Introduction to Information Technology

Turban, Rainer and Potter

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Copyright 2005

Chapter 5

E-Business and E-Commerce

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Chapter Outline

Overview of E-Business and E-Commerce

Major EC Mechanisms

Business-to-Consumer Applications

Online Advertising

B2B Applications

Intrabusiness and Business-to–Employees

E-Government and Consumer-to-Consumer EC

E-Commerce Support Services

Ethical and Legal Issues in E-Business

Failures and Strategies for Success.

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Learning Objectives

Describe electronic commerce, its scope, benefits, limitations, and types.

Understand the basics of how online auction and bartering work.

Describe the major applications of business-to-consumer commerce, including service industries, and the major issues faced by e-tailers.

Discuss the importance and activities of online advertising.

Describe business-to-business applications.

Describe intrabusiness and B2E e-commerce

Describe e-government activities and consumer-to-consumer ecommerce

Describe the e-commerce support services, specifically payments and logistics.

Discuss some ethical and legal issues relating to e-commerce

Describe EC failures and strategies for success.


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5.1 Overview of E-Business and E-Commerce

„ Electronic commerce (e-commerce, EC) . The process of buying, selling, transferring, or exchanging products, services, and/or information via computer networks, including the Internet.

„ E-business.

A broader definition of EC, including buying and selling of goods and services, and also servicing customers collaborating e-learning, and conducting electronic transactions within an organization.


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Pure versus partial EC

„ Electronic commerce can take several forms depending on the degree of digitization- the transformation from physical to digital- involved. The degree of digitization can relate to:(1) the product

(service) sold, (2) the process, or (3) the delivery agent (or intermediary).

In pure EC all dimensions are digital.




If there is at least one digital dimension, we consider the situation partial EC.

Brick- and-mortar organizations . Organization in which the product, the process, and the delivery agent are all physical.


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Pure vs Partial EC cont…

Virtual organization .

Organization in which the product, the process, and the delivery agent are all digital; also called pure – play organization

Click-and– mortar . Organization in which the product, the process, and the delivery agent may be physical or digital .


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Types of E-Commerce Transactions

Business-to-Business (B2B): E-commerce in which both the sellers and the buyers are business organizations.

Collaborative commerce ( c-commerce): E – commerce in which business partners collaborate electronically

Business-to-Consumers (B2C) : E-commerce in which the seller are organizations and the buyers are individual also known as e-tailing.


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Types of E-Commerce Transaction cont…

Consumer-to-Consumer(C2C ).

: E-commerce in which an individual sells products or services to other individuals.

Customer -to-Business (C2B).

: E-commerce in which customers make known a particular need for a product or service, and suppliers complete to provide the product or service to consumers .

Intrabusiness( intraorganizational) commerce.

E-commerce in which an organization uses

EC internally to improve its operations.


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Types of E-commerce cont…

B2E( business to employees) EC: A special case of intrabusiness e-commerce in which an organization delivers product or services to its employees.

Government–to–Citizens(G2C): E-commerce in which a government provide services to its citizen via

EC technologies.

Government-to–business (G2B): E-commerce in which a government does business with other governments as well as with businesses.

Mobile Commerce (m-commerce): E-commerce conducted in a wireless environment.


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EC Business Model

The major business model of EC are summarized in Manager’s Checklist 5.1

Business Model . The method by which a company generates revenues to sustain itself .

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The Scope of EC

EC applications are supported by an infrastructure that includes hardware, software, and networks, ranging from browsers to multimedia, and also by five support areas.


Public Policy

Marketing and advertising

Support services

Business Partnerships

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Benefits of E-commerce

Benefits to organization:

The availability of natural and international markets,

The decreased cost of processing, distributing, and retrieving information.

Benefit to customer:

The access to a vast number of products and services, around the clock.

Benefit to society :

The ability to deliver information, services, and product to people in cities, in rural areas and in developing countries.


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Technological Limitations

The lack of universally accepted security standards.

Insufficient telecommunication bandwidth.

Expensive accessibility

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Nontechnological Limitations

A perception that EC is insecure.

Unresolved legal issue.

A lack of a critical mass of sellers and buyers.


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A framework for e-commerce

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5.2 Major EC Mechanism

The major mechanisms for buying and selling on the

Internet are electronic catalogs. Electronic auctions, and online bartering

Electronic Catalogs .

Electronic catalogs on CD-ROM and the Internet have gained popularity. Electronic catalogs consist of a product database, directory and search capabilities and a presentation function.

Electronic Auctions (E-auction).

A market mechanism by which sellers place offers and buyers make sequential bids, and prices are determined dynamically by competitive bidding.

Electronic battering.

The exchange of goods or services without a monetary transaction.


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Electronic catalogs can be classified according to three dimension:

The dynamic of the information presentation.

The degree of customization.

The degree of integration with other business process or features.

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Types of Electronic Auctions:

Forward auction: An auction that sellers use as a selling channel to many potential buyers; the highest bidder wins the item.

Reverse auction: : An auction in which one buyer, usually an organization, seeks to buy a product or a service, and suppliers submit bids; most common model for large purchase.


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5.3 Business-to-Consumer Applications

„ Electronic relating (e-tailing): The direct sale of products and services through electronic storefronts or electronic malls, usually designed around an electronic catalog format and/or auctions.

„ Two popular shopping location online are electronic storefronts and electronic malls:

„ Electronic storefront: The website of a single company, with its own Internet address, at which orders can be placed.

„ Electronic malls (cyber mall): A collection of individual shops under one Internet address.


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B2C Applications cont…

„ Cyberbanking . Various banking activities conducted electronically from home, a business, or on the road instead of at a physical bank location.

„ Virtual bank.

A banking institution dedicated solely to internet transactions.

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Phases in Customer Service Life Cycle.

„ Phase 1 : Requirement: Assist the customer to determine needs by providing photographs of a product, video presentation, textual descriptions, articles or reviews, sound bites on a CD, and downloadable demonstration files.

„ Phase 2: Acquisition: Help the customer to acquire a product or service.

„ Phase 3: Ownership: Support the customer on an ongoing basis

„ Phase 4: Retirement: Help the client to dispose of a service or product.


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Issues in E-tailing

Resolving channel conflict

Resolving conflicts within click–and-mortar organizations

Organizing order fulfilment and logistics.

Determining viability and risk of online etailers.

Identifying appropriate revenue models

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5.4 Online Advertising

„ Improves traditional forms of advertising in a number of ways:



„ can be updated any time at minimal cost can reach very large numbers of potential buyers all over the world sometimes cheaper


„ can be interactive and targeted to specific interest groups and / or to individuals.

It makes sense to move advertising to the Internet, where the number of viewers is growing .

„ Shortcomings: most of which relate to the difficulty in measuring the effectiveness and cost-justification of the ads.

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Advertising Method

Banners: Electronic billboards, which typically contain a short text or graphical message to promote a product or a vendor.

Keyword banner: Banner advertising that appears when a predetermined word is queried from a search engine.

Random banner: Banner advertising that appears randomly.

Pop-up ad: An advertisement that is automatically launched by some trigger and appears underneath the active window.


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Some Advertising Issues and Approaches

Unsolicited Advertising: Spamming is the indiscriminate distribution of electronic ads without permission of the receiver.

Permission marketing: Method of marketing that asks consumers to give their permission to voluntarily accept online advertising and e-mail.

Viral Marketing: Virtual marketing refer to online ’’word-ofmouth’’ marketing. The main idea is to have people forward message to friends, suggesting that they ‘’check this out’’

Interactive Advertising and Marketing: The term interactive points it the ability to an individual, to gather and remember that person’s responses, and to serve that customer based on his or her previous unique responses.


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Online Promotions: Attracting Visitors to a site.

Making the top of the list of search engine.

Online events, promotion and attractions.

Online coupons.


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5.5 B2B Applications

In business to business (B2B) applications, the buyers, sellers, and transactions involve only organizations

The major models are: sell-side marketplaces, buy-side marketplaces, and electronic exchanges.

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Major B2B Models

Sell-side marketplace. B2B model in which organizations sell to other organizations from their own private e-marketplace and/or from a third-party site

Buy-side marketplace.

B2B model in which organizations buy needed products or service from other organizations electronically often through a reverse auction.

E-procurement . Purchasing by using electronic support.


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Sell-Side Marketplaces

The key mechanisms in the sell–side model are:

„ Electronic catalogs that can be customized for each large buyer and

„ Forward auctions.

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Buy-Side Marketplaces

Group Purchasing: The aggregation of purchasing orders from many buyers so that a volume discount can be obtained.

Desktop Purchasing : E-procurement method in which supplier’s catalogs are aggregated into an internal master catalog on the buyer’s server for use by the company’s purchasing agents.


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Four Types of Electronic Exchanges

Public exchanges (exchanges): E-marketplace in which there are many sellers and many buyers, and entry is open to all; Frequently owned and operated by a third party. Four basic types:

Vertical distributors for direct materials

Vertical exchanges for indirect materials.

Horizontal distributors

Functional exchanges


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5.6 Intrabusiness and Business-to-Employees

Intrabusiness. E- commerce within an organization (between an organization and its employees or among business units) .

Business to its Employees (B2E) commerce

E-commerce between and among units within the business

E-commerce between and among corporate



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5.7 E-Government and Consumer-to-Consumer EC

E-government. The use of e-commerce to deliver information and public services to citizens, business partners and suppliers of government entities, and those working in public sector.

E-government application can be divided into three major categories; government-tocitizens (G2C), government–to–business

(G2B), and government-to–government



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E-commerce in which both the buyer and the seller are individuals (not businesses).

C2C auctions

Classified Ads.

Personal Services.

Support services to C2C


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5.8 E-commerce support services

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Electronic Payments

Electronic Checks

Electronic Credit Cards

Purchasing Cards

Electronic Cash

Electronic Bill Presentment and Payments

Paying Bills at ATMs.

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Three forms of electronic cash

Person- to-Person Payment.

A form of e-cash that enables the transfer of funds between two individuals, or between an individual and a business, without the use of a credit card.

Stored-value money card . A form of e-cash on which a fixed amount of prepaid money is stored, the amount is reduced each time the card is used.

Smart card . A form of e-cards, that contains a microprocessor (chip) that enables the card to store a considerable amount of information and to conduct processing .


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Security in Electronic Payment


The buyer, the seller, and the paying institution must be assured of the identity of the parties with whom they are dealing.


It is necessary to ensure that data and information transmitted in EC, are not accidentally or maliciously altered or destroyed during transmission.

Nonrepudiation . Merchants need protection against the customer’s unjustified denial of placing an order. On the other hand , customers need protection against merchant’s unjustified denial of payment made. (such denials, of both types, are called repudiation)

Privacy . Many customers want their identify to be secured.


Customers want to be sure that it is safe to provide a credit card number on the Internet.


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Security Protection

E-wallets (digital wallets). Mechanisms that combine security measure and convenience in EC purchasing.

Virtual credit card. A payment mechanism that allows a buyer to shop with an ID number and a password instead of with a credit card number.


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5.9 Ethical issues in e-business


Loss of Jobs

One of the most interesting EC issues relating to loss of jobs is that of intermediation . Intermediaries provide two types of services. (1) matching and providing information and (2) value-added services such as consulting.

Disintermediation: Elimination of intermediaries in


Reintermediation: Occurs where intermediaries such as brokers, who provide value-added services and expertise, cannot be entirely eliminated from EC.


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Legal Issues Specific to E-Commerce

Fraud on the internet

Domain names

Taxes and other fees.



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Tips for Safe Electronic Shopping

‰ Look for reliable brand names at sites like Wal-Mart online, and Before purchasing, make sure that the site is authentic by entering the site directly and not from an unverified link

‰ Search any unfamiliar selling site for the company’s address and phone and fax numbers. Call up and quiz the employee about the seller.

‰ Check out the vendor with the local chamber of commerce or better business bureau (

Look for seals of authenticity such as TRUSTe.

‰ Investigate how secure the seller’s site is by examining the security procedure and by reading the posted privacy notice

‰ Examine the money- back guarantees, warranties, and service agreements.

‰ Compare price to those in regular stores. too.-low prices are too good to be true, and some ‘’catch ‘’ is probably involved.

‰ Ask friends what they know . Find testimonials and endorsements in community sites and well – known bulletin boarder.

‰ find out what your rights are in case of a dispute . Consult consumer protections agencies and the national fraud information center (

‰ check for a listing of useful resources.


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