Title and Content 109 207 246 255 255 255 131 56 155 0 99 190 85 165 28 214 73 42 Dark 1 Light 1 Dark 2 Light 2 Accent 1 Accent 2 185 175 164 151 75 7 193 187 0 255 221 62 255 255 255 236 137 29 Accent 3 Accent 4 Accent 5 Accent 6 Hyperlink Followed Hyperlink 127 175 221 203 215 238 179 149 197 212 195 223 255 242 171 255 249 213 Tata Blue 50% Tata Blue 25% Purple 50 % Purple 25 % Yellow 50 % Yellow 25 % Product Lifecycle Planning Certificate in Advanced Retailing and Store Operations 229 205 186 248 241 235 180 213 154 214 231 200 Brown 50 % Brown 25 % Green 50 % Green 25 % TCS Business Domain Academy 241 240 202 251 251 241 Light Green 50%Light Green 25% Certificate in Store operations and POS Learning Objectives To understand the product life cycle Why product life cycle planning for retail business Importance of product life cycle and its use as a tool to attract more customers Various strategies that can be implemented with the help of product life cycle in a business Certificate in Store operations and POS Topics Covered Introduction Classification of products Product Life Cycle (PLC) Introduction stage and Strategies employed Growth stage and strategies employed Maturity stage and strategies employed Decline stage and strategies employed Different patterns Trends in retail: PLC Certificate in Store operations and POS Introduction The idea of product life cycle has been borrowed from biology and an analogy is drawn with the life of an organism A tool for forecasting and also for developing marketing strategy The concept of product life cycle creates distinct stages in product performance in market place as follows: Introduction Growth Maturity Saturation Decline phase. Certificate in Store operations and POS Classification of products Based on durability and tangibility a product is classified as: Durable Non durable Services Based on usage it can be further classified as: Consumer products Industrial products Certificate in Store operations and POS contd.. Consumer products can be further classified as Convenience products Shopping products Specialty products Unsought products Industrial products can be classified as Production goods Support goods Certificate in Store operations and POS Introduction stage and strategies employed The product is introduced to the customer Introduction of new product is difficult because: Only a few sellers can afford the technological know-how Marketing Other costs to launch the product The risk of new product failure is quite high Company needs to do the following: Inform the customer about the product Induce product trial Secure distribution in retail outlets Certificate in Store operations and POS contd.. The following are the strategies that are employed during introduction stage: Rapid skimming Slow skimming Rapid penetration Slow penetration Certificate in Store operations and POS Growth stage and strategies employed Growth stage is crucial for the product’s survival Reactions of the competitors to the product’s success will affect the life expectancy This stage is characterized by : Increase in sales Heavy demand for the product A peak in the profits Profit increases: Promotional costs are spread over a larger volume The unit manufacturing cost falls Certificate in Store operations and POS Contd.. Companies resort to aggressive pricing, including price cuts to attract price sensitive customers. They emphasize the product’s benefits in order to create a competitive niche in the market. Changes brought about to the product include making the product available in different sizes, flavors, etc. They may introduce new distribution channels They enter new markets Certificate in Store operations and POS Maturity stage and strategies employed Maturity stage is marked by a slow growth Stability is achieved in terms of revenues for a particular product. Sales tend to grow, stabilize, and then start to decline Competition is fierce at this stage as many brands compete at the same time Competitor tries to improve his product and highlight the product benefits Weaker competitors and smaller firms are squeezed out of the market Certificate in Store operations and POS Contd.. Abandon weaker products and concentrate more on profitable products. Increase advertising and sales promotion. Marketers resort to introducing fresh advertising campaigns, new packaging styles Product re-launches during this stage are common. Invest more in R&D to bring about improvements in the product Product line extensions. Certificate in Store operations and POS Decline stage and strategies employed Sales and profits of all products and brands tend to decline Some products experience a faster rate of decline while others experience a slower decline rate Reasons for sales decline could be: Technological advances Increase in competition Shift in consumer’s tastes and preferences This forces firms to withdraw from the market Certificate in Store operations and POS Contd.. Reducing the number of products in product line offered Cutting promotional budgets and prices Increase the firm’s investment to strengthen its competitive position and dominate the market. Maintain the firm’s investment level until the market uncertainty passes by. Selectively decrease the firm’s investment level by dropping the unprofitable customer groups Certificate in Store operations and POS Different patterns Growth-slump-maturity pattern Cycle recycle pattern Scalloped PLC Certificate in Store operations and POS Trends in retail: PLC For any assortment the life of the product is entirely different Based on the demand and supply of the product retailer will have to place order to the manufacturer or the distributor depending on the channel that exist Retailer needs to take into account the short life cycle for consumer non-durables Selection of products that is to be placed within the store plays a clear role as there are too many things on offer and retailers have only limited space to cater. Certificate in Store operations and POS Please mail feedback to domain.academy@tcs.com Thank you TCS Business Domain Academy