foreword - CSR in Greece

The Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA) is a regional recognition Award organized by Enterprise Asia to honour
companies for outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services, projects and programs in 5 categories for Enterprise and
1 individual category.
These programs demonstrate the Enterprise’s leadership, sincerity and on-going commitment in incorporating responsible and ethical
values, legal compliance, concerns for health issues, respect for people and individuals, involvement in communities and protection of
the environment into the way they run their Enterprise.
Award winners of this region will join their counterparts from other parts of Asia at the Asia Entrepreneurship Forum 2012 in
Macau SAR, where captains of industries across Asia will gather, network and share business opportunities on markets across
the region.
All award recipients of the AREA are cordially invited to attend the Official Awards Ceremony held in a 5-star venue to commemorate the
success of luminary responsible enterprises, designed to leave a lasting impact to all!
Nominations are now open and it gives me great pleasure to invite you to participate in this prestigious event.
William Ng
President, Enterprise Asia
AREA 2012
Enterprise Asia’s Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards program (AREA) recognizes and honours Asian businesses for
championing sustainable and responsible entrepreneurship in the following categories: Green Leadership, Investment in People,
Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, SME CSR and Responsible Business Leadership. The enterprises’ should demonstrate their
“ Championing
protection of environment, investing in stakeholders, empowering the community, taking care of their well-being and legal
compliance into the way they operate their businesses. There is no limit to the number of categories each business may enter as
sustainable &
commitment, advocacy, integrity and leadership in incorporating responsible and ethical values in their businesses such as
long as the participant is able to meet the criteria. The Awards is held in four sub-regions of Asia, namely, East Asia, South Asia,
Southeast Asia and Middle East. The Ceremony will see over one thousand attendees, including business and government leaders,
diplomatic representatives, social and community leaders, local and international media.
Why This Award?
Winning awards brings prestige and recognition to the organization. Even more important, winning the AREA is a recognition and
independent endorsement of your organizational efforts to creating a culture of compassion and integrity. Given the increasing
societal and environmental concerns, being part of the prestigious Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards establishes
confidence and trust from the society on you. The credibility gained through AREA heightens your worthy investments channeled
towards making the world a better place. Effortlessly improving corporate visibility, the Awards will also further uplift your staff’s
morale as they look forward to associate with an award winning corporation. AREA is your opportunity to gain high profile
recognition and showcase your work to an international audience.
AREA is divided into 5 categories to recognize businesses and 1 category to honour an iconic individual. The Awards are built on
4 key pillars, namely the Environment, Fair Practices, the Community and its People. We believe these are critical aspects in our
pursuit to promote Responsible Entrepreneurship. The Awards Categories are:
• Green Leadership Award
• Social Empowerment Award
• Investment in People Award
• SME CSR Award
• Health Promotion Award
• Responsible Business Leader Award
Participants can enter as many projects as they wish in one or more of these categories. The awards criteria do not favour large or
small enterprises and all enterprise sizes have equal chances to win. The winning enterprise, regardless of size, is simply one which
in the opinion of the jury, best meets the criteria for each category.
AREA 2012
The Awards are
built on 4 key
pillars, namely
the Environment,
Fair Practices, the
Community and
its People
Leadership Award
in People Award
Promotion Award
The recipient believes in the larger
The recipient has policies and
The Award honours businesses
responsibility for recognizing the
programs in place that show
that encourage and promote
impact of running their business
their respect for their people
programmes aimed at raising
to the environment and seeks to
(primarily employees, but may
awareness and improving the
reduce and reverse the impact.
also include vendors, clients and
health of their direct and indirect
The recipient has consciously
business partners). The jury will
stakeholders. The recipient
implemented programs and efforts
ask questions such as how much
must have clear health related
which includes, but not limited to,
has the business invested through
programmes which could focus on
the following: Energy Efficiency,
their efforts in taking care of its
Millennium Development Goals such
Product Responsibility, Green
employees by way of dependent
as reducing child mortality, improve
Product Designs, Waste Reduction,
care, layoffs and closing, health
maternal health or combating HIV/
Recycling and Water Conservation.
and wellness, employee training,
AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
Additional weightage will be given
fair recruitment and promotional
They could also focus on other
to participants that have a harm
practice, and fostering lifelong
issues of social concern such as
reduction and reversal program
learning, in improving the
dietary health, obesity, heart disease,
in place. The recipient should also
quality of life at work and
early screening for treatable and
have integrated environmental
in implementing employee
preventable diseases, mental
performance into its sustainable
ownership on a sustainable basis.
health and social isolation amongst
development strategy and has an
others. For participants in the Health
annual reporting structure to track
Industry, evidence of programmes
this performance.
beyond standard business
operations must be provided.
AREA 2012
Empowerment Award
Responsible Business
Leadership Award
The Award honours businesses
The Award honours Small
The Award will be awarded to
that promote empowerment of
and Medium Enterprises that
an iconic individual who is a role
communities or individuals that
have successful CSR policies
model in advocating and promoting
are socially excluded or that suffer
appropriate to their size and
all aspects of Responsible
discrimination in work, business
business operations. The
Entrepreneurship in building the
or involvement in community
recipients must have a clear “CSR
business. The individual shows
life. Such groups might include
Statement” and programs and
exemplary leadership in adverse
people with physical or mental
projects in place that support
situations, defied temptations and
disabilities, isolated minority
this policy. It is recognised that
greed to promote responsible
groups, or refugees. Programmes
their CSR programmes may be
practices in his enterprise and
for empowerment of women,
on a smaller scale than larger
the people around him. This
economically disadvantaged
companies but nonetheless make
may encompass the areas of
communities or other minorities
an impact on their stakeholders in
environmental preservation,
would fall into this category. The
clear and measurable ways.
sustainability, community
recipients must have a clear “Social
partnerships, education promotion,
Empowerment Mission” and must
and poverty alleviation.
have programs and projects in place
that support this mission.
AREA 2012
Entries must be programs
Participating Enterprise must
The following criteria under
Jury uses a rating to determine
that were implemented in
be headquartered in the
each category were designed
delivery in each of the criteria
2011 and was executed
respective sub-regions of Asia.
to help the jury determine the
outlined. The rating is the
from January to December
Enterprises from outside the
recipient for the Award/s. The
average score that is attained
2011. However, results and
region are also eligible as long
broad elements that score
by each of the applicant.
measures presented can
as the sub-region’s chapter or
card was built upon is on the
stretch beyond the past
operations of the enterprise
programs delivery in achieving:
year as the Award places
originated the projects.
importance on sustainability
t io n
S u s t ai n
-O r i
In n o v a t i o n
ent ed
I nt
of the programs and projects.
S ol u
Results, Sustainability,
Result s
AREA 2012
1. How innovative is the program? Does the program involve external/internal expertise or other agencies in designing to drive
innovation to improve the program?
2. Does this program propose a solution to a larger problem? Does it propose a system-wide solution as opposed to an activity?
3. Does it have significant results or outcomes? Are these measurable? Are there testimonials to show impact on the beneficiaries?
4. Can the project be sustained if the corporation leaves the scene? Or is the program an integral part of the way the company
does business?
5. The extent to which the project is integrated into the core strategy of the enterprise?
1.Does the enterprise have its own environmental practices certified or monitored?
2. Does the program seek to improve the majority of the employee through effective training, adequate and fair incentives and
remuneration, ownership opportunities?
3. Does the program take into account the employee’s welfare and social wellbeing for growth and advancement?
4. How does executive pay change from year to year? Does it go up every year by leaps and bounds regardless of performance, or
do the top guys take a hit with the shareholders?
5. Does the company have a staggered board, poison pill, or other devices designed to make it more difficult for shareholders to
affect change?
6. Does the enterprise disclose any significant related party transactions?
7. Does the program contribute a significant difference to the community? How well it will reduce or eliminate the issues in the
community. Will the benefits be long lasting?
8. What is the fragment from profit invested on the CSR programs? Do you appoint and empower internal CSR, risk management
and ethics committees?
AREA 2012
Awards Ceremony
Hundreds of senior executives and professionals on corporate social responsibility
from government, business and civil society from the region, and the media will
be present.
Selection Process
There is an in-depth search and selection process for the Awards composed of
generating entries, initial screening, and audit verification by a reputable Audit
Partner, scorecarding process by the jury, panel of representatives from supporting
organizations and final judging by the Advisory Panel.
Poster Display
The Award recipients will have the chance to display their project’s poster during the
Final Judging
Awards Ceremony. The poster display provides a venue for the recipients to showcase
their award-winning projects, thereby giving them the chance to share the benefits of
Winner Announcement
their winning projects and programs with the other participants.
Award Ceremony
As the most prestigious recognition program for Enterprises in the region, we seek to
recognize industry’s best and most deserving. Audits are performed to ascertain the
validity and reliability of information; also to provide an assessment of a system’s internal
control. The goal of an audit is to express an opinion on the nomination in question,
under evaluation based on work done on a test basis. Therefore, we have put together
an independent jury comprising business leaders, academician and retired senior
government and political leaders to evaluate the credibility of submitted projects.
Niraj Sharan
Chairman & CEO, Aura Inc
Chairman - Panel of Juries AREA
Viroj Na Bangchang
President, Consumer Force of Thailand
Dr. Geoffrey Williams
CEO, OWW Consulting
Lt. Gen. Sudhir Sharma
Indian Army (retd.)
AREA 2012
What is the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards (AREA)?
Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards is Enterprise Asia’s Recognition Program to honour deserving enterprises in the field of
corporate responsibility. AREA honours Asian enterprises for outstanding, innovative products, services and projects in 6 categories.
The enterprises’ should demonstrate their commitment, advocacy, integrity and leadership in incorporating responsible and ethical
values in their businesses such as protection of environment, investing in stakeholders, empowering the community, taking care of
their well-being and legal compliance into the way they operate their businesses.
How is the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards different from other Awards?
The AREA is the region’s most prestigious recognition for organization that goes beyond standard business operations to fulfil
its responsibilities to its internal and external environment. The program is held in 4 main regions of Asia; East Asia, South Asia,
Southeast Asia, and Middle East. Winners will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with industry’s best, and further prolong
learning opportunities as they are invited to every subsequent Awards Ceremony in the other regions, offering an invaluable
networking opportunity with leaders of top responsible corporations and prominent entrepreneurs of each country.
The awards culminate with the Asia Entrepreneurship Forum 2012 in Macau SAR. During the Forum, which is set to be the largest
gathering of entrepreneurs in Asia, AREA Winners are eligible to join their counterparts and other captains of industries from across
Asia, to network, share intelligence & opportunities in the global market, while learning from seasoned and reputable speakers.
Who can submit nominations for consideration?
All Enterprises headquartered in Asia which portray significant commitment to incorporate ethics, value human capital, protect the
environment, and to contribute to the community are eligible to participate in AREA. Enterprises from outside Asia are also eligible
as long as the Asia-Pacific chapter or operations of the enterprise originated the projects.
Can I participate in more than one category?
There is no limit to the number of entries per enterprise. Nominees would be required to submit a separate nomination form for
each nomination they would like to submit. If an enterprise wishes to participate in all categories, it is advised to submit distinct
nomination forms and documentations accordingly.
Do I have to pay a fee to participate in the Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards?
There is a fixed Nomination Fee to cover administrative expenses, which is set at USD300 throughout the region (or the equivalent in
local currency at the prevailing exchange rate). Please note that Nominees are not required to pay any other fee for participation, and
if your organization is approached by any party requesting payment of any other fee, kindly report to
AREA 2012
Who are the members of jury?
An independent jury comprising business leaders, academician and retired senior government and political leaders will evaluate the
credibility of submitted projects. For a full list and description, please visit They are assisted by the
Official Knowledge Partner OWW Consulting, appointed to ensure transparency in the verification of financial information and annual
What are the judging criteria?
The jury uses a scorecard system which was built with the aim to assess the program’s delivery in achieving innovation, solution
orientation, results, sustainability and integration. Ratings given are the average score that is attained by each of the applicants. If
an applicant has won other Awards in the past, this will be taken into consideration as well. However, winning other Awards is no
guarantee that your organization will meet the stringent criteria of AREA, as the AREA is benchmarked against regional yardsticks.
Is the information provided in the nomination form kept confidential?
Yes. Auditors, jury and staff members handling nomination documents are required to sign non-disclosure documents prior to their
engagement, and are governed by the AREA Charter on Confidentiality. Nominations are sealed upon receipt. Information about
nominees is kept fully confidential at all times and is not released to third parties. By submitting a nomination, nominees grant
permission for the data to be used for AREA purposes only.
For more information, please get in touch
with the Secretariat of AREA 2012:
[t] +603 7880 1558 [f] +603 7803 1152
or send an enquiry to
East Asia :
South Asia :
Southeast Asia :
Middle East :
This signifies allowing auditors and/or the Independent Country Organiser to perform such checks and audits as deemed
appropriate, including credit reviews and checks with credit agencies. Site inspections, peer-review and other authentication
measures may also be undertaken to ensure recipients meet the strict criteria set by Enterprise Asia. It would also allow the
organizers to use the organization’s name and submitted write-up for promotion purposes, should your organization be selected as
Will the outcomes of jury’s evaluation be revealed to the public?
Enterprise Asia does not reveal the scorecard ratings and commentaries to the public, and will not make available any part of
the evaluation outcomes on print media, television, website or any other media channels. As companies submit confidential
information to the jury, this is done as a measure of privacy protection. However, upon individual request subsequent to notification
of winners, we are able to inform you of the evaluation and judging notes for the submissions of your company.
How can I submit a nomination?
All required nomination documents should be submitted in digital format on a CD and hard-copy, before the given deadline to the
following address:
Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2012
Unit 709A, 6th Floor, Kelana Parkview Tower, Jalan SS 6/2, Kelana Jaya, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
AREA 2012
AREA 2012
AREA 2012
Participants are encouraged to nominate their best projects or programs. There is no limit to the number of entries per enterprise.
Participants and Individuals are also encouraged to nominate individuals for the individual category. Regional and international
organizations, including NGOs, advertising agencies, management consultants and suppliers of products and services are also invited
to nominate enterprises in the Award categories for specific projects, programs and services that showcase their CSR commitment.
Nomination Entry
Each submission must include the following information in hard copy:
• For the Enterprise Category (Green Leadership, Investment in People, Health Promotion, Social Empowerment, SME CSR),
please download the Nomination Form or contact the Secretariat for a copy of the form.
• For the Individual Category, the following submission is needed;
1. A brief Biography of the Individual (not more than 150 words)
2. A photocopy of identification of the individual
3. A brief essay on why does the individual deserves to receive the Award (not more than 500 words)
4. Any other supporting documents or materials to support the nomination.
• Nominations are to be submitted before the cut-off date as stated in the respective nomination form.
• There is no limit to the number of entries per enterprise. Nominee would be required to enter 1 nomination for each category they
are interested to submit.
• A fee of USD 300 per nomination would be charged for the purpose of administration and auditing fee.
• Nominations can be made by sending the complete nomination package and fee payable to the following address:
Enterprise Asia is a non-governmental
organization in pursuit of entrepreneurship
Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards 2012
Enterprise Asia
Unit 709A, 6th Floor, Kelana Parkview Tower, Jalan SS 6/2,
Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
development across the region. We strive to
promote fair and equal opportunities for emerging
entrepreneurs. Founded by entrepreneurs for
Bank : OCBC Bank Petaling Jaya
Name of Account : Business Media International Sdn Bhd
USD Account No. : 707-114327-8
Address : 89, 91 & 93, Jalan SS 21/60,
Damansara Utama, 47400 Petaling Jaya
Contact Number : (603) 8317 5200
Swift Code
entrepreneurs, the organization is supported by
• All nominations would be kept strictly confidential.
a panel of prominent industry and government
• An on-site audit may be carried out for shortlisted candidates.
leaders who truly believe in the mission of
• Only successful recipient of the Award would be invited for the Awards Ceremony.
championing entrepreneurship in Asia.
AREA 2012
Organised by
Knowledge Partner
Supporting Organization
Media Partners