Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project MAIN ROADS WA MURDOCH DRIVE / SOUTH STREET INTERSECTION UPGRADE PROJECT COMMUNITY REFERENCE GROUP WORKSHOP #7 St John of God Hospital, Function Room 2 South Street Murdoch 5:00pm, Monday 6th May 2013 WORKSHOP SUMMARY 1. WELCOME, WORKSHOP PURPOSE AND PROCESS Linton Pike (workshop facilitator) welcomed participants to the workshop, outlined the process and explained that the workshop purpose was to: Provide a Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade project update; and Identify and respond to the priority considerations for the group. The workshop agenda is provided at Attachment One. A list of workshop participants and apologies is provided at Attachment Two. Linton thanked all CRG members for taking the time to continue their involvement in the group. 2. PREVIOUS MINUTES AND ACTIONS ARISING Comment was invited on the minutes of the previous CRG Meeting. No changes were requested The following actions arising from the previous meeting were reported. Action identified at March 2013 Meeting Response Recorded at May 2013 Meeting Opportunities to include school children in the public art process. Alison will contact Murdoch College and St Ives around July 2013 to get that input. ACTION: Alison This is an ongoing action. There has not been any contact with St Ives at this time with advanced notice needed – July or August suit. ACTION: Louise Children still cross cut through Wesfarmers and there is an emerging safety issue at the crossing point especially as winter approaches. Highway Construction will continue the bunting in place to the new Barry Marshall Drive intersection and install extra bunting along South Street to prevent children entering the roadway at all. ACTION: Andrew The additional bunting was not installed. No issues or concerns have arisen on the site. Murdoch College advised that they have not had any feedback from parents or students on the recent bus changes, nor the road works but it seem to be going well. Changing pedestrian movement patterns have resulted. Bus rerouting may have changed this need with fewer buses on this route. We will ask PTA to check route modifications. ACTION: Carolyn Further follow up is needed with Murdoch College to monitor the impacts for them. ACTION: Louise Barry Marshall bus route in now open and bus stop may be bypassed. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 1 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Action identified at March 2013 Meeting Response Recorded at May 2013 Meeting Bus routes will change in the future with some information communicated as part of the opening of Fiona Stanley Hospital (FSH). Carolyn will seek PTA information on planned future routes post opening of FSH. ACTION: Carolyn PTA information was distributed by email to CRG members and other key stakeholders and can now be distributed to broader communication networks. It can be included on the project website when PTA advises that the changes have been implemented. Interim and transitional arrangement information will be sought and included if available. ACTION: Carolyn Highways will contact Robin Scott at Murdoch University to work with Friends of Quenda via Murdoch University and Robin. We will contact Robin prior to landscaping seeking stakeholder involvement. ACTION: Andrew This is an ongoing matter and the project will be reaching a point where that input is needed soon. The scope of work is fairly tightly defined and we will not be going in the Quenda wetland. Input and involvement in the proposed treatment – species selection, replanting process, etc may be possible. Highways will contact Robin Scott of Murdoch University to arrange an initial meeting. ACTION: Cameron Carolyn to provide contact information for Robin. ACTION: Carolyn There are also Detention Centre work experience opportunities as well if of value to the project. ACTION: Cameron There are opportunities to quarantine and handover the Quenda replanting process to Murdoch Uni or other group/s. ACTION: Cameron Consider opportunity to relocate the existing Murdoch College sign further west on South Street with changing road conditions with MRWA and City of Melville input to a suitable location out of the road reserve. As a result it will be some time before this issue can be resolved. We need to set up a meeting between Main Roads, City of Melville, Murdoch College and Murdoch University to discuss where the sign can be relocated. ACTION: Yaqoob/Carolyn A very productive meeting was held with various parties providing input into the preferred location. City of Melville and Murdoch University were particularly helpful and informative and their help is greatly appreciated. Murdoch College will meet with signage contractor. Main Roads to provide final approval of location. ACTION: Yaqoob MRWA service information has been provided and a preferred location has been identified. Murdoch College is now progressing this subject to formal approval stage by MRWA. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 2 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Action identified at March 2013 Meeting Is there likely to be sufficient stacking room for turning traffic with delays experienced at the Murdoch Drive intersection? We are confident that the proposed solution is a valid one and the detour is most suited from an intersection visibility sight distance perspective. We will also have traffic controllers at this intersection to respond to any backup of traffic. Louise will advise local residents including St Ives of the proposed detour. ACTION: Louise Response Recorded at May 2013 Meeting Advice was provided with a supporting map. Wilma Gardiner expressed her appreciation adding that no adverse comments have been noted amongst St Ives residents. Some comment and interest about traffic noted by City of Melville but no major complaints. SJoG is noting some stacking of traffic in peak conditions. Traffic is backing up to the service station on South Street to the west for east bound traffic. Louise has spoken with the Caltex service station operator to include relevant information with concern expressed at impacts for their business. Louise to check the situation regularly (two weekly). ACTION: Louise MRWA has installed cameras for a short period of time (April 2013) to monitor and respond to changing traffic flows and patterns. MRWA has tried to manually intervene with changing phase times but impacts quickly result for Murdoch Drive. We will seek to arrange a future CRG meeting at Main Roads’ Traffic Operations Centre to help in the understanding how metropolitan wide traffic management works. ACTION: Carolyn The layout and traffic management solutions will be very fluid in the next few months and station parking arrangements have changed and we need to acknowledge this to identify trends and respond accordingly. ACTION: Cameron/Louise Any other changes noticed by CRG members should be reported to Carolyn please. ACTION: CRG members SJoG is waiting on a cost estimate to be provided for reimbursement for noise wall works undertaken by SJoG. The footpath work cannot proceed without noise wall design information. The noisewall along Fiona Wood Road has a footpath on the western side. Is the planning in place to reinstate that? The path will be retained as part of the Kwinana Freeway works. Andrew will provide further information at the next meeting of this group. ACTION: Andrew CRG #7 Workshop Summary The following was agreed: MRWA will design the southern-most section of noise wall with SJoG input. MRWA will provide a reimbursement amount for works to be completed by SJoG. ACTION: Yaqoob SJoG will construct the southern section of noise wall with a written agreement in place. Alastair Cowan will resolve the pathway and other details in the area with SJoG input ACTION: Carolyn Highway Construction will potentially complete the resultant works identified by Alastair at MRWA discretion. 6 May 2013 Page 3 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Action identified at March 2013 Meeting Response Recorded at May 2013 Meeting Vehicles leaving Murdoch University have difficulty crossing 3 lanes of traffic when turning right. There is also visibility and window of opportunity with vehicles inching into the South Street roadway. Can something be done to improve this? We will seek Traffic Operations Centre (TOC) advice with regard to possible phasing changes. ACTION: Yaqoob This has been addressed and signals have been modified. There are likely to be ongoing difficulties in a busy location until the works is completed. City of Melville hasn’t seen this as a black spot as it is currently understood. We need to understand the impacts of this project in the context of normal operations in the future. Extend the 60kph speed zoning associated with the works to a point further west of the Murdoch University entry/egress point. ACTION: Cameron Then if necessary MRWA will conduct a Road Safety Audit of the intersection. Any subsequent improvements required will not be funded by this project. ACTION: Yaqoob Seek to reinstate the full left turn slip lane into the university before the end of May 2013. ACTION: Cameron The erection and painting of walls will be done fairly quickly provided we get some economies of scale. We will adopt the Kwinana Freeway colour palette subject to comment of the public artist on the South Street side. On the local road side a single colour will be used as selected by MRWA other than at the end of the cul de sac. ACTION: Andrew Include information on resident side. Walls have now been primed. First final colours will be applied when pending rain is finished and uses the Kwinana Freeway palette. On the non road side it will be Ecru. 3. PROJECT UPDATE - CONSTRUCTION Cameron Lochran provided a construction update noting the following: Current and Completed Works - SW Quadrant Drainage Pavement Construction Asphalt along South St Murdoch Uni Access Path CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 4 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Current and Completed Works - NW Quadrant Relocate Water & Sewer Drainage Works Pavement including Asphalt Amenity Walls Current and Completed Works - NE Quadrant Earthworks in Progress Amenity Walls in Progress Current and Completed Works - E Median Remove Street lighting Remove kerb & concrete median Drainage Pavement Construction including Asphalt Current and Completed Works - SE Quadrant ATCO Gas Relocation Topsoil Removal Retaining Wall Under Construction CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 5 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Upcoming Works: SW Quadrant – Drainage & Pavement Construction along Murdoch Drive Kerb and Footpath Construction Weekend Closure of Murdoch Dve Northbound – End of May NW Quadrant – Basin Wall Re-Construction o Kerb and Footpath Construction o NE Quadrant - Weekend Closure of Murdoch Dve Northbound – End of May o Drainage and Pavement Works SE Quadrant – Earthworks o Drainage and Pavement Works Along South St - Amenity Wall Construction at Urbahns Crescent and SJOG o Concrete Barrier Installation for Pedestrians – Mid/End of May o Pavements Works Questions and answers arising from this session are summarised below. Q The retention of trees is of greater priority for SJoG at Fiona Wood Drive and further discussion is needed with SJoG A Carolyn to seek Alastair’s input. ACTION: Carolyn 4. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT UPDATE Louise Richardson provided a Community Engagement update noting that: A Project Newsletter has been prepared and distributed as shown below. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 6 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project A notice of parking restrictions on Urbahns Crescent and Calder Way has also been distributed as shown below. The St Ives Alternative detour advice has also been circulated as shown below. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 7 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project A nightworks notification has also been provided as shown below. Planned nightworks and pedestrian changes for April was circulated as shown below. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 8 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project An amenity wall advice was circulated to residents as shown below. An asbestos removal and nightworks circular was also distributed as shown below. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 9 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project A lane closure advertisement was also placed in relevant newspapers as shown below. Community Enquiries 14 enquiries have been received between 19 March and 6 May 2013 o Amenity walls (3) o Traffic signals (5) o Temporary footpath (1) o Tree removal (1) o Calder Way (1) o Noise (1) o Location of bus shelter (1) o Access for parking truck (1) Liaison with College/University Murdoch College o Liaison with College to check when students return to school after school holidays (Tuesday 7 May). Notify project team, advise extra caution. o Enquire about plans for ‘National Walk Safety to School Day’ (Friday 24 May). Not promoting due to road works/ongoing pedestrian changes. Murdoch College/University o Enquired about exam dates, project team to avoid disruptive works during exam periods. College exam period: NAPLAN 14-16 May, Year 10/11/12 exams 27 May - 7 June. University exam period: 1 - 14 June. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 10 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project Communication of planned upcoming works will be done soon are shown below. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 11 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project As always CRG and other community members are encouraged to contact us with any questions or concerns via: Louise and/or Hannah 0423 220 353 Questions and answers arising from this session are summarised below. Q A Is action needed to respond to the media article dealing with local area traffic – refer Attachment Three? SJoG advised that: Additional traffic has been reported on Fiona Wood Road and Barry Marshall Parade. It is difficult to get from SJoG entry/egress to Barry Marshall Parade. As a result people are turning left from SJoG at peak times to avoid the problem. The car park changes may have impacted upon this more. The administration building on Fiona Stanley Hospital site is now occupied and this may also be a factor. Include the new occupants of Fiona Stanley Hospital in our communications database and in future newsletter distributions. ACTION: Louise Wilma noted that movements along Murdoch Drive south bound into Discovery Drive seemed busier than usual. Murdoch University advised that they haven’t noticed any change but will monitor future trends. SJoG will report any future trends and take up the issue with Dept of Transport. This initiative is intended to address the increase in traffic to this destination. Carolyn will assist with contact details. ACTION: Leanne Early completion of the works will help to restabilise traffic flows to a new point of equilibrium. It was also noted that Barry Marshall Drive is still a Department of Health asset with further remediation required. Q Are further road closures required in the future? A Information will be provided outlining works for the next 4 to 6 weeks as shown above with website and phone information also available. Q The first planned detour was well signed but the second detour was comparatively poor signage wise with no “left arrow” directional sign to guide drivers. A This is noted Q A number of approaches have been to Main Roads requesting noise well extensions in the area of Raffaele Place. Is any change planned A It is proceeding as originally communicated with no further extensions planned with mixed opinions on the need to do so amongst local residents. Cameron explained that Andrew Keane has moved on to other Highway Construction projects and Cameron will take on the Project Manager role to ensure continuity of project knowledge and relationships. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 12 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project 5. ISSUES AND OPPORTUNITIES Discussion identified the following issues/opportunities: MRWA happy to support SJoG with contact and other details including attending meetings with DoT if that is helpful in resolving local area traffic issues associated with the Fiona Stanley Hospital project; and A combined noise wall and retaining wall solution could be sufficient to address the issue at SJoG/Fiona Wood Road. Carolyn to arrange for Alastair Cowan to meet with Chris Raykos and/or Yaqoob Siddiqui and then with Leanne to resolve this matter. ACTION: Carolyn 6. NEXT STEPS / NEXT MEETING The next steps in the process include: The next meeting of the CRG will be held on Monday 1st July 2013 at St John of God Murdoch meeting room. ACTION: Carolyn The workshop closed at 6:45pm. CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 13 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project ATTACHMENT TWO WORKSHOP PARTICIPANTS NAME REPRESENTING Mark Presland Community member Wilma Gardiner Community - St Ives Retirement Village Martin Spencer (until 6:15) City of Melville Leanne Milligan SJOG Hospital Linton Pike (Facilitator) Estill & Associates Project Team NAME REPRESENTING Phil Barker Highway Construction Cameron Lochran Highway Construction Chris Raykos (PD) MRWA Louise Richardson Highway Construction Yaqoob Siddiqui (PM) MRWA Carolyn Walker (CWPR - Community Relations Manager) Apologies Francis Hobday Murdoch University John Cameron City of Melville Gavin Ponton City of Melville John Logan Community member Jenny Croucher Community member Dorree Rogers Murdoch College Robin Scott Murdoch University Environmental Science Association (MUENSA) (representing William Fowler) CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 14 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project ATTACHMENT THREE - MEDIA ARTICLE CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 15 Murdoch Drive / South Street Intersection Upgrade Project CRG #7 Workshop Summary 6 May 2013 Page 16