Program - Wilmington University

C Ceremony
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Chase Center on the Riverfront • Wilmington, Delaware
Col l eg e of Arts an d S c i enc e s ( un der g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of B u si n e ss ( un der g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of H ealt h P r of e ssion s ( un der g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of So c ial an d Behav ioral S c i enc e s ( un der g rad uat e)
9 : 3 0 a. m.
Col l eg e of B u si n e ss ( g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of E d uc at ion ( un der g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of H ealt h P r of e ssion s ( g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of So c ial an d Behav ioral S c i enc e s ( g rad uat e)
1 : 0 0 p. m.
Col l eg e of E d uc at ion ( g rad uat e)
Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y ( un der g rad uat e an d g rad uat e)
4 : 3 0 p. m.
Mission S tat ement
Wilmington University is committed to excellence in teaching, relevancy of the curriculum,
and individual attention to students. As an institution with admissions policies that provide
access for all, it offers opportunity for higher education to students of varying ages, interests,
and aspirations.
The university provides a range of exemplary career-oriented undergraduate and graduate
degree programs for a growing and diverse student population. It delivers these programs
at locations and times convenient to students and at an affordable price. A highly qualified
full-time faculty works closely with part-time faculty drawn from the workplace to ensure
that the university’s programs prepare students to begin or continue their career, improve
their competitiveness in the job market, and engage in lifelong learning.
Tabl e of Cont ents
Mission Statement ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Welcome ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������5
Wilmington University Board of Trustees ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Alma Mater��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6
Undergraduate Academic Award Recipients��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
Graduate Academic Award Recipients������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
9:30 AM Commencement Ceremony ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������10
College of Art and Sciences (undergraduate), College of Business (undergraduate), College of Health Professions
(undergraduate), College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (undergraduate)
1:00 PM Commencement Ceremony������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
College of Business (graduate), College of Education (undergraduate), College of Health Professions (graduate),
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences (graduate)
4:30 PM Commencement Ceremony������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
College of Education (graduate), College of Technology (undergraduate and graduate)
Academic Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Leadership and Service Awards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Delta Epsilon Rho Honor Society Pledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Academic Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Welcome to the Alumni Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
About Wilmington University . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Graduates From Around the World. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Represented Universities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Grad uat e s by Col l eg e
C ol l e ge of A r t s a n d S c i e nc e s
Candidates for the Associate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
C ol l e ge of B usi n e ss
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
C ol l e ge of E d u c at ion
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
C ol l e ge of H e a lt h P rof e ssions
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
C ol l e ge of S o c i a l a n d B e h av ior a l S c i e nc e s
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
C ol l e ge of Te c h nol o g y
Candidates for the Associate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Candidates for the Master’s Degree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Advisory Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Wel come
Dear Graduates, Families, and Friends,
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and administration of Wilmington University, it is my pleasure
to welcome you to the 2016 winter commencement ceremony. This day is one of life’s best
because it celebrates a tremendous personal achievement for each graduate. We honor their
hard work and the sacrifices made along the way, and we join these graduating students in
saluting family members and friends who have offered encouragement and support.
Since the fall of 1968, the University has experienced unbelievable change – in staffing;
physical plant; locations; programs; and, most certainly, in enrollment. Yet, in spite of all this
change, our commitment to providing high academic standards in our classrooms, personal
attention to our students, and educational opportunity for all has remained constant. We
are proud of what we do here, and we are proud of the graduates we send out to make a
difference in the world.
Presiding over our commencement ceremonies is one of my favorite tasks because I witness
so much joy and excitement. Today is a very special day – a day that marks the end of one
journey but the beginning of so many others. Congratulations to our graduates, and may
all of you find professional success and personal happiness as you go.
Dr. Jack P. Varsalona
Wilmington Univ ersit y Boar d of Trust ee s
The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr., Chairman
Thomas S. Shaw, Vice Chairman & Treasurer
Thomas E. Leipold, Vice Chairman & Secretary
David F. Marvin, Vice Chairman
Robert C. Cole, Jr.
Brian D. Marvin
Irénée du Pont, Jr.
Lawrence H. Miller
Alan D. Ellingsworth
Dana P. Robinson
Michael J. Farnan
The Honorable Sue L. Robinson
Florence W. Garvin
Allen L. Samuels
Larry D. Gehrke
Richard P. Sanger
G. Dean MacEwen, M.D.
Ronald C. Watts, Ed.D.
Dorothy M. Peoples (Trustee Emeritus)
Alma Mat er
Words and Music by Duke Detjen
Praise our Alma Mater,
Praise our Alma Mater,
Cheer with all your might,
Honored be her name,
Proudly fly her colors,
She has been our beacon,
Wave the green and white.
Our eternal flame.
We shall not forget her,
She provided knowledge,
She has been our guide,
Helped us on our way,
Sing your praises to Wilmington,
Sing praises to Wilmington,
Speak her name with pride!
Cheer her night and day!
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Marshals and Univ ersit y Administ rat ion
The marshals are responsible for directing members of the procession to their proper places, and the batons serve
as the symbol of their authority.
E i l e e n G . D on n e l ly, E d. D. .................................................. Assistant Vice President and Dean,
College of Online and Experiential Learning
D onal d W. D uran de t ta, Ph. D. ..................... Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Business
B on n i e K . K i r k pat r ic k , Ed. D. .........................Assistant Vice President and Dean of Locations
J oh n C . G ray, E d. D. ......................................... Associate Professor and Dean, College of Education
E dwar d L . G u t h r i e, E d. D. ........................................................... Assistant Professor and Dean,
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
M ary A n n We st e r f i e l d, Ed. D. ................................................... Assistant Professor and Dean,
College of Technology
D or e e n B . Tur n b o, E d. D. .................... Associate Professor and Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
D e n i s e Z. We st br o ok , M .S. N . ......... Assistant Professor and Dean, College of Health Professions
L or rai n e R . S i t l e r, M . S . S. ......... Assistant Professor and Chair, College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences, Faculty Senate Chair
Vice Presidents
P e t e r A . Bai l e y, D. B . A . .............................................................. Vice President, External Affairs
E r i n J. D i M ar c o, E d. D. ............................................................................... Senior Vice President
L aVe r n e T. H ar mon , E d. D. ...................................................................Executive Vice President
H e at h e r A . O ’C on n e l l , M. B . A. ....................Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Car ol e D. P i tc h e r, M . B . A. .................................................................University Vice President
C h r i st ian A . Tr ow br i d g e, J. D. ......................Vice President, Administrative and Legal Affairs
Jam e s D. Wi l s on , J r., E d. D. .......................................................Vice President, Academic Affairs
E l i z abe t h P. J or dan , E d.D. ......................................................................................... Registrar
Under g rad uat e Ac ademic Awar d Rec ip ients
Theresa J. Mussaw
Janinne M. Latavitz
Theresa completes her Bachelor of Science degree program in
General Studies with a 3.94 grade point average. Employed by
Terumo Medical Corporation as a Senior Quality Compliance
Specialist, she is a resident of Elkton, Maryland.
Janinne graduates with a 4.0 grade point average and a Bachelor
of Science in Nursing degree. Employed by Christiana Care
Health System as a Registered Nurse Case Manager, she resides
in Smyrna, Delaware.
Margaret M. Hannan
Heather Takayama
Margaret is graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in
Organizational Management, a minor in Human Resource
Management, and a 3.99 grade point average. She is a Project
Manager for the Blood Bank of Delmarva and a resident of
Newark, Delaware.
Heather completes her Bachelor of Science degree program in
Psychology with a 4.0 grade point average. She works as an
Organizational Analyst for TekSolv and lives in Middletown,
College of Arts and Sciences
College of Business
Drew Webster
College of Education
Drew has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning his
Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education (grades K-6).
A Wilmington, Delaware, resident, he is employed by Grotto Pizza
as a Corporate Trainer.
Details are based upon the most current Student Information System
data provided by each student.
College of Health Professions
College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Ashley G. Jensen
College of Technology
Ashley is graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer
and Network Security and a 3.97 grade point average. A resident
of Dover, Delaware, she is an Assistant Manager with Walgreens.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Grad uat e Ac ademic Awar d Rec ip ients
Micheale M. Lessard
Judson E. Wagner
Micheale has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning
her Master of Business Administration degree. She received a
Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Wilmington
University and is employed by the State of Delaware as a State
Accountant IV. Micheale is a resident of Camden, Delaware.
Judson completes his doctoral studies in Higher Education
Leadership and Innovation with a 3.95 grade point average.
He received his Master of Education degree from Wilmington
University and a Bachelor of Science degree from Elizabethtown
College. A Wilmington, Delaware, resident, Judson is the
Supervisor of STEM, CTE, and Instructional Technology for the
Brandywine School District.
Master of Business Administration
Sondra L. McKeever
Master of Science in Management
Sondra completes her Master of Science in Management degree
in Organizational Leadership with a 4.0 grade point average.
She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Organizational
Management from Wilmington University. A resident of Rising
Sun, Maryland, Sondra is the Administrative Associate to the Dean
of Academic Programs at Cecil College.
Patrick R. Pinette
Master of Science (Business)
Patrick graduates with a Master of Science degree in Accounting
and a 3.97 grade point average. He received a Bachelor of Science
degree in Accounting from Wilmington University. Employed by
the Defense Contract Audit Agency as a Supervisory Contract
Auditor, Patrick resides in York, Pennsylvania.
Nathan Hardy
Doctor of Business Administration
Nathan completes his doctoral program with a 4.0 grade point
average. He received his Master of Business Administration degree
from the College of William and Mary and his Bachelor of Science
degree from Hampton University. Nathan is a Principal with Plus
Sign Market Research; he lives in Media, Pennsylvania.
Erin L. Mullin
Master of Arts
Erin has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning her
Master of Arts degree in Secondary Teaching (grades 7-12). She
received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of North
Carolina. Erin lives in Newark, Delaware, and is employed by Kelly
Educational Services as a substitute teacher.
Katie A. Petrello
Master of Education
Katie is graduating with a Master of Education degree in Reading
and a 4.0 grade point average. She received a Bachelor of Science
degree from West Chester University and is employed by the
Chester Charter School for the Arts as a third grade teacher. Katie
is a resident of Norristown, Pennsylvania.
Doctor of Education
Joy Maulik
Master of Science in Nursing
Joy graduates with a 3.95 grade point average and a Master of
Science degree in Nursing with a Family Nurse Practitioner
concentration. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in
Nursing from Wilmington University and is employed by Deer’s
Head Hospital Center as a Nurse Manager. Joy is a resident of
Salisbury, Maryland.
Monica M. Davis
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Monica completes her doctoral studies with a 3.96 grade point
average. She received her Master of Science degree in Nursing from
Widener University and a Bachelor of Arts degree from Glassboro
State College. Employed by Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
as a Nurse Practitioner, Monica lives in Springfield, Pennsylvania.
Julianna I. Logan
Master of Science (Social and Behavioral Sciences)
Julianna has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning her
Master of Science degree in Administration of Justice. She received
a Bachelor of Arts degree from Mount St. Mary’s University.
Julianna lives in Elkton, Maryland, and is a Crime Analyst with
the Cecil County Sheriff ’s Office.
Megha Premnath
Master of Science in Information Systems Technologies
Megha is graduating with a 4.0 grade point average and a Master
of Science degree in Information Systems Technologies with a
concentration in Management and Management Information
Systems. She received a Bachelor of Technology in Engineering
degree from Kannur University in India. Megha resides in Newark,
Details are based upon the most current Student Information System
data provided by each student.
Commencement Ceremony
Arts and Sc ienc e s (under g rad uat e)
B usine ss (under g rad uat e)
Healt h Pr of e ssions (under g rad uat e)
So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s (under g rad uat e)
Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President
Pr e lude
Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar
“ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
Pennsylvania State Police (Retired)
Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President
Int r od uc t ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Comme nc ement Addr e s s ............................................................................................................... David J. Andrews
Candidate for Bachelor of Science Degree in Allied Health, Class of 2016
Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candi dat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Ac ade mic Deans
Doreen B. Turnbo, Ed.D. ............................................................................................................................College of Arts and Sciences
Donald W. Durandetta, Ph.D. .................................................................................................................................College of Business
Denise Z. Westbrook, M.S.N. .................................................................................................................... College of Health Professions
Edward L. Guthrie, Ed.D. ...................................................................................................... College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9
De lta E ps il on Rho H onor So c i e t y
Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Pr e se ntat ion of Audr e y K . D ober st ei n
Awar d f or Leaders hip .................................................................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Pr e se ntat ion of Trust ee s ’ Awar d f or S erv ic e ..................................................Alan D. Ellingsworth
............................................................................................................................Member, Board of Trustees (Undergraduate recipient)
Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
“God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood
Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion
Po st lude
The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem.
Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Commenc ement Sp eaker
David J. Andrews
David completes his Bachelor of Science degree program in Allied Health with
a 4.0 grade point average. A member of the Dean’s List, he received an associate
degree in Applied Science (Radiologic Technology) from the Community College
of Philadelphia and has also earned numerous additional professional certifications.
Employed by Inspira Imaging Center in Vineland, New Jersey, as a MRI Technologist,
David has 18 years of MRI and Radiologic experience. He assists the Imaging
Center’s Clinical Director with the training of new technologists and collaborates
on writing and updating imaging protocols. Future plans include completion of
the Health Information Technology (HIT) Certificate program at Wilmington
University to better prepare himself to “bridge the gap” between technology and
healthcare in the years ahead. David is a resident of Turnersville, New Jersey.
Commencement Ceremony
B usine ss (g rad uat e)
Ed uc at ion (under g rad uat e)
Healt h Pr of e ssions (g rad uat e)
So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s (g rad uat e)
Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President
Pr e lude
Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar
“ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
Pennsylvania State Police (Retired)
Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President
Int r od uc t ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Comme nc ement Addr e s s ..............................................................................................................Marisa A. Erdman
Candidate for Master of Business Administration Degree, Class of 2016
Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candi dat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Ac ade mic Deans
Donald W. Durandetta, Ph.D. .................................................................................................................................College of Business
John C. Gray, Ed.D. .............................................................................................................................................College of Education
Denise Z. Westbrook, M.S.N. ..................................................................................................................College of Health Professions
Edward L. Guthrie, Ed.D. ...................................................................................................... College of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9
De lta E ps il on Rho H onor So c i e t y
Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Pr e se ntat ion of Trust ee s ' Awar d f or S erv ic e ....................................................Lawrence H. Miller
Member Board of Trustees (Graduate recipient)
Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
“God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood
Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion
Po st lude
The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem.
Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Commenc ement Sp eaker
Marisa A. Erdman
Marisa has maintained a 4.0 grade point average while earning her Master of Business
Administration degree. She received a Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing
and Administration from the University of Delaware and recently obtained her
Real Estate Professional License with national certification. Employed by LTC
Corp in Chester County, Pennsylvania, Marisa occupies a dual position as the Vice
President of Marketing and Project Manager, focusing on mixed-use real estate
development projects and healthcare. In this capacity, she reports directly to the
Managing Members and the Chief Operating Officer. A dedicated community
service volunteer, Marisa has given generously of her time to many local organizations
in a variety of roles such as motivational speaker, mentor, tutor, and runner. She is
a resident of Newark, Delaware.
Ed uc at ion (g rad uat e)
Tec hnol o g y (under g rad uat e and g rad uat e)
Presiding: Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D., President
Pr e lude
Ac ade mic P r o c e s s ion ...................................................................................... “Pomp and Circumstance #1” by Elgar
“ The Nat ional Ant hem” ...................................................................................................... Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
Pennsylvania State Police (Retired)
Invo c at ion ..................................................................................................................................... Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Gr e e t i ngs ..........................................................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
LaVerne T. Harmon, Ed.D.
Executive Vice President
Int r od uc t ion of Sp eaker ...................................................................................The Honorable Joseph J. Farnan, Jr.
Chairman, Board of Trustees
Comme nc ement Addr e s s ....................................................................................................................... John J. Vogel
Candidate for Master of Education Degree, Class of 2016
Pr e se ntat ion of Deg r ee Candi dat e s ............................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Ac ade mic Deans
John C. Gray, Ed.D. .............................................................................................................................................College of Education
Mary Ann Westerfield, Ed.D. ............................................................................................................................. College of Technology
Conf e r r ing of Deg r ee s .......................................................................................................Jack P. Varsalona, Ed.D.
Academic Award Recipients.................................................................................................................................................. Page 8-9
De lta E ps il on Rho H onor So c i e t y
Induction of New Members.................................................................................................................. Sheila M. Sharbaugh, Ph.D.
Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs
Pr e se ntat ion of Audr e y K . D ober st ei n
Awar d f or Leaders hip .................................................................................................... James D. Wilson, Jr., Ed.D.
.....................................................................................................................................................Vice President for Academic Affairs
Sol oi st ................................................................................................................................................. Lieutenant Kevin Pierce
“God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood
Be ne dict ion ................................................................................................................................ Gary L. Donahue, M.Ed.
Assistant Professor, College of Arts and Sciences & Coordinator for Student Affairs
Ac ade mic Rec e s s ion
Po st lude
The audience is asked to stand during the Academic Procession and The National Anthem.
Please remain in place until both the Academic Procession/Recession is completed.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Commenc ement Sp eaker
John J. Vogel
John graduates with a 3.90 grade point average and a Master of Education degree
in Elementary Education (Grades K-6). He received a Bachelor of Science degree
in Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Management from The Pennsylvania State
University and is currently employed by the Indian River School District as a Para
Educator at Lord Baltimore Elementary School. A life-changing family event moved
John to leave a successful banking career and pursue his passion for working with
and motivating elementary-age children. He and his family established and now
run The Get Well Gabby Foundation which assists children and families who are
fighting pediatric cancer and also helps fund research initiatives in the field. John is
a resident of Ocean View, Delaware.
Col l eg e of Arts and Sc ienc e s
Candidates for the Associate Degree
Associate of Arts
General Studies
Nicole Michelle Alexander
Randi L. Racan
Waynna Anntoinette Dobson
Amber D. Rumphrey
Joshua Adam Biddle
Sarah Ruane∆
William Edward Gallagher
Wendy Vicks
Jessica L. Gross
Ethan A. Wright
Jeannine Ray Klingenschmitt
Sara Megan LeBrun
Liberal Studies
Alexis Beatty
Ivelisse S. Brown∆
Brandi Nicole Carrow
Yvonne Sandra Clark
Kavon L. Cooks
Loresa Ardine Lockett
Cynthia Lynn Webb
Aaron Ashley Pennington
David C. Wisor, Jr.
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science
Communication- Integrated
General Studies
Liberal Studies
Meredith D. Bouchelle
Brenda Lyn Dean**
Cheryl Ann Diem
Peter Francis Buoncristiano∆
Sarah Armstrong**∆
Deanna Lynn Bursell∆
Keyaria Jeanee Gaskins
Phillip Myron Headen∆
Sydnee Hughes
Kristie L. LaRocca
Katlynn Anne Larrimore*∆
Jenna Rose Silicato***
Communication- Media
Mekerah T.T. Eaton
Shavorn Priscilla Patterson∆
Gabriel Spadaccini
Alexander Lautenschlaeger
Gabriell C. Mattera
Laura P. McIntyre*∆
Jeffrey Joseph Morella
Theresa Jane Mussaw***∆
Corey Charles Pizzichello∆
Rachel Ellen Rehm Schulze∆
Abigail Epps
Lacey Thomasina Loreal NyeKeysha Gay
Susan J. Gordon
Natalie Kay Maloney
Luz Adriana Moran
Lauren Ashley Salcedo
Kimberly C. Thompson
Matthew G. Wiita
Amy Senseny*∆
Amber Simmons∆
Robin Smith∆
Kathy Ann Truitt
Wendy Lynn Whaley
Samantha Rae Selby
Karen Ann Henry*
Bivu Chhetri
Ginger M. Jensen*∆
Ramona Maria Gullette
Ally Ceman*∆
Lauren Elizabeth Hitch
Donna M. Gaworski-Smith
Chitra Begerhotta**∆
Candice Marie Ocana
Cynthia Patricia Allsop**∆
Jessica A. Wiggins
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
Col l eg e of Arts and Sc ienc e s
Advisory Committee Members
Laurie Bick
James Boyd
Bonnie Ceban
Ellen Barosse
Kate Cottle
Matt Davis
Maria Hess
Rick Jenson
Amy Danley
Rob Rector
Catherine Rossi
Sheila Sharbaugh
Scott Shaw
Doreen Turnbo
Katherine Ward
First Year Experience (FYE)
Matt Chacko
Mark Daniels
Matt Davis
Rebecca Ghabour
Cassandra Green
Lauren Havens
Adrienne Johnson
Shannon Netta
Gary Seydell
Sarah Talmo
Libbie Zimmer
Leo Beattie
Andrea Bukay
Tony DiGiacomo
Michael Dixon
Gary Donahue
Lisa Frank
John Lewis
Russell McCabe
Sharon Weaver
Syl Woolford
Nicole Bennett-Bealer
Mary Doody
Patrice Gilliam-Johnson
Susan Gregg
James Piccone
David Stradley
Doreen Turnbo
Robin Weinstein
John Buckley
Delayne Johnson
Kae Keister
Rene McCartney
John Pelesko
Jamila Riser
Debra Berke
Terrance Blanch
Timothy Brewer
Scott Shaw
Angela Steelte-Tilton
Philosophy & Arts
Rick Beno
Jane Chesson
Carolina Heinle
Chelsea Johnson
Tom Manerchia
Emily Plourde
Rob Tietze
Nancy Carol Willis
Johanna Bishop
Michael Curry
Tasha Jackson
Adrienne Johnson
David Miller
Rob Rescigno
Angie Steele-Tilton
Liberal Studies
Spiros Mantzavinos
Robin Weinstein
Sherri Strobel
Angela Moffett-Batty
Eugene Garone
Angel Partie
Shannon Netta
James McClain, Jr.
Col l eg e of B usine ss
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science
Gregory Andries*∆
Joshua L. Hartmann**∆
Jessica Evelyn Baker
Erin Elizabeth Barbeck*
Jose M. Henao
Adam Chen
Michael Cole Barrett
Jerime Snoh Douglas
Dennis Berger**∆
Yuenge Groce
Thomas M. Bille***∆
Katherine Ann Hikins**∆
Rebekah Erin Braunhausen*
Leron Kosh
Robert Patrick Bunch**∆
Billie Joan McCloskey
Alexandre Martins Cervo∆
Shamima Nasrin
Kathryn Ann Christmas
Suzann Marie Shorb
Erin Katie Coen
Takeela D. Thomas
Giuseppe Coppola∆
Zachary Wilkolaski
Sunita Subhash Darji
Wendi L. Atkinson*∆
Danielle Baldwin
Thomas J. Bryson**∆
Theresa K. Barone
Debra A. Cubbage∆
Danielle Elizabeth Beauchemin
Brandon Tyler Gasdia*
Zakiyyah Biddle
Elizabeth Harris
Alysha Danette Bobbie**
La Kesha TaSwanna Hylton
Cody Michael Brown
Alexander A. Lopez
Christina Marie Cauley
Daniel W. Minshall*
Dongdong Chen
Corey Lynn Ney***∆
Amber S. Clay
Sean P. Stephenson∆
Christopher M. Colatrella
Natalia A. Tomlinson*
DeJuana Dairsow
Bryon Matthew Wille
Derek Daniel Dohring
Accounting and Finance
Allison Douglas
David Richard William Donze
John F. Drury
Mark Anthony Moore
Joseph Thomas Fitzgerald IV
Tyler Dale Reed∆
Kimberly Dawn Geaman*∆
Xinrui Zhang*∆
Jameel Isaam Gordon
Zinaida M. Mineva
Karen M. Evey
Chase Nguyen
Brittanie Christina Foreman
Zenith Yasmin Smith
Mark Gersh
Hairong Zhou*∆
Tonette M. Grant
Business Management
Nicholas Halfen
Bilal Ahmed
Susan Hallak
Mitzie A. Hamilton*
Margaret Anne Hutchinson**∆
Jessica Lynn Jacklin*∆
Jaime Jimenez
Lisa Marie Joseph**∆
Steven R. Junck
Jason Michael Kane**∆
Tyler Douglas Kasak∆
Tanyapon Kerdmungmee
Deborah Kinsey
Stephanie Kong∆
Jennifer L. Kopchinski
Michael Joseph LaCerra*∆
Amber Michelle Lowe
Bryan A. Markiewicz*∆
Richard Justin McCann
Lucinda F. McCartan
John James McNamara
Garrett Edward Menoche∆
Matthew Thomas Moore∆
Kyle Morales
Alexandra Rae Moran
Raciel Moratin
Margareta G. Neal
Cuc P. Nguyen***
Tuan Le Nguyen*∆
John Paul Nicholas
Brittany Lee Nichols*∆
Kadeisha Lareina Nurse
Corinne N. Oatman*∆
Deniqua Owens
Sherrie Lynn Pancoast**
Daniel Pearson∆
Erica Paige Pentoney
Adelaida Perez-Kozak*∆
Barbara A. Adams
Zachary Francis Hall
Kati Elizabeth Hoskins
Tracy Achuff**∆
Ronald Alfonso Griffith**∆
Tamelia Hinson
Ariana Marie McTamney∆
Peter Karl Heinz∆
Mark Anthony Pierce***∆
Thomas Joseph Quirk
Ronnell G. Ramsay
Brittany C. Ricketts
Matthew Brennen Ryan***∆
Sercan Salgun
Frank S. Samluk
Pamela Maria Santos
Ramona Y. Savage**∆
Jessica Leigh Scheidegg
Avinash Sharma
Eric Wheatcroft
Wisdom Donkor
Renee Laura Williams
Andre Rahene Lewis∆
Organizational Management
Meredith M. Dougherty***∆
Joshua D. Mccann*∆
Francis Michael Pupillo
Van Corey Trader
Tracey Weaver**
Randy Wray
Petya Georgieva Yordanova***
Stephen Alderson∆
Amy Marie Anthony**∆
Stephen L. Archie
Theresa Lynn Arndt***∆
Ridge Kofi Agyen Bamfo*∆
Marlene A. Barone*∆
Matthew C. Bendel*
Human Resource Management
Brittney A. Brosius
Rachael Ann Burton
Mike Stanley Brown*∆
Latoya L. Hardy
Kimberly Lynn Cox∆
Joseph Thomas Johnson∆
Robin Lee Eaton, Jr.
Pedro Saldana
Ernestine Cynthia Epps
Pamela Christine Stinson
Daniel G. Gueh
Denise Williams∆
Jason Ryan Haggard∆
Magdalena Winfield
Margaret M. Hannan***∆
Samuel J. Welden∆
Kada Hill∆
Joseph Thomas Woodley*∆
Melissa Alonso*
Charles J. Holmes
Faith Marie Zawojski
Dana Elaine Ellis*
Kevin P. Kober***∆
Lia Camille Jeffers
Neal James Kowalskie*
Jonathan Edward Martin
Richard Roy Mahoney
Scott Vincent Norris**
Michael Lee Marino**∆
Brianna Noelle Prescott*
Marquis J. McCulley
Isaiah Robinson
Allison Elizabeth Molino
Nicole Renee Stokes
Kaisea C. Riddleberger
Alonda Elizabeth Tucker
Santosh Prasad Sah
Daniel Dow Shivers*∆
Niraj Shrestha
Tomisha Smith
William Steele
Andrew B. Sumner
Katrina Maria Swank∆
Virginia M. Swyka∆
Pamela Tackett**∆
Kellie M. Terranova***∆
Malissa Thomas
Edward Eugene Tribbett
Paul Lester Tucker
Patrick S. Tusa
Michael R. Vacca
Abraham M. VanCuren
Antonia Vann∆
Amy L. Bridgett
Angela C. Brown**
Jaelynn Triliece Craighead
Michael Robert Chapman**
Wendy Harris
Ryan Anthony Del Gallo∆
Seamus P. Murphy
Laura E. Edmanson
Danielle Marie Schwamberger
Jennifer Giese*∆
Tiffany L. Weis
Kelly Hadaway***∆
Christopher Marchand Winfield
Brian Keith Handy
Lisa Hanson
Amanda Anna Albert
Andrew Hite
Michael William Wright
Tommy G. Brooking∆
Jennifer M. Howard
Cambria L. Ziemba
Madelyn J. Howard
Andrew Philip Kosek∆
Business Management and
Organizational Management
Yvonne R. Kindell
Linford Etse Kumador
Adrianna Nicolette McClanahan
Alexandrea Marie Marino
Ryan Paxton∆
Jack Marshall***
Tatiana A. Roberts
Jessica Marie McLaren
Victoria Lauren Shotto*
Victor Byron Norris
Ragan Trotter
Gary S. Rost**∆
Christopher Ryan Windish
Adam Reynolds
Business ManagementProfessional Aeronautics
Victor S. Herbert**∆
Jason Thomas Martin***∆
John David Petro∆
Erik J. Sullivan
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Daniela Emilia Santos
Katie Marie Spence
Denell Lynn Sprowl
Dawn Michele Trigg***∆
Michelle C. Velykis
Amanda L. Warwick
Barry E. Wheatley II***∆
Anthony Troy Wilkerson**
Zachary D. Williams
Sports Management
Kristopher Lee Cebula∆
Kenneth Charles Czajkowski II
Todd F. Johnston
Kristian J. Joseph
Derek Mayfield
Aubrey Piechoski∆
Michael A. Sanchez
Lindsey Katherine Sharp
NIkolaos Harry Tarabicos
Col l eg e of B usine ss
Candidates for the Master’s Degree
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration
Patrice M. Smith
Shravan Kumar Amjala
Dale Sterling
Cody Garrett Bristow
Colleen Nicole Sullivan
Shaniqua LáMire Brown
Michael Keith Williams
Kristi L. Dupre
Nicholle Young
Devon Christy Almeida
Angel Josephine Soeprapto
Melissa J. Bishop
Melissa Stretawski
Amanda Elizabeth Brown
Jessica Michaele Wescott
Robert B. Dunn
Katie Elizabeth Wilson
Jamie Lee Eagland
Victoria Yu
Janna Kay Emory
Felicia Danielle Ellis
Marisa A. Erdman
Kaylon Marie Faulkner
Beth Hastings Fuller
Stephen E. Fulmer
Melissa Marie Guessford
Carlos Gutierrez Meeks
Harry Mark Hamalak
Michael Anthony Harper
Mollie Hendricks
Shelbe Shenay Hudson
Michelle N. Jannette
Angela D. Jefferies
Mary Catherine Jenkins
Alexis Clarice Jones
Micheale Marie Lessard
Diane Marie Marino
Sheila Ann Marker
Donna Marie McFadden
Laquan R. Miller
Reia R. Nelson
Jadeen Notice
Sakinah Parks
Ryan L. Pilli
Henry D. Poole
Matthew Seaton
Renita Lipi Sen
Louis Sean Simonini
Jason Robert Smith
Olga Bolotna
Stanley S. Chao
Joseph L. Frank, Jr.
Kathleen L. Kilcoyne
Ibrahim Khalil Kone
Jakeisha Pressley
Colette Scotland
Thaleia Vlachou
Adam Grant Wattay
Guangya Wei
Erin Leigh Wienner
Environmental Sustainability
Mary Latham Gannon
Jamie Erik Treml
Jennifer L. Zambri
Dina S. Aliullova
Matthew Kirk Anderson
Paul Beu
Ryan D. Breylinger
Owen Coyle
Robert L. Davis
Mesut Deretarla
Christopher Todd Evans
Jeff S. Gesek
N’faly Kanadji
Korotoumou Keita
Kathleen R. Love
Carol A. McDaniel
Emmanuel Mayieka Nyamumbo
Eric P. Perry
Kyle K. Pritchard
Cassandra Cassell Rhodes
Health Care Administration and Master of
Science in Nursing: Leadership
Martha L. Cunningham
Erin Elizabeth Helmick
Jessica M. Szelestei
Lauren C. Rogers
Homeland Security
Lorne Francis Shannon
John Daniel Patrick Helfert
Michael David Sandy
Maksim Shein
Vasyl Olegovich Syerov
Anh Minh Hai Tran
Angela Whittaker
Tuba Zivali
Finance and Management Information Systems
Joseph Vincent Allen
Health Care Administration
Ugonna N. Akutah
Charles Wesley Annan
Ariel Baraff
Allison Deihl Barth
Stephanie Lynn Ellis
Jennifer Lynn Evans
Kelly Greb
Kristin Lopez
Justin Malecki
Brian Christopher McGee
Fredeline Menard
Janeth Nyekingo Mtawali
John R. Ness
Krishna Pandya
Alan Cary Barnes
Brian S. Mitchell
Brian Nickerson Moore
Amy Jolene Nase
Lukasz Rozwadowski
Lori K. Thomas
Devnol S. Tobias
Nathan Chad Travis
Amber Chanell Webster
Management Information Systems
Adetoyosi Oluseye Adelekan
Christina M. Bennett
Alfreda S. Butcher
Salimata N. Doumbia
Rob Gentile
Jonathan Gilson
Joseph Stephen Glenn
Srikiran Kodali
Matthew C. Mortimore
Euma A. Parana
Errol Rodriguez
Joseph Mario Sasdelli
Paul Leslie Voss
Akia Wadia Phillip
Marketing Management
Jiwan Shrestha
Caitlin Frances DiMondi
Tyrisha Ronette Robinson
Simarjit Kaur Sidhu
Melissa Leigh Standard
Jennifer Ann Thomas
Hope Marie Washington
Shawauna Washington
Cynthia J. Wright
Kristine Marie Young
Kyle Elliott Leaverton
Lauren Suzanne Lewis
John Kevin McInerney
Michael D. Perry
Van T. Pham
Sarah E. Pidcock
Kathryn Ayash Sampson
Bradley Sebak
Stacey Eric Wilburn
Bonnie Elizabeth Wright
Jingshu Kang
Ryan Thomas Weller
Jinglin Fu
Alice W. Taiti
Elizabeth Chance
Organizational Leadership
Nicole M. Buonocore
Bradley A. Card
LuCinda Jane Comegys
Sara Elaine Croce
Laura Ann Dietrick
Dana Marie Gallagher
Robert George Garcia
Benjamin Robert Goodbred, Jr.
Kathleen M. Hartley
Elise Birkett Holt
Deitra Jackson
Katie Lynn Jackson
Shanasia Johnson
Shanita Syree Jones
Deborah Lynn Leech
Amelia P. Lewis
Lindsay N. Lewis
David Lundquist
Joseph Michael McDevitt
Ahmiyah Joyce Mosley
Brian Neiman
Tiffany Osborne
Shannon Leigh Payton
Frank Piccioni III
Kyree Javaun Ransome
Kim Stokes Scott
Robert David Sweeney
Paul J. Walker
Laura N. Weeks
Robert C. Williams
Marcia Denise Wright-Soika
Ronald Yum
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Master of Science
Heather Jane Horsey
Sonja Renee Kirby
Daniel Patrick Murphy
Chirag Pravinbhai Patel
Patrick R. Pinette
Jinyi Zang
Master of Science in Management
Master of Science in Management
Catherine Ryan Johnson
Prathyush Bezawada
Jennifer Marie Linso
Anthony James DellAversano
Chukwuemeka Martins Nnadi
Stanley J. Zgrzepski
Victoria Katherine Pini
Health Care Administration
Nitin Chandra Reddy Samireddy
Charles Edward Armstrong
Lori Ann Kramer
Lisa M. Cluff
Caroline W. Njuguna
Keron Trent Gairy
Luciana M.E. Parker
John K. Rendle
Sarah Kay Beabout
Keesha R. Wilson
Corine Celestine Branch
Eva Yeboah
Shkeyia C. Bullock
Karen M. Burns
Health Care Administration and Master of
Science in Nursing: Leadership
Tahvoila Diamond Cartwright
Nyree Aniko Cephas
Damari Donato
Sally Ann Greenway
Sandhya Gandra
Frances A. Russo-Avena
Diane Marie Hitchens
Amanda R. Thomason
Chantel Cristine Azevedo
André Dubois Willis
Sivakumar Bhaktavatsala
Kelly Shay Wilson
Sara D. Brown
Keisha Judith Bourne
Deidre L. Delarosa
Nadine Charles
Shonda S. Ellison
Michelle Macedon
Nancy A. Hayes
Margaret B. Souder
Virginia Erin Huerta-Kellam
Krysti Lynn Urban
Jhansi Rani Jampala
Dawn Marie Carter
Maurice Terence Stanley
Haliun Ayush
Homeland Security
Ryan Austin Douglas
Sandra E. Williams
James Alexander Otto
Tyhara Haughton
Ezekiel A. Ross
Michael J. Sammons
Robert Martin Woodward
Hebe Moreira Berger
Christopher Boyd
Amanda Joan Brown
Amanda Melissa Jordan
Human Resource Management
Norbert Keita
Dana Annette Brown
Cathy Krum Rash
Jamila Cooley
Souleymane M. Sylla
Tamara K. Alexandre
Sara M. Pletcher
Benjamin Kyu Cook
Stephanie Spence
Constance Cusack
Annie Urbanik
Christina Marie Garcia
Organizational Leadership
Ibrahima Diakité
Jennifer N. Gates
Kyle Gibbs
Claudia A. Holley
Pragya Vinod Jain
Morgan Anna Lewis
Vivian Uniqua Melvin
Coreen Murray
Shaneice D. Nelson
Rosa M. Nesmith
Mary Elizabeth Pressey
Erneatka Denise Webster
Kimberly Dianne Widener
Angela Zinetti
Human Resource Management and Health Care
Jennifer Armstrong
Alonna Berry
Portia Ann Natasha Brome
Stephanie A. Burke
Cynthia B. Campanella
Terrin Noele Dennis
Karen Anne Galanaugh
Tina Gardner
Debra Lynn Grigioni
Emily Emilia Hartmann
Taylor Renae Harvey
Todd William Hilliker
Genevieve Denise Holmes
Mark Ambrose Jenkins
Sondra Louise McKeever
Ayanna Moore-Avinger
Bernice Serrell Skinner
Casandra L. Phillips
Management Information Systems
Laura L. Sanbuichi
Yetunde Maria Adewole
Narayani Devi Arvind
David R. Casselbury
Kevin A. Dill
Corey Thomas Downer
Larry Harvey
Loise Wacheke Karanja
Jennifer L. King
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Lemar Tyson White
Sandra M. Pietlock
Cynthia Santiago
Guy A. Serman, Jr.
Cleotrina Michelle Shipman-Tinch
Amy Elizabeth Stanford
Susan Turini
Renee Lynne Tyre
Mingxin Wang
Donald Troy Williams
Public Administration
Stacie Tomika Burton
Yulinda L. Gilmore
Alessandro Kristos Illiano
Shannon Nicole James
Lakia S. Kelly
Michael R. Matthews
Donald S. McVaugh
Devon O’Bryan Sivels
Brandi Nicole Williams
Sports Management
Christine Pamela Beckman
Brett Berger
Adam Peter Blannard
Ludovico Thomas Oriente
Mallori Ann Tittle
Col l eg e of B usine ss
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree
Hugh T. Broomall
Dissertation: Assessing the Association Between
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and
Foreign Direct Investment: A Replication and Extension
Study Utilizing Econometric Analysis.
Yvonne Marie Bull
Patricia Orr-Walker
Lancine Coulibaly
Don M. Owen
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Ethical
Leadership and Organizational Commitment in
Nonprofit Associations.
Dissertation: A Case Study Examining Vocational and
Educational Training in the Ivory Coast.
Andem I. Effiong
Dissertation: Perceived Influence of Internal Marketing
on Employee Commitment in a Private University
Kathy S. English
Dissertation: Social Interpretation Study Exploring
the Tolerance of the Traveling Public in Delaware for
Increased Revenues and/or Taxes to Support Surface
Transportation Needs.
Dissertation: An Examination of the Effects of
Communication Efforts and Demographics on Job
Satisfaction of Medical Professionals.
Dissertation: Computer-Mediated Communication
Acceptance as a Focus Group Methodology:
Applicability of the UTAUT Framework to Executive
Decision Makers.
Brenda L. Roselle
Dissertation: Evaluation of Options to Improve Product
Quality in a Middle Atlantic Company.
Donald H. Stuhlman
Dissertation: Online Adjunct Faculty: Understanding
the Sources of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
– A Strategic Imperative.
Russell J. Figueira
Frederick M. Thompson
Nathan Hardy
Jorge A. Velaquez
Dissertation: The Applicability of Tinto’s Theory of
Student Retention in an Online Learning Environment:
A Faculty Perspective.
Dissertation: A Profile of Early Adopters and Opinion
Leaders as Spreaders of Word of Mouth about Books.
Aleta A. Krauss
Dissertation: Examination of Motivating Factors:
Joining Veterans Service Organizations.
Marc B. Lewis
Dissertation: An Exploration of Overconfidence in the
Utilization of Financial Advisors.
Cory Ng
Dissertation: Critical Phenomenological Research Paper
Prepared for the National Guard Association of the
United States, Leadership Development of National
Guard Military Officers in the Post 9-11 Era.
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study of Factors
that Influence Perceived Follower Response to a
Hypothesized Incidence of Pastoral Unethical Behavior.
Dissertation: The Impact of Perceived Supportive
Supervision on Staff Retention in a Human Service
Rodney L. Washington
Dissertation: Relationship Management and the
Probable Influence on the Short and Long-Term Success
of Information Technology Firms Contracting with the
Federal Government in the IT Sector.
Col l eg e of B usine ss
Advisory Committee Members
Barbara Chamberlain
Susan J. Keiser
Jennifer Cohan
Gabrielle McClure-Nelson
Andy DiSabatino
Charles David Nelson
Ed Geletka
Sports Management
Judith Scarborough
Michael Hutchinson
Michael Colman
Mark Kleinschimdt
Chris Kemple
Mark Lannan
Aaron Moser
Shelley M. Hastings
John Clayton
Robert MacCloskey
Carole Cummings
John McManus II
Arthur Ericson
Dana Rubenstein
Richard Heffron
Charma Bell
Karen C. Smith
Earl Jeter
Brett Cooper
Business Management
Richard Krett
Keith Law
Susan Pedersen
Nancy Myshko
Carole Cummings
David Debski
Anthony DelCollo
Guillerina Gonzolez
Cynthia Healey
Tia Jones
Colin Kelley
Mark Miller
Robert Strong
Lisa Strusowski
Laurel Wagenheim
John Bish
Mike Karia
Colin Kelley
Karen Simpson
Robert Strong
Laurel Wagenheim
Eftihia Zerefos
Jeff Banning
Jeff Bross
Eric Poch
Sherry Read
Wendie Stabler
Courtney Steward
John Van Gorp
Al Lupo
Allen Putman
Garth Warner
Organizational Management
Richard Burton
Joseph Kwiatkowski
Dawn Powell
June Roux
Thomas Wagner, Jr.
Susan Warren
Monica Washington
Karin Wehmeyer
Human Resources Management
Sharon Abrams
Daniel Bloom
Patricia Claghorn
Patrick Conway
Richard Dann
Patti DePlasco
Wendi Foltz
Dennis Malloy
Jon McDowell
David J. Puma
Joe Bauer
Ellen Plummer
Brian Cunningham
Joel Rudin
Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science
Career and Technical
Holly Amanda King
Casey L. Marro
Steven Michael McGuigan
James Robert Murrian**
Jessica P. Morales
Mariano Joseph Massari III
Early Childhood Education
Thomas R. Ogren
David M. Collins*
Karen Olivero Gray∆
Lisa Michelle Hanyok*∆
Erin Margaret Lawler
Stacy Lynn Mallery***∆
Margaret Mary Neal∆
Ana Nieto-Costales
Megan Quinlan
Emily K. Norris
Aziah Cera Pierce
Chelsea L. Quirk
Lindsey Marie Staniszewski∆
Ashley Nichole Witte∆
Education Studies- Middle
Level Education 6-8 English
Kendall Wilson∆
Kimberly Monique McClellan
Education StudiesEarly Childhood EducationBirth - 2
Education Studies- Middle
Level Education- 6-8 Science
Stephanie B. Askin
Caitlyn M. Connor
Antoinette R. D’Ascoli
Rachel LeAnn Johnson
Meghan Marie MacBain
Melissa A. Morgan
Moiyatu Amie Sesay
Jaclyn Alyce Stevenson
Crystal Marie Wheatley*
Lindsay Nicole Whitmore
Education StudiesElementary Education- K-6
Shanice Ronea Allen∆
Jerika Diaz∆
Sarah Nicole Emhe
Andrea Nicole Gattuso
Rebecca N. Guyer**∆
Kristie Lynne Hoffman∆
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Ralandre L. Lacy
Jason C. Klepacki
Education Studies- Middle
Level Education- 6-8 Social
Peter A. Deanna
Joseph M. Marvel
Meredith H. McIntosh∆
Melanie Ann Moore∆
Gina L. Nitsch∆
April Lynne Popelas∆
Joanne Rossi-Moran
Heather Lynn Spannbauer∆
Carmela Jean Spano
Michelle Lee Statts*∆
Michelle Nicole Swift*∆
Samantha L. Walls
Elizabeth Leslie Walter
Drew Edward Webster***∆
Denise Marie Zuniga***∆
Middle Level Education
Branden Corey Batty*∆
Ambre Anne Ealet**∆
Aryan Caitlyn Eaton***∆
John N. Ekimoglou∆
Danielle M. Johnson
Elementary Education
Amanda M. Kulick∆
Justin Carlisle Cantrell∆
Gregory James Rodenbaugh
Denise Cuthill***∆
Brock Andrew Smith*∆
Kristine Louise Burger**∆
Meghan Elizabeth Logullo∆
Alixandria M. Conlon
Nicole Lee Shuba∆
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Deale**∆
Kenneth J. Zindel
Alicia Danielle DiPietro*∆
Kali Alexandra Duobinis
Ashley Lynn Elliott
Colleen Marie Folke**∆
Brandy Renee Fry
Nicole D. Henderson
Leann Marie Hendron*∆
Chelsie Ann Lloyd∆
Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion
Candidates for the Master’s Degree
Master of Arts
Secondary Teaching
Calixto R. Vazquez
Christina Ann DiMauro
Michael J. Williams
John Vincent Cordrey
Cassandra J. Vossen
Nicole Lynn Drummond
Robert Nils Woerner
Caitlin Rose Gallagher
Rodrigo Alberto Giraldo
Autumn Green
Audrey R. Hansen
Sophie Lin
Nicole Renee Marion
Thomas Chase McCandless
Lauren Teresa McNulty
Jonathan Andre Mims
Erin L. Mullin
Tijen Ebru Ozcan
Ryan W. Shea
Master of Education
Evelyn Marcano
John D. Carlton III
David Andrew Miller
Hilary Allison Davey
Jenna C. Sinnamon
Grace Damore Dutton
Christine Paxson Smith
Kelley Elisa Franklin
Janet Marie Stephens
Megan Rebeka Harwood
Casey Nicole Tarrant
Heather Lynn Iovine
James D. Weeks
Nicole L. Kaye
Angela Crystal Wilson
Amanda M. Kulak
Career and Technical Education
Erin Leaf Anderson
Lauren Marie McCool
Rodney Wayne Collins
Christina Theresa Magee Scheffel
Cory Ryan Dunt
Jasmine S. Sistrunk
James K. Finney
Jennifer Lynn Spicer
Keira Ann Hall
Michele S. Stone
Stephanie Tara Huff
Eric Daniel Van Wyk
Caitlin Leigh Jamison
Lonie R. Welch
Kayla A. Knotts
Craig Ryan Patterson
E d u cat i o n
Kara Marie Maloney
Dayra C. Diamond
Lauren Elizabeth Lucca
Applied Educational Technology
Education Studies- Elementary Education- K-6
Nicole LaToria Pritchett
Beatrice Hammond-Trader
Jady R. Shetter
Margaret A. Murray
Paula Reneé Stephens
Jasmine S. Richardson
John Joseph Vogel
Sean Brookins
Page Watts Rogers
Deshonta M. Hardy-Covert
Jamila Naomi Spikes
Shysheen S. Nelson
Katherine Alyce Swann
Stephanie N. Sydnor
Education Studies- Secondary Education- 7-12
Michelle Lynn Bartlett
Nicholas Wade Oliver
Megan Etta Blythe-Hores
Sara Parrish
Faith Ann Scheibe
Education Studies- Special Education
Instruction: Teacher of Reading
Phyllis AC Bordley
Dani Marie Brunet
Nicole Marie Falkowski
Mary Heather Hand
Lurys S. Fuhrman
Danielle Renken
Erika Rose Bilenki
Allyson Heather Brainard
Sharronda Lee Boston
LeAnna M. Gibason
Tobi Lyn Fitzgerald
Ashley N. Hom
Cyndi Asante Hilliman
Me-Iasha Tenae Weaver
Laura M. Knappenberger
Instruction: Teaching and Learning
Katherine M. Klein
John A. Norton
Juanita M. Owusu
Jennifer Lee Reap
Lindsey Hope Scarpa
Melva Evatte Smock
Jessica Michelle Ward
Allison Leona Wilson
Melanie Barbas
Wendy Bell
Ramona Anna Bielica
Steven A. Billings
Daniel M. Chiavaroli
Laura Michelle Day
Lynnette M. DeShane
Lori B. Gooding
Elementary Studies
James Hayes
Thomas Cameron Bull
Jeanmarie Leonard
Samantha Nicole Culley
Khristina Ann McDowell
Christina Lace Ellison
Michele D. Rushin
Keela Alexia Fowler
Stacey Lynn Troyer
Jennie Ross Maloomian
Kendall M. Wehs
Samantha L. Bransfield
Rebecca M. LeJeune
Elizabeth M. Cox
William Robert Lobach
Jillian Estelle DuBois
Elizabeth Ann Ritchie
JoAnn Dodds Finocchiaro
Brad A. Spicer
Andrew M. Locantora
Tara Lynn Turcotte-Leyanna
Sara E. Powell
Mark J. Wilson
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
ESOL Literacy
Instruction:Gifted and Talented
Ashley Lee Lewis
Jamie Nicole Bruno
Holly E. Lewis
Whitney S. McMillon
Christine Mahoney
Lori E. Belfiore
Tracy Marie McMullen
Jessica L. Hirsh
Maureen Leigh Merighi
Kristin Simone March
Antoinette P. Muse
Katie Ann Petrello
Monique Rosapatrice Ponder
Emily Louise Turner
Alan Patrick Preston
Reading / ESOL Literacy
Cassie T. Rupp
Michelle L. Giblin
Rachel Marie Meier
Heather Noel Johnston
Amber Lynn Miller
Megan Lynn Nelson
Ashley M. Perone
Laureen Erin Sparacio
Amy L. Poore
Alina Marie Wrench
School Counseling
Shyron V. Bailey
James D. Barksdale
Dona Katrena Barrow Troyer
Jennifer Becker
Santasha M. Bennett
Rasheed H. Brokenborough
Victoria Cartwright
Gilbert David Anthony Clampitt
Andrea Raquel Connally
Tahiya Elaine Cooper
Auanita Marlene Corley
Sonja Ann Dashiell
Nadia N. Davy
Pamela Ann Diksa
Sarah J. Dobie
Lauren Joyce Downey
Rebecca M. Fisher
Jordan Brooke Fitzgerald
Rhianna Dayle Gagliardi
Lora L. Griffin
Tamara Allena Hackett-Swain
Amber Renee Harmon
Jessica Ann Jenney
Jonathan Dean Kellam, Sr.
Jaimie-Lee Samantha Thomas
Jennifer K. Tomasetti
Monique J. Vaughn
Jenee S. Walker
Kevin Darnell Warner, Sr.
Ryan John Weid
Tracy L. Westog
Amy Louise Whilden
Stephanie A. Wilkinson
John Phillip Wilson
Andrea L. Wright
School Leadership
Jackie Abrams
David H. Allen
Martin Peter Amis
Bryan Michael Arra
James Enrico Draper Bell
Shawn Gino Blackshear
Ari Bleicher-Nugent
Stephen Vincent Blenderman
David T. Boyle
Erika Brittingham
Lynette Renee Brown
Nicholas A. Buono
Alan L. Burkhardt
Amy Lynn Chadwick
Jeremy Ryan Cohen
E d u cat i o n
Angela Marie Jackson
Ashley L. Stuart
Jessica Michelle Hassman
Staci Leigh Stonnell
Caitlyn Corrinne Gravenor
Dominic Robert Rivera
Jill L. Confer
Ashlee Nicole Seymour
Shawn Michael Counard
A.jay Siscone
Rebecca Leigh Costello
Karen Helena D’Orazio
Andrea DiSalvo
Keith Andrew Dunkelberger
Matthew Robert Dunn
Walter Nathan Durant
Mary C. Esposito
Jordan Michael Estock
John B. Ford
Christine Bochere Getugi
Jazmyn S. Naomi Gilliard
David John Spencer
Robert Syphard
Jonathan Samuel Taylor
Justin J. Thomas
Alexis Ann Tiberi
Kendra D. Todd-Dixon
Melissa Willis
Danya Tiara Woods
Delores Yvonne Wright
Alissa Marie Grace
Special Education
Kevin L. Ham
Paula C. Coleman
Cherie A. Huhn
Angela P. Distler
Quinn Erika Jacobs
Denise H. Doughty
Tara Kylene Kelly
Wendy Jenkins Elzey
Heather Marie Kondas
Connie Ann Forster
Nicholas Justin LoSasso
Jennifer A. Griggs
Michael John Macheska
Elizabeth Johnson
Matthew P. Martin
Hillary Lauren Martino
Sharon L. Montgomery
Jamie Lynn Oursler
David P. Murnane
Jennifer L. Schaffer
Brianna Roseline Nickle
Colleen Erin Smith
Lefort J. Petit
Cassidy S. VanPelt
Kristina Marie Reyes
Amanda Kathryn Wirth
Mary Hall
Sean Babcock
Marti A. Hill
Mary F. Davis
Dion Terrell Hutt
Courtney G. Dorrell
Dana Keller
LaTika Monique Dowe
Suzanne Marie Kerr
Sean K. Fillingame
Oliday La Ragione
Nicole Marie Grieb
Dawn Lynn Lybarger
Elizabeth A. Haines
Ashley Mackowiak
Chelsea J. Lamey
Phillip William Miller
Kevin A. Mulligan
Freda Nicole Morris
Scott B. Polleck
Zachary Adam Murphy
Katie R. Sheets
Scharlenda Deshall O’Neal
Patricia L. Solomon
Julie Marie Powell
Kate Ashley Wilson
Enrique Rivera
Dianna Lynn Robinson
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Deron Keegan Sharp
Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree
William B. Addison
Dissertation: Bystander Awareness Education Class: The
Effect on Criminal Justice Students.
Carrie J. Awadzi
Dissertation: Transforming Teachers into Teacher
Leaders in a High-Poverty Elementary School.
Nancy L. Bashista
Dissertation: A Preliminary Study of Efforts to Narrow
the Academic Achievement Gap of African American
Mary Boswell-McComas
Dissertation: Turnaround Congruency: Alignment
between Turnaround Leader Competencies and School
Profile Data.
Catherine R. Briggs
Victoria A. Elasic
Dissertation: Improving Montessori Teacher
Effectiveness Through a School-University Partnership.
Sally Ghabour
Dissertation: A Comparative Study of the Relationship
between Early Literacy Skills in a Dual Language
Immersion Program and a Regular Language Program.
Regina Giannone-Tyler
Dissertation: Elder Spousal Loss: Understanding the
Experience of Elderly Women Grieving the Death of
Their Husbands.
Cara J. Gomez
Dissertation: Leadership Development among Clinical
Collegiate Athletic Trainers: Perceived Importance,
Practices, and Barriers.
Dissertation: Thriving as a Community College
Student: A Repeated Cross Sectional Study on Student
Involvement, Academic Performance and Persistence.
Kelly L. Griffith
Carly J. Campana
Linda M. Hardy
Lane H. Carter
Debbie V. Harrington
Dissertation: Middle School Perceptions of Foreign
Language Experience in Relation to Perceptions of
Anxiety and Self-Efficacy When Taking Spanish.
Dissertation: A Secondary-level READ 180TM
Comparison Study in an Urban/Suburban High School.
Patricia D. Claghorn
Dissertation: Evaluation of Mandatory Cooperative
Education Experiences in Associate Degree Programs.
Carolyn A. Cohee
Dissertation: U. S. Mid-Atlantic State Transportation
Agency Employees’ Perceptions of Project Managers.
Brian S. Comroe
Rebecca A. Corbin
Dissertation: Grit, Endurance and Determination:
Challenges of GED Credential Holders in College and
Factors that Lead to Persistence.
Dissertation: Raising a Child Who is Blind in the New
Millennium: Autoethnographic Stories to Guide the
Parent Journey.
Gina M. Harrison
Dissertation: Perceptions of Teacher Education
University Faculty toward Students with Disabilities.
Charles J. Idler
Dissertation: Exploring Parental Involvement in Special
Elizabeth A. Jones
Dissertation: Preparing Dislocated Workers in Delaware
for a Career Readiness Credential.
Erin A. Kauppila
Monica R. Curry
Dissertation: Members’ Perceptions of Attack Addiction.
Dissertation: Reframing Organizational Culture
Through Storytelling.
Dissertation: Teachers Change in Self-Efficacy After
Implementing a One-to-One iPad Initiative.
Courtney B. Keister
E d u cat i o n
Dissertation: Generating Revenue in Southern
New Jersey Community Colleges: An Examination
of Entrepreneurship, Philanthropy, and Workforce
Development Practices.
Dissertation: The Individual Education Plan: A Parent’s
Dissertation: High School Graduates’ Perception of
College Readiness.
Steven M. Lamkin
Dissertation: Using Personality Tests to Predict Effective
Teachers in an Urban School District.
Stephanie L. LoBiondo
Dissertation: A Publication Montage on Youth Suicide.
Dissertation: Delaware School Counselors’ Perceptions of
Their Professional Identity and Graduate Preparation.
Robert C. Schmidt
Cheryl A. Scott
Sarah L. Mansfield
Dissertation: Persistence and Success Rates of Community
College Students in Accelerated Programs.
Heather L. Marvin
Dissertation: Correlational Study of Variables Related to
Sworn Hispanic Police Officers Within the Philadelphia
Police Department.
Dissertation: An Exploratory Study: Retention
Improvement Plan for First Year Students at Stevenson
Dissertation: Running For Success: The Benefits of
Participating in the “Girls on the Run” Program.
Erin J. McDonnell-Jones
Dissertation: A Qualitative Study of Adolescent Hispanic
Female Students and High School Athletics.
Donald D. Moore
Dissertation: Exploring Positive Self-Care in Ordained
Amy S. Moseder
Dissertation: Examining the Relationship Between
Accreditation Status and Graduation Rates for Four-Year
Higher Education Institutions.
Monica E. Moyer
Dissertation: Professional Development, Teacher Efficacy
and Student Achievement.
Amanda M. Nolan
Dissertation: Athletic Participation and Academic
Achievement: The Relationship Between Athletic
Participation and Academic Achievement for In-Season vs.
Out-of-Season Female High School Athletes.
Shaun M. Orr
Dissertation: Learning for All: Student and Teacher
Perspectives about Inclusive Education.
Herman Ortez
Dissertation: Reducing the Spread of HIV/AIDS Through
Individualized Risk Counseling.
Edward E. Pallas
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Emotional
Intelligence, Transformational Leadership Style, and
Effectiveness in Police Leaders.
Carlton H. Parker
Dissertation: What are the Effects of Positive Behavior
Intervention and Supports on a Suburban Elementary
Sharon S. Rogers
Dissertation: First Year Initiative’s Impact on
Developmental Students’ Re-enrollment and Course
Success at a Community College.
Jeffrey M. Ryan
Dissertation: “The More I Watch, the More I’ll Learn”:
Teacher Professional Growth and Development Through
Carl A. Shirer
Daniel H. Shockley
Dissertation: Veteran Delaware Teachers’ Perceptions of
Leaving the Teaching Profession.
Ronald W. Stephenson III
Dissertation: The Disparities in Autism Diagnosis of
Children within the United States.
Claude Thomas
Dissertation: A Study to Explore the Existence of a
Relationship Between the News Media and Young
African American Males at the Mathematics, Civics, and
Sciences Charter School of Philadelphia, Inc. to Determine
an Influence of Perceptions, Stereotypes, Beliefs, and
Brian A. Ursone
Dissertation: Academic Achievement: A Comparison of
the Educational Performance of Twelfth Grade Athletes
and Non-Athletes.
Judson E. Wagner
Dissertation: Longitudinal Study of Career Cluster
Persistence from 8th Grade to 12th Grade with a Focus on
the Science, Technology, Engineering, and+ Math Career
James P. Warwick
Dissertation: A Comprehensive Study of Police
Preparedness and Training for Effectively Responding to
and Stopping Active Shooters in the U.S.
Rebecca A. West
Dissertation: The Silent Language of Emotions: Equine
Inspired Leadership Development.
Juanita C. Wooten
Dissertation: Bridging the Cultural Gap in South Africa
through Music Therapy.
Shawn D. Wright
Dissertation: The Relationship Between Learning Styles
Strategies and Self-Determination.
Col l eg e of Ed uc at ion
Advisory Committee Members
Career and Technical
Martin Cross
Michael Edge
Clifton Hayes
Joseph Jones
Jack King
Teacher Preparation
Lara Crowley
Amy Bowen
Peter Carpenter
Charlotte Byrd
Mervin Daugherty
Robert Chester
Joseph Massare
Sandra Countley
Henry Wagner, Jr.
James Dick
Ed.D. ~ Organizational
Maurice Butler
Mary Hirschbiel
Tammy Horn
Kristen McKenna
Terri Villa
School Counseling
Applied Educational
Nina Cowles
Jennifer Celia
Sarah Cuje
Thomas Gavin
Wayne Hartschuh
John Hoover
Laura Mason
Lauren McCool
Cheryl Carey
Erin Crooks
Jennifer Davis
Tomica Fletcher
Edmond Gurdo
Karen Hammer
Sylvia Henderson
Lisa Hunt
Joel Lang
English Language
Ken Levering
Eleanor Weinglass
Erin Stancell
Ann Thompson
Iman Turner
Instruction (Teaching
& Learning/Gifted
&Talented/Teacher of
School Leadership
Jay Lingo
Aaron Selekman
Stacey Papa
Danielle Bergez
Gemez Tull
Kelly Bench
Victoria Elastic
Denise Hall
Sean Hobdell
Amy Honisch
Kimberly Keane
Elizabeth Obold
Heidi Sweetman
Frank Castelli
Dorinda Connor
Ellen Cooper
Tony Ligatti
Roland Marshall
Joseph Massare
William McClain
Dan Poorman
J. Pamela Scott
Karen Thorpe
Eleanor Weinglass
Lane Carter
Theresa Carter
Lori Duerr
Michelle Conway
Delores Szymanski
Kimberly de Jong
Denise Doughty
Arthur Gilbert
Louis Guertin
Nancy Haupt
Ann Hilkert
Ken Hollstein
Janet Itzel
Peter Itzel
Nicole Johnson
Christopher Kenton
Seth Kopp
Christopher Lehman
Daniel Lepre
Ann Loeslin
Suni Medina
Tim Mellow
Donna Mitchell
James Jason
Annie Kingcade
Janet Krauss
Julie Lanzillo
Laura McCann
Christine Miles
Sean Moriarity
Thomas J. Vair
Ed.D. ~ Higher
Education Leadership
James Canonica
Harry Gutelius
Harry Hoffer
Fred Keating
Tracey Pritchard
Angela Suchanic
Eric Niebrzydowski
Julie Powell
Rachel Ross
Jeffrey Roth
Robin Savage
Patricia Stabler
Annette Stewart
Melissa Stilwell
Sarah Terranova-Smith
Melissa Tuttle
Leah Van Gelder
Anthony Wright
Maggie Brady
David Miller
Wayne Carmean
Raven Arminger
Ed.D. ~ Educational
Ashley Wilson
Betty Wyatt-Dix
E d u cat i o n
Eleanor Weinglass
Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Tara A. Cooper
Kathleen Elizabeth Fortner∆
Tamara DeLynn Adams
George Coutavas
Shawn R. Gassler**∆
Jennifer Aloni
Shannon Nicole Cullin
Bridget Anakwe
Kimberly Curry
Danielle Austin∆
Nory Davis
Eric Bailey∆
Samantha J. Delp**∆
Danielle J. Barber**
Alma Villalobos Diaz
Vanessa Lynn Becker**
Rachel Noelle Dinkler**∆
Melissa Biscocho
Karen Ann Drummond∆
Marissa Elizabeth Blough***∆
Christina Madon Eichholz
Marie-Claude Boisvert*
Charlotte May Elinsky
Troy Boone, Sr.
Joyceline Enninful∆
Lien Brake∆
Kaitlyn Marian Esdale
Brittany Lyn Brown
Jeffrey S. Etherton∆
Rachael Marie Byington
Dana L. Fanelli*∆
Kalli Cartwright∆
Colleen Fernandez**
Deserae Nicole Chilcote*∆
Kaitlyn Fiscella*
Colleen Cimo
Roland Tendoh Fonjong
Laura D. Cooper*∆
Stephanie Anne Forester
Yahartasu Abdulai
Patricia Corea*
Diane Mildred Allen
Brandi Nicole Covey*∆
Michelle Amendolia
Linda Frances Curran∆
Boniface Kelechi Anyanwu
Ashley LeCompte Davis
Gifty A. Baah
Stephanie Rahiyma Davis
Bonita Annette Ballard
Chentell Nicole Derrickson∆
Susanna D. Beabout
Rebecca Lee Dilks
Natasha Elaine Benson
Donna Annette Dowd
Mark Timothy Bleazard
Amber Reneé Dye∆
Angela Onyeka Boating
Stephanie Rosita El
Christina M. Bookout
Jamie Elizabeth Engle
Eunice Carreen Boyd
Theresia Pourtong Enoh
Jennifer M. Brennan
Dana Lynne Estrada
Jennifer M. Brown∆
Ferdinand Tulod Fajardo
Linda Caputa
Kehinde Omowumi Fasasi
Karen Lynn Cebenka
Cynthia Marie Fertitta*
Christina Lee Chirico
Donna M. Fishkin
Heather J. Cini∆
Kristi J. Ford*
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Sueanne N. Fregapane*
Jacob George
Carolyn Ramona Glover
Maureen P. Godfrey
Bethan Wyn Grim
Michelle Guida
Chantal L. Gwannulla
Jesse Hanlon
Anne M. Hansell
Lindsey Ann Moon Hardenstine
Elena S. Hardin
Aubree T. Hare*∆
Stacie Elizabeth Hassman
Stacy Hetrick
Allison Ya-Fang Hsu
Michelle Lynne Hubbard-Cleveland
Bethany C. Hurlock∆
Debra Lynn Hurst**
Kelsey Ashton Jablonski***∆
Molly Elizabeth Johnson**
Heather Jones∆
Yvonne R. Jones
Jennifer Joyce
John B. Kaburia
Gladys Kahwa
Catherine M. Kane
Megan Marie Kelly∆
Melissa Kestler***
Evgenia V. Khodukina*
Heidi Kimble∆
Kate King
Paul Elwood Klaverweiden*∆
Anita Kerubo Kombo
Amanda Renee Kulhanek***
Krista Kutz∆
Martha Karen Lake
Aaron P. Owens
Erica Nicole Swiney∆
Ricole R. Lee
Erica Marie Patosky
Adesanmi Olayemi Tanimowo
Janinne Marie Latavitz***
Anna Lindsey∆
Barbara Elaine Lipsey
Nekia Love
Elizabeth Lowry
Kevin Wayne Mabrey*∆
Jacqueline Ann Magee
Phung Quoc Mai
Nicole Marie Manelski
Morgan K. Mareno∆
Larissa Eva Markel
Tamika Nicole Marsh-James**∆
Jessica Lee Masters
Dallas Mastin
Sandra Marie Matt***
Erika Mazero
Barbara McBride
Ana M. McCleary
Meagan E. McCormick∆
Maureen McCullian
Deborah McDowell
Erica Nicole McKnight
Kellee Lynn McLean
Steven Bradford McPherson
Sarah J. Meadowcroft
Ashley Elizabeth Meckley
Stacey Noel Meek
Christi Anne Mench*
Angela Marie Messick
Heather Louise Milligan
Erin Marie Millison
Wendy Gail Morrison
Jasmine Nicole Munroe
Cathy Rosato Murphy
Stephanie Neal
Jessica Renee Nolden
Christine Reese Nophut
Robert Okeefe
Olanike Kafila Olabode
Nilgun Onal
Deanna L. Perno**
Kim Lena Crouch Petrella***
Ashley M. Pierce***
Kelly Suzanne Pollard*
Judith Nadine Pollinger**
Brittany C. Porter
Sara K. Porter∆
Deborah Josephine Portone
April L. Prior*
Allison Przybylski
Michelle Ann Rafferty
Susan J. Rainey
Andrea Grace Reed***∆
Heather A. Richards
Richa Rijal**
Mary Kathleen Riley
Rosa E. Rivera
Nicole E. Roccia*
Wendy L. Rogers*
Adriel Christina Ruff
Patricia K. Rupert
Ida Sanneh
Joseph Savukinas
Janell Schaal∆
Carle Michele Thompson
Kelly Kay Thompson
Lugenia Tillman**∆
Deborah Ann Tomlin∆
Martina Marie Travis∆
Kasey Lynne Trill**
Michelle G. Turin
Denise Vance
Gina Waithe∆
John Walker
Margaret Mumbi Wangombe
Elissa Serrao Weaver
Sarah Weaver
Abigail Lee Weese***∆
Tammara L. Wells
Teresa M. Whitesell
Christie J. Whitlock*∆
Kenyetta S. Wilkins
Mary Elsa Wolfe∆
Tammy S. Wroten∆
Kerry Anne Zellman***
Jennifer S. Zingo∆
Brooke L. Zingone
Katherine M. Zito∆
Christine A. Scheper
Susan Jill Seal
Shaneeda Shaw-hicks
Salome Khasungu Shivachi∆
Pamela Sidman
Philip Simonetti**
Khaliel Slater
Amberly Rose Smith**∆
Emily Snyder**∆
Melissa Sparks
Belynda Faye Stafford∆
Connie Renee Startt***
Elizabeth D. Stuart∆
Katherine Suiters
Jennifer D. Sumpter
Christine M. Sweeney
H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s
Chrissy A. Neal
Elisabeth Joann Peck
Jessica Yvonne Taylor
Kathleen Anne Murphy
Laura Beth Payton
Rachel Margaret Szymczak
Denise More
Lindsay B. Palma
Bachelor of Science
Allied Health
Michelle Lynne Mansour
Elizabeth K. Austin
Katelyn Faye Perras***∆
Ammar J. Corbin
Colleen R. Savoia**
Shugofa Ghaffari**
Allyson L. Steward**∆
Shante Jackson
Catherine E. White**
David James Andrews***
Diane Michelle Murphy**∆
Laura Jean Baker
Deana Rothwein
Santina Dominique Gambino
Stephanie Lynne Stevens*∆
Jennifer Lynn Hamblin
Heather Kristin Thomas∆
Shannon Ashley Kappler
Aubrey Zechmam
Candice L. Krueger
Jennifer L. Latimer
Danielle S. Leshik*∆
Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions
Candidates for the Master’s Degree
Master of Science in Nursing
Adult/Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
Mini Mathew
Angela Marie Thomas
Ashley Gunter McCready
Kristin Suzanne McNally
Joy Maulik
Althea Maureen Titus-Grant
Maryruth LoPresti Nich
Family Nurse Practitioner
Rebecca R. Poole
Krystal Maree Algier
Laura K. Rhodes
Sindy Carter
Patricia M. Schell
Indré Doyle
Jessica Smallwood
Kathleen Marie Gustafson
Andrea Michelle Zockoll
Victor H. Hillaert
Sarah M. Jenkins
Cheryl Ann Alexander
Joseph B. Larkin
Mary Barberi
Terry James Angell
Jaynel M. Rhudd
Stacy Amanda Chase
Nilima Shrestha
Teresa Michelle Gilliland
Holly Ann Smith
Carolyn A. Hans
Kelly Lynn Jenkins
Maryanne Acchione
Musbau Kasumu
Kristina Lynne Allen Johnston
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
Laura Michele Palkovitz
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Cynthia Biederman
Jennifer Lynn Boberick
Wendy Lee Booze
Caitlin Emmaline Bostick
Ursula Boyer
Amy Bridget Bubenko
Julie Marie Montasser
Antoinette Bundy
Carol T. Newell
Shari Lyn Bucci
Yvonne C. Camac
Tyesha Carter-Crenshaw
Barbara Caterina
Lisa Darlynne Cossaboon
Bridget Elizabeth Crabill
Ulyana Croft
Marianne Culmone
Walter A. Davis
Tracy L. Dooley
Amy Elizabeth Drennan
Deborah Ann Edwards
Stephanie Marie Finein
Tamara Walker Fitchett
Shelley Lynn Flaig
Clotilda Junette Fletcher
Elda L. Foster
Courtney Joy Gaughan
Shemekia A. Green
Cheryl A. Greenfarb
Vashta Nancy Harris
Nishelle D. Harris-Hines
Anita M. Harsh
Valerie D. Hatton
Emily Herling
Cheneaka Tynell Herring
Amanda Lee Hill
Mary Beth Anne Holland
Kenneth S. Horseman
Cindy S. Horsman
Michelle M. Ness
Amanda Olenik
Lilian Nyaboke Ongeri Machage
Mary Louise Osler
Paul Herbert Pahren
Jennifer Christine Papi
Rockey Poeta
Gloria Michelle Pruitt
Monica Petrice Queen
Wendy Elizabeth George Radcliffe
Pam Angela Reichert
Emily Patricia Robertson
Kristin Meloche Sagedy
Elsie Sarkor
Laura Kay Schenck
Matthew Smart
Raquel L. Spencer
Lindsay Anne Stephens
Oluyemi Emmanuel Taiwo
Katherine Elizabeth Taylor
Joanne M. Terebesi
Rossana Tocci
Colleen Ragan Tontarski
Lauren D. Vann
Peter Berglund Varney
Matthew C. Walls
Meghann Watkins
Raymond V. Wildes
Lauren Mary Williams
Cynthia G. Houseal
Megan Anne Huck
Sharia M. Johnson
Siobhan M. Kane
Kamal G. Kaur
Alison Leigh Kell
Jennifer Mancuso
Vikki Mangano
Deborah Ann McDermott
Michele M. McHugh
Barbara J. McMillen
Jennifer L. Miles
Stacy L. Miller
H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s
Angela Marie Klenk
Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions
Candidates for the Doctoral Degree
Erica A. Alessandrini
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: How do Elderly
Patients Diagnosed with Congestive Heart Failure, Who
Receive House Calls, Perceive the Level of Care from
Nurse Practitioners Over a Four-Month Period?
Monica M. Davis
Danielle J. Nicastro
Elizabeth Eble
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: The Evaluation of
Perioperative Beta-Blockers.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Peristeen Transanal
Irrigation as Compared to the Cone Enema in the
Pediatric Patient With Myelomeningocele.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Identifying
Providers’ Attitudes Toward Advance Directives.
Kathy E. Gallagher
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Early Screening and
Detection of Melanoma in Primary Care.
Marian Polius-McLean
Diana Shorter
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Utility of WebBased Support for Acute Surgical Wound Care.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Shift-Work Sleep
Disorders and Baby Boomer Nurses: Will Increased
Knowledge Change Self-Care Practices?
Stacy O. Grace
Bernadette R. Thomas
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: In Professional
Registered Nurses, Does Planned Experiential Learning
Increase Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes in Registered
Nurses’ Practice of Health Literacy?
Marlin E. Gross
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Knowledge of
Hypertension Complications and the Adoption of
Healthy Lifestyle Modifications Among AfricanAmerican Adults With Primary Hypertension.
Meshell G. Mansor
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Utilization of an
Electronic Medical Record to Increase Education
and Follow-Up Screening Rates of Chlamydia and
Gonorrhea in a University Student Health Center.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: The Use of Women
to Educate Men: A Nontraditional Approach to
Prostate Cancer Awareness.
Kimberly A. Thow
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: Carbon Monoxide
Poisoning Prevention.
Bernadette Wheeler
Doctor of Nursing Practice Project: The Integration of
Nursing Informatics in Delaware Nursing Education
Col l eg e of Healt h Pr of e ssions
Advisory Committee Members
Allied Health
Ivory Coleman
Master of Science in Nursing:
Nurse Leadership
Master of Science in Nursing:
Nurse Practitioner
Mark Lafferty
Grace Courtney
Lynn Bayne
Rosa Rivera
Maurice Egnor
Belle Widgeon
Jackie Galbiatti
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Geraldine LiBetti
Chris Hainsworth
Kristin Bennett
Bruce Nepon
Christy Dryer
Heather Steuer
Nancy Flurer
Tracy Bell
Sarah Carmody
Sandy Durgin
Theresa Houston
Brenda Mister
Michelle O’Neal
Karen Pickard
Karen Rollo
Catherine Salvato
Julia Seeley
Becky Stivers
Cheri Will
Susan Hoffman
Susan Lloyd
Alice Myers-Valenti
Jennifer Painter
Christopher Parker
Lisl Phelps
Louisa Phillips
Karen Poisker
Joann Baker
Catherine Dukes
Ingrid Hansen
Linda Sydnor
Colleen Waring
Brenda Windemuth
Linda Wolfe
Doctor of Nursing Practice
David Doucette
Michele Emery
Mansor Meshell
Tabatha Offutt-Powell
Pamela Zickafoose
Sandra Quinn
Donna Ramage
Pamela Santarlasci
Penny Short
H e a lt h P r o f e s s i o n s
Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science
Behavioral Science
Melissa Dunckley
Angil Diane Meade*∆
Lovye Lynette Allen
Kimberly Farrell
Lizzeth Mondragon Deleon∆
Tanya L. Ayers
Lara Ashley Flowers
Vanessa Theresa Beckett
Tyrik Donte Gass
Kimberly Anne Bennett*
Taylor Michelle Gifford
Christine Brandenburg***∆
Pamela R. Goins
Keyonna W. Brinkley∆
Vaughn Edward Groce***∆
Chanee Jean Calvin
Gary Lee Hartley∆
Marie Cherry∆
Jacqueline F. Hinton
Heather Marie Clarke***∆
Jose P. Hooker
Melissa L. Conner**
Jenny N. Hubbard
Roxanne Nicolette D’Amato∆
Kristen Leigh Johnson**
Monique N. Darby
Joseph M. Jones**∆
Natalie Jeaneane Dennis
Bambii L. Kreal
Angeline Elizabeth DiFebo*
Coty Lane Lineweaver**∆
Rachel L. Dingler*∆
Matt James Makuch
Rudolph Drummond*∆
Caitlyn Conner Marshall*
Matthew Brian Dufour***
Kayla Leigh McClain*∆
Andrew Ryan Duncan
Lois H. McFadden
Godwin Adansi
Ashley N. Elia
Kelsey L. Andrews
Elizabeth Rebecca Feigley
Hajah F. Bah
Jeanette Nicole Foxe
Melissa Lynne Benitez∆
Kendra D. Geter
Stephanie Lynn Boyd∆
Danielle N. Gilardi
Kim Brantley∆
Joseph Griffin
Shanda Brown
Ruth Karen Hackett∆
Ja’shae R. Chambers
Ana Gabriel Hernandez∆
Mary S. Chillas*
Rudy Ann Hogan**∆
Sarah Lynn Conant∆
Brelyn Marie Howard**∆
Amanda Nicole Costa
Jennifer L. Hughes**∆
Randi Dahms∆
Jannia D. Jones
Gina Marie DeFrancesco
LeighAnn Marie Parte Klinger∆
Mariah L. Diaz*∆
Brandon William Leyden∆
Kaitlin Nicole Porter DiGiacinto**∆
Chante S. Livingston
Deanna R. Dodd
Tanya Dee Mann
Tara Duffy**
Kelly Katherine Martin
Nancy Lee Dugan
Rhonda D. McClendon
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Eboneika Desire McGarity∆
Susan Ellis Mitchell*∆
Meghan Amelia Murphy∆
Erica D. Needam∆
Cali Marie O’Reilly
Jane Diane Ondrejack*∆
Larry J. Piziak
Barkley Jane Powell**∆
Beverly A. Powell
Amirah T. Rahim
Irene R. Raine
Amanda Lynn Reed***∆
Adriana Lauren Rios
Vivian Rivera
Shalissa Denise Roach
Stephanie Yahaira Rodriguez∆
Monica Crystal Rodriquez
Juliana O. Rogers
Cynthia Marie Roman∆
Alisa Renee Rosa
Shelby Rushie
Dina Salinas
Sonia Noemi Sanchez
Brittany Kathleen Saul
Kevin J. Semonelle
Brianna Victoria Shadwell**∆
Syreeta Cartheida Shepherd
Farzaneh Elizabeth Shojaian*∆
Latasha Shorter
Andrea Lea Sisson***∆
Laurie M. Smith*∆
Erin Marie Steffier*
Lauren A. Stevenson
Alexis L. Swarter∆
Konisha LaVerne Thompson
Kiara S. Tinsley
Nathan Craig Truitt**∆
Dana Mark Carter Twymon
Kyle Randall Higgins
Sarah Deborah Val*∆
Lucretia Lyn Johnson
Kheesha M. Underwood**∆
Dylan R. Vanneman
Julie M. Vivolo∆
Tonika Lynnette Ward
Latricia Lachae Waters
Jennifer S. Whited
Behavioral Science and
Criminal Justice
Melinda Watson
Criminal Justice
Christina R. Alesi
Jesse Levi Alexander
Sierra Andera Baskin
Joseph Bassetti*∆
Thaicha Bazile
Candice Danielle Bennett
James Luther Bozearth
Dominique S. Broomer
Regina L. Brown
Amanda M. Brown-Chester
Robert Buchanan∆
Jennifer L. Bunora
Danielle Nicole Cable
Carmen L. Caquias
Jonathan A. Castro∆
Kyle Jay Chinery***∆
Michael David Cornwell
Christina F. DiGangi
Samantha Dubois
Anthony Ford
Donald Gipple**∆
Wojciech Gluszak
Jennifer V. Gromis*∆
Deanna Marie Groves∆
David Taylor LeGates
Matthew Ryan Marshall
Michael R. Lawson*
Matthew Lemite
Christopher B. Huot
Tasha Q. Love
Legal Studies
Vincent Margherita, Jr.∆
Joshua Bodine Brooks*∆
Anthony Thomas Melasecca
Frankeya Guy
Richard C. Mitten
Julie Christina Little∆
Riley R. Obetz
Rebecca Lynne Lovin***
Vera Isabella Palladino∆
Nicole Marie Williams
Le’Neka Imara Peters
Organizational Dynamics
Brenda Liz Lugo∆
Melissa Erica Beckles∆
Thomas R. McCartan*∆
Michelle Marie Butler
Michael Anthony Miller
Laurie Anne Harrington
Charles Andrew Moesch
Jantyne Love-Saunders
Desmond Lavar Overton*∆
Amanda Ruth Reinhart
Bianca Parker
Dana Rose Polo
Sirena Ann Rich
Christopher Michael Rooney
Mikael Alexander Rumphrey**∆
Alesia Coleman Sargent***∆
Molley A. Shaffa∆
James R. Sinnott
David Tyler Skibicki*∆
Shane James Smedley*∆
Robert Watson Smith**∆
Tenicia Antoinette Spence
Michael D. Spencer∆
Amy Lynn Steward
Cynthia Vanessa Taylor-Eliou
Tayfun Tokac
Erick Austin Warner
Robert William Webster*
Mitchell Leon Weiser**∆
Jerry Lee Weller
Tiffany Renee Whittaker
Leonard Harold Williams
Valerie M. Boothe
Kevin L. Carter*∆
Andrea Danielle Cox*∆
Sandra A. Johnson
Ashley N. Simmons
Monique L. Slowe
Valerie Gensel Stocker***∆
Kimm Samone Woolford
Caitlin E. Adams
Melissa Anne Arruda
Jessica Austra
Kevin J. Bandawe
Taylor Leigh Barry
Jéan-Paul Camillo Bascelli
Sara Bethany Brandon
London Landri Brown*∆
Saleem Shaheed Brown
Sandra Bufano**∆
Morgan Jo Coverdale*
Raqia Latifa Crawley
Behavioral Sciences
Autumn Leigh Friday*∆
Government and Public Policy
Anthony Michael Facciolo
Jonathan L. Kaiser∆
Melanie Diaz
Kathryn Angela Franklin
Akash Desai
Leslie May Jones
Criminal Justice and
Jessica B. Carino∆
Anthony S. Johnson
Jenna Lin Creppon
Vincent Ruiz***∆
Madison Davolos*∆
David Allen Simmonds II∆
Rebecca Shamrock Curtis
Kourtney Taylor Edge
Armando Estrada
Brittany Michelle Evans
Joshua Luke Fawssett∆
Amy Rebecca Fleetwood∆
Richard Henry Furr
Gabriel Elias Garcia*∆
Dorothy M. Gorsuch***∆
Kelly Ann Harp
Crystal Louise Harris-Brown
Henry William Hassiepen
Kelly A. Holdren
Christina Maridiann Jennings
Tyisha Victoria Jones∆
Cynthia Kaye Joseph*
Arieta Kadrioski*∆
Nicole Lynn Knight
Carrie Lynn Krause**∆
Jamie K. Laning
Gregory Allen Leeds
Taneisha Leysath∆
Amaris Li
Kristen Florence McCarthy-Moore**∆
Yuliya I. McClure***∆
Grace Colleen McKnight***
Lauren Elizabeth McTague
Casey A. Messick*∆
Ashanti S. Michael
Tracy Mills
Drew L. Mink
Ashley Diane Mitchell
Ima Morris
Jeffrey Brian Norwood
Destiny Augustina O’Hagan*∆
Christina Michelle Oaddams∆
Tashea A. Plummer
Dominique Robleto∆
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Nevan Marie Sawyer
Danielle R. Slade∆
Rachel Lauren Small**∆
David T. Stenger
Dianna Brittany Stratton∆
Trista Michele Stroback
Heather Alyce Takayama***∆
Tracie Marie VanVleck
Ava Votta∆
Charis Satta Vululleh
Kellie Rose Walker*∆
Alexis Nicole Wentz∆
Elisa M. White
Karess Williams
Shamiqua Latisha Winborne∆
Jamar L. Wright
Tabitha Marie Wright**
Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s
Candidates for the Master’s Degree
Master of Science
Starlese Nicole Price
Danielle Justine Bailey
Tremes Miatta Rhinelander
Terry A. Blount
Penny Rodriguez
Tamesha E. Byers
Natasha Scott-Knight
Chira K. Clinkscales
Karola Spence
Nadia Desire Dale
Julena Jenae Ward
Chloe N. Deedon
Lenora A. Webb
Kimberly Ann Dent
Shavonne Hope White
Brittany Nicole Dillard
Sharilyn May Williams
Jodie Edwards
Vanessa Willie
Sydney Pierre Francis
Taylor Winner
Lila Ahmed Giha
Administration of Justice
Yolanda I. Alexander
Tyneisha Louise Reevey
Samantha P. Blankenship
Nichole D. Riley
Shinille Yvette Bost-Allen
Kirstin M. Rosner
Kierra S. Cephas
Jenna M. Smith
Lakeyshia Nishelle Crummel
LaMesha Mekia Sturdivant
Alexis Lashawn Davis
Shelly L. Weaver
Jennifer S. Dent
Tina L. West
Lynaida D. Diaz
Tyana Ebony Wicker
Corinne L. Dries
Tiffany Renee Williams
Rebecca Flem
Kristen Nicole Wilson
Wanda D. Gibson
Debbie Dawn Gilliam
Tilika Chanel Griffin
Watara T. F. Heath
Bevin Anne Hileman
Brittney Elizabeth Kuntzi
Ashley M. Letzgus
Tana R. McCormick
Christine M. Menger
Michael David Miller-McCreanor
James Clark Nye
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Jillian Ruth Mills
Erin Anne Mullin
Wilbert Robinson, Jr.
Alejandra Janice Soto
Administration of Justice - Criminal Behavior
Donna Denise Bigsby
Lisa M. Brown-Carter
Ashley Lynn Clark
Kristen Nicole Del Campo
Margarita Delgado
Shané DeLoatch
Joette Rochelle Durham
Asia M. Flamer
Steven Arthur Hayes, Sr.
Behavioral Sciences
Jaquetta Tamineke May
Julianna I. Logan
Ashley Ledbetter
Brian Jay Hirshman
Tracey L. Hennessy
Scott D. Calhoun
Angela D. Hackett
Administration of Human Services
Leroy E. Jett
Ashley M. Kaplan
Antony Vito Laudicina
Administration of Justice - Leadership and
Christina L. MacDonald
Sharikka Renee Frisby
Allison Mary McDonald
Amanda E. Kuti
Janeen S. Murray
Bruce Edward Murphy III
Dina K. Saleh
Kenneth E. Thalheimer
Kaitlyn Marie Slavish
Jessica L.J. Weller
Amy M. Kevis
Zhen Liu
William G. David
Garnisha K. Majors
Kevin M. Harkins
Trudy McPherson
David Earl Lamphere
Anna Palese
Darryn Scott Price
Ericka Shockness
Robert Christopher Washington
Chezara L. Thompkins
Kevin D. Whittington
Tiara Michelle Vasquez
Russell DeWitt Waller
Pamela Beth Wills
Administration of Justice - Homeland Security
Nicalus Anthony Abner
Jonathan R. Andrews II
Theresa Carrothers
Shontel DeFlorimonte
Antony Vito Laudicina
Christopher Guy Miller
Ryan Alexander Overend
Aleksandra Perry
Ashley Lynn Shaw
Juwan Young
Administration of Justice - Homeland Security
and Administration of Justice - Leadership and
Christopher Justin Parkinson
Administration of Justice - Homeland Security
and Master of Business Administration:
Organizational Leadership
Celeste S. Little
Administration of Justice - Leadership and
Administration and Administration of Justice
- Homeland Security and Administration of
Justice - Criminal Behavior
Letisha N. Galloway
Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Shayne N. Jervey
Homeland Security- Information Assurance
Kristy Green
Dawn M. Harrison
Homeland Security- Military Leadership
Kathy-Ann P. Jackson
Maureen Kathleen Mulrooney
Homeland Security- Organizational Leadership
Luqman Abdullah
Danielle Renée Battle
Homeland Security- Safety and Security
Richard Earl Barker
Tywanna Nicole Chapman
Wayne Richard Hummel
April S. Jackson
Rebecca L. Lawton
Michael Patrick Murphy
Christopher M. Nielsen
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
David M. Salter
Col l eg e of So c ial and Behav ioral Sc ienc e s
Advisory Committee Members
Behavioral Science
David Hall
Shawn Stevens
Ronetia Bacon
Alan Hart
Donald Unger
Keith Bosco
Raymond Holcomb
Rick Carter
Major Adam Kisthardt
Linda Ganassi
John Laufer
Lauren Havens
Scott McLaren
Carlyle Hooff
Nathaniel McQueen, Jr.
Cathy Kavanaugh
John Moses
Laura Leary
Benjamin Naish
Judy Pantalino
Laura O’Sullivan
Allison Parker
Benn Prybutok
Alla Powell
Steven R. Rouscher
Patricia Spratley
Roxina Anthony-Rumley
Ron Stephenson
Mark Seifert
James Thornton
Michael Terranova
Mark Jones
Joy Elvin
Charles Kocher
Peira Gravenor
Jeffrey Magers
Eric Hochrein
James McMillan
Makeesa Johnson
William Morgan, Jr.
Sally King
Dominic Murgido
Kim Murtha
William Nemetz
Terry Page
Perry Phelps
Susan Perron
Michael Robinson
Donna Smith-Moore
Michael Rudisill
Karen Spring
Lewis Schiliro
Shawn Stevens
Debra Sharp
Enid Wallace-Simms
David Thomas
Andrea Woie
Criminal Justice
Raymond Carr, Jr.
Melissa Zebley
Administration of
Human Services
Raina Allen
Thomas Coury
John Baker
Robert Coupe
Gwendoline Angalet
Matthew Coyle
Michael Bard
Thomas B. Cupples
Nancy Dietz
Richard Carter
Norwood Coleman
Thomas Dowd
Susan Getman
Thomas Gross
Kimberlynn Reeves
Edward Gerrity
Michael Records
Sharon Bly
Steve Bridgett
Barbara Cherrix
Denise Chigges
Rose Green
Edward Guthrie
Tom Kovach
Deborah Krett
Christopher Lano
Kristine Newhauser
Alyson Poppiti
Sandra Proctor
Jeanette Raiford
Terry Stewart
Andrew Stratton
Carrie Taylor
Kirk Trate
Christian Trowbridge
Rosemary Watras
Connie Zinn
& Public Policy
Dawn Bonavita
Charles Campbell-King
Joanna Champney
James Collins
Tracey Connolly
Anthony DiGiacomo
Matthias Fallis
Richard Heffron
Lynne Howard
Thomas Kovach
Vincent Lofink
Jim McBride
Ciro Poppiti III
Verlin Alexander
Debra Berke
Tasha Binet
Gary Breakwell
Leslie Brower
Jacqueline Burgos-Cousin
Lem Burnham
Rachel Callahan
Kelly Cheeseman
Jennifer Clement
Danielle Dunn
Peggy Enslen
Kathern Friel
Romona Fullman
Rebecca Ghabour
Patrice Gilliam-Johnson
Ed Guthrie
Catherine Kavanaugh
Sally King
Carol Kuprevich
Jenna Mahoney
Cory Nourie
Amy Panichelli
Kim Paoli
Nello Paoli
Claudia Pena Poretti
Rhonda Quin
Marc Richman
Lezley Sexton
Donna Smith-Moore
Cynthia Sosnowski
Joshua Thomas
Linda Valentino
Enid Wallace-Simms
Joe Williams
David Rudolph
Robert Strong
Behavioral Sciences
Lawrence M. Cherba
Lisa Barchi
Joseph Bryant, Jr.
Theresa Walter
Legal Studies
David Swayze
Lauren Brueckner
James Thornton
Edward Hanko
Verlin Alexander
Angela Suchanic
Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y
Candidates for the Associate Degree
Associate of Science
Media Art, Design and Technology
Judith A. Marquis
Mary E. Butler∆
Ashley E. Narvell
Dean E. Deakyne
Francisco I. Stallworth
Samantha Lynne Ashby
Alexa Christine Meloro
Darryl Leo Edward Davis
Alexander Palese
Matthew A. Heinemann
Candidates for the Baccalaureate Degree
Bachelor of Science
Computer and Network Security
Duncan James Kelly
Kevin Austin∆
Nipen Maharjan**∆
Chinky Bagga
Russell Scott Martin
Ronnie Eugene Brown
Zachary James Dale Meyer*∆
Jonathan Tyler Combs*∆
Matthew T. Mossman
Christian C. Dong
Alaboury Ongoiba
Rhitesh Gautam
Matthew R. Proietto
Am Asif Haider
Malaquias Reyes
Matthew Hazzard*∆
Shaun Rogers
Ashley G. Jensen***∆
Daniel Aaron Simmers***∆
Reginald G. Johnson
Jeremy Donald Taylor
Edward Garrason Aiken IV
Andrew C. Lewis**∆
Kent A. Baez
Justin Martin
Darrell Stewart Banks
Gregory J. Mason∆
Rebecca Audrey Choynowski
Bryan Andrew Mon*∆
Evron Trent Davis*∆
Huy Xuan Nguyen*
John Michael Duckworth
Shree Vikram Patel
Shekhar Giri∆
William Scott Records**∆
Joseph Robert Halfpenny**∆
James Allen Richardson
Revangelet Delchet Jackson
Heather Sexton
Joseph Lee Johnson
Thomas D. Stallings*∆
James J. Keenan*∆
Sofiya Thapa
Sumek Raj Wanta
Terrence Eugene Weston**
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
LeAndre Alexander Yarrell
Game Design and Development
Ian R. Clark
Video and Motion GraphicsDigital Film Making
Brandon P. Parker
Timothy M. Shaffer***
Nicholas G. Webb
Ashley N. Smith
Information Systems Managment
Video and Motion Graphics- Visual Effects
Zachary Hunter Dean∆
Sabrina Henderson
Subash Gautam**∆
Web Information Systems
Pearl M. Johnson*∆
Ralph J. Given
Kristofer C. Hairston
Patrick Alan Callaway
Samuel Aaron Deckoff**∆
Aamiy Tyrelle Ridgeway∆
Dean E. Deakyne
Jason Gracias∆
Charles Alton Copeland∆
Kirsten Marshall
Rebekah Ilene Ragan
Daniel West Pearson
Jasmine C. Price
Sean Kelly Redburn
Kyle Ward∆
Media Design - Digital Publishing
Michael Anthony Johnson
Kelly Lynn Seserko
Justin Scott Taylor
Media Design - Multimedia
Samantha Kara Blinde***∆
Laura D. D’Onofrio∆
Karla Marie Fresquez
Bikash Joshi∆
Adam Christopher Keup
Jeremiah Quinn Overstreet
Shelby W. Scheels*∆
Desiree L. Simpers
Media Design - Photography
Lindsay Marvel
Rachael Lynn Pentecost*∆
Megan Nicole Teat
Herbert Earl Welday III
Jeffrey Michael Work
Studio Production - Digital Film-making
Rebekah Aaron McCurry
* Cum Laude
** Magna Cum Laude
*** Summa Cum Laude
∆ Delta Epsilon Rho Inductee
Jonathan Isler
Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y
Candidates for the Master’s Degree
Master of Science
Information Systems Technologies - Corporate
Training Skills
Sandeep Kumar Challa
Jim Issel
Durga Srikar Reddy Challuri
Information Systems Technologies - Information
Jordan R. Chambers
Raymond C. Acocella
Ganesh Adepu
Phani Akkiraju
Vikram Kumar Akula
Balaraj Yadav Alupula
Prasannalaxmi Anchuri
Venkat Sai Nithun Raj Andiraju
Pavan Kumar Anem
Bindu Reddy Anugu
Vivek Reddy Anugula
Mohan Arugonda
Nikhil Raj Arutla
Mohammed Sajjad Asghar
Nagarjuna Athelli
Rakesh Azmeera
Dheeraj Balamoori
Girish Babu Ballavullu
Anusha Bandarupalli
Prathyusha Bandarupalli
Ramya Beeravolu
Bheemreddy Bhaskerreddy
Praneeth Bhatter
Abhinav Bhura
Bahugunachary Biroju
Narender Reddy Bobbala
Hima Sree Bodavula
Sri Lakshmi Bolisetti
Rajashekar Reddy Bommadi
Ashwin Kumar Bonagiri
Parvathi Devi Borusu
Karthik Reddy Byreddy
Kim Carroll Carter II
Prashanth Reddy Cemarla
Kalyan Srinivas Chadalawada
Pawan Kumar Chalamalasetty
Niranjansai Chamakuru
Vinay Kumar Chanda
Charmaine Casenas Chavez
Hrudhi Chelmeda
Santhosh Kumar Chennamaneni
Avinash Chenoor
Nishanth Reddy Chintal Prakash
Shravan Kumar Cholleti
Md Samir Rezwan Chowdhury
Arpitaben Prakashchandra Contractor
Christopher D’Anjolell
Sridhar Goud Dandu
Powshya Dasari
Walker Davis
Shankar Dayal
Anil Kumar Dayhala
Kiran Kumar Dayyala
Praveen Deshmukh
Krishna Sri Harsha Devarakonda
Krishna C. Devarasetty
Sravankumar Reddy Dhanireddy
Chintan Sharad Dholakia
Bipin Dobhal
Anil Kumar Doddhi
Preeti Dubbaka
Yamini Dubbaka
Srikanth Anwesh Kumar Dudipala
Sravan Kumar Dumpala
Kranthi Kumar Dyawarshetty
Swetha Eada
Meghana Reddy Elati
Harshini Enumula
Jorge Fernandez
Gregory Maurice Fisher
Mounika Gaddam
Rohith Chowdary Gaddam
Meghana Gade
Revanth Reddy Kariveda
Sai Komal Gannavarapu
Abhishek Reddy Karnati
Srikanth Gandra
Preethi Garlapati
Sandhya Garlapati
Sandeep Gattamaneni
Binaya K. Gautam
Chaitanya Gode
Sathwik Reddy Gogulamudi
Bharath Kumar Gondi
Poojitha Reddy Gopu
Sathyanandam Sandeep Gorantla
Paul Anil Sagar Gudipalli
Saikrishna Reddy Gudipati
Naveen Kumar Gujjari
Santhosh Kumar Gullapalli
Manisha Gundapuneni
Meghamsh Gurram
Calvin Marshall Honeywell
Prajwal Kumar Reddy Inavolu
Ambalam Indira
Vamshi Indrala
Raviteja Jakka
Sruthi Jakkula
Koundinya Sharma Jammalamadaka
Rakesh Kumar Jangam
Sai Kiran Reddy Jikkidi
Sai Krishna Prasad Rao Joginipally
Vamshidhar Reddy Jonada
Prashanth Jonnala
Milan Joshi
Vivek Kacham
Gayathri Kadiyala
Surender Reddy Kallam
Bala Jyothsna Kandi
Goutham Bhargav Kandibanda
Ravali Karamakonda
Sikender Reddy Karee
Venkata Srujana Karumudi
Harish Kasam
Bala Raju Kata
Harshavardhan Reddy Katikireddy
Shiva Chaitanya Kattela
Xavier Kelley
Charan Reddy Kethireddy
Venkata Sai Avinash Kola
Sai Kiran Kolanka
Madhurima Kolli
Surya Sai Reddy Komerelli
Keerthana Reddy Kommera
Bindu Kompelly
Srikanth Kondapaka
Nagarjuna Koneru
Praveen Chowdary Koneru
Durga Reddy Koranda
Anusha Korrapati
Vamshi Krishna Korrapati
Ramneel Reddy Kota
Phanidhar Kotha
Neeraja Kottivada
Swetha Kottur
Narender Reddy Kudumula
Venkata Nihanth Varma Kunadaraju
Chandra Prakash Kundarapu
Anirudhbabu Kurapathi
Vinay Goud Kurimilla
Harikrishna Kurum
Vikram Madarapu
Samatha Maddi
Rajavardhan Reddy Madireddy
Gnana Prasoonamba Mahashreshty Vishweshwar
Bala Santosh Majji
Susheel Kumar Kanna
Satish Karlapudi
Rajesh Kumar Manchala
Nishanth Reddy Mandala
These listings are based upon information provided to the Office of the Registrar at the time of submission of the program for publication.
The listings of graduates in this program are unofficial.
The official conferral of degrees occurs upon satisfactory completion of all academic and financial requirements.
Ananda Gowri Sankar Krishna Mangena
Tulasi Naga Malleswar Pilli
Pavankumar Manuwada
Bharath Kumar Pochampally
Prem Sai Manupati
Tejaswi Marella
Sandeepa Marpadga Venkata
Madhumitha Marri
Satish Kumar Marripelli
Swetha Phani Marti
Gina G. Mayfield
Anil Kumar Meda
Preetesh Raj Mishra
Ramakrishna Reddy Mogulla
Sikender Mohsienuddin Mohammad
Abdul Mushtaaq Mohammed
Younus Mohammed
Preethi Motakuri
Babji Movva
Apoorva Mulaokar
Vidhata Munukuntla
Swetha Nadipi
Lakshmi Sandeep Kumar Nakka
Rakesh Nandigama
Vishal Reddy Narayana
Prudhvi Krishna Narra
Sneha Nemarugumula
Pradeep Kumar Nethi
Shashikanth Nethi
Abhilash Reddy Nukala
Venkata Sivanageswara Rao Nuthakki
Snowy Osahan
Fred N. Oseko
Sai Satya Palaka
Mahesh Rao Pallepati
Abhishek Panthangi
Srivatsav Narsimha Rao Panuganti
Lohith Reddy Pasham
Ripalkumar N. Patel
Achyutreddy Patlolla
Aditya Pendyala
Deepika Pentala
Indrakaran Rao Pentamaraju
Venugopal Peram
Gouthami Pesara
Krishna Chaitanya Peta
Pavan Kumar Pinninti
Kamalakar Reddy Pola
Praveen Reddy Polam
Dinesh Reddy Polapalli
Vamsi Dhar Pothula
Abhinav Potlapally
Sudheer Pottimurthy
Palety Indira Priyadarshini
Siva Sankara Reddy Pulagam
Naveen Reddy Pulichintha
Abhiram Pulluri
Ronald Purification
Vamshi Krishna Rachakonda
Sharat Kumar Ragunayakula
Shashikumar Ramidi
Swapna Rapaka
Varun Ratakonda
Priyanka Ravella
Vijayprasad Ravi
Rajesh Ravulapalli
Naveen Kumar Rayudu
Krishna Kalyani Regani
Mahesh Chandra Repala
Sai Raghava Syama Dattatreya Sarma Sannidhiraju
Santhosh Sarabu
Bhagath Reddy Seelam
Nidhi Krimish Shah
Rutumaben Hasmukhbhai Shah
Ravi Raj Sheela
Suvarna Shinde
Sandhya Singaluri
Muthyam Singam
Bala Srujan Singareddy
Khumar Singh
Maninder Singh
Sudeep Kumar Singh
Srinivas Singireddy
Prudhvi Singirikonda
Chaitanya Singu
Dinesh Reddy Sirganagari
Sushma Sirimalla
Babu Sirimalle
Venkata Kartheek Reddy Somasani
Umidjon M. Yusupov
Pratibha Sugureddygari
Keith Zulkowski
Anvesh Deepu Sriperumbudur
Kasi Satya Venkatesh Rayudu Sunkari
Mohammed Abdul Samad Zeeshan
Yagna Satyanarayana Murthy Thota
Vinay Kumar Reddy Gaddam
Pruthvi Kumar Totakura
Shruti Garg
Sandeep Guptha Uppala
Kanika Nijhawan Gulhati
Swetha Mohan Valavoju
Karunakar Kadari
Srinivas Vanama
Abhishek Katrepelly
Sunil Reddy Vannela
Anusha Koganti
Jagadesh Babu Vasa
Lavanya Kokkula
Ravi Vasam
Venkata Abhijeet Koona
Venkatesh Veeramachaneni
Chetan Kumar Kothapally
Karthik Reddy Vellore Chadrasekhar
Abhinav Kunchala
Jeevan Tej Vengaldas
Krishnakanth Reddy Marri
Pranay Vulpala
Shailaja R. Medidi
Manojreddy Vutukuri
Kavya Nuka
Karthik Reddy Yakkati
Leif O. Osmundson
Susheel Kumar Yarlagadda
Varsha Rao
Suman Yedugani
Darshana Esajenith Samaranayake
Vineela Yennam
Vinod Kumar Yarroju
Anil Kumar Thapa
Vamshi Chattamoni
Shruti Thukral
Payal Garg
Vishnu Mohan Tunguturi
Devi Chowdary Gude
Gurucharan Vaddi
SriHarini Gutta
Mounika Reddy Vallapureddy
Mounika Kapa
Ashok Reddy Vannela
Himavanth Reddy Kattula
Srikanth Reddy Vanteddu
Nikitha Koganti
Yeshwanth Vasa
Siva Prakash Koneru
Anudeep Vattikuti
Pradeep Kumar Kothandapani Saravanan
Shiva Kumar Velivala
Charan Shankar Kummarapurugu
Naresh Vemula
Phani Bhargavi Kurra
Sandeep Reddy Voukant
Bharath Matta
Rohith Vuppala
Harsha Vardhana Reddy Mugalamarri
Gowri Shankar Vyakaranam
Seshuvardhan Nuthakki
Sai Deepthi Yarlagadda
Divya Ravali Rajamanuri
Karthik Reddy Yasa
Vijay Kumar Reddy Sama
Rajesh Kumar Yedulapuram
Sushma Vintha
Marilyn D. Burton-Tankard
Ankitha Aetigadda
Vengamma Thalacheeru
Shyam Sunder Tadoori
Rajeshwar Rao Surneni
Information Systems Technologies - Internet and
Web Page Design
Manasa Surabhi
Information Systems Technologies - Internet
and Web Page Design and Information Systems
Technologies - Information Assuurance
Anuja Vardhini Rumandla
Information Systems Technologies - Management
and Management Information Systems
Ryan Ross Densler
Aathira Devan
Akyra T. Harris
Candice M. Horhn
Narendra Babu Kavuru
Jennifer Lynn Leach
Olawole Akolade Olasanoye
Philip A. Paxson
Megha Premnath
Nicholas Pyle
Teresa Jane Rothaar
Khumar Singh
Col l eg e of Tec hnol o g y
Advisory Committee Members
Business Computer Operations
Jaime Armstrong
Janice Colvin
Patrick Costigan
Tim Day
Jean Downes
Dana Eggleston
Robert Ford
Michael Hojnicki
Patrice Johnson
Julie Lanzillo
Amy O’Dell
Audrey Parajon
Beverly Peterson
Bryan Steinberg
Don Stuhlman
Computer Network Security
Jonathon Arena
John Buckley
Stephen Bunting
Danny DeMarinis
Samuel Kinch
Lester Link
Peter McCann
Raphael Mudge
Casey O’Brien
Christopher Shanahan
Elayne Starkey
Inigo Thomas
Information Systems
Management & Web
Information Systems
Vince Borelli
James Garrity
Scott Hahn
Michael Hojnicki
Lester Link
Judith McClafferty
Frederick Smith
Phuong Tram
Game Design and Development
Bob Berkebile
Jesse LaVigne
Kevin Ogorman
Scott Wasserman
Video and Motion Graphics
Ric Edavane
Thomas Mitten
Master of Science
Information Systems
Anthony Collins
Carlos Escudero
Paul Harjung
Carol Mcguinness
Gerry Pennington
Jason Romeo
Kevin Wright
Media Design
E. Howard Johnson
Margaret Kirby-Yoder
Daniel Krukosky
Mary Rodgers
Leon Tucker
Ac ademic Deg r ee s
The Associate Degree
The associate degree is an academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior colleges, four-year universities,
business colleges, and some bachelor’s degree-granting colleges/universities upon completion of a course of study
usually lasting two years.
The Bachelor’s Degree
The bachelor’s degree is the oldest academic degree used by American institutions of higher learning.
The degree was first conferred in America in 1642 on nine young men comprising the first graduating class of
Harvard College. The bachelor’s degree, or baccalaureate, represents completion of a four-year collegiate course
of study.
The Master’s Degree
The master’s degree is academic honor conferred upon students who have successfully completed one or two
years of work beyond the baccalaureate. A thesis and an oral examination are usually required. The term’s present
meaning derives from the oldest universities in Europe, when the circle of academic pursuit was limited to seven
liberal arts. Those who received public honors upon the completion of their studies and who already had received
the degree baccalaureus were called magistri atrium (master of the arts).
The Doctoral Degree
Doctor is a term meaning teacher, or instructor, and was applied by ancient Romans to those who delivered public
lectures on philosophical subjects. From the 12th century, it became a title of honor for men of great learning.
It was first made an academic title at the University of Bologna, in Italy, which received from the emperor the
right to appoint doctors legume (doctors of laws).
There are two types of doctoral degrees: the professional degree and the research degree. The first represents
advanced training for the practice of professions such as medicine, pharmacy, law or nursing. These degrees carry
no implication of original research.
The research doctorate represents prolonged advanced study, usually accompanied by a dissertation designed
to make a substantial contribution to existing knowledge on the subject. The degree confers upon those who
attain it the title doctor of philosophy, although the degree no longer is associated with the study of philosophy. It
was first awarded in the United States by Yale University in 1861.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Leadership and Serv ic e Awar ds
Trustees’ Award for Service
The Trustees’ Award for Service is presented for outstanding service to fellow students, to Wilmington University,
and /or to the community.
Audrey K. Doberstein Award for Leadership
The Audrey K. Doberstein Award for Leadership is presented for outstanding leadership and dedication to the
philosophy and mission of Wilmington University.
Delta Epsil on Rho
Honor So c ie t y Pl ed g e
I pledge to continue a personal effort to achieve the highest forms of scholarship of which I am capable. I will
demonstrate willingness to accept responsibility, to maintain an open, inquiring mind, and to provide service to
my community, state, nation and world.
My pledge is to become the best I can be through continued learning. I will think and act critically, creatively,
and humanely. As I strive for the highest accomplishments, I will attempt to develop my personal and professional
potential with reason, imagination, and human concern.
Ac ademic S y mbols
Academic Costume
The traditional black caps and gowns worn in the academic procession have been the costume of scholars since
medieval times. They probably were adapted from ecclesiastical garb, since many scholars in the Middle Ages
were clerics. In 1895, an intercollegiate commission drafted a uniform code for academic costumes, which the
majority of colleges and universities in the United States have adopted.
Each of the three academic degrees has its own distinctive gown and hood. The gown representing the bachelor’s
degree has a long, pointed sleeve; the master’s a narrow sleeve; the doctor’s a full, bell-shaped sleeve with three
bars of velvet. The opening of this gown is faced with wide velvet bands, which may be or of a color indicating
the wearer’s general field of learning.
The most colorful and distinctive part of the academic costume is the hood, which passes around the neck and
extends down the back. The color of the velvet edging indicates the wearer’s field of learning. The colors of silk
lining exposed in the center of the hood are those of the college or university that conferred the degree.
A rts an d L e t t er s ............................................................... White
L i brary S c i e nc e.................................................................. Lemon
Law s ........................................................................................... Purple
E d uc at ion ........................................................................ Light Blue
N ur s i ng ................................................................................... Apricot
P h i l os op hy ................................................................................Blue
S c i e nc e .......................................................................... Golden Yellow
Fi n e A rts ................................................................................ Brown
P har m ac y ................................................................................. Green
B u s i n e s s A dm inist rat ion.................................... Light Brown
Te c h nol o g y ......................................................................... Maroon
Although the cap, or mortarboard, is uniform in design for all degrees, the tassel may be either black or the color
of the field of learning. The tassel of the doctor’s cap may be gold.
The University Mace
The University mace, was created for the 1971 commencement and has been used at each subsequent
commencement ceremony. The mace, which is a traditional symbol of authority, includes the seal of
Wilmington University, wrought in brass, on a walnut staff.
The Banners
The seven commencement banners identify the disciplines whose graduates this ceremony honors. Each banner
incorporates the University seal, together with colors that echo the graduates’ hoods.
Each college has its own academic honor society. Students wearing colored cords or sashes are wearing the colors
which signify membership in the honor society of their particular college.
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Wel come to t he Alumni Asso c iat ion
On behalf of the Wilmington University Alumni Association, I would like to congratulate
the 2016 graduating class. It is my honor and privilege to welcome you into this larger
community of friends of the university.
Through hard work, dedication, perseverance, and the support of many classmates, faculty
and administrators, you have made a tremendous personal and professional achievement.
Your journey as a graduate of Wilmington University is only the beginning.
As our newest alumni, I invite each of you to continue the relationships you have with
both the university and your classmates. We ask that you remain active in your community,
participate at the highest level in your professional organizations, and become an active
member of the Wilmington University Alumni Association.
The alumni of Wilmington University would like to extend an invitation to you to get
involved with our growing association. We would love to hear from you. Contact us at or 302.356.2469, and visit us online at
Best wishes to the Class of 2016.
Brian Adair, Class of 2006 and 2007
Alumni Association President
Abo ut Wilmington Univ ersit y
Founded in 1968, Wilmington University is a private, nonprofit university accredited by the
Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The University is committed to providing
a personalized educational experience to over 19,000 traditional and nontraditional students
at locations in Delaware, Maryland and New Jersey and online.
New Jersey
N e w Cast l e Cam p u s
320 N. DuPont Highway
New Castle, DE 19720
R owan Col l eg e at B ur l ington Co un t y
Wi l s on G rad uat e C e n t e r
31 Read’s Way
New Castle, DE 19720
Cu mber l and Co unt y Col l eg e
3322 College Drive
Vineland, NJ 08360
D ov e r
3282 N. DuPont Highway
Dover, DE 19901
R owan Col l eg e at G l o uc e st er Co un t y
1400 Tanyard Road
Sewell, NJ 08080
D ov e r A i r For c e Bas e
261 Chad Street
Dover AFB, DE 19902
J oint Bas e McG uir e-Dix-L akeh urst
3829 School House Road
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08641
Ge or g e tow n
Seashore Highway, P.O. Box 660
Georgetown, DE 19947
Sal em Communit y Col l eg e
460 Hollywood Ave.
Carneys Point, NJ 08069
M i ddl e tow n
651 N. Broad Street
Middletown, DE 19709
B ran dy w i n e
3411 Silverside Road
Wilmington, DE 19810
Cec il Col l eg e
107 Railroad Ave.
Elkton, MD 21921
R e hob ot h B e ac h
41 Rehoboth Ave
Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971
3331 Route 38
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Grad uat e s Fr om Ar o und t he Wor l d
Forty-two different countries are represented in today’s graduating class. Among our January
graduates, we have students from the following countries:
A l ge r i a
J o rd a n
A n t i g ua
B an g l ade s h
L a t v ia
Au s t r i a
K e ny a
B o sn i a - H e r z e go v in a
L ib e r ia
B u l g a r ia
Ne p a l
C ame ro o n
Nige r ia
B r az i l
B u r k i n a Fa s o
Nige r
C an ad a
Pa k is t a n
Eg y pt
Po l a n d
C hi n a
Pe r u
E l S al vad o r
R o m a n ia
G e r many
S o ut h K o re a
Tur k e y
Fr a n c e
G han a
H ai t i
R us s ia
Sri Lanka
U k r a in e
In di a
U n it e d K in gd o m
Jamai c a
V ie t n a m , Re p ub l ic o f
It al y
U z b e k is t a n
Rep r e sent ed Univ ersit ie s
Over 200 different universities and colleges are represented in today’s graduating class.
Among our January graduates, we have students from the following schools:
Ahfad Univ ersit y
Cal dw el l Col l eg e
Air man Leadership Sc ho ol
Cal if or nia S tat e Univ ersit y
Al l entow n Col l eg e
Al l iant Int er nat ional
Univ ersit y
Alv er nia Col l eg e
Amer ic an Int er cont inental
Univ ersit y
Amer ic an Mil itary Ac ademy
Amer ic an Mil itary Univ ersit y
Andhra Univ ersit y
Andijan Eng ineer ing
Economic Inst i t ut e
Ar c adia Univ ersit y
Ar iz ona S tat e Univ ersit y
Ar kansas Tec hnic al
Univ ersit y
Cal if or nia S tat e Univ ersit y
Long Beac h
Cal if or nia S tat e Univ ersit y
Cal if or nia Univ ersit y of
Pennsy lvania
Del awar e Tec hnic al &
Communit y Col l eg e
Del awar e Val l e y Col l eg e
DeSal e s Univ ersit y
De v ry Univ ersit y
Dil l ar d Univ ersit y
Dr e w Univ ersit y
Camer on Univ ersit y
Dr e xel Univ ersit y
Cent ral Connect icut S tat e
Col l eg e
D uq ue sne Univ ersit y
Chamber l ain Col l eg e of
Che st n ut Hil l Col l eg e
Citadel Mil itary Col l eg e of
So ut h Car ol ina
Cl ar k At l anta Univ ersit y
Cl ay ton S tat e Univ ersit y
East Car ol ina Univ ersit y
East Tenne ssee S tat e
Univ ersit y
East er n Ne w Me xico
Univ ersit y
East er n Univ ersit y
El iz abe t htow n Col l eg e
El on Univ ersit y
Ashf or d Univ ersit y
Cl emson Univ ersit y
Aub ur n Univ ersit y
Cl e v el and S tat e Univ ersit y
Embry-Riddl e Aer onaut ic al
Univ ersit y
Bal l S tat e Univ ersit y
Col by Col l eg e
Emory Univ ersit y
Barton Col l eg e
Col l eg e of Ne w Jerse y
Exc elsior Col l eg e
Baruc h Col l eg e
Col l eg e of Ne w R o c hel l e
Bel l e vue Univ ersit y
Columbia Col l eg e
Fair l eig h Dic kinson
Univ ersit y
Ber kel e y Col l eg e Ne w Yor k
Cit y
Columbia So ut her n
Bl o omsb ur g Univ ersit y
Boston Univ ersit y
Bow l ing Gr een S tat e
Univ ersit y
Br e var d Col l eg e
Br ig ham Yo ung Univ ersit y
Fl or ida At l ant ic Univ ersit y
Cop p in S tat e Univ ersit y
Fl or ida Int er nat ional
Univ ersit y
Cor nel l Univ ersit y
Gannon Univ ersit y
Cumber l and Co unt y Col l eg e
Geor g e Washington
Univ ersit y
Del awar e Co unt y Communit y
Col l eg e
Del awar e S tat e Univ ersit y
Geor g ian Co urt Univ ersit y
Gl assbor o S tat e Col l eg e
Wilmington University Forty-Fifth Annual Commencement
Goddar d Col l eg e
Col l eg e
Gol de y-Beacom Col l eg e
Mar ist Col l eg e
Gr eensbor o Col l eg e
Mer c y h urst Col l eg e
Gwy nedd Mer c y Col l eg e
Me ssiah Col l eg e
Hamp ton Univ ersit y
Me t hodist Col l eg e
Har r isb ur g Univ ersit y of
Sc ienc e and Tec hnol o g y
Midw e st er n S tat e Univ ersit y
Nort hw e st Misso ur i S tat e
Univ ersit y
Nort hw e st er n Univ ersit y
Nort hw e st er n Poly t ec hnic
Univ ersit y
Not r e Dame of Mary l and
Univ ersit y
Nursing Sc ho ol of Wilmington
Hig h Point Univ ersit y
Mil l ersv il l e Univ ersit y of
Pennsy lvania
Hol l ins Univ ersit y
Mississip p i Col l eg e
Ohio Univ ersit y
Holy Family Univ ersit y
Monmo ut h Univ ersit y
Peir c e Col l eg e
Ho od Col l eg e
Montg omery Co unt y
Communit y Col l eg e
Pennsy lvania S tat e Univ ersit y
Nyac k Col l eg e
Morav ian Col l eg e
Phil adel p hia Bibl ic al
Univ ersit y
Mor gan S tat e Univ ersit y
Q ueens Col l eg e
Mo unt S t. Mary ’s Univ ersit y
Radf or d Univ ersit y
Iowa S tat e Univ ersit y
Muhl enber g Col l eg e
Jawahar l al Neh ru
Tec hnol o g ic al Univ ersit y
Nagarjuna Univ e sit y
Renssel aer Poly t e c hnic
Inst it ut e
Hunt er Col l eg e
Immacul ata Univ ersit y
Int er nat ional Tec hnol o g ic al
Univ ersit y
Johns Hop kins Univ ersit y
Johnson & Wal e s Univ ersit y
Kap l an Univ ersit y
Keuka Col l eg e
Kutztow n Univ ersit y
La Sal l e Univ ersit y
Lafay e t t e C ol l eg e
Nat ional Econom ics
Univ ersit y
Nat ional Univ ersit y of
Ric har d S to c kton Col l eg e
R o c he st er Inst it ut e of
Te c hnol o g y
R owan Univ ersit y
Naz ar e t h Col l eg e
Rutg ers S tat e Univ ersit y
Neumann Univ ersit y
Sal isb ury Univ ersit y
Ne w Jerse y Cit y Univ ersit y
Savannah Col l eg e of Art
and De sig n
Ne w Yor k Car eer Inst it ut e
Se ton Hal l Univ ersit y
Lamar Univ ersit y
Ne w Yor k Inst it ut e of
Tec hnol o g y
Law r enc e Tec h Univ ersit y
Ne w Yor k Univ ersit y
Ship p ensb ur g Univ ersit y
Lif e Univ ersit y
Ne w ber ry Col l eg e
Lincol n Chr ist ian Col l eg e
Nor f ol k S tat e Univ ersit y
So ut h Car ol ina S tat e
Univ ersit y
Lincol n Univ ersit y
Lo c k Hav en Univ ersit y
Lo uisiana S tat e Univ ersit y
Maranat ha Bap t ist Bibl e
Nort h Car ol ina S tat e
Univ ersit y
Nort heast er n Il l inois
Univ ersit y
Nort heast er n Univ ersit y
Shep her d Univ ersit y
So ut her n Il l inois Univ ersit y
Car bondal e
So ut her n Ne w Hampshir e
Univ ersit y
So ut her n We sl e yan Univ ersit y
So ut her n Naz ar ene Univ ersit y
So ut hw e st er n Okl ahoma S tat e
Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Col orad o
Col orad o Sp r ings
Univ ersit y of So ut h Car ol ina
Sumt er
Sp r ing f iel d Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of Col orad o Denv er
Univ ersit y of Te xas Dal l as
Saint Josep h’s Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Mary l and
Balt i mor e
Univ ersit y of Te xas Medic al
B ranc h
Saint Paul ’s Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of Nort h Car ol ina
Vaug hn Col l eg e of Aer onaut ics
& Tec hnol o g y
S t. Thomas Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Al abama
Vil l anova Univ ersit y
S tat e Univ ersit y Ne w Yor k,
U t ic a
Univ ersit y of Cent ral Fl or ida
Vir g inia S tat e Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Day ton
Wal den Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Del awar e
Washington Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of East er n Af r ic a
Way l and Bap t ist Univ ersit y
Saint Leo Univ ersit y
S tat e Univ ersit y of Ne w Yor k
S t e v ens Inst it ut e of
Te c hnol o g y
S t rat f or d Univ ersit y
S t ray er Univ ersit y
Sul l ivan Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Findl ay
Univ ersit y of Iowa
Suny Cent er S tony Br o ok
Univ ersit y of Mary Har dinBay l or
Swart hmor e Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of Mary l and
S y racuse Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Mary l and
East er n Shor e
Teegal a Kr ishna Reddy
Eng ineer ing Col l eg e
Temp l e Univ ersit y
Tenne ssee Tec hnic al
Univ ersit y
Te xas A&M Univ ersit y
Commer c e
Te xas A&M Univ ersit y
Kingsv il l e
Thomas Edison S tat e Col l eg e
Thomas Jef f erson Univ ersit y
Tow son Univ ersit y
Tr oy S tat e Univ ersit y
Unit ed S tat e s Naval Ac ademy
Univ ersit y of Al abama
Bir ming ham
Univ ersit y of Al abama
Huntsv il l e
Univ ersit y of Mary l and
Univ ersit y Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of Massac h use t ts
Way ne S tat e Univ ersit y
Webst er Univ ersit y
We sl e y Col l eg e
We st Che st er Univ ersit y of
Pennsy lvania
We st Vir g inia Univ ersit y
We st er n Kent uc k y Univ ersit y
We st er n Mic higan Col l eg e
Wic hita S tat e Univ ersit y
Widener Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Mic higan
Wil l iam Pat erson Col l eg e
Univ ersit y of Mo unt Ol iv e
Wilmington Univ ersit y
Univ ersit y of Nort h Car ol ina
Univ ersit y of Nort h Te xas
Univ ersit y of Phoenix
Univ ersit y of Rhode Isl and
Univ ersit y of R o c he st er
Univ ersit y of So ut h Al abama
Univ ersit y of Te xas at Aust in
Univ ersit y of Wisconsin
Univ ersit y of Pit tsb ur g h
Johnstow n