How to obtain access to the Environmental Compliance Application This document walks through the process for: 1. How to obtain access to Supplier portal and Environmental Compliance application 2. How to check the status of your account request that you have submitted The process to obtain access to the Environmental compliance application depends on whether you already have an account on New User (Individual users currently not registered and do not have a login id on Already registered user (Page 11)(Individual user having an existing account / login id with and needs to apply for only the Environmental Compliance application) New Users: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Go to Click on the Register link in the upper right hand corner of the page. Select the radio button entitled I am Intel Supplier. Click on the Next button. Follow the instructions in numeric order for each of the five headers on this page. A video link is included at the bottom of the page for further assistance. Additionally screen captures and details are provided below. Screenshot of first page: No action is required on this page so click on Next when ready. Item 2: Enter Dun & Bradstreet (DUNS) number What is a Dun & Bradstreet D-U-N-S number? A D&B D-U-N-S number is a nine-digit unique number identifying your company, its various locations for doing business, and basic information needed by Intel Corporation to do business with your company (such as your billing address). Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) creates this number and manages the information you provide to them. These numbers are given to businesses at the local and global level. How do I find out what my D&B® D-U-N-S number is? You can determine your D-U-N-S Number in one of two ways: Ask about your company’s D-U-N-S number internally, possibly in your finance department. Search Dun & Bradstreet’s® online database at Contact Dun & Bradstreet® directly at How do I apply for a D&B® D-U-N-S number? Use an application process specifically for Intel suppliers, found at Apply for a D&B® D-U-N-S number by contacting Dun & Bradstreet directly at What should I do if my D-U-N-S number is not accepted by the system? Please verify that you have entered the correct D-U-N-S® number for your company. If the number is valid but you still get an error message, please email with your company’s name, address, DUNS number and the address associated with that DUNS number. Please remember- to add the DUNS number to Intel’s’ database the company’s address and the address associated with the DUNS number should match. DUNS Number Screenshot Item 3: Select Environmental Compliance Documents Application i. Deselect the already selected option Intel(R) Web Suite (Invoice/PO/ Payment Tracker/ASN/Forecast) - Suppliers Only ii. Please note- It is important to de-select this option or else you will need to supply 10 digit supplier number, Tax/VAT/Company registration number etc. iii. Under Additional access, scroll down and select the following application Supplier Info – IPC 1752 upload portal, Environmental Compliance Documents. (Note: This application is also appropriate for uploading IEC 62474 documents) Please deselect this option Click within this box to view additional access options Scroll down to the option shown here and click in the small box to select it Item 4: Complete Application form Provide the requested information to create an account. Please notea. To create login id, do not create anything with spaces in between example “ Smith Jones” will not be accepted and you will get an error message but “smith_johns” or “smithjohns” or “” will be accepted. b. Please don’t use a generic login id like abc_company. c. Each individual person has to register with their own account but they will all have access to all the manufacturer part information associated with their Manufacturers number. Additional information for Intel contact person- Any Intel employee can be identified as your Intel contact, especially representatives of Intel procurement organizations with whom you work. If you do not know this please contact Item 5: Approval by your company’s Employee Validation Manager (EVM) What is an EVM? An Employee Validation Manager (EVM) is responsible for managing each supplier’s user accounts, and their access to confidential data. For this reason, the EVM has a critical security role. Each supplier must identify at least one EVM to manage its users. If, at any time, a supplier does not have an EVM, all users for that supplier will lose their access until a new EVM is identified. Why is an EVM necessary? For Standard Registration (full access) accounts, Intel requires that company’s manager their own users. This allows suppliers to control access to confidential data. Suppliers are more aware of their employees’ job role or employment changes, and are therefore most able to grant or revoke accounts and/or application access based on employment and/or job role changes. Start by clicking on the Apply EVM button. Enter the login ID and Password you created in section 4. IF an EVM exists for your company i. If your company has had a previous Supplier Portal Site (SPS) account then you will be prompted to select an EVM from the existing list. ii. Click the link and choose an EVM from the list Employee Validation manager Report. NOTE- You can select more then one EVM to approve your account iii. Add a message in the Please enter your question to Employee Validation Manager selected above. iv. An email is sent to the EVM to validate and approve you currently work for the company. v. Once that is completed, the request will come to Intel to approve your Environmental Compliance Document Loader access. Select an EVM to validate your information Enter a message like “Please approve my account” IF an EVM does not exist i. If this is the first time your company is registering to Supplier portal site then you will be prompted to assign that role to yourself. Click I Accept. ii. Enter the email address for your Intel contact - Any Intel employee can be identified as your Intel contact, especially representatives of Intel procurement organizations with whom you work. Typically this will be the Intel contact you identified in section 4. If you have additional questions, please contact iii. A notification will be sent to whoever is listed as the Intel Contact to approve you as the EVM user. Click here to accept the EVM role for your company Enter email id of your Intel Contact Intel’s Approval i. ONLY when the EVM approval has been completed, does the request for Supplier Portal site account and Environmental Compliance Doc Loader Application go to your Intel contact. ii. When approved, you will receive a notification indicating your access has been approved and allowing you to log in to and select the Environmental Compliance link to upload an IPC or IEC document. See additional job aides for specific instructions. iii. General timeframe for getting the access request processed is ~1 week Registered Users: (Individual user having an existing account / login id with and needs to apply for Environmental Compliance application) 1. Go to 2. Click on the Sign In link in the upper right hand corner of the page. 3. Enter in your login credentials- NOTE: If your account has been inactive for a long time please send an email to with your Login id and password to set it again 4. Click on the Manage My Account link. Click here 5. Click on the Request Access to Additional Applications link. Click here 6. Under Other Application(s) Access..., scroll down and select the following application Supplier Info – IPC 1752 upload portal, Environmental Compliance Documents. (Note: This application is also appropriate for uploading IEC 62474 documents) Click on Submit. Scroll down to the option shown here and click in the small box to select it 7. Review the information summary regarding your request that is displayed after clicking on Submit above. Click on Submit one last time to complete the application process. 8. Approval of your request for access will be routed to your company’s Employee Validation Manager once that is done the Intel Contact will receive an email to approve/ reject your application. Upon approved, your will receive an email notification. Check Your Request status If you have not heard back from Intel on your account status, then following steps can help understand the status of your request. 1. Go to 2. Click on the Sign In link in the upper right hand corner of the page. 3. Enter in your login credentials- NOTE: If your account has been inactive for a long time please send an email to with your Login id and password to set it again 4. Click on the Manage My Account link. Click here 5. Click Check Status of application and EVM Request in the left hand side menu Click here 6. The screen will display the Application Request status and the EVM Application Status. If the status shows as pending, approval is still needed from Intel.