2010 American Control Conference Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD, USA June 30-July 02, 2010 WeB10.1 Optimal Control for a Scalar One-Step Linear System with Additive Cauchy Noise Moshe Idan, Amir A. Emadzadeh and Jason L. Speyer Abstract— An optimal control scheme is developed for scalar discrete linear dynamic systems driven by Cauchy distributed process and measurement noises. Since the Cauchy density has infinite variance, a cost function is defined for which the unconditional expectation with respect to the Cauchy densities produces a cost criterion that exists. After showing that this cost criterion allows a dynamic programming solution for the multistage problem, an optimal controller is determined for one step time update. Characteristics of the optimal controller is compared with the linear exponential Gaussian (LEG) controller. The dramatic performance difference between the Cauchy and the LEG controllers is studied. Furthermore, through different numerical examples, some interesting properties of the Cauchy controller are examined. I. I NTRODUCTION There are many engineering applications where one encounters random processes or noises which cannot be described by Gaussian probability distribution. Atmospheric and underwater acoustic noises are examples and are the governing noises in radar and sonar applications, which have a very impulsive character [1]. A class of probabilistic models used to represent impulsive noises is called stable non-Gaussian or symmetric alpha-stable (Sα-S) distributions (see [2] for a comprehensive treatment of Sα-S densities). In this class, the Gaussian distribution corresponds to α = 2, whereas α = 1 leads to the Cauchy probability density function (pdf). It has been shown that a Cauchy pdf better characterizes such impulsive types of sensor noise compared to the Gaussian [3], [4]. For example, in detecting a radar signal in clutter, it was shown that the in-phase component of radar clutter time series agrees extremely well with a SαS pdf with α = 1.7 [3]. In that study both the maximum likelihood Gaussian (MLG) and Cauchy (MLC) detectors were developed. The result is that for all α ∈ [1, 2] the MLC is very close to the Cramer-Rao bound, whereas the MLG deviates significantly from the Cramér-Rao bound as α goes from 2 to 1. The above observations about the nature of the impulsive noises and the robustness characteristics of the Cauchy This work was partially supported by Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Award No. FA9550-09-1-0374, and by the United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation, Grant 2008040. Moshe Idan is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Technion, Haifa, 32000, Israel. moshe.idan@technion.ac.il Amir Emadzadeh is a Post Doctoral Scholar at the the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA. amire@ee.ucla.edu Jason Speyer is a Professor at the Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA. speyer@seas.ucla.edu 978-1-4244-7425-7/10/$26.00 ©2010 AACC detectors motivated the development of sequential estimators for linear systems with additive Cauchy noises [5], [6]. Such heavy tailed pdfs do not posses well defined and/or finite moments of any order [7], which make the associated estimation problem significantly more challenging compared to the Gaussian case. Utilizing the characteristics and properties of the Cauchy estimators in [5], [6], a new optimal control paradigm for dynamic systems driven by Cauchy distributed noises is developed in this paper. The main challenge is the fact that in such systems the unconditional, time propagated pdf of the system state is not defined. This requires posing a different performance criterion than the ones normally used in, e.g., linear-quadratic-Gaussian (LQG) or robust control settings. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The optimal control problem is formulated in Section II. A dynamic programming structure is developed in Section III. The solution to the problem for one step time update is presented in Section IV. The Gaussian equivalent optimal control problem is presented, solved, and discussed in Section V. Numerical examples are given in Section VI. Concluding remarks and suggestions for future work are presented in Section VII. II. P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Consider the following linear, discrete-time, scalar stochastic system, xk = Φxk−1 + uk−1 + wk−1 (1a) zk = xk + vk (1b) where xk is the state, uk is the control signal, zk is the measurement, and k is the time index. The signals wk and vk are process and measurement noise sequences, respectively, that are assumed to be independent of each other and Cauchy distributed with pdfs β/π , β>0 + β2 γ/π fVk (vk ) = 2 , γ > 0. vk + γ 2 fWk (wk ) = wk2 (2a) (2b) In addition, the initial state is assumed to be also Cauchy distributed α/π , α > 0. (3) fX0 (x0 ) = (x0 − x̄0 )2 + α2 In posing an optimal control problem for the model in (1), the commonly used cost criteria, such as quadratic, exponential, and more, cannot be used since the expectations requited to evaluate those criteria are infinite when the system noise inputs have Cauchy pdfs. Rather, in the context of the 1117 system with the heavy-tailed Cauchy noises it turns out that a new criterion that resembles in its form the Cauchy pdf’s is required to allow for an analytical derivation of a controller. Note that the stochastic system (1) can be decomposed into deterministic and stochastic parts by exploiting the linearity of the system. Let x̄k and z̄k be deterministic, and x̃k and z̃k be stochastic variables such that xk = x̄k + x̃k zk = z̄k + z̃k . Then, the cost function is a product of the membership or penalty functions of (8), defined by ψ(XN , UN −1 ) = = (4a) (4b) N −1 Mx (xk+1 )Mu (uk ) k=0 N −1 k=0 1 1 · 2 . 2 x2k+1 + ηk+1 uk + ζk2 (10) with initial condition x̄0 , and the stochastic part is given by The optimal control problem is to maximize the unconditional expectation E [ψ(XN , UN −1 )] with respect to the control history γ(0, N − 1), where E[·] is the unconditional expectation. An important characteristic of this cost criterion is that for the Cauchy densities the unconditional expectation exists and therefore lends itself to a dynamic programming solution, as demonstrated in the next section. x̃k = Φx̃k−1 + wk z̃k = x̃k + vk . III. A DYNAMIC P ROGRAMMING S OLUTION Then, the deterministic part is described by x̄k = Φx̄k−1 + uk−1 (5a) z̄k = x̄k (5b) (6a) (6b) The stochastic output is determined as the difference between the actual measurements zk and the output of the deterministic model, as z̃k = zk − z̄k . The process and measurements noise pdfs were defined in (2a) and (2b), while the initial condition of this stochastic model is Cauchy distributed with fX̃0 (x̃0 ) = α/π , α > 0. x̃20 + α2 (7) The above decomposition will be used to derive the onestep Cauchy controller. A general cost criterion is defined which is compatible with the Cauchy pdfs and is reminiscent of the choice of the cost criterion for the linear-exponential-Gaussian (LEG) [8]. There, a multiplicative cost composed of exponentials of quadratic functions of the state and control, which resemble Gaussians, are used to penalize these variables. An original motivation was to think of these exponential functions as membership function, as proposed in fuzzy set theory [9]. Here, these membership functions are chosen as a rational polynomial. In particular, they take the form resembling a Cauchy pdf, where the state and control are penalized using the membership functions Mx (xk ) = x2k 1 , + ηk2 Mu (uk ) = u2k 1 . + ζk2 Define the information sequence as Ik+1 := {Ik , zk+1 , uk }, k = 0, . . . , N − 1, I0 = {z0 }. (11) Since Ik+1 uses the most up-to-date measurements, it is a current information pattern. Dynamic programming is applied by starting with the cost function J∗ = max γ(0,N −1)∈UN −1 = ∞ where Uk is the class of piecewise continuous functions of Zk . (12) −∞ E [ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1))] max E E ψ(XN , UN −1 ) IN γ(0,N −1)∈UN −1 ∞ max = u0 −∞ ∞ max u1 −∞ u2 −∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ max ··· max −∞ uN −1 −∞ ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1))f (XN |IN ) dXN f (zN |IN −1 )dzN · · · f (z3 |I2 )dz3 f (z2 |I1 )dz2 f (z1 |I0 )dz1 f (z0 )dz0 (8) (9a) (9b) (9c) E [ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1))] . Expanding the expectation on the right-hand side results in Let the state, measurement, and control histories be defined as Xk := {x0 , . . . , xk }, Zk := {z0 , . . . , zk }, γ(l, k) := {ul , . . . , uk }, γ(l, k) ∈ Uk max γ(0,N −1)∈UN −1 (13) where f (· |· ) is the conditional density. The Fundamental Lemma [8] was used to interchange the maximization and expectation operations. Since the strategy is to apply dynamic programming to this problem, the optimization of (13) is manipulated into the form of a recursion rule for the propagation of an optimal 1118 value function. To get this function, first note that E ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1)) Ik+1 = max γ(k+1,N −1)∈UN −1 ∞ max uk+1 ∞ ∞ max uk+2 −∞ Cauchy control problem is stated as 1 z̃0 JC∗ = max E E u0 x21 + η 2 C C (19) = max E Ψ = E max Ψ · · · max u0 uN −1 −∞ ψ(XN , UN −1 )f (XN |IN ) dXN f (zN |IN −1 )dzN −∞ · · · f (zk+3 |Ik+2 )dzk+2 f (zk+2 |Ik+1 )dzk+2 (14) and f (Zk+1 |γ(0, k − 1) ) dZk+1 = f (zk+1 |Ik )dzk+1 · f (zk |Ik−1 )dzk · · · f (z2 |I1 )dz2 · f (z1 |I0 )dz1 f (z0 )dz0 (15) where the conditioning on the control sequence given the measurement sequence is not a random variable, and appears only for notational convenience. Using these two facts, the cost function can be more compactly rewritten as J∗ = ∞ max −∞ u0 ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ · · · max max max −∞ u1 −∞ subject to (1), while, for simplicity, setting Φ = 1. JC∗ explicitly denotes the optimal Cauchy cost criterion, and 1 C z̃0 Ψ =E x2 + η 2 1 1 z̃0 =E (20) (x̃1 + x̄1 )2 + η 2 where x̄1 = x̄0 + u0 . The optimal control problem is to find the control signal at k = 0, u∗0 , such that it maximizes the cost function (19) given the measurement at time k = 0, i.e. u∗0 = arg max ΨC . To maximize the cost function (20), the conditional pdf fX̃1 |Z̃0 (x̃1 |z̃0 ) is needed. It is computed following the steps presented in [5], [6]. Using the Chapman-Kolmogorov equation, it can be computed as ∞ fX̃1 |Z̃0 (x̃1 |z̃0 ) = max γ(k+1,N −1) (22) The conditional density function fX̃0 |Z̃0 (x̃0 |z̃0 ) is constructed as fX̃0 |Z̃0 (x̃0 |z̃0 ) = E ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1)) Ik+1 f ( Zk+1 |γ(0, N − 1)) (17) Jk∗ (Ik ) = max uk ∗ Jk+1 (Ik+1 ) dzk+1 . Although a dynamic programming recursion exist, the solution maybe difficult to obtain analytically. Hence, initially, to understand the properties of the optimal control problem, the simplest Cauchy control problem is first considered in the next section. In particular, the maximization indicated in (18) is performed only for k = 0. IV. O NE -S TEP C AUCHY O PTIMAL C ONTROLLER fZ̃0 (z̃0 ) . (23) fX̃0 ,Z̃0 (x̃0 , z̃0 ) = fZ̃0 |X̃0 (z̃0 |x̃0 ) fX̃0 (x̃0 ) = fV0 (z̃0 − x̃0 )fX̃0 (x0 ) γ/π α/π = · . (z̃0 − x̃0 )2 + γ 2 x̃20 + α2 (18) −∞ fX̃0 ,Z̃0 (x̃0 , z̃0 ) The joint density function fX̃0 ,Z̃0 (x̃0 , z̃0 ) is computed using the measurement equation (6b) and the noise pdf (2b), and is given by the sought after dynamic programming recursion rule becomes ∞ fX̃1 |X̃0 (x̃1 |x̃0 ) fX̃0 |Z̃0 (x̃0 |z̃0 ) dx̃0 . −∞ If the optimal value function is defined as ∗ Jk+1 (Ik+1 ) (21) u0 uk −∞ E ψ(XN , γ(0, N − 1)) Ik+1 max γ(k+1,N −1)∈UN −1 . (16) f (Zk+1 |Uk ) dZk+1 · · · −∞ u2 u0 (24) Since z̃0 is a sum of two Cauchy random variables, it is a Cauchy random variable with fZ̃0 (z̃0 ) = (α + γ)/π . z̃02 + (α + γ)2 (25) From (23), (24) and (25), and using a standard partial fraction expansion, the conditional pdf fX̃0 |Z̃0 (x̃0 |z̃0 ) is given by Initially, the cost function of (12) will include the state xk only with N = 1 and hence k = 0. Thus, the optimal 1119 fX̃0 |Z̃0 (x̃0 |z̃0 ) = a1 x̃0 + b1 a2 x̃0 + b2 + 2 2 2 x̃0 + α z̃0 − x̃0 + γ 2 (26) where a1 = 2z̃0 C = −a2 (27a) b1 = [z̃02 + γ 2 − α2 ]C (27b) b2 = [3z̃0 − γ 2 + α2 ]C 1 αγ/π · . C= α + γ z̃02 + (α − γ)2 Next, from (6a) and fX̃1 |X̃0 (x̃1 |x̃0 ) is given by (2a), fX̃1 |X̃0 (x̃1 |x̃0 ) = fW0 (x̃1 − x̃0 ) = the conditional (27c) (27d) pdf β/π . (28) (x̃1 − x̃0 )2 + β 2 Substituting (26) and (28) into (22) and solving the integral, the conditional pdf fX̃1 |Z̃0 (x̃1 |z̃0 ) is determined as fX̃1 |Z̃0 (x̃1 |z̃0 ) = where c1 = Note that ζ here is the weighting parameter. If it is small, it puts more constraints on u0 . Hence, the control signal is expected to become more suppressed compared to the unweighted case. As ζ becomes larger, the optimal control is expected to converge to the un-weighted controller since the control signal is less penalized. V. G AUSSIAN O PTIMAL C ONTROLLER To compare the performance of the Cauchy controller with, for example, one that is designed assuming Gaussian noises, one has to consider: (a) the parameters of the Gaussian pdfs that best approximate the the Cauchy pdfs, and (b) the cost criterion used to design the Gaussian controller to be comparable to the one used in the Cauchy noise setting. Those two items are addressed first in this section, following the solution to the Gaussian controller problem. a1 x̃1 + c1 a2 x̃1 + c2 + 2 A. Normal pdf Least Squares Fit of a Cauchy pdf + (α + β) [x̃1 − z̃0 ]2 + (γ + β)2 (29) To construct a normal or Gaussian pdf that best fits a given Cauchy pdf, the following optimization problem is solved x̃21 α+β b1 , α c2 = β γ+β z̃0 a2 + b2 . γ γ Using the conditional pdf (29), and performing the integration associated with the conditional expectation in (20), the Cauchy control cost function is evaluated analytically as η+α+β η(α+β) c1 a1 α (u0 ∞ 2 C N fX (x) − fX (x) dx, σ = arg min (30) + x̄0 ) + 1 C Ψ = 2 π u0 + x̄0 + (η + α + β)2 η+γ+β + u0 + x̄0 ) + η(γ+β) c2 + . (31) 2 z̃0 + u0 + x̄0 + (η + γ + β)2 ∗ σ d C Ψ = 0. (32) du0 Since the expression in (31) is fairly complex, in the sequel we will analyze several numerical cases, in an attempt to deduct some general results for the minimization problem at hand. As in standard LQG or LEG problems, one may be interested in weighting the control signal in the cost function, as was presented in (10). With N = 1, the optimal cost function for this case is 1 1 z̃0 , (33) · ΨCw = E x21 + η 2 u20 + ζ 2 where the notation ΨCw is introduced to distinguish the case with control signal weighting from ΨC that weights the state only. Therefore, from (20) ΨCw = u20 1 ΨC . + ζ2 (34) The optimal control signal may be found by solving d C Ψ = 0. du0 w (35) −∞ where the Cauchy pdf is δ/π , δ>0 x2 + δ 2 and the normal pdf is given by C (x) = fX 2 a2 γ (z̃0 To find the optimal controller defined in (21), the following equation must be solved (36) N fX (x) = (37) 2 e−x /(2σ ) √ , σ > 0. 2πσ (38) Solving (36) analytically leads to a complex nonlinear equation relating σ ∗ to δ. Solving the latter numerically yields σ ∗ = k0 δ, k0 ≈ 1.4. (39) Hence, the equivalent corresponding pdfs for the Gaussian optimal control problem are chosen as 2 e−(x0 −x̄0 ) /(2M0 ) √ , M0 = k02 α2 2πM0 2 e−wk /(2W ) fWk (wk ) = √ , W = k02 β 2 2πW 2 e−vk /(2V ) √ fVk (vk ) = , V = k02 γ 2 . 2πV fX0 (x0 ) = (40a) (40b) (40c) B. Linear Exponential Gaussian (LEG) Controller To best approximate the Cauchy cost criterion of (33), in the Gaussian case an exponential cost criterion is chosen, given by −(qx21 +ru20 ) (41) ΨN z̃0 . w =E e Similarly to fitting the pdfs discussed above, the parameters in the Gaussian cost can be chosen to best fit the Cauchy cost. That is, 1 1 (42) q = 2 2, r = 2 2. 2k0 η 2k0 ζ 1120 The LEG problem for the model in (1) and noise characteristics in (40) were addressed in [8]. The optimal controller is given by (43) u∗0 = −Λ0 [1 + 2P0 S0 ]−1 x̂0 where q q + r + 2qrW k 2 α2 γ 2 P0 = 02 α + γ2 qr . S0 = q + r + 2qrW Λ0 = Thus the optimal controller can be expressed as q u∗0 = − x̂0 . q + r + 2qr(P0 + W ) (44) K = P0 V α2 = 2 . α + γ2 Equation (55) is a 3rd order polynomial, whose solution is fairly complex. Adding measurement noise, i.e γ = 0, increases the order of the polynomial, and makes it even harder to solve, thus demonstrating the difficulty in solving the Cauchy optimal control problem. VI. N UMERICAL E XAMPLES (46) (47) (48) where −1 2u∗0 3 + 3z̄0 u∗0 2 + [ζ 2 + (η + β)2 + z̄02 ]u∗0 + ζ 2 z̄0 = 0. (55) (45) Furthermore, x̂0 can be computed as x̂0 = x̄0 + K z̃0 and, from (35), the optimal control satisfies (49) Substituting the parameters q, r, W , and P0 into (47) shows that the slope of u∗ with respect to z0 is independent of k0 . In other words the corresponding parameters of the Gaussian cost function may be chosen as q = 1/η 2 and r = 1/ζ 2 . This LEG controller is called risk adverse when r and q are positive. If r and q are negative, then the controller is an H∞ controller [8]. However, this type of cost is not allowed for the Cauchy densities, because the unconditional cost criterion will not exist. If the control signal is not included in the cost function (41), i.e. r = 0, the LEG cost function becomes, 2 (50) ΨN = E e−qx1 z̃0 . Through some numerical examples, the characteristics of the Cauchy optimal controller, obtained from either (32) or (35), is studied for both un-weighted and weighted control scenarios. For each case, the results are compared against the equivalent LEG controller, obtained from (51) or (47), respectively. A. Nominal Example First the un-weighted control scenario is considered. The parameters for Cauchy signals are chosen as α = 3, β = 3, η = 1, γ = 5, x̄0 = 0. Substituting these parameters into (31), the cost function becomes 3(29z 2 + 20uz − 288) 1 C Ψ = π 16(z 2 + 4) ((u + z)2 + 81) 10(7z 2 − 6uz + 112) + 16(z 2 + 4)(u2 + 49) α = 3, β = 3, γ = 5, η = 1, x̄0 = 0 0.06 0.05 0.04 ΨC (51) C. Discussion (57) where 0 and ∼ in z̃0 and u0 are dropped for brevity. The cost function is plotted in Fig. 1. In this case, from (44) and (46), Λ0 = 1 and S0 = 0. Therefore, using (43), the optimal controller is independent of q and is given by, u∗0 = −x̂0 . (56) 0.03 0.02 Consider the case where there is no measurement noise, i.e. γ = 0. Hence, from (31), the Cauchy cost function becomes η+β 1 C η Ψ = . (52) π (z̄0 + u0 )2 + (η + β)2 0.01 0 50 50 0 0 Using (32), the optimal control equals u∗0 = −z̄0 = −x̄0 z0 (53) which is the same as Gaussian optimal controller obtained from (48). Furthermore, the weighted Cauchy cost function becomes η+β 1 1 C η Ψw = 2 · π u0 + ζ 2 (z̄0 + u0 )2 + (η + β)2 Fig. 1. −50 −50 u0 Cost function for Example VI-A. The optimal controller can be obtained by minimizing (57) with respect to u. This required the solution of (54) 1121 l 5 u 5 + l 4 u 4 + l3 u 3 + l 2 u 2 + l 1 u + l 0 = 0 (58) α = 3, β = 3, γ = 5, η = 1, x̄0 = 0 where 10 l4 = 92z 2 (59a) 8 (59b) 6 l3 = 6(2016 + 25z ) (59c) l2 = z(19176 + 125z 2 ) (59d) l1 = 7(94176 + 1290z 2 + 5z 4 ) (59e) l0 = 147z(1476 + 5z 2 ). (59f) Cauchy Gaussian 4 2 u* l5 = 32 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 −10 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 z0 Fig. 2. Optimal controllers for Example VI-A. α = 3, β = 3, γ = 5, η = 1, x̄0 = 0 0.08 Cauchy Gaussian 0.07 0.06 * 0.05 Ψ Equation (58) is solved numerically, and the optimal control signal is plotted in Fig. 2 along with the LEG controller, obtained from (51). The cost function (20) evaluated with both the Cauchy optimal control and the LEG controller is plotted in Fig. 3. Fig. 2 shows that the Cauchy controller is symmetric and linear about z̃0 = x̄0 = 0. Interestingly, its slope is nearly identical to that of the LEG controller. Furthermore, the figure shows that the Cauchy controller approaches zero when |z̃0 | becomes large, while the Gaussian controller remains linear with respect to the measurement z̃0 . This is a significant difference between the Cauchy and Gaussian optimal controllers, which can be deducted analytically from (58). Since u∗ is finite, the dominant term in (58) as |z̃0 | → ∞ is l1 u∗∞ , or lim|z̃0 |→∞ u∗∞ → 0. A similar conclusion can be deducted by examining the variance of the estimation error at k = 0, which is given by [5] z̃02 2 ˆ +1 . (60) E (x̃0 − x̃0 ) z̃0 = αγ (α + γ)2 0.04 0.03 Equation (60) shows that the variance of estimation error grows unboundedly when z̃0 increases. Hence, the optimal Cauchy control strategy correctly reduces the controller gain when the estimation error variance is increasing dramatically. This difference in the control strategy between the Cauchy and LEG controller results can be seen from better expected performance of the former, as presented in Fig. 3. There, one can clearly observe that the cost function ΨC > ΨN for large |z̃0 |. 0.02 0.01 0 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 z0 Fig. 3. Optimal cost function for Example VI-A. B. Changing x̄0 In this example the offset parameter x̄0 in (56) is changed to x̄0 = 5. For this case, the coefficients of (58) are computed as (Note: z = z0 = z̃0 + x̄0 ) l5 = 37z 2 − 505z + 1856 3 2 4 3 (61a) l4 = 157z − 1565z + 1236z + 19720 (61b) 2 l3 = 300z − 2860z + 27196z − 239720z + 849468 (61c) l2 = 250z 5 − 1750z 4 + 32756z 3 − 187380z 2 − 592542z + 5636730 (61d) l1 = 70z 6 + 400z 5 + 4590z 4 + 78760z 3 − 78498z 2 − 9815700z + 49314906 (61e) l0 = 350z 6 − 2780z 5 + 67450z 4 − 138228z 3 + 998670z 2 − 28884924z + 137064150. (61f) The Cauchy optimal controller is plotted along with the LEG control signal in Fig. 4. The plots show that the Cauchy controller is almost linear and symmetric about x̄0 = 5. Furthermore, the slope has not changed compared to the Example VI-A. This can be expected from (31), where x̄0 shows a shifting effect. As |z̃0 | grows, the Cauchy control signal approaches −x̄0 = −5. This fact can be verified using (61e) and (61f), where u∗∞ = −l0 /l1 → −5 as |z̃0 | → ∞. C. Changing η In this example the parameter η that expresses the width of the membership function in (20) is varied. Here η = 5 is 1122 α = 3, β = 3, γ = 5, η = 1, x̄0 = 5 α = 3, β = 3, γ = 5, η = 5, x̄0 = 0 4 8 Cauchy Gaussian Cauchy Gaussian 2 6 0 4 −2 2 u u* * −4 0 −6 −2 −8 −10 −4 −12 −6 −14 −30 −20 −10 0 10 z Fig. 4. 20 30 −8 −30 40 −20 −10 0 10 Optimal controllers for Example VI-B. Fig. 5. chosen, leading to the cost function 30 Optimal controllers for Example VI-C. where 1 C 3(−416 + 20uz + 33z 2 ) Ψ = π 80(z 2 + 4) ((u + z)2 + 169) −176 + 6uz − 11z 2 . (62) + 8(z 2 + 4)(u2 + 121) l7 = 64 (66a) l6 = 196z l5 = 22336 + 297z (66b) 2 (66c) l4 = 5z(7940 + 47z 2 ) The coefficients in (58) become (Note: z = z̃0 ) (66d) l3 = 2(792288 + 12633z 2 + 35z 4 ) l5 = 64 l4 = 184z (63a) (63b) l2 = 987612z + 6250z l3 = 36608 + 270z 2 (63c) 2 l2 = z(58768 + 205z 2 ) (63d) l1 = 11(363584 + 2410z 2 + 5z 4 ) (63e) l0 = 363z(3848 + 5z 2 ). (63f) As in the previous examples, Fig. 5 shows the slope of Cauchy controller has not changed due to a change in η. This behavior is similar to the LEG controller, whose slope is independent of q when r = 0. D. Weighted Controller In the following two examples, cost functions are examined that weight specifically the control signal u0 . 1) ζ = 1: In this example the Cauchy cost parameters are given in (56) while setting ζ = 1 in (34). Using (55), the optimal control is found when there is no measurement noise, by solving 2u∗0 3 + 3z̄0 u∗0 2 + [17 + z̄02 ]u∗0 + z̄0 = 0. 20 z0 0 (64) The resulting optimal controller is plotted in Fig. 6. Using (42), the LEG cost function parameters in (41) are chosen as q = 1/η 2 = 1 and r = 1/ζ 2 = 1. From (35), the Cauchy optimal controller is found by solving l7 u 7 + l6 u 6 + l 5 u 5 + l 4 u 4 + l 3 u 3 + l 2 u 2 + l 1 u + l0 = 0 (65) (66e) 3 (66f) 2 4 l1 = 7(3523392 + 63471z + 250z ) l0 = 147z(1476 + 5z ). (66g) (66h) The LEG controller is determined from (47). Both controllers are plotted in Fig. 6. Surprisingly, the Cauchy controller still shows a linear behavior about x̄0 . Furthermore, its slope is slightly different from the slope of the LEG control signal. Also, the symmetric property of the controller about z̃0 = x̄0 and its asymptotic behavior when |z̃0 | → ∞ is preserved. A noticeable difference, as expected, is that the control signal is suppressed compared to the previous cases. This is the direct effect of penalizing u0 in the cost function. It is also interesting to note that when the measurement is perfect, the control signal acts in a similar manner to the case where the measurement is noisy. 2) ζ = 104 : The weighting parameter is increased to ζ = 104 . First, using (55), the optimal control is found when there is no measurement noise. The control signal satisfies 2u∗0 3 + 3z̄0 u∗0 2 + [108 + 1 + z̄02 ]u∗0 + 108 z̄0 = 0. (67) As expected, the optimal control is the same as the case where the control signal is not weighted, i.e. u∗0 = −z̄0 , as stated in V-C. The equivalent Gaussian parameters are q = 1, and r = 10−4 . In both cases, those parameters correspond to 1123 α = 3, β = 3, η = 1, ζ = 10000, x̄0 = 0 α = 3, β = 3, η = 1, ζ = 1, x̄0 = 0 10 0.2 Cauchy, γ=5 Gaussian Cauchy,γ=0 0.15 Cauchy, γ=5 Gaussian Cauchy,γ=0 8 6 0.1 u* u* 0.05 0 4 q=1 2 r = 1e-008 0 −2 −0.05 −4 −0.1 −6 −0.15 −8 −0.2 −30 −20 Fig. 6. −10 0 z0 10 20 −10 −30 30 −20 −10 0 z 10 20 30 0 Fig. 7. Optimal controllers for Example VI-D.1. a significant decrease in the weighting of the control signal. Thus it is expected that the resulting control signals will be nearly identical to those obtained in Example VI-A, where there was no weighting on the control signal. In this case, the coefficients in (65) are l7 = 64 l6 = 196z (68a) (68b) l5 = 3200022304 + 297z 2 (68c) 2 l4 = z(9200039608 + 235z ) (68d) 2 4 l3 = 2(604800786240 + 7500012558z + 35z ) 2 l2 = z(1917600968436 + 12500006125z ) (68e) (68f) 2 l1 = 7(9417603429216 + 129000062181z + 500000245z 4 ) (68g) l0 = 14700000000z(1476 + 5z 2 ). (68h) The optimal controllers are plotted in Fig. 7. As expected, the plots show that the Cauchy controller converges to the optimal control signal for the case with no control weighting. VII. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK A new mathematical framework was developed for optimal control problems when the dynamic system is driven by Cauchy distributed signals. This entailed a newly developed cost function, addressed through dynamic programming. As an initial step, one time-step controller was derived and examined analytically. The results where compared against an equivalent LEG controller. It was shown that both controllers behave in a similar way when the measurement values are small. A dramatic difference was observed between the two controllers when the measurement values become large. The Cauchy optimal controller saturates when the measurement value increases, while the LEG controller is always linearly proportional to the measurements. To extend the results, it is necessary to obtain the general properties of Optimal controllers for Example VI-D.2. the Cauchy controller. Furthermore, the optimal controller must be determined for each time update. In addition, a dynamic programming framework must be developed for the proposed optimal control problem. These will be considered in future studies, utilizing the insights presented in this current work. R EFERENCES [1] E. E. Kuruoglu, W. J. Fitzgerald, and P. J. W. Rayner, “Near Optimal Detection of Signals in Impulsive Noise Modeled With Asymmetric alpha-stable Distribution,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 2, no. 10, pp. 282–284, Oct. 1998. [2] G. Samorodnitsky and M. S. Taqqu, Stable Non-Gaussian Random Processes: Stochastic Models with Infinite Variance. New York: Chapman & Hall, 1994. [3] P. Tsakalides and C. L. 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