1974-75 VICTORIA REPORT from the COMPANY TAKE-OVERS COMMITTEE upon a take-over offer by INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED for shares in NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED together with APPENDICES Ordered by the Legislative Assembly, to be printed, 8th May, 1975. By Authority: C. H. RIXON, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. D. No. 15-4187/75.-PRICE 60 cents. EXTRACTED FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. TUESDAY, lOTH SEPTEMBER, 1974. 6. CoMPANY TAKE-OVERS CoMMnTEE.-The Honorab1e Murray Byrne moved, by leave, That the Honorables M. A. Clarke, J. W. Galbally, and Haddon Storey be members of the Company Take-overs Committee. Question-put and resolved in the affirmative. EXTRACTED FROM THE VOTES AND PROCEEDINGS OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. TUESDAY, lOTH SEPTEMBER, 1974. 17. CoMPANY TAKE-OVERS CoMMITTEE.-Motion made, by leave, and question-That Mr. Ebery, Mr. Hayes, Mr. Mclnnes, and Mr. Wilton be members of the Company Take-overs Committee ; and that the Committee have leave to sit on days on which the House does not meet (Mr. Hamer)--put and agreed to. REPORT THE COMPANY TAKE-OVERS COMMITTEE, appointed pursuant to the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, has the honor to report as follows :- 1. By letter dated 19th February, 1975, the Honorable the Attorney-General referred to the Committee a take-over offer by Industrial Equity Limited for all the fully paid ordinary shares of 50 cents each in Noske Industries Limited (Attorney-General's letter-Appendix "A"). 2. Industrial Equity Limited's offer (Appendix "B ") was dated the 29th November, 1974, and was to remain open, unless withdrawn, until 15th March, 1975. The offer was of a consideration of 65 cents cash for each of the offer shares. The offer shares consisted of 2,863,283 fully paid ordinary shares, being all the fully paid ordinary shares in Noske as at 4th November, 1974, to which Industrial Equity Limited was not jtself entitled at the date of the offer. 3. The offer did not include 164,200 shares allotted to employees which were not fully paid, nor did it include 350,000 shares allotted to Castlemaine Bacon Company Pty. Ltd., on 4th October, 1974, and which were not to be fully paid up until 30th June, 1975. It excluded also 268 preference shareholders. 4. By circular letter dated 29th November, 1974, the directors of Noske Industries Limited indicated to shareholders that they were unanimous in their advice that shareholders should reject the offer (Appendix "C "). 5. Immediately upon receipt of the referral from the Attorney-General, the Committee undertook an investigation for the purpose of determining whether, in its opinion, a request should be made to the Governor in Council to declare, pursuant to Section 44E of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, that Noske Industries Limited is a company to which Part VA. of the Act applies. 6. The Committee heard evidence from the directors of Noske Industries Limited, the Chairman and the General Manager of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne and the Chairman of Directors of Industrial Equity Limited, and conferred with the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs. 7. The Two Companies Involved.- (i) Noske Industries Limited-is the holding company for a group of companies, the principal activities of which are stock feed manufacture, flour milling, grain trading, earthmoving and materials handling equipment sales and service, and financing. The subsidiary companies are Noske Flour Mills Pty. Ltd., Queen's Bridge Motors Pty. Ltd., and Queen's Bridge Investments Pty. Ltd. The group holds a 51 per cent interest in N. and C. Intensified Industries Pty. Ltd., which has commenced planning and development of a pig raising project. Directors of the group informed the committee that the company has a total of 413 employees, shareholders' funds of $6 million, 1,569 shareholders, 634 noteholders, and is in its 52nd year of operations. Turnover for financial year 1973-74 was to the order of $17 million, and wages and salaries of $2,040,442 were paid. It is a producer of stock feed at Horsham and has a fertile egg farm and a research and development farm near Horsham. The company supplies prepared stock feeds throughout the Wimmera, Mallee and Western District, and is a receiver of grains throughout those areas. It operates grain storage facilities at Nhill and Charlton. (ii) Industrial Equity Limited-is the holding company for a large group of subsidiary companies for which the holding company provides central management and administrative services and acts in a merchant banking capacity. The principal activities of the companies in the group areequity investment in other companies, commercial and industrial property investment, retailing groceries and wines and spirits, operating a railway line, electrical contracting, operating a memorial funeral park, and merchandising and servicing construction equipment. The holding company employs approximately 800 persons of whom almost 300 are in Victoria through the operation of the following subsidiaries-Colmax Electrical Pty. Ltd. (128 employees); Nathan Blight Pty. Ltd., and National Wholesalers Pty. Ltd. (95 employees); Rustproofers 4 (Melbourne) Pty. Ltd. (25 employees); and Conq uip Limited (28 employees). A diagrammatic presentation of the holding company's group structure as submitted in evidence to the Committee is appended (Appendix "D "). 8. In considering whether a request pursuant to Section 44E (1) of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 should be made, the Committee examined the evidence given and the relevant documents placed before the Committee by the Attorney-General, the witne:.ses, and the two officers consulted. The Committee was conscious that the Governor in Council, in considering any such request, would need to be satisfied (pursuant to Section 44E (2)) that the take-over scheme involves the public interest because(i) it involves the transfer of ownership or control of the company to a person or persons outside Australia ; or (ii) would involve the establishment of a substantial degree of monopolization in any particular industry ; or (iii) would tend to substantially affect the economy of Victoria ; or (iv) would prejudicially affect the employees of the company. The evidence before the Committee failed to establish the criteria envisaged in items (i) or (ii). However, an examination did reveal evidence that the criteria in items (iii) and (iv) were present to a degree which may satisfy the Governor in Council in the terms of Section 44E (2). 9. On 6th March, 1975, the Committee formally resolved(a) That it was of the opinion that a take-over offer had been made in relation to Noske Industries Limited ; and (b) That it was desirable that the Governor in Council declare Noske Industries Limited to be a company to which Part VA. of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 applies. 10. On the same day, it further resolved to and did request the Governor in Council to make such a declaration. The Committee advised the Governor in Council that the take-over offer or scheme involved the general pubUc interest because(a) it would tend to substantiaJly affect the economy of parts of Victoria ; and (b) it would prejudicially affect the employees of the company. 11. On 12th March, 1975, the Governor in Council made the declaration requested, and ordered that the declaration should have effect until 31st May, 1975. In his formal declaration, (Appendix" E "), the Governor in Council indicated that it appeared to him " that the take-over scheme involves the general public interest because it would prejudicially affect the employes of the said company ". 12. On 6th March, 1975, Industrial Equity Limited extended the period during which its offer will remain open from 15th March, 1975, to 15th May, 1975 ; and on 6th May, 1975, the period was further extended to 30th June, 1975. 13. The declaration by the Governor in Council had two important effects. First, it invoked the provisions of Section 44E of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 and prohibited substantial shareholders in Noske Industries Limited (effectively, Industrial Equity Limited, in this context) from exercising their rights to vote without the prior consent of the Attorney-General. Secondly it enabled the Committee (as requested by the Attorney-General) to investigate the take-over scheme in general, but with particular reference to any prejudicial effect upon the employees of the company (this last being the ground upon which the Governor in Council had made his declaration). What it did not achieve was to check in any significant way the progress of Industial Equity Limited towards gaining control of at least the Board of Noske Industries Limited. During the currency of the declaration, Industrial Equity Limited continued to purchase Noske shares. This can be illustrated by evidence that as at 6th March, 1975, their holding was 926,000 shares-23 per cent of the issued capital ; and that on 7th April, 1975, the holding was 1,144,903 sharesapproximately 30 per cent of the capital. 5 14. On the 5th March, 1975, the Stock Exchange of Melbourne suspended the shares in Noske Industries Limited from trading " pending clarification of Industrial Equity Limited's intention regarding the offer price". Also on 5th March, 1975, the Stock Exchange of Sydney suspended the ordinary shares in Industrial Equity Limited from official quotation pending(a) The investigation of apparent breaches of requirement 5 (12) (b) of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges, which reads as follows : " All parties to a take-over or merger transaction and persons acting in concert with them are free to deal at arm's length without discrimination between sellers subject to daily disclo&ure to the home exchange of the offeree corporation (not later than 12 noon on the business day following the date of the relevant transaction) of the total of all shares of any offeror or the offeree corporation purchased or sold by them or person acting in concert with them for their own account on any day during the offer period in the market or otherwise and at what prices. " ; and (b) The receipt of advice as to when the company will increase the consideration offered pursuant to its take-over offer dated 29th November, 1974, for shares in Noske Industries Limited to a price of 80 cents cash per share, in accordance with the provisions of requirement 5 (10) of the Australian Associated Stock Exchanges. The full text of Stock Exchange requirement 5 (10) is as follows " Where the consideration for an offer is either wholly in cash or one or more alternatives one of which is wholly in cash and the offerer purchases shares, the subject of the offer on the market or elsewhere for cash during the offer period at a price higher than the offer priee, the offerer shall increase the cash offered to not less than the highest price paid during the offer period by the offerer." 15. At his meeting with the Committee on 6th March, 1975, Mr. R. A. Brierley, Chairman of Industrial Equity Limited, told the Committee that his company had deliberately set about creating an area of confrontation by purchasing Noske Industries Limited shares on the stock markets at prices in excess of the offer price of 65 cents. 16. Subsequently Industrial Equity Limited gave to the two stock exchanges an undertaking in relation to their listing requirements, and the suspensions were lifted. 17. The Committee understands that the highest price so far paid by Industrial Equity Limited is 80 cents per share and that their holding in Noske Industries Limited's shares amounted on 7th April, 1975, to 1,144,903 shares, or approximately 30 per cent of the capital of Noske Industries Limited. 18. Two conflicting views have been taken of the effect of the declaration by the Governor in Council on the ability of Industrial Equity Limited to comply with Stock Exchange requirement 5 (10). On the one hand the Committee has been informed that Industrial Equity Limited have claimed that the declaration prevents them from increasing their offer from 65 cents during the currency of the declaration, and that they are relying in this claim upon the provisions of Section 44G (1) of the Parliamentary Committees A et 1968 which states: " A person shall not make a take-over offer to which Part VIB. of the Companies Act 1961 applies in respect of any shares in a company to which this Part (i.e. Part VA. of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968) applies." On the other hand, it has been contended before the Committee that compliance with Stock Exchange requirement 5 (10) would merely constitute a variation of the existing take-over offer within the terms of Section 180L(2) of the Companies A et 1961 which provides inter alia as follows " An offeror may vary a take-over offer that is constituted by an offer by doing one or more of the following in relation to the whole or a part of the consideration that is offered for the shares proposed to be acquired(a) where a cash sum is so offered-by increasing the amount of that sum ; " By this contention, Industrial Equity Limited is free to comply with the requirement by way of varying the offer and increasing the sum per share. 19. Industrial Equity Limited has intimated to the Committee that" in terms of an undertaking given to the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, Industrial Equity Limited is committed to increasing this offer to 80 cents per share upon the expiry of the Order in Council dated 12th March, 1975, (provided the 65 cents offer has not earlier closed or been withdrawn)". 20. The Committee believes that there are a number of areas of concern arising from the evidence associated with Industrial Equity Limited buying on the market, the suspensions from trading, the undertakings given and the subsequent lifting of the suspensions. 6 2l. One facet to whlch specific attention is drawn is the discrepancy between Industrial Equity Limited's undertaking to the Stock Exchange of Melbourne on 19th March, 1975, (and confirmed by letter dated 24th March, 1975) and Industrial Equity Limited's intimation to the Committee set out in paragraph 19 ante. 22. In its letter to the Stock Exchange, Industrial Equity Limited stated" In order to facilitate relisting of Noske Industries shares we hereby undertake to comply with Listing Requirements 5 (10) and 5 (12). Any increased take-over offer for Noske shares would necessarily be subject to the prior approval of the Attorney-General of Victoria in respect of a declaration under the Parliamentary Committees (Take-over Offers) Act 1972." In their submission to the Committee, however, Industrial Equity Limited stated their commitment to be effective " upon the expiry of the Order in Council provided that the 65 cents offer has not earlier been closed or withdrawn ". The underlined words tend to render the undertaking~completely ineffective as-=(i) Industrial Equity Limited are apparently free to withdraw the offer of 65 cents at any time ; and (ii) The offer was at any rate due to expire on 15th May, 1975, (since extended to 30th June 1975) and the Order in Council not until 31st May, 1975. At all events Industrial Equity Limited appear to be excusing their failure to comply with the Stock Exchange requirements on two different grounds, i .e.-(i) That the Attorney-General's consent is required ; and (ii) That the declaration by the Governor in Council must first expire. Neither of these grounds, in our opinion, can be supported. Principal Facets of Take-over Proposal Considered by Committee. 23. Effect on Employees. The Committee's concern for employees of the company was made evident in its communication to the Governor in Council requesting a declaration under the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. This concern stemmed partly from assertions that Industrial Equity Limited had a record as a " corporate raider " interested only in profits from take-overs and as being likely to break up the company, sell off its undertakings and thus cause widespread displacement of its personnel. The Committee heard from Noske Industries Limited's Board and from many of the company's employees of their fears. Apprehension of loss of employment and subsequent difficulty in obtaining re-employment, loss of superannuation benefits, inability to thereafter meet present and continuing personal financial commitments and the like, were raised. It was put that loss to the engineering side ofNoske Industries Limited's operation of two distributorships would be inevitable in the event of Industrial Equity Limited gaining control of the company, and that this in turn would result in dismissal of the company's employees engaged in these activities. Industrial Equity Limited argued that they currently employ approximately 800 persons of whom nearly 300 are in Victoria through the operation of five subsidiaries. They contended that their terms of employment are entirely consistent with those prevailing prior to Industrial Equity Limited's acquisition and with other companies in the same industries. They put also that in many subsidiaries the terms and conditions of employment are virtually outside the control of the parent company as a result of industrial agreements and awards. Industrial Equity Limited have assured the Committee that "in the event of the acquisition of control of Noske Industries Limited there is no doubt that the employees of Noske Industries Limited will not be disadvantaged in any shape or form and in many cases there will in fact be greater opportunities for them to develop the scope of their talents and interests ". The Committee fully appreciates the apprehension of the employees of Noske Industries Limited, but finds itself in no position to pronounce upon their justification or otherwise in the light of Industrial Equity Limited's assurance as to that company's intentions. 24. The Effect on the Economy of Parts of Victoria.-Obviously no " substantial effect " upon the economy of Victoria as a whole (or even of the metropolitan area) will result from any changes in ownership or control of Noske Industries Limited. The level of effect of changes in policy or activities by the company in such areas as Horsham and Charlton is (equally obviously) greater in those smaller communities. Both the City of Horsham and the Shire ofCharlton have expressed their concern lest any change in control ofNoske Industries Limited results in a reduction of the company's activities in their areas. 7 In Horsham, Noske Industries Limited employ 50 persons and closure would, according to the City ofHorsham, have a serious effect on the city's economy in a number of ways including detrimental effect upon the company's producer clients as well as the more direct effect of the loss to the district economy of a substantial payroll. Charlton has been anticipating economic stimulus from the planned development of an intensive pig raising complex there by Noske Industries Limited in partnership with Castlemaine Bacon Company Pty. Ltd. It would appear from Industrial Equity Limited's evidence to the Committee that they have reservations about the wisdom of stock food companies, bacon producing companies and pig farmers " getting into one another's fields " as being productive of duplication or triplication of investment. Thus, an Industrial Equity Limited-<:ontrolled Noske Industries Limited may weJJ have a different view of the proposed Charlton project from that of the present Noske Board. Castlemaine Bacon Company Pty. Ltd., for their part, told the Committee that they cannot agree to further expenditure on the project until the future control of Noske Industries Limited is clarified, and that the future of the piggery seems uncertain. Noske Industries Limited went further, suggesting that Castlemaine Bacon Company Pty. Ltd., will not proceed with this project if Industrial Equity Limited proceeds with and is successful in its take-over offer. The Committee finds itself unable to predict the outcome. Noske Industries Limited's operations at Charlton thus far have been small in size. Any loss will then tend to be rather a loss of expectation. 25. The Committee's Role.-The pattern of the Parliamentary Committee's Act 1968 so far as it relates to the functions of this Committee clearly envisages that, aside from requesting a declaration by the Governor in Council (as was done in this matter), the Committee's functions are to investigate, then to consider whether a particular take-over offer is one in respect of which the Parliament should intervene. If it so decides, the Committee would recommend the course of aLtion it believe~ the Parliament should take, following which legislation may or may not ensue. The take-over offer under discussion is the first to be examined by the Committee since its inception. There have been no guidelines or principles established as to what should be the circumstances warranting intervention. The guidelines set out in the Act are designed to assist the Governor in Council in deciding whether or not to make a declaration. Those guidelines have assisted this Committee (albeit they are for its purpose merely persuasive), and the Committee has examined the evidence with those criteria in mind. There are however no guidelines as to degree of effect in any of those cases. The Committee has therefore been called upon to decide whether in all the circumstances and after due inquiry this is a case in which it should ask the Parliament to intervene. The Committee has resolved that, whilst there are areas for concern, this is not such a case. No further action is therefore recommended. 26. Some Areas for Concern.-Earlier in this report the Committee commented on the failure of Industrial Equity Limited to comply with two requirements of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, i.e.-(i) failure to notify on a daily basis purchases on or off the market during the currency of the take-over offer ; and (ii) failure to increase the offer to all shareholders to the highest price paid (i.e. increase offer from 65 cents to 80 cents.) The Committee notes that following their undertaking to the exchanges, Industrial Equity Limited has apparently been complying with the requirement to notify its purchases of shares. The Committee has rejected (paragraph 22) the two grounds relied upon by Industrial Equity Limited for not yet lifting the offer price to 80 cents. It is the Committee's view that there is no legal bar to the offer being raised as required by the Stock Exchange rules, and that such action would amount to a variation of the offer which is permitted by the Companies Act 1961. 27. The question was raised as to whether it would be desirable for the period of time in which the Governor in Council's declaration is effective to be reduced so that Industrial Equity Limited would (in the terms of its undertaking to this Committee) comply with the Stock Exchange requirements at an earlier date than their present intention. 28. The examination of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, and legal advice received by the Committee, indicate that probably there is no power to cancel or vary the period of the declaration. This apparent weakness in the statute is drawn to the attention of Honorable Members as a matter possibly worthy of correction. 8 29. As explained in paragraph 12 of this report, Industrial Equity Limited has, during the currency of the declaration by the Governor in Council, increased its holding in Noske Industries Limited from 23 per cent to approximately 30 per cent by buying shares. The Committee is concerned that the progression of a take-over scheme is not suspended by a dedaration. In this instance Industrial Equity Limited may have during the period of the declaration moved into a position of winning effective control of Noske Industries Limited. We were informed by Industrial Equity Limited that on 28th April, 1975, they held 30 per cent of the capital and believed themselves to have the support of the holders of a further 6 per cent. They stated that " under normal conditions this must be very close to effective control of the company". 30. The implications of the above situation are serious, and deserve critical examination as to the effectiveness or otherwise of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. 31. Appreciation. The Committee places on record its appreciation of the co-operation and assistance received from officers of the two companies, from the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, the Chief Parliamentary Counsel and the Commissioner for Corporate Affairs. 32. Appendices.-Appended to this report are-the transcript of evidence* of the following : Mr. R. G. H. Bishop, Chairman Mr. K. L. Cook, Managing Director Mr. R. L. Eilenberg, Director of Noske Industries Limited ; Mr. R. B. Lee, General Manager, The Stock Exchange of Melbourne ; Mr. R. A. Brierley, Chairman, Industrial Equity Limited ; and Mr. J. Campbell Johnston, Chairman, The Stock Exchange of Melbourne. " A " -The letter of referral from the Attorney-General. "B" --The offer by Industrial Equity Limited. " C " -Circular from Noske directors to shareholders advising rejection of take-over bid. " D " -Diagram of group structure of Industrial Equity Limited. " E " -Order-in-Council re Noske Industries Limited. " F " -Submission from Noske Industries Limited, dated 15th April, 1975. "G "~Submission from Industrial Equity Limited dated 28th April, 1975. 33. Summary of Recommendations and Conclusions. (i) The take-over offer by Industrial Equity Limited is not a case in which the Committee should ask the Parliament to intervene. (Paragraph 25). (ii) The Committee is unable to pronounce upon the justification or otherwise for the apprehension of Noske Industries Limited's employees as to their future. (Paragraph 23). (iii) The Committee is unable to predict the future ofNoske Industries Limited's activities metropolitan area, Horsham or Charlton. (Paragraph 24). (iv) It is the Committee's view that there is no legal bar to Industrial Equity Limited raising its offer to 80 cents to comply with stock exchange requirements. (Paragraph 26). (v) The apparent lack of power to cancel or vary the period of a declaration by the Governor in Council may be worthy of correction. (Paragraph 28). (vi) The implications of an offeror's purchase of shares in the offeree company during the period in which a declaration by the Governor in Council is current deserve critical examination. (Paragraph 30). Committee Room, 7th May, 1975. * Not printed. 9 APPENDIX "A " 221 QUEEN STREET MELBOURNE, VIe. 3000 19th February, 1975. Mr. G. N. H. Grose, Secretary, Company Take-overs Committee, Parliament House, Melbourne, 3002 Dear Mr. Grose, Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, section 44B : Noske Industries Limited and Industrial Equity Limited I have received a request from Messrs. Oswald Burt & Co., on behalf of Noske Industries Limited, that a take-over offer by Industrial Equity Limited be referred to the Company Take-overs Committee. I enclose a copy of the solicitors' letter. I enclose copies of other relevant correspondence which has been made available to me. Both of the companies concerned were incorporated in Victoria, and a large part of the activities of Noske Industries Limited involves the production of stockfeed in country areas. It seems clear that this is a case which comes within the ambit of section 44B of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968, and that the take-over scheme may involve matters of the kind referred to in section 44E of the Act. You will note that the offer for shares will expire on 15th March 1975 unless extended under section l80L of the Companies Act 1961. In the circumstances I think it desirable that the matter be considered by the Company Take-overs Committee, and I therefore refer it to the Committee under section 44B for consideration and report. Yours sincerely, V. F. Wilcox Attorney-General 10 APPENDIX " B " THIS DOCUMENT IS IMPORTANT IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ABOUT THIS OFFER, YOU SHOULD CONSULT YOUR STOCKBROKER, BANK MANAGER, SOLICITOR OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL ADVISER IMMEDIATELY. OFFER by INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED. TO ACQUIRE SHARES IN THE CAPITAL OF NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED T 0 ACCEPT THE 0 F FER please complete the enclosed Form of Acceptance and Transfer in accordance with the instructions thereon and send it with your Share Certificate(s) to Industrial Equity Ltd., 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W., as quickly as possible in the enclosed reply-paid envelope. 11 PLEASE FORWARD ALL DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH YOUR ACCEPTANCE TO THE SECRETARY, INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED, 151 MACQUARIE STREET, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have any questions regarding this offer please contact Industrial Equity Limited or their financial advisor, CitiNational Capital Corporation Ltd. by calling any of the following telephone numbers. IEL- SYDNEY 241-1361 MELBOURNE- 61-3222 Ci tiN a tiona1-Sydney 25- 6461 MELBOURNE- 62-2046 12 THIS IS AN IMPORTANT DOCUMENT PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN PROMPTLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS OVERLEAF. If you are in any doubt please consult your Financial or Legal Adviser. FORM OF ACCEPTANCE AND TRANSFER Offer for fully paid ordinary shares of by Industrial Equity Limited ("IEL"). Ordinary Shareholder (name and address) 50~ each in Noske Industries Limited ("Noske") Number of fully paid ordinary shares of 50~ each held in Noske Industries Limited Consideration (cash 65~ per share) $ ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER TO: INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED 151 Macquarie Street, SYDNEY, New South Wales. 2000 .I, the' shareholder named above (hereinafter called "the Transferer") being the holder of the fully paid ordinary shares of 50\' each in Noske shown above (a) Accept the Offer dated 29th November 1974 by !EL in respect of the whole of the fully paid ordinary shares of 50~ each in Noske registered in my name in the Register of Members of Noske or in respect of which I am entitled to be so registered at the date hereof, being the number of shares shown above (hereinafter called "the said shares"). (b) In consideration of the payment to me of 65~ for each fully paid ordinary share of 50~ in Nosk<e in respect of which the said Offer is accepted, in accordance with and pursuant to the terms and conditions of the said Offer DO HEREBY TRANSFER to IEL the said shares to hold the same unto IEL and its successors and assigns subject to the several conditions on which I held the same immediately before the execution hereof. (c) Enclose herewith the Share Certificate(s) relating to the said shares hereby transferred. (d) Represent and warrant to IEL that the said shares which are hereby transferred to !EL shall at the date of registration thereof in the name of IEL be free from all liens charges and encumbrances whatsoever. (e) Authorise IEL and its officers and agents to complete on my behalf in this Form of Acceptance and Transfer, correct details of my holding of fully paid ordinary shares of 50~ each in Noske and of the cash consideration payable to me purs)lant to my acceptance of the said Offer in respect of the said shares and further authorise !EL and its officers and agents to correct any errors or omissions in this document as may be necessary or proper to enable registration of the said shares in the name of !EL. Where this document is signed under Power of Attorney, the Attorney declares that he has not received notice of revocation of such Power. X Signed by the Transferor this day of 197 13 INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER This Form and these iristructions are important. should consult your Financial or Legal Adviser. If you do not understand them you 1. To accept the Offer by Industrial Equity Limited to purchase all your fully paid ordinary shares in Noske Industries Limited you must complete ·and sign the Form of Acceptance and Transfer on the front hereof where marked X. 2. Forward this Form together with your Share Certificate{s) AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to The Secretary Industrial Equity Limited, 151 Macquarie Street, SYDNEY, New South Wales. 2000 A reply paid envelope is enclosed for your assistance. 3. Please remember to enclose your Share Certificate(s). If your Share Certificate{s) is/are not readily available, complete and sign the Form of Acceptance and Transfer and send it now to the abovementioned address and forward your Share Certificate(s) ~s soon as possible. 4. Attorneys If the Form of Acceptance and Transfer is signed under Power of Attorney, the Power of Attorney must be forwarded with the Form of Acceptance and Transfer for noting by Noske unless it has already been noted by that Company. 5. J oirit Holders If shares are registered iri the names of joint holders all must sign the Form of Acceptance and Transfer. 6. Corporations If the ordinary shares are registered iri the name of a corporation, the Form of Acceptance and Transfer must be executed under the common seal of the corporation or by its Attorney/ies appointed under Seal. 7. Deceased Estates Probate or Letters of Administration or Certificates of Grant, accompanied, where applicable, by Certificates varying the payment of death duties should he forwarded to Noske for noting unless already noted by that Company. 8. Trustees and Nominees A Trustee or Nominee may for the purposes of the Offer treat different parts of the total trust holding separately and may apply to !EL for additional copies of the Offer and the Form of Acceptance and Transfer. 9. IF YOU HAVE ALREADY SOLD (a) all of your shares, please send this Form to the Stockbroker who acted on your behalf. (b) part of your shares, please state overleaf the nwnber of shares now held by you and write on the Form of Acceptance and Transfer the name and address of the Stockbroker who acted on the sale. PLEASE FORWARD ALL DOCUMENTS CONNECTED WITH YOUR ACCEPTANCE TO THE SECRETARY, INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED, 151 MACQUARIE STREET, SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you have any questions regardirig the completion of this Form, please contact Industrial Equity Limited or their.Ji'inancial advisor, Citinational Capital Corporation Limited by calling any of the following telephone nwnbers:- !EL Citinational- Sydney. Sydney ·241• 1361 256 461 Melbourne Melbourne 61 3222 !. 62 2046 14 INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED 29th November, 1974. Dear Shareholder, We have pleasure in submitting herewith our formal offer to acquire your shares at 65 cents each. As the largest shareholder in Noske Industries Ltd we are horrified at the recent actions of the Board which have had the effect of considerably diminishing the present and future value of the companies shares. We are apprehensive that unless strong action is taken to change the control of Noske, further depredations will continue to occur and this is the main reason for our present takeover offer. The price of 65 cents per share would have been higher except for these very relevant facts: >:< During the past year Noske has issued 514, 200 ne"v shares to other than existing shareholders - all at prices of less than 65 cents each. ':' The latest issue was just two months ago - 350,000 shares to Castlemaine Bacon Co. Pty Ltd. at PAR VALUE (50~ per share) and on easy credit terms which do not require full payment until 30th June 1975!! There could be no more graphic illustration of what the Noske Directors really believe to be the true value of the shares. ':' It has now been disclosed that the company has issued 11 service 11 contracts to no fewer than 16 executives which provide that in the event of a takeover these executives (including two Directors) are entitled to resign and to each receive an amount equal to 5 YEARS SALARY. The Board is very evasive regarding the financial repercussions of this incredible arrangement but it is obvious that there must be a contingent liability of at least $1 million which is a direct reduction of shareholders' equity. THE EFFECT OF THE FOREGOING !v!OVES ON THE REAL VALUE OF THE SHARES IS NOTHING LESS THAN DEVASTATING AND HAS NOT YET BEEN FULLY REALISED BY SHAREHOLDERS AND INVESTORS. Noske's trading results are very mediocre with a return of just over 5o/a on shareholders' funds, notwithstanding the Board's promises and excuses of earlier years. Considerable doubt also exists as to prospects of obtaining the full book value of fixed assets and in this regard it should be noted that write offs of nearly $800, 000 were involved in the recent closure of the Victorian flourmilling operations. In the circumstances it is clear that something has to be done about Noske Industries Ltd. It is imperative that a change of control takes place as soon as possible and shareholders should seriously consider the sale of their shares on a basis which is fair to them and fair to the purchaser. Our offer provides such an opportunity and should be accepted. In our opinion the present market price which is more than 65 cents is unlikely to be sustained. Yours faithfully, INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED R. A. Brierley, CHAIRMAN OF DIRECTORS 151 MACQUARIE STREET SYDNEY NSW 2000 TELEPHONE 2411361 15 INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED (IEL) {inc. in Victoria) Registered Office: 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney, New South Wales. OFFER To each holder of fully paid shares in Noske Industries Limited (Noske) as at 4th November, 1974. (a) Shares proposed to be acquired under Takeover Scheme IEL proposes to acquire during the period during which offers made pursuant to the Takeover Scheme remain open for acceptance as hereinafter provided 2, 863,283 fully paid ordinary shares of 50~· each in Noske being all the fully paid ordinary shares in Noske as at the 4th day of November 1974 other than the fully paid ordinary shares in Noske to which IEL is entitled (within the meaning of Section l80A of ths Act) at the date hereof. The terms of all other take over offers dispatched or to be dispatched in respect of the fully paid ordinary shares in Noske proposed to be acquired by IEL as aforesaid (which other takeover offers together with this takeover offer are hereinafter collectively referred to as ''the Takeover Scheme") are the same terms as are contained in this. offer. The fully paid ordinary shares in Noske which IEL proposes to acquire pursuant to the Takeover Scheme are hereinafter referred to as "offer shares''. (b) Offer and entitlement to Offer IEL hereby offers to acquire on the terms and conditions set out in this offer the whole of your offer shares. This offer is made to you as the holder of offer shares registered in the Register of Members of Noske at 5 p. m. (Eastern Standard Summer Time) on the date hereof. In accordance with Section 180K of the Act, where at the time when this offer was made or at any time duringthe period during which this offer remains open for acceptance, another person is or is entitled to be registered as the holder of shares to which this offer relates then - (i) a corresponding takeover offer shall be deemed to have been made to that other person in respect of those shares; and ( ii) a corresponding takeover offer shall be deemed to have been made to you in respect of any other shares to which the offer relates. (c) Consideration The consideration offered is sixty-five cents cash for each of the offer shares. (d) Currency of Offer It is a term of this offer that it and all other offers made by IEL under the Takeover Scheme will unless withdrawn remain open 16 during the period ending at 5. 00 p. m. Eastern 15th March 1975 PROVIDED HOWEVER THAT ance with the provisions of Section 180L of the from time to time vary this offer by extending which this offer remains open. (e) Standard Time on IEL may in accordAct at any time and the period during Conditions of Offer This offer and any contract or agreement arising from the acceptance of it are subject to the following conditions:(i) Takeover offers under the Takeover Scheme being accepted in respect of not less than that number of shares which represents 90% of the offer shares. (ii) Takeover offers under the takeover scheme being accepted by not less than three-fourths of the offerees. (iii) Between the 4th :r:{ovember 197 4 and the end of the period during which this offer and all other offers under the Takeover Scheme remain open for acceptance, Noske and each of its subsidiaries has carried on and will carry on its business in the existing and ordina·ry and usual manner and in particular has not and shall not have A. declared paid or distributed any dividend bonus or other share of its profits or as sets to members; B. is sued allotted or granted options over or otherwise made any commitments with respect to any of its capital or effected any alteration in its capital structure or issued or agreed to issue any convertible notes; C. appointed any additional Directors to its Board other than Ronald Alfred Brierley; D. conducted business except in the normal and usual course or made any change which has a materially adverse effect on its business or prospects; E. had threatened or commenced against it any claim or proceedings in any Court; F. made any changes in the provisions of its Memorandum or Articles of Association; G. entered into any contract or commitment other than in the normal and usual course of business; H. passed any resolution for liquidation or had or otherwise been liable to have appointed an Official Manager, Receiver· or Liquidator or become subject to investigation under Part VIA of the Act nor will there have been any 17 petition for winding up nor any threat of proceedings for winding up against it• I. paid to any employee or director any bonus or special or extra remuneration or retiring allowance or payment in the nature thereof; J. entered into any service contract with any director or other executive which may not be terminated without compensation. (iv) A. That neither 1\:oske nor any subsidiary of Noske is a party to any service contract with any director or other executive which cannot be terminated without compensation; B. That between the date of the balance sheet last laid before the members of Noske in general meeting and the end of the period during which this offer and all other offers under the Takeover Scheme .remain open for acceptance there will not have been any material adverse changes in the assets and liabilities or profits of Noske. C. That any contract arising from the acceptance of this offer will not come into force unless and'until Section 94(3) of the Trade Practices Act l q74 of the Commonwealth of Australia applies in relation to the acquisition of the offer shares to which this offer relates. (v) That any breach or non-fulfilment of the conditions in (iii) and (iv) above or any one of them may be relied upon only by IEL which may at its option waive any such condition or the breach or non-fulfilment thereof. (f) IEL alone shall be entitled to the benefit of the foregoing conditions and may at any time and from time to time declare this and all other offers made by IEL under the Takeover Scheme and any contract or agreement arising from the acceptance thereof free from any one of or all the conditions set out in paragraph (e) above by notice in writing to Noske PROVIDED THAT such declaration or declarations be made not less than seven days before the end of the period during which this offer remains open. (g) Immediately before this offer was dispatched IEL was entitled (within the meaning of Section l80A of the Act) to 656, 717 fully paid ordinary shares of 50~ each in the capital of Noske. (h) Satisfaction of Consideration Within fourteen da·ys after (i) (ii) 4187/75.-Z - the date upon which all the conditions referred to in sub -paragraph (e) hereof shall have been fulfilled (any breach or nonfulfilment thereof having been theretofore waived in accordance with sub-paragraph (e) (v) above); or the date upon which this offer is declared to have become free 18 of all such conditions; whichever first occurs, IEL shall lodge for registration with Noske all the documents referred to in sub-paragraph (n) below received by it and shall use its best endeavours to procure such registration at the earliest practical date. In respect of those shares in respect of which this offer is accepted after the date upon which this offer is declared to have become free of all such conditions IEL shall lodge for registration the documents referred to in sub-paragraph (n) below and received by it in respect of those shares within seven days of such receipt. IEL shall then use its best endeavour to procure registration of such documents at the earliest practical date. Payment of the cash consideration will be made to the holder of shares accepting the offer prior to the :(i) (ii) date being fourteen days after IEL has become the registered holder of the shares subject to the acceptance; or 30thJune 1975, whichever shall be the earlier. A cheque drawn in favour of each offeree accepting this offer for the cash consideration payable for the offer shares in respect of which the offer is accepted will be posted prior to the date hereinbefore referred to by prepaid mail to the offeree concerned at his address appearing in the Re ter of Members of Noske or where no such address appears in the Register of Members of Noske or a different address is shown on the Form of Acceptance and Transfer, then to the address shown on the Form of Acceptance and Transfer. PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT notwithstanding the provisions of this offer nothing herein contained shall create or transfer to any offeree who is resident out of Australia any right (actual or contingent) to the payment of moneys by IEL hereunder where the authority of the Reserve Bank of Australia to such payment is required, unless and until such authority has been obtained .. (i) Warranty It is a term of this offer that by signing the form of acceptance and transfer the offeree represents and warrants to IEL that all of the shares in Noske the subject of that acceptance and transfer shall at the date of registration of the transfer thereof be fully paid UP, and from all mortgages, charges, liens and encumbrances of every kind whether to Noske or any other company, firm or person whatsoever. (j) Withdrawal of Offer IEL shall be at liberty by written notice to Noske at any time during which this offer remains· open to withdraw this and all other offers made by IEL under Takeover Scheme in which case any contract arising from acceptance of any such offer shall be voidable at the option of IEL by notice in writing to the Offeree not later than one month after such withdrawal. 19 Pursuant to Section l80E(4) of the Act, if an offer arising under the Takeover Scheme is withdrawn, a contract arising from the acceptance of any other offer under the Takeover Scheme is voidable at the option of the offeree by notice in writing given to IEL not later than one month after the firstmentioned offer is withdrawn. (k) General This offer is not conditional upon the offeree approving or consenting to a payment or another benefit being made or given to a director of Noske or of a corporation that is deemed by virtue of Section 6(5) of the Act to be related to Noske as compensation for loss of office or as consideration for or in connection with his retirement from office. (1) In accordance with Section 180E ( 5) of the Act IEL specifies 7th March, 197 5 as the date for the publication of the notice referred to in Section l80N (3) of the Act PROVIDED THAT IEL hereby expressly reserves its right to vary such date under and subject to Section 180L of the Act. (m) All costs and expenses of the preparation and circulation of this and all other offers made by IEL under the Takeover Scheme and stamp duty on transfers in respect of acceptances will be payable by IEL. (n) Acceptance of Offer (a) To accept this offer sign the Form of Acceptance and Transfer; (b) The Form of Acceptance and Transfer together with your Share Certificates should be forwarded to and be received by Industrial Equity Limited, 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney, New South Wales, prior to the expiration of the period during which this offer remains open; (c) By signing the Form of Acceptance and Transfer you will be deemed to have (i) authorised IEL to complete on your behalf on the form correct details of your holding of offer shares; (ii) (d) acknowledged that insofar as any blanks remain in that form IEL is thereby authorised to complete such blanks in such manner as is necessary to make such Acceptance and Transfer effective in relation to all the fully paid ordinary shares held by you in the capital of Noske; If the form of Acceptance and Transfer is signed under Power of Attorney the Power of Attorney must be produced to Noske for noting unless it has already been noted by that Company; (e) If the Offeree or one of the offerees is a corporation it must execute the form of Acceptance and Transfer under its seal or by attorney or authorised officer; 20 (f) If the shares are registered in the names of joint holders, all must sign the form; (g) If the shares stand in the books of No in the name of a person now deceased this Offer shall be deemed to be made to his Executors or Administrators. Probate, Letters of Administration or a Certificate of Grant and a Certificate under Section 14 of the Probate Duty Act of Victoria must be produced to Noske for noting unless they have already been noted by that Company. Failing strict compliance with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph IEL may (but shall not be obliged to) grant time in which to effect such compliance and validate acceptance, or may waive such compliance . DATED this 29th day of November, 1974. FOR and on behalf of Industrial Equity Limited. R. A. BRIERLEY Director. 21 COPY PART A STATE.\.1EN f' l. S~ale <.)f 1961 of the 2, 3. Victoria, The takeover offe:-s hereinafter referred to are hereinafter Limited {"IEL"} of fully which is set forth to the Lim:tcd ~---FOR\-fOFOFFER wi~l following is the proposed form of offer which be di.spatcherl !o sharehoidt>rs in Noske pursuant to the T;;,keo\/er Scheme "(a) Scht>tne remain open for acceptance as hereinafter all ~he fully paid ordinary shares in Noske as at the 4th day meaning of Section 180A of the Acti at the date hereof. The in respect of fully paid ordinary shares jr. Noske proposed to be acquired by IE1.... as with this offer are hereinafter collectively referred to as 11 the Takeover Scheme") are the same p;nd ordinary shares in Noske which IE!., proposes to acquire pur~uant to the Takeover. Scheme are here- (b) lE:.. hereby offers of offe::- shares Section 1 BOK of registered (i) (ii) (d C..eemed tu have bet>n made to that other person in respect 0f those shares; and a corresponding takeover offer shaH det·med 1Q have iwen rnade to you in rc:;p<::Lt of <tny othe::- shan·s lo whi'-h the offer reiate:s. _g.onsideration Th<> con:;;ideration of!ert'd, is sixty-five cents for t"<h h o.f !he offer gh,l rt>s. (d) du::"ing the pe·riod provisions of Section offer th..tt it anC.. .<dl other ofier remains open. {e) This offer and any contract or agreement {i.) from the ac..:epbmP. subje~:l it o( offers under the Takeover Srht>me being ac..:eplcd :n respect of not to the following conciitions:than that number of shares which represents (il.) Takeover vffers unci-er the takeover s..:heme being a<cepted by not less than three-fourths of the offerees. (iii) Between the 4.th November 1974 and the encl of the period during which this offer and all other Noske and each its subsidiaries has carried on wi;I (<J.rry units business in has not and shall have - B, issued in its options over o~herwise made any commitments wi.th re sped to any of its cdptlal or effected any alteration or issut'd or agreed to issue a;;y convertible notes; c. appointed any additional Di:-erturs to its Doard other D. Conducted business except in the normal and usuat course c:prospects; E. had threatened or comm.encedagalnstit Honald Alfred Urierley, m<~de any change which has 3. ma!eriaUy adverse effect m:>.de any changes in the provisions of its Memurandcm or Article;; of Assodailvn: entered into any >:ont:-a('l or commitment than in tht> normttl and ::our se of b1.u>iness; or had o:r ~Jtherwise bt'en l.ici.ble to have und<:r Part VJA of the Ad wii.I there have up <~.g!linst Receiver or Liquidator or up nor any threat of proceedings i!; l. paid to any employee or director an;; J' entered intb any service contract wilh or .;;-pe,·)al or (':Xlra remuneration or retidng allowance or payment in the nature tht'reof; director or other. Noske nor any subsidiar;' of Aoske is a without corr:pensathm; A. its business or <".lairn or pr<:Ht>t:ding;; in any C0urt; F, H, B. (v) <~.ny th:u~ G, C. under the Takeov~r Scheme remain open for existing and ordinary and usual manner and other sh,1re uf its prulits or ttsscls to members, A, (lv) 90o/o of the offer e:x~cutive which may nol be terminate<! withoul compensat1on. to any \'>erviu; contract with any director or other executive which cannot be laiC before the members of Noskc i.n That Act contrad arisin~r from the of the Commonwealth of cluri.ng which adverse changes the Trade Practices relates, off~r applies in !-elatiun to the That any breach o:r non-fulfilment of the conditions in (iii) and option waive any such condition or the breach or non-fulfilment above or any one of them may be relied upon only by IEL whkh may at its (f) IEL alon~ shall be ent=:tled to the benefit of the foregoing conditions and by IEL under the T>keover Scheme and contract ~~~ i~f~~;a::;ro~ ~~r~~~v;h~~h to (g) Immediately before this offer paid ordinary shares of 50\ was entitled (witliJn the meaning of Scdion lSOA o! the Act) to {number will be inserted} fully of ;..;oske. (h) at any tin:e and from time to time declare this and all other offers made the thereof free from one o( or all the conditions set open.~~=·=-"'="- such or declarations be not less than seven days before the Satisfaction of C<msidt:.ration Within fourteen days after to in sub-paragraph (e) hereof shall have been ful.i'illed (any breach or non-fulfilment the reo! with sub~paragraph (e} fv) above); or (i) the date upon which all the. conditions b.aving·been theretofore waived in (ii) the date upon which !h~S offer is dedarcd to have ?ecome free of all su~h conditions; whichever first occurs, lEL shall lodge for registration with Noske. all the docum·ents referred l~ in use its best p1"ocure such earliest rlate. ln respect of those· after the dale upon this offer is to have aU such conditions !EL shall lodge sub-paragraph (n} below and received by it in respect of those witl'-.in seven d1iys of such receipt. IEL shall !.hen use its Lest endeavour to JHO(;Ur-'! Payment of the ..:ash cons:ideratior. will be r~ade registraii:m of such documents (n) below received by it and shall respect of which this offer is .iccepted registration the documents referred to in the e<'<rlie!!.t practical date, to the holdt>r qf sl1ares accepting tht' offer prior !o the:- (i) date l.Jcing fourteen days after u;L has bc,uro.e the rcgi:;te:-ed holder of the shares suh5ed to the acceptanc-e; (~il ·30th June 1975, whichever sh<1ll he the e-arHer . .\ c,_ht·(,ue .-lrawn in (avuur of t'ach offeree respect Qf whi(h offer is an:t'nled \~·ill be posted pri;•r !o :he d,l.le this offer for lhe referred to by consideral!.on payable for the offel" shares in mail to the offeree concerned at his 'addresa 22 <tppea:dng in the Regi&te:r of Members of Noske or where no ,r;uch address appears in the Register of on the Form of Acceptance and Transfer, then to the address shown on the Form of Acceptance and of Noske or a differer1t <tddress is shown PROVlDED ALWAYS THAT notwithstanding the provislons of this offer nothing herein contained shall create or transfer to any offeree who i& resident out o( AuBtralia any right {actual or contingent) to the payment of moneys by IEL hereunder where the authority of the Reserve Bank of Australia to such p<tyment is required, unless and until such authority has been obtained. (i) Warranty It is a term o( this offer that by signing the form of acceptance and transfer the offeree represents and warrants lo IEL that aU of the shares in Nos'ke the subject of that acceptan;;e and transfer shall at the date of registration of the transfer lhereof be fully paid up and free from all mortgages, charges, Hens and encumbrances of every kind whether to Noske or any other company, fi.rm or person whatsoever, (j} Withdrawal of Of(er JEL shall be at liberty by written notice to Noske at any time during which thLs remains open to withdraw this and all other oHers made by under the Takeover Scheme in which case contract arhing from acceptance any such offer shall he voidable at the option of IEL by notice writing to the Offeree not later than one after such withdrawal. Pursuant to Section 180E (4) of ~he if an o{fer arising um3er the Scheme is withdrawn, a contract arising from the of other offer under the Takeover Scheme: voidable at the option of the notice in writing gl-.·en to lEL not later than one month o!Ier is withdrawn. (k} ~ Thia: offer is not cQnditional upon the offeree approving or consenting to a payment or amHhcr benent being made or given to a director o! Noske or o( a corporation that is deemed by virtue &(5) of the Act to be related to Noske as compensation !or loss oi office or as consideration !or or in connection with his retirernent from 180E(5,l of the Act IEL specifies 7th March, 1?75 as the date for the publication of the notice referred to in Section lSON(3} IEL hereby expressly reserves its right vary such date under and subject to Section ll:lOL of the Act, (1) ~2"-!P.!~I.!:!:'!.I. (m) All coats and j_n rupect of of the preparation and orculation of this and aH other offers made by IEL under the Takeover Scheme and stamp duty on transfers will be payable by !:EL. (n) (a} To accApt this offer si.gn the Form (b} The Form of Acceptance and Transfer together with your l51 Macquarie Street, Sydney, New South Wales, prior to {c) By aigning the Farm of Acceptance and Transfer you will be deemed to have {d) Acceptance and Transfer; should be forwarded the period during and he received by Industrial Equity Llmited 1 this offer rpmains open; - (i) authorised JEL to complete on your behalf on the form correct details o.f your holding o! offer shares; (ii.) acknOwledged that insofar as any blanks rema-in in that form 1EL is thereby authorised to t-omplete such blanks in such manner as is necessary to make such Acceptance and Transfer.eHective in relation to all the fully paid ordinary shares held by you in the capital ofNoske; If the form of Ac<'eptance and Transfer ls signed under Power of Anorney the Power of Attorney must he produced to :-;oske for noting unless \t. has already been noted by that Company; (e) Offeree or one of the oHerees is a corporation it must execute the form of Acceptance and Transfer under its seal or by attorney or-a\,lthoroHicer; (f) If the shares are registered in the names of joint holders, all must sign the form; (g) If the o;hares stand in the books of Nosk-e in the name of a shall istrators, Probate, Letters of Administration or a of Grant a under muat be produced to Noske for noting unless they have already been noted by that Company. Failing strict and validate to be made to his Executors Or Admin~ H of the Probate Duty Act of Victo:r;:ia with the foregoing provisions of this paragraph IEL may (but shaH not be obliged to} grant time in which to effect such compliance or may waive S\,lCh compliance". N, B, The following information which will not he available un1il the date upon which offers are made pursuant to, the Takeover Scheme will be induded in ofter namely ea~h (a) In sub-paragraph (a/ 1he number of shares in- Noske which IEL proposes to acquire pursuant to the Takeover Scheme. (b} In sub-paragraph {g) the number of ordinary shares of 50~ in Noske to which fEL ~s entitled immediateLy before the oHe:rs arc dispatched pursuant to the Takeover Scheme. In addition the offer will be dated and a facsimile of th-e signature of a Dire~;tor of lEL will appear a! the foot thereof. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BF.: INCLUDED IN THIS STATEMENT (a) The name a, 'occupations and addresses of all the directors of IEL are as _follows Ronald Alfred Brierley. 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney, New So1..1th Wales zooo Company Director James Gordon Maxwell Moffatt, 3 Marne Street, South Yarra, Victoria 3141 Cqmpany Director Jorgen Nielsen Becyer, Terrace, Wellingron, New Zealand Chartered D<mgla9 William Sutherland, 13 Conder Street. Burwood, New South Wales Z 13-4 Pubhc Accountant Douglas Richard Wylie, Coronga Crescent, Killara, New South Walee Chartered Accountant 2071 Accountan~ \b) The principal activity of lEL 1s investing in 1hares in other companies, (c) At the date of thi.s Statement IEL is entitled, within the: meaning given to that term by St>ction 180A of the Act, to 6.56,.717 ordinary shares in the capital of Noske. (d) Other than as set out in (c) above IEL ts not entitled at the date of thh Statement to any marketable securities in No eke. 5. There ia no restYiction on the right to transfer the shares to which offers m«de under the Takeover Scheme relate cor.tained in the Meinorandum or Articles o£ Association o! Noske which has the effect of requiring the holders of ihe shares before transfer :ring them, to oHer them for purchase to members of Noskc or to any other pen on, &, The consideration payable for the acquisition of shares in :-;oske: under the Takeover Scheme obtained from loan funds made available to IEL by CitiNational Securities Corporation 7. H 8. Within the knowledge of IEL the financial of Noske has not materially before Noske in general meeting, save as in statements made by Noske to Appendix I to this Statement which forms part of this Statement, 9. By agn-ements to be made between CitiNational Securities Corporation Limited (as the provider of credit fa<'ilities to tEL) and lEL, the former CQmpany will obtain security over some or all of the shares in Noske acquired by IEL pursuant to the Takeover Schente, As a result the shares in Noske acquired by lEL in puuuance of the Takeover Scheme and in respect of which Cit1Nati.onal SecuriHes Corporation Limited will obtain security as aforesaid may (in ac<:ordance with the security arrangements) be transferred to that company or its nominee, At the date hereof, no shares in Nol'.lke are held by or on- hehal£ o! CitiNatl.on&l Securities CorpOriiltion Limited. to be secured wholly by the payment of cash which will be not proposed in connection with the Takeover Scheme that any payment or other benefit shall be made or given to any Dir-ector of Noske or of any corporthat is, by virtue of sub-section (5) of Section 6 of the Act, deemed to be related to Noske as compensation for loss of office or as .;;onsideration for or in. connection with his retirement from office nor is there any agreement or arrangement made between IEL and any of the Directors of :-;'oske in connection with or conditional upon the outcome of the Takeovc r Scheme. since the 30th June 197), being the date of the Stock Exchange of Melbourne Limited. details balance sheet laid which_ are set forth in 23 Save a• aforesaid there i& no agreement or arrangement whereby any shares i.n Noake ;u.;qui.red by lEL will or may be transferred to any other person. 10. STOCK EXCHANGE REQUIREMENTS In accordance wi.th Section 5{1.1} and (12) of the Official List Requirements of the Australian Associated Stock Exchange~> the following information is set forth:~ For the purposes of a common objective (a) paragraph the expression .. person acting in concert' include~> individuals or corporations who are actlveJy co~operating to obtain relation to the Takeover Scheme, As at the 4th J';ovember 1974 being the date of this Part A Statement pursuant to which this Offer was made (b) IEL was the holder of 656,717 ordinary shares of 50~ :- each in the capital of Noske; Save as aforesaid no director of IEL nor any person acting in concert with IEL had a beneficial interest in any shares in ~o•ke~ The following sets forth details of the dealings in shares and Noske by Directors of IEL and persons acting in concert With IEL and of dealings in shares in Noske by IEL during the period commencing on July 1974 being the dale being three months prior to the first public announcement of the Takeover Scheme and ending on the 4th ;-..;ovember 1974 bemg the date of the Part A Statement pursuant lo which this Offer is made (<) Purchase of sharet> JEL 3, 200 15. 8, 74 60 cents 3, 200 16. s. 74 60 cents !EL any person acting in concert with lEL has dealt in: any shares in 1EL or Noske nor has IEL dealt in any sharea DATED this 4th dav of November, 1974, two of the Directors of Industrial Equity Limi.ted authorised ao on the Hst day of October, 1974. ' . . . .)P! . . . . . . .. ~ .......... . RONALD ALFRED BR}ERLEY Director JAMES GqRDON MAXWELL MOFFATT Director APPE~DIX NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED 1 Z2nd March, 1974 The Secretary, The Stock Exchange of Melbourne, JSl Collins Street, MELBOURNE. Vie. 3000 Dear Sir, 'Ihe consolidated results of Noske InduJlltries Limited and Subsidiaries for the half-year to the ]lsl December, 1973, are now Teported with comparaHve figures for the corresponding period in 1972.. The results are subject to audit. Group Turnover (increase 16. sor~l Consolidated Profits before taxation and depr.eciation Depreciation Trading Profil before taxation {inueaae 19.1%) Jlst 31st 8, 897, J:7l 7, 635. 382 JSO, 874 500 115, ()7] 569 2.35, 801 197,9Jl .91, 788 Provision for taxation 74, 610'~ afler B1o) Comparative figures for the six :110nths lo of the Companies Act and ar.e compara'ble 144,013 llJ, 32.1 December, 1'!72, as reported to ~he Stock Exchange, have been 3djusted to conform with the new Ninth the figures shown above for 197 J. All Companies in the Group traded profitably. rise in pre-tax profit as compared with the corresponding period in 1972 was due to increa.sed turnover and greatly •mproved results from the Engineerin& Divisions. and This itnprovenlent has continued into the first two months of the current half~year. Turnover in South Austrahan am;iVictorianStockFeedDh·isions., as well as the South Australian Flour Milling operations, was hisher than for the corres ... ponding pe:riod in However, in the latter quarter substantial rises tn the cost of local raw materials, imported proteins, wheat and other grains. together with inc-reased wages and salaries, eroded margins in our South Australian Flour Milling and Stock Feed Divisions until tb.e South Australian Prices Commissioner granted price increases in December. turnover of flour <~.nd bagged wheat for our private ':harters were restrocted by the lack of wheat supplies from the Australian Wh~at Board and, in turn, affected. trading profits in our Flour Milling Division On the latest information from the Australian Wheat Board, there will be little, if any, relief in this situation'unlilthenewseason'B wheat is available in December this year. 5uppiy fall in private expo:-t business, to some extent, .;,:ould be offset in the second haH by an expectell allocation of part o£ a large Government contract !or the flour overseas, Jn addition to the recent announr.:ement of !he Bacon Go. Pty, Ltd., proposals for expansion of the examination by the Board. In of a property al Charlton to establish a 900~sQw intensive growing urtit in conjun<:tlon with Castlt:maine intensified farming operations, as well as joint venture prOJects in this field, are presently under at the provis1on for taxation, tax benefiti:i derived (rQm inve.stment allowances on capilai works commenced in 197Z and completed in October; 1973 1 24 fulfil .budgf't. Therefore. shghily ahead of those tr.Hhn!-( rl•sult~ fo" tht• full year ehould be in hoe with, or ~ Directors today S. 00 p. m. on Thursddy, \J;Jst y(:ar, an ~\prii. previollsly announced, books will clost' al 'ntitlcm•nt; J. A. C\h1:J. SFCRF;TARY XOSKE lND'CST R!ES Ll~UTF:D Sth Apru, 1974 of Melbourne, 3000 ~-~_tention; Mr. I. K, A"'t\)1\, Oper;;n"i.:ms 'Dear Sir, ~11 Pursu<!llt to pr(~viucs as tu tht' intc.r.tior. 0f !he Corr;pany, we now arhi;,;c that 16·1, zoo shan.:s in this Listing B:h Scptenibcr, 11J74 Dear Sir, The consolidated results of Noske Industries Llmtted atHl Subsidia.rits precedin& year~ Results reported are subJect to audit~ the ye.ar cl1dcd 30th ;June, 1974 1 arc Ml\V reported. wlth CGffilliiralivc figures £or the: COl\'SOLIDATED RF.SULTS NOSKE DJDCSTrU:::s }....Tf\.UTED & SDHSIDi.\.tzn:s (~oubjeci to :tw::it) 30th .Tune, 30th June, lG, 15, 44.6, 487 l973 s Group Turnon•r {incrc;).sc ')~~) Cor.solid;:,.ted proHts before dr.>pre ;i;_dicn and. ta.:..:J.tivn. ne predation Le fore !axati•z• (increase 7. 8';'vj Tr-ading 51-L 588 477, OB l'H,3'J5 195, H9 Consolidated net profit n.fier laxation (iu;;:redsE 13~ 7;,.) ')20, l9J lli"J 59--l: Ph:s Exlraordinary z:.11,-HJ8 78, 996 PROFlT FOR YEAR 6:1,601 360,590 Provision tax,tt:on 24,000 Prefe ren,-e Dividends Paid (6%) Return on Ordinary Capital (uf~cr o:lcduc!ing l:>;:dcrencc :Jiv!dcnd} pc::: sha-re Ordinary Dividend OJ.>C1'<.tlion:> t:.,;fl('cled h:rth(·t IJri:.:E ia,:re;tst:s to re,__uveJ' Turnover in the South Australian awaiting appnwal the South Australian wages and salaries, reilenion of the The lap.,;e ~rain, tuxalion, tax benefits dcrh·ed low~'r co,nm,en<:ed in 1972. and com})leled The extraordinary items of _pro!it represent the Ca?ital gains arising !tom .. (a) the sale of the Victorian flour milling and bakery operations, and (b) the. acquisition by the South Australian Government cl the Company 1s South Australinn form. Due to abnormal and extremely adverse weather conditions, the intensive pig-producing project oi development as to site preparation and dan1 Consequently, the recently formed N. & C. ries Limited and 49% owned by ::=astlemaine Bacon Co. Ltd.) has not t:Ommenc~d trading operations. has been delayed ar.d is only in the early stages lndustries Pty. Ltd. {51% owned by Noske Indust .. All operating Companies 1n the Grcu1t traded proiilablJ!. Annual Gene rat !'-.1eeting The Annual General Mt,etin!{ of tbe Printed accounts and re porta are expected to be be held at 359 Plwnmer Street, Port about 3l&t October, 1974. 1'Aelbo1~rne 1 on FriGay, lSlh Novcmb£c:r, 19?-t. commendng at 12 noon~ ~ ln view of the improvement achieved in thu ;result for c.,.pital, making total ordinary divldends for the year It% ($2lZ, Final dividend will be paid on 1st ?iovember, ! '174, y('al:', Directors today de dared :nooks wlll at 5 p. tr. on Friday, !:;creased Jirt.ll dividend of (last year 6~) on Ordinary 25 J~DCSl 4th o~tober, 1974 Dear Sir, of 1?74, tn COO ordlna ry 50 ced cents per share cm lu the extent to slnres are lull:' p~id up, w~ich 3lst the In all o!her !ntensi~:o:'d intcna~ve by )~fr. John Ha:rri.s, ).fanaging Dire(_br D1 <-~x;Je<nsion !o :he H0ard oi Dirt·( of the Group's oper;:;.tions, :\oskc 1:1dustries L-ln:Hed, 26 C 0 P Y PART B STATE ~1 ENT STATEMENT BY NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED IN AC:CORDAKCF.:: WITH SECTION l80G AND PART B OF THE TENTH SCHEDULE OF THE CO~tPANIES ACT 1961. The contents of this Part B Statement are set out under the followwg headings 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. Interpretation, Recommendation by Directors Of Noskc. Shares in Noske held by Noske Directors. Intention of Noske Dire< tors in relation to the take-over offers, No shares in I. E. L. held by Noske Diredurs. Benefits to Noske Directors. Agreements with Noskc Directors and other No interest in any contract with 1. E. L. held ilny :'\:uske DircctoJ·s, Material financial changes in ;..;uske, Authorization to Sign Statement. lNTERl-'RETATION In this document :''Noske" means ::--.:oske Industries 1 .imitcd, a Curnpany in( orporctted in Victoria and having it.!> registered 1 ofho~-e at 359 Plummer Street, .Port l\.telbourne, '1. E. L. ' 1 n1eans Industrial F.quity Limited, a Cornpany incorporated in the St-tte of Victoria and having its registered office at 44 Market Street, Melbourne, "T,lke-Over Offers" me<.!.ns the draft tc;ke-uver often; to be made tu the holders of the ')0\' fully pi.!. id shares in the capital of No.ske set out in the Part A Statement given by I. E. L. pursuant tu Section 180C and thP Tenth Schedule of the Cumpames Act on the 4th November, 1974. "Companies Act" rneans the LompJ.nies Act 1961 of the State of Vi,tori<t. HEADINGS used herein are for ease uf referen( e only and shall not be de(.'Ined to forrn pJ.rt of this document. GI:.::--:-DER AND ::--.:U\.1DEI~ - Where the contPxt pernuts, one gt>nder shall include all other genders and the singular shall import the plural and vice versa. CURRE:--:-CY -All monetdry denomina~ions herein ,tn• 2. H.ECOM!\.iE::--.:DATION BY DlRJ-:CTOH.S OF ::\"OSKE 3. SHARES IN The Doard of Direl tor<> u[ :--.:oske ~OSKE The nurnber, de~l reconnnerH1~ JIELD HY NOtiKE DIH.I<C"J ription and amount of expre~sed in Austr,1han currency. un,Lni:-nouc,ly to shdreholdcrs lhal they reject the t<~.ke-over offers mrtde by I. E. L. Ol~'-2_ n~ctrkel.\ 1le :oC( untH''i in Nuske held by ur on bch,df of eacli. of the Directors of I\'oske are set out hereunder :- Nan1e of Director Clctss of Sharv :No. 'of Shares 3, "150 550 2, 250 5, 206 550· 550 500 George Horace Bishclp Franc is Joseph S>veen("~­ Kenneth Le~dic Francis Look Walter .\lfred Noske Ronalcl Lewi.s Eilenbt·rg Noel Abbey n roOJTlC John Weetman Harris In adthtion to the sharp,; lislccl .1buve, ).fessrs. K. L. Cook and F. J. Sweeney are Trustees in re:,pect of ;:,n issue of employee shctres for the benefit of effiploy·... ecs of Noske. These- shares arc held by Trustee<> pursuant to a Trust Deed and ~!C"ssrs K. L. Cook and N, A. Broome are, in <~.ccordance wi1h the terms of the Deed, entitled to 25.000 onlin<~.ry :.h.nes and 15,000 ordinary share c. rec.pcctn·dy. Nu other Director is e-ntitled to any shares pursuant to this scheme, ~fessrs, G. H. Dishop, I<:. L. Cook and::\" A. Dromn.c et re Trustc(•s of certain Su:Jeranrlllation Funds {or the benefit of Noske cn1ployces. l\.-{ess.rs. K. L, Cook and N. A. Droonle '\re inll!rc:oted in thes(' Funds to the extent that they ruay be, uJne c·ntitlcd to rcL eivc super;:1nnurttion benefits from these Funds, The total marketabl(' S('l uritie~ 1n I\'oskc held 1Jy these Funds arc $6,400 Un<>nurcd e~'o :\ate<> mJ.turing 15,'6/ 1975. No other Director hcts J.H)' intcre"t in any of these Funds, 4. NOSKE DlRECTOH.S INTEND TO HJ::;JEC:T TAKE-OVER OFFERS All Noske Directors intend to reject the take-over off('rs rnade to them Ly I. E. L, in rcL\lion fo their sharcholdings as set out in the last paragraph. 5. !'<'0 SHARES lN l. 1-:. L. l!ELD BY NOSKE DIH.ECTOR:'i No marketable sccuritiec. in 1. L. L. arc hdd by or on hehaH of 6. ~my of the Direc to!'S of ~oske, NO BENEFIT TO A-::..Y :--.;oSKF: DJ!{U:TOR lt is proposed th;:1t no or other benefits sh,dl be m.tdc: or given tu any Director oi Xoske or uf any corporalion deemed by virtue of Section 6(5)"o( lhe Cornpanics Act to be tu :\:uo,ke a:o' Jar loss ol office ur ,l., con~idcratiun Jot· or 1n connection with his retirement from office. However tv.;o full tirne exeLutive DlrP' tors, K. J,. <~nd ~-A. BroonH~ have enten·d into Scrvi("c Agreements with the. Company. These Service Agreements provide (inter alia) that in lht" event oi :1 ~ucces,ful l:tkc-ovt>r bid during llw curt·~·nry of the~(' the shall have the right to resign and in such event or in the event rh.tt the employee i"o (hsnnssed by the following cl '=>UL"l reasons other than the default of the employee the employee shall be entitled tu n·,-,:tve cl lunt(' sun1 pJ.ynlcnt ttnl,·s hts annu:i.l ~alary at the date oi tcrnlin,dion, X!\Y OTtll::Jt Pl·:H:SO:'-< 7. Save as n1cntioned in tlt(' Ltc,( or conditional upon the on(c m ne 8. tL.ere is no other ,lgi·ccrncnt or arraugerncnt between any Dircdor oi Nuske dlld any other person in connec.:lion with. schcr1c. NO INTEREST I='l A!'<'Y C:O::--:TH.AC"l WI"ll!.!. E L ll£LD HY 1\i':Y NOSKE DIRECTOH. No Director of :Noske has ;:1ny inlcn·st in ,,ny c·ontracl cnterPd intu by 1. 1:. L. 9, MATERIAL FlNA='<ClAL CI-IAN<..il<.'-:. lN XOSKE On the 4th October, 1974 <~n allulincnt of '350, 000 ordin,lfy "'lure::; in the ~ctpi.tcd of the v.as tll<l.de to Castlcl~taine D.tcon Co. Pty. Ltd. at 50~ payrtble as to 17<; on a further li'\' on the DeC('mber, 1974 and 16~ on the 30th 1')75 . .\p<trt from this, no rnaterial change in the financial position of Noske has sine e thl• date of the last Balance Sheet as at the 30th June, 1()74 as laid before the !;1st Annual General ~-Iceting of members of Noske held on the 15th Novembf·r, 1()74. 10. AUTHORIZATl0:-.1 TO tiTGN ST,\"ll·:idl-:N"J The Hoard of Dire !"tors of No!'ke h;:ts aulhuriLcd Kenneth Lcslic Frdntis Cook and Nod Abbey Droomc _to sign this Part B Strttcmcnt at a !\.feeling of Directors held on the 15th day of November, ll)/4. DATED the 18th day of November, 1C)74. l"or ilnd on behalf of NOSK£ INDUSTRIES LD.UTED ...... ~:.~'. ~::0. (~....... . K. L, COOK .'. <~c;):.J.s..-:~ ~·~. :.... N.A. BR00:\1E 27 APPEND IX " C " Holding Company for :Noske Flour Mills Pty. Ltd. Noske Bros. (S.A.) Pty. Ltd. Queen's Bridge Motors Pty. Ltd. Queen's Bridge Motor & Eng. Co. Pty. Ltd. Queen's Bridge Investments Pty. Ltd. NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED Redg. Office : 359 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne 3207, Victoria, Australia. Postal Address : P.O. Box 37, Port Melbourne 3207 Telephone : 64 2841 (20 lines) Share Transfer Office : Arthur Young & Company 440 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000 Telephone 67 5901 29th November, 1974 Dear Shareholder, Rejection of Take-over Bid for your Company This document sets out the reasons why your directors unanimously advise that the offer by Industrial Equity Limited should be rejected by shareholders. This advice is supported by the advisers for the purpose of this take-over, Chase-N.B.A. Group Ltd. Further details are contained later in this document. 1. The offer is totally inadequate in relation to Noske's present earnings and future prospects. Earnings and dividends per share in Noske increased in the year ended 30th June, 1974, and this growth in earnings is expected to continue in the current financial year to an estimated level of $400,000 after tax (an increase of 25 per cent over the previous year). 2. The price of 65 cents per share is close to the lowest price recorded for your Company's shares for some years. 3. The net tangible asset backing per share as at 30th June, 1974 is $1.50 while the offer price is only 65 cents. Industrial Equity Limited is clearly attempting to purchase assets of your Company at a discount. 4. We believe it is unfair of Industrial Equity Limited to exclude from the terms of the offer (even though the offer is inadequate) shares validly issued to the employees of the Company which were approved by shareholders in General Meeting. Your Directors are concerned at the future job security of the employees of the Company if the offer is successful. 5. The offer also excludes 268 Preference Shareholders as well as Castlemaine Bacon Co. Pty. Ltd., a large shareholder and joint venture partner with your Company. We remind you that the form of acceptance sent by Industrial Equity Limited can be revoked by them but not by you. Your signature on the document can be made binding at the option of Industrial Equity Limited. You are advised to reject the offer by ignoring any document sent to you by Industrial Equity Limited. Yours sincerely, G. H. Bishop Chairman of Directors. 28 DETAILED REASONS FOR REJECTION OF THE OFFER. 1. Ordinary Share Price Apart from a few isolated sales, the price of 65 cents offered for your shares is close to the lowest price accorded to your shares on the stock market over the past three years. Also the offer price is less than the latest price quoted for Noske shares on the Stock Exchange. 2. Future Profits The net earnings after tax in the year ended 1973-7 4 increased by 13 per cent over the previous year. Your Directors believe that subject to general economic conditions not deteriorating, the profits for the curret financial year are expected to increase by 25 per cent over the previous year to a level of approximately $400,000 after tax. Further increases in earnings of a similar order are also estimated in the following financial year. 3. Dividends Shareholders have now received their increased dividends for the last financial year at 12 per cent (6 cents per share) which represents an increase of 33 per cent in dividends received by shareholders since 1971 adjusted for the bonus issue. Your Directors believe that in view of the expected improvement in profitability over the next three years, arising from new ventures and expansion of present operations, the policy of paying increased dividends to shareholders will be continued. 4. Net Tangible Asset Backing The net asset backing of $1 . 50 per share is far in excess of the proposed offer price of 65 cents per share. Industrial Equity Limited is attempting to purchase your shares at a substantial discount under asset backing and receive the benefits of perhaps selling off certain assets at a price far higher than it paid for them. 5. Noske's Future Prospects (a) Your Directors have spent the last two years critically reviewing the return on funds invested by the Company and where these returns have been insufficient, such assets have been sold. This policy is continually under review and as an example you will note from our latest Annual Report the disposal of certain of our unprofitable Flour Mills and Bakery operations which were not earning an adequate return on the funds invested in those ventures. (b) The profits from the Engineering Division have increased approximately 335 per cent in the year ended 30th June, 1974, over the previous year and due to the development of additional franchises undertaken on a nation-wide basis, we are budgeting for further increases in profitability from this division in the current financial year and future years. (c) From the Milling Division, increases in profitability are projected by the development of intensified pig farming operations on a joint venture basis in South Australia and Victoria. This will ensure increased outlets for our stock feed production and fully utilise existing capacity from our mills. Why Has This Offer Been Made ? 1. The earnings of your Company have increased in 1973-74 and, as stated previously, are expected to increase further in the current financial year. 2. Your Directors believe that Industrial Equity Limited, which has interests in Companies with a number of activities similar to those of Noske, can see the benefits that will flow to shareholders from the investments recently made by your company. 3. We believe that they wish to obtain control of your company before the full tangible effect of these new developments is apparent to all shareholders. The future increases in profitability by Noske should be for the benefit of existing shareholders who have been loyal to the Company for years. Do not allow Industrial Equity Limited to receive those future benefits which are rightfully yours. Your shares are worth far more than 65 cents per share. We hope you will agree with our considered opinion after consultation with our advisers that the offer is not in your best interests. Yours sincerely, G. H. Bishop Chairman of Directors. 29 APPENDIX "D" INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED: GROUP STRUCTURE INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LTD. I I THE NEW REDHEAD ESTATE & COAL CO. LTD. MINERVAI CENTRE LTD. CONQUIP LTO. BRIERLEY -JONES (AUST.) PTY. LTD. 68<J1o 82<J1o 100<ro 1OO<ro SHIPPING NEWSPAPERS LTD. CROOKS NATIONAL HOLDINGS LTD. 80<J1o COLMAX ELECTRIC PTY. I.TD. BRIERLEY-JONES PROPERTIES PTY. LTD. 1OO<ro 93<J1o 50<J1o I + BEST & GEE HOLDINGS I.TD. NAl'HAN BLIGHT PTY. LTD. 55<J1o PINE GROVI MEMORIAL PARK LTD. 100<ro 1OO<ro ISAS (N.S.W.} LTD. SWANS LTD. PORTFOLIO SERVICES PTY. LTD. WOODLEY WINES PTY. LTD. 100o/o 1OOo/o COSSEY INVEST. & FINANCE CO. I.TD. . 1OO<ro 38o/o 100o/o COUNTRY PROD. SELLING CO. LTD. CONSORTIUM PROP. & INVES'fMENT PTY. LTD. WETHERILL PROPERl'IES PTY. LTD. 21o/o INDUSTRIAL EQUITY &INVESTMENT PTY. LTD. 24o/o 1OO<ro 1OOo/o 30 APPENDIX "E" [577] VICTORIA GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 17] THURSDAY, MARCH 13 Parliamentary Committees Act 1968. DECLARATION IN RESPECT OF NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED. Whereas: I. On or about 29th November, 1974, Industrial Equity Limited made offers in relation to shares of Noske Industries Limited which constituted a take-over scheme within the meaning of Part VIB. of the Companies Act 1961. II. On 19th February, 1975, the Attorney-General pursuant to section 44B of the Parliamentary Committees Act 1968 (hereinafter called "the 1968 Act ") referred the proposal involving the said take-over scheme to the Company Takeovers Committee appointed under section 44A of the 1968 Act. Ill. The Company Take-overs Committee has pursuant to section 44E of the 1968 Act requested that the company be declared a company to which Part VA. of the 1968 Act applies. IV. It appears to me the Governor of the State of Victoria, with the advice of the Executive Council thereof, that the take-over scheme involves the general public interest because it would prejudicially affect the employes of the said company. Now therefore I, the said Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, do hereby declare pursuant to subsection (2) of section 44E of the 1968 Act that Noske Industries Limited is a company to which Part VA. of the 1968 Act applies and I declare that this Order shall have effect from the date hereof until 31st May, 1975. Given under my Hand and the Seal of the State of Victoria aforesaid, at Melbourne, this twelfth day of March, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and seventy-five, and in the twentyfourth year of the reign of Her Majesty Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Australia. HENRY WINNEKE, Governor of Victoria. (L.s.) By Authority: C. H. 4187/75. RIXON, Government Printer, Melbourne. [1975 31 APPENDIX " F " CoMPANY TAKE-OVERS CoMMITTEE. NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED AND INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED FURTHER SUBMISSION BY NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED DATED THE 15TH DAY OF APRIL, 1975. The further matters outlined below are, I believe, matters which should be placed before the Committee in order to ensure that the Members are fully acquainted with what has transpired since the date of the Meeting of the Committee held on the 26th of February last. I. Funding of Group Objectives A. As a result of the current position the negotiations which were being carried out by Noske to fund $700,000 to redeem the Secured Notes due on the 15th of June 1975 and to finance new and additional projects have been brought to an end and at the present time it appears that the funds will not now be made available through a Debenture. A comprehensive Trust Deed to cover the issue of Debentures had been approved by all parties including the T. & G. Guardian Corporation Limited which had agreed to act as Trustee of the Deed. However the T. & G. advised Noske by letter dated the 14th day of March last (a copy thereof marked "A" is enclosed) following a meeting with representatives of both Companies held on the previous Tuesday the 11th of March (a copy of the minutes of that meeting marked " B " is enclosed) that it would not act as Trustee because(a) Noske is subject to a Take-over offer and that such offer was now" frozen" until the 31st of May 1975 ; (b) the shares of Noske had been suspended from trading on the Stock Exchange. A copy of the letter of the 14th day of March 1975 from the Stock Exchange to Noske (marked" C ") exonerating Noske from any responsibility from the suspension is enclosed.) Similar advice was received from various institutions that had previously indicated their willingness to act as sub-underwriters to the Debenture. B. Noske's arrangements with the National Bank of Australasia Limited provided for the issue of debenture stock (under the abovementioned Deed) as security for credit lines approved by the National Bank. These funds were to be specifically applied to the expansion of new projects in Victoria but for the reasons specified above Noske is now prevented from proceeding with its funding arrangements. A copy of the Notes on the discussions that took place on the occasion of the visit to the National Bank on the 8th of April 1975 (marked " D ") is enclosed. C. As a result it now appears that the foregoing will have serious consequential effects upon :(a) Expansion of operations in Victoria, such as the N. & C. Charlton project-round figures $700,000; (b) Expansion of the stock feed operations at Charlton-$100,000 ; (c) Employment of additional staff for both of these projects ; (d) Due to this disruption in the Company's operations, it could now well mean complete closure of the Charlton activities, resulting in the dismissal of employees, as without the abovementioned projects proceeding we are unable to continue with the employment of the present staff and work force ; (e) The Charlton Council has indicated in correspondence its support for the Charlton project and in addition has stressed the fact that the continuity of the Noske operation is essential for the future well being of the town. A copy of a letter (marked" E ")from the Charlton Shire dated the 9th day of April 1975 is enclosed. 2. Effect Upon Partners and Principals A. Concern has already been expressed by our partners, Castlemaine Bacon Co. Pty. Ltd., due to the clear hostility already indicated by Mr. Brierley of I.E.L. Therefore, understandably, Castlemaine Bacon Co. will not proceed with this project if I.E.L. proceeds with and is successful in its Take-over offer. B. Aveling-Barford and Coventry Climax Franchises : As late as Monday, 24th, and Tuesday, 25th March, Noske received a visit from Mr. J. M. Gifford, Export Manager and a Director of Coventry Climax, to meet and discuss aspects of the I.E.L. take-over, as they are concerned with the future of Q.B.M.'s representation of their franchises in the State of Victoria, and for that matter in other States where Noske operate. C. Similar concern has also been expressed by Principals of other franchises, such as the BT fork lift truck franchise in Sweden and the Perkins engine franchise. 3. Effect Upon Employees Continual concern is being expressed and inquiries made at all levels of management and down the line, as to what the future holds. As a result there has been a serious decline in morale and already resignations have been received from employees in various areas of the Company's operations. Letters are being received from numerous employees of the Company setting 'forth their views on the position and these will be forwarded to the Committee when they all come to hand. 32 Irrespective of any undertaking that I.E.L. may give as to continuity for the employees of the Company the real value of any such undertaking should be considered in the light of the past performances of Mr. Brierley and I.E.L. to fulfil their undertakings. It should be specifically pointed out that at a meeting a few weeks ago with Mr. John Gifford from the U.K., a Director of Coventry Climax and the Export Manager for Aveling-Barford for the Pacific Area, it was made abundantly clear that if LE.L. obtain control of the Company then the distributor ship from these two Companies, at least, would be cancelled with the resulting dismissal of employees engaged in these activities of the Company. 4. Breaches by J.E.L. under Companies Act and Listing Requirements of the Stock Exchange Whilst the Directors of Noske appreciate that it is not the function of this Committee to deal with such breaches it is felt desirable that the following matters should be brought to the attention of the Committee namely:(a) It would appear that Stockbrokers are breaching the Stock Exchange Regulations by purchasing shares on behalf of I.E.L. at a price in excess of the take-over offer ; (b) It appears that false and misleading information has been issued on behalf of I.E.L. so as to confuse shareholders ; (c) I.E.L. has not increased its offer despite Mr. Brierley's and LE.L.'s undertakings to the Stock Exchange. Mr Brierley has been reported as saying that I.E.L. is precluded from raising its offer price as required by the Listing Requirements whilst and so long as Noske is a Company to which Part VA of the Parliamentary Committees Act applies to the Company" The relevant portion of the Act is Section 44G (1) which states : ' A person shall not make a take-over offer to which Part VIB of the Companies Act 1961 applies in respect of any share in a company to which this part applies.' Part VIB of the Companies Act includes Sections 180A to l80Y of the Companies Act and deals with take-overs generally. It is my Company's view that any contention that the order made by the Governor in Council precludes I.E.L. from varying an existing offer is quite erroneous. This view has been supported by Queen's Counsel and a written opinion from Counsel can be obtained should it be required. I draw the attention of the Committee to Section 180L (2) which provides (inter alia) as follows :' An offeror may vary a take-over offer that is constituted by an offer by doing one or more of the following in relation to the whole or a part of the consideration that is offered for the shares proposed to be acquired(a) where a cash sum is so offered-by increasing the amount of that sum;' The offer document made by I.E.L. also contains provisions relating to the variation of the take-over offer. In the context used in the Companies Act and in the take-over offer made by I.E.L., it is quite clear that the variation of an existing offer does not constitute the making of a take-over offer as prohibited by Section 44o (I) of the Parliamentary Committees Act referred to above. You will note that this provision specifically relates the meaning of take-over offer to the meaning given to the expression in the Companies Act." (d) The whole position in respect of the Service Agreements has been grossly misrepresented by I.E.L. It has never been acknowledged or appreciated that any benefit which an employee might receive under a Service Agreement will in fact be considerably less than the benefits which employees would receive under their entitlements in the Company's Superannuation Scheme if their employment were to continue. 5. Supreme Court Proceedings His Honour Mr. Justice Dunn dismissed the Summons taken out by LE.L. and Mr. Brierley seeking an interlocutory injunction and the case has been fixed for hearing on the first available date in May. For your added information a copy of the ~eport on the pn:ceed.ings contained in " The Australian " r:ewspaper on the 4th of April last (marked " F ") IS enclosed. It IS of mterest to note the adverse remarks Hts Honour made concerning Mr. Brierley's position. 6. Sale of Assets and Resulting Unemployment From the information at the Board's disposal and from the newspaper reports it is apparent that in order to finance the purchase of the Noske shares and to repay the moneys borrowed from its Merchant Banker for this purpose it will be necessary for I.E.L. to sell off the assets of Noske. The result of this will of course be the termination of the services of employees. A precedent for this type of action is to be readily found in the recent selling off by I.E.L. of the assets of Conquip Pty. Ltd. (a company recently acquired by LE.L.) and the discontinuance of the Conquip franchise which franchise was previously held by Noske in Victoria. 33 For all the foregoing reasons it is respectively requested that the Committee should recommend that the following action be taken!. That appropriate steps be taken to prevent any further action by I.E.L. (its nominees or related or associated companies or persons) from any further action under the Take-over Offer and/or to prevent I.E.L. obtaining control of Noske by the purchase of shares on the open market or otherwise. 2. That the appropriate steps be taken to obtain Orders under Section 69N of the Companies Act consequent upon the breaches by I.E.L. of the provisions of this Section. It is strenuously contended that the appropriate Order would be one pursuant to sub-section (e)-namely " An order directing the sale of all or any of the shares in the company in which a substantial shareholder has or has had an interest." 3. That in any event the period of the " freezing " of the Take-over be extended to the full period of twelve months. We would be pleased if the Committee would afford members of my Board and representatives of the employees of Noske the opportunity to appear personally before the Committee. R. L. EILENBERG. 4!87/75.-3 34 "A" T & G GUARDIAN CORPORATION LIMITED Incorporated in Victoria Collins and Russell Streets, Melbourne Box 393D G.P.O. 3001 Telephone 63 0341 STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL Reference: 14 March, 1975 Mr. K. L. F. Cook, Managing Director, Noske Industries Limited, P.O. Box 37, Port Melbourne, Vie., 3207. Dear Mr. Cook, PROPOSED ISSUE OF DEBENTURE STOCK I refer to negotiations over many months related to Noske Industries Ltd. proposals to make a private issue of debenture stock and, in particular, to my Company's letter of 20 November 1974, your Company's reply of 28 February 1975 and to the meeting in your Board room on Tuesday last. Yesterday I telephoned your Company Secretary, Mr. J. A. Cahill, advising that after further discussion with my colleague Directors, it had been decided to confirm the decision that T & G Guardian Corporation decline to accept appointment as trustee under the proposed debenture issue at this time, the reasons being(a) Noske Industries Ltd. is subject to a strong take-over bid, such bid being no more than " frozen " until 31 May 1975 by Government intervention to this date, and (b) the shares of Noske Industries Ltd. are currently suspended from trading on the Stock Exchange. It is our firm opinion that prospective loan investors are entitled to have such important matters resolved so that they may at least have a basis for making an informed assessment as to the likely management and nature of the operations of the company to which they are invited to commit their funds, albeit while having no guarantee as to future continuity of these aspects of their security. In effect, as it is considered that circumstances make it an inappropriate time for your Company to be offering the debenture issue, it would be equally inappropriate to accept appointment as trustee for the issue. At the meeting earlier this week it was stated that your Board was unaware that the take-over question was in any way important to our considerations. I might only confirm my reply at the time, that since the bid was first announced your Company's representatives in frequent discussions concerning the form of the Trust Deed and financial aspects have not been left unaware that we attached some importance to a resolution of the take-over question. In conclusion I would say that in their deliberations my colleague Directors have been fully cognisant of the dilemma in which your Company is placed and have given very full consideration to the representations made by your Chairman and Deputy Chairman. It goes without saying that our sympathies lie with those with whom the T & G Group has had a close and friendly association for many years and it is with deep regret indeed that we find it necessary to decline your Company's offer while the present circumstances prevail. Yours sincerely, K. D. J. COVENTRY, Director. 35 "B '' NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED NOTES ON MEETING WITH T. & G. REPRESENTATIVES AT 359 PLUMMER STREET, ON TUESDAY, 11TH MARCH, 1975. Present: Messrs. G. H. Bishop, F. J. Sweeney, K. L. Cook, N. A. Broome, J. A. Cahill. Messrs. D. Coventry, I. Davies (T. & G. Guardian Corp.) Mr. G. Ross (Chase-N.B.A. Group) The meeting had been convened at the request of the T & G. who had intimated in a phone conversation (Mr. I. Davies to Mr. J. A. Cahill, see notes of 6. 3. 75-copy attached) that although they viewed the position favourably provided the Company stays under present management and control, they had expressed some concern at the current takeover offer. Mr. Sweeney expressed the surprise of the Noske Board at T. & G.'s attitude, particularly as they had not expressed concern at the take-over offer, which had been current for many months, during which T. & G. had continued with negotiations as to the Trusteeship, and had had many conversations with N.I.L. executives on the subject without reference to the take-over and its effect on T. & G.'s attitude. Mr. Sweeney added that from the rate of acceptance, it appeared that the take-over bid would not be successful, and in any case, if it were, Mr. Sweeney asked how it would affect the Trustees, as the legal liability for conforming with the Deed would still obtain. Mr. Coventry agreed that T. & G. had been aware of the take-over offer and had never expressed in (Mr. Davies at this stage said he had indicated writing the views which they were now putting forward. some concern in the course of one telephone conversation with Mr. Cahill.) T. & G. had hoped that by the time negotiations reached the final stage, the matter would have been resolved. They were concerned at any possibility of being Trustees to a Company controlled by Brierley because of the likelihood of his breaching the provisions of the Deed. T. & G. would be quite happy to deal with the present N.LL. Board. But if the take-over were successful, the present Directors' responsibilities would cease, but those of the Trustees would not. Mr. Coventry added that in addition to the take-over aspect, there was now another factor-the suspension of the Noske shares, although he could see that Noske was not to blame for this and it was for the protection of the Noske shareholders. In view of these factors, T. & G. could not at the present time see their way clear to underwrite the issue. Mr. Cook pointed out that Brierley would become aware that T. & G. had declined. Mr. Sweeney agreed that this would be another point which Brierley could put forward in criticism of Noske. Mr. Ross pointed out that the sub-underwriting letters had gone out indicating that T. & G. would be Trustees. The underwriters (Chase) were thus placed in an awkward position. Mr. Coventry said that T. & G. should not have been cited without their permission and acceptance. It was only within the last two weeks that T. & G. had been given full details of the proposed issue with a request to act. Mr. Sweeney asked what Brierley could do, if the take-over were successful, which would cause the T. & G. to be concerned. He had apparently paid his creditors in the past. Mr. Coventry said that T. & G. were the party which was asked to guarantee that he would adhere to the Deed. One factor which they could foresee as a possibility was that with a change of Directorship, N.B.A.L. could reduce its facilities and take liquidity out of the Company. Further discussion ensued as to the situation in general. Mr. Coventry said he was very appreciative of Noske's problems, and he had gained an idea of the strength of the Board's feelings as to the take-over bid and the T. & G. Trusteeship. He assured the Noske representatives that he would convey to the T. & G. Board Noske's feelings in the matter, and that that Board would have another look at all the relevant factors before making a final decision, which would be conveyed to N oske as soon as possible. After some further discussion the meeting concluded. (J.A.C. Note :In a letter dated 14th March, T. & G. had declined the offer to act as Trustees, on the grounds of the strong take-over bid, and the suspension of trading in Noske shares.) Notes prepared by J. A. Cahill. 36 6th March, 1975. NOTES ON TELEPHONE CALL FROM I. DAVIES (T. & G. GUARDIAN, AS TRUSTEES) TO J.A.C., 3.45 P.M., THURSDAY, 6TH MARCH. 1. T. & G. Board discussed our request that they act as Trustees. 2. They view the proposition favourably, provided that the Company stays under present Management and control. 3. However, in view of the current take-over offer, they would like to discuss the situation with Mr. Cook and a Committee of Directors at Plummer Street on Tuesday or Wednesday next week any time of day at our election. 4. Pending such discussions, they are not prepared to make a decision as to acceptance. Notes prepared by J. A. Cahi/1. 37 "C" THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF MELBOURNE LIMITED Box 1784Q, G.P.O., Melb., 3001 Telephone : 62 0241 Telex : 30 550 Stock Exchange House 351 Collins Street Melbourne, 3000 14th March, 197 5. CONFIDENTIAL Mr. J. A. Cahill, Secretary, Noske Industries Limited, P.O. Box 37, Port Melbourne, 3207. Dear Sir, Suspension of Trading I refer to our discussions regarding the suspension of Noske Industries Limited when I informed you of the Exchange's reasons for suspending trading in the company. The Exchange believes that the action taken to suspend trading was in the best interests of shareholders and that the suspension should not be taken to mean that the directors of Noske have acted improperly in any way. The Exchange from time to time finds it necessary to take such action to ensure that the rights of shareholders are protected and those buying or selling securities are doing so in the knowledge of all pertinent information then currently available. As pointed out to you, Industrial Equity Limited has now disclosed that it or persons acting in concert have purchased Noske shares in the market during the offer period without providing the appropriate disclosure to the Stock Exchange. The Stock Exchange has introduced Requirements in order to protect shareholders' interests in this regard. Listing Requirement 5 (1 0) requires an offeror purchasing shares on the market or elsewhere during the currency of its offer to soon as practicable, increase the price of its offer to not less than the highest price it paid during the offer period. Listing Requirement 5 (12) (b) requires disclosure by an offeror on a daily basis of all such purchases on the market or elsewhere indicating the total number of shares so purchased and the price. The suspension took place not only to ensure that no purchases or sales were made in an uninformed market but also to ensure that the rights of the Noske shareholders were protected. While we appreciate that such action might deny a market to any shareholder wishing to sell immediately, we believe that it is to the ultimate benefit of the shareholders that the suspension remain until the position is clarified. While we have no objections to you using the details contained in this letter in any letter you might send to shareholders, we do not feel it appropriate that you quote this letter verbatim for the reasons I referred to on the telephone. For your additional information, I attach a copy of a press statement made by the Exchange on 13th March, 1975. We would appreciate receiving a draft of any circular you might send to shareholders regarding this matter. I trust this clarifies the position and again point out that the suspension is in no way intended as disciplinary action against your Board but merely to ensure that the rights ofNoske shareholders both present and future, are protected. Yours faithfully, (I. N. Davidson) Secretary to the Committee. 38 TELEX MESSAGE Comnews 39 1705 Finance Melbourne Eleven, March 13, 1975 THE STOCK EXCHANGE OF MELBOURNE LIMITED Press Release NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED. The Stock Exchange of Melbourne Limited has advised that the suspension of trading in the shares of Noske Industries Limited has not been lifted. The shares have been suspended from Trading because the market has not been informed of the intentions of Industrial Equity Limited regarding its take-over offer of 65 cents per share in comparison with its purchase in the market at a higher price. The Sydney Stock Exchange Limited has advised the Melbourne Exchange that it is seeking from Industrial Equity Limited an assurance that it will in future comply with official list requirements 5 (to) and 5 (12) (b). A.A.S.E. listing requirement 5 (10) requires an offeror purchasing shares on the market or elsewhere during the currency of its offer to soon as practicable, increase the price of its offer to not less than the highest price it paid during the offer period. A.A.S.E. listing requirement 5 (12) (b) requires disclosure by an offeror on a daily basis of all such purchases on the market or elsewhere indicating the total number of shares so purchased and the price. Pending a reply from Industrial Equity Limited to the request from the Sydney Stock Exchange Limited, the Committee considers that the shares of Noske Industries Limited should remain suspended from Trading. (I. N. DAVIDSON) Secretary to the Committee. 13th March, 1975. 39 "D" NoTES ON VISIT To NATIONAL BANK OF AusTRALASIA LTD. April, 8 1975. Present : Messrs. D. S. Anderson and L. Sharp (N.B.A.L.). Mr. A. S. Murdoch (Chase-N.B.A. Group). Mr. N. A. Broome (N.I.L.). Purpose: To make application to N.B.A.L. for bridging finance to repay the 8 per cent. Notes on 15th June, 1975. Proceedings : 1. After a preliminary outline of the application by Messrs. Broome and Murdoch, the Bank's representatives were given the following documents :(a) Memorandum of discussion dated 8th April, 1975, which sets out the salient facts as presented by Messrs. Broome and Murdoch. (This Memorandum discloses the change in attitude of the T. & G. if N.B.A.L. is the only borrower. Mr. Coventry (T. & G.) subsequently advised the writer per telephone that he would be prepared to recommend that the T. & G. accept the trusteeship ifN.B.A.L. is the only borrower, but would require an escape clause if N.I.L. were unsuccessful in defeating the take-over bid.) A copy of the memorandum is attached. (b) Copy of the Group Cash Flow 1975 to 1979-dated 27th March, 1975. (c) Letter from T. & G. declining trusteeship-14th March, 1975. (d) Notes of meeting with T. and G. on 11th March, 1975. (Items (b), (c) and (d) have already been circulated.) 2. It was pointed out that this application was quite distinct from the application dated 3rd April, 1975 for an extension of the temporary and occasional overdraft facility of $225,000. However, the cash flow used in support of that application was an extract from the cash flow dated 27th March, 1975. 3. The submission and the budgeted cash flow were discussed and N.B.A.L.'s interpretations confirmed. 4. It was stated that the bridging finance was required until an issue of debentures could be made without adverse influence of a take-over offer. 5. Mr. D. S. Anderson said that the N.I.L. Directors' attitude to the I.E.L. proposals was important to the Bank's Board in making its decision. A completely changed management represented a new banking relationship. 6. After discussion with Mr. L. Sharp on 11th April, 1975, it now appears that the Bank will not be able to make a decision before 1st May, 1975 as this is this earliest meeting by which time the application can be prepared and processed ready for submission to the Bank Board. Notes prepared by N. A. Broome. 40 Memorandum for discussion April 8, 1975: NOSKE INDUSTRIES LIMITED WITH THE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTRALASIA LIMITED. This information is provided in support of the Company's application for additional financial assistance as outlined below : l. Budgeted Cash Flow 1975-1979 March 27, 1975. 2. Copy of Interim Statement to the Stock Exchange dated March 14, 1975. 3. Unsecured Notes : Unsecured Notes for $700,000 are due for maturity on June 15, 1975. Discussion has taken place with Chase-N.B.A. Group Limited who agreed to underwrite an issue of Debenture Stock to replace the maturing notes. T. & G. Guardian Corporation Limited are Trustees for the Unsecured Note holders and had agreed to act as Trustee for Debenture holders when these funds were sought to replace Notes. In subsequent discussions regarding terms of the Trust Deed the T. & G. then declined to act as they did not wish to be involved with I.E.L. if the current take-over was successful. 4. Financing Requirement : $700,000 short term facility for twelve months supported by Debenture Stock over the assets of the Company. The cash flow attached shows on a monthly basis that the short term facility can be repaid given achievement of the stock reduction programme. T. & G. have agreed to act as Trustee for Debenture Stock provided in support of facilities so the Bank security position will be consolidated. Chase-N.B.A. Group Limited would be interested to provide discounting lines for all facilities provided. 5. Current status regarding take-over offer by LE.L. : • LE.L. currently own 28 per cent. of the ordinary shares of the company. • The take-over has been frozen until May 31 by the Victorian Parliamentary Take-overs Committee who are considering the matter. • I.E.L. has submitted correspondence to the Company outlining suggested basis for negotiation and Chase-N.B.A. Group Limited is assisting in consideration of the proposal put forward. 41 "E" Board of Directors, Messrs. Cahill & A. J. Hicks. SHIRE OF CHARLTON Asst. Secretary, J. K. GIOVANETTI Phone Charlton 24. Asst. Engineer, J. U. HOCKING Municipal Offices, Charlton, 3525. April 9th, 1975. Mr. K. L. Cook, F.A.I.M., Managing Director, Noske Industries Limited, 359 Plummer Street, Port Melbourne, 3207. Dear Sir, At a meeting of Councillors, held on Tuesday, April 8th 1975, I was requested to write to you expressing Council's concern at the proposal of a take-over bid of your Company by Industrial Equity Ltd. It is felt by members that there is a strong possibility that the stock feed works and piggery at Charlton would not be proceeded with should the proposed take-over bid be effected. Should this be the case, the unemployment position in the area would be aggravated as the eleven persons at present employed at the works would mean the reduction of some $76,000 in wages to the area, annually. To show the interest, Council has in the projects in Aprill974, following a request from your Company, a Government grant together with Council funds were found amounting to $4,834 to construct a roadway to the piggery site. This work was carried out under great difficulty due to weather conditions experienced at the time of constmction. Council is prepared to support your Company and if necessary give evidence to the Parliamentary Committee, which it is felt will be for the best interests of the Charlton people. A copy of this letter is to be sent to the Company Take-overs Committee, the local three Members of Parliament and the Minister for Decentralization, the Hon. M. Byrne, M.L.C. Yours faithfully, A. J. EDWARDS, Shire President. 4187/75.-4 42 "F" Extract from The Australian, Friday, April 4th 1975. COURT SEES I.E.L. CONFLICT Industrial Equity Ltd.'s take-over offer for Noske Industries Ltd. was the reason behind I.E.L. chairman Mr. R. Brierley seeking a seat on the Noske board, a Melbourne judge said yesterday. Mr. Justice Dunn said in the Victorian Supreme Court that Mr. Brierley would place himself in an impossible position if he became a Noske director. Mr. Brierley is seeking relief from the existing directors of Noske restraining him from taking up what he considers to be his seat on the board. At the preliminary hearing yesterday, Mr. Justice Dunn asked : "How can he (Mr. Brierley) divorce himself from other responsibilities and consider what is fair and right for the shareholders in the first named defendant (Noske). Counsel for Mr. Brierley, Mr. P. A. Liddell, said it was obvious his client found no difficulty in the dischage of his duty. Mr. Brierley would consider the future of Noske in the same way as other directors. Mr. Justice Dunn asked :" How much less than the market price has the plaintiff offered to shareholders? You can't say then he is interested in their welfare." I.E.L. owns about 25 per cent of Noske shares now, and the company has offered 65 cents a share to other shareholders in the Melbourne stock feed and grain company. The market price of the shares is 80 cents. 43 APPENDIX " G " INDUSTRIAL EQUITY UMITED 28th April, 1975 The Secretary, Company Take-overs Committee, Parliament House, Melbourne, Vie. 3000 Dear Sir, In response to your letter of lOth April we now enclose the submission requested by you. Yours faithfully, INDUSTRIAL EQUITY LIMITED. W. M. Loewenthal, General lvfanager. Encl. smd. 151 Macquarie Street, Sydney, N.S.W. 2000, Telephone 241 1361 SUBMISSION RE NOSKE INDUSTRIES LTD. 1. Industrial Equity Ltd. (I.E.L.) currently employs approximately 800 persons of whom nearly 300 are in Victoria through the operation of the following subsidiaries- Colmax Electric Pty. Ltd. . . A major contractor to the S.E.C. 128 employees. Nathan Blight Pty. Ltd. and Wholesale warehouse in South Melbourne and retail stores National Wholesalers Pty. in suburban areas. 95 employees. Ltd. Rustproofers (Melbourne) Pty. Factory at Coburg. 25 employees. Ltd. Distributor of " Lansing Bagnall '' trucks and equipment. Conquip Ltd. Victorian branch at Cheltenham. 28 employees. As far as I am aware, the terms of employment of these companies are entirely consistent with (a) those prevailing prior to I.E.L. acquisition and (b) other companies in the same industries. 2. I.E.L. is also a large shareholder in, and I am a Director Brooklands (Holdings) Ltd. Southern Farmers erative Ltd. Co-op- of~ Large distributor of motor vehicle parts. 800 employees of whom 400 are in Victoria. Dairy products, woolbrokers, retailer etc. I ,000 employees of whom an estimated 200 are in the Western Districts of Victoria. Southern Farmers has branches at Horsham and Nhill where Noske is also located. Southern Farmers' dairy factory at Murray Bridge, S.A. was recently destroyed by a disastrous fire which caused damage estimated at $5 million. Immediate steps have been taken to rebuild this factory at a capital cost which will probably exceed the insurance recoveries. In purely financial terms this will be of much greater benefit to employees, suppliers (including Noske), customers and the economy of South Australia than it is to Southern Farmers' shareholders. Noske has a flour and stock feed mill at Murrav • Bridge and Southern Farmers is its main distributor in South Australia. Conditions of employment with Brooklands and Southern Farmers are identical to those of other companies in the same industries and at Horsham, Nhill and Murray Bridge are fully competitive in those towns with Noske Industries Ltd. 3. I.E.L. is a member of the Brierley Investments Group which, in New Zealand employs a further 2,000 persons (including companies acquired since last balance date) in a wide variety of industries. In many subsidiaries the terms and conditions of employment are virtually outside the control of the parent company as a result of industrial agreements and awards. It is nevertheless group policy to provide incentives and encouragement wherever possible to employees and this has proved mutually rewarding in so far as there exists in our group a closer relationship between management and staff than is usually the case. A typical example is our recent success in obtaining the support of the New Zealand Government to enable the " Kanieri " gold dredge to continue in operation and thus preserve the employment of approximately 40 highly skilled workers. (News cutting attached). 4. lt will be apparent therefore that I.E.L. and its associated companies are major employers of labour in Australia and New Zealand. In the event of the acquisition of control of Noske Industries Ltd. there is no doubt that the employees of Noske will not be disadvantaged in any shape or form and in many cases there will in fact be greater opportunities for them to develop the scope of their talents and interests. 44 5. I.E.L. now holds 30 per cent of the capital of Noske and it is believed that it has the support of the holders of a further 6 per cent who, however, are not prepared to sell their shares at present at 65 cents. Under normal conditions this must be very close to effective control of the company. The take-over offer of 65 cents per share closes on 15th May although it may be extended till 30th June. In terms of an undertaking given to the Stock Exchange of Melbourne, I.E.L. is committed to increasing this offer to 80 cents per share upon the expiry of the Order in Council dated 12th March, 1975 (provided the 65 cents offer has not earlier closed or been withdrawn). It is not clear whether the Board of Directors of Noske would support an offer of 80 cents but at the least it may provide the basis of some form of compromise. It is in any event the intention ofl.E.L. to cooperate with the company and with the Stock Exchange in providing an opportunity for all shareholders to receive and consider an offer of 80 cents for their shares although the period of such otier will necessarily be rather limited. It is therefore proposed to accept any earlier intimation from the Government that the Order in Council will or will not be extended beyond 31st May, 1975 as the point at which the commitment of the higher offer will commence to apply or not as the case may be. 6. We will be pleased to supply any further information which the Committee may require. 7. Attachments-!. I.E. L. 1974 Annual Report. 2. Brierley Investments Ltd. 1974 Annual Report. 3. Copy of press clipping. R. A. BRIERLEY, 27th April, 1975. Extract from N.Z. National Business Review-19th February, 1975. MINING AMOJL PuLLS OFF KANIERI CouP Brierley Investments Ltd. has never been slow to display its financial finesse. Now it can add another feather to its cap over its handling of the Government on Amoil's case for assistance to its Kanieri gold dredge on the West Coast. After months of indecision, previously reported in NBR, the Government finally rejected Amoil's proposals. Then, in a sudden about-face, the Government decided to reconsider the dredge's future. The Government's minerals and mining policy has never been clear at the best of times, and the Brierley directors were skilful in exploiting a weak point in Labour administration. Though Am oil has won a major concession from the Government, it has in return had to agree to alter the terms of its application. Treasury sources told National Business Review that it was largely at the instigation of Trade and Industry Minister Warren Freer that the dredge proposals were torpedoed. The West Coast, of course, is a sore point with Freer as he has had to carry the can for the Matai disaster. The joint statement by Freer and Finance minister Bob Tizard turning down Amoil's application claimed Amoil had made large profits by allowing the dredge's condition to run down. Amoil, the ministers said, was squeezing as much as it could out of the dredge while neglecting maintenance and upkeep. Amoil's campaign then reached a turning point. After grandstanding its dismissal of the 38 dredge workers, it gained support from the West Coast Regional Development Council, the West Coast Labour Movement, including M.P. Paddy Blanchfteld, and, apparently, Treasury itself. Together they applied enough pressure to twist the Government's arm. Tizard, by then acting Prime }Jinister, said the Government would reconsider Amoil's case and Ray Beadle, the dredgeworker's union secretary, went to Wellington to further the unionists' lobbying. Beadle is Secretary of several Coast unions and is a powerful force in the Labour-strong area. The sole announcement by Tizard suggests Freer will take a back seat in future discussions. Meanwhile, Amoil now rates its chances as " 50-50", according to managing director John Lawrey, who adds that the company has been impressed with Tizard's approach to the issue. Amoil says the alteration to the application changes the financial assistance to a contingently repayable grant-something the company wasn't against in the first place. The company wants loans of $530,000--$350,000 on commercial terms-to move the dredge down the Taramakau River to work another claim while waiting for a licence to mine in the Grey River. Am oil is also holding out for increase in the base price of gold. By Authority: C. H. RtxoN, Government Printer, Melbourne.