Classifying animals

Classifying animals
Different types of animal
There are as many as 3 million
different types of animals which
live on earth and in its oceans!
To help quickly work out what
an animal is like, scientists put
them in groups with other
animals that are similar.
Photo credit sergio venturi
Groups of animals
Some of these groups are:
Fish live in water. They use
their tail and fins to swim
around. They can be all sorts of
amazing colors.
Some fish are huge and some
are tiny. The Whale Shark can
be longer than a bus but some
fish can be smaller than your
Do you know the names of any
Birds have feathers and wings.
Nearly all birds can fly but some
are also really good swimmers.
Most birds live in nests where
they lay their eggs.
They eat all sorts of different
foods; some eat insects, some
eat fish and some eat big
animals like deer!
Do you know the names of any
Mammals are an odd
collection of animals. They
have warm blood and hair.
Humans are mammals and so
are cats, monkeys, tigers and
whales! Some can live in water
but most live on dry land.
Do you know the names of any
Crustaceans normally live in
the water. They have a hard
shell on the outside of their
body for protection. They
have five pairs of legs and
some have claws which they
use to catch their food.
Do you know the names of
any crustaceans?
Reptiles are some of the
oldest surviving animals on
the planet. Some types of
reptiles have been around
since before the dinosaurs!
Reptiles have scaly skin.
Some have shells. They can
live in water or on land.
Can you name some
Grouping animals
These three animals are all part of the same family.
That family is called reptiles.
Can you see any similarities?
Grouping animals
These three animals are all part of the same family.
That family is called crustaceans.
Can you see any similarities?
Grouping animals
These three animals are all part of the same family.
That family is called mammals.
Can you see any similarities?
Grouping animals
These four animals are all part of the same
That family is called fish.
Can you see any similarities?
Grouping animals
This animal is the only one on the cards from its family.
That family is called birds.
How can you tell it is a bird?