alumno.
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El coste incluye curso de certificación, todos los manuales oficiales y derecho a presentarse dos veces para pasar la convocatoria.
Curso Certificación Técnica Infoblox
NIOS Configuration Class para certificación CICA
25 - 26 - 27 Febrero de 2013
Infoblox NIOS Configuration Class es la denominación del curso que da acceso a la Certificación Técnica Oficial de Infoblox CICA
(Certified Infoblox Core Administrator), que aporta a los alumnos los conocimientos necesarios para configurar y gestionar
appliances Infoblox con NIOS: forward & reverse mapping zones, network & zone creation, DNS Anycast, DHCP ranges, fixed
addresses, grid management, system & protocol level monitoring & system level management.
Para recibir este curso se requiere un sólido conocimiento de DNS y DHCP.
El curso será impartido en su totalidad en castellano. Duración del curso: 3 días.
Agenda del curso
25 de Febrero
Module 1 - Product Overview (Updated)
• Product Overview
• Deployment Strategies
• Command Line Interface (CLI)
• Access the Appliance via the Web GUI
• Initial Configuration Using the Startup Wizard
• Accessing the Admin Guide and Other
Module 2 - GUI Overview (Updated)
• Supported operating systems and browsers
• GUI layout and organization
• Dashboard
• Smart Folders
• Bookmarks
• Filtering
Module 9 - DHCP Networks
(New Module - Updated)
• Create a Network
• Map networks to Grid Members
• Add DHCP Options to Networks
• Add Extensible Attributes to Networks
Module 10 - DHCP Network Objects
(New Module - Updated)
• Create DHCP Ranges & Exclusion Ranges
• Create DHCP Fixed Addresses
• Create DHCP Reservations
Module 11 - DHCP Options
(New Module - Updated)
• What are DHCP options
• Configure standard DHCP options
• Configure custom Vendor options
Module 3 - NIOS Administration (Updated)
• Perform a Backup
• Conduct an Upgrade/Downgrade
• Download a Support Bundle
• Access Syslog and Audit Log
• Configure NTP
Module 12 - DHCP Additional Topics
(New Module - Updated)
• View DHCP leases
• Enable/View DHCP Lease History
• DHCP Thresholds
• Define/Assign DHCP MAC Address filters
Module 4 - Administrator Accounts (Updated)
• Create Admin Groups
• Assign Permissions Directly to Groups
• Assign Permissions via Roles
• Configure Admin Accounts
Module 13 - DHCP IPAM
(New Module - Updated)
• Split/Join Networks
• Create/Remove Network Containers
• View utilization
• View IPAM data graphically
• Clearing leases vs. Reclaiming IP Addresses
Module 5 - High Availability (Updated)
• Overview of Infoblox HA
• VRRP Definitions
• bloxSync
• Configure and Test an HA pair
Module 6 - Grid Architecture (Updated)
• Grid Overview
• Create a Grid
26 de Febrero
Module 7 - DHCP Overview
(New Module - Updated)
• Navigate the DHCP Panel
Module 8 - DHCP Member Configuration
(New Module - Updated)
• Start & Stop the DHCP services
• DHCP Grid Properties
• DHCP Member Properties
• View DHCP Member Configuration Files
Module 14 - File Distribution (Updated)
• Describe file distribution services on Infoblox
• Configure TFTP, FTP and HTTP services
• Create directories on the appliance
• Add files to the appliance
• Add files using Data Import Wizard (DIW)
• Retrieve files from an appliance using TFTP, FTP
27 de Febrero
Module 15 - DNS Overview
(New Module - Updated)
• Navigate the DNS Panel
Module 16 - DNS Member Configuration
(New Module - Updated)
• Configure Forwarders
• Configure Query Access
• Enable Zone Transfers
• Domain Name Blacklisting
Module 17 - DNS Zones
(New Module - Updated)
• Authoritative Zones
• Delegated Zones
• Forward Zones
• Stub Zones
• Reverse Zones
Module 18 - DNS Records Configuration
(New Module - Updated)
• Add Resource records
Module 19 - DNS IPAM
(New Module - Updated)
• Describe DNS IPAM and how DNS objects can
be viewed
• Convert non-DNS objects to a DNS record type
• Review the use of Extensible Attributes on filtering
IPAM reports
Module 20 - DNS Additional Topics
(New Module - Updated)
• Configure Name Server Groups
• Configure Shared Record Groups
• Configure Blacklist Rulesets
• Understand the Infoblox NXDomain Feature
Module 21 - Data Import (Updated)
• Import DNS data using the Data Import Wizard
• Importing DNS data using the CSV Import
Module 22 - Microsoft Management (Updated)
• Describe Microsoft Management feature
• Configure NIOS to remotely manage a Microsoft
DNS or DHCP server
• Add data to a Microsoft DNS or DHCP server
using NIOS
Module 23 - Network Discovery (Updated)
• Discovery Overview
• Configure NIOS Network Discovery
• Display Discovered Data
• Create DNS records from Discovered addresses
• Resolve Conflicts Between Pre-Existing and
Discovered Data
• Discover/View data on virtual devices
Module 24 - Scheduled Upgrades (Updated)
• Describe the Scheduled Upgrade process
• Configure and schedule upgrade groups
• Schedule Distributions
• Schedule Upgrades
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