Framing the Constitution: Elitist or Democratic Process?

Framing the Constitution: Elitist or Democratic Process?
Read the following selections from American Government Readings and Cases, (Woll) and answer the
questions for each. Be prepared to discuss the readings and the central question: was the Constitution
framed to support the elite or does it truly represent a democratic process?
Reading one: John P. Roche “The Founding Fathers: A Reform Caucus in Action” p 10-30
1. What does Roche mean when he describes the Constitutional Convention of 1787 as a
democratic reform caucus?
2. What were the major political constraints operating during the Constitutional Convention of
3. Although delegates to the Constitutional Convention were not elitists the Beardian sense, most
of the framers did share certain political views, which they sought to institutionalize over strong
opposition in the country. How does Roche characterize the framers of the Constitution?
4. What does Roche feel was the role of political theory at the Constitutional Convention?
5. What evidence is there that the retrospective symmetry given to the Constitution by The
Federalist has been influential in the American political tradition?
Reading two: Charles A. Beard, “Framing the Constitution” p 31-40
1. What was the effect of the state constitutions and the Articles of Confederation upon the
dominant economic classes?
2. How does Beard characterize the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
3. What were the views of the delegates to the Convention on democracy and equality, according
to Beard?
4. Aside from describing the delegates as representatives of the propertied classes desiring to
protect their interests, what other evidence does Beard present to support his thesis that the
principal purpose of the Constitution was to protect most forms of private property?
5. Beard relies upon The Federalist to support his argument that the Constitution was designed to
protect the economic interests of property holders. In the selection you have read, what
arguments does Beard make based on The Federalist to support his conclusions?
AP Politics
Free State High School