What recreational facilities do you want to see or should be provided in any future multi-purpose facility in the Township of West Lincoln? West Lincoln at a Glance Community Profile West Lincoln’s population growth drives recreation facility needs and design: • 13,837 people in 2011 (Statistics Canada Census) • 13% increase since 2001 • Slightly younger population than the Province • Aging baby boomer trend showing • Similar median incomes as the Province Projected Population of 16,500 by 2021 (Region of Niagara Growth Management Strategy) 4,090 2001 2006 2011 4,000 725 1,500 1,000 500 0-9 10-19 20-34 35-54 55-69 70+ 1,050 2,380 1,875 1,425 2,290 2,215 2,110 2,250 2,280 1,780 2,000 1,845 2,500 1,930 3,000 2,150 3,500 880 4,500 4,075 3,915 Population Change by Age Group, 2001-2011 Leisure Trends to Consider 2010 Parks & Recreation Master Plan Purpose In January 2010, the Township of West Lincoln finalized a Parks & Recreation Master Plan. With respect to the Fairgrounds, the Master Plan recommended undertaking: • a site-specific master plan for the Fairgrounds and arena • a feasibility study for re-developing the arena as a new multi-use facility providing for a range of uses: ice pad(s), meeting space, community hall, etc. Consultation Themes The 2010 Master Plan revealed the following consultation themes: • Fairgrounds is a central hub • Accessible by walking, biking, and vehicles • Replace the Arena with a Multi-Use Facility • There is a need for a splash pad and skateboard park • More passive areas are needed (e.g., urban park) • Designed for all ages (multi-generational) • A place for community events to take place • Improve the entrance and address safety concerns Smithville Fairgrounds 177 West Street 2013 Fairgrounds Master Plan Purpose Recommendations In October 2013, the Township of West Lincoln finalized a Fairgrounds Master Plan. The Master Plan contained the following vision: Indoor Facility recommendations from the 2013 Master Plan included: “The Fairgrounds in Smithville will provide a safe, comfortable and highly desirable space for residents and visitors of West Lincoln to enjoy throughout the year. The Fairgrounds will be a community-focused park oriented to residents of all ages and abilities that provides a number of active and passive activities that are both structured and spontaneous in nature.” • Single Pad Arena with 6 change rooms and spectator seating for up to 300 people • Gym / Community Hall capable of hosting 200 people (e.g., banquets) and accommodating a range of activities (e.g., gym-based activities and programs • Indoor Walking Track • Multi-Purpose Spaces including opportunities for youth and older adults • Optional components including a relocated Smithville Library Branch and offices for the Parks & Recreation Department Consultation Themes The 2013 Master Plan revealed the following consultation themes: • • Proposed redevelopment is “long overdue” Provides opportunities for “something to do” and reduces the need to travel outside of West Lincoln to use recreational facilities Outdoor Facility recommendations from the 2013 Master Plan included: • Skateboard / BMX Biking Park • Children’s Zone (Splash Pad and Creative Playground) • A variety of facilities would attract a diversity of users across all age groups and abilities • Recreational Pathway with outdoor exercise stations and comfort amenities (e.g., benches, shade, picnic tables, public art) • Ideal location in a central part of the Township that can be accessed by walking, biking, or automobile • Open Space and Community Event Venue ( e.g., bandshell / amphitheatre, unstructured play areas, etc.) • Potential traffic from connections to Swayze Court and Westlea Drive • Multi-Purpose Playing Courts (e.g. tennis, basketball, etc.) • Balancing funding with other infrastructure priorities • Adequate parking and improved access • Ball Diamonds relocated to Leisureplex 2014 Arena Conditions Assessment Purpose In 2014, the Township of West Lincoln undertook an engineering assessment of the existing arena facility located on the Fairgrounds site. The following alternatives were identified: 1 Immediate Required Upgrades – including roofing, building 3 drainage, masonry work, various building safety improvement features, and non compliant building code concerns, repairs to mechanical and electrical systems, etc. In addition, future repairs identified including rink enhancements, exterior improvements and parking lot rehabilitation. New Building Entrance, Community Centre & Arena Upgrades – new building entrance, community centre, replacement of change rooms, lobby area, mechanical room, concession stand and the second floor of the community centre essentially revitalizing the front end of the building, addressing accessibility, and other upgrades (rink slab, mechanical and electrical). Estimate: approximately $4 million Estimate: approximately $6.13 million. 2 Immediate Required Upgrades Plus Accessibility Upgrades – includes upgrades noted in ‘Immediate Required Upgrades’ excluding parking lot rehabilitation but addressing esthetic upgrades and landscaping for improved appearances. This alternative also included accessible washrooms and elevator and improvements to allow for year-round ice. Estimate: approximately $4.85 million 4 New Complete Facility – as identified in the 2013 Fairgrounds Master Plan. Estimate: approximately $12.7 million Example Facility Types Indoor Facilities Arena Indoor Running Track Library Gymnasium Skateboard Park Open Space & Pathway Splash Pad Outdoor Facilities Fitness Area What recreational facilities do you want to see or should be provided in any future multi-purpose facility in the Township of West Lincoln? Indoor Recreation Facilities Outdoor Recreation Facilities