Independent Assurance report To: The Board of Directors and Management of Suncor Energy Inc. (“Suncor”) What we looked at: Scope of our work We have reviewed selected corporate-wide and business unit performance indicators, as further described in the addendum below, for Suncor's Report on Sustainability for the year ended December 31, 2013 (“the Report”). We did not review all information included in the Report. A review does not constitute an audit and, consequently, we do not express an audit opinion on the selected performance indicators. Responsibilities Suncor management is responsible for the selection and presentation of the indicators and information set out in the Report. We did not review all information included in the report, except where they incorporated the selected performance indicators. Our responsibility is to express an independent conclusion on whether anything has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the selected performance indicators are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. What we did: Assurance standards and key assurance procedures We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements (ISAE) 3000 developed by the International Federation of Accountants. As such, we planned and performed our work in order to provide limited assurance with respect to the selected performance indicators that we reviewed. Our review criteria were based on the GRI G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. Our procedures included: • Interviewing relevant Suncor management and staff responsible for data collection and reporting; • Obtaining an understanding of the management systems, processes and the relevant controls used to generate, aggregate and report the data at Suncor’s regional operations and head office; • Reviewing relevant documents and records on a sample basis; • Testing and re-calculating information related to the selected performance indicators on a sample basis; and, • Assessing the information for consistency with our knowledge of Suncor’s operations, including comparing the Suncor’s assertions to publicly available third-party information. Environmental and energy use data are subject to inherent limitations of accuracy given the nature and the methods used for determining such data. The selection of different acceptable measurement techniques can result in materially different measurements. The precision of different measurement techniques may also vary. © Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities. Suncor Energy Inc. 1 What we found: Our conclusion Based on our work described in this report, except for the matters described in the preceding paragraph, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the selected performance indicators are not presented fairly, in all material respects, in accordance with the GRI G3.1 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines. This report is intended solely for use by the Management and Board of Directors of Suncor. Deloitte LLP Calgary, Canada June 27, 2014 © Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities. Suncor Energy Inc. 2 Addendum – Selected corporate-wide and business unit performance indicators reviewed The following corporate-wide and business unit performance indicators were included in our review of Suncor's Report on Sustainability for the year ended December 31, 2013 Indicator Location Upstream net production Oil Sands, In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], North American Onshore (NAO), East Coast and Suncor-wide Downstream net production Refining & Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City] and Suncorwide Total upstream and downstream production Suncor-wide Direct energy Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast, and Suncor-wide Indirect energy Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City] In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast, and Suncor-wide Total energy Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast, and Suncor-wide Greenhouse gas (GHG) Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast, and Suncor-wide GHG emission intensity Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast, and Suncor-wide Sulphur dioxide Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast and Suncor-wide Sulphur dioxide emission intensity Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast and Suncor-wide Nitrogen oxides Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast and Suncor-wide Nitrogen oxides emissions intensity Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast and Suncor-wide Water withdrawal Oil Sands, In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag] and Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City] Water withdrawal intensity Oil Sands In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag] and Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City] Total land disturbed Oil Sands only Land reclaimed Oil Sands only Total number of producing wells NAO only Number of wells undergoing reclamation NAO only Number of reclamation certificates received NAO only Employee and contractor fatalities Oil Sands, NAO, Refining and Marketing [Edmonton, Mississauga, Sarnia, Montreal and Commerce City], In-Situ [MacKay River and Firebag], East Coast and Suncor-wide © Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities. Suncor Energy Inc. 3 Indicator Location Employee lost time injury frequency Oil Sands Aboriginal spend Suncor-wide © Deloitte LLP and affiliated entities. Suncor Energy Inc. 4