Sample Telesales Scripts - Fasthosts Customer Support

Hosted Exchange Sales Toolkit
Sample Telesales Scripts
Hosted Exchange Toolkit
Telesales Scripts
Target Audience
Used as content for outbound telesales programs and (potentially)
inbound telesales response. Used in conjunction with the online needs
assessment for further qualification.
Sales Managers
Used to train sales executives and telesales on top benefits and features
to emphasise based on specific customers, industries and reported
Sales Executives
Used as content for ‘follow-up’ phone calls and emails to direct sales
This document provides recommendations and sample script that could be used to target particular
customers for a Hosted Exchange offering with outbound telesales efforts. With any script-based telesales
activity, the inside sales representatives must be fluid and dynamic in their responses to customers to be
effective. The script provides the guidelines, but the representative must react to the specific situation.
Review and incorporate Recommendations for ideas on creating effective marketing
communication materials.
Select relevant components that suit your needs from Ready Script to utilise in your own telesales
scripts and customer presentations.
Finalise and customise with your details (company, service offering, positioning, special offers) as
needed for your branding and sales objectives.
Language and Tone
All sales calls and communications should be customer-focused, from their point-of-view,
addressing their concerns and conveying their benefits. Consider the ‘So what?’ factor as you
engage in a customer dialogue.
Courtesy and brevity are key – be mindful of the person’s time. See if there might be a better time
to call if needed. Thank them for their time.
Telesales requires multiple impressions. Consider first calls successful if prospects agree to
receive your follow-on information or you otherwise succeed in ‘warming’ them up.
Key Elements
Every sales situation is unique in that the time, interest level, knowledge and awareness of each
prospect will be different. Regardless of the sales situation and status of the prospect, as many of
the following elements should be incorporated as possible into the call, as thoroughly as possible:
 Background: Who the prospect is
Business Name and Industry
Contact Name
Contact Email and Phone
If the prospect is a current client for ISP services, information as to their current
connectivity and email account usage
 Positioning: Who you are
Minimum – Your 10-second statement that’s customer-focused
More time – One or two key aspects that are special about your company – things like
certification or unique capabilities.
 Value Proposition: Why they should care about you
Minimum – Your 30-second, one statement value proposition, sometimes known as the
‘elevator pitch’
More time – Relevant advantages that express why a prospect should consider you
instead of other available options
 Qualifying Questions: Why you should care about them
Minimum – What kind of opportunity they represent: How many mailboxes, is their email
in house or hosted, is their email ‘good enough’ free ISP mail, are they familiar with or do
they use Exchange.
More time – Uncover interest, decision-making drivers, budget, timeframe, executive
sponsorship, current needs, etc.
Following is ready-to-use scripting that you may incorporate into your own telesales calls and customer
presentations. We recommend each sales representative use the essence of this scripting in a way that
feels natural to their style and the requirements of each sales situation.
The information gathered during this telesales script can be analyzed using the same approach provided in
the needs assessment scoring strategy.
Lead Generation Telesales Questions
PROSPECT TYPE: Completely ‘cold’ – no pre-existing customer relationship
CALL PURPOSE: Qualify prospect for interest and follow-on opportunities.
What does your business use for email today?
Does your office currently have a high-speed Internet connection?
How many employees do you have using email today?
If the customer has an in-house mail solution:
How confident are you that your team has the technical expertise and time to control spam and
prevent viruses to protect your mail?
If the customer has a ‘good enough’ POP mail solution NOT provided by you).
How effective is your current mail provider in controlling spam and preventing viruses to protect
your mail?
Customer has in-house email solution
We have found that many of our customers currently running their own email solutions do not have
the time or desire to focus resources on the spam prevention and virus protection technologies that
are absolutely critical to protect their email. Because of this, {PROVIDER NAME} offers a
business-class email solution built on Microsoft Exchange that addresses these core operational
needs, but also significantly enhances the capabilities our customers need to be successful. Do
you mind if I ask you some questions about how well your current email solution addresses your
business needs?
Customer using POP email
We have found that many companies currently using a basic POP email service are not aware of
the significant value that a business-class email solution built on Microsoft Exchange provides. Do
you mind if I ask you some questions about how well your current email solution addresses your
business needs?
Can you check calendars to view available time and schedule meetings, even when you’re out of
the office?
Do you currently have the ability to share, access and manage documents from a single location,
even when you’re out of the office?
Do you have a mobile messaging solution that allows executives and key employees to access
email, calendars and tasks even while they’re on the road?
I’d love to share with you some information about how our business-class email and messaging
solution, Hosted Exchange, might be of value. This is a hosted application solution, which means you
get all of the benefits of business-class email with no requirement for technical expertise, zero up-front
investment, and enterprise-class security.
If interested in learning more:
Just to confirm, your email address is [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS], correct? May I have a specialist
call you back tomorrow to discuss the solution further? What time works?
NOTE: Getting a specific time for a meeting is critical as the ‘next best action’ for this telesales call.
The follow-up from this meeting will then be the attempt to close.
If not interested in learning more:
Of course I understand and don’t want to take up any more of your valuable time. I will send you some
follow-on information about Hosted Exchange such that you can become familiar with how [PROVIDER
NAME] can help you with business-class email and messaging solutions and then follow up with you in
a few days when you have more time. Does that work for you?
If still negative:
Well I appreciate the time you have spent with me. Please visit us at www.YOUR to learn
more about Hosted Exchange any time you are considering a business-class email and messaging
solution. Thank you.
Needs Assessment Follow-up
For Technical or Business Decision Maker, based on survey response, to follow-up on web-based response
to Needs Assessment questionnaire.
Hello, this is [PROVIDER NAME], a leader in business-class email solutions. You recently
completed an online assessment on our website regarding your email needs. Is this a good time?
Before we begin, did you have any specific questions or interest in a particular service offering?
NOTE: Wait to try and get the customer to engage with a specific interest area. The Telesales
team needs to be fully equipped with a series of FAQs and answers such that they can be
responsive to the most common questions. Successfully answer as many questions as the
customer has.
I noticed that when you completed the online survey you indicated:
That you do not feel confident that your current team has the technical expertise and time
to control SPAM and prevent viruses to protect your email.
With our business-class hosted mail solution based on Microsoft Exchange, you
get all of the features of an in house mail solution with none of the operational
hassle. The service is priced at just £XX/user/month. Migration of your existing
mailboxes is simple. I would be happy to work with you to complete an order
form and coordinate that migration. Would you like to complete that process
That you would lose revenue or customers if your email was ever unavailable. Do you
currently manage your email in-house or is it through an Internet provider?
(Internet Provider) – Because email is so critical to your business, I’d strongly
recommend considering a business-class email solution built on Microsoft
Exchange. In addition to the advanced protections of anti-SPAM and anti-Virus
solutions, you benefit from enhanced business features like shared calendars,
shared document folders, shared tasks and mobile access. Because it is a
hosted solution, all of this is available wherever you are. The service is priced at
just £XX/user/month. We can help you with migration of your existing mailboxes.
I would be happy to work with you to complete an order form and coordinate that
migration. Would you like to complete that process now?
(In House) – Many of our customers did not feel confident that their current
teams had the time or technical expertise to control SPAM and prevent viruses to
protect their email. With our business-class hosted mail solution based on
Microsoft Exchange, you get all of the features of an in-house mail solution with
none of the operational hassle and the peace of mind of enterprise-class support
and security. The service is priced at just £XX/user/month. We can help you
with migration of your existing mailboxes. I would be happy to work with you to
complete an order form and coordinate that migration. Would you like to
complete that process now?
(NOTE – For customers that are current POP customers.) That you would lose revenue
or customers if your email was ever unavailable.
This concern is what motivates most of our customers to move from a basic
email service to a business-class email and messaging solution built on Microsoft
Exchange. In addition to the advanced protections of anti-SPAM and anti-Virus
solutions, you benefit from enhanced business features like shared calendars,
shared document folders, shared tasks and mobile access. Because it is a
hosted solution, all of this is available wherever you are. The service is priced at
just £XX/user/month. We can help you with migration of your existing mailboxes.
I would be happy to work with you to complete an order form and coordinate that
migration. Would you like to complete that process now?
That you would really benefit from an ability to look at other employees’ calendars to
efficiently schedule meetings regardless of location.
Basic email services do not offer this capability, but our business-class email built
on Microsoft Exchange does. In addition to the advanced protections of antiSPAM and anti-Virus solutions, you benefit from enhanced business features like
shared calendars, shared document folders, shared tasks and mobile access.
Because it is a hosted solution, all of this is available wherever you are. The
service is priced at just £XX/user/month. Migration of your existing mailboxes is
simple. I would be happy to work with you to complete an order form and
coordinate that migration. Would you like to complete that process now?
That you would like 100% of your employees to benefit from mobile email access.
The most efficient products for mobile email access are Microsoft Mobile
solutions, supported through our business-class email built on Microsoft
Exchange. Every one of your employees would be able to access their email
from home, client sites, or while traveling. The service is priced at just
£XX/user/month. Migration of your existing mailboxes is simple. I would be
happy to work with you to complete an order form and coordinate that migration.
Would you like to complete that process now?
That you currently use a file system solution for having employees access shared files.
Do you ever have trouble with employees that are traveling or sitting behind
customer firewalls having difficulty accessing that solution? File system-based
solutions often don’t scale to support mobile employees, but our business-class
email solution, based on Microsoft Exchange, does. In addition to the advanced
protections of anti-SPAM and anti-Virus solutions, you benefit from enhanced
business features like shared calendars, shared document folders, shared tasks
and mobile access. Because it is a hosted solution, all of this is available
wherever you are. The service is priced at just £XX/user/month. We can help
you migrate your existing mailboxes. I would be happy to work with you to
complete an order form and coordinate that migration. Would you like to
complete that process now?
Have I answered all of your questions about our business-class email and messaging solutions?
If the prospect is not interested:
I certainly understand. I assume some additional information about how our business-class email
and messaging solutions address your specific needs would be valuable? Can I send you that at
[INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS]? Would [INSERT DATE AND TIME] work for me to call you to followup and answer any additional questions you might have?