A frightening experience

A frightening experience
Activity 1
Decision making
Working in groups of four, read through the following activity and aim to reach a group
decision in about 20 minutes.
You are a group of friends and you are going hiking in Scotland among the rivers, mountains
and lochs (lakes). You do not plan to stay out overnight. It is early autumn.
Look at the items in the box below and decide:
what you would wear
what you would take with you
what you would not take
if you would add something which is not in the box
your reasons for these decisions.
bars of
walking boots
bottled water
mobile phone
first aid kit
flask of hot
Kendal mint
thick socks
Swiss army
waterproof trousers
notebook and pencil
*An energy-giving sugar and mint bar from the north of England, often used as emergency
food supplies by walkers.
Record your answers here:
My group would wear the following items of clothing because:
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Reason for wearing
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A frightening experience
We have decided to put these items into our rucksack/backpack because:
Reason for inclusion
We would not take the following items because:
Reason for rejecting item
The following item is not included in the box: ............................................................................
We would take it in our rucksack/backpack because: ...............................................................
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A frightening experience
Share your decisions with the rest of the class and try to agree on the 10 most essential items
for the day’s hike.
Activity 2
What can go wrong on a day’s hike in the mountains? Work in pairs to make a list.
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A frightening experience
Activity 3
Listening to check predictions
You are going to listen to a student describing a hike in Scotland which went wrong.
Read the list of problems below. Which did the speaker experience? Tick them as you listen.
The speaker had a bad cold.
They took a different route from the one they had planned.
They started too late.
One friend was carrying too much in his backpack.
They were very tired.
The weather was bad.
It was getting dark.
They couldn’t find a path down off the mountain.
One friend hurt his ankle.
10. They had to sleep on the side of the mountain.
11. They lost some of the things they were carrying.
12. They and their things got wet in the river.
13. There was a loch (lake) at the bottom of the mountain.
14. The sides of the loch were very steep.
15. They found a boat, but it had no oars.
16. They had to climb round on a very narrow path.
Activity 4
A number of geographical features are mentioned in the recording. Label the picture with the
words in the box.
loch (lake)
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cliff face
steep slope
gentle slope
narrow ledge
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A frightening experience
Activity 5
Listening for language
When we describe an exciting or frightening event, we often use intensifiers and modifiers
to make the story seem more exciting.
The first example from the recording is: ‘quite a foolish decision’.
The word ‘decision’ is pre-modified by ‘foolish (= stupid)’ and the noun phrase ‘foolish
decision’ is modified by the word ‘quite’ – ‘quite’ changes the meaning to indicate that the
decision was only partly stupid. However, when the event is then described by the speaker, it
becomes clear that this is an understatement – the decision to take an unknown path up the
mountain was in fact a very stupid idea. This structure is often used in English to add drama
and surprise to the narrative, as the modifying word is in sharp contrast to the events which
Nouns can be modified by adjectives, other nouns, or prepositional phrases, and adjectives
can be modified by adverbs.
The next example is ‘the path looked really inviting’. The word ‘really’ intensifies the
meaning of ‘inviting’ – it makes it stronger. The speaker is trying to justify the decision to take
an unknown path late in the day by increasing its appeal.
Intensifiers are a special type of modifier: adverbs which strengthen the meaning of
adjectives or other adverbs.
Listen to the recording again with the transcript and underline all the modifiers and
intensifiers you hear.
What does the listener do to show she is interested?
Activity 6
Telling a story
Plan to tell a story based on a true event which happened to you.
Choose one of the following titles:
a frightening experience
an exciting experience
a happy experience
an embarrassing experience.
Decide what parts of the event are important to the story.
Write a short title for each part, to remind you when you are speaking.
Look up any essential vocabulary you will need and write it under each title.
Make sure your story has an ending.
Tell your story to a partner.
When you are listening, make sure you show the speaker that you are interested.
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A frightening experience
Teaching notes
Level: advanced/proficiency (C1/C2).
 to reach a decision as a group
 to understand the gist of a long authentic audio recording
 to work on language from the recording (geographical terms, and intensifiers/modifiers)
 to practise telling a story.
Timing: approximately 90 minutes.
You will need the accompanying authentic audio recording, downloadable from
www.teachitworld.com (Quick search: 20371). The recording lasts just under six minutes and
contains some background noise.
Activity 1:
decision making
There are no right or wrong answers, but the advice on the following website (available at the
time of writing) could be useful for you or for the students:
Activity 3:
listening to check predictions
The speaker experienced all the problems (in the order listed) except for numbers 1 and 9.
Activity 4:
cliff face
steep slope
narrow ledge
gentle slope
loch (lake)
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A frightening experience
Activity 5:
listening for language
You may not want to go into the detailed explanations with your learners. The important thing
is that they should understand how and why to use modifiers when telling a story.
quite a foolish decision: adjective pre-modifying the noun decision and adverb premodifying the noun phrase a foolish decision
two in the afternoon: prepositional phrase post-modifying two
really inviting: intensifying adverb pre-modifying the adjective inviting
a straight, steep climb: adjectives pre-modifying the noun climb
too heavy: adverb pre-modifying the adjective too
absolutely exhausted: adverb pre-modifying the adjective exhausted
very, very windy: adverbs pre-modifying the adjective windy
grassy slope: adjective pre-modifying the noun slope
a 70 degree slope: noun phrase pre-modifying the noun slope
quite wet: adverb pre-modifying the adjective wet
a bit sort of worried: adverbials pre-modifying the adjective worried
about sort of two-three hours: adverbs pre-modifying the quantifier two-three, which
itself pre-modifies the noun hours
completely drenched: adverb pre-modifying the adjective drenched
wet grass: adjective pre-modifying the noun grass
waterproof gear: adjective pre-modifying the noun grass
massive boulders: adjective pre-modifying the noun boulders
a bit of a hairy climb: adverbial pre-modifying the noun phrase a hairy climb; adjective
pre-modifying the noun climb
a massive rowing boat: adjectives pre-modifying the noun boat
absolutely exhausted: adverb pre-modifying the adjective exhausted
the really kind of frightening bit: adverbs pre-modifying the adjective frightening, which
itself pre-modifies the noun bit
grassy slope: adjective pre-modifying the noun slope
a really narrow ledge: adverb pre-modifying the adjective narrow, which itself premodifies the noun ledge
just about as wide as: adverb pre-modifying the adverb about, which itself pre-modifies
the adjective as wide as
really awkward scrambling: adverb pre-modifying the adjective awkward, which itself
pre-modifies the noun scrambling
a heavy bag: adjective pre-modifying the noun bag
late at night: adverb pre-modifying the adverbial phrase at night
The speaker makes sounds such as Mmm or Aah and uses expressions of surprise such as
Oh no! and Gosh! to show that she is interested.
NB The recording also lends itself to work on verbs of movement (sliding, clambering,
grabbed, paddling, wading, scrambling) or synonyms (foolish/silly; stuff/things;
soaked/drenched; arses/backsides; gear/equipment; massive/huge/enormous).
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A frightening experience
Listener: Oh, so, what happened then?
Speaker: So I went hiking in Scotland recently and we basically made quite a foolish
decision and decided to take a detour
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: to climb over a mountain, but we didn’t set off until about two in the afternoon
Listener: Okay
Speaker: which … and the path looked really inviting, but after about 20 minutes it became
just like a straight, steep climb
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: and my friend brought too much stuff with him. His bag was sim… just, like, too
heavy for him, so I ended up having to swap bags halfway through and his bag
was too heavy for me as well, so we were both absolutely exhausted
Listener: Yeah
Speaker: by the time we got to the top, and it was very,very windy. We were soaked, and it
was getting dark
Listener: Oh no!
Speaker: and we were basically stranded at the top of this mountain. We knew it would be
dark in about 45 minutes and we had to just make our way down the mountain as
quickly as we could
Listener: Yeah
Speaker: So we had to go off the path, basically, and we just went down, kind of just sliding
down on our arses down … down this sort of grassy slope
Listener: Oh God!
Speaker: just searching for somewhere to sleep and we ended up just having to sleep on,
like, a 70 degree slope
Listener: Oh my God!
Speaker: and it’s, it’s quite wet, cold
Listener: Eugh!
Speaker: a bit sort of worried
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: um, and woke up the next day and managed to make our way down the rest of
the mountain. It took us about sort of two-three hours of clambering down this
river, and sliding, and losing some of our stuff on the way
Listener: Oh gosh!
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A frightening experience
Speaker: Just everything got completely drenched because we were basically sliding down
wet grass
Listener: Yeah
Speaker: and waterproof gear isn’t designed to take that much of a battering
Listener: Yeah, yeah, yeah
Speaker: We got to the bottom. We, we thought, ‘Ah yes! We’re finally here. We’ll be fine.
All we’ve got to do now is get over that loch.’
Listener: Aah
Speaker: And we walked to the loch, and we got there and we were just about to sort of
cheer, and we looked, and inside the loch were just these slopes just, just like cliff
Listener: Oh gosh!
Speaker: And so we just thought, ‘How on earth are we going to get across there?’
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: And my friend just sunk down on the floor in despair
Listener: Oh no!
Speaker: ’cause the other way was just like massive boulders that you’d have to clamber
over, so I was, like, just trying to be positive, so I saw that there was a boat on the
other side of the loch and I dropped all my stuff and I thought, ‘Great! I can go
and … go and get that boat, bring it back and take our stuff.’ So I climbed around
the loch, without my bag, and I was like, yeah, I really wouldn’t want to do this with
my bag
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: It was a bit of a hairy climb
Listener: Yeah
Speaker: Got to the other side and flipped the, flipped the boat over. It was like a massive
rowing boat, so it took all my strength to flip it over. Flipped it over, and there
were no oars.
Listener: Oh God!
Speaker: So I was still just think like … just had that, like, mindset where I was thinking
we’re going to get out of this situation
Listener: Mmm, mmm, mmm
Speaker: I’m not going to panic. So I just, I ate a whole Kendal mint cake, got in the boat,
grabbed a stick, and I started paddling with the stick and with my hands and just
sort of frantically doing this, and I looked to the side and I literally wasn’t moving,
and I stopped, and then I started moving backwards.
Listener: Oh no!
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A frightening experience
Speaker: So I then went to the other side of the loch. My friend was still sat on the other
side, just thinking, ‘What on earth is he doing?’… got … I ended up then having to
drag the boat back to where it was, wading through the water, climbed back over
to him. By this time I was absolutely exhausted
Listener: Yeah
Speaker: and then I said, ‘I don’t know what we’re gonna do. We can’t climb over that with
our bags. And then he just said, ‘Well, we don’t really have any…any other
choice, so we’ll just have to do that.’
Listener: Oh gosh!
Speaker: So then, this was the really kind of frightening bit. We…we just put our bags on
and it was almost like going into like another zone, because there was a ten-foot
drop into the loch
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: and we were just up against this kind of grassy slope just on a really narrow ledge
just about as wide as us
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: and then a few bits where you just had to kind of do really awkward scrambling,
especially with like a heavy bag … um … and yeah we b…both, we both kind of
just sort of one foot in front of the other, don’t think about anything, don’t look
down, it will be over in 20 minutes, and managed to get over to the other side and
… yeah … it was a bit of a … it was a learning curve.
Listener: It sounds like a nightmare.
Speaker: Not going to go off the path
Listener: Mmm
Speaker: or go up mountains late at night again.
Listener: Mmm
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