Mea Culpa - Graying Hockey

Mea Culpa
There’s nothing Dan Bellissimo enjoys more than a Mea Culpa Rant. He’ll have his
assistant bring in his Grande Mocha, settle into his fine Italian leather desk chair
and then call in the hot minx intern from Wharton to read it to him. He’ll chuckle,
spin around a few times, have her read it again and then get on with his day.
On a cold Thursday night in Rockville things got chippy. Moyzzz was flying, sticks
got high but in the end, another push.
“This outcome was very disappointing.” Remarked Cohen “I haven’t been this
bummed since that J-Date picnic got rained out.”
With no Nicky Carone and no Gerry Daley to spice things up, Dan Nyberg decided
HE would take it to another level. If you weren’t there and wanted to get an idea
of the type of stick play Nyberg exhibited I suggest you Rent Bruce Lee’s Game of
Check it out here
“It’s been awhile since Nyberg was this fired up.” Said Sherm “It’s either
Sequestration, Menstruation or IKEA was out of Meatballs.”
With the play getting physical, the Toomey, Lady & Moyzzzz line was white hot.
Touch passing, one timers, empty net tap ins…….aside from Lady’s shitty Black
Russian jersey they were fun to watch.
“The only time I’m ordering a Black Russian is if Me and Buchanan are down at
Good Guy’s and Jasmine is dancing” Explained HOF
After Nyberg administered his 4th or 5th Graphite Shampoo, The CZAR called a TV
timeout and addressed the group.
“If any of you Homos…………touch me…………..I’ll kill ya.” Said the CZAR.
He then followed it up with a brief Powerpoint and Demo explaining possible
ramifications of injury to other players including but not limited to: additional
meister duties, revoked Golf Outing drinking Privelidges or possible even
From there. Things settled down.
Author’s Note: If any of you guys are bidding up the Vintage St. Louis Blues
Converse NHL Game Puck on E-Bay….knock that shit off.
In the post game parking lot, tempers cooled and Antonoff heated up the fire. It
was a nice quiet fire like the Rumble Scene in The Outsiders or the final scene in
“I’m not gonna say Antonoff is a Pyromaniac……but he’s definitely a regular
maniac.” Remarked Toomey
Missing in action once again was the MAAAN. Stef Hull, aka THE MAAAN, hasn’t
skated since Spring of 2006. Questions surrounding the MAAAN’s whereabouts
have been frequent.
Veneri: “Hey Baaaahb, Where’s Stef been, haven’t seen him in awhile.”
Burkey: “Hey Bobby, you hear from Stef? What’s he up to?”
Lady: “HOF you cheap prick, next time get the Double Stuff Oreos.”
Tune in next week as the Rant examines the following:
-Malik. The lost porn tapes.
-Yovanovich. Up to 7% body fat?
-Drew Mac. Total Hockey or Total Bullshit?
-Gerry Daley. Can he REALLY rip a phone book in half?