Echambadi, Raj, Inigo Arroniz, Werner Reinartz, and Junsoo Lee (2006), “Empirical Generalizations from Brand Extension Research: How Sure Are We?” International Journal of Research in Marketing, 23 (3), 253-261. [ISI Impact Factor 2006: 1.280] Also: INSEAD Working paper 2006/08/MTK “Empirical Generalizations from Brand Extension Research: How Sure Are We?” # of citations: 41 # of citations in ISI: 29 # of citations in Scholar: 66 1. Arslan, F. Müge and Oylum Korkut Altuna (2011), “Which category to extend to – product or service?”, Journal of Brand Management, 19, 359-376. 2. Baker, W., D. Sciglimpaglia and M. Saghafi (2010) “Branding of post-purchase ancillary products and services An application in the mobile communication industry”, European Journal of Marketing, 44 (5), 547-566. 3. Bharadwaj, Sundar G., Kapil R. Tuli and Andre Bonfrer (2011), „The Impact of Brand Quality on Shareholder Wealth”, Journal of Marketing, 75 (5), 88-104. 4. Brown, Brian P., Alex R. Zablah, Danny N. 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