Index of Measures - Oregon State University

Index of Measures
*indicates that this measure is included in the appendix
24 Hour Diet Recall (See Oregon Health Division Table 6.3: Child Nutrition and Physical
- WIC surveys)........................................................... Activity
*Ad-Health Contraceptive Use.................................. Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
*Ad-Health Motivations for Birth Control ................ Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
*Ad-Health Motivations to Engage in Risky
Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
Behaviors ................................................................... Responsibility
*Ad-Health Pregnancy, AIDS, and STD Risk
Perceptions and Behaviors......................................... Table 7-17: STD Risk and Protection
*Adjustment to School/What I Think of School
Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
and Your Child's Adjustment to School .................... Educational Aspirations
*Adolescent-Coping Orientation for Problem
Table 7-9: Youth's Self-Efficacy and Personal
Experiences (A-COPE).............................................. Control
Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory (AAPI) ......... Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) ...................... Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Growth and Development
*Anger Management Survey –Parent ........................ Table 5-9: Conflict Resolution/Anger
Management Skills
*Anger Management Survey –Youth ........................ Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
Arrest and conviction rates ........................................ Table 7-2: Community Environments and Law
*Assertion Inventory ................................................. Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
Assessment Profile for Early Childhood Programs: Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
Research Version ....................................................... for School Age Children
*Attachment to Parents.............................................. Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Interaction and Table 7-4: Parent/Adult
Relationships with Youth
Attributional Style Questionnaire (ASQ) .................. Table 7-9: Youth's Self-Efficacy and Personal
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Barriers to Prenatal Care............................................ Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant
Basic First Aid ........................................................... Table 9-6: Parents’ and Children’s Knowledge
of Self-Care Guidelines
Battelle Developmental Inventory ............................. Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Growth and Development
Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Second
Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Edition ....................................................................... Growth and Development
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale (BERS) ...... Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
Development and Table 7-8: Youth's View of
Self and Future
Birth Certificates........................................................ Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant Outcome
*Breast-feeding Attitudes and Beliefs ....................... Table 6-3: Child Nutrition and Physical
CASA Tracking Forms and Surveys ......................... Table 5-17: Advocacy and Therapeutic
Interventions for Maltreated Children
Case and other records .......................................... Table 5-17: Advocacy and Therapeutic
Interventions for Maltreated Children
Child abuse and neglect rates; re-abuse rates ............ Table 5-7: Family Violence and Table 5-17:
Measures Advocacy and Therapeutic
Interventions for Maltreated Children
Child Abuse Potential Inventory (CAP) .................... Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies and Table 5-18:
Maltreatment Prevention and Treatment
Advocacy and Coordination
Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL)............................. Table 6-8: Children's Aggression or AntiSocial Behaviors and Table 7-10: School or
Other Behavioral Problems
Child Health or Immunization Records ..................... Table 6-4: Child Health Status and Health Care
*Child Rearing Practices Report Questionnaire
Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
(CPRPQ) .................................................................... Strategies
Child support establishment and payments;
Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
paternity verification.................................................. Resources
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
*Child Support Interview (CSI)................................. Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
Child Well-Being Scales............................................ Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies and Table 5-17:
Advocacy and Therapeutic Interventions for
Maltreated Children
Child’s Exposure to English in the Home ................. Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
*Child’s Report of Parent Behavior Inventory,
Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
(CRPBI) ..................................................................... Strategies
*Child-Care Quality Checklist................................... Table 9-1. Young Children’s Care
Childhood Care History ............................................. Table 9-3: Childhood Providers' Skills and
*Children’s Activity Questionnaire ........................... Table 6-3: Child Nutrition and Physical
Children’s Beliefs about Parent Divorce Scale
(CBPD) ...................................................................... Table 5-3: Social Support
Classroom Environment Scale (CES)........................ Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
Classroom Instruction Observation Form
Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
(CIOF) ....................................................................... for School Age Children
Cognitive Abilities Scale ........................................... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System
(CASAS).................................................................... Table 8-1: Adult Literacy and Education
Comprehensive Assessment of School
Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
Environments (CASE): School Climate Survey ....... for School Age Children
*Contraceptive Knowledge ....................................... Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
*Contraceptive Use (see Ad-Health) ......................... Table 7-18: Rates of Pregnancy, Reproductive
Care, and Child-Birth Among Adolescents
County Alcohol and Drug Treatment Rates .............. Table 7-13: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug
Use Rates
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
County Crime Statistics ............................................. Table 7-19: Prosecution Rates of Sexual
Predators Including Statutory Rape
County records for rates of juvenile referrals,
violations, and offenses rates; severity of offenses; Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
recidivism rates.......................................................... Behavior
*Delinquency Scale ................................................... Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Denver II: Developmental Assessment..................... Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Growth and Development
Dimensions of Depression Profile for Children
and Adolescents (DDPCA)........................................ Table 7-11: Psychological Well-Being
Disclosure of abuse.................................................... Table 5-16: Child Safety and Preventive
Domestic Violence Arrest Rates................................ Table 5-7: Family Violence
Domestic Violence Protection Checklist (DVPC)..... Table 5-7: Family Violence
*Domestic/Partner Violence Survey.......................... Table 5-7: Family Violence
Duration of employment for providers ...................... Table 9-3: Childhood Providers' Skills and
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale
Table 9-1. Young Children’s Care
(ECERS) .................................................................... Environments
*Early Childhood Teacher Competency Scale
Table 9-3: Childhood Providers' Skills and
(ECTCS) .................................................................... Continuity
Early Screening Inventories Revised
Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
(ESI-R)....................................................................... Growth and Development
Economic Status ........................................................ Table 7-2: Community Environments and Law
*Educational Expectations, Performance, and
Table 7-8: Youth's View of Self and Future
Aspirations................................................................. and Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes,
and Educational Aspirations
*Employability Assessment Scale ............................. Table 8-6: School to Work Outcome
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
English as a Second Language Laboratory
Assessment Records .................................................. Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
*Environmental Assessment Index (EAI) Short or
Long Form ................................................................. Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
*Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory............................ Table 6-8: Children's Aggression or AntiSocial Behaviors
Family Assessment Form (FAF): Practice Based
Table 5-1: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Assessment of Family Functioning............................ Outcomes
Table 5-6: Family Routines
Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
Table 6-9: Environment Health and Safety
Family Assessment Measure (FAM) ......................... Table 5-1: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Family Assessment Profile (FAP) ............................. Table 5-1: Comprehensive Measures of Family
*Family Climate Inventory, FCI................................ Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Functioning and Table 5-13: Parent
Supervision and Guidance Strategies
*Family Coping Index (FAMCI)............................... Table 5-8: Parent Self-Efficacy and Coping
Family Day Care Rating Scale, FDCRS.................... Table 9-1. Young Children’s Care
*Family Distress Index (FDI) .................................... Table 5-8: Parent Self-Efficacy and Coping
Family Environment Scale (FES) .............................. Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
*Family Functioning Scale – (FFS)........................... Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Functioning and Table 5-5: Family
Commitment and Communication
*Family Functioning Style Scale (FFSS) .................. Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Functioning and Table 5-5: Family
Commitment and Communication
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
*Family Hardiness Index (FHI)................................. Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Functioning and Table 7-4: Parent/Adult
Relationships with Youth
*Family Involvement in Children’s Learning ........... Table 8-2. Parent Support for and Involvement
in Education
*Family Needs Survey (FNS).................................... Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
Family Planning Service Records.............................. Table 7-18: Rates of Pregnancy, Reproductive
Care, and Child-Birth Among Adolescents
*Family Problem Solving Communication (FPSC) .. Table 5-5: Family Commitment and
*Family Resource Scale (FRS).................................. Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
Family Routine Inventory (FRI) ................................ Table 5-6: Family Routine
*Family Support Scale (FSS) .................................... Table 5-3: Social Support
*Family Television Practices Survey ........................ Table 6-10: Television Viewing
*Family Time and Routines Index (FTRI) ................ Table 5-6: Family Routine and Table 5-11:
Parent Involvement
*Father-Child Activity Scale ..................................... Table 5-11: Parent Involvement
*Feeding Your Infant (see Oregon Health
Table 6-3: Child Nutrition and Physical
Division WIC) ........................................................... Activity
*Focus Group Interviews........................................... Chapter 3
Group Social Problem Solving Assessment
(GSPSA) .................................................................... Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
High Risk Infant Tracking Database ......................... Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant
Home Observation for Measurement of the
Environment (HOME) Inventory............................... Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
Homework Completion Rates.................................... Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
Hospital Emergency Room Records.......................... Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Hospital Record Screen (HRI)................................... Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
*Index of Parenting Style (IPS)-Parental
Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Warmth/Involvement subscale .................................. Interaction and Table 7-4: Parent/Adult
Relationships with Youth
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, ITERS.... Table 9-1. Measures of Young Children’s Care
*Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment (IPPA).... Table 7-4: Parent-Adult Relationships and
Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
*Inventory of Social Support (ISS) ........................... Table 5-3: Social Support
Kaufman Survey of Early Academic and
Language Skills (K-SEALS) ..................................... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
Kempe Family Stress Assessment (KFSA) ........... Table 5-15: Measures of Child Maltreatment
Risk Processes and Parenting Strategies
*Kindergarten Teacher Survey on School
Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Readiness ................................................................... Growth and Development
*Kinship Social Support (KSS) ................................. Table 5-3: Social Support and Table 7-4:
Parent/Adult Relationships with Youth
*Knowledge and Behavior-Parent Newsletter
Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
Survey ........................................................................ Expectations
*Knowledge and Behavior-Parent Education
Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
Evaluation .................................................................. Expectations
*Knowledge of Adolescent Development ................. Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
Expectations and Table 7-5: Parent
Knowledge, Expectations, and Monitoring
Knowledge of Child Care Quality ............................. Table 9-5: Parents’ Knowledge and
Satisfaction With Childhood Care
*Knowledge of Child Development Inventory
Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
(KCDI)....................................................................... Expectations
Knowledge of Health Issues in Pregnancy ................ Table 6-2: Maternal Knowledge, Behavior, and
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Knowledge of Infant Development (KIDI) ............... Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
Knowledge of maltreatment, reporting procedures, Table 5-18: Measures Maltreatment Prevention
and intervention systems............................................ and Treatment Advocacy and Coordination
*Knowledge of Parenting Skills Inventory................ Table 5-12: Parent Knowledge and
Language subscales of comprehensive measures ...... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
Levels of provider training and education ................. Table 9-3: Childhood Providers' Skills and
Loneliness and Social Dissatisfaction
Questionnaire............................................................. Table 7-7: Youth-Peer Interactions
Maternal Health and Behavior During Pregnancy..... Table 6-2: Maternal Knowledge, Behavior, and
Maternal Health Records ........................................... Table 6-2: Maternal Knowledge, Behavior, and
*Maternal Social Support Index (MSSI) ................... Table 5-3: Social Support
McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD).......... Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
McMaster Structured Interview of Family
Functioning (McSiff) ................................................. Functioning
Middle Grades Assessment Program (MGAP).......... Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
*Multi-dimensional Scale of Perceived Social
Table 7-4: Parent/Adult Relationships with
Support (MSPSS)....................................................... Youth
*Multi-dimensional Support Scale (MDSS).............. Table 7-4: Parent/Adult Relationships with
*Neighborhood Environment for Children Rating
Table 6-9: Environment Health and Safety and
Scales ......................................................................... Table 7-2: Community Environments and Law
Number of accredited childhood care settings........... Table 9-1. Measures of Young Children’s Care
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Table 8-2: Parent Support for and Involvement
Number of Hours Spent in Volunteering for
Schools and Preschool/Child Care Programs ............ in Education
Numbers of Children and Youth on Waiting Lists .... Table 9-4: Measures of Availability and
Affordability of School Age and Youth Care
and Activities
Numbers of Children and Youth Receiving
Table 9-4: Measures of Availability and
Scholarships or other financial assistance ................. Affordability of School Age and Youth Care
and Activities
Numbers of children enrolled .................................... Table 9-4: Measures of Availability and
Affordability of School Age and Youth Care
and Activities
Numbers of families’ use of childhood care
Table 9-5: Parents’ Knowledge and
resource and referral programs .................................. Satisfaction With Childhood Care
Nursing Child Assessment Teaching and Feeding
Scales ......................................................................... Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
*Nurturing Family Resource Checklist (NFRC) ....... Table 5-1: Comprehensive Measures of Family
*Observation Rating Scales ....................................... Chapter 3
Oregon Assessment for 3-5 Year Olds in
Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Developmentally Appropriate Classrooms ................ Growth and Development
*Oregon Even Start Life Skills Assessment (LSA)... Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
Resources Measures
*Oregon Healthy Start Evaluation - Family Intake Table 5-2: Family Self-Sufficiency and
and Family Update..................................................... Resources
Table 5-4: Comprehensive Measures of Family
Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant Outcome
Table 6-2: Maternal Knowledge, Behavior, and
Table 6-4: Child Health Status and Health Care
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
*Oregon Healthy Start Evaluation - Parent Survey Table 5-1: Comprehensive Measures of Family
I and II (PSI and PSII) ............................................... Outcomes
*Oregon Public School Drug Use Survey
Table 7-1: Comprehensive Measures of Youth
(OPSDUS), 1996 ....................................................... Outcomes
Table 7-3: Youth and Their Community
Table 7-4: Parent/Adult Relationships with
Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge, Expectations,
and Monitoring
Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
Table 7-7: Youth-Peer Interactions
Table 7-10: School or Other Behavioral
Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Table 7-13: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug
Use Rates
Table 7-14: Parent Attitudes Toward Drugs
and High Risk Behaviors
Table 7-15: High Risk Peer Interactions and
Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
*Oregon Youth Risk Behavior Survey (OYRBS) .... Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Table 7-13: Alcohol, Tobacco, and other Drug
Use Rates
Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
Table 7-17: STD Risk and Protection
Table 7-18: Rates of Pregnancy, Reproductive
Care, and Child-Birth Among Adolescents
Parent as a Teacher Inventory (PAAT)...................... Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
*Parent Attitudes About Teen Substance Use ........... Table 7-14: Parent Attitudes Toward Drugs
and High Risk Behaviors
*Parent Child Relationship Survey............................ Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
*Parent Teen Communication about Risk
Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Behaviors ................................................................... Interaction and Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge,
Expectations, and Monitoring and Table 7-16:
Abstinence and Sexual Responsibility
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Parent’s Education Level, Formal and Informal
Training ..................................................................... Table 8-1: Adult Literacy and Education
Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
*Parental Authority Questionnaire (PAQ) –
Adapted...................................................................... Strategies
*Parental Awareness Survey ..................................... Table 7-14: Parent Attitudes Toward Drugs
and High Risk Behaviors
*Parental Discipline Scale ......................................... Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
*Parental Emphasis on Achievement ........................ Table 8-2. Parent Support for and Involvement
in Education
*Parental Hostility and Conflict in Divorce Scale
(PHCDS).................................................................... Table 5-3: Social Support
*Parental Involvement Survey................................... Table 5-11: Parent Involvement and Table 7-4:
Parent/Adult Relationships with Youth
*Parental Monitoring-Parent's Perceptions................ Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
Strategies and Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge,
Expectations, and Monitoring
*Parental Monitoring-Youth's Perceptions................ Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
Strategies and Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge,
Expectations, and Monitoring
*Parental Responsiveness .......................................... Table 5-10: Parent Care and Parent-Child
Interaction and Table 7-4: Parent/Adult
Relationships with Youth
*Parenting Competence ............................................. Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
Strategies and Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge,
Expectations, and Monitoring
*Parenting Dimensions Inventory – Adapted ............ Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
*Parenting Scale ........................................................ Table 5-13: Parent Supervision and Guidance
Parenting Stress Index (PSI) ...................................... Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, PPVT-3............... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
*Peer Norms Regarding Academic Excellence
Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Inventory.................................................................... Educational Aspirations
*Personal Experience Inventory (PEI) ...................... Table 7-1: Comprehensive Measures of Youth
Table 7-8: Youth's View of Self and Future
Table 7-10: School or Other Behavioral
Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Table 7-13: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug
Use Rates
Table 7-15: High Risk Peer Interactions and
*Physical Activity Questionnaire .............................. Table 6-3: Child Nutrition and Physical
Activity Measures
Policies, procedures, resource development, and
Table 5-18: Maltreatment Prevention and
other evidence............................................................ Treatment Advocacy and Coordination
Prenatal and Perinatal Service Records ..................... Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant Outcome
Preschool Language Scale – 3 (PLS-3) ..................... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
Problem-Solving Inventory (PSI) .............................. Table 5-8: Parent Self-Efficacy and Coping
*Psychological Well Being (CES-D) ........................ Table 7-11: Psychological Well-Being
*Quality of Child Care............................................... Table 9-1. Young Children’s Care
Table 9-3: Measures of Childhood Providers'
Skills and Continuity
Table 9-5: Parents’ Knowledge and
Satisfaction With Childhood Care
*Quality of School Age Child Care........................... Table 9-2: School Age Children and Youth
*Reading Together – Adapted ................................... Table 5-14: Parents' Support of Learning
*Records Extraction Form ......................................... Multiple tables, Chapter 3
Records Log/ Records of Pro-social or Anti-social Table 6-8: Children's Aggression or AntiBehavior..................................................................... Social Behaviors
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Records of child health and development
Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
screenings .................................................................. Growth and Development
Referrals and receipt of early intervention services... Table 6-5: Comprehensive Measures of
Growth and Development
*Relationship with Parents ........................................ Table 5-11: Parent Involvement
Reported Accidents, Poisonings, Violence, or
Safety Hazards in Homes, Child Care Settings,
Schools, and Communities ........................................ Table 6-9: Environment Health and Safety
*Resource Scale for Teenage Mothers (RSTM)
(see Family Resource Scale)......................................
Risk Factors Checklist ............................................... Table 5-15: Child Maltreatment Risk Processes
and Parenting Strategies
*Role Play Ratings .................................................... Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
*Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale (RSS) .................... Table 5-8: Parent Self-Efficacy and Coping
and Table 7-8: Youth's View of Self and
Safety Practices in Child Care Settings,
Preschools, Schools, and Community Centers .......... Table 6-9: Environment Health and Safety
*Satisfaction Survey .................................................. Table 6-1: Perinatal Care and Infant
*Scale of Primary Classroom Practices (SPCP) ........ Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
School and Family Partnerships Surveys (SFPS) ...... Table 8-2. Parent Support for and Involvement
in Education and Table 8-5: Academic
Progress and Success
School Archival Records Search (SARS).................. Table 6-8: Children's Aggression or AntiSocial Behaviors
School Disciplinary Records ..................................... Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
*School Environment Scale....................................... Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
School Records .......................................................... Table 7-10: School or Other Behavioral
Problems and Table 8-5: Academic Progress
and Success
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
School to Work Experiences...................................... Table 8-6: School to Work
School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale,
Table 9-2: Measures of School Age Children
SACERS .................................................................... and Youth Environments
School-Based Child Safety Program Assessment
Table 5-16: Measures Child Safety and
Guide ......................................................................... Preventive Education
School-Home Early Language and Literacy
Battery – Kindergarten (SHELL-K) .......................... Table 6-6: Emergent Literacy Skills
Search Institute Profiles of Student Life.................... Table 7-1: Comprehensive Measures of Youth
Table 7-3: Youth and Their Community
Table 7-4: Parent/Adult Relationships with
Table 7-5: Parent Knowledge, Expectations,
and Monitoring
Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
Table 7-8: Youth's View of Self and Future
Table 7-12: Delinquency and other High Risk
Self-Care Knowledge................................................. Table 5-16: Child Safety and Preventive
Education and Table 9-6: Parents’ and
Children’s Knowledge of Self-Care Guidelines
*Self-Care Program Parent Evaluation...................... Table 9-6: Parents’ and Children’s Knowledge
of Self-Care Guidelines
*Self-Efficacy Scale (Popkin) ................................... Table 7-9: Youth's Self-Efficacy and Personal
Control Measures
*Self-Efficacy Scale (SES) (Sherer).......................... Table 5-8: Parent Self-Efficacy and Coping
and Table 7-9: Youth's Self-Efficacy and
Personal Control
Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (SPPA) ....... Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
Table 7-7: Youth-Peer Interactions
Table 7-8: Youth's View of Self and Future
Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Educational Aspirations
Self-Perception Profile for Children (SPPC) ............. Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Educational Aspirations
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
Self-reported grades or other academic progress....... Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
Self-reported homework completion rates................. Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
*Sense of Community................................................ Table 7-2: Community Environments and Law
*Sexual Behavior Intentions...................................... Table 7-16: Abstinence and Sexual
*Social Attributes Checklist ...................................... Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
Development Outcome
*Social Development Checklist................................. Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
Development Outcome
Social Skills Rating System (SSRS).......................... Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
Development Outcome
Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Educational Aspirations
Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success
*Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) ....................... Table 5-3: Social Support
State and County Health Department records............ Table 7-18: Rates of Pregnancy, Reproductive
Care, and Child-Birth Among Adolescents
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory (STAXI)..... Table 5-9: Conflict Resolution/Anger
Management Skills
Table 7-6: Youth’s Social Competencies
Table 7-17: STD Risk and Protection
Student Portfolios ...................................................... Table 8-5: Academic Progress and Success;
Chapter 3
*Supplemental Questionnaire for Principals ............. Table 8-3: Supportive Educational Experiences
for School Age Children
*Teacher-Child Rating Scale (TCRS) ....................... Table 8-4: Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Educational Aspirations
Wages paid to childhood care providers and staff ..... Table 9-3: Measures of Childhood Providers'
Skills and Continuity
Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence
Table 6-7: Children's Social-Emotional
and School Adjustment.............................................. Development Outcome and Table 8-4:
Classroom Behavior, Attitudes, and
Educational Aspirations
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998
Index of Measures
What If Situations Test (WIST)................................. Table 5-16: Measures Child Safety and
Preventive Education
*Your Child’s Health and Nutrition .......................... Table 6-4: Child Health Status and Health Care
*Youth Work Skills ................................................... Table 8-6: School to Work Outcomes
Youth Volunteer Service, Participation in Civic,
Athletic, Creative, or Other Positive Activities ......... Table 7-3: Youth and Their Community
Oregon State University
Family Policy Program, 1998