DIRECTING THE AMYGDALA Please read the article entitled, Directing Outcomes. You will find it under: 5. Vital Distinctions to Help You Create More Effectively. You will use this process to direct your amygdala to begin responding the way you want it to and not the way it has been responding. Using this technique along with the others that you have been learning about will give you the direction, understanding and power to reprogram and retrain your amygdala within your brain. Remember your amygdala is what controls your anxiety levels, your addictions, your unwanted habits, your phobias, your panic, your unwanted results from past traumatic experiences and most of your fear. Our amygdala controls our Safety Response Switch which in most cases has become faulty and is triggered way too soon causing our high anxiety levels, our addictions, our unwanted habits, our phobias, our panic, our unwanted results from past traumatic experiences and most of our fear. This entire program in Monthly Mastery is to systematically and permanently reset our Faulty Safety Response Switches. We will take them from here (shown in the following diagram) - - - Low anxiety (fear)– no alarm SAFETY RESPONSE SWITCH Extreme anxiety (threat – fear) alarm goes off in our bodies & minds Normal Mid anxiety (fear) Normal High anxiety (fear) To here (shown in the following diagram) - - - Low anxiety (fear)– no alarm Mid anxiety (fear)– no alarm SAFETY RESPONSE SWITCH Extreme anxiety (threat – fear) alarm goes off in our bodies & minds High anxiety (fear) To here (shown in the following diagram) - - - Low anxiety (fear)– no alarm Mid anxiety (fear) – no alarm High anxiety (fear) – no alarm SAFETY RESPONSE SWITCH Extreme anxiety (threat – fear) alarm goes off in our bodies & minds What we want to do is give the amygdala, our “faulty safety response switch” legs and roots that reach deep into the ground of ultimate safety, peace, certainty and freedom. We want to stabilize it so it doesn’t rise to the top and explode on us whenever it feels slightly threatened. The ways we will give it legs that anchor it to the ground will be to add each of the strategies given in this section into our daily lives. I hope you are taking this journey with me because it is not only thrilling but cutting-edge technology. You will notice in the diagram that some of the roots, legs, anchors do not have a label. That is because I have more strategies to give you. I want you to take the time to implement each one into your life one by one. You don’t need to be in a hurry. Each strategy will dramatically change the quality of your life and allow you feel more in control of your life and more empowered. It would be wise to review each of the strategies in this section on a regular basis. Here is how I picture the implementation of each strategy and how each one anchors us into the ground of safety, freedom, certainty and peace. (I am not a graphic designer so you have to use some imagination with my little chart but I think you get the picture.) I will update the chart as I add more strategies. Get excited! Low anxiety (fear) – no alarm Mid anxiety (fear) – no alarm High anxiety (fear) – no alarm CERTAINTY M.O.M. PEACE DISTRACTION SAFETY BALLOON POP FEEL FEELINGS SAFETY RESPONSE SWITCH CLARITY FREEDOM FREE FROM ADDICTION & UNWANTED HABITS