Warriors go Brách! Sport Week 15

May 21 2015
I Wet Weather Line 3878 0511
Head of Sport and Activities—Mr Dave Capra
Momentum…. Over the weekend I had cause to reflect on the concept of momentum and the impact that this can have on sporting
performances (and life in general). Going into the weekend, the QLD Reds and Brisbane Lions were both facing tough challenges on
their home grounds in playing teams who sat significantly higher than them on the ladders of their respective competitions. Both
teams entered their games as underdogs on the weekend, and both came out on top, both winning their second games of the season.
In both games, the away teams got off to an early lead, yet both the Lions and Reds started passing in front, kicking to men in space and
slowly strung together the plays that created scoring opportunities meaning both went into half time in the lead on the scoreboard.
More importantly, both the Lions and Reds had the momentum in the game and the players gelled together to make the most of the
lead and capitalise on the opportunities that came their way. The first few minutes after half-time in any game is always a crucial stanza
in a game as the momentum can often shift after the hiatus in play. Both the Lions and the Reds seized the opportunity and as they
gathered strength and momentum the opportunities came faster and thicker, the passes
stuck, the kicks found their mark and for the Lions in particular, the goal posts seemed to
stretch wider and wider as the goals came pouring in.
We played Gregory Terrace on the weekend in Football and Tennis and in the football in
particular found our opposition to be very strong and quite challenging to play against, for
which they are to be commended. When we looked at each teams performance, it was
apparent that across the school we played outstanding first halves of football and in many
cases went into half time, tied, in the lead or just one goal down. In that first period of play
after halftime, the momentum shifted and a few scores got away on us. I always have
cause to be very proud of our ATC boys and the weekend was no exception, I am not being
critical of our boys. Rather, I would like to challenge our boys to hit the ground running
after half time, to ride the momentum which will come from their focused work as individuals an as a team and to keep the momentum gathering strength right through their matches. I believe that there is no feeling like leaving the field of battle, knowing that you have
tried your best to outplay your opposite number and fought your hardest at each contest,
weary, yet elated, in the knowledge that win, lose or draw you gave it your all.
Good luck to all of our boys, coaching staff and supporters for another great weekend of
ATC Sport.
Warriors go Brach!
Armidale Rugby Raffle—Prize Winners
1st—Annie Blaik (Elijah Bolton’s Grandma)
Supporters Gear
2nd—Fletcher Porche Year 6
You might have noticed parents wearing ATC supporters polos, jackets or caps at Col2rd—Greg Konig—(Belcher’s neighbour)
lege events over the past few weeks. These are available to purchase the uniform shop
and come in ladies and mens sizing. We will be selling these at Year 5 and 6 Football on Saturday 6 June and at other home
games in the coming Football and Rugby season. If you would like to don the blue-white-green in support of our boys, please
check out our range when you next have the chance.
ATC Tennis Age Championships
This event will be held at Ambiwerra Courts, Corinda on Sunday 31 May from 12.00pm onwards. Boys will play in age groups
according to year of birth, with all boys playing multiple matches throughout the afternoon. This event is open to all boys at ATC,
regardless of whether they play tennis for the school. We would love to see boys coming for an afternoon of friendly competition against boys their own age. If you wish for your son to participate please email Dave Capra caprad@atc.qld.edu.au
May 21 2015
I Wet Weather Line 3878 0511
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Success is hard work and effort!
So what does it take to be successful? If we asked 100 people this we may get many and varied responses but I would think that,
for most, they would mention hard work and effort.
I feel you cannot become successful within any area of life without hard work and effort. In saying this, success also can be measured in many ways as well. What one of us sees as success may not even enter another’s mind/standard of success.
For me, success in sport is quite simple—setting small achievable goals, meeting these goals, and then aiming for other slightly
larger goals . This does not mean that we do not ‘dare to dream’. I believe it is vitally important to have a dream in life, your big
overriding goal. Yes, it may be a ’pipe dream’ which at this point in time seems unachievable or very, very distant but this overriding dream/goal is also very important in helping us achieve our smaller short term goals.
I have often heard younger athletes, when asked the question (based on sport and their goals), ‘what to you what to be/
achieve?’, respond with:
be an Olympian;
play in the NRL;
be a Wallaby;
get drafted;
run for Australia etc etc.
This to me is fantastic and these dreams and aspirations, I believe,
MUST NOT be shattered but rather followed up with such questions
How are you going to do that?
What will you/we need to do to make this happen?
Do you know what you have to do to achieve this dream?
(putting a realistic context to the dream and using examples of those before them ‘who have made it’)
Yes, for the majority, these such dreams may not eventuate BUT by assisting them with the process of how it could be made possible, we are in fact teaching them and giving them the opportunity to process what needs to be done to achieve such success—
the EFFORT that is required for any level of success whether it be the small attainable goal or the larger long term dream.
I will finish up on this week’s topic of ‘Success is hard work and effort’ with a story from my own life experience:
When my daughter was very young I started the nightly ritual of tucking her into bed, telling her how much I loved her and then
always said to her without fail — “Remember you can do anything you want as long as you believe in yourself”.
It wasn't long before she was repeating this back to me and I cannot believe the impact that those few words have had on her,
where to this day, I know she takes this motto into everything she now does.
May 21 2015
I Wet Weather Line 3878 0511
Athletic Performance Coordinator — Mr Luke Donatini
Believe me, I am not a ‘pushy’ parent when it comes to my daughter—very far from it! I have always listened to her and what her
goals were/are and then tried as best I could/can to assist her to positively achieve her goals. Like all father/daughter relationships we do have our moments. We get it right most of the time and sometimes we don’t but the positive support with assisting
her achieve her successes is always there.
I must also mention that she truly knows that we, her parents, are very proud of her whatever level of achievement/success she
gains. She also knows that she will experience failure /disappointment at some point and that this is also ok. She knows that she
will learn from these such experiences, becomes stronger and builds on them in the hope that it will not occur again.
I hope that we have also, along the way in assisting her with being successful and believing in herself, equipped her with the necessary resilience to deal with the disappointments when they do appear. Helping her to realize that all success comes with hard
work and effort.
ATC Cross Country
Best of luck to the following ATC Cross Country runners who be representing the College at the Metropolitan West Cross Country
Championships this coming Tuesday 26 May at Limestone Park, Ipswich.
Joel Parlane (11 Years) Zach Beachy-Head (11 Years) Joe Newell (11 Years) Dom Anderson (12 Years) Pat Newell (13 Years)
Noah Ryan (13 Years) Luca Galluzzo (14 Years) Calum Barter (14 Years) Nat Cowin (14 Years)
This Saturday Ambrose Treacy College will be participating at the Queensland Athletics All Schools Cross Country Relay Championships to be held at Nudgee College, Boondall. We have 12 teams (36 runners) across Year 4 to Year 8 entered into this event.
We wish all our runner every success at what should be an enjoyable and successful afternoon of cross country running.
Under 9 – 3 x 1000m (Race Start – 1.00pm)
Under 10 – 3 x 2000m (Race Time – 1.25pm)
Under 11 – 3 x 2000m (Race Time – 1.25pm)
Under 12 – 3 x 3000m (Race Time – 2.05pm)
Under 13 – 3 x 3000m (Race Time – 2.05pm)
Under 14 – 3 x 3000m (Race Time – 3.00pm)
To view full program of events click – here
For further information, please go to the QA Website – http://
May 21 2015
I Wet Weather Line 3878 0511
The Ambrose Treacy College Cross Country Age Championships, Fun Run and Family Day will be held on the afternoon of Sunday
14 June. All ATC families are most welcome to this event.
Fig Tree Pocket Equestrian Club, 717 Fig Tree Pocket Road, Fig Tree Pocket.
Warm Up from 12 noon
12.45pm: 9 Years 2000m Age Championship Race
12.45pm: 10 Years 2000m Age Championship Race
1.10pm: 11 Years 3000m Age Championship Race
1.10pm: 12 Years 3000m Age Championship Race
1.10pm: 13 Years 3000m Age Championship Race
1.10pm: 14 Years 3000m Age Championship Race
1.45pm: Presentation of Cross Country Age Champions & College
Cross Country Champion
2.00pm: 2000m Family Fun Run/Walk (All welcome to participate)
BBQ Sausage Sizzle Lunch and Drinks available on the day.
Please be reminded of the following Cross Country Training Times for ALL Ambrose Treacy Cross Country Runners 
Monday Mornings – 6.45am to 8.00am (meet at ATC Oval – Canteen Area)
Thursday Mornings – 6.45am to 8.00am (meet at ATC Oval – Canteen Area)
Friday Morning 22 May – Advance Squad Training is at Fig Tree Pocket Equestrian Club, 717 Fig Tree Pocket Road, Fig Tree
Pocket. Training commences at 6.45am SHARP!
ATC Fitness Sessions
For those students in years 5 to 8 attending the weekly Wednesday morning fitness session, you are reminded of the following:
Start Time: 6.45am SHARP (not 7.00am or later) at Jack Bowers Oval
Clothing: Suitable training apparel that can get dirty and wet
Footwear: Joggers (not Football Boots)
Must Have: Water Bottle and Towel (a positive attitude & willing to work hard)
AFL Admin and Integrity Officer—Mrs Fiona Kearney
The highlight of our football week was the Boys Day Out at the Gabba on Sunday afternoon. The ATC boys must have been the good luck charm
for the Lions. Thanks to those of you who came along and made it a great afternoon. As you all should know by now , we have made the decision to implement a whole club training session on a Tuesday afternoon at Chelmer Sports commencing next week beginning May 25.
The Weekend Ahead:
Juniors( (9‘s 10’s and 11’s) Please have your boys at the game 30 mins prior to kick off for warm up.
Youth ( 12’s and 13’s) Please have your boys at the game 1 hour prior to kick off for warm up.
Under 9’s
23rd May SAT
ATC Vs Sherwood White @ 41 Chelmer St East, Sherwood. 10.00 am
29 May FRI
ATC vs Wests Junior White@ Chelmer- 6.00 pm
6th June SAT
ATC Vs Yeronga @ Leyshon Park , Yeronga 11 am
Under 10’s
22nd May- FRI
30th May SAT
ATC vs Jindalee Blue@ Chelmer. 6.00 pm
ATC vs Kenmore Green @ Akuna Oval , Hepworth St. Kenmore .
5th June- FRI
ATC vs Sherwood White @ Chelmer. 6 pm
Under 11’s
23rd May SAT
ATC vs Forest Lake @ CT Greenfield Complex.Freeman Rd, Rich-
29th May FRI
6th June SAT
ATC Vs Ipswich Cats @ Chelmer. 7.00 pm.
ATC vs Park Ridge @ 236 Crest Rd . Park Ridge . 11.00 am
Under 12 Greens
24th May SUN
ATC vs Morningsides@ Morningside- Jack Esplen Oval Hawthorne
Under 12 Blues
24th May SUN
ATC vs Wests Juniors@ CHelmer. 9.00 am- BLUE SHORTS
Under 13’s
24th May SUN
ATC vs Sandgate@ CHelmer. 10.00 am- BLUE SHORTS
If your son is sick on the day please contact your coach or manager. Similarly if your son is unavailable for the game please advise the
coach / manager as soon as possible.
Good Luck to all our teams this weekend.
AFL Admin and Integrity Officer—Mrs Fiona Kearney
If your son is sick on the day please contact your coach or manager. Similarly if your son is unavailable
for the game please advise the coach / manager as soon as possible. We are considering holding a 2
day in house AFL camp over June 22- 23 and are currently taking expressions of interest, please email
me if this sounds like something you are interested in.
Please also take a moment to read the following information regarding training arrangements for the remainder of the season as
per the email that was sent out to all club members by Dave Capra earlier this week.
Our ATC AFL Executive met last week to review the start of the season and to plan for the transition into Chelmer in a more permanent capacity. In doing so we reviewed our current training set up and have decided to implement some changes to our training format. We have made the decision to implement a whole club training session on a Tuesday afternoon at Chelmer
Sports. In doing so we aim to:
Increase basic skills levels of all players
Support coaching staff
Increase ratio of coaches to players
Utilise quality AFL training venue
Develop the club atmosphere
Utilise specialist coaching staff
Create opportunity for parent involvement
Increase presence and involvement of ATC staff
Develop relationships between younger and older boys
Establish routines and processes for both training and playing
Develop AFL culture within our school environment.
We are very aware that parents and boys carefully plan out their weeks
with co-curricular commitments and the day to day logistics of pick up
and drop off and that this change may cause some inconvenience. I
would like to apologise in advance for this and ask for your support as
we seek to offer your son the best possible AFL experience we can.
Training times will be as follows beginning next Monday 25 May
Under 11 only 3.15pm to 4.30pm @ ATC
All teams @ Chelmer Sports
Under 9, 10 and 11 – 4.00pm to 5.00pm
Under 12 and Under 13 – 4.00pm to 5.30pm
Buses Depart ATC at 3.30pm. Parents are to collect their sons from Chelmer Sports at after their session has finished.
Please Email Fiona Kearney if you wish for your son to be placed on the bus list
Under 9 and 10 @ ATC 3.15pm to 4.00pm
Under 12 and Under 13 @ Chelmer Sports – 4.00pm to 5.30pm Our thanks for your understanding of this
change and my apologies again for any inconvenience that this causes. We are confident that this will be a really positive change
for the club, a great opportunity for the boys to enjoy their training and to develop their skills as players and as teams.
AFL Coaching Coordinator—Mr Brett Cashmere
u/9 played Kenmore on Saturday at home.
A wonderful game played in the right spirit. A couple of familiar faces greeted the boys with Seb McConnell and Eljiah Harris-Loft
being the star players for Kenmore. However, this game will be remembered for the brilliance of Archie Molloy. He was just too
big and too strong for everybody on the ground. He was abley supported by the mosquito fleet of Aiden Warriner, Gianni Coe
and Dashiel Solomon.
u/10 played Kenmore on Saturday at Kenmore.
A great game from the boys. Tyson Juillerat racking up goals at will and Callum MacLeod shredding the opposition with his speed
and balance. Charlie Mills is maturing as a footballer and is moulding his game upon the St Kilda Legend, Lenny Hayes. Darcy’s
ruck work was again exemplary and Sam Hewson is developing into a wonderful footballer.
u/11 3-6-24 lost to Wests 7-5-41 on Saturday at home.
Another game of two halves. ATC led at the half time break 15/12, however, Wests came over the top of ATC in the second half
to win 47/24. The game was close and exciting and wasn't till the last quarter that Wests Juniors proved a little too good for ATC.
Highlights of the game were Joe Newell who worked hard on the ball with great spatial awareness throughout the game. Other
players who impressed were TJ Meekin, Jack Brennan, Angus Parnell, Ryan Forrester, and Dane Ball. Sami Walsh rucking all day
was awarded player of the game.
u/12 Green 2-2-14 lost to Ipswich 8-14-62 on Sunday at home.
A close game up until the final quarter when Ipswich was able to gain momentum and kick a flurry of final quarter goals.Top 3
players were Oscar Erzetich, Will Godson and Ziggy de Nicolai. Highlights were: Oscar tearing down the wing, passing the ball off
and then chasing it up again and winning another posession,. Cooper Nasagavesi dominating at fullback and stopping the goals
on the line and Will Godson’s world record tally of tackling that resulted in many free kicks to him as well as stealing the ball from
the payers mid stride.
u/12 Blue 11-19-85 dft Sandgate 0-2-2 on Sunday at Sandgate.
What a difference a week makes. The boys responded with a resounding victory on one of
the largest grounds in Brisbane. Their pressure at the ball was relentless all day. Best on
ground, our ATC Irish Warriors – If ever there was a time for an “all played well” then
this isn’t it, this is a time for an “all played awesome.” Needless to say that it was the
most inspiring and passionate War Cry sung.
u/13 2-3-15 lost to Aspley 6-8-44 on Sunday
The boys started the game asleep and Kenmore had a great start. Unfortunately despite a
huge lift by the ATC boys we were unable to claw back the victory. Conor McCarthy, Paddy
Newell were stand outs, all over the ball for the entire game. Special mention to Oliver
Thynne and Matthew Rosolen for keeping effort and spirits up all the way to the fourth despite facing a hard side. Kenmore having recently been relegated from Division 1.
Last weekend saw a tough round of football against Gregory Terrace with only the mighty 6C
Blue team recording a win, lead by player of the week Elijah Bolton and coach of the week Ms Siobhan Brophy. With games
against The Southport School for our Middle School boys and BBC
at home for our Junior School boys we are looking forward to an
enjoyable weekend of football ad a change for our boys to improve in some areas from last week. Safe Travels for our Middle
Schools players, coaches and supporters and best of luck to everyone!
Rd 3 vs GT Sat
16 May
7/8 Blue GT vs ATC
6C Blue GT vs ATC
6C Green GT vs ATC
5C Blue GT vs ATC
Result Win/Loss Player of the week
Charlie Cooper
Dylan Moule
Jack Edmond
Xavier Arnold
Carter Reid
Miles Bojorge
Alastiar McGahon
Elijah Bolton
Samuel Scott
Joe Lindenburg
Harry Fitzgerald
Linus Borger
Draw Saturday 23 May vs Brisbane Boys College and The Southport School
Rd 4 vs TSS and BBC (A/H) Saturday 23 May
Vs TSS @ The Southport School, Regan Oval – 8.00am
Vs TSS @ The Southport School, Regan Oval 9.00am
Vs TSS @ The Southport School, Ware Oval 8.00am
Vs TSS @ The Southport School, Ware Oval 9.00am
7/8 Blue
Vs TSS @ The Southport School, Ware Oval 10.00am
Vs BBC , ATC Football 1, 8.15am
Vs BBC, ATC Football 2, 8.15am
6C Blue
Vs BBC, ATC Football 1, 9.15am
6C Green
Vs BBC, ATC Football 2, 9.15am
Vs BBC, ATC Football 3, 8.15am
Vs BBC, ATC Football 3, 9.15am
5/6 Blue
Vs BBC, ATC Football 3, 10.15am
All Junior school games will
be played at ATC, Kate St,
Field Maps Below
ATC Football Fields and Parking
TSS Playing Fields and Parking
Access via Winchester St, Southport
ATC Year 4 Rugby Team—celebrating another win!
ATC Junior Australian Football Club are proudly supported by…..