2” X 2” Picture APPLICATION FORM Type of Grant ___ _____________________________________________________ Name of Applicant ___________________________________________________________________________ (Legal Name on Birth Certificate) Family Name Given Name/s Middle Name NOTE: This form should be accomplished correctly and completely by the parents/ guardian of the applicant. PLEASE ANSWER THIS QUESTIONNAIRE CAREFULLY, COMPLETELY AND HONESTLY. Applications with INCOMPLETE INFROMATION AND WITHOUT THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS will NOT be processed. Parents may be called for interview for clarification of the information given. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM TOGETHER WITH THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS IN A LONG BROWN ENVELOPE BY APRIL 21, 2012. 1. QUALIFICATIONS AND BENEFITS Grant MTC ASSIST Full MTC ASSIST Partial Metrobank Foundation Megaworld Foundation (except for Nursing and HNCA programs) Qualifications WPA of at least 87.00, no grade <83.00 Annual Gross Family Income of P300,000 for family of four. In excess of four, per capita income of P75,000. Not committed any major offense Not a recipient of any private or public scholarship grant WPA of at least 85.00, no grade <83.00 Annual Gross Family Income of P300,000 for family of four. In excess of four, per capita income of P75,000. Not committed any major offense Not a recipient of any private or public scholarship grant GWA of at least 85.00 Annual Gross Family Income of P300,000 (parents/guardians) Not committed any major offense Not a recipient of any private or public scholarship grant WPA of at least 85.00, with no failing grade Annual Gross Income of P300,000 (parents/guardians) Not committed any major offense Not employed with businesses that directly compete with Megaworld Corporation Not a recipient of any private or public scholarship grant Benefits 100% coverage on tuition and miscellaneous fees 100% coverage on RLE and affiliation/practicum fees Financial assistance on book and uniform expenses Financial assistance on living expenses 100% coverage on tuition fees 50% coverage on miscellaneous fees 50% coverage on RLE and affiliation/practicum fees 100% coverage on tuition miscellaneous fees 100% coverage on RLE affiliation/practicum fees Semestral allowance and 100% coverage on tuition miscellaneous fees 100% coverage on RLE affiliation/practicum fees Semestral allowance of P10,000 and Page 1 of 13 and and 2. REQUIREMENTS Parents’ /Guardian’s detailed personal letter about the family’s financial situation justifying the need for financial assistance. One (1) 2x2, white background, most recent photograph of applicant. For Megaworld Foundation applicants: Two 2x2 and one 1x2, white background, most recent photograph of applicant; and photograph of applicant with family/guardian. Print name at the back of the picture. For employed parents: Income Tax Return of Certificate of Compensation Payment/Tax withheld for the previous year, Certificate of Employment and Compensation from (including bonuses, allowances and commissions). OFW’s must submit employment contract. For self-employed parents: Submit Business/DTI Permit, detailed description of the business and an income and expenses financial statement of the previous year. For parents not filling an ITR: Please indicate in the letter the reason for non-filing. Provide certified true copy of Certificate of Non-Filing from Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR). If parent/guardian is retired, submit retirement and/or pension voucher. Siblings and other relatives currently helping out with the expenses of the family including educational expenses may be required to submit the abovementioned documents. Proof of latest electricity and water billing statement. If statement is registered under the applicant’s parents/guardian’s name, include an certification letter from property owner. For incoming freshmen: Copy of grades from First Year to Fourth Year High School For Megaworld Foundation applicants: Certificate of Upper 10% Class Ranking of Graduating Batch from High School Principal For incoming II-IV: Certified True Copy of Grades beginning the student’s first semester of entry Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Student Discipline Department or High School Principal/ Guidance Counselor, whichever is applicable Vicinity Sketch of Residence. Draw a map that shows how to get to Manila Tytana Colleges form your house. Indicate major streets and landmarks. Put an “X” mark on the location of your house. See Page 13. Certificates and/or Certification of Leadership, Extra/Co-curricular involvement of the Applicant. Write the complete name of the applicant at the upper left hand corner of the brown envelope following this format: LAST NAME, GIVEN NAME, MIDDLE NAME Page 2 of 13 (For MTC Assist Grant in Aid applicants only.) LETTER OF UNDERTAKING _______________________ Date DR. SERGIO S. CAO President Manila Tytana Colleges Dear Dr. Cao: This is to formally signify my intention to apply for a scholarship grant from Manila Tytana Colleges. I understand that I have to complete all documentary requirements for my application to be considered, and I commit to submit all necessary supporting papers, including but not limited to, certified true copies of my parents’ statement/s of income tax return, statement of assets and liabilities, report of grades, certificate of good moral character, medical certificate, any other document that I may be required to submit. I agree to submit myself to the criteria established by the MTC Scholarships Department in the selection of qualified and deserving candidates and its procedures in the processing of my application. I understand that the decision of the Selection Committee is final and unappealable. If I am selected as a scholar of the Manila Tytana Colleges, I undertake to render service to either the Manila Tytana Colleges or any other subsidiaries or partner of the Metrobank Group of Companies if deemed necessary for a period equivalent to the number of years that I will enjoy the scholarship. Should I fail to comply with this service obligation, I understand that the College may pursue whatever legal remedies are available to it. Respectfully Yours, __________________________ Applicant (Printed Name & Signature) ____________________________ Parents/ Guardian of Applicant (Printed Name & Signature) Page 3 of 13 PERSONAL DATA Current Address: ( ) Home ( ) Dormitory/ Boarding House ( ) Others Street Address: Barangay: City/ Municipality: Province: Zip Code: ( ) Living with Relatives Permanent Address: (if other than address provided in current address) Street Address: Barangay: City/ Municipality: Province: Zip Code: Cost of one-way transport: (cheapest rate) PHp Means of Transport: (plane, boat or bus, etc.) How many times a month does the applicant go home to specified permanent address? Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy) Religion E-mail Address Place of Birth Nationality Landline # Gender Civil Status Mobile # EDUCATION ELEMENTARY LEVEL (use additional sheet if necessary) School / Location Year Graduated General Average Year Graduated General Average Honors / Awards Received [include non-academic] SECONDARY LEVEL (use additional sheet if necessary.) School / Location Honors / Awards Received [include non-academic] School Involvement and Position Special Trainings/ Workshops/ Seminars Attended Type of High School (check appropriate option) ( ) Public General ( ) Public Special (science, arts, etc.) ( ) Public Vocational ( ) Private Barrio/ Barangay ( ) Private Sectarian ( ) Private Non-Sectarian Amount of tuition and other fees paid in Applicants’ senior year in high school? Did the Applicant enjoy any form of scholarship or financial aid in high school? If yes, please specify grant Total amount of grant received? Page 4 of 13 For applicants who are currently enrolled at MTC: Year Level Course Student No. Is the applicant staying in a boarding house or dormitory / or renting an apartment/ studio/ condominium unit, etc.? ( ) Yes ( ) No Monthly Board PHp Monthly Lodging PHp Who pays for board and/ or lodging fees? Relation to applicant Mode of transport from Applicant’s current address to MTC? ( ) Family Vehicle Owned? ( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) Motorcycle/ Scooter If No, how was the vehicle acquired/ whose is it/ who owns it? ( ) Bicycle/ Walk Owner: ( ) Carpool ( ) Public Transport Type of Public Transport (Residence-MTC-Residence) No. of Rides Unit Amount Total Amount Tricycle / Pedicab Jeepney Bus MRT/ LRT Cab/ Taxi Others ____________ TOTAL Is the Applicant a working student? ( ) Yes, Full Time Name of Company/Employer: Name of Immediate Supervisor: Address: Telephone No.: Is this business/company family owned? P ________________________ ( ) Yes, Part Time ( ) No Monthly Income: Who finances the Applicants’ schooling? (check all applicable means) ( ) Parents ( ) Self ( ) Scholarship, Name of Scholarship: Total Amount of Scholarship ( ) Educational Plan, Name of Company and Plan: Total Amount of Plan: ( ) Others (e.g. relatives, etc.) Estimated amount of financial support per semester: Does the Applicant have a passport? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, please provide passport number. Has the Applicant traveled outside the country in the last 5 years? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, who financed the trip? (check applicable item below) ( ) Parents ( ) Siblings ( ) Relatives ( ) Others, please specify: Page 5 of 13 FAMILY BACKGROUND Status of Parents Living Together RELATION Separated Single Father Deceased FATHER Mother Deceased MOTHER Name Age Birth Date Permanent Home Address Tel. No. Mobile No. Email Address Highest Educational Attainment School or College Living Abroad? (Yes or No) Previous Year’s Gross Income Amount of Income Taxes Paid (most recent) If employed Occupation/Position Employer Business Address Business Tel. No. Average Monthly Income Annual Additional Income (allowances, per diem, bonuses, etc.) If self-employed Nature of work Number of years in business Annual gross income Annual net profit If unemployed Last company joined When Reason/s for being unemployed If not living with parents Name of Guardian: Relationship to applicant: Employer: Occupation/ Position Monthly Income Does he/she contribute to the family expenses? (Yes/No) If not, who is funding the house expenses? HOUSE COMPANIONS other than parents and siblings (use additional sheet if necessary) RELATION Name Relationship to Student Age Civil Status Tel. No./Mobile No. Occupation/ Year or Level (if student) Employer/ School Business Address Business Tel. No. Average Monthly Income Sharing with house expenses? Yes/No Page 6 of 13 BROTHERS AND SISTERS (use additional sheet if necessary) Total Number of Siblings: RELATION Name Age Year of Birth Civil Status If with children, please indicate how many Permanent Home Address Currently living with family? Number of Working Sibling/s: Sibling 1 Number of Studying Sibling/s: Sibling 2 Sibling 3 (Yes/No) If No, indicate if he/she is living abroad or not Telephone No. Mobile No. Highest Educational Attainment School or College Received Scholarship? (Yes/No) School Fees per Year (if student) Occupation/Year or Gr. Level Employer Business Address Business Tel. No. Average Monthly Income Previous Year’s Gross Income Does any of the Applicant’s brothers/sisters/stepbrothers/stepsisters contribute to the family’s expenses? ( ) Yes ( ) No If Yes, is the contribution regular? ( ) Yes ( ) No What is the frequency of the contribution? ( ) Once a month ( ) 3-4 times a month ( ) Once every three months ( ) Twice a month ( ) Once every two months ( ) Others How much is the average contribution? P Who contributes? Does the Applicant have any relatives (whether here or abroad) who contribute in meeting the family expenses? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, how much is the average annual contribution? P If assistance is not in cash, what kind of help do they give? How many household help are living with or working for the family: Number Maid (s) Houseboy(s) Yaya (s) Cook (s) Gardener (s) Driver (s) Other (s) Does the Applicant’s family have a security guard? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, ( ) Hired by the village/ condominium/apartment Total Monthly Salary ( ) Hired by the family Monthly Salary Page 7 of 13 FINANCIAL STATUS (Please answer thoroughly) Please provide the following data as completely and honestly as possible. Otherwise, the application will be considered INCOMPLETE, thus, will not be processed. Put NA if not applicable. FAMILY INCOME (Annual Gross) Combined Annual Pay (father, mother) PHp Combined Annual Pay (brother, sister) Income from Business Income from Land Rentals Income from Res/Bldg Rentals/Lease Retirement Benefits/Pension Commissions Financial Support from Relatives Bank Deposits Others (Specify) Total Annual Income PHp FAMILY EXPENSES (Monthly) House Rental PHp Food & Grocery Car Loan /Amortization (specify) Other Loan Amortization (specify) Transportation/Gasoline & School Bus Education Plan Premiums Insurance Policy Premiums Health Insurance Premium SSS/GSIS/PAG-IBIG Loans School/Office uniform/ Clothing School Allowance Electricity, Water, Cable, Cooking Gas Telephone/Cellphone Internet fees (DSL, Broadband) Medicines Doctor’s fee/Consultation Hospitalization Recreation Others (specify) Total PHp Sub-total x 12 months PHp Page 8 of 13 Family Expenses (Annual) School Tuition & Fees PHp Withholding Tax SSS/GSIS/PAG-IBIG Contribution Insurance, Plans (per Year) Others (specify) Sub-total PHp TOTAL ANNUAL EXPENSES PHp What are the sources of income of the household? (Please tick all the applicable items) ( ) Salaries or wages ( ) Remittances from abroad ( ) Commissions ( ) Business ( ) Farms/ Haciendas/ Fishponds ( ) Retirement Pension ( ) Practice of Profession (e.g. Lawyer) ( ) Real Estate Rentals ( ) Dividends/ interests/ earnings from investment ( ) Others Does the Applicant’s family have/own a business/home industry? What kind? No. of Employees Capital invested When was the business started? Annual Net Profit Does the Applicant’s family have/own farmlands/ fishponds? No. of Hectares No. of harvests Type of crops/ fish produced No. of workers Approximate Net Profit per year PHp DEPOSITS Type Bank Branch Balance Face/ Maturity Value Savings Account Checking Account Time Deposits Stocks Government Bonds, including Treasury Bills Foreign Currency Deposits Other Deposits Note: If annual expenses are higher than annual income, please explain in your letter how you cover for the deficit. Does any member of the household have a credit card/s? ( ) Yes If yes, which type/s of credit card/s (check all applicable) Foreign (e.g. American Express, etc.) Local Bank (e.g. Metrobank, BPI Express Credit, BDO, etc.) Local Store (e.g Department store debit cards, etc.) ( ) No Page 9 of 13 OTHER DATA Does the Applicant’s family have any of the following household appliances and other possessions? Appliances No. of Year Acquisition Balance to be Monthly working units Acquired Cost Paid Payment Air conditioner Stand/ Desk/ Ceiling/ Wall Fan TV Set CD/VCD/DVD Player Component Stereo System Karaoke/ Videoke Component Camera (SLR, Automatic, Label/ Model/ Units Manual, or Digital, etc.) Video or Movie Camera (Mini Cam Recorder. etc.) Cellular/Mobile Phone Portable Electronic Gadgets (iPod, iPad, PSP, DS, etc.) Desktop Laptop Electronic Computer Component (PS3, Family Computer, Xbox, etc.) Cordless Phone (not cellphone) Gas/Kerosene/Electric Stove Microwave/ Oven Toaster Water Dispenser Refrigerator/ Freezer Washing Machine/ Spinner/ Dryer Flat Iron Electric Supplied Musical Instruments Non- Electric Instruments Facilities/ Services part of household expenses stored in the Applicant’s house/ residence 1. Number of Telephone Units (landlines not cell phones): DSL? (Yes/No) 2. Electric water pump/ tank ( ) Yes ( ) No 3. Mobile Phone Services: ( ) Post-paid Total Monthly Cost: ( ) Pre-paid Estimated Monthly Cost: Household members’ private life and pre-need insurance (exclude GSIS and SSS) Name of Relation to Insurance/ Face Total Insurance Applicant Type/ Plan Amount Annualized Premium Wifi? (Yes/No) Company Applicant Beneficiary Yes No Page 10 of 13 Cars and other motor vehicle owned or regularly used by the family Make/Yr/Model Date Purchased Amt of Purchase Balance to be Paid Company/ Family Owned If the vehicle is company owned, please state who uses the vehicle and its relation to the applicant, what company and specific purpose does it serve? USER ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ COMPANY/ OWNER __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ If vehicle is provided by company, a. Does the Applicant’s family own the company or stocks of the company? b. Is the car under a car loan? ( ) Yes ( ) No c. Does the company cover gas allowances? ( ) Yes, how much Php Does the Applicant have other relative/s who help out in the finances? If Yes, Name/s What is their relation to the Applicant? How much money do they send monthly on the average? PURPOSE ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ /month Yes No RESIDENCE Location House Apartment Others Rented? Owned? Size of Lot Floor Area in Square Meter a. If rented, how long have the Applicant stayed in this place? Monthly Rent b. If owned, name of owner Relationship to Applicant Acquired when Cost Acquired Present Market Value Amount of unpaid mortgage Monthly mortgage payment No. of bedrooms No. of baths/ toilets No. of heads in the household c. If neither owned nor rented house, name of owner Relationship to family Contributions, if any, to house owner Php d. Does the Applicant have/own other properties (residential/commercial, etc)? 2 Description Location/ Area (m ) __________________ __________________ __________________ ____________ _____ ____________ _____ ____________ _____ Year Acquired _________________ _________________ _________________ Value at Acquisition __________________ __________________ __________________ Does the Applicant earn income from these lots? ( ) Yes ( ) No If yes, PHp Is the amount included in the Income Tax Return? ( ) Yes Does the Applicant have farm animals, agricultural machinery, motorized banca? ( ) No Helper/s? Present Market Value (as per tax declaration) __________________ __________________ __________________ Yearly Net Income __________________ __________________ __________________ ( ) No ( ) Yes ( ) No Page 11 of 13 REFERENCES Name Relation to Applicant Company Position/ Designation Contact Number 1. 2. Note: Immediate and extended family are not allowed to be used as reference by Applicant. Statement of the Student and his/her Family/Legal Guardian/s We hereby certify that all the data and information and documents submitted are accurate and complete. We understand that any misinformation and/or withholding of information will automatically disqualify the undersigned applicant from receiving any financial assistance, or subsidy, and may serve as a basis for the cancellation of the scholarship grant that may be awarded by the College. Furthermore, if such misinformation and/ or withholding of information on our part is discovered after the MTC Scholarship Grant has been awarded, it is to our knowledge that we will be required to reimburse full amount received thru the scholarship grant without prejudice to the filing of charges against us. Applicant Parent/Guardian (Signature over printed name) (Signature over printed name) Date ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) ) s.s. BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the above jurisdiction, this day of , 20 personally appeared (Name of Parent, Legal Guardian) with Valid ID with ID No. issued at on , and (Name of Applicant if applicable), with Valid ID ID No. issued at on , known to me to be the same person(s) who executed the foregoing instrument and all attachments and acknowledge to me that the same is their/his true act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal on the date and place herein above stated. Doc. No. Page No. Book No. Series of 20 NOTARY PUBLIC Page 12 of 13 VICINITY MAP FORM Draw a map that shows how to get from your residence to MTC. State landmarks and names of major streets and use an “X” to indicate your house in the map. Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd., Metropolitan Park Pasay City Direct Line: (632) 859-0816 | Trunk Line: (632) 859-0888 Website: www.mtc.edu.ph Page 13 of 13