What is an LCA? The Basics of Life Cycle Assessment Dr. Roger A. Cady1 & Dr. Jude Capper2 1Elanco Animal Health; 2Washington State University Prepared for: ADSA Discover Conference 19 “Key Issues in Sustainability of the Dairy Industry” May 12, 2010 FICA0014 Greenwashing” Undermines the Value of “ Responsible Efforts and Is Unacceptable 1. 2. 3. Carbon-free sugar Organic rocks Certified organic sea salt (NaCl) 4. Organic cigarettes 5. No-calorie energy drinks 6. Organic charcoal 7. Carbon-neutral insurance 8. Zero-carb alcoholic drinks 9. Carbon-free shipping 10. Carbon-free computing Source: http://wattsupwiththat.com/2009/05/04/sugar-coated-consumerism-or-just-plain-crap/, Last accessed July 26, 2009 DBM 0304 Standards & “How To” Instructions Exist for LCA Conduct US EPA Website ISO 14040 to 44 Europe (Switzerland) PSA 2050 British FICA0014 What is a Carbon Footprint? Total GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization or state in a given time • Measured in CO2-equivalents in terms of environmental heat capturing capability 1 CO2 23 298 CH4 Source: http://ipcc-wg1.ucar.edu/wg1/Report/AR4WG1_Print_Ch02.pdf, Last accessed, July 26, 2009 N 2O DBM 0304 The Carbon Checkbook Must Balance Carbon cycle?? Source: Scottish Centre for Carbon Storage (2009) http://www.geos.ed.ac.uk/sccs/public/teachers/ Last accessed, 9/15/09 DBM 0375 Life Cycle Assessment © 2009, New Zealand Business Council for Sustainable Development Essentially an Enterprise Accounting System for Resources Instead of Finances Source: http://nzbcsd.org.nz/emissions/content.asp?id=423, Last Accessed July 26, 2009 DBM 0304 System Composed of Modules (Subsystems) Rumen Replacements Cropping Feeding System Milking Herd Machinery Technology Bulls Packing Plant Manure System Boundary Fertilizer Transport -ation Milk Plant FICA0014 LCA Critical Steps From Earth (Cradle) Back to Earth (Grave) Tracking • Goal & Scope – Establish functional unit – System Boundaries Inputs Raw Materials Outputs Emissions Raw Material Acquisition • Inventory Analysis – Inputs – Outputs Waste Energy Manufacturing Coproducts Water Use/ Reuse /Maintenance • Impact Assessment – Manufacture process – Resource flows – Assumptions Product Land • Interpretation Source: EPA 600/R-06/060, Life Cycle Assessment: Principles & Practice, 2006, pg. 1 Recycle / Waste Mgmt. System Boundary Module FICA0014 Despite Standards LCA Results Are Not Necessarily Comparable Reconciling Reports CO2e Kg/Kg milk 1.4 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.7 0.4 1.0 1.35 0.2 0.0 EPA US-2007 FAO US-2007 Capper et al. US-2007 Sources : U.S. EPA (2010) “Inventory of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks:1990-2008” UN-FAO (2010) “Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Dairy Sector: A Life Cycle Assessment” Capper, et al. (2009) “The Environmental Impact of Dairy Production, 1944 vs. 2007”, J. An Sci. FICA0014 Building the Appropriate System is Critical to Avoid Unintended Consequences • • • • Goal (e.g.. gallon vs. industry) Boundaries (e.g. supply routes) Functional unit (e.g. mpg vs. people mpg) Resource flows ( e.g. appropriate partitioning & ratios) • Assumptions – common source of disagreement FICA0014 A Goal with Sufficient Specificity is Critical to Declaring Success Stated Goal is to Reduce GHG Emissions 25% 20 Assumption: Industry production is 1 mil gal annually 18 6 4 2 12 9 9 ÐCO2e/gal or Ð Consumption 8 12 Starting Point 10 Success 12 Starting Point CO2e (lbs) 14 Result if consumption doubles & CO2e per gallon reduced 25% 18 16 0 Per Gallon Source: Created as an example by Roger Cady, Elanco, 2010 Industry (mil lbs) FICA0014 As Demand Increases … Pressure on “per Gallon” Goal Increases to Meet the Industry Goal Necessary per Gallon Change 300% 250% 25% Goal 10% Goal 40% Goal 200% 150% 100% 50% 0% -50% -100% 25% 50% 75% 100% 125% 150% 175% 200% 225% 250% 275% 300% Future Consumption Demand as Percent of Current Demand Source: Created as an example by Roger Cady, Elanco, 2010 FICA0014 Boundaries Must Include Key Infrastructure It Takes a Herd to Make Milk • • Maintenance Feed Water – Intake – Sanitation • + 1/ 8 of a Dry Cow Greenhouse Gases (Carbon Footprint) – CO2 - Carbon Dioxide – CH4 - Methane – N2O - Nitrous Oxide Increases • • • • • Land Manure Fuel Electricity Herbicides & Pesticides 97% of a Heifer DBM 0304 Example Supply Chain Transportation Footprint Raw Material Suppliers Factories Distribution Center Retail Stores 1,110 Total Route km Distribution Manager’s Project Boundary Sphere of Influence 500 Route km (45%) associated w/Dist. Ctr. = 100 km FICA0014 Unintended Negative System Tradeoffs Can Occur When Project Boundaries Set Too Narrow Raw Material Suppliers Factories Distribution Center Retail Stores 1,300 Total Route km (+200 km) 400 Route km (-100 km, 31%) associated w/Dist. Ctr. = 100 km = 50 km = 150 km FICA0014 Must Assess Impact per Unit of Output (Total Work) Not per Unit of the Production Process (Work Efficiency) Vehicle 1 Fuel Burned in 5 hrs: Distance Traveled: 70 gal 350 mi (5 mpg) Vehicle 2 10 gal 350 mi (35 mpg) Passengers: 50 4 People Miles: 17,500 1,400 People MPG: 250 140 Production Process Work Output Winner DBM 0304 Definition of the Functional Unit Will Define Success or Failure Carbon Footprint per Gallon of Milk Reduced 2/3 70 70 60 60 CO2‐Equivalent Emissions (lb/gal) CO2-Equivalent Emissions (lb/d) Carbon Footprint of the Cow Has Doubled 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 1944 2007 1944 2007 Net Result: U.S. Dairy Farm Industry has Reduced its Total Carbon Footprint by 41% Since 1944 Source: Capper et., al., JAS, 2009 DBM 0304 Appropriate Food Animal Functional Units • Dairy – per unit of milk (e.g. lb, kg, g, or l) or dairy product (e.g. cheese) • Meat – per unit of meat (e.g. lb or kg) and/or no. of specific type of cut • Eggs – per number of eggs DBM 0304 Three States of Activity to Account for in an LCA Physical Plant Animal Corollary (Machine) Off Deceased Idle At Rest (Maintenance) Performing Production (Growth, Lactation, Reproduction) DBM 0375 Three States of Activity to Account for in an LCA Physical Plant Animal Corollary (Machine) Off Deceased Idle At Rest (Maintenance) Performing Production (Growth, Lactation, Reproduction) DBM 0375 DMI Must be Partitioned – DMI is Not Equivalent to Fuel Consumption 60 DMI Ratio: 1.409 Lactation Mcal Req. Ratio: 1.625 50 Mcal ME/d 40 39 30 51.7 20 24 36.7 10 12.7 12.7 40 lbs milk/d 65 lbs milk/d 0 40 lbs milk/d 65 lbs milk/d DMI Maintenance Lactation Source: Created as an example by Jude Capper, WSU & Roger Cady, Elanco, 2010 based on AMTS dietary needs for a 1,500 lb Holstein Dairy Cow, 3.8%F, 3.1%P FICA0014 Life Cycle Assessment is an Integrative Process Physical Sciences Accounting Discovery LCA Biology Systems Modeling Scientific Process FICA0014 Scientific Process • • • • • • • • Verification Validation Repetition Poses more questions than answered Refinement Discovery Builds upon itself Delta provides more information than a singular number FICA0014 Deltas More Informational Than a Singular Observation • Determine what matters from what matters least (set priorities) • Basis for prescriptive action • Variability of the difference less than variability of main effects FICA0014 Thank you! Questions? FICA0014