Annals of West University of Timisoara Series of Chemistry 21 (2) (2012) 37-46 UROBILINOGENIC CHLOROPHYLL CATABOLITES S E P A R A T I O N O N R E V E R S E D -P H A S E C O L U M N S N i n a D ja p ic University of Novi Sad. Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Djure Djakovica bb, 23000 Zrenjanin, SERBIA Received: 10 November 2012 Modified: 15 November 2012 Accepted:18 November 2012 SUMMARY The reversed-phase liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry analysis of chlorophyll catabolites is still in development. The reversed-phase analytical columns: C-2, C-4, C-8 and C-18 Pyramid were used in the separation of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. The packing of the reversed-phase stationary phase influences the retention, peak shape and separation of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. The capacity factor, the plate number, the plate height, the reduced plate height and the total porosity of the analytical columns were investigated on four commercial available reversed-phase analytical columns: C-2, C-4, C-8 and C-18 Pyramid. The reduced analysis time was achieved on the C-4 column. The highest capacity factor was obtained on the C-18 Pyramid column. The plate number and the total porosity of the column were the highest on the C-8 column. The results obtained are useful for choosing a column packing in separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. The results obtained gave insight in the selection of the reversed phase column packing for the separation of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. Keywords: urobilinogenic chromatography. chlorophyll catabolites; reversed-phase liquid INTRODUCTION The most widely used technique in separation of compounds is carried out by the reversed-phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) [1]. Much effort has been done to 37 DJAPIC N. understand the retention in RPLC in order to predict the chromatographic properties [2]. The RPLC stationary phases show different chromatographic properties [3, 4, 5]. The selection of the RPLC column is important step in the analysis of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. For the separation of the chlorophyll catabolites the octadecylsilane (ODS or C-18) column was used [6]. In the separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) (Figure 1) the RPLC C-8 and C-4 columns were used [7, 8, 9]. The RPLC column packings have different chromatographic properties regarding the retention and separation of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. The recorded retention data were used to calculate the retention factor k’ since this parameter reflects the chemical nature of the chromatographic packing. The plate number N, the plate height H, the reduced plate height h and the total porosity of the column єT allowed the comparison of the columns. The relative retention α was calculated in order to determine the chemistry of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites separation. The paper describes a continuing study on urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) retentivity involving commercially available RPLC packings. OH O NH NH O HN HN MeOOC COOH O 1 Figure 1. The structure of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomers (1) MATERIALS AND METHODS Analytical methods Four RPLC columns were used: RP EC 250x4 mm Nucleosil® 100-7 C-2, RP EC 250x4 mm Nucleosil® 120-5 C-4, RP EC 250x4 mm Nucleosil® 100-5 C-8 and RP EC 250x4 mm Nucleodur® 110-5 C-18 Pyramid (Macherey-Nagel, Oesingen, Switzeland). The solvents used were HPLC grade (Acros Organics, Geel, Belgium) and trifluoroacetic acid 38 UROBILINOGENIC CHLOROPHYLL CATABOLITES SEPARATION ON REVERSED-PHASE COLUMNS (TFA) was reagent grade (Fluka, Buch, Switzerland). The injection volume was 10 μl via autosampler injection. Mobile phase consisted of 0.1 % TFA (modifier) in water and methanol. The proportion of methanol was increased linearly from 10% to 100% in 70 minutes and in next 20 minutes elution was continued with methanol. The flow rate was 0.2 ml/min. After each separation the column was reequlibrated linearly from 100 % methanol to 90% water (0.1% TFA):10% methanol in 10 minutes and additional 5 minutes at 90% water (0.1% TFA): 10% methanol. The on-line LC/UV/ESI – MS analysis were performed on Waters 2695 Separations Module (Milford, MA, USA, 2006) coupled to a Waters 2996 PDA UV-Vis detector and connected to Bruker Daltonics esquire HCT (Bruker Daltonik, GmbH, Bremen, Germany, 2006) equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) source. Nitrogen produced by nitrogen generator (Domnick Hunter Group plc, Durham, England, 2006) was used as nebulizer (20 psi) and drying gas (9 l/min at 320ºC) in ESI experiments. The ESI detection was done in positive mode with the target mass of 700 m/z. The capillary voltage in a ramp ranged from 4.5 to 1.5 kV. The PDA detection was in range of 200-800 nm and the chromatograms were extracted at λ=244 nm. The temperature of the column oven was 220C for all measurements. Data were acquired by HyStarTM and processed by Bruker Daltonics Data Analysis running under Windows NTTM (Microsoft, Redmond, USA). Sample preparation The analytes were urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) extracted from Hamamelis virginiana (Hvir) induced leaf senescence leaves. Hvir branches with green leaves were cut during summer time, placed in a 1000 ml beakers and left in permanent darkness. After two weeks, 5 g of “fresh” weight (3.65 g dry weight) leaves were collected, frozen with liquid nitrogen, grinded and extracted with methanol at room temperature. After centrifugation, the methanol extract was filtered and partitioned between hexane and methanol. Water was added to the methanol phase. Urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) were extracted with dichloromethane from the water-methanol phase. Evaporation of dichloromethane (t<400C) yielded 5.1 mg of the Hvir crude extract. The crude extract obtained was dissolved in 1.5 ml methanol-water (2:1) solvent mixture. In every sample 10 μl of uracil (0.01 mg ml-1) was added. The crude extract was subject to the analysis on different RPLC columns by LC/UV/ESI – MS analysis. The detection of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites was done by the retention time and mass spectra determined previously [8]. Equations used The following parameters were calculated [10]: 1. retention factor k’ using uracil as non-retained compound: k’=(tR – t0)/t0 (1) 39 DJAPIC N. where tR is the retention time of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite peak and t0 is retention time of non-retained compound (uracil). 2. the plate number N, a mathematical concept, was calculated using the equation: N=5.545 (tR/wh)2(2) where the N is number of theoretical plates, tR is the retention time of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite and wh is peak width at the half height (in units of time). 3. the plate height H: H=L/N(3) where L is the length of the column 4. the reduced plate height h: h=H/dp(4) where dp is the particle diameter 5. the total porosity of the column єT: єT=F/urc2 π = Ft0/Lrc2 π(5) where u is linear velocity (L/t0), F is the flow-rate and rc is the radius of the column. 6. the relative retention α α=k2/k1(6) was used to describe whether the chemistry of separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites remains invariant on transfer of the separation from one column to another. RESULTS The detection of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites was done by the RPLC – MS analysis of the crude Hvir leaf extract, where the chlorophyll biodegration was induced by leaving the green leaves in permanent darkness. The extract was subjected on RPLC C-2, RPLC C-4, RPLC C-8 and RPLC C-18 Pyramide analytical columns under the same acquisition parameters and elution solvent mixture, at 295 K, as described previously [6, 7]. In all the chromatograms obtained revealed was the presence of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (Figure 2, 3, 4). 40 UROBILINOGENIC CHLOROPHYLL CATABOLITES SEPARATION ON REVERSED-PHASE COLUMNS Figure 2. Chromatograms of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites on RP C-2 and C-18 Pyramid columns. Conditions: mobile phase: water (0.1 % TFA): methanol, gradient elution, column temperature 0 22 C, flow rate 0.2 ml/min. Detection: UV 244 nm, injection: 10 μl. Figure 3. Chromatograms of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites on RP C-4 and C-18 Pyramid columns. Conditions: mobile phase: water (0.1 % TFA): methanol, gradient elution, column temperature 0 22 C, flow rate 0.2 ml/min. Detection: UV 244 nm, injection: 10 μl. Figure 4. Chromatograms of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites on RP C-8 and C-18 Pyramid columns. Conditions: mobile phase: water (0.1 % TFA): methanol, gradient elution, column temperature 0 22 C, flow rate 0.2 ml/min. Detection: UV 244 nm, injection: 10 μl. 41 DJAPIC N. The Parrotia persica (Pp) urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite was detected at 58.1 min., with the the m/z 633, the major urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomer present in Hvir autumnal leaves at 59.3 minutes, was the molecular ion [M+H]+ corresponding to m/z 633 and the, up to now, unkown urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomer was detected at 60.9 min. with the m/z 633 on the RPLC C-8 column (Figure 5). On the RPLC C-2, RPLC C-4 and RPLC C-18 Pyramide analytical columns the Pp, Hvir and the unknown urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomer were detected and had the molecular ion of m/z 633. The data obtained from the chromatograms recorded were used in further calculations. Figure 5. The ESIMS of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll cataboltes. From left to right the ESIMS of the Pp, Hvir and the unknown isomer, respectively. Molecular ions were extracted from the Total Ion Chromatogram (TIC), during the separation on the RP C-8 analytical column The proposed mechanism on separation of nonpolar compounds by RPLC involves the interaction between the nonpolar part of the solute and the hydrocarbon part of the column packing. Interactions in retention of semipolar compounds are more complex than those of nonpolar compounds due to residual nonderivatized silanol groups on the packings surface which participate in the separation. A general rule is that more hydrophobic column packing has greater retentivity of nonpolar compounds. It is expected that a nonpolar compound is more retentive on the C-18 column than on the C-8 packing. It is also expected that the nonpolar compounds are more retentive on the C-8 packing than on the short alkyl chain bonded phases like the C-4 and C-2. In this study, on the three urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomers (1), the retention factor (k’) of the Pp isomer, along with the plate number N, the plate height H and the reduced plate height h, on the four RPLC analytical columns used, is depicted in Table I. 42 UROBILINOGENIC CHLOROPHYLL CATABOLITES SEPARATION ON REVERSED-PHASE COLUMNS Table I. Properties and characteristics of the columns investigated for the Pp isomer C-2 k’ 2.73 N 14038 H [mm] 0.018 h 2.57 єT 0.82 C-4 2.13 44915 0.006 1.20 0.88 C-8 2.42 81240 0.003 0.60 1.08 C-18 6.14 65327 0.004 0.80 0.47 The retentivity of the Pp isomer on four RPLC analytical columns used is depicted in Figures 2, 3 and 4. The Hvir urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomer (1), exhibited the strongest retention (high k’ value) on C-18 Pyramid column (Table II). Table II. Properties and characteristics of the columns investigated for the Hvir isomer C-2 k’ 2.80 N 40477 H [mm] 0.006 h 0.86 єT 0.82 C-4 2.20 46593 0.005 1.00 0.88 C-8 2.49 84631 0.003 0.60 1.08 C-18 6.37 69660 0.004 0.80 0.47 The k’ value was higher on the short alkyl chain bonded phase C-2 than on the packings C-4 and C-8 for the Hvir isomer. In the chromatogram obtained during the separation on the C-2 analytical column no peak – shape symmetry of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomers was observed. The chromatogram obtained had no Gaussian peak resolution and had no uniform peak – shape and therefore were completely distorted. It can be concluded that C-2 analytical column is least suitable for the separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (Figure 2). The C-18 Pyramide packing has exhibited high retentivity toward the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) (Table I, II and III). 43 DJAPIC N. Table III. Properties and characteristics of the columns investigated for the unknown isomer-1 C-2 k’ - N - H [mm] - h - єT - C-4 2.27 48952 0.003 0.60 0.88 C-8 2.58 89259 0.002 0.40 1.08 C-18 6.60 74132 0.002 0.40 0.47 DISCUSSION The high retention value for the three urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite isomers (1), indicated that the separation mechanism can involve the interaction of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites aromatic rings’ π-electrons with the C-18 Pyramide ligand chain length or the different penetration of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites in between the surface ligands of the C-18 Pyramide packing compared to the other packings investigated [11, 12]. The k’ values were rather similar for the C-4 and C-8 packings indicating that the separation mechanism is nearly similar on those two RPLC analytical columns tested. It can be observed that the silanol activity of the C-4 and C-8 columns during the separation of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites comprises similar types of interactions, most probably ion-ion and hydrogen bonding activity [13]. The lowest capacity factor was on the C-4 column indicating the lowest analysis time in separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites (1) (Figure 3). The migration velocity of the peak under the gradient separation, neglecting some second order effects, used in this study, was independent in the case of C-4, C-8 and C-18 Pyramid analytical columns. The efficiency of the analytical column and therefore the sharpness of the peaks was the highest in the case of the C-8 packing. The lowest plate number was in case of the C-2 packing indicating the lowest efficiency of the analytical column. The height equivalent to theoretical plate, reported in millimeters, showed that the shortest theoretical plates are in case of the C-8 and C-18 Pyramid analytical columns. The least plates are contained, in any length of the column, in case of the C-2 column indicating the lowest column efficiency. The reduced plate height h was the same in case of the C-8 and C-18 Pyramid analytical columns. The highest h value was in case of the C-2 column. The total porosity of the column was the highest in the case of the C-8 and it 44 UROBILINOGENIC CHLOROPHYLL CATABOLITES SEPARATION ON REVERSED-PHASE COLUMNS decreased from the C-4 to the C-2 column and was the lowest in the case of the C-18 Pyramid analytical column. The chemistry and the pore structure of the stationary phase affected the peak shape in the case of the C-2 analytical column where the peaks had no Gaussian peak shape. The relative retention demonstrated that the chemistry of the separation remains invariant on transfer of the separation from one column to another in case of C-4, C-8 and C-18 Pyramide analytical columns (Table IV, Figure 6). Table IV. Relative retention of: kHvir-isomer/ kPp-isomer and kunknown isomer-1 / kHvir-isomer on the C-2, C-4, C-8 and C-18 Pyramide RPLC analytical columns C-2 kHvir-isomer/kPp-isomer 1.03 kunknown isomer-1/kHvir-isomer - C-4 1.03 1.03 C-8 1.03 1.04 C-18 1.04 1.04 Figure 6. Relative retention of: kHvir-isomer/ kPp-isomer and kunknown isomer-1 / kHvir-isomer on the C-2, C-4, C-8 and C18 Pyramide RPLC analytical columns CONCLUSION Gradient elution with aqueous (0.1% TFA): methanol mobile phase on different RPLC stationary phases provided a separation of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites. The lowest analysis time was on the C-4 analytical column. The structure of the stationary 45 DJAPIC N. phase affected differently the efficiency (the plate height) in case of the Hvir urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolite. The C-8 and C-18 Pyramid analytical columns had the lowest reduced plate height at the flow rate of 0.2 ml/min., gradient elution. The C-18 Pyramide had the highest retention of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites and the retention increased levels off compared to the C-4 and C-8 RPLC analytical columns. In case of C-4 and C-8, the chain length of the packing most probably does not influence the penetration of the urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites into the bonded phase. The size of urobilinogenic chlorophyll catabolites, their steric characteristics or solvation environment of the functional groups can be the explanation for their retentivity on those two packings. 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