ABRSM Annual Review 2005-2006: Music Education & Exams

Annual Review
The Associated Board of The Royal Schools of Music
About the
Associated Board
About the Associated Board 2
Highlights from the Year 3
The Year at a Glance 4
From the Chief Executive 6
From the Chairman 9
Exams and Assessments 10
Publishing 15
Professional Development 18
In Partnership 21
New Projects 22
Celebrating Achievement 24
Financial Summary 25
Who’s Who 26
Farewell and Welcome 26
Examiners 27
CT ABRSM Mentors and Course Leaders
Representatives 30
New Diploma Holders 31
New CT ABRSM Holders 35
Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards 36
Prize Winners 36
The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music is a
charitable company established for the benefit of music
education by four Royal Schools of Music in the UK:
Royal Academy of Music, London
Royal College of Music, London
Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester
Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, Glasgow
The Associated Board’s core activity is the operation of an
authoritative and internationally recognized system of
exams and assessments to encourage and motivate players
and singers at all levels through the provision of goals and
the measurement of progress.
As the world leader in its field, the Associated Board
currently conducts over 600,000 music exams each year in
more than 90 countries.
ABRSM Publishing is one of the UK’s leading music
publishers, whose publications support the exams, provide
additional repertoire and contribute to music education.
Front cover photo:
Pupils from Woodford Halse C of E Primary School, Northants
The Associated Board also provides professional
development services for instrumental and singing teachers
through its widely acclaimed Certificate of Teaching
Course (CT ABRSM) and a range of other courses,
seminars and workshops.
Our principal objective is to maintain and develop the
services and products that we provide to music teachers
and students to the highest standards. We also seek to play
a significant role in influencing political debate in favour
of music education.
Annual Review for the year ended 31 January 2006
from the Year
We launch SoundJunction, an innovative new
website for musical learning and creativity
Accreditation in South Africa
Official recognition for graded music exams
from the Qualifications Authority and Joint
Matriculation Board
Access to exams
We design and pilot new tests for sight- and
hearing-impaired candidates
Partnership with SmartMusic
A preferential subscription rate for Associated
Board applicants subscribing to this innovative
‘intelligent accompaniment’ system
New Music Medals repertoire
Ensemble pieces for saxophone and recorder
Online communities
Members of the www.abrsm.org
discussion forums meet up and make music at
the first forums concerts
Another record year for entries
New courses
Two new professional development courses
for teachers
Spectrum 4
We publish Spectrum 4, a collection of 66
newly commissioned miniatures for piano
HRH The Prince of Wales is guest of honour
at our award ceremony celebrating 10 years of
the Certificate of Teaching
The Year
at a Glance
We held conferences in
South Africa and New Zealand
to update Representatives
on the latest developments
Pianists at the Spectrum 4 launch
UK: violin syllabus seminar in Edinburgh
USA: ABRSM Publishing attends the International
Association for Jazz Education conference in Long Beach,
Spain: exhibit at National Association of British Schools in
Spain conference in Barcelona
UK: conference for Music Medals Trainers
UK: CT ABRSM Open Mornings
South Africa: conference for South African Representatives
and a series of seminars for teachers presented by Tim
Arnold, Head of International Operations
UK: cello syllabus seminar in Edinburgh
UK: website forums concert for adult learners in Chertsey,
Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan: Professional Development
Malaysia & Singapore: Professional Development
New Zealand: conference for New Zealand Honorary Local
Oman: professional development course
Singapore: diploma award ceremony
Germany: ABRSM Publishing exhibits at the Frankfurt
Music Fair
Hong Kong: CT ABRSM Taster and launch of CT ABRSM
Alumni Association
Spain & Portugal: Richard Morris, Chief Executive and
Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner, present seminars for teachers
in Madrid and Porto
UK: exhibit at the Federation of Music Services and the
Music Masters’ and Mistresses’ Association conferences
UK: CT ABRSM Tasters
UK: jazz workshops
USA: ABRSM Publishing exhibits at the Retail Print Music
Dealers Association conference
www.abrsmpublishing.com: launch of new ABRSM
Publishing website
Diploma award ceremony in Hong Kong
led seminars
in 16
UK: CT ABRSM Tasters
UK: jazz workshops
China: ABRSM Publishing exhibits at MusicChina in
Greece: Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner, presents seminar for
teachers in Athens
Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore: Richard Morris, Chief
UK: summer school for piano students from Hong Kong
Executive, and Dr David Young, S E Asia Regional
UK: website forums concert for adult learners in
Consultant, present seminars for teachers
Stalybridge, Manchester
Italy: Tim Arnold, Head of International Operations,
UK: CT ABRSM award ceremony at the Royal Academy
presents seminars for teachers in Rome, Milan and Vicenza
of Music
UK: ABRSM Publishing exhibits at the British Music Fair in UK: conference for Music Medals Trainers
UK: SoundJunction launch at LSO St Luke’s in London
UK: ABRSM Publishing wins the Music Industries
Association Innovation in Music Publishing award for
Music Medals Repertoire Sessions
Malaysia & Singapore: Professional Development
UK: website forums concert in Woodford Green, Essex
UK: exhibit at the National Association of Music Educators
UK: exhibit at the Scottish Association of Music Educators
The Netherlands: exhibit at the European Council of
International Schools conference in The Hague
Hong Kong: diploma award ceremony
UK: Spectrum 4 launch at the Royal Academy of Music
UK: saxophone syllabus workshop at the British
Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles
New Zealand HLRs conference
70 teachers
gathered at
seminars in
10 Professional
UK Tasters and
Open Mornings
From the
Chief Executive
I am pleased to report that 2005 was another year in which
the Associated Board actively and successfully pursued its
mission to support and benefit music education worldwide.
In doing so we extended the range of our services from
exams, publications and professional development by
offering opportunities for online music exploration and
learning through the launch in October of SoundJunction.
The work of the Associated Board
Entries for Associated Board exams moved marginally
ahead of the record level established in 2004, totalling
some 637,000 candidates worldwide. This outcome
reflected a modest downturn in the UK, which was more
than compensated by continuing international growth.
There were significant increases in entries from China,
India, Indonesia, Kenya, Oman, Malaysia, Thailand and the
USA. Interest is also accelerating rapidly in various
European countries and our exams were granted official
recognition by the Department for Education in South
Africa. Over the past ten years the annual number of
overseas candidates has grown by a remarkable 40%.
ABRSM Publishing had a quieter year, without the new
publications for both piano and violin exams which had
made such a major contribution to 2004 results. However,
steady progress was made and much preparatory work
undertaken for a range of new publications planned for
2006 and 2007. For the second year in succession ABRSM
Publishing won the Music Industries Association award for
Innovation in Music Publishing, this time for a marketing
project, Music Medals Repertoire Sessions.
The uptake for Music Medals in their first full year
following launch was slower than anticipated, as teachers
take time to get used to the innovative processes of
conducting their own assessments in front of video and
dealing with the administration online. Nonetheless by the
end of the year around 1,400 teachers had been trained to
conduct the assessments and candidates had been entered
by teachers from nearly 500 schools and 50 Music Services
around the UK.
“The excitement
generated by
our major
online project,
has already
In the second half of the year
a new Development
Department was created,
under the leadership of
Richard Crozier, by a merger
of the former Corporate
Marketing and Professional
Development Departments.
We are already beginning to
see the synergies which arise
from joining up all our
contacts and
communications with music
teachers. This has been
Spectrum 4 composers at the launch in November
particularly evident in the launch of two new professional
development courses: An Introduction to Instrumental and
Vocal Teaching and Teaching Music Effectively. Our core
CT ABRSM (Certificate of Teaching) course continues to
meet the needs of teachers and we were greatly honoured
by the presence of the Associated Board’s President, HRH
The Prince of Wales, at its tenth annual award ceremony.
The excitement generated by SoundJunction, our major
online project funded by Culture Online (part of the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport), has already
”2005 was another year in which the Associated Board
successfully pursued its mission to support and benefit
music education worldwide”
representative bodies, in particular the Music
Education Council, the Music Publishers’
Association, the National Forum for Music
Education and the Music Business Forum.
Teacher Jane Hargrave with Music Medals candidates
exceeded expectations. The website, which encourages
exploration, learning and composition across musical
genre, has been highly praised throughout the media and is
already attracting 6,000 visitors per week.
We made good progress in the further development of our
professional and administrative capabilities. Following a
successful post-accreditation audit by the Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority, revised documentation was
prepared to co-ordinate and record a wide range of policies
and service commitments to customers. A major review
was conducted into our provision for candidates with
learning difficulties, sensory impairment and physical
disability leading to revised guidelines and training material
for examiners. Improvements were also made in examiner
payment processes and in online links with both Malaysia
and New Zealand. During the year a comprehensive
restructuring of the Associated Board’s pension scheme
was undertaken, aimed at implementation from April 2006
when new pensions legislation comes into force.
Wider contexts
The Associated Board has continued to play an important
role in promoting music education in wider contexts. We
continue to sponsor both Music for Youth and the
Federation of Music Services and are active members of
We also continue to make representations to the
UK government. Given the scale of our activities,
the fortunes of the Associated Board are closely
linked to the well-being of music education generally in the
UK and it is important for us to speak up when these
interests are under threat. This was the case at the end of
the year when the government decided to divert funds that
had previously been earmarked for Music Services. We are
closely following developments in this area, calling on the
government to live up to its commitments and to ensure
that instrumental music provision is well structured and
funded for the long term. Although progress was made in
2005 in providing more young people with first access to
music in both whole classroom and community contexts,
there is still no committed programme or funding to ensure
sustained progressive instrumental tuition for those young
people who show an enthusiasm or aptitude for learning
an instrument.
Looking to the future
The Associated Board intends to maintain its position as
the world leader in musical assessment and to further
develop its products and services to the highest
professional standards. To fulfil this mission in the current
environment of technological change is both a challenging
and exciting prospect. Developments in mobile technology
and the extraordinary increase in the amount of time young
people spend listening to music present opportunities for
us to create new learning materials, drawing on the skills
and expertise that we have built up in recent years,
especially through SoundJunction. Alongside this, the
“Over the past ten years the annual number of overseas candidates
has grown by a remarkable 40%”
“The Associated Board ultimately stands for the human interface
between candidate and examiner, composer and publisher,
teacher and mentor... these essential human relationships will
stay at the heart of our work”
"Developments in technology
present opportunities for
new learning materials"
Phil Clapp, Head of Arts at the Department for Culture, Media
and Sport, with students at the SoundJunction launch
“Growth in internet usage
opens up further opportunities
for improved customer service
and the provision of online
accelerating growth in internet usage opens up further
remarkable opportunities for both improved customer
service and the provision of online products such as sheet
music and audio tracks. Over the coming year we will be
reviewing how best to represent and promote the
Associated Board and its services via changing distribution
channels and marketplaces.
However great these changes, the Associated Board
ultimately stands for the human interface between
candidate and examiner, composer and publisher, teacher
and mentor. Even though we will remain constantly alert to
new opportunities and will adapt to changing
environments, these essential human relationships will stay
at the heart of our work. In closing, therefore, I would like
to express my warmest thanks to all those individuals who
have contributed to the achievement of our mission over
the past year: to the highly-skilled members of the
examining panels who have travelled throughout the
country and the world in ever greater numbers; to the
Honorary Local Representatives and overseas
Representatives who have received them and ensured a
successful examination experience for all the candidates; to
the course leaders and mentors conducting our professional
development work with
such commitment; and to
all my colleagues at
Portland Place for their
collaborative and
enthusiastic work in
carrying out all the varied
responsibilities which are at
the hub of our unique
Richard Morris
Chief Executive
From the
Time passes quickly, it is said, when you are having fun.
And the years certainly shorten as each one passes. So I
find myself on the brink of completing my allotted six years
as Chairman of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools
of Music almost, it seems, as soon as I have arrived – the
overture and the finale are almost one movement.
I like to think that these have been six good years for the
Associated Board, not, I hasten to add, down to my own
account. Our core graded exams have been refreshed and
candidates have come in record numbers. Our publications
have broadened and deepened and caught the imagination
with their emboldened design and marketing. New strings
have been attached to our bow: Music Medals and
SoundJunction. Our professional development offerings are
highly regarded and much sought after. And thanks in
particular to Richard Morris’s power of analysis and
advocacy, the Associated Board is now seen by the UK
government and others as a leading player in the field of
music education and education policy development.
I have learnt much by working with the Associated Board.
I have made many good friends. I have enjoyed in
particular our Annual Lunches where I have met and been
charmed by so many of our Honorary Local
Representatives and examiners. I wish the Associated
Board - the institution, the business, the cultural beacon as much success in the next six years as we have all
enjoyed this last six. And I wish my successor every bit as
much fun as I have had.
The Associated Board is an organization with its tail up hugely professional and creative, sharing its values and
warm human face not just amongst its own staff but
throughout its wide network, domestic and international,
of representatives, contacts and examiners who together
account for our continuing success, our broadening appeal
and our growing reputation. This has been a truly
collective effort, and sharing in it has, for me, been a real
pleasure. But collective effort can be without shape,
coherence or direction if it is not well led. In my six years,
Richard Morris has been that shaping force. As you would
expect, it is with the Chief Executive that the Chairman
works most closely, and I acknowledge here how much he
has brought to our partnership.
John Baker CBE
Chairman 2000 - 2006
Exams and
These Music Exams
In 2005 we published a revised edition
of These Music Exams. This
indispensable guide to our exams,
written by Chief Examiner Clara
Taylor, now includes additional
information about the marking system
for practical exams and a new section
on theory exams. We published an
Italian translation, Questi Esami
Musicali, later in the year and plans
were put in place for further
translations into German, Portuguese
and Spanish.
over 637,000
exam entries
Graded music exams and diplomas
The examiner panel
The ongoing task of refreshing and reviewing our core exam
syllabuses continued during 2005. In January the revised and
accredited Diploma Syllabus from 2005 came into effect and
in July we published new syllabuses for oboe, bassoon and
saxophone, for exams from 2006 onwards.
We followed up a review of our special needs provision,
carried out in 2004, with wide consultation and the design
and piloting of new tests for sight- and hearing-impaired
candidates. We then commissioned a full range of new tests
for publication in 2006 and exam use from 2007.
Looking further ahead we initiated extensive and
long-term reviews of the piano syllabus and of approaches
to sight-singing.
A total of 692 examiners were involved in practical and
theory examining during the year. Of these, 613 examined
grades, 49 jazz, 112 theory and 249 diplomas.
We continued to scrutinize our examiner recruitment and
training procedures. Around 125 applicants are
interviewed each year, of which approximately 30 are
successful and admitted on to the panel. However, there is
now a more relaxed approach to the starting age for
examiner training, provided that applicants have sufficient
breadth of experience and standing within the profession.
New training initiatives included a DVD introducing the
Associated Board’s aims and examining procedures, and
filmed presentations by members of the panel for use in
examiner seminars. By using these presentations all
examiners can benefit from the specialist skills of their
colleagues. Both these developments complement the
already rigorous training processes in place.
exams were held in 95 countries
International Outlook
Anguilla Antigua Aruba Australia Aust
Belize Bermuda Botswana Brazil Briti
Chile China Cyprus Czech Republic
Finland France The Gambia Germany
Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Ind
Kuwait Luxembourg Macau Madagas
Mexico Namibia The Netherlands New
The Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar
South Africa Spain Sri Lanka St Kitts
Switzerland Taiwan Tanzania Thailand
United Kingdom United Arab Emirates
218 examiners involved in
340 international examining tours
2005 was a busy year internationally. Exam entries grew
by 4% and well over a quarter of a million exams took
place outside the UK and Ireland. Whilst 70% of these
exams were held in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore
there was noticeable growth in China, India, Indonesia,
Kenya, Oman, Thailand and the USA, and in some
European countries, notably Germany and Portugal.
Teachers and candidates in South Africa benefited from
the accreditation of our exams at Grade 6 and above by
the Qualifications Authority and Joint Matriculation
Board. Students passing higher-level Associated Board
exams can now receive official recognition for their
achievements within South Africa’s education system.
In Malaysia, where an online entry system has been
available since 2004, 70% of exam entries were made
using the online form and further developments were
made to online systems. Exam administration was also the
focus of a visit to New Zealand by Heather Walker, Senior
Tours Co-ordinator, in April. Heather spent a week
working with Heather Gummer, our Exams Administrator
in New Zealand, resulting in improvements to
administrative systems that will make exam scheduling
more efficient.
Over 200 international Representatives were involved in
administering and promoting our exams. In February and
March we held conferences in South Africa and New
Zealand to update Representatives from those countries
on the latest developments and procedures.
Much work was done to support teachers, candidates and
parents around the world. In addition to the many
informal ‘teachers meetings’ hosted by examiners at the
end of their tours, specially trained examiner-presenters
led seminars in Bahrain, Barbados, Bermuda, Cyprus,
Germany, India, Japan, Korea, New Zealand, the
Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Trinidad,
Uganda and the USA.
Such seminars provide information about the Associated
Board and advice for those preparing candidates for
exams. They are particularly important in countries where
teachers are less familiar with the Associated Board’s
exams. International Representatives can choose from six
differentseminar topics: Introducing the Associated Board;
Lifting the Standards (Grades 1 to 5); Stepping Up
(Grades 6 to 8); Musical Children (a seminar for parents);
These Diploma Exams; and These Theory Exams. All
participating examiners attended a training session before
their first seminars and were provided with support
materials in the form of a DVD showing typical exam
situations, resources for giving the presentations and
information packs to hand out to teachers.
Staff from Portland Place also played a key role in
supporting the work of teachers internationally. Between
them Richard Morris, Chief Executive, Clara Taylor, Chief
Examiner, and Tim Arnold, Head of International
Operations, presented seminars on a wide range of examrelated topics to thousands of teachers in Greece,
Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Portugal, Singapore, Spain,
South Africa and Thailand.
over 200 international Representatives
and contacts
alia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belgium
razil British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Canada Cayman Islands
Republic Denmark Dominica Egypt Falkland Islands Faroe Islands
Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Grenada Guam Guyana
India Indonesia Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Korea
Madagascar Malawi Malaysia The Maldives Malta Mauritius
ands New Zealand Norway Oman Papua New Guinea
gal Qatar Saudi Arabia The Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore
St Kitts & Nevis St Lucia St Vincent Swaziland Sweden
Thailand Trinidad & Tobago Turkey Turks & Caicos Islands Uganda
Emirates United States of America Zambia Zimbabwe
work was
done to
and parents
the world
68 international
teachers meetings
and seminars
top: Teachers at a seminar in Milan above: Demonstration during a seminar in Milan
UK and Ireland
348 public exam centres in the UK and Ireland
There were over 350,000 exam entries in the UK and
Ireland, 40% of which were made using the online entry
form. These exams took place at 348 Associated Board-run
centres, in addition to the many exam visits run by schools
and teachers entering large numbers of candidates. Our
thanks go, as ever, to the 300 Honorary Local
Representatives (HLRs) whose assistance was invaluable in
ensuring that the exams ran smoothly for all concerned.
Long service awards, for HLRs who had given 5, 10, 15,
20 and 25 years’ service, were presented to 64 HLRs at
our Annual Lunch in July. Additionally, special awards
were made to Joan Goldsbrough, HLR for Blandford
Forum, and Donald and Irene Hay, joint HLRs for Stirling,
who had each completed 30 years’ service.
Honorary Local Representatives receiving awards at the Annual Lunch
1,400 teachers trained to assess Music Medals
Music Medals
Music Medals, our unique assessments for group-taught
pupils at the early stages of learning, continued to be the
focus of much activity in the UK. We streamlined the
administrative and IT systems and continued to develop
publications for additional instruments, giving more young
people the opportunity to take a Music Medal. Books of
ensemble pieces for recorder and saxophone joined the
existing sets for flute, clarinet, violin, guitar, and treble clef
brass instruments, and additional sets of brass books for
bass clef instruments and groups of mixed instruments
were in preparation for publication in 2006. We also began
research into the provision of Music Medals ensemble
repertoire and assessments for electronic keyboard players.
We continued to work closely with Music Services and
their teachers, our partners in the delivery of Music
Medals. We hosted two conferences, attended by 58 Music
Medals Trainers, and visited over 40 Music Services
around the UK providing training and support.
Philip Mundey, Director of Examinations, talks to teachers at a
Music Medals Trainers’ Conference
46 teachers piloted Music Medals for electronic keyboard
Spectrum 4
New titles
The outstanding event in the ABRSM Publishing calendar
for 2005 was the launch of Spectrum 4 for piano. This took
place in the David Josefowicz Hall at the Royal Academy of
Music in London in November. Over half of the 66 pieces
in the book were premiered that evening by a diverse group
of professional, amateur and student pianists, led by the
inspiration behind the Spectrum series, Thalia Myers. Many
of the composers were also present.
By the end of 2005 ABRSM Publishing had published 78
sales titles and produced a further 37 books, CDs or DVDs
for the Associated Board. In addition, the Publishing
Production Department supervised the development and
manufacture of more than 100 other items of printed
material - from stationery and business cards to marketing
leaflets and brochures.
The outstanding
event in the calendar
for 2005 was
the launch of
Spectrum 4
for piano
Aside from Spectrum 4, the most significant new
publications in 2005 were further books of ensemble pieces
in the Music Medals series, this time for recorder and
saxophone. The policy of publishing good new material for
‘endangered species’ instruments continued with Time
Pieces for Bassoon, Volume 1 of which provides the option
of playing the pieces on a mini bassoon. Other titles
published in 2005 included Alan Bullard’s Sixty for Sax, a
remarkable resource of new studies covering Grades 1 to 8,
and A Selection of Italian Arias, Volume II, providing a
useful collection of well- and little-known 17th and 18th
century ‘arie antiche’.
For exam candidates and their teachers we issued
complete recordings of the Cello Exam Pieces for Grades 1
to 8 and Specimen Sight-Reading Tests for Harp which
surprised everyone by selling nearly 500 copies in the first
nine months. We also developed three new sets of
recordings (saxophone, oboe and bassoon) for production
in early 2006.
The policy of
publishing good
new material for
with Time Pieces
for Bassoon
There was a huge amount of activity on the marketing
front during the year. The focus was the redesign of the
website which was launched in May with many new
features and links. A programme of seminars introducing
teachers to the new Music Medals ensemble pieces was
recognised by the Innovation in Music Publishing Award
from the Music Industries Association. Publishing staff
made promotion tours to the Caribbean, South Africa and
Japan, and we attended trade exhibitions in Shanghai
(China), Brisbane (Australia), Biloxi (USA), Birmingham
(UK) and Frankfurt (Germany). In partnership with our
American distributors, C. F. Peters, we also supported the
annual convention of the International Association for Jazz
Education in Long Beach, California. Sales of all ABRSM
product, including jazz horns books, by Peters in North
America grew significantly in 2005.
The relationship with the Peters group of companies was
strengthened during the year with the establishment of a
contract for Peters in Frankfurt to handle ABRSM’s
German distribution.
In September, we announced a partnership with
SmartMusic, the innovative ‘intelligent accompaniment’
system from the US company Make Music! The partnership
gives Associated Board applicants access to the
SmartMusic online library at a reduced subscription price.
The library includes accompaniments to many pieces in the
exam syllabuses and ABRSM Publishing has begun to add
to the syllabus pieces available by re-issuing selected
instrumental volumes with a SmartMusic CD.
A redesigned
was launched
in May
with many
new features
and links
New titles published in 2005
Books on music
Cello Exam Pieces from 2005, Grades 1 to 8 (8 CDs)
Violin Exam Pieces 2005-2007, Grades 6 to 8 (3 CDs)
Mozart - an extraordinary life, Julian Rushton
Exam titles
Instrumental and vocal music
Spectrum 4 (book and CD)
Sixty for Sax, Alan Bullard
Time Pieces for Bassoon, Volumes 1 and 2
A Selection of Italian Arias 1600-1800, Volume II
Music Medals
Recorder Ensemble Pieces (5 volumes)
Saxophone Ensemble Pieces (5 volumes)
Oboe Options Practice Book
Bassoon Options Practice Book
Specimen Sight-Reading Tests for Harp, Grades 1 to 8
Theory of music
Theory of Music Papers 2004
Supplementary Theory of Music Papers 2002 & 2003
Theory of Music Papers 2003 (Chinese edition)
Theory of Music Papers 2004 (Chinese edition)
Guía AB de la teoría musical Parte 2
14 Professional
Programme events
in Malaysia,
Hong Kong, Macau
and Taiwan
attended by over
1,000 teachers
above: Teachers on the fast-track CT ABRSM course below: CT ABRSM students
New courses and a new look
Following a major review, in 2004, of our professional
development courses we launched two new courses and
implemented a fresh look for our professional development
The new courses provide further professional development
options for instrumental and vocal teachers. The one-day
Introduction to Instrumental and Vocal Teaching workshop
is for those considering or just beginning a career in
teaching, and the four-day Teaching Music Effectively course
is for practising teachers at any point in their careers. Over
30 people attended the first of these courses held in Bristol
and London at the end of 2005.
Although designed to fit around the busy working lives of
teachers, the CT ABRSM course requires a high level of
commitment. To give interested teachers a flavour of the
course, we ran ten Professional Development Tasters and
Open Mornings around the UK. Of the 220 teachers
attending one of these events, over 40% signed up for either
the CT ABRSM or the Teaching Music Effectively course.
In Hong Kong, 90 teachers attended a similar Taster
event in April with 30 going on to enrol on the CT ABRSM
course that began in June. April also saw the launch of the
CT ABRSM Hong Kong Alumni Association created to
provide ongoing benefits and networking opportunities for
CT ABRSM holders in Hong Kong.
Building partnerships
144 members
of the
mentor panel
HRH The Prince of Wales speaks at the CT ABRSM award ceremony
CT ABRSM ten years on
For teachers with more experience we continued to offer
our flagship CT ABRSM (Certificate of Teaching) course.
Teachers can now choose from two formats: a part-time
course taken over one year in the UK or Hong Kong, and a
fast-track residential course based in the UK but attracting
teachers from around the world. 2005 marked the tenth
year of the CT ABRSM course, an anniversary that was
celebrated at July’s award ceremony at the Royal Academy
of Music where our guest of honour was HRH The Prince
of Wales.
We continued to work closely
with UK Music Services,
delivering Inset days for
instrumental teachers in
Cornwall, London, Leicester,
Liverpool, North Yorkshire,
Sheffield, Thurrock and
Wakefield. Group teaching,
lesson planning,
communication, motivation and
jazz were just some of the
subjects covered.
Working on jazz and syllabus matters
Jazz was also the subject of a series of four workshops held
in the UK during May and June. Focusing on jazz at
Grades 1 to 3, the Teach to Reach workshops took place in
Cardiff, London, Manchester and Oxford and were
attended by 82 teachers.
Earlier, in January and February, 70 teachers gathered at
seminars in Edinburgh to explore repertoire from the new
violin syllabus, with Penny Stirling and Charles Barnes, and
from the new cello syllabus, with William Bruce. In
November we held a further syllabus related seminar for
saxophone teachers at the annual conference of the British
Association of Symphonic Bands and Wind Ensembles.
146 teachers awarded
Hong Kong CT ABRSM Alumni Association meeting
310 teachers attended a Taster or Open Morning
Professional Development Programme
Centenary Travel Grant Scheme in Oman
The 2005 Professional Development Programme began in
March with two very different sets of events for piano
teachers. Pete Churchill led jazz courses in Singapore,
Penang and Kuala Lumpur, whilst Ruth Gerald presented
seminars on diplomas in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan
(Taipei and Tainan).
Later, in August and September, Timothy Barratt and
Vanessa Latarche presented seven seminars in Malaysia
and Singapore. These seminars, for piano teachers,
provided insights into preparing for performance at the
higher grades and at diploma level, and included popular
masterclass sessions.
Each year funds from the Associated Board’s Centenary
Travel Grant Scheme are used to provide teachers around
the world with opportunities for professional development.
In March, the scheme funded a three-day course at the
Royal Army of Oman School of Music led by David
Barnard and Peter Noke. Over 40 teachers attended,
exploring topics such as motivation, aural skills,
improvisation and performance style.
82 teachers attended a UK jazz workshop
CT ABRSM award ceremony at the Royal Academy of Music
In Partnership
We continued to sponsor two organizations that play a vital
role in promoting musical learning in the UK: the
Federation of Music Services, which provides an invaluable
voice and networking resource for providers of
instrumental and vocal teaching; and Music for Youth,
whose annual Regional Festival Series offers accessible
performance opportunities to over 50,000 young musicians
Students at the Kenya Music Conservatoire
around the UK.
of the
Hong Kong piano students at the UK summer school
Through attendance at conferences we met thousands of
teachers around the world and supported many likeminded organizations. Associated Board staff and
Representatives attended conferences of the European
Council of International Schools, the International Society
for Music Education, the International Association for Jazz
Education and the National Association of British Schools
in Spain. And in the UK we had a presence at the
conferences of the British Association of Symphonic Brass
and Wind Ensembles, the Federation of Music Services, the
Music Masters’ and Mistresses’ Association, the National
Association of Music Educators, and the Scottish
Association of Music Educators.
instrument appeal on behalf of the
Kenya Music Conservatoire through
our magazine, Libretto. The appeal
benefited young musicians in Kenya
who have very limited access to
orchestral instruments. More than
100 unwanted string and wind
instruments were donated as a result
of the appeal.
Online communities
took part
in a Music
for Youth
by the
The online discussion forums at
www.abrsm.org continued to grow in
popularity and by the end of the year
more than 4,800 teachers, students,
parents, composers and performers had registered as
members. Over 170,000 visits were made to these forums in
the year. In 2005 a number of participants organized
concerts where forums members could meet up and perform
to each other in a relaxed and supportive environment.
Three immensely successful concerts, two specifically for
adult learners,
took place in
Surrey, Essex and
Manchester and
more are planned
for 2006.
International links
Other partnerships were more international in flavour. We
held our second summer school for young pianists from
Hong Kong at The King’s School Ely, and we publicized an
Adult learners'
concert in Stalybridge,
“A stunning
for teachers
and students”
The Guardian
New Projects
The development of SoundJunction, our new website for
musical discovery and learning, was the focus of
considerable activity during 2005. Launched in October at
LSO St Luke’s in London, www.soundjunction.org was the
result of a commission from Culture Online, part of the
Department for Culture, Media and Sport, and brought
together the expertise, knowledge and skills of a multitude
of musicians, writers and consultants.
over 1,000 web pages
Over 40 professional musicians, composers and remix
artists were involved in creating and recording the music
for SoundJunction, including composers Tunde Jegede,
Jason Yarde and David Horne who wrote the three new
works that form the foundation of SoundJunction.
more than 2,000 images
SoundJunction musician Eugene Skeef
“An absorbing masterclass delivered with the panache
With SoundJunction we were aiming to give young people
of a virtuoso instrumentalist. Music lessons were never
the resources to listen to music, discover how it works and
this much fun” The Sunday Times
create and share their own music. Recordings were
combined with video interviews, articles and images to create
a wealth of fascinating content, whilst unique interactive
tools were designed to inspire and motivate – encouraging
users to explore and exploit this content to the full.
50 hours of recordings and video
We involved young people and their teachers at every
stage of the development process to ensure that
SoundJunction not only appealed to the target audience of
13 to 18 year-olds but also provided a valuable teaching
and learning tool.
Since its launch, SoundJunction has received consistent
praise from the media, including recommendations from
www.bbc.co.uk and the Independent on Sunday and Times
newspapers. We have also received much positive and
useful feedback from users, which has contributed greatly
to the ongoing development of the site.
Associated Board scholarships and bursaries were awarded
to 24 young musicians embarking on courses of study at
four Royal Schools of Music. Awards, at junior,
undergraduate and postgraduate levels, were made to
talented pianists, string, woodwind and brass players, an
organist, a singer, a conductor and a harpist. In addition to
the UK-based students, scholarships were awarded to
students from Australia, Bulgaria, Japan and South Africa.
Prizes and concerts
The achievements of candidates taking graded exams were
recognised through the 425 prizes awarded to those who
excelled in practical or theory exams. Talented young
musicians from 19 different countries were awarded prizes
in 2005.
High Scorers’ Concerts, where candidates who have
achieved high marks in exams perform to an audience of
their friends, family and teachers, provide another way to
celebrate success in exams. Organized locally by
Representatives, High Scorers’ Concerts were held in
Antigua, Bahrain, China, Cyprus, India, Indonesia, Ireland,
Italy, Jamaica, Malaysia, Malta, Portugal, Qatar, Spain,
Sri Lanka, Thailand, Uganda, the UK and the USA.
Diploma success
We held award ceremonies in Singapore, in March, and in
Hong Kong, in November, to celebrate the talent and
dedication of candidates who passed one of the Associated
Board’s prestigious diploma exams. Musicians from
Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand gathered at
the ceremony in Singapore, hosted by our South East Asia
Regional Consultant Dr David Young. In Hong Kong
consultants Professor David and Shirley Gwilt hosted the
ceremony, which also featured a wonderful recital given by
some of the musicians receiving their diplomas.
more than 50 High Scorers’ Concerts around the world
left: Diploma award ceremony in Singapore
below: High Scorers' Concert participants in Rome
up to 52 Associated
Board scholars studying
at any one time
Income 2005 - 2006: £27.6m
International exams (43%)
Professional development and other (2%)
Publishing (15%)
UK and Ireland exams (40%)
Expenditure 2005 - 2006: £27.4m
Staff (17%)
Publishing (7%)
Administration and development (13%)
Exams (45%)
Scholarships and donations (18%)
This summary applies to the financial year ended 31 January 2006.
These graphs indicate the approximate proportions of the Associated Board’s income and
expenditure arising from and applied to its different activities. They have not been taken from the
full annual accounts and have not been audited, independently examined or subject to a reporting
accountant’s report. The most recent full annual accounts, trustees’ report and external auditor’s
report are available from both the Companies House and Charity Commission websites.
Who’s Who Farewell and
Her Majesty The Queen
His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales
Governing Body
John Baker CBE, Chairman
Professor Edward Gregson
Dr Colin Lawson
Professor Curtis Price KBE
Philip Ramsbottom
Alan Smith
Jonathan Sumption
Professor John Wallace OBE
Nicholas Ward
Senior Executives
Richard Morris, Chief Executive
Richard Crozier, Development Director
Leslie East, Director of Publishing
Tim Leates, Director of Finance and Administration
Philip Mundey, Director of Examinations
Tim Arnold, Head of International Operations
Rachel Baxter, Human Resources Manager
Eugene O’Donnell, Head of IT
Simon Mathews, Production Director
Penny Milsom, Head of UK and Ireland Exam Administration
Caroline Perkins, Senior Music Editor
Nigel Scaife, Syllabus Principal
Clara Taylor, Chief Examiner
During 2005 there were many changes to the composition
of the Associated Board’s Governing Body. Dame Janet
Ritterman, who had given distinguished service since 1993
as a Governing Body member and as Chairman of ABRSM
Publishing, resigned from both positions on her retirement
as Director of the Royal College of Music. Dame Janet has
been succeeded on the Governing Body by Dr Colin
Lawson, her successor as Director of the Royal College of
Music. Professor Curtis Price, who was appointed an
honorary KBE in 2005, has taken over the chairmanship of
ABRSM Publishing.
Humphrey Norrington OBE, who joined the Governing
Body in 1996 and gave valuable service as Chairman of the
Finance and General Purposes Committee from 2002,
retired from both posts. He has been succeeded on both
the Governing Body and the Finance and General Purposes
Committee by Nicholas Ward. Chairmanship of that
committee has passed to Philip Ramsbottom, who also
joined the Governing Body in 2005.
Lord Burns, who joined the Governing Body in 2003,
resigned during the year and has been succeeded by
Jonathan Sumption QC. We also said farewell to the
longest serving member of the Governing Body, Isobel
Fowler, who joined in 1985 and has made a major
contribution ever since on both the Governing Body and
the Finance and General Purposes Committee. She is
succeeded by Alan Smith, Finance Director of the Royal
Scottish Academy of Music and Drama.
On behalf of the Associated Board I would like to express
our warmest thanks to all those who retired during the
year for their outstanding service and to welcome their
successors to the world of the Associated Board.
There were no changes to the senior executive team, save
that Giles Morris left the Associated Board following the
creation of the new Development Department. We thank
him for his valuable contribution over eight years and wish
him every success in the future. The team was
strengthened by the appointment of Rachel Baxter to the
post of Human Resources Manager.
Our Chairman, John Baker CBE, will himself be retiring
in July 2006 on the completion of two three-year terms in
this post. I know that I can speak for both the Governing
Body and all members of the senior executive team in
expressing our admiration for both his leadership and for
the strength of his commitment to the Associated Board’s
work and mission. I have benefited enormously from the
depth of his experience across both the public and private
sectors and from his wise counsel on strategic issues facing
the Associated Board.
Richard Morris
Chief Executive
We would like to thank the many examiners who undertook work for the
Associated Board during 2005.
Examiners who undertook work
outside the UK and Ireland.
Elaine Ackers
Peter Alexander
Judy Allen
Timothy Allen
Dorothy Allin
Bryan Anderson
Elizabeth Angel
Mark Armstrong
Paul Arnell
Helen Arnold
Timothy Arnold
Philip Aslangul
Janice Assersohn
Colin Atkinson
Lynton Atkinson
Corinne Auger
Joy Austen
Marjorie Ayling
Michael Bailey
Dan Baker
Michael Baker
Dr Michael Ball
Penelope Barclay
Bernard Barker
Andrew Barlow
Charles Barnes
Vincent Barr
Timothy Barratt
Eve Barsham
Kenneth Bartels
Christopher Bayston
Edward Beckett
Dr Charles Beale
Kerry Beaumont
Alison Beeson
Dr Colin Beeson
Sally Bell
Gaynor Bennion-Pedley
Quintus Benziger
Marion Best
Michael Beynon
Roger Bigley
Martin Biggs
Heather Birks
Virginia Black
Lowri Blake
Douglas Blew
Timothy Blinko
Nicholas Blunn
Anne Boardman
Grant Bocking
Andrew Bolton
Jane Booth
Joanna Borrett
Elisabeth Boulton
Alan Bourne
Mark Bousie
Michael Bowden
Timothy Bowers
Simon Bowler
Kevin Bowyer
Eric Boyd
Dr Sarah Boyer
Rory Boyle
Christopher Brayne
Elizabeth Brazier
Charles Brereton
David Brindle
Deborah Brittain
Peter Broadbent
Rosemary Broadbent
Gerard Brooks
Roger Brooks
Alan Brown
Christopher Brown
Helena Brown
Lesley-Ann Brown
Susan Brown
Stephen Browne
William Bruce
David Bruce-Payne
Andrew Bryden
Alan Bullard
Patrick Burnham
Jean Burrow
Nicholas Burt
Russell Burton
Gordon Busbridge
Anthony-Benedict Cain
Timothy Caister
Susan Calvert
Robert Carey
Stephen Carleston
Jeremy Carter
Neil Carter
Nicholas Carter
Mark Cartwright
Nigel Carver
Helen Cawthorne
Myra Chahin
Dale Chambers
Sally Chappell
Julie Charles
Pearl Chatfield
Walija Chew
Alan Childs
John Chillingworth
Pamela Chilvers
Fiona Chryssides
Barry Clark
Susan Clark
Andrew Clarke
Ian Clarke
Simon Clarkson
Judith Clare
Peter Clements
Caroline Clemmow
Kenneth Cleveland
Philip Coates
Lynda Cochrane
Dr Stephen Collisson
Margaret W Cooke
David Cooper
Iain Cooper
Dr Thomas Cooper
Jean Cooper-Smith
Martin Cotton
Richard Coulson
Mervyn Cousins
Margaret Cowling
Rowan Cozens
Ian Crabbe
Libby Crabtree
Guy Cremnitz
Roger Crocker
Dr Anthony Crossland
Jane Crouch
Edmund Crutchfield
Annette Cull
Penny Cullington
Gillian Cummins
Ian Curror
Alexander Curtis
Peter Dains
Muriel Daniels
Keith Darlington
Glyn Davenport
John Davenport
Harvey Davies
Hugh Davies
Adrian S Davis
Dorothy Davis
Elizabeth Davis
Howard Davis
Michael R Davis
Rodney Dawkins
Helen Deakin
Andrew Dean
Ian Denley
Valerie Denny
Andrew Dibb
Dorothy Dickinson
Kathleen Dickson
Richard Dickins
Caroline Diffley
Anthony Digger
Joan Dixon
Stephen Doughty
Gretel Dowdeswell
Peter J Downey
Elizabeth Drew
Malcolm R Drummond
Tessa Drummond
Helen Duffy
Kevin Duggan
David Dunnett
Richard Dunster-Sigtermans
Lesley Dunstan
Michael Dussek
Mark Duthie
Brenda Dykes
Frances Eagar
Alison Eales
Harold East
Graham Eccles
David Eccott
Margaret Ede
Michael Edwards
Joanne Edworthy
Paul Ellis
Richard Ellis
Stephen Ellis
Donald Ellman
Jonathan Enright
Euros Rhys Evans
Howard Evans
Robert Evans
Rosslyn Farren-Price
Gordon Fergus-Thompson
Robert Ferguson
Eileen Field
Judith Fleet
Dr Peter Flinn
Dr Malcolm Floyd
Prof Sebastian Forbes
Theresa Ford
Christopher Foster
Joan Foster
John Foster
David Francis
David Frankel
Kaye Fraser
Anthony Froggatt
Anthea Fry
Michael Garbutt
David Garforth
Mark Gasser
David Gatehouse
Martin Gatt
Dr Franklyn Gellnick
Ruth Gerald
Fiona Gillett
Terence Gilmore-James
Robert Gittings
Jonathan Gleeson
Malcolm Goldring
Lauren Goldthorpe
Andrew Goodwin
Anthony Gould
Peter Gould
Sharon Gould
Timothy Goulter
Geoffrey Govier
Christopher Gower
Robert Gower
Jean Graham-Jones
Susan Graham Smith
Christopher Grant
Ian Gray
Gareth Green
John C Green
Christopher Green-Armytage
Howard Gregory
Jonathan Gregory
Jane Gregson
Stephen Gregson
Keith Griffiths
Graham Griggs
Patsy Gritton
Christopher Gumbley
Kathryn Gunn
Benjamin Hall
Graeme E Hall
Irene Hall
Dr Richard Hall
Rob Hall
Bernard D Hall-Mancey
Denise C Ham
Keith Hamilton
Philip Hamond Moore
Michael Hancock
Christine Hankin
Andrew Hansford
Malcolm Harding
Ian Hare
Glenville Hargreaves
Geoffrey Harniess
Catherine Harper
Norman Harper
Clive Harries
Michael Harris
Paul Harris
Derek Harrison
Ruth Harte
Richard Haslam
Emma Hattersley
Patrick Hawes
Donald Hawksworth
Elizabeth Hayes
Michael Haynes
Dr Deirdre Hayward
Moira Hayward
Brian Head
Rosemary Head
Julian Hellaby
Tony Henwood
Ita Herbert
Ruth Herbert
John Heritage
Christopher Herrick
Douglas Hewitt
Peter Hewitt
Timothy Hewitt-Jones
Malcolm Hicks
Richard Hickman
Lyndon Hilling
Janet Hilton
Nina Hirsch
Claire Hobbs
Andrew Hodge
Rosalind Hoffler
Celia Holland
Sandy Holland
Leslie Hollingworth
John Holmes
Alec Hone
Ian A Hooker
Manya Horn
Colin P Howard
Ailsa Howarth
George Howarth
Roger Hoyle
Gareth Hudson
Graeme Humphrey
John Humphreys
Karen Humphreys
Susannah Hunt
Amanda Hurton
Godfrey Hutchinson
Nigel Hutchinson
Marcus Huxley
Leslie Inness
Dr Peter Inness
Bill Ives
John Iveson
Stella Jackson
Peter Jacobs
Michael Jacques
Heather James
Richard James
Paul Janes
Rachel Jeffers
Michael Johnson
Nicholas Johnson
David Jones
Gareth Jones
Grahame R Jones
Ian Jones
Robert Jones
Timothy Jones
Skaila Kanga
Margaret Kay
John Kember
Nicola-Jane Kemp
Stewart Kempster
Dr Christopher J Kent
Anthony Kerr-Dineen
Jeremy Kimber
Bernard King
James Kirby
Brigid Kirkland-Wilson
James Kirkpatrick
David Knight
Richard Knight
Elena Konstantinou
Vivien Laird
Richard Lakin
John F Lambert
Deborah Lammin
Barry Lancaster
Robert Langston
Louise Lansdown
Julian Larkin
Vanessa Latarche
Dorina Latawska
Richard M Latham
Peter Lawson
Antony Le Fleming
Peter Lea-Cox
Paul Leddington Wright
Dennis Lee
David Leeke
Ronald Lees
Alexander L’Estrange
Kelvin Leslie
Michael Lewin
Richard Lewis
Christopher Liddle
Nancy Litten
Ian Little
Josephine Lively
Angela Livingstone
Richard Lloyd
Marion Long
Ian Lowes
James Lowry
Adrian Lucas
Peter Lynch
Christopher Mabley
Aexandra Mackenzie
John Madden
Margaret Madeley
Isabel Mair
Harry Malpass
Neil Mantle
Richard Markham
Corinne Marsh
Anne Marshall
Mark Marshall
Ann Martin-Davis
Jonathan Marten
Philip Martin
Catherine Marwood
Judith Massey
Hilary Mason
Phyllida Maude-Roxby
Neil McFarlane
Murray McLachlan
John McLeod
Margaret Murray McLeod
Patricia McMahon
Anthony McNnaught
Julian McNamara
Dr George McPhee
Russell Medley
Delia Meehan
Simon Mercer
Rachel Meredith
Dr Tom Messenger
Mary Methuen
Morag Michael
Sarah Miller
Rosemary Miller Stott
Andrew Millington
Alison Moncrieff-Kelly
Jane Money
Moyra Montagu
Mark Monument
J Stephen Moore
Philip J Moore
Paul Morgan
Andrew Morris
Olwen Morris
Alan Morrison
Kathryn Mosley
Daniel Moult
Dr Hilary Murphy
Roger Muttitt
Bronwen Naish
Peter Naylor
Dr Martin Neary
Robert Neden
Robin Nelson
David Nettle
Bernard Newman
Janet Newman
Dr Michael B Nicholas
Simon Nicholls
James Nicolson
Peter Noke
Joseph Nolan
Andrew Norburn
Antonietta Notariello
Carole Oakes
Rosemary O’Connell
Peter O’Hagan
Dianne O’Hara
David Oliver
Nicholas Oliver
Michael Omer
Bernard O’Neill
William O’Sullivan
Stephen Ostler
Anthony Ovenell
Jean Owen
Dr Andrew Padmore
Kathryn Page
Neil Page
Robin Page
Christine Palmer
Simon Parkin
Denise Patton
Janet Payne
Alison Pearce
Heidi Pegler
Robert Pell
Mary Pells
Valerie Perrett
Margaret E Phillips
Muriel Phillips
Alan Pickard
Stephen Pinnock
Joseph Polglase
Dr David S Ponsford
Mary Porter
Geoffrey Pratley
George Pratt
David Price
Gareth Price
Sarah Price
Brian Priestley
Malcolm Pritchard
Robin Proctor
Linda Pyatt
Elizabeth Randell
Marion Raper
Mark Ray
Peter Read
Jonathan Rennert
John Reynolds
Paul Rhodes
Martin Richards
Tim Richards
Michael Ridley
Beverley Ridout
Max Ritchie
Emyr Wyn Roberts
Stephen Robertson
David Robinson
Roy Robinson
Robert Rogers
Brenda Ross
Pete Rosser
Neil Roxburgh
Keith Rusling
Graham Salvage
Martin Sanders-Hewett
Victor Sangiorgio
Robert Saudek
Ingrid Sawers
Philip Sawyers
Roger Sayer
Dr Nigel Scaife
Vanessa Scott
Nicholas Searls
Christopher Seed
Margaret Semple
Howard Seymour
John Scott Whiteley
Robert Shaw
Susan Sheppard
Anthea Shepherdson
Janet Sherbourne
Aaron Shorr
Lesley Shrigley-Jones
Clive Simmonds
William Sivier
Philip Skelton
John York Skinner
Rodney Slatford
Iain Sloan
Michael Smedley
Eleanor Smith
Mark Smith
Ronald Alan Smith
Susan Smith
Vanessa Smith
Brian Snary
John Snook
Ashley Solomon
Melanie Spanswick
Nigel Speak
Dr Alan Spedding
David Spencer
Grant Spencer
Nigel Spooner
Richard Stangroom
Peter Stearn
Ralph Stenner
Derek Stevens
Murray Stewart
John Stilwell
Frederick Stocken
Richard Storry
Kevin Street
Lynette Stulting
Jennifer Sturgeon
Paul Sturman
Adrian Sutcliffe
Alison Sutton
Christopher Swann
Matthew Vine
Clement Virgo
Dr Mark Tanner
Carol Taylor
Clara Taylor
Jonathan Taylor
Karen Taylor
Matthew Taylor
Philip Taylor
Andrew Teague
Paul Terry
Raphael Terroni
Christina Thomas
D Meurig Thomas
Christina Thomson
William Thomson
Jasper L Thorogood
James Tibbles
Helen Tierney
Christopher Tilbury
Colin Tipple
John Todd
Dr NicholasToller
Barbara Tomlinson
Philippa Topham
John Treherne
Paul Trepte
Graham Trew
Margaret Turner
Neville K Turner
Alison Uren
Rebecca Wade
Sally Wainwright
Christopher Walker
Colin Walker
Geoffrey Walker
Martin Walker
Nicholas Walker
Ian Wallace
Alison Waller
Ann Ward
David Ward
Jane Ward
John Wardle
John Ware
Edward Warren
David A Warwick
Ian Warwick
Shuna Watkinson
Angus Watson
Jane Watts
Meurig Watts
Malcolm Weale
Geoffrey Weaver
Hilary Webster
John Wells
Robin Wells
Percy Welton
Anthony Whittaker
Martin White
Meredith White
Philip White
Frank Wibaut
Joanne Wicks
Mark Wildman
Dr Nigel Wilkinson
Anthony Williams
David Williams
Gillian Williams
J Martyn Williams
Jonathan Willcocks
Ross Winters
Christopher Wood
Cynthia Wood
Michael Wood
Joyce Woodhead
Wallace Woodley
Elizabeth Worthington
John Worthington
Steven Wray
Ian Wright
John Wright
Simon Wyatt
Julia Wynn
Alan Taylor
Teo Li-Lin
Malcolm Watts
William Whittle
Thank you
We would like to thank the
following examiners who retired
or resigned from the examiner
panel in 2005.
Tien Yang
Stephen Yeo
Michael Young
Christopher Bayston
Edward Beckett
Derrick Cantrell
Philip Coates
Keith Darlington
Geoffrey Duggan
Robert Gittings
Donald Hawksworth
Roger Hoyle
Godfrey Hutchinson
Niel Immelman
John Kember
James Kirkpatrick
David Knight
Dr Thomas Messenger
Rosemary Miller-Stott
Paul Morgan
Peter Naylor
Kathryn Page
Margaret Phillips
Prof George Pratt
Paul Rhodes
David Robinson
Janet Sherbourne
Derek Stevens
Murray Stewart
Sally Wainwright
Michael Wood
Robin Zebaida
Theory of Music only
Diana Bell
Derry Bertenshaw
Hugh Bowman
Brian Bussell
Derrick Cantrell
Alexandra Cox
Alan Cuckston
Amy Dann
Geoffrey Duggan
James Eastham
Sheila Filmer
Terence Greaves
Graham Ireland
Debra Jones
John Jordan
Nicholas King
Rayford Kitchen
Talia Lash
Richard Lyne
Prof John Morehen
Angela Mundey
David Patrick
David Pettit
David Pritchard
J Stuart Rees
Peter Shave
Dr Michael Smith
Alan Tait
Angela Fussell and Christopher
Ross died in 2005. Angela had
been an examiner for 33 years
and Christopher for 8 years.
Mentors and Course Leaders
The Associated Board’s professional development panel includes respected
musicians and educators from a wide variety of backgrounds.
The following course leaders and mentors worked on our 2004-2005
CT ABRSM course.
Course Leaders
Hong Kong
Brian Ley
Joy Austen (piano)
Ray Banning (piano)
United Kingdom
Brian Ley
Madeleine Casson (brass)
Jan Dobbins (strings)
Heather James (piano)
Carole Jenner-Timms (woodwind)
Penelope Price Jones (singing)
Moira Hayward
Jennifer Brown (strings)
Angela Fussell (woodwind)
Christine Hankin (woodwind)
Fiona Harrison (guitar)
Ruth Harte (piano)
Amanda Hurton (piano)
Mary Pells (piano)
Vanessa Scott (singing)
John Shayler (strings)
Penny Stirling
Karenna Caun (singing)
John Forsyth (guitar)
Richard Ingham (woodwind)
Peter Noke (piano)
Tony Shorrocks (strings)
Cynthia Wood (piano)
David Barnard
Nils Franke (piano)
Nigel Mainard (brass)
Timothy Pells (guitar)
Caroline Robertson (piano)
Janet Way (woodwind)
Fast Track Course
Ian Smith
Jennifer Brown (strings & guitar)
Phillip Gilbert (singing)
John Holmes (woodwind)
Ian Lowes (brass)
Mark Ray (piano)
Our Representatives around the world have a key role to play in the
administration of our exams, the strengthening of communications with
teachers, pupils and parents, and the organization of activities such as
seminars and High Scorers’ Concerts.
Thank you
The following Representatives
stepped down during 2005 and
we would like to thank them for
their work on behalf of the
Associated Board.
International Representatives
George Antoniades, Greece
Antonia Deasey, Australia (Sydney)
Astrid Nøkleby, Norway
Honorary Local Representatives
(UK and Ireland)
Elizabeth Armstrong, Richmond
Joyce Curtis, Warrington
Dilys Eddowes, Watford
Fiona Field, Hereford
Ella Fisher, Perth
Joan Goldsbrough,
Blandford Forum
Jean Hartley, Clitheroe
Francine Holman, Sutton
Susan Jones, Bridgend
Gwen Rennison, York
Margaret Sinclair, Kirkcaldy
Carolyn Sumner, Boston
Pat Swales Barker, Haverfordwest,
Fishguard & Tenby
Rosalind Taylor, Chepstow
Malcolm Thirlby, Wolverhampton
Gladys Walden-Aspy, Exeter
Long Service Awards
The following UK and Ireland
Honorary Local Representatives
(HLRs) received Long Service
Awards in 2005.
5 Years
Janice Allen, Oxford
Peter Boxall, Worksop
Alexander Christie, Falkirk
Jo Dolman, Paignton
Malcolm Dyson, Bradford
Marjorie Evans, Croydon
Janet Gray, Stockton-on-Tees
Sandra Gundy, Southend-on-Sea
Philip & Margaret Hopes,
Hester MacQueen, Birmingham
Sheila Mansfield, Woking
Janet McCallum, Windermere
Fedelmia O’Herlihy, Cork
Susan Phillips, Preston
Douglas Powell, Southend-on-Sea
Gillian Poznansky, Penzance
Maureen Prothero, Merthyr Tydfill
Elizabeth Sampson,
Melton Mowbray
Pamella Semm-Skrzypecka,
Charlotte Smith, Stranraer
Pauline Sparrow, Bath
David & Pamela Speed-Andrews,
Cynthia Swade, Sittingbourne
Janet Wilkinson, Keswick
10 Years
Lyn Davies, Bromsgrove
Celia Garrick, Finstock
Barry Gilbert, Kidderminster
Sheila Harman, Ashburton
Jean Hartley, Clitheroe
Richard & Kathleen Lord,
Rita Luke, Middlesbrough
Michael & Sheila Newland,
Judy Price, Rugby
Marilyn Richardson, Durham
Margaret Sinclair, Kirkcaldy
Jane Steer, Harlow
Christina Thomas, New Milton
Victoria van der Vliet, Liskeard
Enid Walker, Halifax
William Wear, Kidderminster
Roger Weatherhogg, Kirkcaldy
Anne Woodworth, Waterford
15 Years
Peter Bell, Sheffield
Richard Bennett, Cockermouth
Allan Charlwood, Haverhill
Joyce Curtis, Warrington
Hazel Gedge, Brecon
Miriel Griffiths, Cardigan
Griffith Wynn Williams, Pwllheli
Joan Williams, Wrexham
20 Years
Daphne Barker,
Welwyn Garden City
Sybil Greed, Lincoln
Barbara Howell, Sutton Coldfield
Paul & Sheila Leddington Wright,
Brian Lynas, Carrickfergus
Carolyn Midgley, Grantham
Mark Napier, Hastings
25 Years
Dorothy Drinkwater, Huddersfield
Francine Holman, Sutton
30 Years
Joan Goldsbrough,
Blandford Forum
Donald & Irene Hay, Stirling
Joseph Bulley, HLR for Minehead,
died in December 2005.
Appointed in 1983, Joe was wellknown in the Minehead area and
had been involved with the
running of our exams from as
early as 1967, overseeing
arrangements with care and
attention and supporting local
candidates and teachers
Doris Griffin, HLR for the
theory exams in Blackheath since
1986, died in May 2005. She was
a familiar figure in the area
through her connections both
with the Associated Board exams
and as a former teacher at the
Blackheath Conservatoire and
Haberdashers’ Aske’s Girls’
School in New Cross.
Geraldine Nias, former
Representative for Antigua, died
in November 2005. Mrs Nias had
been our Representative in
Antigua for many years until
2003, latterly assisted by her son,
Eddison Nias.
New Diploma Holders
The Associated Board’s diplomas provide assessments for a range of
musicians. Designed to stimulate enjoyment and achievement through the
progressive acquisition of skills, knowledge and understanding, these highly
respected diplomas are widely recognized around the world.
The following successful candidates
were awarded diplomas in 2005.
Diploma of The Associated Board
of the Royal Schools of Music
Oliver Blake
Chan Wing Yan Wincy
Julia Christenson
Rachel Chua
Wing Yan Chung
Gershom Salvador Dacoco
Pei Yii Connie Foong
Sik Lam Sharin Hui
Yumiko Kadota
Shiyun, Esmee Koh
Michelle Joanne Kwok
Kit Shan, Sharon Law
May Lee
Leung Hoi Kei Jacqueline
Barry Luo
Benjamin McAlpin
Judith McCullough
Myfanwy Mary McIndoe
Rod Mounjed
Wai Yin Ng
Susan Hilary North
Stephanie Sim
Jessica Anne Stewart
Alexander Sunman
Jessica Sutiono
Woei Teng
Peter Angus Brikmanis Wilson
Shin-Han Leon Winata
Angus Ka Tsun Wong
Elizabeth Wright
Noelle Zhao
Nirmala Mendis
Corinne Regez
D Roger Worrell
David Robert Kanter
Hannah Morgan
Yuri Aoki
Ong Hui Ping
Mario Tomov Yotsov
Pavel Rafailov Zlatarov
Daisy Shan I Chu
Lim Qing Hui Joyce
Yanjia Chen
Xiao Dan Han
Li Lin Tang
Young Tun-Jan
Zhang Qi Lin
Zhou Li Fei
Demetrios Demetriou
Panagiota Kouloutsiou
Eric Roulet
Rafael Santoyo Moreleon
Omotayo Mobolaji Omotunde
Daphne Smaragda Manavopoulou
Maria Petropoulou
Hong Kong
Au Long Fung
Chan Cheuk Lam Jacqueline
Fung Yee Deborah Chan
Chan Ka Wai
Ka Yan Chan
Chan Kin Chung
Lok San Chan
Pak Ying Chan
Chan Shaw Nan
Sheung Yee Shirley Chan
Wan Hong Chan
Wing Shan Chan
Chan Yu Hei Moses
Cheng Kai Ming
Cheng Wing Kin Henry
Cheung Kai On
Pauline Cheung
Cheung Wai Suen Eugenie
Chin Hang Ching Emily
Choi Tsz Wing
Choy Seen-Doen Bernard
Chu Shun Lok
Timothy Tin Chung Chu
Chu Wing In
Chung Chi Woo
Chung Tsz Ching
Fan Hoi Kit
Fan Lai Fa
Fung Chak Sum
Fung Chi Hang
Ho Ming Wai
Huang King Ka
Mei Yun Huang
Hui Ka Chun Ernest
Hui Pui Sze
Hui Sin Tim Connie
Yuet Man Hui
Hung Stephen Wai Ho
Wai Ching Ip
Ip Wing Lam
Ip Wing Wun
Kam Man Yin
Kam Ngar Woon
Kan Ting Yan
Wai Mei Kong
Ku Patrick Kwan
Kwok Kam Ching
Kwong Wan Chi
Lai Ho Yan
Lai Tak Kwan
Lam Chi Hon
Lam Chi Wai
Lam Ching
Lam Chun To
Kai Yin Crystal Lam
Lam Man Ki Jandy
Lam Ming
Lam Yu Hin
Lau Cheuk Wai
Lau Ngou Ting
Lau Pak Nar
Suk Wai Lau
Wai Hung Lau
Lau Wing Fung
Lau Wing Hong
Dan Lee
Lee Hau Chun
Lee Ho Yin
Lee Kim Fei Kimberly
Wing Chak Lee
Lee Yee Sing
Yick Lam Emily Lee
Lee Yuk Ho Eric
King Ngai Leung
Leung Yim Kau
Li Hoi Ching
Li King Yue
Li Pui Kwan
Li Sai Hong
Li Sincere
Liu Wai Ping Jeannette
Lo Kin Cheung
Lui Yat Ling Elaine
Ma Man Yee Ruby
Marina Maeda
King Lam Karen Mak
Man Sze Wah
Man Yuen Yee
Mok Wai Kin Johnny
Mok Wing Hong Edmond
Ng Cheuk Yin
Ng Kwan Wai
Lai Man Stephenie Ng
Ng Wing Yu
Ng Yan Mei
Yui Cheong Eugene Ng
Poon Kim Ngan
Pun Yau Kit
Wan Ho Sum
Sung Di Zhang Jasper
Sung Tsz Chun Edwin
Tam Kam-Ming Mark
Tang Chris Tin Sum
Tang Tsz Kwan
Tang Wai Ting
To Fan Yee Daisy
To Sin Wun
Tong Kwok Wai
Tong Lai Yan
Tsang Lok Bun
Tsang Theodoric Yerk Bun
Tsang Wing Shue
Tse Athena Yan Yan
So Yee Tso
Tsui Chiu Shun
Tung Tak Wai
Wan Man Hon
Hong Yee Wang
Wong Ann Kay
Wong Cheuk Yee
Wong Chun Ho Matthew
Wong Hing Woon
Wong Hiu Man
Wong Hoi Yan
Wong Ka Jeng
Wong Kwan Chiu
Wong Ming Yaan
Wong Wing Hon Peter
Wong Wisdom
Ying Ying Wong
Woo Yin Lam Jacqueline
Chung Fan Wu
Yan Miu Fung
Cheuk Ni Yao
Yau Siu Wai Joi
Yeung King Yuk Rebecca
Yeung Lau Ming
Yeung Mei Han
Yeung Shuk Mei
Yip Ka Man
Yip Ka Ming
Yip Wai
Ka Hing Yiu
Yu Ho Man
Kai Chung Andy Yu
Victoria Wing-Young Yue
Hoi Man Yung
Zoltan Finok
Nicholas Namoradze
Dóra Steinunn Ármannsdóttir
Sibylle Köll
Regína Unnur Ólafsdóttir
Hulda Dogg Proppé
Thórunn Elfa Stefánsdóttir
Carol George
Seong Min Park
Rachel Apphia Paul
Ealu Merium Thomas
Ingrid Maryane Cahya
Gracia Chandra
Yeki Budyanty Djafar
Marcella Yuwono Halim
Grasia Kohar
Novinia Liady
Ly Cin Lim
Wedya Meliana
Audrie Asri Mukti
Edwin Philips
Maria Immaculata Setiadi
Andrew Sudjana
Fenella Gladys Theodore
Eunike Nathania Winoto
Marsella Wiratma
Renault Yumiko
Joanna Maria Campbell-Griffin
James Corcoran
Gavan Doherty
Brigid-Rose Grant
Rebecca Haslam
Ciara Herron
Shane McMahon
Eva Meredith
Carole O’Connor
Triona O’Hanlon
Philip Smith
Cristina Berlinzani
Vittorio Modesti
Rudy Parisi
Ana K Yoder
Hee Soog Kim
Soon Jae Lee
Cheong Mei Mei
Yuen Tung Cheong
Chong Wai Leng
Lam Sam I
Li Kylie
Pun Kuan Pou
Tang Hoi Ian
Hazel Beh Shin Wei
Chan Ailin
Chan Yoke Kid
Shirley Hsieh Hsuan
Amanda Kok Mei Shien
Lau Sau Wai
Loh Wai Kei
Dana Alexander Tan Moult
Rosalind Phang
Poh Bei Yan
Shu Yew Nee
Nellie Soh Yi Ann
Tan Kwee Chin
Grace Tee
Joanne Too Ee Ling
Wong Yee Hwee
Michelle Wong Jia Hui
Yee Mei Shing
Leonard Yuen Wing Lee
Jean Noël Attard
Dario Chircop
Simone Gauci Borda
Natassja Saliba
Jean Pierre Madoosing
Wilna Liebenberg
The Netherlands
Carole Spencer
New Zealand
Fiona Elizabeth Holmes Bellamy
Linnea Brown
Chen Chen
Amy Wing Sze Choy
Fiona Fong Yi Chua
Rafaella Garlick-Grice
Claire Harris
Sophie Hoffman
Chen Jiang
Ann Kim
Hye Jin Kwon
Hsiao Chun Amy Lin
Christine Lo
Frances Claire Lowe
Gordon Lu
Jessica Mee
Catherine Mui
Lucia Persico
Genevieve Rainey
Charlotte Shade
Bronwyn Shin
Lauren Simpkins
Hayden Sinclair
Yoori Clara Suh
Tan Wei Chea
Rachel Louise Tanner
Paul Tarling
Wayne Robert Trow
Beny Kuo-Chung Tu
Julien Van Mellaerts
Thomas Warren
Annie Shu-Ping Yang
Hsin-Yi (Cindy) Yeh
Tariq Mohammed Al Baluchi
Mohammed Ali Al Habsi
Bader Hamed Bin Nasser Al Jabri
Wafa Al Shukairy
Younis Nasser Al Siabi
Ang Ee Tin Joy
Chan Yi Jia Dorcas
Chee Kwee Xin Jovina
Cheng Shian Yin, Audrey
Cheng Yizhuang Alden
Cheng Zhi Jie
Chia Yi Ling
Chin Weicheng
Chong Hui’en
Chong Woon Hui Maria
Chong Xiu Min
Choo Yung Sheng, Shaun
Chow Wai Lin
Terence Chu Tailun
Chu Yu Yao
Chua Ee Ghim
Isabel Chua Liqing
Chua Su Luan
Stacey Anne Fernandez
Goh Chian Yeh
Goh Zhen Yi Melissa
Huang Jiaxi
Hui Wei Ling Helen
Kee Loi Seng
Kho Hock Chye Cyril
Koh Heng Yi
Koh Huan Kiat
Koh Pei Shan Emily
Koh Yao Hua Ioannes
Koh Yen Khim Joan
Lau Wen Hooi
Lee Hwee Hoon Karen
Lee Moh Shan
Oriana Leong Si Ying
Li Ziting Serene
Krystal Lim Geok Eng
Lim Lay Kuan, Rachel
Lim Seok Wah Elizabeth
Lim Xian Hui
Lin Li
Liu Jia Yuen Claire
Liu Yi Na
Loh Khian Chung
Lye Shuyi Diane
New Wee Kheng
Ong Xin Yi
Pan Yi An
Jipson Quah
Saedah Bte Samat
Soh Ser Yee
Soh Wee Hong
Tan Li Lin Gillian
Tan Yi Hern
Tan York Sin
Tan Yuan Xin
Tay Kia Kwang Anthony
Teo Chunxi Melissa
Teo Min-Li Claire
Teo Yi Lyn
Tin Ling Sun
Toh Wan Ni Wendy
Toh Yee Lin
Wang Chenjie
Wee Shanming Mervin
Grace Wibowo
Wong Wenying Dawn
Wong Yoke Siew
Crystal Wong You Min
Xie Zhizhong
Yap Earn Chi
Yong Li Wei
Zhang Aidi
Zhang Hong Xia
South Africa
Richard Cheng
Pierre du Toit
Valerie Louise Hohls
Julia Jin-He Hong
Andrea Kreuiter
Abraham Faure Mennen
Chrismari Nel
James Oesi
Anri Opperman
Philip Dean Pringle
Jo-Mari Reynolds
Kerry Lynne Rodgerson
Wilken Calitz
Lynne Rachel Claire Daniel
Inmaculada Mateu Fortuño
Juan José Méndez Rodríguez
José Morales López
Georgina Mosquera Renalias
Emilio Jesús Oltra Benavent
Sri Lanka
Tilanka Jayamanne
St Lucia
Charles Joseph Grantly
Fredrik Jensen
Annie Yi-Jung Lin
Lin Su-Fan
Channarong Jantararat
Diana Lisayani
Suman Puasuriyan
Trinidad & Tobago
Jiselle Warner
Denis Kabuye
Duncan Katimbo
Benjamin Katumba
Paul Luggya
Samson Lugya
Simon Mbeera
Francis Derick Mutesasira
Wilson Tamale
William Walungama
United Kingdom
Faith Elizabeth Addison
Carol Alderson
Irene Anderson
Laura Anderson
Jonathan Andrews
Penelope Appleyard
David Arkell
Harriet Armston-Clarke
Gregory Armstrong
Sarah Ash
Charlotte Ashley
Thomas Atkinson
Rosie Attwood-Harris
Dannielle Audley-Wiltshier
Gemma Bailey
Janet R Bailey
James Baker
Laura Anne Baker
Juliet Balch
Kathryn Ball
Nikki Ball
Laura Barber
Rhoda Barfoot
Emily Paula Barker
Oliver Barnes
Thomas Bates
Anne-Marie Beirne
Hannah Bennett
Emily Berridge
Anna Melita Beryl
Valerie Besancon
Madeleine Best
Judith Beton
Justina Binks
Katriona Jane Christina Birtill
Caroline Blount
Shari-Ann Bolton
Jennifer Bomyer
Claire Bond
Joshua N Booth
Colette Boushell
Angela Karen Bradbury
Claire Bradder
Matthew Bradley
Charlotte Louise Bralsford
Fleur Bremner
Nicola Brennan
Natasha Brierley
Elizabeth Brocklehurst
Rona Bronwin
Angela Brooks
Laura Anneliese Innes Broughton
Joanna H Brown
Miriam Brown
Fiona E Buchanan
Mark Buckley
David Burgoyne
Joanna Bursby
Amy Elizabeth Butler
Rachael Byrne
Daniel Carney
Richard Carr
Jonathan Carroll
Grace Carter
Lorna Carter
Fiona Chan
Jeffrey Lih Jen Chang
Isabella Cheevers
Ernest Ho Hin Chow
Desmond Choy
Nicola Clark
Cara Coetzee
Maria Coke
Kate Collingham
Eleanor Collins
Victoria Conn
Susan Cooper
Ruth Corney
Emma Cornish
Veronica Mary Cotterill
Sophie Cotton
Rebecca Coward
Charles Craddock
Ben Craig
William Alan Crawford
Catherine Crisp
James Crockford
Melanie Cross
Alexander Nicholas Crutch
Fiona Mei-Ling Christine Cullen
Jane Cursiter
Drew Cyster
Isobel Daley
Josephine Davies
Ian Davis
Aimee R J De Gruchy-Lambert
Tom Deacon
Rebecca Deans
Flora Death
Keri A Degg
Charlotte Denham
Mary Denholm
William Derrick
Ronan Devlin
Adam J Dibble
Harriet Dillistone
Paul Dingwall
Ana Sofia Diniz Leitao Guerra
Adele Dixon
Jacqueline Dixon
Christopher Dollins
Rebi Dowle
Charlotte Down
Charlotte Drummond
Anee du Toit
Lindsay Marie Edmondson
Gavin Egan
John Paul Ekins
Clare J Ellery
Sophie Etheridge
Chris Evans
Rhian Mair Evans
Sarah Leah Evans
Benjamin Exell
Ellen Fallowfield
Natalie Carmel Farmer
Jonathan Faull
Diana Fenton
Dominic Ferris
Elena Fialho
Annis Fielding
Karina Fletcher
Adrian Flowers
Brenda Elizabeth Fountain
Christina Francis
Jonathan Francombe
Calum Fraser
Eleanor Fraser
Rachel Fuller
Alison Galbraith
Diarmuid Gallagher
Patricia Rawson Gange
Laura Gardiner
Thomas Patrick Gardner
Joel Garthwaite
Cordula-Susanne Geck
Thomas Gelber
Karen L Gibbard
Hannah Gill
Jennifer Jane Gilmour
Anthony Goode
Rupert Goodway
Mark Robert Haigh Gotham
James Gough
Marion Gough
Kate Francesca Gould
James Grainger
Sally R Grant
Kathryn Gray
Anna Green
Janet Green
Craig Greene
Stephen J Gregg
Hayley Griffiths
William Griffiths
L Edward Hallinan
Lauren Hamer
Cathy Hamzelou
Kyle Hanson
Katie Hardiman
Dorothy C Harper
Shelley Rae Alessandra Harper
Sebastian Harries
Julie Harris
Tim Harrison
Gareth Hart
Lucy Harvey
William Harvey
Michael Haworth
Malcolm Hay
Nina M Haynes
Rachel Hayter
Jennifer Heaney
Frances Heley
Lilja Helgadottir
Clare Hetherington
Richard Andrew Hickman
Janine Rachael Histead
Alexandra Ho
Astamarie Hodgson
Claire L Holdich
Ruth M Holleley
Craig Royce Holmes
David A Horan
Thomas Horn
Christopher Hotson
Tracy Houston
Anna Howard
Colin Hudson
Mary Hudson
J M Hughes
Gaspar Hunt
Dee Hunter
Susanna Louise Hurrell
Margaret Joyce Hurst
Ivan Hutchinson
Mark Hutchinson
Polly Susannah Jackman
Rhiannon James
Elizabeth Jameson
Aaron Jamison
Laura M Jay
Peter Jay
Sarah Elizabeth Jeffery
Chris Jennings
David Jervis
Nigel Johnson
Ann Jonassen
Daniel Jones
Delun Melisa Jones
Felicity Jones
Ruth Jones
Nina Kanter
Madeline Kelly
Victoria Kerby
L Khalil
Mary Kirkness
Rachel Kissin
Philomena Knox
Grace (Eun-Hye) Ko
Elizabeth Kreager
Julia Kurzeja
Fernando Laksman
On Ni Lam
John Martin Law
Leandro Layne
Hazel Sung-Yan Lee
Joy Lee
Min Ji Lee
Seungheon Lee
Katy Leggate
Johanna Leung
Ruth Lindsay
Louise Linge
Katherine Lodge
Andrew Lomas
Cordelia Longworth
Jessica Lowes
Raymond C Luckhurst
Nicola Luker
Mary-Ellen Lynall
Marina Lyon
Leon Maciocia
Holly Madge
Teresa Magner
Marie Main
Caroline Makepeace
Peter Mallinson
Kenon Man
Laura Manship
Alice Manthorpe Saunders
Paul Marks Joffe
Alexander Marlow
Russell Martin
Thomas Martin
S Martland
Benjamin Mason
Jodie Ann Maspero
Tirzah Mastin
Edmund Alexander May
Rionach Mairead
Ruth McDaid-Wren
Jamie McIntosh
Jon McKinley
Matthew Wojciech McLeod
Jason McMinn
Victoria Anne Melmoe
Philip Thomas Merriman
Deborah Milledge
Isabelle Miller
Naomi Miller
Robert Miller
Sarah J Minchin
Briony Ming
Hannah Ruth Mitchell
Sian Mitchell
Lara Moffat
Siu Man Shirley Mok
R E Montgomery
David Moon
Rosanna Victoria Moon
Emma Louisa Morgan
Paul Morley
Erin Morrey
David P Mulholland
Christopher Mullender
Catherine Mumford
Alasdair Munro
K L Murelli
Kieran F Murphy
Gwen Musker
Christopher Fu Ho Nam
Sarah Naylor
Caroline E Nelson
Laura Newman
Sarah H Newman
Catherine Eleanor Ng
Helen Nicholas
Edward Norman
Clare O’Brien
Kathryn S O’Doherty
Amy Ohta
Sarah O’Neil
Peter O’Neill
Catherine Orton
Charlotte Osman
Kyla Owen
Clara Page
Jennifer Palfreyman
Leila Panesar
Timothy Pannell
Edward Parker
Sarah L Parkin
Simon Passmore
Frances M Patel
Simon Payne
Samuel Pearce-Higgins
Lydia Pearson
Mark Peterzan
Caroline Pether
Suzanne Pett
Miriam Phillips
Emily V Pitcher
Helena Platt
Kate Porter
Sarah Prescott
Alice Pugh
Joanna Quail
Trevor Mark Rawbone
Oliver Regan
Paul Reid
Clare E Richards
Kirsty Louise Richardson
Jack Ridley
Sophie Roper
Christopher Rosevear
Kirsty Rowe
Victoria Ayano Royce
Hugh Salimbeni
David Christopher Sanderson
Hannah Sandu
Sioned Mair Saunders
Karen Krishna Sayal
Marcus Schofield
Emma Scotchmer
Anna Maria Serfontein
Danielle Sheer
Daniel Sheppard
Jinah Shim
Liu Shu
Stephanie Shucksmith
Anna L Simmonds
Louise Jennifer Simpson
Davinder Singh
Molly Singleton
Kathryn Anne Sinker
Erin C Smith
Eve Smith
Frances Smith
Katie Smith
Laura Smith
Lisa Rebecca Smith
Matthew Smith
Reesha Fiona Sodha
Nils-Petter F Solheim
Andrew J Soulsby
Jane South
Jolyon Stead
Harry Stirk
Dewi Marc Storer
Sian Elizabeth Stowell
Christopher M J Straker
Julia Strong
E Sturtridge
Kitty Swanson
Yishi Tan
Carol Tannahill
Christopher Tarrant
Adam John Taylor
Paul D Templeton
George Theocharous
Peter R Thirsk
Emily-Jane Thomas
Jessica Thomas
Jamie Thompson
Chester Trinick
Kate Trunchion
Elizabeth Turner
Yoko Ueno
Jonathan Upfold
Christopher Uren
Elizabeth Vernon
Stephen Andrew Walch
Catherine Walden
Michael Waldron
George Walker
Lisa Walker
Jessica Wallington
Chen Wang
Christine Wang
Ben J Ward
Rebecca Warren
Nicola Warrington
Mary Washer
Alastair John Mackenzie Watson
Anna E Watson
Helen Watson
Rebecca Watson
Fiona Weakley
Brendan M C Weakliam
James Welland
Alexander West
Benjamin J Westley
Claire Wheatley
Monica M Whitaker
Isobel White
Valerie Catherine Whiteside
Nicola Whiting
Tim R Whiting
Sally F Whitty
Gavin D Whitworth
Jennifer R Wigram
Catherine Wild
Simon Wilkins
Matthew David Wilkinson
Adrian Williams
Jonathan Williams
Lynne Williams
Rosemary Wilson
David Winterbottom
Nigel Woodhall
Gillian Woodroffe
Jerome Woodwark
Yingfei Wu
Matthew James Yapp
Natalie Anne Yates
Ding Xin (Morna) Zhang
United Arab Emirates
Irina Zaid Kaylani
United States of America
Michael Battle
Kai In (Ada) Chan
Abigail Crouch
Elisabeth Gertz
Julian Habdank-Kolaczkowski
Melvin Herbert
David Hicken
Patrick Kwan Ku
Jenny Chunling Lee
Wai Kit Leung
Ming Wei Lim
Jiajie (George) Lu
Irvin Su
John Ward
Angela Ying
Kwok-Wai Yu
Licentiate of the Royal Schools of
Music (LRSM)
Oliver Blake
Sally Elizabeth Greenaway
Deborah Kim-Lea Ng
Tan Ying Ying
Mark S Husbands
Andrew Lynch
James Walker
Joyce Man Yee Chan
Luk Connie Man Yee
Wai Yuk Sylvia Yap
Angelos Angelidis
Andreas Ioannides
Mine Sadrazam
Sophie Boudieux
Emily Jane Corkill
Christof Schmidt
Hong Kong
Chan Ka Yuk
Chan Wei Ching Michelle
Chen Mei Fei Sophia
Cheng Chi Shan Chris
Cheng Wai Shun Wilson
Cheuk Kwan Yee
Choi Frank Fai Ki
Fong Wan Sheung
Fu Chi Yam Gloria
Ho Hiu Tung
Ho Shuk Yan Virginia
Kwan Kwok Cheung
Lam Wing Yuen Judy
Benjamin Kin Men Lee
Leung Man Yiu Queenie
Leung Sze Man
Lin Sze-Wing
Siu Kee Lo
Brian Bennett Shin
Tan Kok Tin Lorna
Tang Ho Lun
Ga Hang Grace Tsang
Tsui Chiu Lan
Wong Chi Hin Andrew
Wong Ming Tak
Wong Mo Shun Michelle
Wong Wing Kiu
Yuen Ting Wendy Wong
Yan Yik Kan
Yeung Shuk Mei
Audur Gudjohnsen
Sibylle Köll
Sólveig Unnur Ragnarsdóttir
Ruth Gibson
Siham Shehadeh Baddour
Rachel Floyd
Go-Woon Choi
Hye Joon Park
Yea Won Sung
Kuong Pou Lei
Petty Yim Fan Wan
Chin Hui Shan
Lee Zhao Ting
Mak Chi Hoe
Wong Beng Ian
Wong See Yee
Dennis Camilleri
Stephanie Saliba
Geoffrey Tanti
Patricia Juliette Philogene
New Zealand
Jessica May Blair
Buz Francis Bryant-Greene
Zhenzhen (Lily) Li
Thomas Ang Yong He
Kelvin Chan
Chan Yew Onn
Chan Zhuomin
Susan Chang Yee Fern
Vilynn Chia
Chia Jing Ting Charmaine
Joshua Jiun Shenq Chua
Joel Dierbeck
Sandra Jane Fernandez
Ho Tze Liang Shaun
Kang Jia Min Cheryl
Mohamad Rasull Bin Md Khelid
Khong Melissa Lishan
Koh Yue Quan Farrica
Kris Low Li Pheng
Kuik Huey Ling Sarah
Lee Wei Sun Kathy
Li Shanghui
Lim Guan Rong Jonathan
Loh Ping Yang Justine
Loke Hoe Kit
Shawn Neo Pin Han
Ng Meng Chooi Josephine
Ng Pei Xuan
Ng Yunny
Ong Siok Hoon
Quek Hsien Hui Alicia
Tang Tee Tong (Dong Ditong)
Linda Tanzil
Teh Hwee Yeen
Teo Poh Ting
Catherina Toeante
Yap En Jia Stephanie
Phyllis Yeo Mui Muah
South Africa
Liezl Clayton
Elsabie Petronella Hellberg
Yee Chen (Eriel) Huang
Heloise Murdoch
Sarah Pudifin
Penelope Jane Roux
Miquel Bauzá I Rigo
Vicente Manuel Minguet Soria
José Ignacio Petit Matías
Mercè Roca Ritook
Victor Manuel Rodrigo Garcia
Francisco Javier Ros Ortega
Ivonne Atmojo
Tsai-Chun Wu
Derya Karakocan
Paul Luggya
United Kingdom
Michael Paul Altree
Emmeline Bains
Catharine Birch
Kevin Bird
Paul T Brill
Anne E Bury
Natalia Campbell
Amy C Chidley
Marc T W Corbett-Weaver
Kirsteen Davidson Kelly
Aimee R J de Gruchy-Lambert
Anne de Villiers
Miranda Ford
Peter R Ford
Paul Lloyd Godman
Andrew Gregory
Lauren L Griffin
Elizabeth Haddon
Suzanne M Harvey
Victoria C Hay
Diana M Hinds
Christopher Holt
Darren Jameson
Kyung Eun Jo
Ada Kan
Gavin Kibble
Elaine King
Michael Kruger
Judith C L Laity
Oliver Lallemant
Patricia Ann Littmann
Pippa Macmillan
Madoka Maxwell
Ruth E McCavery
Shelagh McKail
Melissa E Morris
Francis J Nolan
Rebecca C L Owen
G Papasavvas
Nicola Pennill
Daryl James Powell
Timothy Ravalde
Jennifer Raven
Kate Elizabeth Redwood
Peter Thomas Rees
Josephine Rose
Akiko Shidehara
Nils-Petter F Solheim
Christopher Owen Spencer
Richard Stacey
Leona Tsu-Chuin Tan
Jane Thomason
Peter Toye
Timothy Alan Watson
John Watts
John R Webster
Sophie Wellings
Gayle E Williams
Roberta Wolff
Karho Wong
Rachel E Yuile
United States of America
Lowell Crystal
David English
David Hicken
Hannah Louise Johnson
Courtney Lin Kaita
Jiajie (George) Lu
Teresa Tan
Fellowship of the Royal Schools of
Music (FRSM)
Matthew John van Emmerik
New Zealand
Kathryn Jane Orbell
Aow Shao Zhong Jonathan
Choo Li Stephanie
United Kingdom
Sylvia L Burnside
United States of America
Pavitra Kumar
Helen Louise Barker
New CT ABRSM Holders
In 2005 we celebrated ten years of the CT ABRSM course. Since its
inception more than 1,700 teachers have studied on this highly-respected
course and been awarded the Associated Board’s Certificate of Teaching.
The course takes place either over a year or, for the new fast-track course,
six months and requires considerable dedication and commitment.
We offer our congratulations to the
following teachers who successfully
completed the CT ABRSM course
in 2005.
Hong Kong
Irene Chan Pui Shan
Chan Tsing Kwan
Chiu Man Yip
Kam Man Yin
Kang Ting Ting
Kong Sum Miu
Lam Kit Yee Daphne
Lam Sam I
Lam Yee Ching Stephanie
Lee Cheuk Yan
So Chung Fun Maggie
Wong Ching Ching
Bessie Wong Pui San
United Kingdom
Jacqueline Adams
Katie Beacon
Noeline Beesley
Chris Bundy
Mikyoung Choi-Whitfield
Sarah Danning
Katharine Dyer
Suzanne J Hillier
Tessa Pemberton,
Victoria Anne Phillips
Sally Potter
Antony Sanders
Paula Short
Jane M Smith
Susan Adamson
Kylie Barnes
Stephanie Bartlett
Michelle Bentley
Iain Brock
Lynne Bull
Christopher Cecconi
Sarah J Daniel
Linda Ford
Sara Fright
Alison Helsby
Eliza Heriot Maitland
Helen Hinchy
Karen Humphrey
Karen Ka Wing Kwok
Amy Leake
Alexandra A Lehmann
Gary Lewars
Christopher Lund
Chrystle Martin
Helena McGuinness
Gabriele Meirano
Lesley Mitchell
Rosanne E Morris
Piotr Mrzyk
Lesley Newell
Wentworth Norman
Deborah Peake
Karen Phillips
Susan Pluthero
Konce Sahin
Richard O Stokkereit
Hazel M Tripp
Nanna Vehvilainen
Yun Yang
Fiona Allen
Christine Anderson
Stephen Barlow
Susan Clare Black
Ruth E Bridge
Janet Coates
Pauline Cuthbert
Lesley Davies
Sue Dumpleton
Jennifer England
Karen Jayne Halsey
Rachel C Hughes
Gillian Hume
Francis B W James
Donna Kirkhope
Penny McCrorie
Michael Milner
Sarah Patton
Fiona Ramsay
Jennifer Read
Heather M Robinson
Nathan Saxon
Jenifer Katharine Shone
Peter R Thirsk
Lynn Threadgold
Paul Thomas Twine
Emma Wariner
Rachel A White
Rudo Zamchiya
Linda Davies
Melanie E M Descrettes
Janice Devine
Daniel A Dullforce
William Ferrier
Susie E Fison
Genny Freedman
Rachel A Hanks
Darren Hunt
Robert J Jack
Sally Jones
Derek A Kirkby
Michael Leat
Sarah Mackie
Jeremy Moss
Linda Pegrum
Elaine Powell
Catherine M Prest
Jonathan Smith
Richard W Smith
Jan Sowden
Timothy Sturt
Alison F Watkinson
Fast Track Course
Mary C Barnecutt
Nancy Bowles
Jane L Brookes
Christine Brooks
Tracey Brown
Alan Carter
Glenn Coleman
Elsa Cusido
John Davenport
Arturo Diaz
Colin Friend
Alison Gauci
Gemunu Hettiaratchy
Philippa Hobson
Michael David Judson
Serene Lee
Maureen Mather
Derek McGillian
Patricia McLaughlin
Rachel Moore
Dawn L Notley
Rebecca Oakley
Jo Remington
Dylan Richards
Tracey Richards
Paul Ritchie
Michael Robinson
Wayne Smith
Simon Tripp
Ian R Winfrey
Fiona Wraith
Scholarships, Bursaries
and Awards
Each year we award scholarships
tenable at four of the Royal Schools
of Music in the UK. The scholarships,
both UK and international, provide
funds for students at junior,
undergraduate and postgraduate
levels. The following students were
awarded scholarships for courses of
study starting in 2005.
Royal Academy of Music
Kerem Hasan (UK), piano
Mali Lewis (UK), harp and piano
Lisa Ueda (Japan), violin
David Geoghegan (UK), trumpet
Martin Georgiev (Bulgaria),
Royal College of Music
Nicholas Tollemache (UK), viola
Charis Jenson (UK), violin
Lachezar Stankov (Bulgaria), piano
Erik Dippenaar (South Africa),
Eleanor Fagg (UK), violin
Royal Northern College of Music
Georgina Powell (UK), bassoon
Emily Hester (UK), viola
Yoshika Masuda (Australia), cello
Gorgi Cincievski (UK),
double bass
David Robins (Australia),
Royal Scottish Academy of
Music and Drama
Ryan Young (UK),
Scottish traditional fiddle
Laura-Claire Howard (UK), piano
Willem Mathlener (South Africa),
Michelle Foster (UK), voice
Sadah Webster (Australia), oboe
Macklin Bursaries
The following outstanding
Associated Board scholars were
awarded Macklin Bursaries to assist
with further studies or the launch of
professional careers.
Royal Academy of Music
Simon Hewitt-Jones (UK), violin
Royal College of Music
Zoë Beyers (South Africa), violin
Royal Northern College of Music
Gary Pomeroy (South Africa), viola
Royal Scottish Academy of
Music and Drama
Heather Kennedy (UK), violin
Simon Bland, Grade 6 Piano
Sarah Brown, Grade 8 Clarinet
Jasper Brownrigg, Grade 8 Singing
Michael Joseph Carter,
Grade 8 Piano
Louisa Denby, Grade 8 Bassoon
Charlotte Fairbairn, Grade 8 Violin
Henrietta Eleanor Hill,
Grade 6 Viola
Peter Holder, Grade 8 Organ
Thomas Spencer, Grade 8 Violin
Esther Swift, Grade 6 Singing
Ian Watt, Grade 8 Guitar
Heather Uren, Grade 8 Singing
Gold Awards
Chang Ho Yoon, Grade 8 Violin
Emily Knowles,
Grade 8 E flat Saxophone
Tanyel White, Grade 8 Clarinet
Katherine Woolley, Grade 8 Horn
Gold and Silver Awards
The following candidates were
presented with awards to mark
their exceptional results in practical
exams at Grades 6, 7 or 8.
Silver Awards
Davina Baker, Grade 8 Violin
Jenny Bantick, Grade 6 E flat
Prize Winners
Hedy King Robinson Prizes
The following candidates were
awarded Hedy King Robinson Prizes
for achieving high standards in
Theory of Music exams. Prizes are
awarded to candidates in the USA
who achieve full marks (100) in a
theory exam at Grade 1 to 5, and to
candidates worldwide who achieve
90 marks or above at Grade 6, 7 or
8. The prize fund was generously
donated by the late James T
Robinson of Alabama, USA, in
memory of his wife.
Grade 6
Janet Steele
Grade 8
Pablo Eugenio Villegas Ramos
Grade 6
Angela Christofi
Yiannis Chrysochou
Grade 6
David van Rooyen
Hong Kong
Grade 6
Hui Suk Ting
Law Brian Manhim
Ng Woon Yee
Wong Lok Sang
Grade 8
Cheung Lok Yi
Fung Yim Yu
Hon Yee Leung
Lam Yin Ping
Law Wing Sze
Lun Wai Kit Edward
Pang Shuk Han
Sung Lik Hang Kevin
Wong Kwok Sui
Yau Becky
Yu Ho Yin
Grade 6
Dian Pravitasari
Charlene Wijaya
Grade 7
Sri Hartati
Andreas Arianto Yanuar
Grade 8
Karen McDonnell
Grade 6
Ho Sin Hang
Kou Ngon Si
Kuan Chan Ieong
Si Tou Tak Wai
Grade 8
Mak Chi Cheng
San Mang Hei
Grade 6
Sharanya Athithan
Chan Huey Yee
Benjamin Cheng Zhen Bin
Clement Kwan Joon Kit
Bryan Lee Kit Meng
Liau Khai Ching
Liew Yuk En
Lim Wei Zhen
Loh Ying Xian
Low Chiu Yee
Low Guo Jing
Ng Wee Sern
Pow Bee Chen
Saw Mei Xin
See Wai Yin
Tan Chia Chean
Tan Vi Chee
Tan Yan Bin
Tan Zeng Ye
Paula Teoh Suen Suen
Ting Lee Yin
Wee Lee Suan
Wong Chay Lynn
Wong Nee Ling
Wong Pang Loong
Wong Sook Kuan
Grade 7
Cheok Zhi Ning
Chin Sin Sing
Chin Yee Chuen
Chong Chow Onn
Ho Hui Huei
Julie Lam Bing Kuan
Lee Chun Howe
Lee Han Siean
Lee Hui Yi
Cycelia Lim Theng Theng
James Ng Wen Liang
Tai Kai Sheng
Tang Wei Hoon
Ting Tian Hui
Grade 8
Chin Xin Yi
Ding Zu Ning
Wan Khye Theng
Yee Geat Mei Deborah
Yeo Cheng Yong
Grade 6
Alexandra Gambin
Grade 8
Charles Philip Daniels Torres
New Zealand
Grade 6
Jonathan Chow
Claire Harris
Paul Herbert
Andrew Holland
Christopher David Nimmo
Michael Plunkett
Christopher Royds
Rebecca Ruth Shearer
Amber Brooke Vickery
Jennifer Irene Wrightson
Ruby Jung-Jung Yeh
Jeremy Yeow
James Yoo
Grade 7
Michael Graham
Grade 8
Rachel Guo
Grade 6
Christopher Joseph Aholt
Heather Brittany Aholt
Andre Ang Rui
Chan Zihui Emma
Chang Weiliang Shawn
Cheong Wee Gee
Chia Yan Xin Marie
Chia Ai Sin Veronica
Nicholas Chiu Zheng Wen
Er Wenjun
Cynthia Foo Sook Mei
Foo Yun Ping Jane
Fany Goenawan
Goh Kng Huang
Han Hsien Fei
Jiang Yiwei
Khoo Mei Chin Gloria
Lee Guan Hui Royce
Isaac Lee Jie Hao
Leow Wei Liang Kenneth
Liew Hwee Boon Jenny
Valentina Sherly Halim Lim
Lim Jing Cher, Derek
Lim Puay Ling Pauline
Liow Xiao Chun
Lo Jia Hui Cassandra
Pearlyn Loh Wan Jing
Kristel Low Jie Ying
Lu Chuan Yue
Charissa Lu Lishi
Anna Asha Mohan
Patimah Beevi D/O Moorthar M
Neo Ling Na Gillian
Ng Su Ying
Ng Ziyu Calvin
Oh Su Chin
Ong Han Ee
Cheryl Ong Liwen (Wang Liwen)
Ong Yong Jian
Seah Yimin
Sng Sok Hean Clara
Daphne Tan Aik Gi
Tan Jiajun
Tan Juanhe
Barbara Tan Kim Choo
Tan Shirui Priscilla
Tan Soo Wen
Tan Zong Xuan
Tay Hwee Shan
Allan Teng Kok Tong
Teo Eng Fong Evelyn
Toh Feng Joo
Toh Yen Yee
Ye Huiping
Grade 7
Ang Wei Jie Jensen
Celine Chia Jing Chuan
Chiew Chieng Hwee Joanne
Chung Qi Yan
Sharon Han Huiping
Lim Yi Ren Jonathan
Ong Ying Li Rachel
Tan Jocelyn
Xie Pei’e, Eileen
Grade 8
Ang Wei Jie Jensen
Chong Xiu Min
Lee Chung Sing
Lim Yuan Chong Jason
Christine Octaviani
Eugene Phoen Yu Jun
Tan Li Pin Charissa
Teo Hua Kian Hubert
Sarah Cavell
Ruairi Edwards
Harriet Feldman
Iain Gibbs
Quintin Harper
Guy William Rhodri Jones
Nigel Jones
Rhoda I Legge
Eleanor Claire Levin
Jane Mallin
Sue Martin
Nathan Mercieca
Katie Nightingale
Verity Poole
Alice Purton
Darren James Smith
Sarah Sneddon
Jason Walker
Markos Whittome
Huw Rhys Williams
Beau Woodbury
Agata Wygnanska
Russ Young
Rudolph William Miller
Mason Park
Jackie Podoll
Daniel Street
Rachael Suen
Grade 7
Charles Andrews
Tracy Birt
Catherine Booth
Soraya Erlebach
Matthew Goodwin
Zsuzsa Horvath
Kirsten Morris
Tom Ridley
Grade 6
Matthew Chow
Connemara Doran
Janet Dunbar
Benjamin Taylor
Grade 8
Frances Balmer
Edward John Bell
Ruth Broadfield
Graham Carton
Camilla Clark
Brendan Cullity
Matthew Herbstritt
James Keay
Gwendoline Elizabeth Manley
Jacob Olley
Sabrina Pullen
Deborah Regular
Edmund Rex
David Wade
Christopher Paul Waite
Anthony J M Willis
James Woolliscroft
Grade 8
Liu Kuei Mei
United States of America
Grade 1
Craig Brandon Barretto
Melody Falconnier
Kathleen Farmer
Terry Gao
Jewelian Griffith
Tristan Hsu
Taylor Jordan
Kristian King
Lauren Kirkby
Cinnie Lam
Holly Meadows-Smith
Ceylon N Mitchell II
Johan Nora
Priscilla Tang
Daniel Trisno
Claudia Xian
United Kingdom
Grade 6
Naomi Catherine Ardley
Rocio Banuls Bertomeu
Linda Jane Burton
Robert Bushnell
Grade 2
Silka Jacqueline Cheng
Michelle Eng
Terry Gao
Kayleen Lim
Stefan Linn
Grade 6
Mónica Vallejo Padilla
Sri Lanka
Grade 6
Harith Shihan Chamba
St Vincent
Grade 7
Victor M Job
Grade 3
Silka Jacqueline Cheng
Tony Collins
Eddy Ferreira
Alicia Lee
Kirin Sinha
Diana Yu
Grade 4
Brandon Eng
Haley Rebecca Muhlestein
Grade 5
Wesley King Chen
Weicheng Dai
Yinuo Wang
Wen Si Zhu
Grade 8
Emily White
UK and Ireland Prizes
The following candidates were
awarded prizes for their
achievements in graded music
exams. These prizes are made
possible by donations from
individuals and organizations.
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Edward Jones
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Clarinet
Sarah Brown
Grade 7 Piano
Bobbie-Leigh Herdman
Beryl Chempin Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Soo Young Choi
Ivan Cousins Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Alice Higgins
David Riley Memorial Prize
Grade 3 Guitar
Mark Willetts
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Cello
Eleanor Davidson
Marie Earle Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Henry Fisher
Frances E Walker Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Singing
Jennie Marsden
Edie Marr Prize
Grade 6 Oboe
Alicia Wright
Grade 6 Singing
Chloe Sami
Irene Martin Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Katrina Louise Pickard
Grade 6 Piano
Joanna Dispirito
Grade 7 Piano
Gareth Edmunds
Grade 8 Piano
Fumi Sakuma
Nora C Leggatt Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Lisa Graham
Grade 7 Piano
Kirsty F Watson
Amina Lucchesi Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Stephanie Gordon
Margaret Harle Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Flute
John Selby
Sylvia J Frost Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Talitha Jenson
Gina Dallas Harper Award
Grade 8 Piano
Adrian Cammack
Grade 7 Piano
Chan-Mi Lee
Elizabeth J Ehrlich Prize
Grade 6 Singing
Esther Swift
Vivienne Scott Memorial Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Ryo Mizuta
Dorothy Grace Atkinson Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Matthew David Clayton
Alexandra Galsworthy
Thomas Michael Jones
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Cello
Michael Dawson
Lindsay Lamb Memorial Bursary
Grade 8 Piano
Cosmo Grant
Grade 7 Piano
Sarah Joanne Fiddian
Thomas B McMahon
Nivena MacDuff Prize
Grade 3 Piano
Laura Ayoub
Grade 8 Piano
Hannah May Thomas
Iris Dyer Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Oliver Lomberg
Ian Macleod
Robert Peate
Henry, Edith & Constance Haddon
Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Hannah May Thomas
ISM South Wales Centre Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Hannah May Thomas
Alma Machin Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Jill Foster
Mr Jeffreys & Mrs Christina Jeffreys
Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Sarah Joanne Fiddian
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Elizabeth Ormesher
Grade 8 Piano
Hannah May Thomas
Grade 7 Piano
Hannah Morris
Laura Paxton
Bessie Brearley Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Catherine Benson
David Cawthra Memorial Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Hope Hodgson
Ben David Sutton
Huddersfield District Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Sarah Pugh
Elsie Roberts Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Catherine Benson
Ann Barbanell Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Emily Hinton
King’s Lynn
Saxton Noble Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Horn
Samuel Yates
Grade 7 Horn
Samuel Yates
Alice Calder Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Jenny S Grieve
Grade 7 Piano
Daniel McIntyre
London: Central
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Maximilian O’Shea
London: Blackheath
Philippa Nankivell-Aylett
Memorial Prize
Grade 4 Piano
Ruby Moore
London: Finchley
Dorothy Fryer Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Clara Kanter
Naomi Sheer
Hana Shoji
Haruna Yamada
Grade 7 Piano
Sophia Mina Funatsuki
Asagi Nakata
Grade 8 Piano
Joanna Wu
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Sophia Mina Funatsuki
Grade 8 Piano
Graeme Sharp
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Barbara Bettsworth
London: Palmers Green
Laura Marco Prize
Grade 8 Flute
Rachel Hayter
Patricia Willis Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Anna Margaret Wilding
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Natalie Yang
Vinnie Willis Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
James Andrew Murray
London: South West
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Emma Woodruff
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Clinton Lau
Grade 7 Piano
Simrit Hunjin
Grade 8 Piano
Simon Joseph Solts
Grade 8 Piano
Jennifer Whitehead
Grade 8 Piano
Mark Price
Audrey Pass Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Sarah Edson
Katherine Wadsworth
Grade 4 Singing
Rebecca Copping
Emma Jane Morton
Marjorie Baldwin Bequest
Grade 5 Piano
Francesca Insuli
Grade 5 Singing
Samuel Duffield
Grade 6 Singing
Charlotte Weir
May Frizzel Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Treble Recorder
Richard William R Mackenzie
London: Fulham
Miss Edith Oulton de Pauley Prize
Grade 7 Singing
Charlotte Langley
William Henry Wilcox Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Jan Pogonowski
Grade 4 Violin
Michael Cearns
Margaret Wethered Prize
Grade 4 Jazz Clarinet
Holly Levell
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 1 Cello
Sarah Root
Besso Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Lilya Tymchyshyn
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Alexander Nikiporenko
Derek Henderson Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Flute
Stephanie Libby
Newcastle upon Tyne
Sir William Bigge Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Treble Recorder
Laura Philip
Newport (Gwent)
Gwent Foundation Award
Grade 7 Singing
Kate Anne Powell
Newport (Shropshire)
Sheila C Freeman Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Benjamin Cannell
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Simon Bland
Evelyn Rose Phillips Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Pippa Trent
Grade 8 Piano
Samuel Thompson
Frances M L Willden & Margaret D
Willden Prize
Grade 8 Organ
Julian Haggett
Nellie Greenhill Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Christina Yu
Grade 6 Piano
Louise Sun
Grade 7 Piano
Pamela Yeh
Grade 8 Piano
Lizzy Ward
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Cello
Joseph Donmall
Maxima Mercer Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Maximilian Waterhouse
Mrs Hamilton Akaster Prize
Grade 6 Violin
Anna Krykunivsky
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Clarinet
Lloyd Robert Coleman
Horatio Waywell Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Flute
Annabel Devlin
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Daniel Webb
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grades 7 Cello
Oliver Blackwell
Winifred Liversidge Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Angela Bradbury
Richard Bullen
Ingrid Clement
Alice Hill
Lloyd Hartley Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Greg Coughlin
Philip F Walsh Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Clarinet
Tanyel White
Frank Tiesing Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Violin
Jane Perry
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Ilana Lever
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 7 Piano
Samuel Erland
Grade 8 Violin
Tansy Bennett
Toby Scadding
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Georgina Melling
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Robbie Stanley-Smith
Beryl Chempin Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Nicola Pomeroy
Fred Southall Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Jenny Wilson
Grade 8 Theory
Ben David Evans
Arthur Dickeson Memorial Prize
Grade 5 Piano
Jonathon Graham Winter
Marguerite Swan Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Cello
Rebecca Porter
Amy Mills Robertson Prize
Grade 8 Piano
David J C Gray
Mimi Scharrer Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Singing
Cybil Monteith
Carshalton Music Prize
Grade 6 Cello
Joseph Rainer
Don Preece Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Violin
Elidir Dafydd
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Lizzie Foyle
Grade 7 Piano
Felicity Kerr
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Rebecca Martin
Vicars Close Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Liz Bowers
Freddie Vernon
Grade 7 Piano
Edward Hughes
Grade 8 Piano
Rebecca Martin
Thanet Prize
Grade 8 Piano
George Howard
Sheila Mossman Memorial Prize
Grade 8 Piano
Michael Joseph Carter
Leslie Wheeler Prize
Grade 6 Piano
Andrew Ross-Parker
Florence Purdy Memorial Prize
Grade 6 Violin
Hannah Jane Brett
Gwent Foundation Award
Grade 8 E Flat Saxophone
Amy Collier
24 Portland Place
London W1B 1LU
United Kingdom
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