Teaching with Technology

Faculty Support Services for
Teaching with Technology
August 2010
In this issue
Technologies That Support Teaching, Learning and Collaboration
• Blackboard Learning Management System Upgrade
• New Survey Service Available
• Softchalk Tutorial Creation
• Video Infrastructure Project: Hosting vendor selected
Faculty Resources
• New! Campus Public Computing Lab Map
• Take advantage of the Student Technology Assistance
• Faculty Support: Find services | Make Requests | Get Help
• The FIT Project Database: source of ideas and solutions
• Subscribe! Innovation in Teaching Blog
• Changes in handling of licensed software
Faculty Events
• August 2010 Technology Workshops
• Fall 2010 Faculty Seminars
• ATC@Stimson G27 - Open House!
• i>clicker Demonstration & Panel Discussion
Pilots and New Initiatives
• Active Learning Resource Bank - Clicker Question Pilot
• ePortfolio Pilot conclusions
Technologies That Support Teaching, Learning, and Collaboration
Blackboard Learning Management System Upgrade
The university’s Information Technology
Governance Committee (ITGC) has
decided it is in Cornell’s best interest at
this time to upgrade Blackboard rather
than switch to Moodle. The
Blackboard upgrade, to version
9.1, will be implemented in
June 2011.
This decision does not preclude long-term
discussion and strategy development for
campus course management services.
Rather, it was thought better to continue
to offer a stable and up-to-date course
management system until a strategic plan
is developed for academic computing.
Instructor preferences gathered during the
Alternative CMS Evaluation Project and the
Moodle Pilot helped inform the decision.
Many features instructors preferred in
Moodle will be available in Blackboard after
it is upgraded. These include an improved
grade center and assignment features, web
2.0-style interface improvements, and new
blog and journal options. In addition, in
Blackboard 9.1, less clicking is required
to navigate the site and complete tasks.
Moodle will be available through
September 30. If you need assistance
transferring course content from Moodle
to Blackboard, we can help.
Please contact the Faculty Support
Services team to request support or
ask questions. Email
New Survey Service Available
Cornell is introducing a new full-featured
survey service available to all campus,
Qualtrics. Faculty Support Services is
providing assistance to those who need
help migrating surveys from Checkbox,
the application previously used for
instructional surveys.
This past spring, a team from CIT, Cornell’s
Institutional Review Board (IRB), and other
stakeholders evaluated the options for a
comprehensive survey tool that would be
more stable than Checkbox and could serve
users campus-wide. Requirements were
identified by reviewing the functionality of
survey tools currently in
use on campus. They were
also provided by the IRB,
CIT’s Security team, and
faculty who use survey tools other than the
ones supported by CIT.
Checkbox will go offline in December 2010,
and no new surveys should be created in it.
For help migrating a survey from
Checkbox to Qualtrics, or using
Qualtrics for academic purposes,
email atc_support@cornell.edu.
All other questions about Qualtrics
should be directed to the CIT
607-255-8990 or surveys@cornell.edu.
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Softchalk Tutorial Creation Supported by CIT
Softchalk is a very easy-to-use tool that
creates multipage web-based tutorials.
These tutorials can include a variety of
quizzes and
content, and
there is an option to deliver them from
right within Blackboard. Creating a tutorial
is as easy as copying your text from a Word
document to the Softchalk application.
Short on time? Our STAP students can
create tutorials for you.
If you’re interested in learning more
or giving Softchalk a try, visit one of
our Academic Technology Centers
in 124 CCC or G27 Stimson, or email
Video Infrastructure Project: Hosting vendor selected
The university is working toward launching
a new video delivery system that will allow
posting of online video with a YouTube-like
ease of use. The first step, obtaining the
services of a video distribution network
from which content can be streamed, is
now complete.
A distribution network is made up of
multiple servers located around the world.
Viewers are connected to the least-busy
server that is nearest to them. This method
delivers better performance than one
server located on Cornell’s Ithaca campus
trying to keep up with all the videos being
The next step is to identify a file
management system that will let users
upload video and get back a URL that links
to the online video file. This URL could then
be used in Blackboard or on other websites
to display the video.
Until the file management system is in
place, CIT is offering to work with faculty
and instructors who are posting new
content and want to get a jump on using
the new hosting system to provide better
quality for viewers. The old hosting system
remains available for videos that have
already been posted and for users that are
familiar with working in that environment,
but we will be transitioning to the new
system as the pieces fall into place.
Contact atc_support@cornell.edu
for help on posting new videos and
we’ll figure out a method that best
suits your need.
Faculty Resources
New Campus Public Computing Lab Map
CIT, Cornell University Library, the ILR
school, and the Language Resource Center
have teamed up to create a campus public
lab map that lets you to find out which
public computing spaces on campus have
specific pieces of software available. Labs
appear on the map corresponding to the
software titles selected at the right of the
screen. Additional information about each
lab, such as hours and number and types of
computers, are obtained by clicking on the
map points.
You can find the map online at
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Save Time! Take advantage of CIT’s Student
Technology Assistance Program (STAP)
CIT has a cadre of knowledgeable students
who are ready to assist faculty. Instructors
who use STAP services have gotten help
that ranges from routine digitization of
analog materials to modification of online
For example, Rajesh Bhaskaran, a faculty
member in Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering , has successfully partnered
with STAP students to add content and
make changes to ‘Sim Café’ – a collection
of web-based tutorials about leading
industry software applications that enables
students to learn at their own pace. Rajesh
started the Sim Café project through the
Innovation in Teaching program and has
recently applied for funding to continue
development. In the meantime, STAP
students Aaron Perry and Caitlin Anderson
have been making a valuable contribution
toward building this resource. You can schedule time with STAP
students by sending an email to
stap@cornell.edu or meet with them
on a walk-in basis at the Academic
Technology Center, located in
Faculty Support: Consultation and Production
Services | Requests | Getting Help
CIT offers a suite of central services
that support teaching, learning and
collaboration. The supported technologies
include (but aren’t limited to): Blackboard,
i>Clicker polling, blogs, wikis, the new
Qualtrics survey tool, audio/video, and
web-based videoconferencing tools. We
also provide space for course web sites.
CIT’s Faculty Support Services staff also
consults with instructors who:
• Want to explore a new technology
• Need help picking the right
technology for instructional goals and
• Have a ‘small’ project that requires
minimal multimedia production and
design work
• Want to innovate with an existing
More information about
technology options and support is
available at atc.cit.cornell.edu.
Send requests for services,
consultation and help to:
The Faculty Innovation in Teaching Project Database:
A source of ideas and solutions
The Innovation web site has descriptions
and project outcomes for the more than
150 projects that have been completed
so far under the Faculty Innovation in
Teaching (FIT) program. The FIT program
provides deep, focused development
support for projects that address current
instructional challenges or propose
innovative teaching practices.
The database lets visitors learn about the
projects, outcomes and best practices
that have emerged from the eight
program cycles. It is also possible to view
materials associated with the
projects, including video, audio,
and images. Lists of pertinent
publications, links, presentations,
and additional funding are also
FIT projects have been catalysts for campus
pilots and campus-wide services and the
information about them provides a way
to explore emerging technologies and
gain insights about the value and viability
of using new technology across campus. Feedback from students and faculty
illustrates effective practices and the value
of the technologies, as well as instances
that highlight potential pitfalls.
To see the Faculty Innovation in
Teaching Project Database, visit
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Subscribe! Innovation in Teaching blog
Interested in useful information and
resources related to innovation in teaching?
Then subscribe to CIT’s Faculty Innovation
in Teaching Blog.
For more information
Topics include FIT program and project
updates, bite-size articles on innovations in
teaching, emerging technology tools and
resources, and more. Readers are welcome
to comment and keep the conversation
Visit blogs.cornell.edu/innovation/
Changes in Handling of Licensed Software
Many of the pieces of software that
are most used at Cornell are available
at a discount to faculty under license
agreements made by the university.
In August, the way software licensing
is handled will transition to a new
collaborative model between Supply
Management Services, The Cornell Store,
and CIT.
The change will allow university-wide
savings through purchasing initiatives,
align service functions with the unit best
able to meet them, and increase the
opportunities for new license agreements
that can result in cost savings.
A new ordering system, including shopping
cart technology, is being developed by
the Cornell Store. It will be linked from
the CUSoftware website, which is being
restructured to provide standardized
licensing information across all products.
Requests and questions will still be
handled by emails to cit@cornell.edu or
contact with the CIT HelpDesk. The primary
method of distribution will continue
to be electronic download, requiring
authentication via a Cornell NetID.
For more information
Visit cusoftware.cornell.edu.
Faculty Events
August 2010 Technology Workshops
These workshops are free and open to academic faculty, researchers, and instructional support staff.
Getting Started with Blackboard
Thu., August 19, 1 – 2:30 PM, G25 Stimson
Mon., August 23, 1 – 2:30 PM, G25 Stimson
Blackboard is an online tool that lets
you deliver course materials, collect
assignments, administer online quizzes,
and much more. This hands-on workshop
will get you started with setting up your
class in Blackboard.
Blackboard Assessments and
Communication Tools
Thu., August 19, 2:30 - 4 PM, G25 Stimson
Mon., August 23, 2:30 - 4 PM, G25 Stimson
In this class we will explore some of
Blackboard’s more advanced features,
including grading, creating assignments,
and using forums and chat. This class is
designed for people who are already using
Blackboard or who have attended the
Getting Started class.
Administering Surveys with Qualtrics
Wed., August 18, 1 – 2:30 PM, G25 Stimson
Mon., August 23, 10 – 11:30 AM, G25 Stimson
Learn how to create and deploy surveys
using Qualtrics, the new online survey
building and deployment tool supported
by CIT.
To register for any of these
workshops, visit cornell.veplan.net/
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CIT Teams up with the Center for Teaching
Excellence to Provide Fall 2010 Faculty Seminars
The Fall 2010 Faculty Seminars present a series that focuses on teaching and learning practices as
well as the ways in which technology can support instruction and provide solutions.
Fall 2010 Seminars
Cyber Cheating
R 9/23/10 10am
Stimson G27
F 9/24/10 10am
Stimson G27
T 11/2/10 10am
Stimson G27
F 10/29/10 10am
Stimson G27
M 9/27/10 3pm
Stimson G27
T 9/28/10 10am
Stimson G27
W 11/10/10 3pm
Deborah Streeter, AEM
John Weiss, History
R 11/18/10 3pm
Stimson G27
Teaching with Online Course Management Systems
M 10/18/10 3pm
T 10/19/10 3pm
Stimson G27
Stimson G27
Judicious Use of Technology
W 9/15/10 10am
Stimson G27
R 9/16/10 3pm
Increasing Student Engagement with Clickers
W 10/27/10 3pm
R 10/28/10 3pm
Stimson G27
Jeff Hancock, Communication
TJ Hinrichs, History
Lisa Dragoni, ILR
Kimberly O’Brien, Nutrition
Supporting Collaborative Learning with Wikis
R 10/7/10 10am
Stimson G27
Innovative Use of Online Surveys
Documenting Student Learning with ePortfolios
Teaching and Learning with Multimedia
F 10/15/10 10am
ATC @ Stimson (Faculty Computing Center)
Please visit our open house!
Wednesday, August 18, 9 am – 3pm
G27 Stimson
Find out the benefits you can gain using
a dedicated faculty computing center by
visiting an open house of the Academic
Technology Center in Stimson Hall. The
event will be Wednesday, August 18 from
9am to 3pm. The center is located in G27
Faculty, instructors, and graduate TAs
are welcome to use the state-of-the-art
computers, software, and other multimedia
equipment available at the Academic
Technology Centers to prepare course
materials, or to develop instructional
technology resources for a course, during
our regular hours.
Locations and hours are:
124 CCC (on the Ag Quad)
Open 9 - 5, Monday - Friday. Closed on
university holidays
G27 Stimson
Open 12-5 Monday - Friday. Closed
on university holidays.
We recommend that you make an
appointment with a consultant if you have
questions about using technology, have a
small project, or need us to scan or digitize
your materials. Call 255-9760 to reserve
a time, or send an email to atc_support@
cornell.edu for a consultation.
Our consultants can provide
assistance, training, and support in
the use of computer technologies for
instruction. They are also available
to assist you in preparing or editing
your course materials.
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i>clicker Demonstration & Panel Discussion
Tuesday, August 17
1:30 – 2:30pm
Mann Library Room 102
Please join us for a fun, interactive
presentation of i>clicker. Initially developed
to electronically collect student feedback
in large, lecture-hall classes, it is also wellsuited for small, intimate group settings.
• Heard about i>clicker being used
at Cornell and not sure if it is right
for you? Join us to see how this
educational tool can enhance your
• Already committed to using
i>clicker? Join us to see how to get
started and how best to maximize
your experience.
• Have you used i>clicker in the
past? Come share your expertise
with others.
To register, visit cornell.veplan.net/Events/showEvent.aspx?id=9171 Note: This event is very similar to the demonstration in April 2010.
Pilots and New Initiatives
New! Active Learning Resource
Bank - Clicker Question Pilot Project
CIT’s Faculty Support Services is developing
an online database where faculty can
collect questions they have used with the
i>clicker Polling service offered at Cornell. This database supports active learning in two ways. Faculty members can:
1. Display the questions and answers
in lecture and ask the students to
respond with their clickers for in-class,
active discussion of the course topics.
2. Allow students to view the questions
as a self-test tool for exam preparation
and content review.
ePortfolio Pilot recommendation
CIT and the Center for Teaching Excellence
cosponsored a multi-phased ePortfolio
project to explore the feasibility of
selecting an ePortfolio product and
supporting a central service. After careful
consideration, the pilot team recommends
that Cornell should not invest in a single
ePortfolio solution and central service at
this time.
While both Sakai’s Open Source Portfolio
and Chalk and Wire had beneficial features,
neither met the varied needs identified
by the pilot participants. Additionally,
the Cornell community may benefit from
further discussion about portfolio practice
and the potential value of adopting
ePortfolios at different levels (e.g. course,
program, or department) and institutional
goals for using portfolios.
While CIT and CTE are not recommending
a central ePortoflio service, they are
committed to providing the following
• CIT will consult with faculty who are
interested in ePortfolios and provide
as much support for individual
exploration of technology solutions as
staff time and resources allow.
The Active Learning Resource Bank is a
FIT project that was awarded in 2009. It is
a great example of how the FIT program
serves as an incubator for ideas and
solutions with potentially broad impact. The project will be piloted during the
Fall 2010 semester with a small, diverse
group of instructors in order to assess the
feasibility of offering it as a campus-wide
• CIT and CTE will share information
about ePortfolio practices and
technology solutions as products
continue to evolve and mature.
• CIT and CTE will support community
discussion of ePortfolio practices and
technology solutions.
CIT and CTE appreciate the willingness of
ePortfolio pilot participants to innovate
and share their insights, which have been
essential to making an informed decision.
The Faculty Support Services team is here to help you with instructional technologies
Blackboard course management system
Course websites
Audio and video on the web
Course communication tools (such as discussion boards,
blogs, and wikis)
Web-based surveys & quizzes
i>clicker Polling
Assistance with creating course materials
If you have questions about using course technology or would like an overview of which technologies are available for teaching and
learning, please contact us. See our website for more information: atc.cit.cornell.edu
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