Chemistry 20 - Archbishop MacDonald High School

Chemistry 20
Mrs. C. Andison
2015-2016 S1
Resources and Materials
Textbook – Chemistry (Nelson)
Laboratory Manual – Chemistry (Nelson)
Chemistry 20 SNAP (Student Notes and Problems)
Teacher handouts and notes
Proposed Course Timeline
Units Covered
Review Science 10 Chem
Diversity of Matter and Chemical Bonding
Forms of Matter: Gases
Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Change
Matter as Solutions, Acids and Bases
Chapter 1 & 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 & 7
Chapter 8 & 6
Time Frame (Subject to Change)
Approx. 10 classes
Approx. 15 classes
Approx. 14 classes
Approx. 22 classes
Approx. 22 classes
Marks for this class are cumulative
(each terms mark will be a continuous running total from the beginning of the year).
Summative Assessments**
Common Final
*Exams may include assessments covering the entire unit or significant part of a unit.
** Summative assessments may include quizzes and in class assignments.
Formative assessments include: Homework and other practice work done in preparation for a summative
assessment. Formative assessments are vital to achieve success in summative evaluations. Formative
assessments have a weighting of zero.
Criteria Disclaimer
A wide range of assessment information is used in the development of a student’s final grade. At
Archbishop MacDonald High School, individualized assessments provide specific information
regarding student progress and overall performance in class. Student assessment may vary from
student to student to adapt to differences in student needs, learning styles, preferences, and paces. It
should be noted that not all assignments are used to determine the final grade.
Evaluation Protocol
Due Dates
Power School
Assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the assigned due date.
 If the late is excused due to an excused absence, ensure that the excused note
is brought in to the office as soon as possible so that school records show it as
an excused absence.
 If the late is excused due to another reason, ensure that a legitimate parental
note accompanies the assignment during hand in.
 If the late is unexcused, a deduction of 10% / class late will be administered to
the assignment.
 Missed summative assessments must be re-scheduled immediately with the
 If a test is missed due to an excused absence, the student must register to
retake the test in Exam Hall, writings during class time are not permitted.
Exam hall time/schedule TBA.
 The following codes may be seen on Power School:
When is it used
For both excused and unexcused late assignments.
Excused lates have no deduction penalties applied.
Unexcused lates have a deduction penalty of
For any assessment that has not been submitted.
Until the assignment is submitted and corrected the
code will remain on power school and will calculate
as a score of zero until it can be replaced with a
numerical value.
A comment accompanies the assignment, giving
further detail to the assignment in question.
Under special circumstances eg: Extended medical
absence, special curricular circumstances; certain
assignments will be exempted from being calculated
into the overall grade. Use of this code is at the
discretion of the teacher.
Marks on PowerSchool are updated regularly.
Power School
Teacher Expectations:
Dates & Deadlines
Missed Classes
Please respect the learning environment by:
 Listening to the lesson
 Listening to questions asked during the lesson
 Participating in a meaningful manner
Please bring the following items to class:
 Textbook
 Black /Blue Pen and Pencil
 Red Pen or a Color other than Black / Blue or Pencil for Marking.
 Pencil, Eraser and Ruler for graphing.
 Highlighter
 Scientific Calculator-NO cell phones, IPhones etc. permitted
 Your Notes Package (You will only need to bring the current unit to class)
 Three Ring Binder
 Metric Graph Paper
Assessment due dates will be posted both on the board in the classroom and also on the
calendar on the virtual classroom.
It is your responsibility to complete and submit items on time.
No scented food will be allowed into the classroom (this is to prevent the room from
smelling like a cafeteria and maintain an undistracted learning environment)
You may have snacks as long as they do not disturb the learning environment (that is,
they are not seen, heard or smelled).
Attendance is taken at the beginning of class.
If you are not present and sitting in your assigned seat during attendance, you will be
marked absent.
If you are entering class late, you will need to obtain a late slip from the office.
Place late slips in the ‘late bin’ located by the teacher’s computer so that attendance can
be adjusted later.
After 3 unexcused lates, both parents/guardians and administration will be notified.
If you miss a class or several classes due to excused reasons it is your responsibility to
obtain the missing notes and / or make up the missing work.
You must make up missed summative assessments by arrangement with the instructor.
Repeat offences will be addressed with admin.
Academic Honesty
Electronic Devices
I am available lunches and after school by appointment.
You may also email me with a question that arises.
All students are fully expected to adhere to the code of conduct in the school handbook.
No electronic devices are to be used during an assessment.
If suspected of cheating, the student will receive a clear verbal warning.
If clear evidence of dishonesty (device use, cheat sheet etc.) is found, a zero will result.
they are being used for note taking. No texting permitted in class – students texting during
instruction will have their phones taken away.
ICT Outcomes: (the following is common to all Chemistry 20/30 Matric, Honours and IB)
C1. Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
4.1 plan and perform complex searches, using more than one electronic source
4.2 select information from appropriate sources, including primary and secondary sources
4.4 communicate in a persuasive and engaging manner, through appropriate forms, such as
speeches, letters, reports and multimedia presentations, applying information
technologies for context, audience and purpose that extend and communicate
understanding of complex issues.
C2. Students will seek alternative viewpoints, using information technologies.
4.1 consult a wide variety of sources that reflect varied viewpoints on particular topics
C3. Students will critically assess information accessed through the use of a variety of
4.2 demonstrate discriminatory selection of electronically accessed information that is relevant
to a particular topic (specific to 20IB & 30IB)
C6. Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems.
4..1 investigate and solve problems of prediction, calculation and inference
4.2 investigate and solve problems of organization and manipulation of information
4.3 manipulate data by using charting and graphing technologies in order to test inferences and
4.4 generate new understandings of problematic situations by suing some form of technology
to facilitate the process
C7. Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and
4.1 use appropriate strategies to locate information to meet personal needs
4.2 analyze and synthesize information to determine patterns and links among ideas
4.3 use appropriate presentation software to demonstrate personal understandings
F1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of technology.
4.2 solve mathematical and scientific problems by selecting appropriate technology to perform
calculations and experiments.
F2. Students will understand the role of technology as it applies to self, work and society.
4.1 use technology outside formal classroom settings
4.2 analyze how technological innovations and creativity affect the economy
4.3 demonstrate an understanding of new and emerging communication systems
4.4 evaluate possible potential for emerging technologies
F3. Students will demonstrate a moral and ethical approach to the use of technology.
4.1 demonstrate an understanding of how changes in technology can benefit or harm society
4.2 evaluate the influence and results of digital manipulation on our perceptions (specific to 20IB &
4.3 respect ownership and integrity of information
P1. Students will compose, revise and edit text.
4.1 continue to demonstrate the outcomes achieved in prior grades and course subjects
P2. Students will organize and manipulate data.
4.1 manipulate and present data through the selection of appropriate tools, such as scientific
instrumentation, calculators, databases and/ or spreadsheets.
P3. Students will communicate through multimedia.
4.1 select and use, independently, multimedia capabilities for presentations in various subject areas
4.2 support communication with appropriate images, sounds and music
4.3 apply general principles of graphic layout and design to a document in process
P4. Students will integrate various applications
4.1 integrate a variety of visual and audio information into a document to create a message targeted
for a specific audience.
4.2 apply principles of graphic design to enhance meaning and audience appeal
4.3 use integrated software effectively and efficiently to to reproduce work that incorporates data,
graphics and text.
P6. Students will use communication technology to interact with others.
4.1 select and use the appropriate technologies to communicate effectively with a targeted audience.
The complete list of outcomes can be found on the same page as the list of syllabus.