DLL LIIBBRRAARRYY FFO OR RM MA AK KIIN NG G CH HA AR RT TS SW WIIT TH H VIISSUUAALL PRRO OL LO OG G KARI RASTAS copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 1 2 INSTALLING AND CONNECTING WITH VISUAL PROLOG PROJECTS ................................... 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 INSTALLING .............................................................................................................................................. 2 CONNECTING TO A VIP PROJECT .............................................................................................................. 2 STRUCTURE OF PREDICATES IN DIFFERENT CLASS INTERFACES ................................................................ 3 AREAS OF CHARTS .................................................................................................................................... 4 USING GRADIENT COLOURING IN THE CHARTS .......................................................................................... 5 SAVCING A CHART TO A FILE .................................................................................................................... 5 CHART TYPES .......................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 BAR CHARTS ............................................................................................................................................. 6 3.1.1 Horizontal Bar chart ...................................................................................................................... 6 Normal ....................................................................................................................................................... 6 Stacked horizontal ..................................................................................................................................... 8 Stacked percentage horizontal ................................................................................................................... 8 3.1.2 Vertical Bar Charts .......................................................................................................................10 3.1.3 Build Up chart ...............................................................................................................................11 3.1.4 Histogram ......................................................................................................................................12 3.2 PIE CHART ...............................................................................................................................................14 3.3 XY CHART ...............................................................................................................................................16 3.4 TIMESERIE CHARTS ..................................................................................................................................18 3.4.1 Basic representation styles ............................................................................................................18 3.4.2 Charts based on company key figures ...........................................................................................21 3.4.3 Charts based on index or stock information..................................................................................24 Candlestick charts .................................................................................................................................... 28 Open, high, low, close chart .................................................................................................................... 29 Daily changes in the index of stock price ................................................................................................ 29 Bollinger band ......................................................................................................................................... 30 3.4.4 Charts with second based data ......................................................................................................32 3.5 RADAR CHART ........................................................................................................................................34 3.6 BOSTON CONSULTING GROUP MATRIX CHART ........................................................................................37 3.7 GAUGE CHART .........................................................................................................................................39 3.8 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CHARTS .............................................................................................................39 3.8.1 GANTT chart .................................................................................................................................39 3.8.2 PERT chart ....................................................................................................................................40 4 EXAMPLES ...............................................................................................................................................41 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 TWO GRAPHS BESIDES .............................................................................................................................41 CREATING STOCK AND INDEX CHARTS 1 ..................................................................................................42 CREATING STOCK AND INDEX CHARTS 2 ..................................................................................................47 HISTOGRAM DIALOG ................................................................................................................................49 DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW CALCULATOR ..................................................................................................51 STOCK PICTURE WITH A TIME ZOOM ........................................................................................................52 5 APPENDIX A ............................................................................................................................................53 6 APPENDIX B .............................................................................................................................................57 6.1 7 RECOGNIZED COLOR KEYWORD NAMES ...................................................................................................57 INDEX ........................................................................................................................................................60 copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 1 PictureDLL Manual 1 Introduction In program development more time is needed / spent building the user interface and outputs of the program than to the essential core “problem’s” coding. By using readymade “building blocks” total development time can substantially be reduced. The purpose of this dll library is to minimize the time required to produce professional quality graphical presentations of numeric data. 1 Considerable effort has been made to make this graphics library user friendly . PictureDLL generates graphs with relative few instructions and provides the flexibility for modification. Chapters 3 and 4 provide example code with the resulting charts generated. This manual assumes the reader has reasonably good knowledge of programming with Prolog Development Center’s Visual Prolog version 7. Designing charts is not always an easy task. Some good advice can be found in the following document link http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~ihaka/120/Lectures/lecture03.pdf . 1 Any feedback related to the use and functionality of this graphics library is welcome (Email: k.j.rastas@gmail.com ). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 2 PictureDLL Manual 2 Installing and connecting with Visual Prolog projects 2.1 Installing The class and interface files must be copied to a user defined directory (for example in “C:\PrologTools\Pictures”). The PictureDLL.dll file must be copied to either the exe directory of your own projects or included in the computer’s path directories. The help file of the documentation of the classes is in the file pictureDLL.hlp file. It can also be found in internet. 2.2 Connecting to a VIP project When a chart of the PictureDLL is needed for the first time in a Visual Prolog project, the package of the desired chart type is added in the normal way. Also the LIB file (pictureDLL.lib) must be added to the project, when the first chart package is added. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 3 PictureDLL Manual The way charts of the dll library are used depends in the end of the application’s properties where it is used. The pictureDLL.dll draws the produced picture in a picture “window” which can be then drawn to the chosen window, saved in a file or external database, clipboard etc. There is a test project which describes some ways of integrating pictureDll with dialogs and windows. 2.3 Structure of predicates in different class interfaces The predicates in each charts interface can be divided in two subgroups 2 predicates that are common to most or all different chart styles special predicates that are used only in one or two the chart types. The amount of special predicates is tried to keep as limited as possible. The documentation for other classes can be found in the help file pictureDLL.hlp or in internet http://koti.welho.com/krastas/picturedll/index-hhc.htm This document can be found in the address http://koti.welho.com/krastas/picturedll.htm or http://koti.welho.com/krastas/picturedll.pdf . The order of different chart drawing predicates in the user’s own code is not very relevant, expect: drawPicture (when using drawing to a working picture) or drawToWindow (when drawing directly to window) must be the last command Order of inputting data to the chart object is in many chart types relevant. The values are drawn in the order they were given. With the timeserie and xy charts this has to be kept in mind. If for example the dataset number 3 is presented in an “area” style and datasets 1 and 2 are normal lines, there is a high possibility that the lines of 1 and 2 are overdrawn by number 3. In this case the dataset number 3 should be number one and the line datasets number 2 and 3. 2 Common here means, that the predicates have the same name in each class and which perform the same function. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 4 PictureDLL Manual Application PictureDll code for creating chart object its properties and transferring data code for drawing the picture in the wanted form, dialog, window or file Picture making the picture 2.4 Areas of charts The whole drawing area Actual Chart Area The whole drawing area means the area reserved for the whole output, meaning the chart tiles, legends etc. The actual chart area means the area where the chart figure is drawn. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 5 PictureDLL Manual 3 The proportions of the whole area is controlled by the object constructors newPicture:(,positive Width, positive Height) when a working picture created. The size of a working picture is changed with the predicate changePictureSize:(positive Width, positive Height). The dimensions of the actual chart area is controlled with the predicate setInnerGraphAreaDimensions:(integer UpperLeftX, integer UpperLeftY, integer DownRightX, integer DownRightX). 2.5 Using gradient colouring in the charts There is a possibility to use gradient colouring in the different parts of the picture (the whole area, the actual chart area and bars). The possibilities are: constants no_gradient : gradientDirection = 0. gradient_left_right : gradientDirection = 1. gradient_top_bottom : gradientDirection = 2. gradient_tube_left_right : gradientDirection = 3. gradient_tube_top_bottom : gradientDirection = 4. Gradients direction constants. gradient_left_right (1) means that there is a gradient from color1 to color2 in the rectangle drawn from left to right. gradient_top_down (2) means that there is a gradient from color1 to color2 in the rectangle drawn from top to bottom. gradient_tube_left_right (3) means that there is a gradient from color1 to color2 and back to color1 in the rectangle drawn from left to right. gradient_tube_top_bottom (4) means that there is a gradient from color1 to color2 and back to color1 in the rectangle drawn from top to bottom. Choosing colors for the gradient output must be done with some care. Not all color combinations produce a good visual result. 2.6 Savcing a chart to a file The result of a drawn chart can be saved in file using the predicate pictureTools::savePictureToFile : (picture, string FileName). 3 Actually these constructors in this DLL made with Visual Prolog 7.1 are predicates that call a constructor, because in DLL’s made with VP 7.1 it is not possible to use constructors. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 6 PictureDLL Manual 3 Chart types There are many different chart styles used to illustrate numeric information. The main styles are bar, column, line, scatter and pie chart. There are also dozens of other more or less used special types and combinations of the main styles. 3.1 Bar charts Bar charts are a very common type of graph best suited for a qualitative independent variable. Bar graphs can be oriented either horizontally or vertically. Vertical bar graphs are also called as column charts. Bars can be also divided in the following sub types: Normal (or often called as simple or side-by-side bar chart ) where the bars of the different observations are beside each other 4 Stacked (or composite) Stacked percentage. Build-Up (possible only in vertical orientation) Histogram. Histograms are similar to normal bar charts except that each bar represents a range of independent variable values rather than just a single value. 3.1.1 Horizontal Bar chart Normal In a normal horizontal bar chart the different value bars of the dataset are located besides each other. 4 Only positive values can be used in stacked bars. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 7 PictureDLL Manual O = bar::newPicture(500,500), O:setBarChartType(bar::horizotal,bar::normal), O:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bott om,color_ivory,color_DodgerBlue), O:setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_left_right,color_gray,color_white), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(20,19,95,80), O:setBarColor(1,color_olive), O:setBarColor(2,color_silver), O:setBarColor(3,color_gold), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company A","Car sales",34)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company A","Repairs",25)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company A","Spare parts",24)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company B","Car sales",14)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company B","Repairs",35)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company B","Spare parts",44)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company C","Car sales",42)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company C","Repairs",5)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("Company C","Spare parts",34)), O:setDataUnit("m. "), O:setvalueAxisTitle("million Euro"), O:setChartTitle("Sales of Car Companies in 2010",12,color_blue), O:setSourceText("Peter Seller: Market study 2011",8,color_yellow), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), The labels can be hidden by adding to the code predicate showDataLabels(false). The default value is to show data labels (true). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 8 PictureDLL Manual Stacked horizontal If we use the definitions of the previous and would add setBarChartType command with the definition bar::stacked, the result would be the following. O:setBarChartType(bar::horizontal,bar::stacked), Stacked percentage horizontal If the bar style is stackedPercentage also the header of the value axis must be changed manually. This must be done, because the scale of the value axis is in percents. O:setBarChartType(bar::horizontal,bar::stackedpercentage), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 9 PictureDLL Manual copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 10 PictureDLL Manual 3.1.2 Vertical Bar Charts To produce vertical bar charts is exactly equal to making horizontal bar charts. The main difference is in the setBarChartType command where bar orientation is changed to bar::vertical. With vertical bar charts it is also possible to draw the value axis numbers to the right side. This is done by adding to the code the command O:drawValueAxisNumbersOnRightSide(true), The result would be: copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 11 PictureDLL Manual 3.1.3 Build Up chart BuildUp chart demonstrates the growth or decline of an item between different measurement points. O = bar::newPicture(700,400), O:setTextAndLineColor(color_black), O:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_white,color_seagreen), O:setBarChartType(bar::vertical,bar::buildUp), O:setChartBackgroundColor(1,color_steelBlue,color_white), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(10,19,95,80), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 12 PictureDLL Manual O:setBarSpace(5), O:setBarColor(1,picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_red,color_Chocolate), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2004","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2005","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2006","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2007","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2008","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2009","FUND 1",34)), 1",44)), 1",54)), 1",45)), 1",49)), 1",60)), O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2004","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2005","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2006","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2007","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2008","FUND O:inputBarData(bar::bData("2009","FUND 2",14)), 2",24)), 2",34)), 2",24)), 2",36)), 2",40)), O:setDataUnit("m. "), O:setvalueAxisTitle("million "), O:setChartTitle("Development of Funds",14,color_red), O:setSourceText("Peter Seller: Bankstudy 2010",10,color_yellow), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), 3.1.4 Histogram Histograms are similar to normal bar charts except, that each bar represents a range of independent variable values rather than just a single value. The amount of values belonging to certain range of values can be calculated by the pictureDLL. Then the values are transferred with the predicate inputBarData:(bData) , where bData is hData : (real). The amount of values belonging to each range are calculated with the predicate setHistogramClassRange:(integer OrderNumber, string Name, real LowerLimit, real UpperLimit) . The other obvious strategy would naturally be that the histogram data is given like in the other bar graphs. (See also example of a histogram dialog in Chapter 4). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 13 PictureDLL Manual INDEX = "NOK", Width = 600, Height = 300, HDB1 = dbBrowser::transferFromAccessDB("STOCKDBA",INDEX,dateTools:: makeDateNumber(1996,1,1)), retractFactDB(timeserie), localdatabases::readFactsFromString(timeserie,HDB1), WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), O = bar::newPicture(Width,Height), Dates = [Date||ind(stat(INDEX,"D",Date,_,_,_,_,_,_))], Time = time::new(), Time:getGmtDateAndTime(Year, Month, Day, _, _, _), percentChangeOfStock(O,INDEX,Dates), O:setChartTitle(string::format("Nokia ADR Daily Change Percent in Stock Rate between 1.1.1996%.%.%",Day,Month,Year), 9,color_ivory), O:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_tube_top_bottom,color_steelBlue,color_ivory), O:setBarChartType(bar::vertical,bar::histogram), O:setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_left_right,color_red,color_green), O:setBarColor(1,picCore::gradient_tube_left_right,color_black,color_SeaShell), O:setHistogramClassRange(1,"Great drop > -15%",-999999,-10), O:setHistogramClassRange(2,"-10% - -5%",-10,-5), O:setHistogramClassRange(3,"-5% - -3%",-5,-3), O:setHistogramClassRange(4,"-3% - -2%",-3,-2), O:setHistogramClassRange(5,"-2% - -1%",-2,-1), O:setHistogramClassRange(6,"-1% - 0%",-1,0), O:setHistogramClassRange(7,"0% - +1%",0,1), O:setHistogramClassRange(8,"+1% - +2%",1,2), O:setHistogramClassRange(9,"+2% - +3%",2,3), O:setHistogramClassRange(10,"+3% - +5%",3,5), O:setHistogramClassRange(11,"+5% - +10%",5,10), O:setHistogramClassRange(12,"Great rise < +15%",10,999999), O:setvalueAxisTitle("AMOUNT"), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(10,19,90,80), O:setBarSpace(1), O:drawPicture(), PICT2 = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT2), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT2,rct(10,10,Width+10,Height+10)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 14 PictureDLL Manual 3.2 Pie chart A pie chart is a way of summarizing a set of categorical data or displaying the different values of a given variable (e.g., percentage distribution). This type of chart is a circle divided into a series of segments. Each segment represents a particular category. The area of each segment is the same proportion of a circle as the category is of the total data set. WINOBJ = pictWin::new(Win), O = pie::newPicture(500,500), O:setBackgroundColor(2,color_silver,color_black), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(25,30,75,65), O:setChartTitle("Marketshares 2010",20,color_gold), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Nokia",33)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Sony Ericsson",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Motorola",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Samsung",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Thosiba",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("IBM",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Siemens",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Lukoil",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("BP",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Microsoft",20)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Rio Tinto",33)), O:setDisplacementRatio(0.3), O:setDataUnit("m. "), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,510,510)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 15 PictureDLL Manual The pie chart has also a 3D effect. It is activated if the rectangle reserved for the essential graph is not a square. So when O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(25,30,75,65) produces a “normal” pie (X2-X1 = Y2Y1), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(25,40,75,55) would add a 3D effect (X2 – X1 <> Y2-Y1). With a couple predicates certain or all slices can be displaced with a wanted displacement ratio. O:setDisplacementRatio(0.3), O:setSliceDisplacementForSlice("Nokia"), O:setDisplacementRatio(0.3), O:setSliceDisplacementForSlice("ALL"), The displacement can be cancelled with the predicate removeSliceDisplacementForSlice(<name of observation>). The labels can be hidden with predicate showDataLabels:(false()). The default value is to show data labels (=true()). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 16 PictureDLL Manual 3.3 XY chart Line charts provide a way to map independent and dependent variables that are both quantitative. When both variables are quantitative, the line segment that connects two points on the graph expresses a slope, which can be interpreted visually relative to the slope of other lines or expressed as a precise mathematical formula. Scatter plots are similar to line charts in that they start with mapping quantitative data points. The difference is that with a scatter plot, the decision is made that the individual points should not be connected directly together with a line but, instead express a trend. This trend can be seen directly through the distribution of points or with the addition of a regression line. WINOBJ = pictWin::new(thisWin), O = xyGraph::newPicture(600,600), O:setBackgroundColor(2,color_yellow,color_black), O:setGraphBackgroundColor(1,color_BlanchedAlmond,color_white), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,20,95,80), O:setGraphTitle("Y = sin(X) + cos(X)",20,color_gray), O:setSourceText("Peter Sellers: Study in University © 2010",12,color_yellow), O:setValueAxesXTitle("X"), O:setValueAxesYTitle("Y"), countFormula(O,-math::pi), countFormula2(O,-1), O:setTextBox(70,30,"sin(x) + cos(x)",10,color_black,color_yellow), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 17 PictureDLL Manual O:setTextBox(40,65,"arcSin(x,10,color_black,color_pink), O:setLegendStartPoint(10,95), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,610,610)), predicates countFormula:(xyGraph O,real X). countFormula2:(xyGraph O,real X). clauses countFormula(_O,X):X >= 2*math::pi,!. countFormula(O,X):O:inputXYData(xyGraph::xyData("XY","sin(X)+cos(X)",X,math::sin(X)+math::cos(X))), countFormula(O,X+0.05). countFormula2(_O,X):X > 1,!. countFormula2(O,X):O:inputXYData(xyGraph::xyData("XY","arcSin(X)",X,math::arcsin(X))), countFormula2(O,X+0.05). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 18 PictureDLL Manual 3.4 Timeserie charts Timeserie chart is a special form of a XY-chart, where the X-values are date related order numbers. The data can be yearly, quarterly, daily or second based information. 3.4.1 Basic representation styles Normally the chart’s observations are drawn as a line or area. The basic code O = timeseries::newPicture(600,350), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,20,90,90), O:setvalueAxisTitle("Percent (%)"), O:setGraphTitle("Changes in Production ",12,color_blue), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.12.2000",30)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.6.2001",25)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.12.2002",22)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","30.6.2003",5)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.12.2004",-10)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.10.2005",3)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product 1","31.12.2006",10)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData2("Product O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), 2","15.11.2000",5)), 2","31.12.2001",10)), 2","1.10.2002",22)), 2","31.12.2003",15)), 2","1.12.2004",10)), 2","31.12.2005",23)), 2","31.12.2006",15)), would produce a picture below. With the predicate setSerieAreaColor a line representation will be changed to an area. O:setSerieAreaColor(1,color_gold), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 19 PictureDLL Manual It is also possible to use a bar representation for wanted time series. It is performed by using the predicate setSerieBar O:setSerieBar(1,color_gold), With the predicate setTimeGraphSpace it is possible to add space between the observation bars. The space figure is given in pixels. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 20 PictureDLL Manual It is also possible to mark the observation points with a circle. This is done with the predicate setSeriePoint. O:setSeriePoint(1,color_yellow,8,false()), O:setSeriePoint(2,color_white,8,true()), Own future development estimates can be presented with predicates drawTrendEstimate : (string DataSetName, string EndDate, real Value) or drawTrendEstimateArea : (string DataSetName, string EndDate, real Value1, real Value2,color) O:drawTrendEstimate("Product 1", "1.1.2010",-10), O:drawTrendEstimateArea("Product 2", "1.1.2010",10,20,color_gray), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 21 PictureDLL Manual It is also possible to use the right side of the chart for the number scale. This is done using predicate drawValueAxisNumbersOnRightSide(true) in the code. Default is the left side and then there is no need to use this predicate. 3.4.2 Charts based on company key figures Companies’ key figures level and development are often presented using different charts. A person can faster identify the different levels and development trends from a chart that he/she could from a large numeric table. By adding the company key figure databases to the charts and rule based text generation modules a system which produces very complex verbal company analyses could be programmed relative easily. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 22 PictureDLL Manual http://koti.welho.com/krastas/pap98_e.pdf http://koti.welho.com/krastas/nokiate.pdf Normally the key figure data of companies is given in quarter or year level. In internal reports also weekly and monthly levels are used. Example of yearly based data: O = timeseries::newPicture(600,350), O : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,20,90,90), O : setvalueAxisTitle("Percent (%)"), O : setGraphTitle("Keyfigure ",12,color_blue), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2007,23)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2008,24.5)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2010,23)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2011,26)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2012,27)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2013,27.2)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2013,26)), O : drawPicture(), PICT = O : getPicture(), To a yearly based key figure picture can easily be added the data of the industry by using the quartile and median information. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 23 PictureDLL Manual O = timeseries::newPicture(600,350), O : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,20,90,90), O : setvalueAxisTitle("Percent (%)"), O : setSerieBar(1,color_blue), O : setSerieLineColor(3,color_red,3), O : setGraphTitle("Keyfigure ",12,color_blue), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2008,23)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2009,24.5)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2010,18)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2011,20)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2012,27)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2013,27.2)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("NOKIA",2014,26)), O O O O O O O : : : : : : : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Lower quartile",2008,5)), quartile",2009,6)), quartile",2010,8)), quartile",2011,7)), quartile",2012,7)), quartile",2013,9)), quartile",2014,9.5)), O O O O O O O : : : : : : : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2008,10)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2009,12)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2010,11)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2011,12)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2012,9)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2013,11)), inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Median",2014,12)), O O O O O O O : : : : : : : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tyData("Upper quartile",2008,18)), quartile",2009,19)), quartile",2010,21)), quartile",2011,22)), quartile",2012,19)), quartile",2013,19)), quartile",2014,18)), O : drawPicture(), PICT = O : getPicture(), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 24 PictureDLL Manual Example of quarter based data: O = timeseries::newPicture(600,350), O : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,20,90,90), O : setTimeGraphType(timeseries::quarter), O : setSerieBar(1,color_red), O : setvalueAxisTitle("Percent (%)"), O : setGraphTitle("Keyfigure ",12,color_blue), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2009Q1",23)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2009Q2",24.5)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2009Q3",23)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2009Q4",26)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2010Q1",27)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2010Q2",27.2)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("NOKIA","2010Q3",26)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2009Q1",22)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2009Q2",25.5)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2009Q3",27)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2009Q4",21)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2010Q1",19)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2010Q2",21)), O : inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tqData("Motorola","2010Q3",22)), O : drawPicture(), PICT = O : getPicture(), 3.4.3 Charts based on index or stock information PictureDLL has numerous possibilities to produce stock exchange charts. The example below is a case where stock information of Nokia’s ADR is fetched from a Microsoft Access or a MySql database (using Visual Prolog’s ODBC linking). Notice in the picture a trend line between 1.7.2008 – 31.12.2008 and moving averages of 60 and 200 day. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 25 PictureDLL Manual Width = 600, Height = 400, STOCK ="NOK", HDB1 = dbBrowser::transferFromAccessDB("STOCKDBA",STOCK,dateTools:: makeDateNumber(2001,1,1)), retractFactDB(timeserie), localdatabases::readFactsFromString(timeserie,HDB1), WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), O = timeseries::newPicture(Width,Height), input(O,"CLOSE"), O:setChartTitle("NOKIA ADR",10,color_black), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(10,15,90,85), O:showLegend(false), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.7.2008","31.12.2008",color_red,2,true), O:drawMovingAverage(STOCK,200,color_gray,2), O:drawMovingAverage(STOCK,60,color_blue,1), O:setTimeScale("1.1.2008","maximum"), O:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_white,color_black), O:setChartBackgroundColor(color_white), O:setSerieAreaColor(1,color_gold), O:setValueAxisTitle("USD"), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,Width+10,Height+10)), Normally the value and time axis start and end point are calculated from the given data. However with predicates setValueScale:(real Minimum,real Maximum) and setTimeScale:(string MinimumDate,string MaximumDate).the focus can be restricted to the wanted space. With the clauses o O:setValueScale(10,25), o O:setTimeScale("1.1.2004","30.3.2004"), The picture in the beginning of this picture class would look with the above limitations like this: copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 26 PictureDLL Manual It is possible to eliminate from the chart the observations if one wants to emphasise the trend lines, moving average etc. This is done by adding observationDrawing(false) to the commands. The previous picture with this command would look like this. Trend There is also a possibility to draw a trend line formed from the wanted observations. The possibilities to inform about the need of calculating and drawing a trend in time graphs are predicates drawTrend:(string DatasetName, string StartDate,string EndDate) drawTrend : (string DataSetName, string StartDate, string EndDate, vpiDomains::color, integer Width, boolean WriteFormula) drawTrend : (string DataSetName, string CalculationStartDate, string CalculationEndDate, string DrawingStartDate, string DrawingEndDate, vpiDomains::color, integer Width, boolean WriteFormula). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 27 PictureDLL Manual Moving Averages The predicate for calculating and drawing moving averages is drawMovingAverage:(string DataSet, positive Lenght, color, integer Width). Exponential moving averages The predicate for calculating and drawing exponential moving averages is drawExponentialMovingAverage:(string DataSet, positive Length, color, integer Width). Relative Strength Index (RSI) The following predicate calculates and draws the RSI index. drawRSI:(string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriod, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width). Average True Range The following predicate draws the Average True Range for the wanted stock or index drawAverageTrueRange : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) For True Range (TR) and Average True Range (ATR) the input data must have the open, close, high and low figures. Price oscillators Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) and Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO) can be drawn with predicates drawPercentagePriceOscillator : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodShort, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodLong, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 28 PictureDLL Manual Commodity Channel Index Commodity Channel Index (CCI) developed by Donald Lambert can be calculated and drawn with the predicate drawCCI:(string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) TRIX TRIX developed by Jack Hutson is drawn by using predicate drawTRIX : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriod, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width ) Candlestick charts So called candlesticks charts are widely used in Asian stock information. Candlestick charts are on record as being the oldest type of charts used for price prediction. They date back to the 1700's, when they were used for predicting rice prices. More information how to interoperate candle stick charts can be found on http://www.tradersedgeindia.com/candlestick.htm . To be able to make a candlestick chart, the data must include open, high, low and close values of daily observations. This is done using domain stockData(string Name,real Date,real OPEN,real HIGH,real LOW,real CLOSE,real VOLUME); or stockData2(string Name,string DateStr,real OPEN,real HIGH,real LOW,real CLOSE,real VOLUME). with the predicate inputTimeGraphData for example O:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::stockData2(“NOK”,”16.8.2004”,10.2,10.1,10,96,10.8,1234567)). Besides, that the data must inputted in a special way, also the type must be defined. It is performed with the predicate setTimeGraphType: (timeGraphType). In this case the type would be timeseries::candlestick. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 29 PictureDLL Manual O:setTimeGraphType(timeseries::candleStick), Open, high, low, close chart Also this chart type is widely used is in stock analysis. O:setTimeGraphType(timeseries::openClose), Daily changes in the index of stock price This chart type is widely used to describe the relative changes of indexes or stock prices. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 30 PictureDLL Manual With the predicate O: showRightMarginLabels(timeSeries::yes) the name labels of time series are added in the right margin. Bollinger band Bollinger band is a method to define a moving range around the stock prices. A solution, recommended by John Bollinger, defines the upper boundary as a chosen moving average plus twice the corresponding standard deviation, with the lower boundary as the moving average minus twice the standard deviation. The method is described below: The Bollinger Band includes 3 lines: the upper band, lower band, and the centreline. The centreline is simply the moving average, and the upper and lower bands are, respectively, the centre line plus/minus twice the standard deviation. For a p-period Bollinger band: Centre Line = p-period moving average Upper Band = Centre Line + 2 x StdDev Lower Band = Centre Line -2 x StdDev http://www.tradetrek.com/Education/tech_ind/technical_indicators02.asp copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 31 PictureDLL Manual WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), Time = time::new(), Time:getDateAndTime(Year, Month, Day, _Hour, _, _), START = "1.1.2010", END = string::format("%.%.%",Day,Month,Year), O = timeseries::newPicture(500,300), input(O,"CLOSE"), O : setChartTitle("Nokia ADR",10,color_black), O : setText(15,10,95,44,"Bollinger Band 21 days",[dtext_right],8,color_black), O : setTimeScale(START,END), O : setLogoParameters("nokia1.bmp",16,16,85), O : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,15,95,85), O : showLegend(false), O : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_black,color_white), O : setSerieLineColor(1,color_blue,3), O : setvalueAxisTitle("USD"), O : drawBollingerBand("NOK",21,2,color_yellow,color_red,1), O : drawTrend("NOK","1.1.2009","12.3.2009"), O : drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,510,310)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 32 PictureDLL Manual O2 = timeseries::newPicture(500,150), input(O2,"CLOSE"), O2 : setTimeScale(START,END), O2 : showLegend(false), O2 : hideTimeAxisNumbers(), O2 : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,6,95,95), O2 : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_black,color_white), O2 : setSerieLineColor(1,color_lavender,1), O2 : drawBollingerBandWidth("NOK",21,2,color_gold), O2 : setvalueAxisTitle("Bandwidth"), O2 : setDataUnit(""), O2 : drawPicture(), PICT2 = O2:getPicture(), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT2,rct(10,310,510,460)), O3 = timeseries::newPicture(500,150), input(O3,"CLOSE"), O3 : showLegend(false), O3 : hideTimeAxisNumbers(), O3 : setTimeScale(START,END), O3 : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,6,95,95), O3 : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_black,color_white), O3 : drawBollingerBandB("NOK",21,2,color_yellow), O3 : setvalueAxisTitle("b"), O3 : drawPicture(), PICT3 = O3:getPicture(), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT3,rct(10,460,510,610)), PICT5 = vpi::pictOpen(rct(0,0,500,600)), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT,pnt(0,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT2,pnt(0,300),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT3,pnt(0,450),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::cbPutPicture(vpi::pictClose(PICT5)), 3.4.4 Charts with second based data When there is a need to create a chart based on second based information (for example in simulation applications or in a daily stock chart), it can be done with this dll library. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 33 PictureDLL Manual The picture above is created with the code drawRangePicture(4):page(4,_,PictControl),!, rct(X,Y,W,H) = PictControl : getOuterRect(), gObj := timeseries::newPicture(W-X-5,H-Y-5), gObj:setBackgroundColor(2,color_blue,color_white), gObj:setGraphBackgroundColor(1,color_black,color_black), gObj:setSerieAreaColor(1,color_gold), gObj:setSerieAreaColor(2,color_silver), gObj:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(10,20,95,80), gObj:setGraphTitle("Development of Population size",12,color_white), readDataInThePicture(“Population”), gObj:setValueAxesTitle("Size of the living population"), gObj:drawPicture(), PICT = gObj:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), PictControl :setPicture(PICT). The data is updated in chart object in this example with the following code readDataInThePicture("POPULATION"):stat(Time, _Speed, _Vision, _Reproduction,_,Population,Predators), gOBJ:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData4("Population",Time,Population)), gOBJ:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData4("Predators",Time,Predators)), fail. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 34 PictureDLL Manual 3.5 Radar Chart If there is a need to present data with several dimensions one solution is a so called radar chart. If there is only one observation the area is filled. The amount of axis must be greater than two. The axis name and its scale are set with predicate setAxesAndScale:(integer AxesNumber,string Text,real Minimum, real Maximum) O:setAxesAndScale(1,"Temperature",-20,50), O = radar::newPicture(500,500), O:setBackgroundColor(2,color_GoldenRod,color_black), O:setSourceText("Peter Sellers: Study in University 2010",10,color_white), O:setGraphTitle("Six Conditions for excelent value-based management",14,color_yellow), O:setAxisAndScale(1,"Low Cost",0,100), O:setAxisAndScale(2,"Performance driven",-20,50), O:setAxisAndScale(3,"Value based",0,1000), O:setAxisAndScale(4,"Managed bottom up as well as top down",0,100), O:setAxisAndScale(5,"Two way communication",0,3), O:setAxisAndScale(6,"Strong self-reinforcement process",0,3), O:setDataSerieColor(1,color_CadetBlue), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Low Cost",80)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Performance driven",0)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Value based",200)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Managed bottom up as well as top down",80)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Two way communication",1)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 35 PictureDLL Manual O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Company A","Strong self-reinforcement process",2)), O:drawpicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), If there are several observations, the area for each observation is surrounded with a line. O = radar::newPicture(500,500), O:setBackgroundColor(4,color_black,color_white), O:setChartTitle("Key figure rating Company X",14,color_silver), O:setAxisAndScale(1,"Income",0,100), O:setAxisAndScale(2,"Profitability",-20,50), O:setAxisAndScale(3,"Financial burden",0,1000), O:setAxisAndScale(4,"Liquidity",0,100), O:setAxisAndScale(5,"Financial risk",0,3), O:setAxisAndScale(6,"Business risk",0,3), O:setDataSerieColor(1,color_red), O:setDataSerieColor(2,color_CadetBlue), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Income",80)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Profitability",0)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Financial burden",200)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Liquidity",80)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Financial risk",1)), O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period 2010","Business risk",2)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 36 PictureDLL Manual O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal O:inputRadarData(radar::rData("Fiscal period period period period period period 2009","Income",40)), 2009","Profitability",20)), 2009","Financial burden",500)), 2009","Liquidity",60)), 2009","Financial risk",3)), 2009","Business risk",1)), O:drawpicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 37 PictureDLL Manual 3.6 Boston Consulting Group matrix chart The Boston Consulting Group matrix chart was created for strategic mapping. It is used in business plans and other business analyses. As in the below example can be seen the observations can be drawn with a third parameter which controls the observations size (for example turnover). WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), O = boston::newPicture(400,400), O:setBackgroundColor(boston::gradient_top_bottom,color_skyblue,color_brown), O:setGraphBackgroundColor(boston::gradient_left_right,color_black,color_white), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,15,95,80), O:setGraphTitle("Market Situation 2010",14,color_white), O:setXScaleTitles("Relative Market Share","high","low"), O:setYScaleTitles("Market Growth Rate","low","high"), O:inputBostonData(boston::bostonData("Company A","",10,75,20,color_gold)), O:inputBostonData(boston::bostonData("Company B","",70,25,100,color_red)), O:inputBostonData(boston::bostonData("Company C","",40,45,40,color_blue)), O:inputBostonData(boston::bostonData("Company D","",10,20,60,color_gold)), O:inputBostonData(boston::bostonData("Company E","",85,80,60,color_silver)), O:setSourceText("Consulting Ltd © 2010",8,color_yellow), O:setText(30,16,"STARS",10,color_yellow), O:setText(60,16,"QUESTION MARKS",10,color_black), O:setText(30,75,"CASH COWS",10,color_yellow), O:setText(70,75,"DOGS",10,color_black), O:setLegendStartPoint(10,95), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,410,410)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 38 PictureDLL Manual It is possible to add own text (comments etc) to the graph as in the above example. This is done with the predicates described below: boston::setText/5 setText : ( integer UpperX, integer UpperY, string Text, integer FontSize, color FontColor) procedure (i,i,i,i,i) language stdcall. Sets a text to a desired place with a desired font size and color. Description Sets a text to a desired place with desired font and colour. Start points coordinates are in percent from the whole pictures drawing area. Example: O:setText:(90,10,"Hello there",12,color_black). boston::setTextBox/6 setTextBox : ( integer UpperX, integer UpperY, string Text, integer FontSize, color FontColor, color BoxColor) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i) language stdcall. Sets a text in a box to a desired place with desired font and background colour. Description Sets a text in a box to a desired place with desired font and background colour. Start points coordinates are in percent from the whole pictures drawing area. Example: O:setTextBox:(90,10,"Hello there",12,color_black,color_yellow). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 39 PictureDLL Manual 3.7 Gauge chart Gauge chart is relative rarely used chart type in documents which have charts. The reason is simple. A Gauge chart can present only one measurement value. W = 620, H=420, O = gauge::newPicture(W,H), O : setGraphTitle("Production during September",12,color_blue), O:setGaugeDegrees(135,45), O:scaleNumbers([0,100,300,700,1000,1500,3000,4000,5000,6000,7000]), O:setGaugeColors([gauge::gaugeColor(0,1500,color_red),gauge::gaugeColor(4000,5500,color_blue),gaug e::gaugeColor(5500,7000,color_yellow)]), O:setValue(3200), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), 3.8 Project management charts 3.8.1 GANTT chart Gantt chart was developed by Henry L. Gantt (1861-1919), an American engineer, in 1917. His first charts were used in ship building projects during WW1. Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 40 PictureDLL Manual 3.8.2 PERT chart copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 41 PictureDLL Manual 4 Examples The main reason for this chapter is to give some ideas how to use PictureDLL in producing graphical output as a part of your application. PictureDLL can produce charts to be used in output documents and also charts as a part in complex dialogs and windows. 4.1 Two graphs besides With the PictureDLL can easily composed several charts on the same time and then added into a bigger chart combination. These chart sets can be a mixture of different chart types. Each chart is produced separately and in the end the pictures are drawn in a new large picture. Finally that new picture is drawn on the screen. The example below consists of a pie and bar chart, which are drawn to the same window. O = pie::newPicture(500,500), O:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_black,color_black), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(25,35,75,65), O:setChartTitle("Import from Russia to Finland",12,color_white), O:setSliceDisplacementForSlice("ALL"), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Gas",12)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Wood",3.7)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Chemicals",5.2)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Metals",6.9)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Electricity",5.2)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Coal",4.3)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Others",5.1)), O:inputPieData(pie::pData("Oil and oil products",57.7)), O:setDataUnit("%"), O:setSourceText("Source: Finnish Customs",10,color_white), O:drawPicture(), PICT = O:getPicture(), vpi::cbPutPicture(PICT), WINOBJ:setPicture(PICT,rct(10,10,510,510)), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 42 PictureDLL Manual O2 = bar::newPicture(500,500), O2:setTextAndLineColor(color_ltGray), O2:setBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_white,color_seagreen), O2:setBarChartType(bar::vertical,bar::normal), O2:setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_white,color_ltGray), O2:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,19,95,85), O2:setBarSpace(30), O2:setBarColor(1,0,color_red,color_red), O2:setBarColor(2,0,color_blue,color_black), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2004","Import from Russia",4362)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2004","Import from Germany",5960)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2005","Import from Russia",5744)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2005","Import from Germany",7027)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2006","Import from Russia",6220)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2006","Import from Germany",7668)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2007","Import from Russia",6724)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2007","Import from Germany",8416)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2008","Import from Russia",7618)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2008","Import from Germany",8787)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2009","Import from Russia",6724)), O2:inputBarData(bar::bData("2009","Import from Germany",6313)), O2:setDataUnit("m. "), O2:setvalueAxisTitle("million Euro"), O2:setChartTitle("Import from Russia and Germany 2004-2009",12,color_black), O2:setSourceText("Source: Finnish Customs - Tullihallitus",10,color_white), O2:drawPicture(), PICT2 = O2:getPicture(), PICT3 = vpi::pictOpen(rct(0,0,1000,500)), vpi::pictDraw(PICT3,PICT,pnt(0,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT3,PICT2,pnt(500,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::cbPutPicture(vpi::pictClose(PICT3)), 4.2 Creating stock and index charts 1 In the following examples is stock index data fetched from a SQL database and used for drawing different kind of stock charts. The first example is a “traditional” stock chart with the development of the index, volume and Relative Strength Index (RSI). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 43 PictureDLL Manual pictures(1,WIN):INDEX = "NDX", HDB = dbBrowser::transferFromAccessDB("INDEXDBA",INDEX, dateTools:: makeDateNumber(2008,1,1)), retractFactDb(timeserie), localdatabases::readFactsFromString(timeserie,HDB), WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), O = timeseries::newPicture(500,300), input(O,"CLOSE"), O : setChartTitle("NASDAQ 100 INDEX development",10,color_black), O : setLogoParameters("nasdaq_logo1.bmp",70,20,90), O : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,15,95,99), O : setTimeScale("1.6.2008","maximum"), O : showLegend(false), O : showOuterFrame(false), O : showWeekEnds(false), O : hideTimeAxisNumbers(), O : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_silver,color_white), O : setSerieLineColor(1,color_black,1), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 44 PictureDLL Manual O : drawLine(color_blue,2,"28.11.2008",1300,"5.4.2009",1300), O : drawLine(color_blue,2,"28.11.2008",1100,"5.4.2009",1100), O : setValueAxisTitle("INDEX"),!, O : drawPicture(), PICT = O : getPicture(), O2 = timeseries::newPicture(500,120), input(O2,"CLOSE"), O2 : setTimeScale("1.6.2008","maximum"), O2 : showLegend(false), O2 : showOuterFrame(false), O2 : showWeekEnds(false), O2 : hideTimeAxisNumbers(), O2 : drawRSI(INDEX,20, color_black,1), O2 : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,5,95,95), O2 : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_silver,color_white), O2 : setvalueAxisTitle("RSI"), O2 : drawPicture(), PICT2 = O2 : getPicture(), O3 = timeseries::newPicture(500,180), input(O3,"VOLUME"), O3 : setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(15,6,95,78), O3 : setTimeScale("1.6.2008","maximum"), O3 : setTimeChartType(timeseries::bar), O3 : showLegend(false), O3 : showOuterFrame(false), O3 : showWeekEnds(false), O3 : setChartBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_top_bottom,color_silver,color_white), O3 : setSerieBar(1,color_red), O3 : setvalueAxisTitle(""), O3 : setDataUnit("$"), O3 : drawPicture(), PICT3 = O3 : getPicture(), PICT4 = vpi::pictOpen(rct(0,0,500,600)), vpi::pictDraw(PICT4,PICT,pnt(0,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT4,PICT2,pnt(0,300),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT4,PICT3,pnt(0,420),rop_SrcCopy), PIC = vpi::pictClose(PICT4), vpi::cbPutPicture(PIC), WINOBJ:setPicture(PIC,rct(10,10,510,610)), !. pictures(_,_WIN):-!. class predicates inputStockData:(timeseries,dbBrowser::indChgSeries) determ. stockSerieInput:(timeseries,string INDEX,core::unsigned_list Dates,core::real_list) determ. input:(timeseries,string). clauses inputStockData(_O,[]):-!. inputStockData(O,[dbBrowser::indChg(INDEX,DATES,VALUES)|TAIL]):stockSerieInput(O,INDEX,DATES,VALUES), inputStockData(O,TAIL). stockSerieInput(_O,_,[],[]):-!. stockSerieInput(O,INDEX,[DATE|TAIL1],[VALUE|TAIL2]):O:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData(INDEX,DATE,VALUE)),!, stockSerieInput(O,INDEX,TAIL1,TAIL2). input(O,"VOLUME"):ind(stat(INDEX,"D",Date,_,_,_,_,Volume)), O:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData(INDEX,DATE,Volume)), fail. input(O,"CLOSE"):- copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 45 PictureDLL Manual ind(stat(INDEX,"D",Date,_,_,_,Close,_)), O:inputTimeGraphData(timeseries::tData(INDEX,DATE,Close)), fail. input(_,_):-!. As form the chart and code of this example can be seen, it is possible to add extra bitmaps (the logo of 5 Nasdaq Stock Exchange in the example) to the drawn chart. This is done with following predicates : bar::setLogoAndMaskParameters/5 setLogoAndMaskParameters : ( string LogoBitmapFile, string MaskBitmapFile, integer UpperLeftX, integer UpperLeftY, integer PercentageOfBitmapsOriginalSize) procedure (i,i,i,i,i) language stdcall. Sets the parameters of the logo drawing. Description Sets the parameters of the logo drawing. This predicate is used if the user wants to use a mask with the actual bitmap file. The figures are in percentage of the area. For example 10 in UpperLeftX means that the inner drawing area begins from 10 percent of the total width of the graph. The last parameter is the size in percents of the original bitmap. Predicate fails if the either of the bitmap files is not found. Example: O:setLogoParameters("logo.bmp","logomask.bmp",80,15,50), bar::setLogoParameters/4 setLogoParameters : ( string LogoBitmapFile, integer UpperLeftX, integer UpperLeftY, integer PercentageOfBitmapsOriginalSize) procedure (i,i,i,i) language stdcall. Sets the parameters for the logo drawing. Description Sets the parameters of the logo drawing. This predicate informs the start point of logo bitmap and the percentage of its size (100 means original size). The figures are in percentage of the area. For example 10 in UpperLeftX means that the inner drawing area begins from 10 percent of the total width of the graph. The last parameter is the size in percents of the original bitmap. Predicate fails if the bitmap file is not found. 5 These predicates can be used in all chart classes. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 46 PictureDLL Manual Example: O:setLogoParameters("logo.bmp",80,15,80), bar::setLogoParameters/5 setLogoParameters : ( string LogoBitmapFile, integer X1, integer Y1, integer X2, integer Y2) procedure (i,i,i,i,i) language stdcall. Set the parameters of the logo drawing. Description Sets the parameters for the logo drawing. This predicate is used if the user wants to fill certain areas of the graph with a bitmap. The figures are in percentage of the area. For example 10 in UpperLeftX means that the inner drawing area begins from 10 percent of the total width of the graph. Fails if the bitmap file is not found. Example: O:setLogoParameters("logo.bmp",80,15,95,30), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 47 PictureDLL Manual 4.3 Creating stock and index charts 2 The second example is a set of four major companies’ stocks price development. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 48 PictureDLL Manual pictures(11,WIN):PICT1 = produceStockPicture("NOK","NOKIA ADR"), PICT2 = produceStockPicture("MOT","MOTOROLA"), PICT3 = produceStockPicture("ERICY","ERICSSON ADR"), PICT4 = produceStockPicture("MSFT","MICROSOFT"), PICT5 = vpi::pictOpen(rct(0,0,800,800)), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT1,pnt(0,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT2,pnt(400,0),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT3,pnt(0,400),rop_SrcCopy), vpi::pictDraw(PICT5,PICT4,pnt(400,400),rop_SrcCopy), PICT6 = vpi::pictClose(PICT5), WINOBJ = pictWin::new(WIN), WINOBJ:setPicture2(PICT6,pnt(10,10)), !. class predicates produceStockPicture:(string STOCK,string HEADER) -> picture determ. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 49 PictureDLL Manual clauses produceStockPicture(STOCK,HEADER) = O:getPicture():HDB1 = dbBrowser::transferFromAccessDB("STOCKDBA",STOCK,dateTools:: makeDateNumber(2004,1,1)), retractFactDB(timeserie), localdatabases::readFactsFromString(timeserie,HDB1), O = timeseries::newPicture(400,400), input(O,"CLOSE"), O:setGraphTitle(HEADER,10,color_black), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(20,20,95,85), O:showLegend(false()), O:setGraphBackgroundColor(picCore::gradient_tube_top_bottom,color_lightgray,color_lavender), O:setSerieLineColor(1,color_black,1), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2004","31.12.2004",color_red,1,false()), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2005","31.12.2005",color_green,1,false()), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2006","31.12.2006",color_red,1,false()), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2007","31.12.2007",color_green,1,false()), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2008","31.12.2008",color_blue,1,false()), O:drawTrend(STOCK,"1.1.2009","15.12.2009",color_green,1,false()), O:showLogos(true()), addLogo(O,STOCK), O:setvalueAxisTitle("USD"), O:drawPicture(). 4.4 Histogram dialog This example shows the structure of a dialog where is calculated a distribution histogram of random function (vp::random()) and a random normal distribution function (Box-Muller method). The full code of this example is in ptest2 project in histograms.pack. In the dialog is first created objects for both charts. predicates onCreate : vpiDomains::createHandler. clauses onCreate(_CreationData) = defaultHandling():createPicture(1), createPicture(2). predicates createPicture:(integer). clauses createPicture(1):picWin1 := vpi::winGetCtlHandle(thisWIN,idct_random), DestRect = vpi::winGetClientRect(picWin1), DestRect = rct(_,_,W,H), O = bar::newPicture(W,H), O:setGraphTitle("Random numbers between 0-1",10,color_white), O:setBackgroundColor(3,color_ivory,color_dkgray), O:setBarChartType(bar::vertical,bar::histogram), O:setGraphBackgroundColor(4,color_silver,color_white), O:setScale(0,bar::maximum), O:setHistogramClassRange(1,"0-0.1",-1, 0.1), O:setHistogramClassRange(2,"0.1 - 0.2",0.1,0.2), O:setHistogramClassRange(3,"0.2 - 0.3",0.2,0.3), O:setHistogramClassRange(4,"0.3 - 0.4",0.3,0.4), O:setHistogramClassRange(5,"0.4 - 0.5",0.4,0.5), O:setHistogramClassRange(6,"0.5 - 0.6",0.5,0.6), O:setHistogramClassRange(7,"0.6 - 0.7",0.6,0.7), O:setHistogramClassRange(8,"0.7 - 0.8",0.7,0.8), O:setHistogramClassRange(9,"0.8 - 0.9",0.8,0.9), O:setHistogramClassRange(10,"0.9 - 1",0.9,1.1), O:setValueAxesTitle("AMOUNT"), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(19,19,96,80), O:setBarSpace(0), O:drawPicture(), picture1 := O:getPicture(), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 50 PictureDLL Manual assert(pictureObject(1,O)), assert(timerPicture(1,vpi::timerSet(thisWin,1000))), assert(timerCalculation(1,vpi::timerSet(thisWin,100))), !. createPicture(2):picWin2 := vpi::winGetCtlHandle(thisWIN,idc_histo2), DestRect = vpi::winGetClientRect(picWin2), DestRect = rct(_,_,W,H), O = bar::newPicture(W,H), O:setGraphTitle("Random normal distribution between -1- +1",10,color_white), O:setBackgroundColor(bar::gradient_left_right,color_ivory,color_dkgray), O:setBarChartType(bar::vertical,bar::histogram), O:setGraphBackgroundColor(bar::gradient_top_bottom,color_silver,color_white), O:setScale(0,bar::maximum), O:setBarColor(1,bar::gradient_tube_left_right,color_powderblue,color_white), O:setHistogramClassRange(1,"-0.8- -1",-1.1,-0.8), O:setHistogramClassRange(2,"-0.6 - -0.8",-0.8,-0.6), O:setHistogramClassRange(3,"-0.4 - -0.6",-0.6,-0.4), O:setHistogramClassRange(4,"-0.2 - -0.4",-0.4,-0.2), O:setHistogramClassRange(5,"0 - -0.2",-0.2,0), O:setHistogramClassRange(6,"0.0 - 0.2",0,0.2), O:setHistogramClassRange(7,"0.2 - 0.4",0.2,0.4), O:setHistogramClassRange(8,"0.4 - 0.6",0.4,0.6), O:setHistogramClassRange(9,"0.6 - 0.8",0.6,0.8), O:setHistogramClassRange(10,"0.8 - 1",0.8,1.1), O:setValueAxesTitle("AMOUNT"), O:setInnerGraphAreaDimensions(19,19,96,80), O:setBarSpace(0), O:drawPicture(), picture2 := O:getPicture(), assert(pictureObject(2,O)), assert(timerPicture(2,vpi::timerSet(thisWin,1000))), assert(timerCalculation(2,vpi::timerSet(thisWin,100))), !. createPicture(_). Both chart objects create two timers. The first one counts the random value every 0.1 second and sends it to the chart object using predicate inputBarData. The other timer sends every one second an update request to the chart object and updates the screen. predicates onTimer : vpiDomains::timerHandler. clauses onTimer(TimerID) = defaultHandling():timerCalculation(1,TimerID), pictureObject(1,O), O:inputBarData(bar::hData(math::random())), !. onTimer(TimerID) = defaultHandling():timerPicture(1,TimerID), pictureObject(1,O), O:drawPicture(), picture1 := O:getPicture(), upDatePicture(1), !. onTimer(TimerID) = defaultHandling():timerCalculation(2,TimerID), pictureObject(2,O), O:inputBarData(bar::hData(statisticalTools::randomNormalDistibution())), !. onTimer(TimerID) = defaultHandling():timerPicture(2,TimerID), pictureObject(2,O), O:drawPicture(), copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 51 PictureDLL Manual picture2 := O:getPicture(), upDatePicture(2), !. onTimer(_TimerID) = defaultHandling(). Because the data amount of each chart increases, the heap memory is sooner or later used. To avoid this there is an extra predicate deleteOldHistogramInput(), which takes care that the input data is deleted after it has been added to its histogram class. 4.5 Discounted cash flow calculator The following example is a simple cash flow calculator. The calculator has four input fields and produces every time the input is changed a chart and two key figure fields. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas 52 PictureDLL Manual The code for this example can be found in the example project ptest2. 4.6 Stock picture with a time zoom This example shows how to program a dialog showing two stock datasets where the time axis can be changed using a scrollbar control and radiobuttons. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 53 APPENDIXES 5 Appendix A Because the documentation of all chart classes would demand to many pages in this document, here is listed only the predicate summary of timeseries class. The documentation of all chart classes can be found in internet from the address http://koti.welho.com/krastas/picturedll/index-hhc.htm . The interface contains a collection of predicates for drawing time related charts. Predicate Summary calculateAndDrawBollingerBand : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, real STD, timeNumbers* Dates, real* DataValues, vpiDomains::color BandArea, vpiDomains::color LineColorForMiddle, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i). Defines that Bollinger Bands will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. changePictureSize : (positive Width, positive Height) procedure (i,i). Changes the size of picture produced by the object. drawAbsolutePriceOscillator : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodShort, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodLong, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Defines that the Absolute Price Oscillator (APO) will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawAverageTrueRange : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that Average True Range (ATR) will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawBand : (string DatasetName, timeNumbers* Dates, real* LowerBandData, real* UpperBandData, vpiDomains::color BandArea) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Defines that Bands will be drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawBandWithMedium : (string DatasetName, timeNumbers* Dates, real* LowerBandData, real* MediumBandData, real* UpperBandData, vpiDomains::color BandArea, vpiDomains::color LineColorForMiddle, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i). Defines that Bands will be drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawBollingerBand : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, real STD, vpiDomains::color ColorBandArea, vpiDomains::color LineColorForMiddle, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i). Defines that Bollinger Band will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawBollingerBandB : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, real STD, vpiDomains::color Color) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that Bollinger Band B will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawBollingerBandwidth : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, real STD, vpiDomains::color Color) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that Bollinger Band width will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawCCI : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that Commodity Channel Index (CCI)) will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawExponentialMovingAverage : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that an exponential moving average will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawLine : (vpiDomains::color, integer Width, string Date1, real Y1, string Date2, real Y2) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i). Defines that a line with wanted color and width will be drawn. drawMovingAverage : (string DatasetName, positive Lenght, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that a moving average will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawPercentagePriceOscillator : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodShort, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriodLong, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Defines that the Percentage Price Oscillator (APO) will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawPicture : () procedure (). Draws the graph to the picture in memory. drawRSI : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriod, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that the Relatative Strenght index will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawTRIX : (string DatasetName, positive LenghtOfTheCalculationPeriod, vpiDomains::color LineColor, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines that TRIX will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 54 APPENDIXES drawTrend : (string DatasetName, string StartDate, string EndDate) procedure (i,i,i). Defines that a trend is calculated and drawn for the named data set between to dates. drawTrend : (string DataSetName, string StartDate, string EndDate, vpiDomains::color, integer Width, boolean WriteFormula) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i). Defines that a trend is calculated and drawn for the named data set between to dates with wanted color and width. drawTrend : (string DataSetName, string CalculationStartDate, string CalculationEndDate, string DrawingStartDate, string DrawingEndDate, vpiDomains::color, integer Width, boolean WriteFormula) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i). Trend is calculated and drawn for the named data set with wanted color and width. drawTrendEstimate : (string DataSetName, string EndDate, real Value) procedure (i,i,i). Draws an own estimate of a timeseries future development. drawTrendEstimateArea : (string DataSetName, string EndDate, real Value1, real Value2, vpiDomains::color) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Draws an own estimate of a timeseries future development. drawTrueRange : (string NAME, vpiDomains::color COLOR, integer WIDTH) procedure (i,i,i). Defines that true range will be calculated and drawn from a wanted timeserie. drawValueLine : (real, vpiDomains::color, integer Width) procedure (i,i,i). Defines that a line with wanted color and width will be drawn in the valueaxis. getInnerGraphAreaDimensions : (positive UpperLeftX, positive UpperLeftY, positive DownRightX, positive DownRightX) determ (o,o,o,o). Returns the dimensions of the graph's inner drawing area. getLegendStartPoint : (positive UpperLeftX, positive UpperLeftY) procedure (o,o). Returns the starting point of the legend. getPicture : () -> picture procedure (). Returns the ready picture from the DLL. getPictureSize : (positive Width, positive Height) procedure (o,o). Returns the size of picture produced by the object. getTimeGraphType : () -> timeGraphType TYPE determ. Returns the type of the TimeGraph chart. hideTimeAxisNumbers : () procedure. inputTimeGraphData : (tData) procedure (i). Predicate to insert the data of different dataseries. setBackgroundColor : (vpiDomains::color) procedure (i). Sets the colour for whole drawing area. setBackgroundColor : (picCore::gradientDirection, vpiDomains::color StartColor, vpiDomains::color EndColor) procedure (i,i,i). Sets a gradient colouring for whole drawing area. setBarSpace : (positive Pixels) procedure (i). Sets space between bars in the TimeGraphs. setDataUnit : (string) procedure (i). Sets the unit of the data. setGraphBackgroundColor : (vpiDomains::color) procedure (i). Sets a solid colour for the area of the actual graph. setGraphBackgroundColor : (picCore::gradientDirection, vpiDomains::color, vpiDomains::color) procedure (i,i,i). Sets the gradient style and colours for the area of the actual graph. setGraphTitle : (string Title) procedure (i). Sets the title text for the chart. setGraphTitle : (string TitleText, integer FontSize, vpiDomains::color FontColor) procedure (i,i,i). Sets the text, font size and color for the graphs title . setInnerGraphAreaDimensions : (positive UpperLeftX, positive UpperLeftY, positive DownRightX, positive DownRightY) procedure (i,i,i,i). Defines the area for the graphs inner drawing area. setLegendStartPoint : (positive UpperLeftX, positive UpperLeftY) procedure (i,i). Defines the starting point of the legend. setLogoAndMaskParameters : (string LogoBitmapFile, string MaskBitmapFile, positive X1, positive Y1, positive PercentageOfOriginalSize) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Sets the parameters of the logo drawing. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 55 APPENDIXES setLogoParameters : (string LogoBitmapFile, positive X1, positive Y1, positive PercentageOfOriginalSize) procedure (i,i,i,i). Sets the parameters for the logo drawing. setLogoParameters : (string LogoBitmapFile, positive X1, positive Y1, positive X2, positive Y2) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Set the parameters of the logo drawing. setLogoParametersAndCreateMask : (string LogoBitmapFile, positive X1, positive Y1, positive PercentageOfOriginalSize) procedure (i,i,i,i). Sets the parameters for the logo drawing and creates a mask. setNumberScaleNumberSize : (positive) procedure (i). Informs the font size in which the numbers of the number scale will be written. setRightValueScale : (real Minimum, real Maximum) procedure (i,i). Sets a second scale range for the graph. setSerieAreaColor : (positive DataSerieNumber, vpiDomains::color SolidColor) procedure (i,i). Sets the color for the wanted area of an observation set. setSerieBar : (positive DataSerieNumber, vpiDomains::color SolidColor) procedure (i,i). Sets the color and bar representation for the wanted observation set. setSerieLineColor : (positive DataSerieNumber, vpiDomains::color SolidColor, positive Width) procedure (i,i,i). Sets the color and width for the wanted line of an observation set. setSeriePoint : (positive DataSerieNumber, vpiDomains::color SolidColor, positive Size, boolean LineBetweenPointMarks) procedure (i,i,i,i). Sets the color and width for the wanted point size of an observation set. setSourceText : (string SourceText) procedure (i). Adds a source text for the chart object. setSourceText : (string SourceText, integer FontSize, vpiDomains::color) procedure (i,i,i). Adds a source text for the object + fonts size and color. setText : (integer UpperX, integer UpperY, string Text, integer FontSize, vpiDomains::color FontColor) procedure (i,i,i,i,i). Sets a text to a wanted place with a wanted font size and color. setText : (integer UpperX, integer UpperY, integer LowerX, integer LowerY, string Text, integer* FormatFlags, integer FontSize, vpiDomains::color FontColor) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i). Sets a text inside a desired rectangle in a wanted place with a wanted font size and color. setTextBox : (integer UpperX, integer UpperY, string Text, integer FontSize, vpiDomains::color FontColor, vpiDomains::color BoxColor) procedure (i,i,i,i,i,i). Sets a text in a box to a wanted place with wanted font and background colour. setTimeGraphType : (timeGraphType TYPE) procedure (i). Sets the type for TimeGraph picture. setTimeScale : (string MinimumDate, string MaximumDate) procedure (i,i). Sets a timescale range for the graph. setTimeScale2 : (timeNumbers MinimumDate, timeNumbers MaximumDate) procedure (i,i). Sets a timescale range for the graph. setTimeScaleNumberSize : (positive) procedure (i). Informs the font size in which the numbers of the timescale will be written. setValueAxisTitle : (string TitleText) procedure (i). Sets the text for the value axis. setValueAxisTitle : (string TitleText, integer Size) procedure (i,i). Sets the text for the value axis. setValueScale : (real Minimum, real Maximum) procedure (i,i). Sets a value scale range for the graph. showDataLabels : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if the datalabels will be drawn. showLegend : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if the legend will be drawn. showLogos : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if the logo bitmaps will be drawn. showOuterFrame : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if the outer frame will be drawn. showRightMarginLabels : (boolean) procedure (i). copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 56 APPENDIXES Informs if the labels of the series will be drawn in the rightMargin. showTimeAxisNumbers : () procedure. showWeekEnds : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if the weekends will be drawn. writeAllTimescaleLabels : (boolean) procedure (i). Informs if all labels of the timescale will be written. copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 57 APPENDIXES 6 Appendix B 6.1 Recognized color keyword names The following is the list of recognized color keywords that can be used as a keyword value for data type <color>: aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki darkmagenta darkolivegreen rgb(240, 248, 255) rgb(250, 235, 215) rgb( 0, 255, 255) rgb(127, 255, 212) rgb(240, 255, 255) rgb(245, 245, 220) rgb(255, 228, 196) rgb( 0, 0, 0) rgb(255, 235, 205) rgb( 0, 0, 255) rgb(138, 43, 226) rgb(165, 42, 42) rgb(222, 184, 135) rgb( 95, 158, 160) rgb(127, 255, 0) rgb(210, 105, 30) rgb(255, 127, 80) rgb(100, 149, 237) rgb(255, 248, 220) rgb(220, 20, 60) rgb( 0, 255, 255) rgb( 0, 0, 139) rgb( 0, 139, 139) rgb(184, 134, 11) rgb(169, 169, 169) rgb( 0, 100, 0) rgb(169, 169, 169) rgb(189, 183, 107) rgb(139, 0, 139) rgb( 85, 107, 47) lightpink rgb(255, 182, 193) lightsalmon rgb(255, 160, 122) lightseagreen rgb( 32, 178, 170) lightskyblue rgb(135, 206, 250) lightslategray rgb(119, 136, 153) lightslategrey rgb(119, 136, 153) lightsteelblue rgb(176, 196, 222) lightyellow rgb(255, 255, 224) lime rgb( 0, 255, 0) limegreen rgb( 50, 205, 50) linen rgb(250, 240, 230) magenta rgb(255, 0, 255) maroon rgb(128, 0, 0) mediumaquamarine rgb(102, 205, 170) mediumblue rgb( 0, 0, 205) mediumorchid rgb(186, 85, 211) mediumpurple rgb(147, 112, 219) mediumseagreen rgb( 60, 179, 113) mediumslateblue rgb(123, 104, 238) mediumspringgreen rgb( 0, 250, 154) mediumturquoise rgb( 72, 209, 204) mediumvioletred rgb(199, 21, 133) midnightblue rgb( 25, 25, 112) mintcream rgb(245, 255, 250) mistyrose rgb(255, 228, 225) moccasin rgb(255, 228, 181) navajowhite rgb(255, 222, 173) navy rgb( 0, 0, 128) oldlace rgb(253, 245, 230) olive rgb(128, 128, 0) copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 58 APPENDIXES darkorange darkorchid darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray grey green greenyellow honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue lightcoral rgb(255, 140, 0) rgb(153, 50, 204) rgb(139, 0, 0) rgb(233, 150, 122) rgb(143, 188, 143) rgb( 72, 61, 139) rgb( 47, 79, 79) rgb( 47, 79, 79) rgb( 0, 206, 209) rgb(148, 0, 211) rgb(255, 20, 147) rgb( 0, 191, 255) rgb(105, 105, 105) rgb(105, 105, 105) rgb( 30, 144, 255) rgb(178, 34, 34) rgb(255, 250, 240) rgb( 34, 139, 34) rgb(255, 0, 255) rgb(220, 220, 220) rgb(248, 248, 255) rgb(255, 215, 0) rgb(218, 165, 32) rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb(128, 128, 128) rgb( 0, 128, 0) rgb(173, 255, 47) rgb(240, 255, 240) rgb(255, 105, 180) rgb(205, 92, 92) rgb( 75, 0, 130) rgb(255, 255, 240) rgb(240, 230, 140) rgb(230, 230, 250) rgb(255, 240, 245) rgb(124, 252, 0) rgb(255, 250, 205) rgb(173, 216, 230) rgb(240, 128, 128) olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet wheat copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas rgb(107, 142, 35) rgb(255, 165, 0) rgb(255, 69, 0) rgb(218, 112, 214) rgb(238, 232, 170) rgb(152, 251, 152) rgb(175, 238, 238) rgb(219, 112, 147) rgb(255, 239, 213) rgb(255, 218, 185) rgb(205, 133, 63) rgb(255, 192, 203) rgb(221, 160, 221) rgb(176, 224, 230) rgb(128, 0, 128) rgb(255, 0, 0) rgb(188, 143, 143) rgb( 65, 105, 225) rgb(139, 69, 19) rgb(250, 128, 114) rgb(244, 164, 96) rgb( 46, 139, 87) rgb(255, 245, 238) rgb(160, 82, 45) rgb(192, 192, 192) rgb(135, 206, 235) rgb(106, 90, 205) rgb(112, 128, 144) rgb(112, 128, 144) rgb(255, 250, 250) rgb( 0, 255, 127) rgb( 70, 130, 180) rgb(210, 180, 140) rgb( 0, 128, 128) rgb(216, 191, 216) rgb(255, 99, 71) rgb( 64, 224, 208) rgb(238, 130, 238) rgb(245, 222, 179) PictureDLL 59 APPENDIXES lightcyan rgb(224, 255, 255) lightgoldenrodyellow rgb(250, 250, 210) lightgray rgb(211, 211, 211) lightgreen rgb(144, 238, 144) lightgrey rgb(211, 211, 211) white whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(245, 245, 245) rgb(255, 255, 0) rgb(154, 205, 50) PictureDLL 60 INDEX 7 INDEX 3 3D · 15 3D effect · 15 A absolute price oscillator · 27 APO · 27 application · 3 ATR · 27 average true range · 27 Average True Range · 27 averages · 27 drawing area · 4 drawMovingAverage · 25, 27 drawPicture · 3 drawRSI · 27 drawToWindow · 3 drawTrend · 26 drawTrendEstimate · 20, 54 drawTrendEstimateArea · 20 drawTRIX · 28 drawValueAxisNumbersOnRightSide · 10, 21 E exponential moving averages · 27 G B bar chart · 6, 39, 41 bar orientation · 10 bitmap file · 46 bitmaps · 45 Bollinger band · 30 Bollinger, John · 30 Boston Consulting Group · 37 Box-Muller method · 49 build-up bar · 6 buildUp chart · 11 business plan · 37 gantt chart · 39 gradient colouring · 5 gradient_tube_top_bottom · 5 H help file · 2, 3 histogram · 6, 12, 49 horizontal · 6, 8 horizontal bar chart · 6 Hutson, Jack · 28 C I calculator · 51 candlestick · 28 cash flow · 51 CCI · 28 changePictureSize · 5 chart tile · 4 column chartss · 6 comments · 38 commodity channel index · 28 common predicates · 3 company key figure · 21 inputBarData · 12, 50 inputTimeGraphData · 28 Installing · 2 interface · 1, 2, 3, 53 internet · 3 D deleteOldHistogramInput · 51 dimensions · 5 displacement ratio · 15 documentation · 3, 53 drawAverageTrueRange · 27 drawCCI · 28 drawExponentialMovingAverage · 27 K key figure · 21 L legend · 4 logo drawing · 45 M median · 22 Microsoft Access · 24 copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas PictureDLL 61 INDEX moving average · 26 moving averages · 24, 27 MySql · 24 N newPicture · 5, 16, 18, 33, 37, 49, 50 numeric information · 6 O object constructors · 5 observationDrawing · 26 ODBC · 24 orientation · 6 P package · 2 percentage price oscillator · 27 pictureDLL · 2, 24, 41 pictureDLL.dll · 2, 3 pictureDLL.hlp · 2, 3 pictureDLL.lib · 2 pie chart · 14, 41 PPO · 27 Price oscillators · 27 project · 2, 3, 49, 52 Prolog Development Center · 1 Q quarter · 22, 24 quartile · 22 setDisplacementRatio · 15 setHistogramClassRange · 12 setInnerGraphAreaDimensions · 5, 15, 16, 18, 33, 37, 49, 50 setLogoAndMaskParameters/5 · 45 setLogoParameters/4 · 45 setLogoParameters/5 · 46 setSerieAreaColor · 18, 33 setSerieBar · 19 setSeriePoint · 20 setTextBox · 16, 17, 38 setTimeGraphSpace · 19 setTimeGraphType · 28 setTimeScale · 25 setValueScale · 25 showDataLabels · 7, 15 showLegend · 49 showRightMarginLabels · 30 special predicates · 3 Speed dial · 39 SQL database · 42 stacked · 8 Stacked Bar · 6 stacked horizontal chart · 8 stacked percentage bar · 6 stacked percentage chart · 8 stackedPercentage · 8 standard deviation · 30 stock exchange · 24 T timers · 50 timeserie chart · 18 timeseries · 53 TR · 27 trend · 16, 26 trend line · 24, 26 TRIX · 28 true range · 27 R radar chart · 34 random · 49, 50 Relative Strength Index · 27, 42 removeSliceDisplacementForSlice · 15 RSI · 27 S scatter plot · 16 setBarChartType · 8, 10, 49, 50 V,W vertical · 6, 10 vertical bar charts · 10 Visual Prolog · 1, 2, 5, 24 X XY chart · 16, 18 copyright © 2011 Kari Rastas