GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Table 1: Summary of the major Green Triangle plantation companies Company name Links to previous companies Sector Activity Australian Bluegum Plantations Pty Ltd (ABP) Funded through Global Forest Partners. Acquired the former Timbercorp MIS plantations, freehold land and assignment of third party leases. Hardwood Plantation owner and manager, land owner, leaser of land. Elders Forestry Ltd Acquired Integrated Tree Cropping in 2006. ITC name changed to Elders Forestry in 2009. Manages the MIS Schemes of the former APT, ITC and Yates projects. Hardwood MIS plantation manager, land owner and leaser of land. ForestrySA Owned by the South Australian government. Softwood Plantation owner and manager, land owner, leaser of land. Green Triangle Forest Products Pty Ltd (GTFP) Funded through Global Forest Partners. Acquired the former softwood GTFP plantations, and retained the GTFP name for the new management entity. Softwood Plantation owner and manager, land owner. Gunns Forest Products Pty Ltd Based in Launceston, Tasmania. Purchased and has since sold the former Auspine softwood estate. Is manager of the former Auspine softwood estate and the former Great Southern Ltd (GSL) 1998-2006 MIS Projects. Hardwood and softwood Softwood manager and MIS hardwood plantation manager, leaser of land. HVP Plantations Pty Ltd Owned jointly by Australian and US Softwood superannuation and investment funds. Formerly the Victorian Plantations Corporation. Plantation owner and manager, land owner, leaser of land. Macquarie Forestry Services Pty Ltd Macquarie Forestry Services Pty Ltd is the founding company. Hardwood MIS plantation manager, land owner. Midway Afforestation Pty Ltd Midway Afforestation Pty Ltd is the founding company. Hardwood and softwood Plantation owner and manager, land owner. New Forests Pty Ltd Owned by Alberta Investment Management Corporation. Purchaser of the former GSL freehold estate, the majority of which is leased to Gunns Forest Products for the former GSL 1998-2006 MIS Projects and to Elders Forestry for the former APT MIS Projects. Hardwood Mostly infrastructure and some plantation management. This will change as the former Great Southern plantations are harvested and the land reverts to New Forests. Plantation Timbers Group Pty Ltd Plantation Timbers Group Pty Ltd is the founding company. It manages investor plantations including WAPRES and Daio. Hardwood and softwood Plantation manager. GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Table 2: Green Triangle plantation areas4 by species (ha) SA Victoria Total 42,291 135,352 177,643 Softwood plantations 108,376 69,159 177,535 Total plantation area 150,667 204,511 355,178 Hardwood plantations GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Table 3: Summary of softwood processing activity in the Green Triangle Product Locations Companies Sawlog Mount Gambier Carter Holt Harvey, SE Pine Sales, Whitehead Timber Sales, NF McDonnell & Sons Tarpeena Gunns Timber Products Colac AKD Softwoods Export sawlog and pulplog Portland International Timber Solutions and Pentarch 250,000 Roundwood preservation Kalangadoo Gunns Timber Products 150,000 Millicent Miland Mount Gambier Carter Holt Harvey, Roundwood Solutions Mumbannar McVilly Timbers Heywood Portland Pine Products Portland Gunns Timber Products, Carter Holt Harvey Mount Gambier Carter Holt Harvey (for particleboard) Millicent Kimberly Clark Australia (for pulp & paper production) Mount Gambier Nu-Erth Wandilo BioGro Wood chip and sawmill residue Sawmill residues, wood waste & bark Tonnes/year 2.0 million 2.0 million softwood 250,000 GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Table 4: Resource commitment forecasts 2011-2029 Available hardwood volume (tonnes) Surplus/deficit (tonnes) Committed (tonnes) based on current level of production Product Time period Available softwood volume (tonnes) Sawlog 2011-2015 11,000,000 10,500,000 500,000 2016-2020 10,600,000 10,500,000 100,000 2021-2025 12,800,000 10,500,000 2,300,000 2026-2030 13,200,000 10,500,000 2,700,000 2011-2015 900,000 750,000 150,000 2016-2020 1,100,000 750,000 350,000 2021-2025 900,000 750,000 150,000 2026-2030 800,000 750,000 50,000 Preservation Chip/pulp SW HW SW HW 2011-2015 4,900,000 14,200,000 3,100,000 5,000,000 1,800,000 9,200,000 2016-2020 4,900,000 21,100,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 1,400,000 16,100,000 2021-2025 4,700,000 8,800,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 1,200,000 3,800,000 2026-2030 4,800,000 19,200,000 3,500,000 5,000,000 1,300,000 14,200,000 GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Organisation Contact What sort of assistance is available Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry The Australian government department responsible for forestry. Department of Primary Industries, Victoria Victorian department with responsibility for forest industry policy. Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia South Australian government department responsible for forest policy and industry development Department of Planning and Community Development, Victoria Has a central role in managing Victoria’s growth and development by engaging with business and communities Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, South Australia South Australian government planning department responsible for the State’s planning and development system Green Triangle Regional Plantations Committee Links between plantation growers and government stakeholder groups Southern Tree Breeding Association Hardwood and softwood tree breeding A not for profit company that provides a national, integrated research and development focus for the Australian forest and wood products industry Government and Forest Policy Local forestry organisations National forestry organisations Forest and Wood Products Australia GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects Australian Forest Products Association Peak body of Australian forest industry organisations, recently formed from a merger of A3P and NAFI Institute of Foresters of Australia Represents the Australian forestry profession. Has an active Branch in the Green Triangle. Australian Forest Growers Represents private forest growers in Australia. Has an active Branch in the Green Triangle. and Provides training for a range of industry specific skills Training and Workforce organisations Technical and Further Education; TAFESA and SWTAFE FITNET Forest Industries Training Network Southern Cross University Provision of a forestry degree program. ForestWorks Goal is to assist industry with their skills development objectives through national industry skills standards and qualifications LITA Training associated with harvesting activities Business development AusIndustry Delivers a range of innovation grants, tax and duty concessions and business development The Department of Business and Innovation, Victoria Supports the Victorian Governments pro-business policies and programs and the development of innovative industries Department of Manufacturing, Innovation, Trade and Resources, South Australia The South Australian Government’s key economic development agency Regional Development Australia Barwon SW Industry development assistance Regional Development Australia Limestone Coast Industry development assistance Association of Consulting Foresters of Australia Provides a list of consulting foresters and their capabilities. It is a Division of the Institute of Foresters of Australia. Industry Capability Network SA Facilitates knowledge transfer and process capability to maximise local content SE NRM Board Water planning and natural resources management responsibilities in SE South Australia Glenelg Hopkins Catchment Management Authority Responsible for the development of strategic direction for land and water management in SW Victoria South East Resource Information Centre Spatial analysis, mapping and analysis of data Great South Coast Group Represents local government authorities in SW Victoria SELGA Represents regional councils in SE South Australia Aboriginal Affairs Victoria The Victorian Government’s key agency for advice on Aboriginal affairs Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation The South Australian Government’s key agency for advice on Aboriginal affairs Timber Towns Victoria An incorporated local government association representing the interests of municipal councils in relation to forestry on both public and private land Community & environmental organisations GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects GREEN TRIANGLE ForestIndustryProspects