MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE REGISTERED NURSING PROGRAM NURSING 248 PRECEPTORSHIP COURSE SYLLABUS FALL 2014 1 Table of Contents Course Description Course Calendar General Information Grading Plan Student Responsibilities Policies Teaching and Learning, Method of Evaluation, Criteria for Evaluation Grading Practices ATI Testing Assessment Technology Institute (ATI) Integration Policy Course Modules Nursing 248 Course Modules Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 CLINICAL INFORMATION Criteria for Unsafe Clinical Behaviors Student Learning Outcomes Procedure guidelines for students Developing Objectives Criteria for Student Placement Preceptorship Agreement Preceptee Learning Style Assessment Quality Assurance Form Evaluating the Preceptee Program Evaluation by Preceptee Preceptee Evaluation by Preceptor Program Evaluation by Preceptor Preceptor Calendar Clinical Evaluation Tool 1 N248 Preceptorship Course Syllabus Course Description: This course provides the fourth semester nursing student the opportunity to integrate and apply previously learned skills and knowledge in the role of graduate nurse and prepare for professional responsibilities and employment. The student will participate as a pre-licensed preceptee member of the healthcare team and will assume responsibility for a group of clients under the direct supervision of a qualified Registered Nurse. Students will use critical thinking skills throughout the experience in their role of advocate, leader, and manager of patient care. Lead Instructor: Dr. Peter Zografos, PhD., RN Susan Farrington, MSN, RN, PHN, CNS Office: Telephone: Allied Health Building, Room 500 Dr. Peter Zografos (951) 639-5568 Susan Farrington (951) 639-5192 E-mail: CLINICAL: Complete a 135 hour clinical rotation: 9 (12-hour) shifts= 108 hours 9 (3 hour) seminar days on campus= 27 hours Total Units: 2.5 Office Hours: TBA Prerequisites: Nursing 244 Co-requisite: Nursing 074 MT San Jacinto College Associate Degree Nursing Program N248 Preceptorship Course Calendar 2 Week Date 1 10/22/2014 Module 1, 3 & 4 Plan for the day ATI Comprehensive Predictor Exam Orientation on expectations Introduction to Preceptor 2 10/29/2014 2, 5 & 6 3 11/05/2014 1&7 4 11/12/2014 1, 2 5 11/19/2014 6 6 11/26/2014 7 7 12/03/2014 2, 3 &4 8 12/10/2014 7 9 12/19/2014 1&7 Dosage Calculation Exam Orientation on Expectation Introduction to Preceptor ATI Nutrition Exam NCLEX Candidacy Application with Director Brooks 11-1200 ATI Leadership Exam Virtual ATI information Group debriefing Pyxis Medication Administration Group debriefing Simulation room 514 Group debriefing Debate Group debriefing Case Study Presentation SBAR ATI Pediatric/OB/Pharm Exam Retakes Student Evaluations Survey Monkey 3 Assignment due G mail account due Introduce Employee Surveys APA Legal and Ethical Paper due Debate Case Study Presentation SBAR Employee Surveys assignment due Potluck MT SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE REGISTERED NURSING PROGRAM NURSING 248 GRADING PLAN A. Grading Plan Theory = 10% Clinical work = 90% Formula for Final Grade Calculation Activity Theory Case Study Presentation Debate Participation Legal and Ethical Paper ATI EXAM Nutrition ATI EXAM Leadership Virtual ATI (all 4 modules completed) (5% per module) Clinical B. Points Percent of Final Grade 100 5 45 35% 10% 35% 20% Pass/Fail Total 150 0% 100% Grading Scale: 91 – 100% 83 – 90% 75 – 82% =A =B =C 4 GENERAL INFORMATION REQUIRED TEXTS: 1. Associate Degree Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Handbook 2. Preceptorship Student Course Syllabus 3. Preceptor Handbook STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES To obtain a letter grade for this course, the student must: 1. Develop and have faculty approval for appropriate learning objectives for the specific clinical experience (based on student needs and clinical area). 2. Complete a minimum of 135 hours of clinical experience.. 6. Complete a written mid-term and final self-evaluation. 7. Actively participate in clinical workshops. 8. Actively participate in formal evaluation of preceptorship. 9. Take responsibility for 75% of a client assignment by the RN by the end of the preceptorship. 10. Maintain professionalism at all times. It is the student’s responsibility to keep track of course progress/deficiencies. If the student is falling below minimum standard in either the theoretical or clinical areas, it is strongly recommended that the student make an appointment with the instructor to discuss the problem. Instructors have open office hours that are posted in the main nursing reception area and at the front of the syllabus. Faculty may elect to initiate a written “STRATEGIC PLAN FOR SUCCESS CONTRACT” if the student is not performing at an appropriate level. Academic support is available for all students through the Nursing Skills Lab, Learning Resource Centers, Remediation Instructor, and the Student Success Counselor. When funding permits, the Associate Degree Nursing Program offers academic success support by means of a “Remediation Instructor” that provides open office hours for student selfreferrals and instructor referrals. 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The student is responsible for obtaining a copy and reviewing the ADN Student Policy and Procedure Handbook The student is responsible for checking their MSJC Student email a minimum of 3 times a week. The student is responsible for attending all theory and clinical sessions. The student is responsible for coming to theory and clinical prepared to discuss the topics as assigned and to actively participate. The student is responsible for completing all theory and clinical assignments and all campus laboratory skill activities. At the end of the course, the student is expected to submit a written evaluation of the course, of their clinical performance, of the clinical instructor and of the clinical facility on the appropriate forms. The student is responsible for completing the required Diagnostic (ATI) Examinations. Refer to the Assessment Technology Institute Testing Policy in the Associate Degree Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Handbook, 2014-2015. ATTENDANCE POLICY See: Associate Degree Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Handbook, 2014-2015 POLICIES The following program policies are in effect for all students enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing Program courses. Please refer to the Academic Policies and Procedures in the Associate Degree Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Handbook, 2014-2015: 1. Absences, Tardiness, and Clinical Make-up Assignments 2. Absences Related to Examinations 3. Clinical and On Campus Lab Dress Code 4. Unit Examination Policy 5. The Use of Technology and Social Media Policy 6. Academic Dishonesty and Plagiarism 7. Chain of Communication 8. Strategic Plan for Success Contract 9. Criteria for Unsafe Clinical Behavior 10. Pharmacology and Dosage Examination 6 11. 10 Critical Behaviors for Skills 12. Classroom and Clinical Expectations 13. Assessment and Technology Institute (ATI) Testing 14. Disabilities and Essential Functions TEACHING/LEARNING METHODS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 8. 9. Lecture/discussion/ Case Studies Group work/role playing Viewing of audiovisual materials Completion of written and reading assignments-Learning Style Assessment Nursing skill demonstration Independent study ATI Nutrition and leadership Simulation METHODS OF EVALUATION 1. Clinical performance evaluation CRITERIA FOR EVALUATION Activity Theory Case Study Presentation Debate Participation Legal and Ethical Paper ATI EXAM Nutrition ATI EXAM Leadership Virtual ATI (all 4 modules completed) (5% per module) Clinical Points Percent of Final Grade 100 5 45 35% 10% 35% 20% Pass/Fail Total 150 GRADING PRACTICES AND GRADING SCALE Grading Scale: 91 – 100% 83 – 90% 75 – 82% =A =B =C 7 0% 100% ATI INTEGRATION POLICY See: Associate Degree Nursing Student Policy and Procedure Handbook, 2014-2015 COMPREHENSIVE PREDICTOR EXAM The Comprehensive Predictor Exam is administered in the N244 Course of the fourth semester. This 180-item test offers an assessment of the student’s basic comprehension and mastery of basic principles including fundamentals of nursing; pharmacology; adult medical-surgical nursing; maternal newborn care; mental health nursing; nursing care of children; nutrition; leadership and community health nursing. The percentage of questions from all major NCLEX® client need categories (management of care, safety and infection control, health promotion and maintenance, psychosocial integrity, basic care and comfort, pharmacological therapies and parenteral therapies, reduction of risk potential and physiological adaptation) will be similar to the percentage of questions on the NCLEX-RN®,. This test will generate the following data: Individual Score (% Correct), Predicted Probability to Pass NCLEX-RN®, National and Program Means, Individual Scores (% Correct) within Content Topic Categories, Topics to Review and Individual Scores (% Correct) within an Outcome (Thinking Skills, Nursing Process, Priority Setting, NCLEX-RN® Client Need Categories, Clinical Topics). The student has 180 min (3 hours) to complete this assessment. 8 COURSE MODULES 9 NURS 248 Student Modules Program Learning Outcomes 7 Core Values Course Learning Outcomes Develop and utilize effective verbal and written communication methods that can be used with patients, family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy MODULE 1 Able to keep track of multiple responsibilities and complete tasks within expected time frames Nursing Role/Leadership Express importance and demonstrate habits for life-long learning Develop leadership skills and promote research/evidence based practice Prioritize action related to patient needs and delegates actions if appropriate Ask questions to appropriate team member when unsure about any aspect of care Design Problem Solving Plans (PSP) using the nursing process to direct and manage care of patients Is receptive to input form others, not becoming defensive Provide safe care for patients at the staff nurse level utilizing the nursing process MODULE 2 Nursing Process Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse Compare and contrast the various physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environments using the nursing process to promote, maintain and restore optimum wellness Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record Participate as an inter-professional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, patient and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for patients Compare and contrast the various physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environments using the nursing process to promote, maintain and restore optimum wellness MODULE 3 Patient Centered Care Interpret physician and inter-professional orders Conduct comprehensive psychosocial and physical health history that includes patient’s perspective and considers cultural, spiritual, social considerations Complete understanding and interpretation of assessment data Design Problem Solving Plans (PSP) using the nursing process to direct and manage care of patients Able to anticipate risks related to assessment data Advocate for patient and family as appropriate in multidisciplinary team discussions Analysis of physiological needs of patients to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness Synthesize growth and development concepts for the care of patients of 10 various ages Develop and utilize effective verbal and written communication methods that can be used with patients, family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy MODULE 4 Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse Communication Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, patient and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for patients Accurately and consistently communicate patient values and preferences and expressed needs with inter-professional team using SBAR Participate as an inter-professional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week Incorporate ethical, legal, and safety standards and professionalism (Nursing Practice Act). Use appropriate language and tone when resolving conflict Determine acuity/staffing patterns at least twice with preceptor’s guidance MODULE 5 Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, patient and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for patients Quality Improvement/Fisca l Responsibility Integrate knowledge of drug classifications used to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness MODULE 6 Communicate observations or concerns related to hazards to patients, families and the health care team and use the organizational reporting system for errors Understand quality improvement methodologies Educate patient on safety practices when administering medication, drawing blood, starting an IV , using PCAs Safety Demonstrates safe practices related to medication administration including rights , verification of allergies , two patient identifiers, read-back process, independent double checks for high alert medications Prepare the students for candidacy to take the National Council Licensure by Examination (NCLEX) and continue lifelong learning Navigate the electronic health record Apply the principles of evidence-based care to practice MODULE 7 Evidence Based Practice Develop leadership skills and promote research/evidence based practice 11 Locate critically reviewed or peer-reviewed scientific literature for patient care Decision-making is based on sound clinical judgment and clinical reasoning Module 1: Nursing Role and Leadership Program Learning 7 Core Values Outcome Develop and utilize Nursing Role/ effective verbal and Leadership written communication methods that can be used with patients, family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy Develop leadership skills and promote research/evidence based practice Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Able to keep track of multiple responsibilities and complete tasks within expected time frames -Express importance and demonstrate habits for life-long learning -Prioritize action related to patient needs and delegates actions if appropriate -Ask questions to appropriate team member when unsure about any aspect of care -Is receptive to input form others, not becoming defensive Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research Debriefing ATI Leadership Review and Exam Small group discussions Develops a plan to meet selflearning needs. 12 Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool -Able to keep track of multiple responsibilities and complete tasks within the expected time frames Express importance and demonstration habits for life-long learning Prioritize action related to patient needs and delegates actions if appropriate Ask questions to appropriate team member when unsure about any aspect of care Is receptive to input from others, not becoming defensive Module 2: Nursing Process Program Learning Outcome Design Problem Solving Plans using the nursing process to direct and manage care of patients Compare and contrast the various physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environments using the nursing process to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness 7 Core Values Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Provide safe care for patients at the staff nurse Nursing Process level utilizing the nursing process -Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse -Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record -Participate as an interprofessional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week -Interpret physician and inter-professional orders Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research -Provide safe care for patients at the staff nurse level utilizing the nursing process -Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse -Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record -Participate as an inter-professional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week -Interpret physician and inter-professional orders Group debriefing 13 Module 3: Patient Centered Care Program Learning Outcome Compare and contrast the various physical, social, cultural, and spiritual environments using the nursing process to promote, maintain and restore optimum wellness Design Problem Solving Plans (PSP) using the nursing process to direct and manage care of patients Analysis of physiological needs of patients to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness 7 Core Values Patient Centered Care Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Conduct comprehensive psychosocial and physical health history that includes patient’s perspective and considers cultural, spiritual, social considerations -Complete understanding and interpretation of assessment data -Able to anticipate risks related to assessment data -Advocate for patient and family as appropriate in multidisciplinary team discussions Student Learning Objectives Demonstrate professional accountability by complying with college, nursing department and agency regulation/policy 100% of the time Utilize nursing knowledge, skills, protocols to assure an environment conducive to restoration and maintenance of the adult medical surgical clients 14 Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool Text books, lecture notes, -Conduct comprehensive drug reference books, psychosocial and physical health clinically related research history that includes patient’s perspective and considers cultural, Debriefing spiritual, social considerations -Complete understanding and ATI Leadership Review interpretation of assessment data and Exam -Able to anticipate risks related to Small group discussions assessment data -Advocate for patient and family Develops a plan to meet as appropriate in multidisciplinary self-learning needs. team discussions Synthesize growth and development concepts for the care of patients of various ages 15 Module 4: Communication Program Learning Outcome Develop and utilize effective verbal and written communication methods that can be used with patients, family and health care professionals to promote optimum wellness and patient advocacy -Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, patient and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for patients -Incorporate ethical, legal, and safety standards and professionalism (Nursing Practice Act). 7 Core Values Communication Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse -Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record -Accurately and consistently communicate patient values and preferences and expressed needs with inter-professional team using SBAR -Participate as an inter-professional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week -Use appropriate language and tone when resolving conflict 16 Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research Debriefing Small group discussions Open book ATI review Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool -Progressively apply therapeutic communication skills necessary to perform the activities of a new registered nurse -Accurately document the nursing process in the medical record -Accurately and consistently communicate patient values and preferences and expressed needs with inter-professional team using SBAR -Participate as an inter-professional team member in the care of patients, acting independently by the fourth week -Use appropriate language and tone when resolving conflict Module 5: Quality Improvement/Fiscal Responsibility Program Learning Outcome Incorporate principles of environmental, informatics, patient and personal safety when using the nursing process to provide care for patients 7 Core Values Quality Improvement/ Fiscal Responsibility Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Determine acuity/staffing patterns at least twice with preceptor’s guidance -Communicate observations or concerns related to hazards to patients, families and the health care team and use the organizational reporting system for errors Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research Debriefing Small group discussions Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool -Determine acuity/staffing patterns at least twice with preceptor’s guidance -Communicate observations or concerns related to hazards to patients, families and the health care team and use the organizational reporting system for errors -Understand quality improvement methodologies -Understand quality improvement methodologies 17 Module 6: Safety Program Learning 7 Core Values Outcome Integrate Safety knowledge of drug classifications used to promote, maintain, and restore optimum wellness Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Educate patient on safety practices when administering medication, drawing blood, starting an IV , using PCAs Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research Debriefing -Demonstrates safe practices related to medication administration including rights , Small group discussions verification of allergies , two patient identifiers, read-back process, independent double checks for high alert medications Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool -Educate patient on safety practices when administering medication, drawing blood, starting an IV , using PCAs -Demonstrates safe practices related to medication administration including rights , verification of allergies , two patient identifiers, read-back process, independent double checks for high alert medications -Navigate the electronic health record -Navigate the electronic health record 18 Module 7: Evidence Based Practice Program Learning 7 Core Values Outcome Prepare the students Evidence for candidacy to Based Practice take the National Council Licensure by Examination (NCLEX) and continue lifelong learning Develop leadership skills and promote research/evidence based practice Preceptorship Course Learning Outcome -Apply the principles of evidence-based care to practice -Locate critically reviewed or peer-reviewed scientific literature for patient care -Decision-making is based on sound clinical judgment and clinical reasoning Learning Activities/ Method of Evaluation Text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research Debriefing Small group discussions 19 Preceptorship Clinical Evaluation Tool -Apply the principles of evidencebased care to practice -Locate critically reviewed or peerreviewed scientific literature for patient care -Decision-making is based on sound clinical judgment and clinical reasoning CLINICAL INFORMATION 20 Criteria for Unsafe Clinical Behavior May include, but is not limited to the following: Safety (S) Examples A. Violates or threatens the physical safety of the client. Comes unprepared to clinical; injures a client; fails to properly position client; does not appropriately utilize side rails/restraints; functions under the influence of substances affecting performance. B. Violates or threatens the psychosocial safety of the client. Repeatedly uses non-therapeutic techniques; attacks/degrades the individual's beliefs or values. C. Violates or threatens the microbiological safety of the client. Fails to recognize and correct violations of medical asepsis technique/sterile technique; does not wash hands appropriately when caring for clients; does not maintain standard precautions. D. Violates or threatens the chemical safety of the client. Violates any of the 5 rights of medication administration; fails to accurately prepare, calculate, and monitor IV infusions. E. Violates or threatens the thermal safety of the client. Fails to observe safety precautions during 02 therapy; injures client with hot or cold applications. Nursing Process (NP) Inadequately and/or inaccurately: A. assesses the client. B. plans the care for the client. C. implements therapeutic interventions. Examples Unable to identify basic human needs; fails to observe/report/chart critical client data; uses poor judgment and/or makes decisions resulting in ineffective nursing care. D. evaluates client care. 21 Skills (SK) A. Unable to perform expected clinical performance objectives and/or skills. Examples First semester student fails to obtain accurate vital signs; second semester student fails to maintain sterile technique; unable to verbalize key information previously covered in lab and/or class; third or fourth semester student unable to manage and/or prioritize multiple client assignment. Decision Making (DM) Examples A. Assumes inappropriate independence in action or decisions. Performs procedures not yet evaluated; fails to appropriately seek assistance. B. Fails to recognize own limitations, incompetence and/or legal responsibilities. Refuses to admit error; fails to complete assigned nursing responsibilities, cannot identify own legal responsibility in specific nursing situations. Professional Accountability (PA) Examples A. Fails to accept ethical and legal responsibility for his/her own actions thereby violating professional integrity as expressed in the ANA Code for Nurses, NSNA Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct, and the Nurse Practice Act. Fails to conduct self in professional manner; falsifies records; does not follow school/hospital policies and procedures; participates in cheating and/or plagiarism. B. Violates client confidentiality Removes printed client data from the facility; shares client information with individuals outside the health team. 22 Student Preceptorship Guidelines 1. Procedures that can be done independently: a. Skills and procedures that have been taught in the classroom, practiced in the Skills Lab and observed for return demonstration by an instructor. b. If the student has NOT had the opportunity to perform a practiced skill in the hospital setting then they need to be observed by the preceptor for the first time. 2. Procedures that require clinical expertise in a specialty area CANNOT be done by a nursing student, for example: a. PA measurements, flushing or removal of central lines. b. Extubation c. Administrating any type of chemotherapy d. Titrating vasoactive drugs (e.g. drips) e. Documentation during a code as part of the legal record f. Any skill that requires additional certification by an RN cannot be done during the Preceptorship g. Any form of Conscious Sedation h. Pitocin Drips 3. If there is any question about whether a student can perform certain skills contact either the faculty liaison or the nursing education department of the facility. 4. The preceptor must be present on the unit when the student is assigned to the shift. Lunch and breaks are an exception. Preceptors must ensure another RN is responsible for the student during these times. 5. Students are not to perform a skill that they have not performed for six months or are not comfortable with unless an RN is supervising the student. 6. Students are not allowed to take verbal or telephone orders without and RN present and monitoring the communication. Orders transcribed by students must be co signed by and RN. 7. For agency specific requirements refer to the guidelines for each agency listed below, including the Policy and Procedure Manual and or contact the education department at the facility. 23 Developing Personal Preceptorship Objectives Directions: 1. Check the current N 248 information for due date of objectives to faculty. a. b. c. d. Read sample objectives for your chosen clinical setting. Review copy of last clinical evaluation to determine areas of improvement and areas of strength. Using a behavioral verb and a specific time frame, write a rough draft of a minimum of six objectives you want to achieve during the preceptorship. These objectives must be written at the application (or above) level of the taxonomy (see next page). Refine objectives and submit to faculty. Keep terms consistent and define terms. 2. Incorporate faculty suggestions and revise objectives. Resubmit to faculty or preceptorship coordinator. 3. Review objectives with preceptor(s) to make sure they are attainable within 108 hours and applicable to the chosen clinical area. 4. At midterm for N 248, review personal objectives and revise, as needed. Submit and discuss revisions with the faculty and preceptor(s). 5. Attach copy of personal objectives to N 248 clinical evaluation and submit to faculty at the end of the preceptorship (after your last day). 24 Criteria for Student Placement 1. Student placement will be based on program ATI scores, clinical and lecture instructors feedback, and student surveys 2. Students may be given a preceptorship survey to help identify their preference and interest of unit placement. 3. The instructor will notify the appropriate personnel of each facility. 4. Students will complete a preceptorship placement survey. 5. When prioritizing settings, students are not to choose a unit in which they are employed. 6. If multiple requests for a specific facility or unit are identified, student placement may be determined by Preceptorship Coordinator. 7. Students will receive written notification for the determination of placement. 8. Preceptorship assignments are at the discretion of the Preceptorship Coordinator. 25 MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE PROGRAM N248 Preceptorship Preceptorship Agreement I.______________________________________________, a fourth semester nursing student at Mt. San Jacinto College, will participate in the Preceptor Program beginning ______________, and ending______________________2014 . My preceptor is _______________________________,at _____________________agency on the _______shift. I will work with my preceptor to schedule blocks of time, not to exceed 40 hours a week. This schedule provides for continuity of my learning experience. It is my responsibility to arrange my schedule to coincide with that of my preceptor. I understand that I am NOT to be on duty in the absence of my assigned preceptor or a pre-approved alternate preceptor. I will notify faculty prior to any absence, change in preceptor’s work schedule, or work assignment (float to a different area, assume charge nurse assignment). I understand that the faculty is ultimately responsible for my clinical placement and evaluation. I also understand that I am still a student at Mt. San Jacinto College, and as such, am still governed by the policies and procedures of the Nursing Department and the College. I will wear my Mt. San Jacinto College name badge at all times and will adhere to the specified uniform policy for the preceptorship. The preceptorship consists of 108 hours of clinical, working a full-shift each time. I will attend any required Mt. San Jacinto College and agency orientation. I understand that faculty is always on-call to assist, as needed. The faculty will routinely visit both the preceptee and the preceptor during the preceptorship. Preceptor Signature:__________________________________ Date:_______________ Alternate Preceptor Signature:__________________________ Date:_______________ Faculty Signature:____________________________________ Date:_______________ Preceptee Signature:__________________________________ Date:_______________ 4 copies needed: 1-faculty, 1 -student, 2 -preceptor and alternate if necessary 26 MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Preceptee Learning Style Self-Assessment Name: _________________________ Unit: _________ Date:___________________ The purpose of this self-assessment is for you to identify your individual learning styles. This information can be used by you and your preceptor to coordinate favorable learning experiences. Check all that apply 1. What teaching/instructional methods are most helpful in your learning process? Discussion Self-learning module One-on-one verbal instruction Video Computer aided Other ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What type of supervision promotes the most optimal learning for you? Direct supervision with coaching Direct supervision with coaching, if needed Preceptor available for questions Other ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. What type of feedback would you prefer regarding your clinical practice/job activities? Immediate Once daily At specific designated times Other ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. How do you prefer to learn a skill? Read about skill Watch video Observe skill in work setting Practice skill in simulation Other ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. Comments: _______________ Upon completing your orientation, give this form to your preceptor. Signatures: Preceptor: __________________________ Date Received: ____________________ Preceptee: _____________________________ 27 Associate Degree Nursing Program STUDENT QUALITY ASSURANCE WORKSHEET Please use hard point pen STUDENT TO FILL OUT THIS SECTION Student: Semester: Date: 1 2 3 4 Instructor: Clinical Facility/Hospital Unit: Staff Nurse(s): Patient’s Initials: Patient age: Diagnosis: History: Complete *Partial Completion *Incomplete 1. □ □ □ 2. □ □ □ 3. □ □ □ 4. □ □ □ 5. □ □ □ 6. □ □ □ INDIVIDUAL OBJECTIVES (Present to faculty and staff nurse) *Follow-up Needed: Comments regarding assignment: STAFF TO FILL OUT THIS SECTION Comments: Staff Signature: Signatures: Reviewed by Instructor Student 28 White to Instructor Yellow to Student SEE REVERSE SIDE OF FORM FOR STUDENT/STAFF GUIDELINES MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Evaluating the Preceptee Evaluation is an ongoing process. Evaluation reinforces correct behavior on the part of the learner. It helps the preceptee realize how to change incorrect behavior and assists the faculty to determine the adequacy of their teaching. The purpose of this section is to review learning objectives as they relate to evaluation, and to provide an overview of the evaluation process. Learning Objectives: Objectives serve to guide the learning process, as well as provide a means to evaluate learning. A well-written objective tells us not only what the preceptee wants to learn, but allows us to determine if they have achieved their goal. The preceptee will have individually developed learning objectives. These objectives can be modified, and frequently are based on the client population and availability of opportunities. They must be realistic for the clinical setting and the length of time the student will be with you. Please evaluate the student’s objectives and assist the student in making needed modifications. Purpose of Evaluation: Evaluation is a form of feedback that can reinforce learning. When you give feedback that an objective has been achieved, the preceptee feels successful and motivated to continue learning. Positive reinforcement lets the student know what they are doing right, and increases the probability that the preceptee will maintain the behavior or level of performance. Evaluation is also a form of feedback that can help correct misinformation. If the preceptee is not performing as well as you expect, evaluation can help to pinpoint areas that need improvement. Thus, evaluation can be an effective teaching tool. Evaluation is also used to provide feedback to the preceptor and nursing faculty on their effectiveness. You may feel that you have successfully taught a preceptee something, but unless behavior demonstrates learning, you may not have gotten the message across. Nursing faculty evaluate learning in the classroom through testing. The revised program outcomes for this nursing program are to produce a graduate who can function in the work force. The behaviors you observe during this experience assist you in evaluating achievement of this objective. Method of Evaluation: Please review the evaluation forms developed for the Mt. San Jacinto College Preceptorship Program. You will find these forms at the end of this section. Faculty will assist you in completing the forms if you need assistance. The preceptees will provide you with their individual objectives. These objectives play an important role in the evaluation process. Please read them carefully and ask for clarification, as needed. When to Evaluate: Evaluation is an ongoing process that begins the first day the preceptee arrives on the unit, and ends when the preceptorship is completed. Sometimes, a preceptee seems to be struggling at first. Try not to be overly alarmed. Some struggles and failures along the way are expected. While evaluation is more or less a continuous process, it is more objective to look at overall preceptee performance rather than isolated events on a day-to-day basis. If your preceptee performance remains unsatisfactory in spite of all your efforts, you should not wait until the evaluation. Consult with the 29 faculty. They can help you to assess specific weaknesses and learning needs as well as assist you in giving constructive feedback to preceptees. Unfortunately, preceptees may occasionally fail in the preceptorship. Failure on the part of the student is not failure on the part of the preceptor. If you believe the student is in jeopardy of not meeting the clinical objectives, make sure you contact faculty as soon as possible. Faculty can help you make an assessment of the situation and give you advice on how to work with the preceptee in the situation. One last comment, do not be surprised if you find that your student is just beginning to “catch on”, and to really make progress during the last week of the preceptorship. Both preceptor and preceptee often wish their time together was longer. Finally, and most importantly, the preceptorship experience, and your role, assists preceptees to make tremendous gains in self-confidence in their abilities. At the end, the preceptees are really proud of how far they have come. They leave the preceptorship feeling more like RNs (the goal), and less like students. On behalf of the preceptees, faculty, and Mt. San Jacinto College Nursing Department, thank you for participating in this very important venture. Our future in nursing is based on your support, dedication, and time spent working with the nurses of tomorrow. 30 MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Program Evaluation by Preceptee Date: Unit: Agency:_____________________________ 1. Identify at least two positive experiences you encountered as a preceptee. 2. If you could change anything in the preceptorship, what would you change, and how? 3. How did the faculty support you in meeting your learning needs? 4. State at least two ways in which the preceptorship assisted you in transitioning from student to the expectations of an entry level RN role. 5. What one word best describes your feeling about your experience in the preceptorship? 6. Describe your feelings about being precepted in the agency to which you were assigned. 31 MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEGREE NURSING PROGRAM Preceptee Evaluation of Preceptor Rating Scale: 5 = Excellent, 4 = Very Good, 3 = Average, 2 = Below Average, 1 = Needs Improvement, 0 = N/A (Not applicable or unknown) COMMUNICATION 1. Established professional relationship with 2. 3. 4. RATING SCALE student. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Oriented to: unit, staff, hospital, policies, procedures, and resources. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Provided feedback on: a. Appropriateness of learning objectives. b. Modifications of learning objectives. c. Progress toward completion of objectives. 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 Provided constructive criticism and support when managing client care. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Comments: PROFESSIONAL ROLE RATING SCALE 1. Assisted in developing client care assignments according to student ability and learning objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 0 2. Assisted in increasing skill level toward that of an entry level RN. 5 4 3 2 1 0 3. skills. Assisted in developing priority and organizational 5 4 3 2 1 0 4. Assisted in developing skills in delegating client care. 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. Assisted in finding skills for clinical practice. 5 4 3 2 1 0 6. Promoted overall management skills. 5 4 3 2 1 0 Comments: 32 TEACHER/ADVOCATE ROLE 1. RATING SCALE Collaborated in adjusting learning experiences to meet skill level of an entry level RN. 5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0 3. Offered emotional support and guidance in transition from student to entry level RN role. 5 4 3 2 1 0 4. Provided appropriate supervision and consultation with new skills or learning needs. 5 4 3 2 1 0 5. Treated me more as a peer as the preceptorship progressed. 5 4 3 2 1 0 6. Included me in client care issues such as client care conferences, communications with physicians. 5 4 3 2 1 0 2. Facilitated opportunities to gain additional experiences. learning Comments: OVERALL COMMENTS Strengths: Areas for Improvement: Preceptor Signature: ____________________________ Preceptee Signature: ____________________________ Alternate Preceptor: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________ J:\wdocs\rn\gen\preceptor\evaluationsp03 33 Program Evaluation by Preceptor Date: Agency Preceptor Name: 1. Identify at least two positive experiences you have encountered as a preceptor. 2. If you could change anything in the role of preceptor, what would you change, and how? 3. Do you feel adequate communication existed with faculty during the preceptorship? If applicable, what suggestions do you have for improvement? 4. How did you utilize the faculty during the preceptorship? Do you have any suggestions for faculty? 5. Do you have any suggestions for change of the student’s clinical evaluation form? 6. Orientation to role: a. Did you find the orientation packet useful? (1) What was most helpful? (2) What, if anything, would you change? 34 (3) What would you like to have added and/or deleted from the orientation packet? 7. What additional workshop/orientation materials would you like as a preceptor? 8. Please list any ideas you have that would enhance or improve this program for next year. 35 PRECEPTORSHIP CALENDAR Date: _________________________ Student: _______________________ Preceptor: _________________ Phone: ________________________ Unit: _____________________ Hospital: ______________________ Phone: ____________________ Week Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine **Please write in your clinical dates in the above blank calendar** Saturday Please date this calendar. A calendar indicating shifts and days assigned to work must be developed, reviewed, and adhered to each week during the Preceptorship Program. Provide a copy of this calendar for yourself, instructor/Preceptorship coordinator, and your preceptor. If changes are necessary, notify your instructor/Preceptorship coordinator immediately. Board of Registered Nursing requires that 108 hours of the Preceptorship must be completed. 36 Associate Degree Nursing Program Clinical Evaluation Tool Nursing 248 Preceptorship Date: _____________________ Student’s Name: ________________ _________________ MO= Meets Objectives (Student consistently demonstrates and meets all criteria without unsatisfactory) NI= Needs Improvement (Student occasionally meets criteria 50% of the time without unsatisfactory) U= Unsatisfactory (Student rarely meets criteria <50% of the time) NA= Not applicable MO NI U NA Nursing Role/Leadership Uses the nursing roles of communicator, actively participates in implementing change a. Behavior is ethical & honest as judged by ANA ethical principles and Adheres to all school and facility policy and procedures (Per Student Handbook) b. Consistently demonstrates professional behavior by role modeling and being part of the inter-professional team (See Handbook) c. Possesses needed supplies/equipment to deliver patient care (student identification badge, stethoscope, penlight, watch with ability to display seconds, scissors, pen, check-off sheet) d. Examines sources of information to prepare and deliver appropriate patient care [medical record (electronic and/or paper), Kardex, MAR] e. Actively listens to nursing report (name, room diagnosis, allergy, code status, MD, etc..) f. Uses time efficiently to maximize learning (i.e. text books, lecture notes, drug reference books, clinically related research) g. Utilizes appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication when interacting with patients, families, significant other(s) and healthcare team h. Exemplifies professional behavior at all times, takes responsibility and accountability for actions and able to work autonomously. Seeks out learning opportunities to meet educational objectives and remains a lifelong learner i. 37 Complies with legal and regulatory requirements relevant to nursing practice such as demonstrating ethical and legal behaviors (HIPAA) k. Seeks feedback and accepts constructive criticism and strives to modify behavior NA Nursing Process Uses a systematic approach to assess, diagnose, plan, implement/intervene and evaluate patient care. a. Demonstrate appropriate assessments (Head to toe, body system, vital signs, lab and diagnostic data, medication side effects) and anticipates risks related to assessment data j. MO NI U b. Formulates and prioritizes 3 nursing diagnoses (including long term and short term goals for each diagnosis) and 3 interventions per diagnosis based on patient assessment c. Plans and implements patient-centered care based on patient developmental, cultural and spiritual needs Evaluates and revises nursing goals and interventions (Specific to patient diagnosis) Revises plan of care based on patient outcomes/responses to care/nursing process in a timely, coordinated, and accurate manner d. e. MO NI U NA Patient-Centered Care Recognizes the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values and needs a. Advocates for patient as appropriate in multidisciplinary team discussions . and organizes care and sets priorities (Vital signs, bed making, ADL’s etc.) b. Anticipates and meets patient’s needs (Feeding, ambulation, ADL’s, positioning, safety etc.) Protects confidentiality of health information in electronic health records as well as paper medical records c. Maintains patient safety at all times (Bed rails up as needed, bed in low position, call light within reach, phone within reach, patient identification bands, allergy band, code status band) d. Observes Standard Precautions at all times (hand washing, isolation precautions) e. Applies theoretical principles learned in theory based on comprehensive psychosocial and physical health history that includes patient's perspective and considers cultural , spiritual, social considerations (weekly CLO to practice) 38 f. Establishes rapport when educating patient, family, and significant other(s) prior to performing any procedures/actions/interventions etc. g. Performs procedures following essential functions (See Handbook) h. Completes assignments in a timely manner based on sound clinical judgment and clinical reasoning. (Per clinical instructor time frame) MO NI U NA Communication Implements therapeutic communication skills that foster open communication, mutual respect and shared decision making to achieve quality patient care a. Accurately and consistently communicate patient values, preferences and expressed needs with inter-professional health care team using SBAR b. Provide patient-centered care with sensitivity and respect for the diversity of human experience/culture of client c. Elicit expectations of patient & family for relief of pain, discomfort, or suffering d. Communicate care provided and needed at each transition in care e. Identify and demonstrates use of correct terminology, grammar and spelling in documentation f. Properly document legible relevant information (including assessment) in medical record (eg: vital signs, I & O, ADL’s, procedures) g. Identify, describe and demonstrate use of verbal and nonverbal communication h. Consistently keeps instructor and staff buddy informed of patient care needs MO NI U MO NI U i. Relates plan of care to instructor, nurse, patient, and family member/significant other (s) in a timely and accurate manner NA Evidence-Based Practice Integrates best current evidence with clinical expertise and patient/family preferences and values for delivery of optimal health care a. Actively involved in appropriate data collection and other research activities and navigates the electronic health records per facility protocol. b. Develop, modifies, and implements individualized care plan on patient values, clinical expertise and evidence on two patients c. Consults with members of the intra-professional team before deciding to deviate from evidence-based protocols d. Examine an discusses original EBP clinical research article and relate to area of practice NA Quality Improvement/Fiscal Responsibility Uses data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems. Recognizes that cost effectiveness is essential for success for the health care organization 39 a. Organizes and delivers care based on Standard Precautions (hand washing, PPE, infection control standards) b. Practices aligning the aims, measures and changes involved in improving care c. Complies with agency policy and understands quality improvement methodologies d. Uses hospital resources effectively and in a cost effective manner e. Evaluates and implements systems-improvement based on clinical data. MO NI U NA Safety Minimizes risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance Demonstrates safe practices related to medication administration a. including rights, verification of allergies , two patient identifiers, readback process, independent double checks for high alert b. Recognizes unsafe situations and intervenes appropriately at all times c. Performs three checks and seven rights for medication administration process d. Ensures patient and significant other(s) receive appropriate education regarding safe care practices and medication administration e. Calculates medication doses accurately and in a timely, organized and accurate manner and educates patient on safety practices when administering medications, drawing blood, starting and IV, using PCAs. f. Examines patients to determine responses to medications effectiveness/side effects g. Performs procedures as instructed in a timely, coordinated and accurate manner Evaluation 40 NURSING 248 Preceptorship CLINICAL EVALUATION TOOL Preceptor and Clinical Instructors Narrative Summary Clinical Performance: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (Please Circle) NARRATIVE: Instructor’s Signature ________ _______________________ Date: Student’s Signature _____________ ____ 41 ____________Date: ______