Math and Science Summer Assignments Please note that you may skip # 6 on the third page (6. Short Response) if you are unable to read it. The ScientificMethod and Mathematics SummerAssignment- RisinggthGraders I. AIMS: SWBAT L. review steps of the scientificmethod 2' apply the scientificmethod and use criticalthinkingto solveword problems 3' review mathematicalcornputation:operationswith fractions, decimalsand integers 4. measurestudent'sabirityto computemathword probrems 5' usefractions, decimals andintegers in solvingandanalyzing mathproblems 6' reada passage on the scientificmethod,andusecriticalthinkingto answerquestions 7' completea projectthat involvescreatinga problemthat is solvedusing the scientific method II. RESOURCES: Websites: Texts: Handouts:ScientificMethod Passage / Mathworksheets(Mixedproblemsolving& ReviewGames & Activities III.ASSIGNMENTS: l. Reviewof the ScientificMethod studentswill readthe attached'passage on the scientificmethodand usecriticalthinkingskillsto answerquestions. 2. ApplyingScientificMethodin sotvingMath probteins studentswiltcorypletemathworksheets:1 Math GameReview problem &2 solvingsheets(apply the scientificmethodandSHOWALLWORKIII) 3. Reinforcement: will createandsolvea problemusingthe scientific Students method.Thesolutionwill be presented asa comicstrip{minimumof 2 pages), flrTer, newspaperad, skit{minimumof 2 pages)or commercial, persuasive essay.- Studentscreatetheir own problem.BECREATIVE ! 4. FormalAssessment by Math & Science Teachers Students will completeQuiz- Startof Schoolin September What is the scientificmethod? you have If you haveeverseensomethinggoingon andwonderedwhy or how it happened, starteddown the roadto discovery.If you continueyourjoumey, you arelikely to guessat some of your own answersfor your question.Even furtheralongthe road you might think of ways to find out if your answersarecorrect.At this point, whetheryou know it or not, you arefollowing a path that scientistscall the scientificmethod.If you do someexperimentsto seeif your answer is correctandwrite down what you learnin a report,you havepretty muchcompletedeverything a scientistmight do in a laboratoryor out in the field whendoing research.In fact,the scientific methodworks well for many thingsthat don't usuallyseemso scientific. Read the passagebelow and then answertbe questionsthat follow. The flashlightmystery... Like a crime detective,you canusethe stepsin the scientificmethodto find the answerto everydayproblems.For example,you pick up a flashlightandturn it on, but the light does not work. You have observedthat the light doesnot work. You ask,"Why doesn'tit work?" With what you alreadyknow aboutflashlights,you might guessthat the batteriesare dead. You sayto yourself,if I buy new batteriesandreplacethe old onesin the flashlight,the light shouldwork. To test this, you replacethe old batterieswith new onesfrom the store.You flip the switch on. Doesthe flashlight work? No? Questions l. Identify the stepsof the scientificmethodby writing the sentenceand statingwhich stepit is addressing. 2. What elsecould be the answer? 3. If this were a scientific project,you would alsohavewritten down the resultsof your tests and a conclusionof your experiments.Give an exampleof the conclusionin the passage above. Date Name Problem Solvi,ng WoEkshop: Mixed Problem Solving t. Multi€tep Problem-Whilewalkingaround the mall, you noticedthatthe movie storeis advertisingthe latest.moviereleaseon DVD for $17.99.You buy themovie andpay $19.07,becausesalestax was aildedto the. purchaseprice. How much is the salestax? (" .Apizzashop'smenuis 6; Short Response shown below. copyand completethe verbalmodel: = Total cost Price+ b. Substitutenumbersand variablesin the verbalmodel to write an algebraicmodel. c. Solvethe equationfrom part O) to finh the amouniof salestax. 2. Multl€tep Problem You and your ftiends decideto have a submarinesandwichsaleas a fundraiserfor $e schoolband.You spend $83 on suppliesarldcharge$5 per sandwich. At ttreend of thr p.uyyour profit is $962. How manysandwichesdid you andyour 'friends sOll? a. Write a verbalmodel. b. Translateyour verbalmodel into anl algcbraicmodel. c. Solvethe equation. d. .Check'thatyour answeris reasonable. testt 3. Short Response For a standardized 350 #2 pencilswill be neededto distribute 3 pencilsto every eighth grader.Ifone box contains12 pencils,how many boxesof neededfor the standardized . test?Write and solve a multiplication equationto answerthe question. ' 4. Short Response The.disc jocltey {or the schooldancecharges$100 per hour for 3 hoursplus $50 for each additional ,20 minutes.If the disc jockey sendsa bill for $450,how many additionalminutesdid the discjockey continueto play pastthe first 3 hours? The price of alargepiz.z.ais $18.00.Write and solve.anequationto find how many additional toppings were ordered. 7. .Extended Response A cell phoneplan consistsof a monihly chargeof $39.99with the first 200 minutes free eachmonth. An ' additional charge of $.05 per minute occurs for eachminute over 200. The bill last month was $85,99.How many additional . .minuteswere usedover'thefirst 200? a. Readthe problem.What is the main idea? What do you know andwhat do You need to find? , b.. You can use the eQuation 39.99+ 0.05n = 85.99to find.the numberof additionalminutesused over the first 200. Solve the equationand checkyour answer. 8. Grldded Answer The eighthgradeclass receivedsurveysregardingInternet access in their homes.Thiee-fourths of the eighth to the lnternet in their gradeclasshas.access homes.If t20 studentshave accessto the Internet"how many studentsare in the eighth gradeclass? E 5, OperEnded Write two different two-step equationsthat both have 7? as d solution. 46 McDougatUttell Math, Courso3 Chapter3 Resdrrce,Book ( ght@MeDoueal unery.HouotolltT$l copyrr Hl.#. Date Real-World Problem Solving Student Council In many schools,the studentcouncil sponsorsolrr"r"n, typesof eventsduring a schoolyear. The councilusually\as a budgetto manage.Sornr studentcouncils evendo fundraisersthroughoutthg year to help fund studentcouncilactivities. Use ihe following Information ln Exerclses 1-5. conner is thebeasurerof his school'sstudentcouncil.At the.firstmeeting, 'the studensdecidedon a variety of activitiesthey would like to sponsorin the upcomingyear.Connerhasto decidewhetheror not all the activitieslfit into the budget.The budgetfor this year is $200 without any fundraisers.Theseare the activitiesthe studentcouncil would like to sponsor: 1, Peprally wittr pompomsfor all the studens 2...A float in the high schoolhomecomingparade .. 3. Collect cannedgoodsfbr the local food bank 4. A schoolcleanupday ' As Conneranalyzedthe list, he decidedit would be easyto estimatea cost for solneofthe activities.The schoolcleanupday andcollectingcannedgoods ' w0uldn't be very expensive.They neededgarbagebagsandposters. Connerdecidedto budget$14 for the cannedgoodscollectionand $30.for school cleanupday. Connerthendecidedto spligthe remainingmoneyevenlyberween the pep rally andthe float. 1. write andsolvea two=stepequationto find how much moneyis budgeted for the pep rally. . 2. How muchmoneyis budgetedfor the float? For the pep rally, the,studentcouncil wants to buy pompomsfor all the studentsin the school.The pompomscost $.10 each.They alsoneedto spend $12 on posters. 3. How manypompomscan the studentcouncil purchasewith the anount budgeted? 4. Will'there be enoughfor 800 students? 5. How rnuchmore moneydoesthe shrdentcouncil ne,edfor pompoms? Cop{igtt@McEougat tittetyHoughton MifflinCompany Alldghtsrsserved. t McDouglalUttell tliath, Courso 3 Chapter 3 R€source Book 47 '. ...:., Chapter Review'Games and Activities t &-) !i!' Math Bingo Useyour answerto geta bingo.Chooseandsolveany one of the 20 pioblems. Look for your answeron the Math Bingo card.If it's there,place an X over it. Whe.nyou have4 X's in a row, horizontally,diagonallyor vertically, you have a MathBingo!For morbfun, play with a panner.Whoevergetsa bingofirst is the winner! . M A T H 1 -6.38 _1 -o.79 2' -29 40 2.8L 50 -83.21 19 e* 4 5 13.48 16 3 -u?, 1 6 I1 2: - 4 2 + = - l2 -f-: 77 55 ,i . (-'l)= _ -3_1_ : 58 ' 7. / r\ : e' \-r;l L o .| x = ' r 2 13. 11.32- 8.51: _ 1 6 . .1 5 . 7. ( - 5 .3 ; : L*3: 9. t7 -5v1= 2 8- 7t2. 10.7+ 2.78: 14 -4.M -: 2.31: _ 15r -12 + 1-0.U1: '.: tn Exercises 1:7-20, use the followlng data. -8, 7, 5, -10, -3, 9, -9, 5 17. Find themean. 18; Find themedian. 19. Find the inode. 2O'. Find the range. G MbDougal Uttell Math, Gourge 3 Chapter5 Resource Book tjtelyHoughtonMlfnirCompany @ McDougal Copydght . All righB reserved.