Power Plant Engineering - Faculty of Engineering and Technology

ABET Unit Classification:
Engineering Topic
Compliant Catalogue:
Course Code:
Course Title:
Power Plant Engineering
Credit Hours:
Class Schedule:
Three fifty (50) minute sessions per week
Laboratory Schedule:
Tutorial Schedule:
Sixteen (16) weeks.
Course Coordinator:
Prepared by:
Date of Outline Preparation:
Date of Last Revision:
Checked by:
Approved by HoD:
Power Plant Engineering
(Course Outline)
Course Description :
Power Plant Engineering (0954443)
3 Credit Hours
This course is concerned with the types, construction, working principles and performance of
different types of conventional and non-conventional power plants.
The design, construction, operation and performance of various components of steam, gas
and diesel power plant e.g condensers, cooling towers, fuel and air handling systems, steam
generators, superheaters, intercoolers, reheaters and regenerators,
It also discusses the basics of nuclear energy and operation of nuclear power plants.
The course also covers basics of plant economics and the impact of power plants on the
Prerequisite by course :
0904342 : Thermodynamics II
??????? : Heat Transfer
Prerequisite by topic :
1. Air-standard cycles
2. Vapor power cycles
3. CI Engines operation and performance
4. Chemical thermodynamics
5. Basics of nuclear physics
Recommended books:
 Powerplant Technology, by M.M. EL-Wakil, McGraw Hill, 1st Edition, 1984 [Textbook]
 A Course in Power Plant Engineering by Arora and Domkundwar, Dhanpar Rai & Co.,
 Power Plant Engineering by Raja and Srivastava and Dwivedi, New Age International
Pub., 2006
Course Objectives :
1. Describe sources of energy and types of power plants
2. Analyze different types of steam cycles and estimate efficiencies in a steam power plant
3. Describe basic working principles of gas turbine and diesel engine power plants. Define
the performance characteristics and components of such power plants
4. List the principal components and types of nuclear reactors.
5. Evaluate cycle efficiency and performance of a gas cooled reactor power plant
6. Classify different types of coupled vapor cycles and list the advantages of combined cycles
power plant
7. List different types of fuels used in power plants and estimate their heating values
8. List types, principles of operations, components and applications of steam turbines, steam
generators, condensers, feed water and circulating water systems.
9. Estimate different efficiencies associated with such systems
Define terms and factors associated with power plant economics. Calculate present
worth depreciation and cost of different types of power plants. Estimate the cost of
producing power per kW.
Course Intended Outcomes :
The student should be able to :
1. Know the various types of power plants used in Jordan.
2. Knowledge of the various types of conventional and non-conventional power plants.
3. Knowledge of the operation, construction and design of various components of power
4. Calculate the performance parameters of various power plants.
5. Define and calculate the various factors of plant load and economy.
Course Contents :
Chapter (1) : Basics of Energy in Jordan
Chapter (2) : Diesel Electric Power Plant
Chapter (3) : Gas Turbine Power Plant
Chapter (4) : Steam Power Plants.
Chapter (5) : Nuclear Power Plants
Chapter (6) : Renewable Energy plants
Chapter (7) : Hydroelectric Power Plants
Chapter (8) : Thermal Power Plants
Chapter (9) : Plant Economy
Chapter (10) : Pollution and its Control
Student Assessment method :
30 Marks
Mid-Term Exam
20 Marks
Quizes (4 quizes)
50 Marks
Final exam.
Lecture schedule :
Basics of Energy in Jordan
Diesel Electric Power Plant
Gas turbine Power Plant
: 1 weeks
: 1 week
: 2 weeks
First Quiz
Steam Power Plants
: 2 week
Second Quiz
Nuclear Power Plants
Solar Power Plant
Wind Energy Plant
: 2 weeks
: 1 week
: 1 Week
Third Quiz
Hydroelectric Power Plant
: 2 weeks
Mid-Term Exam
Thermal Power Plant
: 2 week
Fourth Quiz
Plant economy
: 2 week
Fifth Quiz
Pollution formation and control
Pollution and Control
: 2 weeks
: 2 weeks
Important Instructions :
The student should notice the following :
1. Maximum number of missed lectures allowed is 7 only.
2. Entrance to lecture room is not allowed after 10 minutes.
Close your mobile before entrance to the lecture room.
All exams/tests/quizes are closed-book.