Febreze Creative Brief

Mock Febreze Creative Brief
Emma Cartwright
1. The Situation
Febreze is an odor eliminator sold by Procter & Gamble since 1998. Their
advertising campaign focuses on eliminating bad smells in the fabrics, home, and
cars. Febreze has grown its product line to feature candles, air fresheners, car vent
clips, in addition to their odor eliminating spray all in a variety of unique scents.
Febreze assures they can remove any bad odor from pets, smoke, sweat, and daily
2. Cultural Fuel
In today’s society busy families want a clean home. With their hectic lives, parents
don’t want to be worried about bad odors when they could be doing so much more
with their family. They are looking for products that will effectively eliminate odor
everywhere. Consumers have also become accustomed to variety; they look for a
product offering a number of scents and don’t want to get bored with one aroma.
They are looking for an efficient product that will make every room, item, or car
smell great everyday.
3. Marketing Communication Purpose
We seek to position Febreze as the brand that makes life better and enables people
to breathe happy. Febreze improves consumers’ lives by making everything smell
better. Rather than worrying about bad odors, families can enjoy their time together
in better ways. Febreze can be used in many setting and offers variety to please any
consumer. We want to position Febreze as the brand of air freshener that eliminates
so effectively that your life instantly improves.
4. Target Audience
Our target audience is females aged 35-49 years old who have at least one child.
Hello, I’m Susan Jones. I work a part time dental assistant. My husband, Grant, is a
medical salesman. We have two beautiful children: Bella, 8, and James, 16. We also
have to crazy dogs, Milo and Sugar. Our life can be hectic. When I’m not at the office
I’m driving the kids to sports practice or a friend’s house, helping them with
homework, preparing dinner, and a little bit of everything else. It’s so hard to fit in
family time with our busy schedules. With all our family’s activities, cleaning
sometimes takes a backseat and odors aren’t always pleasant in our household,
thanks to sports and the dogs. I’m always looking for a way to make things smell
5. Consumer Insight
There are plenty of air fresheners and cleaning products but I want one that eliminates
odors. I also love to switch things up and find new scents for my home. A lot of these air
fresheners weren’t safe for my pets and more importantly my kids, I want my family to
be happy and healthy. Beyond my home I also love to have a great smelling car because I
spend so much time in there with all our running around to practice and neighbor’s
homes. I want every product to make my life easier and better smelling.
6. Competition
Our primary competition is Air Wick. This product is also an air freshener that promises
a clean, fresh scent for your home. Air Wick also offer a variety of products and a
number of additional scents. Secondary competitors include other air fresheners and
scent products like Glade, Lysol, and Bath & Bodyworks sprays.
7. Communication Problems
Many consumers do not see the difference between air freshener products, they think
they are all the same. They many not realize that Febreze offers such a variety of
products, including car fresheners and candles. Consumers may not know that Febreze
is proven safe for children and pets. Families may not know that Febreze is a product
that can be trusted to get rid of all kinds of odors.
8. The Bottom Line
a. Focus of Sale – The focus of sale is to convince moms (35-49) that Febreze
is the best air fresheners to eliminate odors and bring variety to their
home. Febreze improves one’s life and makes it easy to spend time with
b. Support – Febreze can get rid of any odor from pets, smoke, sweat, and
allergens. The Febreze product line also offers many products that work in
any situation, to please any mom.
c. Tone and manner – Our campaign is about portraying Febreze as a
product that can make family life better. We want to show the
effectiveness and quality of the product while also linking it to family time
and expanding the breathe happy campaign.
d. Brand Personality – Febreze is a kind, helpful guy. He is fresh and very put
together and he is the kind of person you love to talk to and hang out with.
He can always make you happy. He can also adapt to many different
situations and he is the one to call when you need help in any predicament.