Department of Management and Marketing HUMAN RESOURCE INFORMATION SYSTEMS [MGT3HRI] Subject Learning Guide Semester 2 2015 Bundoora Subject Coordinator: Dr Petrus Usmanij Lecturer & Tutor: Mr Richard Stone Table of Contents SUBJECT DETAILS 3 GENERAL DETAILS ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS STAFF CONTACTS SUBJECT DESCRIPTION SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOS) GRADUATE CAPABILITIES LEARNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY LEARNING RESOURCES STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 5 POLICIES, PROCEDURES AND GUIDELINES 6 ACADEMIC INTEGRITY SPECIAL CONSIDERATION EXTENSIONS, LATE SUBMISSIONS AND PENALTIES RESULTS, REVIEWS AND RE-MARKS 6 6 6 6 SCHEDULE OF LEARNING ACTIVITIES 7 SESSION PLAN LEARNING ACTIVITY DETAILS LEARNING ACTIVITY - COLLEGE/SCHOOL/DISCIPLINE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION STUDENT LEARNING UNIT (SL) LEARNING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS) LIBRARY STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES PEER LEARNING ADVISERS 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK DETAILS 10 ASSESSMENT TASKS DETAILED GRADING CRITERIA ASSESSMENT TASK 1 ASSESSMENT TASK 2 ASSESSMENT TASK 3 ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK - COLLEGE/SCHOOL/DISCIPLINE-SPECIFIC INFORMATION 10 14 14 15 16 16 La Trobe University 2 Subject Details GENERAL DETAILS Subject Code: MGT3HRI Subject Title: Human Resource Information Systems Teaching Period: Semester 2, 2015 Location(s): Bundoora Credit Points: 15.0 Mode: Face-to-face Level: Year Level 3 - UG ENROLMENT REQUIREMENTS Prerequisites: MGT2HRM or THS2SLM Co-requisites: NA Incompatibles: NA Assumed Skills & Knowledge: NA Special Study Requirements: NA STAFF CONTACTS Role Subject Coordinator Campus Bundoora Name Dr Petrus Usmanij Email Telephone 94791620 Lecturer and Tutor Bundoora Mr Richard Stone 9479 1226 Room MARB 375 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION Management of Human Resource Information is pivotal to the strategic planning and subsequent success of an organisation. This subject highlights the central role Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) play as a critical management tool for planning, developing, managing and evaluating the performance of the organisation. This subject develops a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical models of HRIS and applies the models to diverse Human Resource (HR) functions and processes that incorporate HRIS. Furthermore, HRIS applications are employed to apply models to a diverse set of HR functions such as planning, recruitment, selection, and training and development. Concepts such as information security and privacy are examined along with emerging trends in Management of HR and Information Technology. SUBJECT INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES (SILOS) Upon successful completion of this subject, you should be able to: 1 apply the theoretical models of HRIS to work-base practices as it applies to contemporary organizations 2 demonstrate the practical application of HRIS to work-based practices as it applies to contemporary organizations 3 distinguish between major processes involved in developing HRIS as it applies to contemporary organizations 4 examine the diverse HR functions that incorporate HRIS as it applies to contemporary organizations GRADUATE CAPABILITIES The following Graduate Capabilities (GCs) are evaluated in this subject: GC GC Point a Writing - Display appropriate written communication skills Capstone b Speaking - Display appropriate oral communication skills Capstone c Enquiry / Research Capstone d Critical thinking /analysis - Reflect critically on current Capstone La Trobe University 3 international management theory and practice e Creative problem solving/ synthesis - Have well developed conceptual, analytical, problem-solving and decision-making skills Capstone f Information Literacy - Use relevant information technologies to identify, analyse, interpret and present information Capstone g Ethical awareness - Maintain high ethical standards and be aware of social and ethical implications of professional and personal activities Capstone LEARNING ACTIVITY SUMMARY Learning Activity: Schedule Lectures Weeks 1-9; 10-12 Tutorials / Lab Discussion Weeks 2-9; 10-12 Further information is available at ASSESSMENT AND FEEDBACK SUMMARY Assessment Tasks: Due Date SILOs GCs % Comments Theoretical assignment – 1500 words Monday Week 6 at 5:00 PM 1, 2, 3, 4 a, c, d, e, g 20 The Submission of the soft format of the assignment to the TURNITIN Database Application Project plus Lab Reports – 1500 words plus MS Access Exercise Modules Friday Week 9 at 5:00 PM 1, 2, 3, 4 c, d, e, f 30 The Submission of the soft format of the assignment to the TURNITIN Contribution in Tutorials / Lab Discussion Fortnightly 1, 2, 3, 4 b, c, d, e, f, g 10 To be determined by the Tutor at each tutorial/lab discussion session during semester 2, 2015 1, 2, 3, 4 a, c, d, e, g 40 Final Examination – 2 hours LEARNING RESOURCES Reading Type Title Author and Year Publisher Textbook Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications and Future Directions. Third edition Kavanagh, M.J., Thite, M., and Johnson, R.D., 2015 Sage Publications: London, UK. ISBN 9781483306933 La Trobe University 4 STUDENT FEEDBACK ON SUBJECT SURVEY The Student Feedback on Subjects (SFS) Survey is part of the quality assurance process that occurs across the university. In this survey you are invited to tell us about your learning experiences in this subject. Your views will be taken seriously and will assist us to enhance this subject for the next group of students. The surveys are anonymous, and you will be invited to participate via an email sent to your account during the survey period. For information on Student Feedback on Subjects refer to: La Trobe University 5 Policies, Procedures and Guidelines The University has a comprehensive policy framework to which both staff and students must adhere. You should familiarise yourself with those policies, procedures and guidelines likely to affect you especially the following: • • • • • • • • • • Academic Integrity Academic Progress Assessment and Feedback Extension to Submission Dates Late Submission of Assessment Tasks Occupational, Health and Safety [OHS] Privacy Special Consideration Student Charter Use of Electronic Mail The relevant policies, procedures and guidelines can be found on the website at: Academic Integrity Academic integrity means being honest in academic work and taking responsibility for learning the conventions of scholarship. La Trobe University views this seriously as evidenced by the following extract: Academic honesty is a fundamental principle in teaching, learning, research and scholarship. The University requires its academic staff and students to observe the highest ethical standards in all aspects of academic work and it demonstrates its commitment to these values by awarding due credit for honestly conducted scholarly work, and by penalising academic misconduct and all forms of cheating. Academic Integrity Procedures (2012, p. 1 of 6) Academic misconduct includes improper referencing, plagiarism, copying and cheating. You should familiarise yourself with your responsibilities in relation to Academic Integrity and if you have any questions, direct them to your Course Coordinator. Information can be found on the website at: For assistance with referencing visit Special Consideration Special Consideration is the term used to describe a process that applies an equity measure to ensure that where any temporary adverse circumstances beyond the control of a student, that impact negatively on that student’s ability to demonstrate their learning achievement for an assessment task, is taken into account. Eligibility to apply for Special Consideration does not automatically imply eligibility to receive it. Certain criteria must be satisfied in order to receive Special Consideration. Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: Extensions, Late Submissions and Penalties There are policies and procedures to guarantee fair, consistent and transparent treatment of late submission of assessment tasks provide equity around extensions to submission dates and penalties associated with not submitting assessment by the due date and time. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: Submission of special consideration applications for assignments, mid-semester tests and final examinations should be made online at: Results, reviews and re-marks If you believe your assessment task has been marked incorrectly you may request a review of your marks. Please refer to the relevant policies, procedures and guidelines website at: La Trobe University 6 Schedule of Learning Activities Session Plan Week 1 Date 27-07-15 Lecture Session Tutorial Activity SILOs GCs Introduction to the course No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g Tutorial 1: 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g Lecture 1: Evolution of Human Resource Management and Human Resources Information Systems: The role of Information Technology (Chapter 1) 2 03-08-15 Lecture 2: Systems Considerations in the Design of an HRIS: Planning for Implementation (Chapter 3) Discussion Questions: p.28, 77 Case Study: Position Description and Specification for an HRIS Administrator Computer Lab Tutorial: Database and Database Objects, Querying a Database 3 10-08-15 Lecture 3: HRIS Needs Analysis (Chapter 4), Talent Management (Chapter 11) No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 4 17-08-15 Lecture 4: System Design and Acquisition (Chapter 5) Tutorial 2: 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g Discussion Questions: p.102-103, 131, 364 Case Study: Planning the needs of other organizations, Larson Property Management Company Computer Lab Tutorial: Creating Reports and Forms 5 24-08-15 Lecture 5: Cost Justifying Human Resource Information Systems Investment (Chapter 8) No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 6 31-08-15 Lecture 6: Project Management and Human Resource Management Advice for Human Resource Information Systems Implementation (Chapter 6) Tutorial 3: 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g Discussion Questions: p.196, 232-233 Case Study: Regional Hospital, Investment Associates Computer Lab Tutorial: Multi-table Forms 7 07-09-15 Lecture 7: Change Management: Implementation, Integration and Maintenance of the Human Resource Information Systems (Chapter 9) No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 8 14-09-15 Lecture 8: Human Resource Administration and Human Resource Information Systems (Chapter 10) Tutorial 4: 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g Discussion Questions: p.273, 324-325 Case Study: The Grant Corporation, The Caleeta Corporation Computer Lab Tutorial: Advanced report Techniques 9 10 21-09-15 Lecture 9: Recruitment and Selection in an Internet Context (Chapter 12) 28-09-15 MID-SEMESTER BREAK 05-10-15 Lecture 10: Training and Development: Issues and Human Resource Information Systems Applications (Chapter 13) No tutorial this week No Lecture/Tutorial this week Tutorial 5: Discussion Questions: p.403, 446 Case Study: Meddevco Computer Lab Tutorial: Using SQL La Trobe University 7 Week Date Lecture Session Tutorial Activity SILOs GCs 11 12-10-15 Lecture 11: HRM Metrics and Workforce Analytics (Chapter 7), Performance Management, Compensation, Benefits, Payroll and the Human Resource Information Systems (Chapter 14) No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 12 19-10-15 Lecture 12: Subject Review and Exam Preparation No tutorial this week 1, 2, 3, 4 b,c,d,e,f,g 26-10-15 STUDY VACATION 30-10-15 CENTRAL EXAMINATION PERIOD Learning Activity Details Times and rooms are subject to change. To view the full time and location details for learning activities in this subject, please ensure you seek further information available at You should also regularly check [at least once per week] the subject’s LMS site (where applicable) for updated information. Learning Activity - College/School/Discipline-specific Information Student Learning Unit (SL) The Student Learning Unit (SL) works closely with teaching staff in the Schools and on the Melbourne and regional campuses to ensure that all La Trobe students – including those from non-English-speaking backgrounds – develop high-level academic speaking, writing, reading, and numeracy skills required for successful learning in their courses. For further information, please see the website at: Learning Management System (LMS) The Learning Management System (LMS) is an Internet based system which allows you access to learning materials and to interact with other students and teaching staff in activities related to your studies from any location with Internet access. Most subjects have a LMS site into which you are automatically added as part of your enrolment into the subject. The LMS can be accessed at: by using your Username and Password provided to you on your Statement of Account. If you are having trouble accessing the LMS or want to find out more about LMS, please see the website at: Library The Library has many valuable physical and online learning resources that can help you with your study. On campus students should get to know the physical Library environment by going on a Library Tour. All students should get familiar with the Library website where online resources include: • • • • • • LibGuides [] – providing specific discipline and subject guides; LibSkills [] – to teach you library research and information literacy skills; LibChat [] - a library discussion forum allowing you to chat with a Librarian; Academic Referencing Modules [] – to assist you to understand specific referencing styles; Academic Referencing Tool [] – providing detailed referencing examples; and, Assignment Calculator [] – to assist you in time managing your assignments and submitting on time. Student Support Services If you have special needs due to disability or other factors the Equality and Diversity Centre can provide advice and support. This Centre can be contacted by telephone on (03) 9479 2900 (Melbourne); (03) 5444 7410 (Bendigo); (02) 6024 9628 (Albury-Wodonga); National Relay Service Deaf and Hearing Impaired: T: 133677 (within Australia only). Email: or refer to the website at: La Trobe University 8 Peer Learning Advisers Peer Learning Advisers (PLAs) are successful and experienced students who are trained to assist fellow students. PLAs are located in the library and can assist students with a range of inquiries. For more information refer to the website at: Resources - College/School/Discipline-specific information La Trobe University 9 Assessment and Feedback Details Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 1 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Contribution in Tutorial/Lab Discussion In each tutorial 10 1,2,3,4 Submission Details Students are required to read subject materials and prepare questions in advance for each tutorial. Attendance is recommended and students’ participation is expected. Participation will facilitate the learning process, and understanding of the subject. The tutorial sessions in this subject will be held fortnightly for 2 hours. The tutorial sessions are divided into two parts; chapter discussion and case review are carried out in the first hour of the session and the 2nd hour of the session is dedicated to MS ACCESS database design, development, DBMS management. Microsoft Access is used to create simple database solutions. Access tables support a variety of standard field types, indices, and referential integrity. Access also includes a query interface, forms to display and enter data, and reports for printing. The underlying database, which contains these objects, is multiuser-aware and handles record-locking and referential integrity including cascading, updates and deletes. In each tutorial you will learn specific functionalities of the DBMS project. The DBMS project is intended to familiarise students with essentials of HRIS DBMS systems. Subject areas that will be covered include: Building and Using Access Tables Building and Using Queries Modifying the Database Structure Creating Multiple Table Queries Enhancing Forms Analysing Data with Reports Creating and Using Forms Creating and Using Reports Creating Advanced Queries Creating Advanced Reports Creating Macros Administering the Database Grading Criteria and Feedback Please refer to the Rubric Description of Task 1. 2. 3. Tutorial discussion of cases has a maximum awardable value of 10% of the overall grade in the subject. Each student MUST contribute significantly to in-class analysis and discussion of the discussion questions and cases for an award of marks in this category. Each student is expected to be an active participant in case discussions and to offer meaningful analysis and convincing arguments relevant to the material under discussion. Your grade for class participation is something to be earned by contributing your assessments and judgments to the discussion. Attending tutorials and listening to the discussion of assigned cases is not sufficient for the award of marks; attendance is not participation. A conscientious effort should be made by each student to be sufficiently prepared to make intelligent and timely comments regarding the strategic and managerial issues raised in the cases— this entails reading the assigned cases and preparing several pages of notes to the assignment questions for each case. A contribution is defined as making a relevant and clearly articulated statement, either in response to a question by the tutor or in response/rebuttal to comments made by another student. Merely saying “yes” or “no” without any elaboration or without having the full attention of the class does not count as meaningful participation. You are required to attend the tutorial session in which you have enrolled. Please note; neither the subject coordinator, the subject lecturer, nor the subject tutors, are able to change student’s tutorial enrolment based on student preferences. Attendance and participation in a tutorial session other than the one you are enrolled in will not count. The minimum requirement for demonstrated contribution in a tutorial to achieve 6/10 or 60% for tutorial participation is to make no fewer than five (5) informed statements in no fewer than three (3) separate tutorials, and attend no fewer than three (3) of the five (5) tutorials on offer. Students who are absent from three of more tutorial sessions should not expect the award of sufficient marks in this segment for an adequate pass. Your written answers to the case discussions may be collected at the end of the case discussion. La Trobe University 10 Assessment Task 2 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Theoretical Assignment Monday Week 6 at 5:00 PM 20 1,2,3,4 Submission Details The submission of the soft format of the assignment to TURNITIN should be by Monday Week 6 at 5:00 PM. Your assignment will not be graded if you fail to submit the assignment via TURNITIN link. You will be awarded zero as a consequence. Word length: 1500 words The word count of 1500 excludes the reference section and the Appendices of the project. Grading Criteria and Feedback The 4 elements that you need to consider when writing this project are; I) Knowledge (35%) • • Identification of relevant theories, concepts and arguments relevant to the question. Comprehension and analysis of the academic literature relevant to the topic. • • Appropriate use of terms and definitions, theories and examples. Research is summarised and integrated in a cohesive, clear manner. • A high degree of critical analysis and discussion is presented. II) Argumentation (35%) • Discussion flows logically and coherently. • • Arguments and discussion are persuasive. Examples used are valid, relevant, and provide effective support. III) References and Citations (10%) • Inclusion of at least 6 academic references not provided in class (i.e., peer-reviewed, journal articles). IV) Presentation and Structure (20%) • • Introduction is clear and outlines the context of the essay. Body addresses key issues outlined in the introduction. • • • Conclusion provides a summary of key issues and answers the question. Logical connections made between the ideas presented. Sequence and structure of ideas presented are fluent and coherent. Please refer also to the rubric. Description of Task This assignment is designed to test the students on their ability to: Reflect critically on current management theories and practice. Identify the diverse HR functions that may incorporate an HRIS and explain how these functions would utilise HRIS with reference to a specific job/ category of jobs in an organisation. Analyse and critique the theoretical and applied approaches to HRIS in workplace practice. Analyse and critique the process of developing and effectively utilising HRIS in modern organisations. Assignment Requirement You are required to prepare a research paper which critically analyses how technology (specifically HRIS) is being utilised in two (2) HR functions in an organization and apply that to the organization of your choice that you are analyzing for this assignment. In preparing your work, you need make certain the following directives are adhered to; 1) The organisation of choice needs to be a real company with operations in Australia and/or overseas. 2) Your paper will need to identify how technology is currently being utilised in your chosen HR functions, how it may be used in the future, and apply your findings to the organisation of your choice. recruitment, selection, induction, 3) The two HR functions you choose to analyse should be amongst functions such as; training, career planning, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, etc. 4) It is recommended that you select a specific job and/or job classification within your choice organisation and apply points 1, 2 and 3 to that specific job and/or job classification. For e.g. If your choice organisation is QANTAS, it is recommended to look at Flight Engineers as a specific job within the choice organisation and analyse the effects of HRIS on 2 HR functions related to Flight Engineers. 5) You may find it helpful to undertake some research prior to making a final decision on which HR functions you choose. La Trobe University 11 Assessment Task 3 Due Date % SILOs Assessed Database Application Project plus Lab Reports Friday Week 9 at 5:00 PM 30 1,2,3,4 Submission Details The submission of the soft format of the assignment to TURNITIN should be by Friday Week 9 at 5:00 PM. Your assignment will not be graded if you fail to submit the assignment via TURNITIN link. You will be awarded zero as a consequence. Word length: 1500 words The word count of 1500 excludes the reference section and the Appendices of the project. Grading Criteria and Feedback The 5 elements that you need to consider when writing this project are; I) Knowledge (25%) • Identification of relevant theories, concepts and arguments relevant to the question. • Comprehension and analysis of the academic literature relevant to the topic. • Appropriate use of terms and definitions, theories and examples. • Research is summarized and integrated in a cohesive, clear manner. • A high degree of critical analysis and discussion is presented. II) Argumentation (25%) • Discussion flows logically and coherently. • Arguments and discussion are persuasive. • Examples used are valid, relevant, and provide effective support. III) References and Citations (10%) • Inclusion of at least 6 academic references not provided in class (i.e., peer-reviewed, journal articles). IV) Presentation and Structure (15%) • Introduction is clear and outlines the context of the essay. • Body addresses key issues outlined in the introduction. • Conclusion provides a summary of key issues and answers the question. • Logical connections made between the ideas presented. • Sequence and structure of ideas presented are fluent and coherent. V) MS ACCESS Project (25%) • Were all the exercises included? • Were all the exercises completed adequately? Description of Task This assignment is designed to test students’ ability to: • • • • • Analyse and audit organisational DBMS needs. Rationalise and communicate organisational DBMS needs. Develop and organisation specific criteria of an effective DBMS. Develop skills in designing and interpreting reports from an HRIS. Be able to demonstrate problem-solving skills and anticipate problems with using an HRIS. Assignment Requirement This Assignment consists of 2 components; in the first component of this assignment, assume that you are the HR manager and that your organisation requires you to provide a plan and a set of recommendations that would identify parameters and protocols for design and development of an HR DBMS. Your organisation is going through a high growth phase and needs to recruit and train about 500 employees in the next 12 months. It also needs to identify the performance and skill profiles of present employees for later possible redundancies. The central question that you need to consider: What characteristics should a credible HR Data base for the high-growth industry should have? In another words, if you are to design a DBMS for your company, what functionalities would you integrate into your DBMS. Once you have outlines the design parameters, you need to rationalise your choice and need to highlight the need for functionalities in the context of the case organisation and the job/job category you are focusing on. The design parameters of the DBMS of your case organisation should be directly applied to at least 2 of the functions below in your organisation: • • Recruitment and selection Training and development La Trobe University 12 • • • Career planning Performance review Occupational health & safety Finally, you need to address the manner by which IT can assist in your addressing the above factors. For the case industry, your organization should be one of the following; • • • An Airline with a recent modernisation strategy in place where a new fleet has replaced the older planes and hence new crew with new set of skills and ongoing training requirements are employed. An Australian mining company with mining outposts in the Northern Plains of Western Australia. A tertiary educational institute that has applied for accreditation from The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). Accreditation of AACSB required mandatory training and audit of skills of the academic staff. In addition the directive regarding the teaching load, research and community service should be abided by, audited, reported and be available in a transparent manner to the AACSB. In preparing the first component of this assignment, assume, you need make certain the following directives are adhered to: 1) The organisation of choice needs to be a real company with operations in Australia and/or overseas. 2) Your paper will need to identify how HRIS is currently being utilised in your chosen HR functions, and how the unique characteristics of your choice organisation are reflected in the design parameters of its DBMS. 3) The two HR functions you choose to analyse should be amongst functions such as; recruitment, selection, induction, training, career planning, industrial relations, occupational health and safety, etc. 4) It is recommended that you select a specific job and/or job classification within your choice organisation and apply points 1, 2 and 3 to that specific job and/or job classification. For e.g. If your choice organisation is Rio Tinto (one of the largest mining companies in the world), then the DBMS could be designed to address two HR functions for mine engineers who will be posted to the outpost for 3 weeks shifts and are responsible for daily HR functions of the mining site. 5) You may find it helpful to undertake some research prior to making a final decision on which HR functions you choose. Please note the first component of the DBMS assignment is worth 20 marks of the 30 marks allocated to the DBMS Assignment. In the second component of this project, there are 5 specific MS ACCESS exercises that students are required to complete. Details of the 5 specific exercises and the work files (if needed for each of the exercises) will be available on the LMS. The 5 MS ACCESS exercises are intended to familiarise students with essentials of HRIS DBMS systems. Subject areas that will be covered include: Building and Using Access Tables Building and Using Queries Modifying the Database Structure Creating Multiple Table Queries Enhancing Forms Analysing Data with Reports Creating and Using Forms Creating and Using Reports Creating Advanced Queries Creating Advanced Reports Creating Macros Administering the Database In preparing the second component of assignment 2, you need to make certain the following directives are adhered to: 1) The answers to the five MS ACCESS exercises should all be put into a ZIP format. 2) The MS ACCESS exercises are to be submitted on the same date as the first component of the DBMS Assignment i.e. Date and time TBA. The link to submit the MS ACCESS exercise will close at the above mentioned time. 3) A link to for late submission of the Zip file will open immediately after the deadline. Late submissions will be penalised by 1 mark per day and awarded ZERO after 3 consecutive days of no submission. 4) The zip file containing the answers to the MS ACCESS exercise should be uploaded on a link that is placed on the LMS page of the subject. The link will be opened on the LMS from the week starting 17th of August 2015. 5) The zipped folder should be named as; Your name_ student number_ tutorial day tutorial time Please note that the second component of the DBMS assignment is worth 10 marks of the 30 marks allocated to the DBMS Assignment. La Trobe University 13 Detailed Grading Criteria Assessment Task 1 Contribution in Tutorial/Lab Discussion Rubric Criteria UponCriteria being asked questions in the tutorial sessions demonstrate knowledge of diverse HR functions that incorporate Human Resource Information Systems as it applies to contemporary organizations (ILO1) Upon being asked questions in the tutorial sessions demonstrate an ability to distinguish between major processes involved in developing Human Resource Information Systems as it applies to contemporary organizations (ILO2) Upon being asked questions in the tutorial sessions demonstrate an ability to apply the theoretical models of Human Resource Information Systems to work-base practices as it applies to contemporary organizations Standard (N, 0-49% Standard (D, 50-59%, etc) etc) Pre-structural Student has not defined any concept nor has any description of theories and concepts relevant to the project are provided. Uni-Structural Student has identified and provided a description on the relevant theories and concepts related to the case organisation. Standard (C, 60-69%, etc) Standard (B, 70-79%, etc) Standard (A, 80100%, etc) Multi-Structural identified and provided a framework linking theory and theoretical concepts to the case organisation/industry is provided Relational - critique to theory and highlight alternative approaches that may complement the method of analysis Extended Abstract – Develop and discuss an alternative framework that assembles an approach based on the initial framework and highlight new concepts that have emerged as results of this application are provided. Relational Critique the theories and highlight deficiencies in theories of strategic management when applying them to the case organisation Extended Abstract – Develop and discuss an alternative framework that assembles an approach based on the initial framework and highlight new concepts that have emerged as result of this application Uni-Structural Pre-structural Multi-Structural identified and Student has Discuss how the provided a identified the industry/organisationprocess of strategic description on the specific factors relate to internal and plan and the the theories and external dynamics preliminary factors concepts that were of the that need to be identified from the case organisation and assumed when literature. has highlighted major developing HRIS in processes involved in contemporary developing HRIS. organisations. Pre-structural Student has identified a framework that applies theories of HRIS to practices at contemporary organisations. Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Creating a framework Indicate that compares the comprehension and principles of design understanding of the and development relationships between of HRIS to specific principles of HRIS questions posed in development and their relation to the case relevancy to organisation the analysis of strategic management in the case organisation Relational - Critique Extended Abstract – the principles of HRIS Develop and discuss an design and alternative HRIS design development and and development highlight deficiencies framework that assembles in those principles t an approach based on the when applying them to initial framework and the case organisation highlight new concepts that have emerged as result of this application (ILO3) Upon being asked questions in the tutorial sessions demonstrate an ability to demonstrate the practical application of Human resource Information Systems to work-based practices as it applies to contemporary organizations (ILO4) Pre-structural Student has identified general characteristics of the case industry / organisation Uni-Structural - Multi-Structural - create a framework that link identified and discussed the role the specific institutional and organisational of the relevant frameworks to the Institutional and relevant theories used in organisational the case study factors influencing the strategic planning and implementation process of HRIS in the case organisation. Relational Propose a framework that assembles an approach based on the initial framework and highlight new concepts that have emerged as result of this application Extended Abstract – Develop and discuss an alternative framework that assembles an approach based on the initial framework and highlight new concepts that have emerged as result of this application La Trobe University 14 Assessment Task 2 Theoretical Assignment Rubric Standard (B, 70-79%, etc) Relational - Develop a written critique of the theories and highlight deficiencies in theories of HRIS when applying them to the case organization Standard (A, 80100%, etc) Extended Abstract Develop and propose a written framework that assembles an approach based on the initial framework and highlight new concepts that have emerged as result of this application Upon being asked Pre-structural - Little or Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Relational - Critique the questions in the theories and highlight no written evidence of Outline the written Creating a written tutorial sessions identification of pre and post HRIS framework that deficiencies in theories demonstrate an functions that are scenario in the case compares the HRIS of HRIS when outlining the manner HR ability to distinguish affected as a result of organization and the enabled transition to between major incorporation of HRIS manner by which each a new IS enabled HR functions change as a result of HRIS processes involved in of the listed functions management developing have been affected Extended Abstract Develop and propose a written framework that assembles an approach based on the unique characteristics of the HRIS and the manner it has changed HR functions in the case Criteria Upon being asked questions in the tutorial sessions demonstrate knowledge of diverse HR functions that incorporate Human Resource Information Systems as it applies to contemporary organizations (ILO1) Standard (N, 0-49% etc) Pre-structural - Little or no written evidence of identification of theories, concepts and arguments relevant to the design and implementation of HRIS in an organization. Standard (D, 50-59%, Standard (C, 60-69%, etc) etc) Uni-Structural Multi-Structural Indicate written Creating a written comprehension and framework that understanding of the compares the HRIS relationships theories and models to between the theories specific characteristics and concepts relevant of the case to the design, organization/industry implementation and development of an HRIS system in an organization La Trobe University 15 Assessment Task 3 Database Application Project plus Lab Reports Rubric Standard (D, 5059%, etc) Standard (C, 6069%, etc) Pre-structural Little or no evidence of an Develop a handsunderstanding of on experience in HRIS and the usage using a computerof Information based HRIS systems in managing HRM Indicate an understanding of the process of HRIS needs analysis Create a written link between the organisational needs and HRIS design requirements Create a written relationship between technical and organisational needs of an HRIS system Develop a written framework linking the HRIS technical needs analysis of the case organisation and theoretical description of the process of needs analysis and development of HRIS system Little or no evidence of ability to define the process of query, filtering and management of staff Information Develop a written framework outlining parameters for developing a system of query, filtering and management of staff information Develop a written set of organisation/industry specific characteristics that is used to develop the process of query, filtering etc Implement the process of written query, filtering and management of SIS via MS ACESS database Develop a written post implementation evaluation procedure Little or no evidence of ability to define DSS system and outline the functionalities of MS ACCESS Outline the elements of the MS ACESS that are relevant to the process of DSS Develop a set of parameters that are required in developing MS ACCESS-based DSS Develop a set of written queries to access information relevant to the case organisation Develop a written framework that outlines the MS ACCESS database development parameters relevant to the case organisation/industry Criteria Develop query, filtering and management of staff information to enable search and modification of the staff information Use the information provided by MS ACCESS queries to enable DSS Standard (N, 049% etc) Standard (B, 7079%, etc) Standard (A, 80-100%, etc) Assessment and Feedback - College/School/Discipline-specific information La Trobe University 16