Syllabus as PDF

Syllabus BS110 Lab: Fall 2008 BS110 Lab Mission It is an exciting time to be a biologist! Our understanding of our world is changing rapidly and the technology we have for conducting the research that informs our understanding expands daily. In this lab, you will work alongside your peers and TAs to learn about the principles and techniques used by scientists that guide their thinking and their research. Your lab experience will be interactive and collaborative ‐ just as scientists are in their research. It is a primary goal of the BioSci Program that we help you develop a foundational understanding of biology that will not only prepare you for work in future biology courses, but enable you to function as biologically literate citizens in your communities. Our expectations for your learning extend far beyond simple memorization of terms ‐ we want to help you connect new concepts, use the terminology and tools of scientists, and apply your understanding of biology to real life applications. Your TAs and instructors share responsibility as guides for your learning, but ultimately, you own the responsibility for your personal understanding of the material. We are here to help you! We will share what we know about science and its tools through conducting scientific investigations in lab, helping you develop critical thinking skills, and communicating your growth as scientists in multiple forms. It is our hope that you will come to love biology as much as we do! Guiding Questions BS 110 Laboratory is organized into four modules that correspond to questions that guide the development and direction of the labs: Module Question Process of Science How do we use the scientific method to study and measure natural variation? Genetics How is genetic information organized and passed on to future generations? Evolution How do populations evolve? Biodiversity/Ecology What is biodiversity and why is it important? Consult the Schedule for detailed information about the lab activities and specific goals associated with each module. Evaluation and Assessment The laboratory is worth 30% of the total possible points you earn in the BioSci 110 course. Your final grade will reflect the sum of your lecture points (70%) combined with your lab points (30%). Your lab work will be assessed by considering the weight of each lab module equally. Point values for specific assignments within each module may vary, but the total points earned for each module will be weighted equally. Assessments for each module will be based on the specific objectives of each module. The majority of your lab assessment will take place through a laboratory guidebook. Please be responsible for checking your grades throughout the semester to verify the accuracy of records. Item Content Percent of Lab Grade Guidebook entries Process of Science 20% associated with each Genetics 20% of the 4 lab modules Evolution 20% Biodiversity/Ecology 20% Additional Questions, presentations, 20% assessments writing assignments, etc. During the semester, you will have the opportunity to anonymously evaluate the course, your lab instructor, and educational assistant. Please provide constructive feedback that will help us improve the quality of the BioSci lab and the effectiveness of the instructors who work hard to help you learn! Required Course Materials Materials required for BS 110 Lab include: • Access to the BS 110 lab website ‐ Internet access is now considered a normal part of instruction for many courses at MSU. If you do not have a personal computer with internet access, please consult the MSU homepage for information about the location and availability of microlabs on campus that are available for use by MSU students. • MSU Net ID ‐ you will regularly receive e‐mail correspondence from your TAs and/or the BioSci Program. Course e‐mail correspondence will be directed only to MSU Net e‐mail addresses. • 3‐ring Binder ‐ to organize the materials for your Lab Guidebook. A 1.5 to 2‐inch should be sufficient. • Calculator ‐ standard or scientific TA Help Room A TA Help Room is available to assist you with your learning in BS 110. The Help Room is located in 218 North Kedzie Lab. You may call for assistance (ph. 517‐432‐
1316, ext 141) or visit during Help Room hours. 