Osaka International School of Kwansei Gakuin Educator 18 January 2014 HIGH SCHOOL HOLIDAY CONCERT @MAPLE HALL, 17 December 2013 1 INTRODUCTION OF A NEW LIBRARIAN from the desk of the head, JOHN SEARLE My name is Joseph Connolly. I am from Dublin, Ireland. I worked before as an elementary teacher in OIS from 1991-1994. I am now back to work as librarian to cover a maternity leave until the end of June. I am very happy to be back in Osaka again after nearly 20 years. Mr Mecklem and I have also been thinking about the coming year while we were away from school last week attending a recruitment fair. This was an opportunity to meet teachers from around the world who have expressed an interest in joining Osaka International School either from September or at some time in the near future. At the fair we interviewed more than twenty applicants, in addition to reviewing the resumes and applications of many others. The selection of new teachers and subsequent retention and development of the team are some of our most important responsibilities. It is much like building a successful sports team (I am a former PE teacher, after all) as we look for people who have a variety of skills and backgrounds to offer the students the winning overall learning environment. Like any sports team, we look for people who are unique and exceptional as individuals but who can also work as a team with fellow teachers, students and parents to create an inspiring and supportive school environment. In addition to meeting many people, we also had an opportunity to make a presentation about the school. This allowed us to outline the necessary details about life as a teacher in Japan and to leave the audience with the clear understanding that joining OIS reflects a desire to become part of a school with ambitions to be a leader in international education. K-Gr. 2 SET LUNCH MENU - CAFETERIA MONDAY 20 January spaghetti with basil & tomato TUESDAY 21 January hayashi rice (hashed beef with rice and demiglace sauce) WEDNESDAY 22 January pork-flavored ramen THURSDAY 23 January fried chicken FRIDAY 24 January kitsune udon (Japanese wheat noodles with deep fried bean curd) MONDAY 27 January rice omelet TUESDAY 28 January spaghetti with meat sauce WEDNESDAY 29 January soy sauce-flavored ramen THURSDAY 30 January hot dog FRIDAY 31 January curry rice MONDAY 3 February spaghetti with meat balls TUESDAY 4 February hamburger meat in the stew WEDNESDAY 5 February pan-fried noodles THURSDAY 6 February teriyaki chicken burger FRIDAY 7 February curry noodle with cheese I would like to extend a warm welcome back to school and wish everyone a very Happy New Year. I hope you had a relaxing and reflective holiday with opportunities to visit friends and family and perhaps consider some New Year’s resolutions for 2014. Not all teachers, however, are hired through recruitment fairs. One member of the teaching team who joined us this week is Mr Joe Connolly, who is taking over in the library as a maternity replacement for Ms Singh until June. Mr Connolly is no stranger to OIS as he taught in the elementary school here from 1991 to 1994 before returning to Ireland to continue his teaching career. In addition to a classroom teacher, he has also been an elementary principal and worked in a number of learning support roles, bringing a wealth of experience to this position. Mr Connolly will be with us until June and I hope you will get a chance to meet him at some point in the near future. The recruitment of new teachers inevitably signifies that some teachers are planning to move next year. Despite my hope that they might reconsider we will be saying goodbye to Ms Rennie and Mr Evans who will be moving to Korea, Mr Meadows who will return to Australia and Mr Walker who will be moving to China. Our opportunity to say goodbye will come later this year. However, I would like to acknowledge here the wonderful contribution they have all made to the lives of SOIS students, their great collegiality and their involvement in the continued development of the school at so many levels. The winter term is traditionally full of a wide variety of activities in addition to our classroom work. The new sports season has already started for middle school. Our high school teams will be involved in AISA trips to Seoul and Yokohama. In addition, there will be a leadership conference in Yokohama which will be attended by our student council executive and a mathematics competition for which a team comprised of both SIS and OIS students will participate. The Wizard of Oz rehearsals are now in full swing in preparation for the series of performances in a few weeks time. Model United Nations takes place in February. If we also add recitals, parent teacher conferences, college workshops, SIS graduation and many other events that are taking place each week, it is not doubt a busy and wonderful period of the academic year. As a school we continue to work through the action plans for our ‘Strategic Plan 13- 16’. I am currently meeting with a small group of teachers to redefine our professional development possibilities. The principals and teaching teams of each division continue to develop curriculum in line with the different sections of the Plan and we are working hard to continue building a sense of community at the school which best supports the learning environment. For me this all makes for a very exciting time to be part of OIS. I hope to see you all very soon at one of the school events or please feel free to stop by the office to catch up or share your observations about school whenever you are on campus. 2 from the desk of the middle/high school principal, KURT MECKLEM Thank you to those parents who were able to respond on the Parent/Teacher Conference form. While we didn’t hear from everyone a good number did respond with some constructive feedback. As you may recall, we moved the annual Parent/Teacher Conferences this year to November to coincide with the end of the first trimester. Overwhelmingly, those who responded to the survey saw this as a positive move since the report card was able to form the basis of the discussion. Most people also supported the open appointment system although some felt that the system did result in some long waiting times to see the teachers. Overall, your responses were very positive but we will take your feedback and comments into account as we make plans for next year. While the form is now closed, if you have feedback about Parent/Teacher Conferences or anything else, please drop me a note or stop in to see me. Prior to the vacation, I sent letters about camps to your school email account. If you did not receive the letter, please check your school SOIS mail account to ensure that messages are being forwarded to your regular account. As in the past, camps will occur on the three days prior to the spring vacation which this year is March 12, 13, & 14. Grades 6, 7, and 8 have class trips planned, while students in grades 9 & 10 will have the choice of a couple of different options. Grade 11 this year will be doing a service trip that they have organized to Bali and, like in the past, grade 12 will spend the camps days doing a required science project for the IB diploma. Camps are an exciting time and it is important that you stay informed about your child’s class and its plans. The camps are considered school days so special arrangements need to be made if your child cannot attend. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I hope everyone’s New Year has started well! I am looking forward to a good year and working with you throughout 2014! UPDATED SIS TRANSFER POLICY Occasionally, OIS families ask to transfer to SIS. The procedures for transferring are changing this year. From now on, OIS students will take the regular SIS admissions exam that students applying from overseas schools take. The next transfer exam will be administered in June. If you would like your child to take the exam please contact the SIS admissions office. It is important to remember that OIS is not a preparatory school for SIS as their admissions and curriculum are quite different. Families should also keep in mind that if they have decided to pursue a Japanese education they should also consider other Japanese curriculum schools in addition to SIS. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions. from the desk of the elementary principal, VIRGINIA SUTTON Happy New Year! So many of our students were talking this week about New Year's resolutions and it made me wonder what about making resolutions connected to learning. The start of a new year is a great time for making resolutions. Here are some ideas to consider: Make reading a part of everyday life. Set aside time when everyone in the house reads. Involve your child in mathematics. Recognize number in everyday life while shopping, cooking, reading the paper, on the internet and solve problems together. Use the computer together to find interesting facts or publish a story together. Keep reading aloud to your child. Bedtime is a natural time for readalouds, but families find other ways to fit it into their schedule. You can read aloud while your child eats breakfast. Or have one person read while everyone else cleans up after dinner. Always ask those important comprehension questions about the characters, themes and setting. Keep fitness part of your family's routine. As the winter weather is upon us try to think of some ideas to keep fit inside the house. Use some time to make some Art together using materials in the home. These are only a few examples. Try to work together with your child to make the resolutions that mean the most to your family. Now that you have your resolutions, here are some tips on making sure you can keep them. First, make a plan. Without a plan, you may want a daily reading time, but you may not find a way to fit it in. Next, track your progress. Mark the calendar for every day you read aloud. Then reward yourselves. Calendar Reminder 21st January the elementary school is in session. 3 ELEMENTARY WINTER CONCERT 13 December 2013 Stephen Frater’s TECH CORNER Backing up important files Best wishes for a happy New Year to everyone from the Technology Support team at SOIS! Many of you will have taken a lot of photos and videos of family and friends over the festive period. It is therefore a good time to think about how frequently, and how securely, your important computer files are backed up. Computer hard drives, whether they are disk drives with moving parts or flash-based storage, can all experience mechanical failure or become corrupted at any time, frequently without warning. Mobile devices can also be lost. It always pays to invest in a backup system, therefore, whereby a full set of your important files, such as pictures, letters, videos, accounts, and passwords, etc., are copied onto a separate hard drive and updated on a regular basis. (To be really safe, I always copy my files to a backup disk at home once a day, and make a second backup once a week to an internet-based storage site – just in case anything ever happens at home and both my computer and the backup disk are lost.) 1. The first thing you will need is a separate destination for your backup. External USB hard drives now cost around ¥9,000 for 1TB of storage – that’s just ¥9 per 1GB of storage space, which is a very reasonable investment if you want to protect your memories and important data. Ideally choose a disk which is twice the size of your computer’s hard drive. 2. Secondly, you will need a backup software programme that manages the process for you; all the major operating systems have automatic backup solutions built in to the operating system. Windows 8 uses ‘File History’, Windows 7 uses ‘Backup and Restore’ (see Control Panel/System and Maintenance), whilst Mac OSX uses ‘Time Machine’ (see System Preferences). Other commercial and freeware programmes, usually with more options and features, are widely available too. 3. These programmes will give you options of which folders and files to include, which to exclude, and how often to schedule the backup to run automatically. You should also look at any options it offers for encrypting your back up; after all, many backup disks are easily portable, and you want to make sure the files are protected should the drive ever go missing. 4. Another option is to look for an online backup and storage solution. There are many sites offering this service; a limited amount of storage is usually free, then a monthly or annual subscription charge applies for more space. Some services also offer applications for your smartphone or tablet. The advantage is that the backup is in a different location from the original files, and accessible from wherever you are. The disadvantage is that backups can take more time, depending on the speed of your internet connection. Dropbox and Google Drive are file sharing services that also work well as backup destinations, however several other highly regarded dedicated backup solutions are also listed at the bottom of this article. Whatever your choice, make sure you review your backup strategy today, and spend a few minutes (and perhaps a few thousand yen) guaranteeing the safety of those important files. For more information, see: Windows 8: Windows 7: Mac OSX: . Some leading online backup services: 4 COMMUNITY SERVICE by Lyn Melville-Rea, community service coordinator In last month’s Educator, we mentioned the ongoing work to help set up reading centers in The Philippines. This project was started by last year’s seniors but continues thanks to the Nagasaka family (Chiharu OIS gd.2). Here is a letter from the Ambit Foundation about that… Osaka Senri International School Supports Setting up of Budlaan GK Village Reading Center Developing self-reliance, with a preferential option for the poorest of the poor January 6, 2014 Dear Ms. Lyn Melville-Rea: On behalf of the Board of Trustees of Ambit Foundation, Inc.- Cebu, I would like to thank you for your continuing support to the organization. The reading centers that you supported last year are benefitting from the books that you continue to send. The latest batch of donations was turned over last month. We are happy to inform you that the support you provided to AMBIT has been a major motivation for the residents of Budlaan village to study and read more, and to strive for academic excellence. Attached (on the right), are pictures of the turnover made last month by our AMBIT President, Dr. Jean Dy, and AMBIT member, Engr Liloy Undaloc, who was instrumental in the building of the houses in this village as well as the renovation of the reading center that now houses the books you donated. We look forward to our continuing partnership with the Fooundation, as we continue to work for educational assistance to more underprivileged students. (above) Shows student residents of Budlaan GK Village visiting the center to learn to read. (above) Ms. Merlinda R. Batiancila (left), GK School teacher with Engr. Cirilo Undaloc (right), a very active AMBIT founding member. He was also a builder of GK villages in CEBU. Sincerely yours, AMBIT FOUNDATION, INC. Joyce Natalie Yang Executive Director (Founding President) (right) The books shown in the photo left are the combined donations of Osaka Senri International School and personal collections of Ambit members and their friends, donated to the Budlaan Reading Center. Please donate more books (any books that will be popular in a public reading center) and Mr Nagasaka will take them to Cebu for us. Let’s go 一合 Grade 1 students collected 60 kg of rice for Osaka's homeless. The Let's Go 一合 campaign was a great success. Thank you for your support. (Please see the photo on the right.) Yomawari The next Yomawari is January 18. Students who would like to make onigiri and show concern for those in our community who have had the misfortune to become homeless can join this monthly event. Please email or phone Ms Melville-Rea <> or phone 090 9612 8364 5 (above) Shows a young boy coming to the center to read and to play! News from All School Production 2013-2014 SOIS All School Production will present “The Wizard of Oz” (RSC version) at the school theatre on February 13, 14, and 15, 2014. “The Wizard of Oz” will be performed in English along with Japanese subtitles. The following is the performance schedule. The duration of the actual performance will be approximately two hours, and we will have an intermission. Thursday, February 13 4:30 pm Friday, February 14 6:00 pm Saturday, February 15 2:00 pm (Matinee) Saturday, February 15 6:00 pm (Last performance) Tickets for the public will be available from Thursday, January 23 in the business office area on the second floor. On Thursday, January 23 and Friday, January 24 tickets will be on sale from 3:30 to 4:30PM. After that time, tickets are available when the business office window is open. Based on the feedback from the past musical productions, we have decided to reserve tickets ahead of time for the participants’ families. Those seats will be selected prior the public offering on January 23. Tickets for children under 12 and SOIS students cost 500 yen, and general admission tickets are 1500 yen. Specific seats are assigned at the time of ticket purchase. We will limit the number of tickets for the Saturday performances to 5 at a time for one person. Please note that there will be no changes to seat selections or performance dates after tickets have been purchased except under extenuating circumstances. All the proceeds will be used to defray part of the expenses for this year’s production. Please consider this as a donation. When the reserved seating is booked up, you can still get tickets at the door on the day of the performance, but your entrance will be after all of the advance ticket holders. Unreserved tickets will be available 30 minutes prior to the performance in front of the theatre. The seats are limited, so please get these tickets early. Please refer to our school’s homepage for more information about the combinations of double cast, orchestra, and staff. If you have any questions, please send an email to or call the main school number at 072-727-5050. Please enjoy this year’s All School Production “The Wizard of Oz” with your family and friends. We look forward to seeing you all in the school theatre. On behalf of Production Team, Nakae Osako 6 オールスクールプロダションからのお知らせ 2013-2014年度のOIS/SISオールスクールプロダクションは、『オズの魔法使い』を上演いたしま す。公演は、2014年2月13日(木)より2月15日(土)までの3日間、4回公演です。なお本公演は英語 公演(日本語字幕付)になります。公演予定は以下の通りで、上演実時間は約2時間強と思われます が、幕間に休憩が入ります。 2月13日(木) 午後4時半開演 2月14日(金) 午後6時開演 2月15日(土) マチネー 午後2時開演 2月15日(土) 最終公演 午後6時開演 一般向けのチケットは、1月23日(木)より発売いたします。1月23日(木)と1月24日(金)は午後3 時半~4時半のみ、学校の2階の事務室エリアにて発売いたします。それ以降は事務室窓口が空い ている時間に事務室窓口にて取り扱いますので、そちらでお求めくださいますようお願い致します。 過去の反省をふまえて、今年度も出演者のご家族に席を保障するという試みをとっております。ど うぞご了承ください。この出演者のご家族用の座席は23日までに決めさせていただくことになります。 チケットをお求め頂く際には、本行事への協賛金を頂戴いたします。協賛金は本校生徒および12 歳以下の小学生が500円、一般が1500円となります。また混雑が予想されます土曜日の公演につき ましては、一度にお求めいただける枚数をお一人様1回につき5枚までに限らせていただきます。どう ぞご了承くださいますよう、よろしくお願いします。また、チケットご購入後の座席変更・公演日時の変 更は、原則的にはいたしませんので、ご承知おきください。 なおチケットの収益はすべて本公演を支える諸費用の一部として使用させていただいておりますの で、どうぞ寄付としてお考えくださいますよう、お願い申し上げます。 チケットは、皆様の入場時の便宜を図るため、前売り券は指定席となります。指定席券完売の場合 は当日券(自由席)が公演30分前よりシアター前でお求めいただけます。なお当日券でのご入場は 着席をスムーズにするため前売り券をお持ちの方が入場されてからの入場となりますこと、ご了承く ださいますようお願い申し上げます。 キャストはダブルキャストになっているところがあります。キャスト の組み合わせ・オーケストラ・プロダクションスタッフのリストなどは学 校のホームページでご覧になれます。公演に関するご質問がありま したら、学校の代表番号072-727-5050又は へお問い合わせください。 ご家族、お友達、お知り合い等、お誘いあわせの上、今年度ASP 『オズの魔法使い』に是非ご来場くださいますようご案内申し上げま す。 大迫奈佳江(プロダクションチーム代表) 7 SCHOOL CALENDAR SABERS UPDATE by Peter Heimer, activities director Sabers website: Remember, you can find much information about Sabers athletics at In particular, be sure to click on the “calendar” tab to find out game dates, times and locations. Schedules are subject to change; coaches will communicate final details to players. Sabers Athletics Facebook group Also, to you Facebook fans, please join the Sabers Athletics Facebook group to receive updates on Sabers activities. Middle school winter sports season II begins The start of the new year marks the start of the new winter sports season II for Sabers middle school student-athletes. Both the MS girls basketball team, coached by Ms. Entwistle and Mr. Mecklem, and the MS boys soccer team, coached by Mr. McGill and Mr. Stone, have started practice, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:45–5:45. Each team has more than 40 players, showing the popularity of our middle school sports program. We have a no-cut policy at SOIS, meaning that all players who want to join a team are allowed and encouraged to do so; no players are cut from a team due to limited ability or experience – come one, come all! MS sports seasons last about six weeks with competitions on most Saturdays, culminating in a two-day WJAA championship tournament. All players should submit a “medical and permission sheet” before participating (available at the AD office or on the Sabers webpage), if they haven’t done so already. High school basketball season continues The Sabers boys and girls basketball teams continue their successful seasons. The junior varsity teams are now in Yokohama this weekend for their season-ending tournaments. The varsity teams are getting ready for their season-ending AISA tournaments in Seoul, January 23–26. AISA math mania and leadership On January 23, several SOIS student leaders and math whizzes will travel to Yokohama International School to participate in two AISA events: a math mania competition and a student leadership conference. Four Sabers “mathletes” – Ryoko Izuta, Ryotaro Kabai, Natsuho Oura, and Jim Jiang – will compete against math students from the other three AISA schools: Korea International School, Seoul International School, and Yokohama International School. The math mania competition unites mathematicians from the AISA schools to challenge and expand their understanding of mathematics, to engage in friendly competition, and to have fun. The event showcases individual math skills and develops team-building math skills. 21 January *SIS/OIS MS/HS - No classes ES - School in session 24 -25 January *SIS/OIS G8 science excursion to Nishi-Harima Astronomical Observatory (NHAO), Hyogo Prefecture 29 January *G9-11 college workshop, 6:30pm @3F conference room 5 February *PTA meeting, 8:45-10:00am @3F conference room *G10 parent IBDP information session Lost & found items to be displayed in the 2F showcase area, 20-31 January IMPORTANT NUMBERS John Searle, head 072-727-5080 Kurt Mecklem, MS/HS principal, IBMYP coordinator 072-727-5050 Virginia Sutton, ES principal, IBPYP coordinator 072-727-5050 Melissa Lamug, counselor 072-727-5061 Mike McGill, admissions director 072-727-5070 Steve Lewis, business manager 072-727-5090 At the same time, four SOIS student council members – Rion Mukaiyama, Eugenie Shin, Kaori Momoki, and Arisa Mizuno – will take part in a collaborative, non-competitive leadership conference in which students develop team-building skills, share common student leadership experiences, and explore practical ideas and plans for promoting school and community spirit. Caroline Rennie, IBDP coordinator 072-727-5050 These are great AISA events that provide special opportunities for our students. Special thanks to the teachers who have prepared the students these events: Mr. Bertman, Mr. Dupont, Baba-sensei, and Munemasa-sensei. Natsuko Inoue, school nurse 072-727-5050 Next high school sports season Next up for Sabers high school student-athletes, after the basketball season, is boys and girls soccer, girls softball, boys and girls swimming, and boys and girls badminton. First official practices will be held during the last week of January. Busy times ahead. Student attendance 072-727-2305 Thank you As always, thank you for your continued support of the Sabers activities program. Please contact me any time you need help. Please visit the AD office, room A-240, near the business office. Contact me at or at 072-727-2137. 8 Peter Heimer, activities director 072-727-2137 The next Educators will be published on Friday, 7 February and Friday, 7 March 2014.