Ref. 05/51/23J8(Part C - RIL)/GAIL/001A Date: 01.09.2007 ADDENDUM-I TO TENDER DOCUMENT SUB: ADDENDUM-I TO TENDER DOCUMENT FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18” DIA. PIPELINE TERMINALS AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP- KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOPLINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONGWITH ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN REF: Tender No.: 05/51/23J8(Part C - RIL)/GAIL/001A dated 09.08.2007 Dear Sir, With reference to above, please find enclosed the amendments pertaining to technical changes including revised Schedule of Rates (SOR) in the above tender document, which resulted due to pre-bid meeting held on 24.08.2007 with the prospective vendors/contractors and during site visit. Bidder is requested to submit their offer as per enclosed revised Schedule of Rates (SOR) only, which supercedes the earlier SOR enclosed with the Tender document and other technical changes incorporated in Addendum-I. This is issued as Addendum – I and shall form integral part of tender document. All other terms and conditions of the tender document shall remain unaltered. Please submit Addendum-I including all Annexures along with your offer duly signed and stamped as a token of your acceptance of the terms and conditions stated hereinabove. Please acknowledge the receipt of this Addendum per return fax. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, for & on behalf of GAIL (India) Limited (A.K. Sharma) DGM I/c ( Contracts) MECON Limited Encl.- Addendum-I (04 pages) with Annexures A to F (Total pages-190) D:\rajesh\IPPS - KG Basin\Part-C(PK)\Const-Open\Adde\Addendum-I- 31.08.2007.docc ADDENDUM-I TO TENDER NO. 05/51/23J8(PART-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A Addendum-I to Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part –C-RIL)/GAIL/001A, dated 09.08.2007 A) Refer Part-D of Volume-I of IV of Tender Points pertaining to Particular Job specification Mechanical Works: - 1) Refer Second para of Clause no. 4.1.1 i.e. Line Pipe (Bare/ Coated) of Sl.No. 3.0 Particular Job Specification under Part-D “Contractor shall receive .......................... at their works.” Shall be read as “Contractor shall receive and take over the Line Pipes (Bare / Coated) at designated place of issue from Owner’s storage (GAIL India Limited, NH-5 Road, Near ONGC Base Complex, Lalacheruvu, Rajahumndry / dumpyard located near Oduru Terminal)”. 2) Refer second para of clause no.4.2 i.e. “Line pipe shall be ……………….. site for coated pipes. Shall be read as “Line pipe shall be issued at designated place of issue from Owner’s storage (GAIL India Limited, NH-5 Road, Near ONGC Base Complex, Lalacheruvu, Rajahumndry / dumpyard located near Oduru Terminal)”. 3) Vendor List of LR Bends, FCV and Corrosion Coupon & ER Corrosion Probe Assembly are as follows : FCV i) ii) iii) iv) v) M/s M/s M/s M/s M/s ABB Ltd., Nashik Fisher Xomox, New Delhi Fouress Engg. New Delhi MIL Control Ltd., Noida Samson Control, Thane D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Addendum-I _ Part-C _ 29.08.07.doc Page 1 of 4 LR Bends i) ii) iii) M/s BHEL, New Delhi M/s Jindal SAW Limited, New Delhi M/s PSL Limited, New Delhi Corrosion Coupon & ER Corrosion Probe Assembly i) ii) M/s Caproco, Canada M/s Rohrback Cosasco Systems, USA B) Revised PJS of SCADA & Telecommunication enclosed as Annexure-A to Addendum-I. C) Revised PJS of Civil & Structural Works enclosed as Annexure-B to Addendum-I. D) Refer following points pertaining to PJS of Electrical Works enclosed as Annexure-C to Addendum-I. i) ii) iii) iv) v) E) Technical Data Sheet for 20 Mtr High Mast with Integral Power Tool and Components Suitable for Upto 12 Luminaires Purchaser's Data for Rectifier System Technical Data from Manufacturer Vendor List for Rectifier Check List Refer content of Part “F” i.e. Schedule of Rates enclosed with Vol-I of IV. Following revised SOR alongwith contents and summary of price etc. which have been enclosed as Annexure-D to Addendum-I are only to be referred in place of earlier Schedule of Rates:FOR PART-I SOR Item No. 1. 2. Description No. of Pages SOR FOR MAINLINE WORKS SOR FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION WORKS 20 04 D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Addendum-I _ Part-C _ 29.08.07.doc Page 2 of 4 3. SOR FOR TERMINALS WORKS I) II) III) IV) V) VI) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS CIVIL WORKS STRUCTURAL WORKS ELECTRICAL WORKS INSTRUMENTATION WORKS TELECOMMUNICATION WORKS 16 03 01 07 05 07 FOR PART-II 4. SOR FOR TERMINALS WORKS I) II) III) IV) V) 5. 6. 7. PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS CIVIL WORKS STRUCTURAL WORKS INSTRUMENTATION WORKS ELECTRICAL WORKS SUMMARY OF PRICES STATEMENT OF TAXES & DUTIES PROFORMA FOR EXTENDED STAY COMPENSATION F) 11 03 02 03 06 02 01 01 Refer following revise / additional Technical Specifications which have been enclosed as Annexure-E to Addendum-I Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Descriptions SCADA & Telecommunication Works Cold Insulation Cartridge Filter with Data Sheet 4. Data Sheet for Check Valve D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Addendum-I _ Part-C _ 29.08.07.doc Technical Specification / Data Sheet No. MEC/JS/05/E5/T/23J8/TC-01 MEC/23J8/05/21/CI-01 TS No. MEC/TS/05/62/017, Rev. 1 Data Sheet No. : MEC/23J8/05/21/DS/CF/01, Rev. 0 Data Sheet No. : MEC/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/05/21/DS/CV-002, Rev. 0 Page 3 of 4 G) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Refer Tender Drawings (Mechanical / Civil) in Vol.-IV of IV Following revise / additional tender drawings have been enclosed as Annexure-F to Addendum-I. Description of Drawings SCHEMATIC LINE DIAGRAM CROSSING DRAWING OF KAKINADA CANAL VALVES PIT Typical Details of RCC Road on Embankment Drawings No. MEC/23J8(Part-C)/05/21/M/000/SK-01 Rev. 1 GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKD.Jn.POINT/CD/19 MEC/05/11/STD/Terminal-VP1 MEC/05/11/STD/Terminal-009 Enclosure: 1) Annexure-A (08 Sheets) 2) Annexure-B (10 Sheets) 3) Annexure-C (08 Sheets) 4) Annexure-D (92 Sheets) 5) Annexure-E (68 Sheets) 6) Annexure-F (04 Sheets) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Addendum-I _ Part-C _ 29.08.07.doc Page 4 of 4 Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – A (Pertaining to PJS of SCADA & Telecommunication) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A GAIL (India ) Limited NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT TRANSPORTATION OF RELIANCE GAS TO KAKINADA & KCJP FROM ODURU JUNCTION POINT THROUGH 18” NB x 19.3 KM & 18” NB X 10.3 KM LONG PIPELINE SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORKS (Revised) MECON LIMITED DELHI Page 1 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A SCOPE OF WORK FOR SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION (Revised) 1) INTRODUCTION M/s GAIL intend to take 10.75 MM SCMD Gas from Reliance at Oduru Junction (KG Basin) and Transport it to KCJP & Kakinada through 18” x 10.3 km & 18” x 19.3 km pipeline respectively. Custody transfer meter shall be installed at ODURU Junction Point. The pipe lines from Oduru to KCJP & Oduru to Kakinada shall be designed for a flow rate of 6.0 MMSCMD each (total 12.0 MMSCMD). Since the pipeline shall pass through the cross-country area not adequately covered by the public telecommunication system, a dedicated OFC based telecommunication system proposed to be implement to meet the operation and maintenance requirements of this pipeline. Optical Fibre based Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) System (STM-1), with the Network Manageability from existing Network Management System (NMS) to be proposed for this line. SDH network shall be seamlessly integrated into existing GAIL Network. For effective control, Management & Supervision, the existing SCADA System of GAIL (SLC 500 DF1) has to be extended for this pipeline. RTU is SLC 5/03 Allen Bradley Make have been envisaged in the present SCADA facility and it shall be integrated with existing SCADA Master Stations SCADA System. The new OFC shall be interconnected with V-SAT & OFC based system to meet the present as well as future voice & data communication requirements. 2 Nos. PLE HDPE duct for blowing of present 24 F OFC and OFC in future will be laid along the pipeline. The existing telecom system is of M/s HECL Personnel earth station & ECI make Micro SDM-1 and P-Mux-DI Bayly make. The existing Network Management System will be extended for STM 1 Telecom equipment of this line for interfacing with master station. To meet the manageability of the new SDH & PDH equipments, the same shall be integrated with GAIL’s existing NMS located at Noida for SDH and at Rajahmundry for PDH. The Contractor is advice to study the capacity of existing NMS for smooth interface of new equipments. All the necessary hardware/ software for integration of new network in to existing NMS to meet the functional requirements of telecom system shall be in the Contractor’s Scope. Optical fiber cable shall be laid along with the pipeline to facilitate proper operational & management control of the pipeline and dedicated Telecommunication system in future. 2) SCOPE OF WORK:a) Telecommunication work: OFC and HDPE Telecom Duct Laying GENERAL GUIDELINE : 1. Contractor must submitted the details of specific experience of the party responsible for OFC, HDPE Duct laying, jointing, splicing, Testing. Sufficient documentary evidences also to be submitted at the time of submission of bid. The parties having proven experience and track record in respective field shall be allowed to execute the job. 2. After award of work, Contractor shall supply 2 copies of detailed activity Bar chart, manpower and machinery mobilization plan, QA/ QC plan and inspection formats, execution procedures for different type of activities, for review and approval by the Engineer-in-charge within 15 days from the date of FOI (Fax of Intent). 3. The Contractor shall use the data provided in the tender for reference purpose only. It shall be the Contractor’s responsibility to check accuracy and utility of this data. 4. The contractor shall bring all duct & OFC laying, jointing, splicing equipment, tools as deemed necessary for the timely implementation of the work. 5. The OF cable & HDPE Duct alignment sheets (to be submitted 15 days before final laying) in the format specified by the Engineer-in-charge shall indicate various rail, road, canal, river & utility crossing, location of high tension lines running in parallel with the route of OFC, location of each of jointing locations & type of cable etc. After completion of laying Contractor shall submit “As Built Drawing” as define in the specification. 6. Special care should be taken to avoid any twist or damage of duct/ OFC while laying Optical Fiber Cable under road, Nalla, Railway line, culvert as specified elsewhere in the tender document. 7. Contractor shall take all safety measures required to prevent damage to the cable and accessories. The contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the cable, accessories and all other free issue items and existing underground services in route, if any. Page 2 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A 8. The back filling and compacting of trench in layers of 20 cms. Restoration of road, Nalla, pavements etc. after the completion of laying work as specified elsewhere in this document. 9. Testing of the complete cable section (between two stations) to the satisfaction of GAIL as per test schedule mentioned elsewhere in the tender document. 10. Jointing, Splicing of OFC, in jointing pit, testing, end sealing etc. has to be done. OFC loop should not be left without proper protection at any place. The OFC loop or surplus cable should be accommodated within the jointing pit / chamber. 11. If during the course of execution of work any discrepancy or inconsistency error or omission in any one of the provision of the contract is discovered which needs to be clarified, the same matter shall be referred to the EIC / Consultants who shall give his decision in the matter and issue instruction then accordingly the work to be carryout. The decision of the EIC / Consultant will be final and binding to contractor. 12. For the payment for laying, the payable length of optical fiber cable will be the length of pipeline as per pipeline chainages. For inside Terminal the actual laid length in separate trench upto control room will be considered for measurement. No separate rate will be payable for separate trench. SCOPE of work for OFC and HDPE Telecom Duct Laying: The scope of work related to above work shall include all the necessary work (but not limited to) for supply and laying of two number self – lubricated HDPE duct, Supply, Laying and Termination of OFC ( 24 fibre) directly buried in ground along the new pipeline along the pipeline in same trench and in separate trench inside the terminals including supply of OFC, HDPE Duct & accessories, supply & laying of Warning Mat, Supply of FTC, wire mesh, splicing, Termination & Testing of OFC & HDPE duct including any civil work, Commissioning, Quality Assurance and Control, Documentation and any other job as per direction of Engineer In-charge required for completion and hooking up of OFC based telecom system. OFC - SDH based telecom system interface with master station is also in Contractor’s Scope of work. Detail Scope of Work (But not limited to): HDPE Duct Laying : 1. Supply and Laying of 40 mm dia self lubricated HDPE Ducts & accessories, making records of test report of material, estimation of quantity, including Storage, Transportation, and unloading at site, submission of HDPE alignment sheets, planning and schedule preparation for HDPE laying. 2. Erection, testing commissioning and making the work complete in all respect as per specification. a) Permanently solid Lubricated 40mm dia. HDPE Conduit as per specification along entire underground pipeline in the same trench including cased crossing for installation of OFC in future. b) HDPE casing /CS pipe casing for Nallah, River/ Canal, Railways, Major Road Crossing as directed by Engineerin-charge wherever required and as directed by Engineer-in-charge in all type of soils and terrain. 3. Supply and erection of cable Blowing & jointing pit, joint of HDPE conduit, scaling of conduit, HDPE conduit testing after laying as define in specification, sealing of HDPE conduit, cased crossing, separate trench & conduit near the terminals, joints locations marking, back filling, sealing of conduit, cable markers, joint markers, Warning mat etc. as per the MECON specification. All the accessories, if required, must be suitable of 8 Kg/cm2 (min.) pressure rating. Testing, commissioning, Handing over of system, drawings & documentation as per contract. OFC Laying : 1. Supply and Blowing of OFC ( 24 fibre ) in PLE HDPE Duct, jointing closures and accessories, Submission of test reports and documents for supplied material , storage, Transportation, unloading at site, submission of OFC alignment sheets based on the pipeline alignment sheet, planning and OFC laying schedule preparation, Laying of OFC (24 Fibre) testing before and after laying, all cable sealing, padding backfilling etc. using all material including supply and laying of warning mats etc., termination of cables at FTC with all accessories, cable jointing, commissioning and making the work complete in all respect as per specification Drawings & documentation as per contracts & other relevant work specified by Engineer-in-charge. 2. Supply and installation of 300 mm Dia cable marker mounted on Main pipeline Marker, Separate OFC joint marker, electronic marker & marker locator etc., as per specification. Page 3 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A 3. Supply, Installation, testing and commissioning of “JOINTING CLOSURE” and “FTC” ( Sub Vender : 3 M / Raychem / Krone ) as per standard specification. 4. Supply of jointing pit. Jointing/ splicing of OFC after properly placing it in manholes and providing protection to surplus OFC loop in the jointing chamber. 5. Supply of FTC and wire mesh for both ends. Installation of FTC & wiremesh, other accessories for termination of OFC-24 fibre in the control room, splicing with street fiber, test of the fiber for smooth operation of system on a wavelength end to end. Test of laid OFC, identification of fault, rectification of fault, Cable Jointing, Continuity test, Earthing, all the termination of OFC at FTC / FDF / DDF and commissioning work complete in all respect. 6. Testing including power testing complete cable section between two stations at 1310 nm & 1550 nm and testing of end sealing. 7. Providing necessary Testing Tools and power supply at site for end to end splicing and testing etc. 8. Preparations and submission of as-built drawings with soft copy as per define in the specification. 9. All necessary civil works related to erection and cabling. 10. All electrical, Earthing / Grounding works associated with installation and commissioning of OFC, FTC, RTU, Telecom equipment. The earthing pit for telecom equipments are also in the Contractor scope. 11. Any other work required for completion of OFC based Telecommunication work as per the direction of Engineer-incharge. SCOPE of work for Supply, Installation and Commissioning of OFC based SDH Telecom equipment (STM1). The scope of work would be on turnkey supply, Installation, Testing, commissioning and Integration of Network with existing NMS system shall include but not be limited to the following: Survey, project management, system design, detailed engineering, manufacture/procurement and supply of all related goods and providing all related services including installation, interconnection with the existing networks, testing, integrations, trial run, commissioning, warranty, training etc. complete in all respects, including the related civil works, Cabling, Terminations, preparation of the related drawings, documents, etc. for implementation of the telecom system, which shall comprise of an optical fibre based Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) & Primary Multiplexer systems as per requirements. The main pipeline contractor shall off-load the Telecom Equipment (STM 1 supply and installation) work to the approved Contractor so that total responsibility for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Integration with GAILTEL existing NMS will remain with one party for this work. Commissioning of new Telecom facilities and integration with existing Telecom facility with Master Station in GAIL’s Scope. All the erection work and facilitate GAIL for commissioning including manpower, tools and tackles shall be provided by contractor. The existing telecom system is V-SAT and OFC based system available in KG basin area having master control station at Rajahmundry. The Scope of Work of Telecom equipments facilities for the Contractor shall include (But not limited to): At Kakinada Junction point: The existing system is V-SAT & OFC based system available at this point. M/s HECL personnel earth station & ECI make micro SDM-1 with 21 E1s, pre-wired and P-Mux-DI Bayly make is installed in telecom room. The existing telecom system is having OFC based system interfaced with – STM Micro SDM (ADM type) ECI make , P-Mux of Bayly make DI mux with option of 120 ohms ( G.703./G.704) & 75 ohms interface (BNC ) with ringer generator. For Master station hookup the E1 connectivity with p-mux @ Kakinada Juntion point-K.Cheruvu- Rajahmundry STM-1 link for voice & data in protected path shall be use. The equipment is available with Gailtel-Rajahmundry. Media converter 10 Base T to E1 – one pair and 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx /Rx in one fiber – one pair required for hookup of new equipments with existing NMS. The NMS at Noida for OFC system and for P-Mux NMS at Rajahmundry shall be utilised for new equipment interfacing. The OFC shall be connected and interface at Kakinada Junction point-K.Cheruvu-Rajahmundry OFC connectivity interfacing at STM 1 level. Page 4 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A (- ) 48 volts DC SMPS power supply of 400 Watts with battery back up shall be provided by the contractor. Any communication cable with D type connector and all the termination and cabling work from FTC to telecom equipment is in contractor’s scope. The erection of free issue equipment including transportation from GAIL’s designated store and the installation and testing of new equipments is in contractor’s scope. For hookup of new system to existing NMS, following has also to be supplied by the contractor and installed in master station. 1. 2. Media converter 10 Base T to E1– one pair 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fiber –one pair. For interfacing with Master station and NMS and testing of OFC and any rectification required for system is contractor’s scope. Any work required for completion ( as per instruction of GAIL) for interfacing shall be in contractor’s scope. At Kcheruvu Junction point: The existing system is V-SAT & OFC based system available at this point. M/s HECL personnel earth station & ECI make STM-16 equipmentsand P-Mux-DI Bayly make is installed in telecom room. The existing telecom system is having OFC based system interfaced with – XDM-100 , STM 16 equipment (ADM type) ECI make , P-Mux of Bayly make DI mux with option of 120 ohms ( G.703./G.704) & 75 ohms interface (BNC ) with ringer generator. For Master station hookup the E1 connectivity with p-mux @ K.Cheruvu- Rajahmundry STM-1 link for voice & data in protected path shall be use. The equipment is available with Gailtel-Rajahmundry. Media converter 10 Base T to E1 – one pair and 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx /Rx in one fiber – one pair required for hookup of new equipments with existing NMS. The NMS at Noida for OFC system and for P-Mux NMS at Rajahmundry shall be utilised for new equipment interfacing. The OFC shall be connected and interface at Kakinada Junction point-K.Cheruvu-Rajahmundry OFC connectivity interfacing at STM 1 level. (- ) 48 volts DC SMPS power supply of 400 Watts with battery back up shall be provided by the contractor. Any communication cable with D type connector and all the termination and cabling work from FTC to telecom equipment is in contractor’s scope. The erection of free issue equipment including transportation from GAIL’s designated store and the installation and testing of new equipments is in contractor’s scope. For hookup of new system to existing NMS, following has also to be supplied by the contractor and installed in master station. 3. 4. Media converter 10 Base T to E1– one pair 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fiber –one pair. For interfacing with Master station and NMS and testing of OFC and any rectification required for system is contractor’s scope. Any work required for completion ( as per instruction of GAIL) for interfacing shall be in contractor’s scope. At Oduru Dispatch point: The existing system is not available at this point. New system has to be supplied and commissioned by the contractor. The equipment shall be similar to the existing equipment for easy interfacing with existing NMS. The Scope of work as per MECON's Job Specification for Telecommunication system ( JS No.: MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01) shall be following but not limited to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ECI make micro STM-1 ADM Bayly make P-Mux typ Supply, installation, integration, testing, commissioning etc. of SDH STM-1 equipment at Oduru compatible to operate with ITU-T G-652 fiber, fully wired, configured & equipped in the 19” Rack with all specified interfaces and capable of supporting interfaces as specified in the Tender . Supply, installation, testing, commissioning etc. of SDH STM-1 equipment (ADM) at Oduru compatible to operate with ITU-T G-652 fiber, fully wired, configured (also for supporting Interfaces as specified in the tender) & equipped with all required interfaces as indicated in the tender. Supply, installation, testing, commissioning etc of Primary Multiplexer (with necessary cards and interfaces for voice and data as per the requirement, mentioned in the tender). Supply and Installation of Weather proof telephones as indicated in the Tender. Page 5 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-A 7. Multi-pair armoured 0.5 mm 5 pair telephone cable for extending telephones to security cabins/ Explosion poof phones Etc. (approx. 30m – material & works) at un-attended stations and to other building at attended station. 8. Shifting/Supply and Installation of AC-DC converters 9. Installation Material including accessories/other associated items other than FTC and Wire Mesh at all locations. 10. Supply and installation of Wire Mesh and tying the OFC and related works. The erection, testing, trial run, interfacing and commissioning are in contracto’s scope. The new equipment is installed in telecom room. For Master station hookup the E1 connectivity with P-Mux @ Oduru-K.Cheruvu- Rajahmundry STM-1 link for voice & data in linear path shall be use. Media converter 10 Base T to E1 – one pair and 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx /Rx in one fiber –one pair required for hookup of new equipments with existing NMS. The NMS at Noida for OFC system and for P-Mux NMS at Rajahmundry shall be utilised for new equipment interfacing. The OFC shall be connected and interface at Oduru-K.Cheruvu-Rajahmundry OFC connectivity interfacing at STM 1 level. For hookup of new system to existing NMS, following has also to be supplied by the contractor and installed in master station. 5. 6. Media converter 10 Base T to E1– one pair 10/100 Base T to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fiber –one pair with one no. Spare. For interfacing with Master station and NMS and testing of OFC and any rectification required for system is contractor’s scope. Any work required for completion ( as per instruction of GAIL) for interfacing shall be in contractor’s scope b) SCADA Work: RTU’s will be used for Monitoring and control of pipeline parameters such as flow, temperature, pressure, valve status and control, status of pig signallers, CP parameters etc. to update the Master Computer database for entire pipeline operation. Central SCADA Control Centre will be interlocked through Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) link with Remote Terminal Units (RTUs) located along the pipeline. The Terminal at ODURU Junction Point has been considered for telemetry operation. Actuated valve status & control at Kcheruvu Junction point and Kakinada Junction point shall be considered for remote monitoring and control by providing additional I/o’s cards in existing RTU For SCADA facilities of these line new sections integrated with existing SCADA Master Stations of SCADA System. Commissioning of new SCADA facilities and integration with existing SCADA System with Master Station in GAIL’s Scope. All the erection work and to facilities for commissioning by GAIL including manpower, tools and tackles shall be provided by contractor. The main pipeline contractor shall off-load the SCADA work (Supply and installation) work to the approved Contractor (Allen Bradley) so that total responsibility for Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Integration with existing SCADA system will remain with one party for this work. The Scope of Work of SCADA facilities for the Contractor shall include (But not limited to) The scope of work would be on turnkey supply, Installation, Testing, commissioning and Integration of new RTU to with existing SCADA system Installation and additional I/o’s cards in existing RTU in control rooms at Kakinada and Kcheruvu stations, Cabling, Termination, loops checking. Facilitating GAIL for Commissioning, interfacing with Flow Computer & Gas chromatograph and Master station for existing SCADA System. All the erection work shall be carried out as per the established recommended practices & best workmanship. Detail scope of work for SCADA facilities: 1) Supply of additional I/o’s cards of RTU of SLC 5/03 of Allen Bradley make, power supply etc for new facility and to be installed in existing RTU at all stations along with Termination Board and Firmware to be procured from RTU Contractor. At Kakinada Junction point AI Module : 2 Nos. with 1 no. spare: DI Module : 2 Nos. with 1 no. spare DO Module : 1 No. with 2 nos. spare Power Supply : 24 V DC, 100 watts. Supply of Micro bus(1:4) 4 RS232 input & one RS232 output (DTE & DCE) working on 24 Volts DC: 2 Nos. At Kcheruvu Junction point AI Module : 2 Nos. with 1 no. spare: DI Module : 2 Nos. with 1 no. spare DO Module : 1 No. with 1 no. spare Supply of Micro bus(1:4) 4 RS232 input & one RS232 output (DTE & DCE) working on 24 Volts DC Page 6 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Annexure-A Supply of Fully wired RTU of SLC 5/03 of Allen Bradley make complete with all accessories and I/o modules power supply (similar to existing equipments) for Oduru Dispatch station and to be installed in SCADA room.. Erection of new RTU in SCADA control room location. It includes any civil work, termination, grouting, making foundation etc. , signal identification at site, dressing at telemetry interface cabinets end, RTU end, telecom rack end etc. Cabling from Instrumentation control panel, Field instruments/JB to RTU, Termination of cables, loop checking. The supplied AO module also to be installed in the Free issued RTU as per instruction of GAIL / EIC. Supply & Laying of cable, termination etc. from field instruments, Instrumentation panel, Flow Computer, CP panels, electrical panel to new RTUs as required. Supply, Laying & Erection of serial communication cable between Flow Computer, CP panel & RTUs including necessary connector within control room. Supply, Laying & Termination of communication cables between RTU to STM-1 Telecommunication equipment including necessary connector with control room. Supply, Laying and Termination of Power Cable ( - 48 V DC) between UPS – DB to RTU including necessary connector within control room. Facilitating GAIL for Commissioning, interfacing with Flow Computer and Master station for existing SCADA System. Coordination work for interfacing of RTU’s with the Flow computer and Telecommunication equipment. Final loop checking, signal availability at RTU end etc for proper integration is to be done. All cable works shall include dressing, ferruling, Double compressor Glanding, lugs and termination etc. complete in all respect. Supply & installation of all installation materials, including pipes / conduits, terminal boxes and all accessories as required. All electrical works, Earthing / Grounding associated with installation and commissioning of new RTU for SCADA. Preparation and submission of as-built drawings with soft copy as per contract specification. Any other work required for completion of SCADA & Telecommunication work as per the direction of Engineerin-charge. GENERAL GUIDELINE FOR INSTALLATION OF NEW SCADA FACILITIES 1) The installation and testing of all the equipment including the activities of instrumentation signal interconnections, electrical & civil works with power supply, grounding & other necessary facilities. Allen Bradley RTU SLC 5/03 shall be installed strictly as per the installation guideline. The tentative dimension of the cabinet is 800 x 800 x 1200. 2) All cables supplied must comply with the latest applicable standards. 3) The cables shall be neatly laid throughout as per schedule & requirement. Cable marker / Label also to be attached with two straps at each end. The activity of signal identification at site, cable termination, ferruling, Glanding, dressing at each end are to be done by Contractor. 4) Laying of signal cable along the same route as power supply cables shall be avoided. All cables between instrumentation panel to RTU shall be PVC insulated, signal pair (1.5mm2), multipair (1.5mm2) twisted in pair individually, individual pair shielded and over all shield with aluminum mylar tape. Separate cables shall be used for analog & digital signal. Each cable pair shall be identifiable by pair / core no. of color code. The cables shall have multistrand copper conductor. 20% spare pairs shall be provided in all cables. 5) All mechanical compression type glands (double compression gland) shall be of a material compatible with the cable armour. All glands for armoured cables shall be provided with an earth tag earthing bolt looking ring to clamp armor wires. All cable termination boxes shall be weather and insect proof. 6) All erection material required for installation of RTU equipment is included in the scope of the Contractor. The erection material required for interconnecting cabling between various equipment, RTU’s, instrumentation panel telecom equipment and the power supply equipment are also to be included in the Contractors scope. The scope also including associated grouting, and fixing of equipment, any masonry work with entry and ingress of equipment inside rooms including making good, painting & finishing etc. 7) All installation material used shall be of the best quality and confirm to international standards. The material and accessories, though not specifically mentioned but are actually required for completion of the works are included in the scope of the Contractor. 8) The Contractor has to furnished the QAP, Erection and Testing Procedure and Test Plan which is to be duly approved by consultant / owner. Page 7 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I 9) 10) 11) Annexure-A Any specific information required by the successful Contractor regarding supply & erection of the equipment it shall be discussed during tendering and detail engineering stage. Commissioning SCADA system is in GAIL’s scope. Any manpower, tools & tackles required during commissioning are in Contractors scope. All the final drawings, documents, testing reports, operational & installation manual as required shall be submitted before final handing over of the system to the owner. List of Approved Make for SCADA & Telecom equipment (Existing equipments / New equipments) RTU / SCADA System : Allen Bradely (SLC 5/03) / Allen Bradely (SLC 500 DF1) STM 1 : ECI P-mux : Bayly FTC : Raychem , 3M, Krone etc. OFC converters : MTL, Phoenix etc. RS 232/ RS 485 Converter : Accolade Electronics(p) Ltd, ADAM make etc. HDPE Duct : M/s Duraline India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, M/s Kirti Industries (India) Ltd., Indore. , M/s Kulja Industries., Solan, M/s Pioneer Polyfab Limited, Ghaziabad, M/s Veekay Plast, Jaipur, M/s Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd. Jalgoan, M/s Shree Mohit Industries, Burhanpur Optical Fibre Cable : M/s Aksh Optifibre Ltd, Bhiwadi., M/s Vindhya Telelink Ltd., Rewa., M/s Finolex Cables Ltd, Pune, M/s RPG Cables Ltd. New Delhi, M/s UM Cables Limited, New Delhi, M/s Himachal Futuristic Communication Ltd., New Delhi, M/s Birla Ericsson Optical Ltd., Rewa, M/s Uniflex Cables Lrd., Mumbai, M/s Sterlite Optical Technologies Ltd., New Delhi, M/s Tamilnadu Telecommunicaion Ltd., Maraimalai Nagar(TN), For any other make, Contractor has to take the prior permission from Client / Consultant with the proven track record of the suggested manufacturer/ supplier. Enclosures: LIST OF STANDARDS SPECIFICATIONS Sl. No. Standard Specification No. Description Remarks 1. MEC/S/05/E5/T/001 Rev 0 Specification for Optical Fibre Cable & HDPE Duct Laying and Associated Work Enclosed with Vol-III of IV 2. MEC/S/05/E5/T/002 Rev 0 Sl. No. Standard Specification No. 1. MEC/TS/05/E5/T/096 Rev 1 Technical Specification for Optical Fibre Cable & Accessories 2. MEC/TS/05/E5/T/037 Rev 1 Technical Specification PLE HDPE Telecom Duct and Accessories Enclosed Vol-III of IV 3. MEC/TS/05/E5/T/042 Rev 1 Technical Specification for Warning Mats (OFC& Telecom Duct) Enclosed Vol-III of IV 4. MEC/JS/05/E5/T/23J8/TC-01 R 0 Sl. No. Drawings 1. Specification / Procedure for the Testing of Optical Fibre Cable LIST OF TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Description Enclosed Vol-III of IV Remarks Enclosed with Vol-III of IV Job Specification for Telecommunication System LIST OF DRAWINGS Description Enclosed with Vol-III of IV MEC/05/E5/T/004, Rev 0 Standard drawing - Optical Fibre Cable Laying (OFC in HDPE duct & HDPE Duct) Enclosed with Vol-IV of IV 2. MEC/05/E5/T/006, Rev 0 Standard drawing - Optical Fibre Cable Laying (OFC in HDPE duct & Duct separate trench) Enclosed with Vol-IV of IV 3. MEC/05/E5/T/008 Rev 0 Standard drawing - Optical Fibre Cable Laying (cased crossing) - HDPE Duct & OFC in Duct Enclosed Vol-IV of IV 4. MEC/05/E5/T/009 Rev 0 Standard drawing - Optical Fibre Cable- Jointing Pit / Blowing Pit 5. MEC/05/E5/T/0010 Rev 0 Standard drawing - Optical Fibre Cable - Joint Marker / OF Cable Marker Remarks Enclosed with Vol-IV of IV Enclosed Vol-IV of IV Page 8 of 8 Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – B (Pertaining to PJS of Civil & Structural Works) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-B CIVIL & STRUCTURAL WORKS I) General The scope of work to be performed under this contract shall include complete civil works as per plans, equipment layout, drawings & technical specifications for the following GAIL Terminals: i) ii) iii) iv) II) Tap-off cum Despatch Terminal & Metering Terminal at oduru JN Point. Receiving terminal at K. Cheruvu JN Point Receiving Terminal at Kakinada JN Point Terminal in Tatipaka Scope of Supply Contractor shall procure & supply to site all the materials including cement, reinforcing steel, steel sections/plates, pipes, mesh and other accessories, other masonry materials, bitumen/asphalt, admixtures & bonding agents, sealants, kerb stones, pavior block, sand and boulder etc., and any other material/item required to complete the Civil & Structural works. All costs towards testing/inspection of materials/goods shall be borne by the Contractor. No materials/items shall be supplied by the Owner (except anchor bolts & base plates for free issue items). III) Site Work Complete construction work including supply of labour, construction materials, construction equipment, survey, tools & tackles, dismantling & modification/strengthening, supervision, testing etc. required to complete all the structures, buildings, foundations, roads, drains, pavements, finishes, painting, including site grading/earthwork in cutting & filling etc. as specified and required to complete the civil & road works in all respect. (All enabling works e.g. construction water tank, casting/fabrication yard, electricity, site stores & office etc. shall be Contractor’s responsibility.) IV) SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work shall be broadly, but not limited to, the following: 1) For Construction of Tap-off cum Despatch Terminal & Metering Terminal at Oduru Junction Point (OJP). a) Site grading of the plot including plot development by cutting / filling good/borrow earth up to 0.5 M. b) Construction of Control room building of size approx. 21m x 12 m c) Construction of 2.1 M boundary wall along with Y angle with barbed wire fencing protection on top. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 1 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) Annexure-B 4.0 M wide MS gate in entrance. 150 mm thick RCC pavement in process area with RCC pipe / equipment supports. 150 mm thick RCC pavement for all external / internal roads. Independent RCC foundations for pipe supports, Equipment, Crossovers foundations etc. Storm water drainage system in PCC / brick drains with complete civil works as per requirement. RCC cable trenches: complete civil works for cable trench including providing inserts, conduits (GI, PVC or HDPE etc.) and MS Chequred cover plate/ Pre cast concrete covers as per requirement. Grouting of all base plates/frames of equipment foundations and structural bases. Provision of all inserts, conduits, pre-cast covers, fixing of free issue items into permanent works etc. Construction of 5.0 m wide (carriageway) Concrete Approach Road over earthen embankment to connect the terminal from the nearest existing road. Clearing all construction debris and handing over completed work site. Any other work not mentioned specifically but required to make the terminal functional. Marking as-built details/drawings on one set of construction drawings and return to owner. For Construction of Receiving terminal at K. Cheruvu Junction Point (KCJP) a) Site grading of the plot/working area including plot development by cutting / filling good/borrow earth wherever required. b) 150 mm thick RCC pavement in process area with RCC pipe / equipment supports. c) 150 mm thick RCC pavement for all external / internal roads. d) Independent RCC foundations for pipe supports, Equipment, Crossovers etc. e) Storm water drainage system in PCC / brick drains with complete civil works as per requirement. f) RCC cable trenches: complete civil works for cable trench including providing inserts, conduits (GI, PVC or HDPE etc.) and MS Chequred cover plate/ Pre cast concrete covers as per requirement. g) Grouting of all base plates/frames of equipment foundations and structural bases. h) Provision of all inserts, conduits, pre-cast covers, fixing of free issue items into permanent works etc i) Clearing all construction debris and handing over completed work site. j) Any other work not mentioned specifically but required to make the terminal functional. k) Marking as-built details/drawings on one set of construction drawings and return to owner. For Construction of Receiving terminal at Kakinada Junction Point (KJP) a) Site grading of the plot including plot development by cutting / filling good/borrow earth wherever required. b) 150 mm thick RCC pavement in process area with RCC pipe / equipment supports. c) 150 mm thick RCC pavement for all external / internal roads. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 2 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-B d) Independent RCC foundations for pipe supports, Equipment, Crossovers etc. e) Storm water drainage system in PCC / brick drains with complete civil works as per requirement. f) RCC cable trenches: complete civil works for cable trench including providing inserts, conduits (GI, PVC or HDPE etc.) and MS Chequred cover plate/ Pre cast concrete covers as per requirement. g) Grouting of all base plates/frames of equipment foundations and structural bases. h) Provision of all inserts, conduits, pre-cast covers, fixing of free issue items into permanent works etc i) Clearing all construction debris and handing over completed work site. j) Any other work not mentioned specifically but required to make the terminal functional. k) Marking as-built details/drawings on one set of construction drawings and return to owner. PREAMBLE TO SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES The Preamble to Schedule of Items is an integral part of the schedule of quantities and rates and this is to be considered incorporated into the description of items themselves. The Contractor’s rate for any item of work in the schedule of item shall, unless stated otherwise be held to include the cost of all materials including wastage, conveyance and delivery, unloading, storing, fabrication, hoisting, all labour for finishing to required shape and size, tools and plants, power fuel, consumables, all taxes, royalties, other revenue expenses, temporary facilities like roads etc 1.0 Earthwork in Excavation / Cutting / Filling /Filling in Road Embankments/Site grading to develop the plot. Brief description of major works to be considered in this item is as follows: a) Taking pre-work and finished levels b) Stripping and grubbing the top soil of 150 mm and preparation of sub-grade. c) Excavation in required slopes and at all depths. d) Disposal of unserviceable and surplus earth to authorised dumping ground to any lead. e) Borrowing of approved quality good earth for filling / site development from any lead. f) Filling in layers of 150 mm thickness in controlled way. g) Watering and compaction up to 92% of modified dry proctor density of soil with mechanical means. h) Actual work shall be carried out as per certified construction drawings to be issued to successful tenderer. Note: 1. For earthwork in excavation / cutting, final cutting quantity from EGL ( Existing Ground Level) shall be considered for payment. 2. For earthwork in filling / site grading final consolidated filling quantity from EGL shall be measured for payment. 3. For Earthwork in Road Embankments, the net finished dimensions of Earthen Embankment in filling shall be considered for payment purpose. 4. Earthwork in Box cutting for Concrete Road / PCC in Berm shall be considered in the respective pavement item / PCC item D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 3 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I 2.0 Annexure-B PCC Work Brief description of major works to be considered in this item is as follows: a) Earth Work in excavation for isolated PCC works including back filling (including using borrow earth and disposal of surplus earth). b) Providing shuttering and strutting of all types (If required). Note : 1. Only net PCC concrete quantity shall be measured for payment. 2. All PCC works required in Mud mat under RCC works are inclusive. 3.0 Reinforced Cement Concrete – Substructure Brief description of areas covered under this item is as follows: 1) Independent RCC foundation with pedestals for equipment like scrubber, filter, bath heater, etc. 2) Complete civil works for independent pipe supports, sleepers etc. below EGL/FGL. 3) All sub-structure works below Plinth beam top-level viz. in foundations, columns, plinth beams etc. for all Building structures. 4) Complete civil works for cable / pipe trenches at all locations as per requirement. 5) Footings of RCC retaining wall up to Finished Floor level/Finished Ground Level. 6) Foundations, columns, tie beams up to top of Tie / Plinth beam in boundary wall and for MS Gate foundations upto top of Tie beam level. Brief description of major works to be considered in this item is as follows: a) Earth Work in excavation including back filling (including using borrow earth and disposal of surplus earth). b) PCC M-10 in mud mat as required and shown in the drawings, c) Providing shuttering and strutting of all types for PCC / RCC works d) RCC M20 as per drg. & specification including supply of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, reinforcement, including bending, placement, binding/ welding of reinforcement (@ 75 kg/m3 up to +/- 15%) all inclusive & testing of concrete and other materials). e) Provision of all pockets, inserts, conduits, pre-cast covers/chequered plates, fixing of free issue items into permanent works etc. f) Application of two coats of hot bitumen on surfaces in contact with soil. g) Clearing all construction debris/ unserviceable material and handing over completed work site. h) Any other work not mentioned specifically but required to make the terminal functional. i) Marking as-built details on one set of construction drawings and return to owner. j) Actual work shall be carried out as per certified construction drawings to be issued to successful tenderer. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 4 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-B Note: 1. For RCC in Sub-structure, net RCC concrete quantity as laid for works shall be measured for payment. 2. All other activities like earthwork, PCC, etc. as specified above to be considered inclusive in the rates of RCC. 4.0 Reinforced Cement Concrete – Superstructure Brief description of areas covered under this item is as follows: 1) RCC pedestals for equipment like Scrapper Launcher, Scrapper Receiver, Filter, Bath heater, etc coming above finished pavement levels, which do not have independent foundations. 2) RCC pedestals for pipe supports, sleepers etc. coming above Finished pavement levels which do not have independent foundations. 3) All super - structure works above Plinth beam top level viz. in, columns, beams etc. for all structures other than control room building super structure. 4) Columns, tie beams above top of Tie / Plinth beam in boundary wall and for MS Gate columns above top of Tie beam level. Brief description of major works to be considered in this item is as follows: Note: a) Providing shuttering and strutting of all types b) RCC M20 as per drg. & specification including reinforcement (supply of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, reinforcement @ 100 kg/m3 bending, placement, binding/ welding all inclusive & testing of concrete and other materials). c) Grouting of all base plates/frames of equipment foundations and structural bases as per requirement. d) Provision of all inserts, conduits, precast covers/chequered plates, fixing of free issue items into permanent works etc. e) Clearing all construction debris and handing over completed work site. f) Any other work not mentioned specifically but required to make the terminal functional. g) Marking as-built details on one set of construction drawings and return to owner. h) Actual work shall be carried out as per certified construction drawings to be issued to successful tenderer. 1. Providing shuttering, strutting and reinforcement in all types RCC works. 2. For RCC in Super structure, net RCC concrete quantity shall be measured for payment except RCC works in building super structure. 3. The RCC quantity of building superstructure is to be considered in the Building Works item. 5.0 Concrete Pavement (100 thk in Process Area / 200 Thk in Pavements / Approach Roads / Other Areas) Brief description of major works to be considered in this item is as follows: D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 5 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Annexure-B Earth Work in excavation including back filling upto required level (including using borrow earth and disposal of surplus earth) Filling in layers of 150 mm thickness in controlled way. Watering and compaction up to 92% of modified dry proctor density of soil with mechanical means. PCC M-10 in mud mat, Providing shuttering and strutting of all types, Laying RCC M20 as per drgs & specification including reinforcement (supply of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, reinforcement bending, placement, binding/ welding all inclusive & testing of concrete and other materials). Providing and laying 100 / 200 mm thick reinforced cement concrete of (M-20 grade) with 20mm and down grade crushed stone aggregate in pavement (in panels not more than 3.0m x 3.0 m), alongwith reinforcement (supply of cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, reinforcement bending, placement, binding/ welding all inclusive & testing of concrete and other materials) including preparation of base (i.e. compacted sub grade, 200 thk sand and 50 thk PCC ( M10). Providing pockets if necessary, making recess, trenches with covers projections, fixing inserts conduit pipes (GI, PVC, HDPE, etc.) laying in alternate panels, filling the gaps between the panels with bitumen etc. Making slopes, finishing edges, leaving bars for pedestals & sleepers including providing sand fill isolation. Providing and fixing reinforcing steel, curing, chipping and modification works etc. as specified in any shape, thickness, position and finishing the top surface smooth as per requirement etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. Filling joints (12 / 8 mm wide x 25mm deep) between panels with hot bitumen. Application of two coats of hot bitumen on surfaces in contact with soil. Actual work shall be carried out as per certified construction drawings to be issued to successful tenderer. Note: 1. Complete civil works for Concrete pavement including, earthwork in excavation, preparation of base i.e., compacted sub grades with 200mm thk. sand filling and compaction, 50mm thk. PCC of grade M-10, shuttering, providing reinforcement, providing and fixing of inserts plates, conduits etc. & payment shall be made in SqM under Concrete Pavement item. 6.0 Building Works Complete civil and architectural works for the buildings is included in the scope: A) Building for Control Room – Telecom & Scada Room - UPS and Battery RoomElectrical Room – I/C Room- Engineer’s Hall- Canteen- Store Room. Toilet etc. at Despatch Terminal, at ODURU junction point. Brief description of major civil and architectural under the item is as follows: i) Setting out, excavation and backfilling. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 6 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-B ii) The building shall be RCC framed structure with cladding and partitions of masonry walls. iii) Construction of all sub-structures and superstructures. iv) Anti-termite treatment to be applied to the building foundations, plinth and rooms. v) 40 thk DPC (1:2:4) to be provided at plinth level. vi) All embedded concrete/ masonry structure shall be given two coats of hot bitumen application. vii) All structural concrete for RCC elements shall have a minimum strength of 20 Mpa at 28 days. viii) Masonry shall be in cement mortar 1:4 and with first class bricks of strength not less than 7.5 M Pa. ix) Plastering on masonry structures shall be of thickness 15 mm on either faces, and 6mm on concrete faces. The cement mortar shall not be leaner than 1:4. x) Doors in the building shall be glazed / paneled, double / single leaf powder coated aluminum doors with 8mm thk minimum glazing (ASAHI, MODI, TUFF, ST GOBAIN) / paneled with prelaminated boards of Novapan or equivalent with floor spring wherever mentioned as per attached Architectural drawing. xi) All windows/ ventilators shall be aluminum glazed (min. 5mm thick glass) with anodized aluminum hardware with aluminum grill. The windows/ ventilators shall be partially/ fully openable as per requirement. xii) Inside surface of rooms/ buildings shall be finished with Acrylic washable distemper 9 of ICI, Asian Paints, Berger) on Birla Putty to give a neat and smooth finish and outside finish with white Grit wash laid in panels. xiii) Rain water pipes of CI shall be provided. Only approved materials to be used. xiv) RCC cable trenches shall include complete civil works alongwith providing inserts, conduits (GI, PVC or HDPE etc.) and Fibre glass moulded Trench cover grating of KEMROCK or eqiv. complete as per requirement. Inserts shall be provided to suit the technological requirements. xv) All exposed flat roofs shall be treated with “CICO Shield” of CICO or equivalent approved makes. xvi) Grade slab in flooring shall be of PCC of M-15 grade in 150mm thickness over a compacted sand layer of 250mm on well-prepared sub base. (In case the filling in plot is in excess of 1.0m the grade slab shall be provided with reinforcement of 8mm dia. @150 c/c both ways). xvii) Flooring & skirting in electrical/ SCADA room office/ control room/ UPS / Battery room 8mm to 10 mm thick vitrified matt finish joint less tiles (600 mm x 600 mm (Kajaria/Johnson / Somani / Equivalent of approved make) on a bed of 20mm thick cement mortar of 1:4 proportion be provided. Skirting height shall be 150mm. xviii) A backlit signage hoarding in approved design including GAIL logo of 5.0m x 1.0m prepared in aluminum framework with flexible substrate and approved coloured translucent vinyl to be provided on rooftop. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 7 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-B xix) All finishes, painting, turfing / plantations, locking arrangement, etc. any other works not specifically mentioned but required for completion and handing over of premises, complete in all respects. xx) False ceiling of “Armstrong” or equivalent make of approved pattern. xxi) MS cat ladder of 600mm wide for access to roof xxii) Plumbing, Sanitation and Sewerage including CI rain water disposal from roof to the nearest manhole, manholes, CI piping, all including fittings, traps, SS gratings, gratings, painting of pipes, jointing, works as per requirement. xxiii) White vitreous china sanitary fittings EWC, Washbasin, urinals etc of HSW or equivalent make, beveled edge mirror of Atul / Modiglass. xxiv) Toilet to have first quality chromium plated plumbing fittings, liquid soap dispenser, towel rail, deodorant holder, coat hook, automatic photoelectric cell operated flushing system in urinal, china recessed toilet paper holder, anti cockroach chilly trap, in addition to above, P.T.M.T. fittings in toilet shall be provided. xxv) Water supply piping with GI pipe (medium class) complete with all fittings and jointing, pipe work, bronze ball valves, with an overhead water tank (PVC 1000 L capacity each ISI mark) with high pressure ball cock, level indicator, level control, and all its connections and platform, anti-mosquito over flow grating etc. (Scope is within Gail’s battery limit). xxvi) Apron 0.75M wide of PCC M-10 grade and PCC peripheral Storm water drains plastered and smooth finished with neat cement punning around building (as per requirements). xxvii) Electrical work including lighting inside the building and outside shall be under the scope of this contract. The quantity of fixture etc. shall be covered under Electrical SOR for the terminal. xxviii) Marking as-built details on one set of construction drawings and return to Owner. xxix) Any other item not covered above but required for proper functioning of the building. Note: 1) The construction of the building shall be done as per detailed construction drawings to be issued to the successful tenderer. Offer can be prepared by the tenderers based on the enclosed architectural and standard drawings and on lump sum unit rate (per sqm) for complete building work. The payment for completed works shall be made as follows : 2) a. For superstructure all items as listed above from point nos. (i) to (xxv) shall be payable under Building Structure Item.. b. For substructure e.g. foundations, plinth beam etc. and other items such as apron, peripheral drains, steps etc. shall be payable as per respective SOR items. 3) For electrical wiring, illumination and fixtures refer relevant parts of specification for Electrical Works. All Electrical works shall be paid under repective Electrical Items. However, all civil works required for executing for electrical, instrumentation/ are in contractors Civil scope of work. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 8 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I 7.0 Annexure-B Boundary Wall Complete civil works for the following buildings is included in the scope. Brief description of major civil items under the Item of Boundary Wall shall be as follows: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) DPC 40 mm with cement concrete 1:2:4 if required. Brick work (bricks as per SOR) in super structure at all height and levels, in cement mortar 1:4 in Boundary wall & in Pillars at approx. 2.5 m intervals RCC 1:2:4. Including steel reinforcement for coping. Cement plaster 1:6, 15 mm on both surfaces. Drip course 25 mm wide x 15 mm deep over coping. Grooves 12X12 mm in plaster as per design. Painting of Internal & External wall surface with three coats of Acrylic emulsion paint (of ICI, Asian Paints, Berger) as per SOR or approved by Engineer-in-charge, applied by brush followed by roller. Expansion joints shall be provided at not more than 25 M and as per drawings. Height of wall shall be 2100 mm from finished Ground Level/ NGL whichever is higher Providing and Fixing Y angle with barbed wire fencing protection on top as per drawings. The construction of the Boundary wall shall be done as per approved detailed construction drawings to be issued to the successful tenderer. Offer to be prepared by the tenderer based on the enclosed architectural drawings and on lump sum unit rate (per RM) for complete compound wall work in superstructure. Note: 1. Only net length of completed compound wall shall be measured for payment purpose in RM. The Foundation of Boundary wall upto the DPC level/ FGL shall be 2. payable in the Brickwork Item 8.0 Brick Work Complete works in brick masonry foundations, steps and walls in superstructure other than masonry works covered in Building structure item is included in the scope. Brickwork in Flat Brick Soling is also included in the Scope of works Brief description of major civil and architectural under the item is as follows: a) b) c) d) e) Earth Work in Excavation including back filling. Brick work with M-5.0 grade bricks in 1:4 cement mortar. Plastering of exposed surfaces/ with neat cement finish in drains/Steps or as specified in drawings. Bitumen painting of surfaces in contact with soil. Applying Lime wash / Cement based paint / Weather proof paint / oil bound distemper on plastered faces as specified. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 9 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I f) Annexure-B Sand bedding for Brick flat soling with Cement Mortar filling in Joints and finished with pointing Note: 1. The construction of brick foundation work shall be done as per detailed construction drawings to be issued to the successful tenderer. Offer to be prepared by the tenderer based on work described above and payment will be made on CuM rate of brickwork done. 2. Brick walls in superstructure (other than building superstructure) & Boundary wall or at other locations will be considered for payment under this item. 3. Brickwork in Flat Brick Soling / Brick Pitching shall also be considered in this item and payment will be made on CuM rate of brickwork done. 9.0 Supply, fabrication and erection of miscellaneous steel structural works including MS gate Brief description of major works under the item is as follows: a) Supply, fabrication and erection of crossovers, platforms, supports, canopies etc. with standard rolled/built-up sections as per IS: 2062. b) Supply, Fabrication and erection of MS Gate consisting of mild steel sections viz channels, sq. bars, plates, hold fast, bottom wheel, tee section for movement of wheels, pivot including fixing in position with concrete/masonry column/wall. c) Painting on steel structure for corrosive environment as per specification and drawings. Note: 1. All works shall be considered for payment on MT basis. 2. Painting on all type of steel structures shall be done as per respective clause no. of SCC enclosed with the tender. Enclosure – Annexure-I (List of Drawings & Specifications) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Ann-B - Scope of Work - Civil & Structural.doc Page 10 of 10 Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – C (Pertaining to PJS of Electrical Works) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C TECHNICAL DATA SHEET FOR 20 MTR HIGH MAST WITH INTEGRAL POWER TOOL AND COMPONENTS SUITABLE FOR UPTO 12 LUMINAIRES 1. HIGH MAST SYSTEM a) Height of mast : 20 m b) Make : Bajaj or equivalent c) No. of Sections : Three sections d) Material construction : BS‐EN10 025, grade S‐355 e) Thickness : Top: 3 mm, Middle: 4 mm, Bottom : 5 mm f) No. of longitudinal welds /section : One g) No. of circumferential welds/ section : None h) Length of individual sections (approx.) : Top : 4240 mm , Bottom & Middle : 10980 mm i) Cross section of Mast : 20 sided polygon j) Base dia. and top diameter (A/F) : Top diameter : Bottom diameter : k) Type of joints : Stress fit at site l) Length of overlap : Top : 500 mm, Bottom : 700 mm m) Metal protection treatment for Mast : Hot Dipped Galvanised Section n) Method of hot dipping : Single Dipping o) Average thickness of galvanisation : Bottom : 85 Micron (As per BS EN ISO 1461) Top & Middle. : 70 Micron p) Size of opening and door at base : 1200 x 250 mm q) Type of locking arrangement : Vandal resistant with pad locking r) Details of slack board inside the base : PVC Board – 305mm x 500mm x 10mm MCB Isolator compartment (approx.) s) Provision for cable termination : t) Diameter of base plate : 730 mm u) Thickness of base plate : 25 mm v) Size of anchor plate and thickness : 650 PCD, 730 dia, 8 mm w) Details of template : 730 x 730 x 2 mm x) Weight of 30 M Mast (c/w accessories) : 1100 kgs. (approx.) y) Lightning protection finial : G.I single spike of length 1200 mm 2. DYNAMIC LOADING AS PREVAILING AT SITE Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C a) Max. wind speed : As per IS 875 part 3 b) Max. gust speed time : 3 seconds. c) Height above ground level these two : 10 Mt. factors are measured d) Factor of safety for wind load : 1.25 e) Factor of safety for other load : 1.15 3. FOUNDATION DETAILS a) Type of foundation : Open raft shallow footing b) Size of foundation : As per Design c) Soil bearing capacity at site : As per site conditions d) Design safety factor : As per IS‐456 e) Considered wind pressure (Kg/Mt2) : As per IS‐875‐1987 f) Depth of foundation : Min. 1.5 m below FGL g) Number of foundation bolts : 12 nos. h) PCD of foundation bolts : 650 mm i) Type of foundation bolts : 6.8 Grade j) Bolt diameter : 30 mm 4. LANTERN CARRIAGE a) Material of construction : 50 NB ERW Class B ‐ M. S. Pipe b) Diameter of carriage ring (mm) : 710 mm (ID) / 2200 mm (OD) c) Construction : 6 Arm d) Number of joints : 2 e) Buffer between carriage & mast : PVC sleeve on carriage f) Load carrying capacity : 750Kgs. (including Carriage) g) Total weight of assembly with fittings : As per qty. of luminaires h) Number of fittings : Suitable for up to 12 nos. i) Type of fittings/fixture : BGENF 22 R /BJEF21S 5. CABLE a) Type : Trailing Cable b) Material : Copper conductor, EPR insulated & PCP sheathed c) Current carrying capacity : 21 Amp Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C d) Conductor size : 2.5 sq. mm e) No. of cores : 5 nos. f) No. of circuits : One 6. WINCH a) Make of winch : Bajaj b) Number of drums/winch : Double drum type c) Gear Ratio : 53 : 1 Capacity : 750 kgs Method of operation : Manual/ Electrical Lubrication arrangement : Permanent oil bath Type of lubricant : SAE 90 /SAE 140 7. STAINLESS STEEL WIRE ROPE a) Make : B.W.LTD/SAFELIFT ENGG. b) Grade : AISI 316 (non corrosive marine grade) c) Number of ropes : 2 continuous ropes d) Construction : 7/19 e) Centre core material : Stainless steel core f) Diameter (mm) : 6 mm g) Thimbles & Talurit : SS Thimble h) Braking load capacity : Minimum. 2400kgs. X 2 i) Factor of safety : >5 for system at full load 8. POWER TOOL a) Model : Integral b) Input supply : 3 PH 415V AC c) Wattage/HP : 1100 watts / 1.5 H.P d) Number of speeds : Single speed e) Operating speed.(Average) : 2 M/minute 9. TORQUE LIMITER a) Lifting capacity : Up to 750 kgs. b) Adjustable/ Non‐adjustable : Adjustable c) Tripping device : Mechanical Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C ANNEXURE - I PURCHASER'S DATA FOR RECTIFIER SYSTEM 1.0 INPUT POWER SUPPLY 1.1 Voltage/freq./ phase: 230 V (±) 10 %, 50 Hz ± 5% 1.2 System fault level 10 kA 2.0 SITE CONDITION 2.1 Design Ambient/ Minimum ambient Max. 50°C / Min. 2°C 2.2 Max. Relative humidity 98% 3.0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Input Power Supply to System 230 V (±) 10 %, 50 Hz ± 5% 3.2 Type of Rectifier SCR or Latest proven technology 3.3 Rating 1250 W, -48V DC and 500 W, 24V DC 3.4 Overload capacity 125% for 15 minutes 3.5 Mode of operation Dual Redundant rectifier 3.6 Type of enclosure Minimum IP-31 3.7 Cable entry From bottom 4.0 Distribution Board Details (1) DCDB: - 48 V DC (1 No) Incomer : DP MCB Outgoings: 6 Nos. DP MCB (2) DCDB: 24 V DC (1 No) Incomer : DP MCB Outgoings: 6 Nos. DP MCB Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C ANNEXURE- II TECHNICAL DATA FROM MANUFACTURER 1.0 2x100% RECTIFIER UNITS (DUAL REDUNDANT) 1.1 Mains Input a) Voltage & Frequency b) Input harmonics (max.) at full load. 1.2 Out put details 1.2.1 Rectifier a) Voltage / Wattage b) 1.2.2 b) c) 1.4 1.5 Voltage Regulation from Full load to + 1% no load (for mains variation of +10%) Ripple Content (<30 mV) DP MCB’s with semiconductor Rating of Double pole MCB and fuses and DC bus. fuses for DCDB Efficiency of Rectifier (at 50%, 75%, 100% load) Power Factor of Rectifier (at all load) Annunciator details a) Audio – Visual b) c) 1.6 -48 V DC + 1%, 1250 W 24 V DC + 1%, 500 W Static Load Bus a) 1.3 Method of Voltage / Current Control 230 V + 10%, 1 phase, 50 HZ + 3% (Rectifier may be fed from UPS output. However it shall also be suitable for these variations if operated independent of UPS). 5% RMS (Voltage) Push buttons Remote Indication Lamps 0.6 to 0.7 (lag) DC over voltage Rectifier Failure Load C.B. Trip Acknowledge, reset One number potential free common alarm annunciation contact. As per spec. Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C 1.7 MTBF (Hrs.) 60,000 Hrs. 1.8 MTFR (Hrs.) 4 Hrs. (Approx.) 1.9 PTRV (Peak Transient reverse voltage) 600 V on AC side 200 V on DC side 1.11 Construction Details 1.12 a) b) Type of Cooling Cable entry Natural From Bottom c) d) Access Painting e) Degree of Protection Front and Back SIEMENS GREY RAL 7032 OR EQUIVALENT IP-31 Safety Factor 2.0 Spare potential free contracts (for duplicating of fault status in remote panel) to be provided. 3.0 Fault status shall be compatible to hook-up with Owner’s PC through RS 485 interface. 2 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C Annexure- III LIST OF SUPPLIERS RECTIFIER 1. APLAB 2. STATCON POWER CONTROLS LTD. 3. HBLNIFE POWER SYSTEM LTD. 4. AMARAJA Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-C ANNEXURE - IV CHECK LIST (To be filled up by tenderer) Sl. No REMARKS Description 1 Deviation from specification 2 Rectifier sizing calculation enclosed 5 Rectifier Panel Catalogue enclosed 6 Confirm compliance to Block diagram 7 Inspection for specification. 8 Dimension for Rectifier Panel enclosed. 9 Un-priced schedule enclosed 10 Break up for two years operation & maintenance spares enclosed for Rectifier System Rectifier Offer may be rejected if there is any deviation Panel as per Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – D (Pertaining to Revised SOR for Part-I & II) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-D PART – F SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN SOR Item No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. FOR PART-I Description SOR SOR SOR I) II) III) IV) V) VI) CONTENTS FOR MAINLINE WORKS FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION WORKS FOR TERMINALS WORKS PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS CIVIL WORKS STRUCTURAL WORKS ELECTRICAL WORKS INSTRUMENTATION WORKS TELECOMMUNICATION WORKS No. of Pages 20 04 16 03 01 07 05 07 FOR PART-II SOR FOR TERMINALS WORKS I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS II) CIVIL WORKS III) STRUCTURAL WORKS IV) INSTRUMENTATION WORKS V) ELECTRICAL WORKS 11 03 02 03 06 SUMMARY OF PRICES STATEMENT OF TAXES & DUTIES PROFORMA FOR EXTENDED STAY COMPENSATION 02 01 01 D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I 1) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR MAINLINE WORKS [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 1.0 Annexure - D Page 1 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency PIPELINE LAYING/ INSTALLATION "Receiving and taking-over" as defined in the specification, handling, loading, transportation and unloading of Owner supplied externally corrosion coated and bare line pipes and other Owner supplied materials from Owner's designated place(s) of issue/ dump site(s) to Contractor's own stockyard(s)/ Work Shop(s)/ work-site(s) including stringing on the pipeline Right-of-Use, laying/ installation of coated line pipe, associated fittings and accessories, etc. of following sizes given below, including executing all works; arrangement of all additional land required for Contractor's storage, fabrication, access for construction; supply of all materials (except Owner supplied materials), consumables, labour and other incidental works; taking custody and management with maintenance of coating Contractor's stock/ dumpyard at sites after last consignment of line pipe unloaded at coating Contractors stock/ dump yard at site or at region nearby site including providing security guard etc. and handing over the same after return of the surplus pipes to the Owner's designated stockyard(s); carrying out all temporary, ancillary, auxiliary works required to make the pipeline ready for pre-commissioning as per drawings, specifications, scope of work indicated in SCC and other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-charge, including but not limited to carrying out the following works: - Stacking and installation of construction markers, clearing, fencing, grubbing, grading of right of use (ROU), locating the existing pipelines within ROU (as required) with the help of pipe locator instruments and making of trial pits at interdistance of minimum 100 mtrs. and at each turning point to ascertain exact location of existing pipeline in presence of EIC or other methodology as decided by EIC. - All safety precaution as per recommended practice of construction of proposed underground pipeline parallel to existing underground pipeline within same ROU shall be followed strictly for the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge, before carrying out any type of job for laying of underground proposed pipeline till completion of the complete work. - Trenching to all depths by excavation in all types of soils including soft/ hard rock, including blasting, chiselling or otherwise cutting etc. providing required depth of padding in trench bed & above and around the pipeline & OFC/ HDPE Duct with sand/ graded earth approved by Engineer-in-charge to a width to accommodate the pipeline and optical fiber cable (OFC)/ HDPE Conduit during lowering & backfilling as per the relevant standards, specifications etc. - Carrying out repairs of pipe defects/ replacement in case of irreparable defects and repairs of defects of pipe coating not attributable to Owner including defects/ damages occurring during transportation/ handling after taking over from Owner by Contractor including management of their own dump site, if required. - Stringing of line pipes along ROU including providing straw/ sand/ soft soil bags, soft padding/ sand padding. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. Annexure - D Page 2 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency - Aligning, bending, cutting and bevelling (as required) of pipes for welding and field adjustments, welding, carrying out destructive/ non-destructive testing of welds as required including 100% radiography and providng all requisite equipment, labour, supervision, materials, films, consumables all facilities and personnel to process, develop, examine and interpret radiographs and other tests, as required, carrying out repairs of weld joints found defective by Engineer-in-charge, carrying out reradiography and other tests such as ultrasonic etc. as required on repaired joints etc. as mentioned in SCC & particular job specification. - Installation of carrier line pipe at all crossings viz road, cartrack, pathway, drain, nallah, canal & minor water crossings etc. at designated depth by open cut/ mechanised boring (except at crossings by HDD Method, open cut with conventional method, cased crossing which is covered separately elsewhere in this SOR). - Supply and installation of saddle weight/ any other suitable means as per specification and drawings or as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge to counter the bouancy effect on pipeline, wherever required. Payment for supply & installation of saddle weight shall be made separately mentioned elsewhere in the SOR. - Supply of coating materials for all field joints, Long Radius Bends, Burried Fittings, Valves, etc. including heat shrinkable sleeves and high build liquid epoxy etc. as per specifications compatible with 3-Layer PE Coating as per tender specifications with prior approval of Engineer-in-charge. - Coating of all field weld joints, long radius bends, (R=6D bends), burried fittings, valves etc. - Lowering the pipelines in trench, as per specification and standard drawing, providing around the pipeline, OFC & HDPE Duct and backfilling. - Supply and installation of slope breaker as per specification and drawings in steep slope areas, wherever required. - Installation of Long Radius Bends (R=6D bends) as per specification wherever required depending on site condition. - Training and diversions of streams in steep slope areas, wherever required. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. Annexure - D Page 3 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. 3 Layer PE Double random (approx. Coating 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End Mtr. 22400 3 Layer PE Coating Mtr. 5700 Mtr. 2200 Currency - Carrying out cleaning, pigging and hydrostatic testing of complete pipeline in various test sections including `pretesting' of designated sections as approved by Engineer-in-charge to specified pressures; providing all equipment, pumps, test headers, fittings, instruments, dead weight tester, pressure recorder, etc., and services, supervision, labour, consumables, water including supply of corrosion inhibitor, air, etc. as required; detection of leaks, if any occurred during hydrotesting, attributable to Contractor, either by further sectionalising or any other suitable standard recommended practice with due approval of Engineer-in-charge and rectification of defects, re-testing after rectification, successful completion of hydrotesting of pipeline to acceptance criteria defined in the specifications; complete dewatering of the pipeline. (Note : Leak detection, its rectification and successfully re-hydrotesting shall be carried out by Contractor with a view that completion of all activity for successful hydrotesting is not inordinately extended, which will hamper the overall project schedule. Further, no extra payment claim shall be entertained for re-hydrotesting and leak detection if defects found attributable to Contractor. - All tieing-in, including the tie-in(s) of the pipeline with the adjacent sections of pipeline including cutting of test header, rebevelling as required, radiography and other NDT examination, joint coating as per specification. - Final clean-up and restoration of right of use/ corridor including obtaining NOC from respective land owners & statutory authorities if required, and disposal of debris and returning surplus material to Owner's designated disposal area(s)/ stockyard(s) as directed by Engineer-in-charge. - Obtaining work permits/ NOC from various statutory authorities having jurisdiction before execution of the work and complying with all stipulations/ conditions/ recommendations of the said authorities. - Preparation of As-built drawings, pipe-book and other records as specified in the specifications Line pipe laying and installation with radiography by X-ray - Line pipe details Size Thk. Material mm(NB) (mm) 1.1 450 6.4 API 5L PSL-2 Gr. X-70 1.2 450 8.7 1.3 450 10.3 API 5L PSL-2 Gr. X-70 API 5L PSL-2 Gr. X-70 Coating Type Length of each Pipe 3 Layer PE Coating D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline Double random (approx. 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End Double random (approx. 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 1.4 400 7.9 / 8.7 API 5L Gr. X-60 1.5 350 7.9 / 8.7 API 5L Gr. X-60 1.6 300 7.1 / 7.9 API 5L Gr. X-60 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item 3 Layer PE Coating 3 Layer PE Coating 3 Layer PE Coating Double random (approx. 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End Double random (approx. 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End Double random (approx. 11.5 to 12.5 mtr.) & Bevel End Unit Qty. Mtr. 100 Mtr. 100 Mtr. 100 M3 50 Nos. 25 Currency Note : This item rate is applicable for complete work of laying the underground pipeline 1) For 18" Pipeline - Section - I from Insulating Joint after SL/R of Despatch Terminal at ODJP to KJP (18" x 19.3 km) & - Section - II from Insulating Joint after SL/R of Despatch Terminal at ODJP to KCJP (18" x 10.3 km) including installation of aboveground insulating joint and station approach pipeline. 2) For 16" / 14" Pipeline from Hot-tapping point (on 14” existing underground MP pipeline) to existing receiving terminal at Tatipaka. 3) For 12" Pipeline from Hot-tapping point (on 18” existing underground pipeline) to receiving terminal at ODJP. 2.0 3.0 Annexure - D Page 4 of 20 SELECT SOIL FOR BACKFILLING Extra over and above item 1.0 if required for supply of specified and approved quality of backfill material as per specification including supply of graded sand/ rock/ other types of soil in place of available excavated material and/ or other suitable soil, including transportation of such special backfill material over all distances, complete. CONCRETE SADDLE WEIGHTS Unit rate for additional works over and above item no. 1.0 for supply of all consumables and materials including supply of 3mm, HDPE sheets, fabrication and installation of concrete saddle weights on pipeline and performing all works as per specifications, drawings, and instructions of Engineer-incharge and other provisions of the Contract document. - Size of Pipe 450mm OD D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 4.0 5.0 Annexure - D Page 5 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit BANK & BED STABILIZATION Unit rate for additional works over and above item no. 1.0 for supply, fabrication and installation for m2 of protection and stabilisation of banks by using gravels, boulders encased in gabion boxes as per bank specification,standard details[refer standards drg nos.MEC/05/11/Std-015 & 016] including excavation stabilised of overburden, backfilled earth, removal/ strengthening of temporary anti-scouring/ buoyancy measures,removal of shuttering/ strutting water crossings including supply of all materials, equipment, consumables, manpower and performing all works as per drawings, specifications & instructions of Engineer-in-charge and provisions of Contract document. Qty. Currency 50 WATERBODY CROSSING (by HDD Method) Complete work of the water crossings (between the limits as defined in approved drawing) by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied three layer PE coated line pipes from owner's designated places of issue/ dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ worksite including all handling, loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material including required length of CS conduit of size 150mm NB, 6.4mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe duly coaltar epoxy coated of minimum 300 micron for OFC laying works site(s), manpower, equipments, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication, access for Contractor etc. and execution of, but not limited to, following works in accordance with specifications scope of work and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provision of Contract Document. - In-situ pre-construction survey including auger bore(s) of minimum 150 dia. x 6 M depth [in the middle third of waterway; at least 1 in each waterbody and at interval of 50M centres and 2 Nos. of bore holes upto 150 dia. x 4 m depth out side bank of each side of water bodies] to establish bed strata,its bore log by soil testing; obtaining historical data/ scour depth from concerned authority from partical size analysis by ascertaining under neath soil & strata, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline from lowest bed level of the stipulated water crossing including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting the approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for water crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during water crossing prior to start the execution of work. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency - Drilling to the required depth on the banks and bed including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and CS conduit for OFC laying at all conditions of the water crossings by HDD methods for providing with minimum cover either (i) 1.5m below the scour profile/ duly approved/ accepted by concerned authority. or (ii) 2.5m to 5.0m from the lowest bed as required by concerned authority or site & technical requirement. and (iii) In addition to point (i) & (ii), In case of multiple combined X-ing i.e. canal alongwith road/ drain, minimum cover requirement as per specification/ concerned authority for each type of x-ing has also to fulfilled. - Laying of the pipeline by the approved HDD method across the water crossing including, strings preparation of pipes, welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Dirax Heat Shrink Sleeve or equivalent and repair of pipeline coating with special PERP80 repair patch or equivalent material as per specification, pre-hydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. - Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and clean-up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge/ Concerned Authority. - Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie-in with pipeline at either banks etc. - All other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. alongwith mainline works (as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above) required as per specifications, codes, approved drawings, calculations, methods and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 5.1 Detail of Coringa Canal Crossing alongwith Road at minimum cover mentioned as above at chainage 49.520 km of existing pipeline (Ref. As-Built, Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKP.JnPoint/CD/07) 5.2.1 Crossing of Coringa Channel alongwith Road for carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API Lumpsum 5L Grade X-70 and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE ducts for OFC 5.2 Annexure - D Page 6 of 20 1 Detail of Tolyabaga Drain Crossing at minimum cover mentioned as above at chainage 55.6 km of existing pipeline (Ref. As-Built, Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCPKKP.JnPoint/CD/12) 5.2.1 Crossing of Tolyabaga Drain Crossing for carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API 5L Lumpsum Grade X-70 and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE ducts for OFC D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline 1 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 5.3 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency Detail of Adadani River Crossing at minimum cover mentioned as above at chainage 62.8 km of existing pipeline (Ref. As-Built, Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCPKKP.JnPoint/CD/09) 5.3.1 Crossing of Canal Crossing alongwith Road for carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API Lumpsum 5L Grade X-70 and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE ducts for OFC 5.4 Annexure - D Page 7 of 20 1 Detail of Kakinada - Samalkot Drain alongwith road Crossing at minimum cover mentioned as above at chainage 67.47 km of existing pipeline (Ref. As-Built, Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKP.JnPoint/CD/19) 5.4.1 Crossing of Andrangi Drain for carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API 5L Grade X-70 Lumpsum and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE ducts for OFC Detail of Samalkot Canal Crossing alongwith Kakinada - Samalkot Highway Road at minimum cover mentioned as above at chainage 74.260 km of existing pipeline (Ref. As-Built, Alignment Sheet & Xing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKP.JnPoint/CD/16) 5.5.1 Crossing of Samalkot Canal Crossing alongwith Kakinada - Samalkot Road Crossing for carrier Lumpsum pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API 5L Grade X-70 and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE ducts for OFC 1 5.5 1 Note: (i) Crossings indicated in As-built alignment sheet and crossing detail drawing enclosed with the tender document are tentative. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. Tenderer are advised to visit the site for actual assessment of extent of crossing and to access the maximum extent of cover which may have to be provided. Actual string length for HDD shall be as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/ specifications. Final length of string shall be decided after decision of minimum cover requirement by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit laid by HDD method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere. (iii) The Contractor has to quote lumpsump for each X-ing alongwith 6" CS conduit. No any extra payment shall be made against this item. It is sole descretion of the Contractor to do HDD crossing of mainline pipe as well as CS conduit pipe either by suitabily strapping together both the carrier pipe & CS conduit and pulled through the same drill hole. or making separate HDD for 6" CS conduit for OFC laying at minimum 4m distance apart from centreline of HDD of mainline either side. No separate payment for HDD for 6" CS conduit shall be paid. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency (iv) Crossing methodology for above mentioned canals may change during execution stage depending upon site condition & requirements. It shall be sole-discretion of Engineer-in-charge to decide the crossing methodology either by HDD or open cut by conventional method as described in SCC, particular job specification and other respective technical specification. Final decision of Engineer-incharge shall be binding to the Bidder. (v) In case of change in crossing methodology from HDD to open cut by conventional method using continuous concrete weight coating application on carrier pipeline, then general description for the stipulated crossing shall be followed as per SOR Sl.No. 6.0. The payment shall be made on running meter basis of as per SOR Item No. 6.0. 6.0 Annexure - D Page 8 of 20 WATER CROSSING NALLAH/ DRAIN/ IRRIGATION CHANNEL (BY OPEN CUT CONVENTIONAL METHOD) Complete work of the water crossings (between the limits as defined in approved drawing) including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied corrosion coated line pipes from owner's designated places of issue/ dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ worksite including all handling, loading, unloading, etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material to worksite(s), manpower, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication, access for Contractor etc. and execution of, but not limited to, following works in accordance with specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provision of Contract Document. - In-situ pre-construction survey including auger bore(s) minimum 6.0 depth [in the middle third of waterway; at least 1 in each waterbody and at interval of 50M centres] to establish bed strata,its bore log by soil testing; obtaining either scour depth from concerned authority, necessary cover required over the carrier pipeline from lowest bed level of the stipulated water crossing to be obtained from concerned authority including design & detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for water crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during water crossing prior to start the execution of work. Following data shall be obtained from concern authority/ local sources to finalise scour depth :(i) Past Historical flood level datas indicating HFL to determine highest flood level. (ii) River flow data including velocity of water flow. (iii) Necessary information regarding type of soil and strata underneath the river bed. - Trenching to the required depth on the banks and bed including maintenance of trench in all types of strata, all depth to a width to accommodate the pipeline at all conditions of the water crossings by various methods for providing with minimum cover over top of the pipe at all point across the maximum possible width of water bed (as per drawing) either 1.5 mtrs. below the predicted scour profile expected during the life time of the pipeline or 2.5 mtrs. below the available lowest firm bed (if scour profile/ depth not available) of the water crossing by ascertaining bed level upto 50 mtrs. both the side from crossing location or the actual depth as decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-incharge whichever is more. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Meter 140 Currency - Strings preparation of pipes, welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with Heat Shrink Sleeve or equivalent and repair of pipeline coating with repair patch or equivalent material as per specification, pre-hydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. - Final strings preparation of pipes with 80mm thick continuous concrete weight coating upto approved length as per approved drawing & specification [only with guniting concrete in lowered position]or as decided by Engineer-in-charge depending on site condition, repair of coating damages, concrete coating of field joints, etc. as per respective technical specification. - Laying of the pipeline by the approved crossing method across the water crossing in the approved trench. - Backfilling of the trench including supply and padding by select backfill as required: stabilisation of excavated banks using embankment mattresses as per drawings/ specifications including supply of necessary materials getting NOC from concerned authority after bank protection, restoration of disturbed area and clean-up etc. - Post installation hydrotest and tie-in with pipeline at either banks etc. - All other works required as per specifications, approved drawings, calculations, methods and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 6.1 Annexure - D Page 9 of 20 Canal/ Drain/ Nallah/ Irrigation Channel wherever required at minimum cover mentioned as above. 6.1.1 Crossing of Canal/ Drain/ Nallah/ Irrigation Channel for carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 8.7mm/ 10.3mm thk. of API 5L Grade X-70 and CS conduit of size 150 NB X 6.4 mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for HDPE duct and OFC Note: (i) The width indicated is not for any single crossings. This shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations. (i) Final length of string & cover from top of pipe for each crossing shall be decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge. (iii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit string made for crossing laid by open cut conventional method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere. (iv) In case of lower depth of crossing achieved if damage to bed & bank is extensive the scheme for Bed & Bank Stabilisation as per standards MEC/05/11/Std-015 & 016 shall be executed at no extra cost. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 7.0 Annexure - D Page 10 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Lumpsum 1 Currency ROAD CROSSING BY HDD Complete work of the road crossing (between the limits are defined as approved drawings) by HDD method including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied three layer PE coated line pipes from Owner's designated place to issue/ dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ work site including all handling loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material including required length of CS conduit for OFC laying of size 150mm NB; 6.4mm thk. of API 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW pipe to work site(s), manpower, equipment, other resources and aquiring the required land for storage, fabrication inclduing string preparation of pipes, welding, welding repair, radiography, coating of field joints with special type Heat Shrink Sleeve and repair of pipeline coating with special repair patch materials as per Specification, pre-testing etc. of complete string made for crossing access for Contractor etc. and execution of, but not limited to, following works in accordance with specifications and instruction of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provision of Contract Document. Pre-construction survey based on site visit, collection of data (if required) from concerned Authority including design and detail engineering and making of crossing drawings for getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for road crossing as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during road crossing prior to start the execution of work. Drilling to required depth from top of road including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and CS conduit for OFC laying at all conditions encountered during rail/ road crossing by approved HDD methods for providing minimum cover specified in code/ specification or the actual depth as decided by concerned authority, whichever is more. Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and cleanup of area and all other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. alongwith mainline works (as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above) required as per specification, approved drawings, calculations, methods and to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge and/ or as directed by concerned Authority. 7.1 Details of Road Crossing 7.1.1 Type of Crossing At Approx. Chainage of 44.6 km (as per As-Built Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKP.JnPoint/CD/01) Road (Draksharam - Yanam) (Size of carrier line pipe - 450mm NB & wall thk. - 10.3mm) & (Size of CS conduit - 150mm NB & wall thk. - 6.4mm) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. No. 7.1.2 Type of Crossing Descriptoin of Item At Approx. Chainage of 47.5 km (as per As-Built Alignment Sheet & X-ing Detail Drawing No. GAIL/VEC/KCP-KKP.JnPoint/CD/05) Road (Kakinada - Budalacheruru alongwith Channel (Size of carrier line pipe - 450mm NB & wall thk. - 10.3mm) & (Size of CS conduit - 150mm NB & wall thk. - 6.4mm) 8.0 Note: (i) Width of above crossings indicated are tentative. Crossing width may vary as per site condition. Tenderer are advised to visit site for actual assessment of extent of crossing. Actual string length for HDD shall be as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/ specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit made for crossing laid by HDD method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere. (iii) The Contractor has to quote lumpsump for each X-ing alongwith 6" CS conduit. No any extra payment shall be made against this item. It is sole descretion of the Contractor to do HDD crossing of mainline pipe as well as CS conduit pipe either by suitabily strapping together both the carrier pipe & CS conduit and pulled through the same drill hole. or making separate HDD for 6" CS conduit for OFC laying at minimum 4m distance apart from centreline of HDD of mainline either side. No separate payment for HDD for 6" CS conduit shall be paid. MAJOR RAIL (CASED) / ROAD CROSSING (CASED) 8.1 Crossing with Casing Pipe by Boring Unit Qty. Lumpsum 1 Currency 8.1.1 Road Crossing with Casing Pipe by Boring Complete work of the road crossing (between the limits as defined in approved drawings) excluding supply of casing pipe bare/ coated of size 610mm OD x min. 7.92mm thk. (for 18" NB Pipeline) & 150mm x 6.4mm thk. (for HDPE Duct/ OFC) confirming to API 5L Gr. B or equivalent pipe including handling, loading, transportation, unloading to Contractor's own stock yard/ work site. Pre-construction survey and making of crossing drawing based on site visit and getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge prior to start the execution of work. Installation of casing pipe by jacking/ boring/ for road crossings including open cut for adjacent service road, canal, minor nature of water channel, utility line crossing etc. (if any) wherever required for all depth in all type of soils and terrrain for carrier pipe insertion and for OFC/ HDPE duct. All other Contractor supplied materials like casing insulators, Zinc Ribbon Anodes and casing end seals as per enclosed specification/ drawings materials for casing vents and drain assembly etc. including supply of all other materials, equipments, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 11 of 20 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. I) Annexure - D Page 12 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. a) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) M 36 b) By Open Cut of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) M 12 c) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 36 d) By Open Cut of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 12 e) Supply of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for 18" NB pipeline) M 48 f) Supply of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for OFC & their conduit) M 48 Currency Preparation of required length of carrier pipeline welded string including all other works as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above and as per specification/ drawings. Pulling of OFC/ HDPE duct through CS conduit & insertion of carrier pipe in casing pipe after above ground pretesting at specified test pressure including installation of casing insulators and Zn ribbon anode as per approved design calculation, specification/ drawings. Insatllation of vent and drain assembly, fixing of end seals, backfilling and restoration as original of the facilities crossed and performing all other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. alongwith mainline works (as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above) and as per specification, approved procedure, drawing etc. and instruction of Engineer-incharge and provision of contract document, getting NOC from all concerned Authority of the facilities crossed. Type of Crossing - Road Note: (i) Width of the above crossings indicated are tentative and is total for both crossing. Actual length & cover from top of casing pipe string may vary depending upon site conditions, crossing methods, approved drawings etc. and/ or decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Exact centreline location of boring of 6" NB CS conduit for HDPE Ducts / OFC as a casing pipe shall be minimum 4.0m either side based on as installed centreline dimension of carrier pipe inside casing pipe at all cased crossing. The cover to top of casing pipe for HDPE Ducts / OFC shall be same as cover to top of the pipeline/ casing pipe as applicable. (iii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline laid by insertion in casing pipe and length of CS conduit string made for crossing are inclusive in this above item rate. No separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewere. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. Descriptoin of Item No. 8.1.2 Rail Crossing with Casing Pipe by Boring Complete work of the rail crossing (between the limits as defined in approved drawings) excluding supply of casing pipe bare/ coated of size 610mm OD x min. 7.92mm thk. (for 18" NB Pipeline) & 150mm x 6.4mm thk. (for OFC/ HDPE duct) confirming to API 5L Gr. B or equivalent pipe including handling, loading, transportation, unloading to Contractor's own stock yard/ work site. Pre-construction survey and making of crossing drawing based on site visit and getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge prior to start the execution of work. Installation of casing pipe by jacking/ boring/ for road crossings including open cut for adjacent service road, canal, minor nature of water channel, utility line crossing etc. (if any) wherever required for all depth in all type of soils and terrrain for carrier pipe insertion and for OFC/ HDPE duct. All other Contractor supplied materials like casing insulators, Zinc Ribbon Anodes and casing end seals as per enclosed specification/ drawings materials for casing vents and drain assembly etc. including supply of all other materials, equipments, consumables, manpower, welding including visual inspection of all weld joints. Preparation of required length of carrier pipeline welded string including all other works as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above and as per specification/ drawings. Pulling of OFC/ HDPE duct through CS conduit & insertion of carrier pipe in casing pipe after above ground pretesting at specified test pressure including installation of casing insulators and Zn ribbon anode as per approved design calculation, specification/ drawings. Insatllation of vent and drain assembly, fixing of end seals, backfilling and restoration as original of the facilities crossed and performing all other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. alongwith mainline works (as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above) and as per specification, approved procedure, drawing etc. and instruction of Engineer-incharge and provision of contract document, getting NOC from all concerned Authority of the facilities crossed. I) Type of Crossing - Railway alongwith Road/ Canal at Chainage of existing Pipeline at - 54980 Mtrs (approx.) a) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) Unit Qty. M 36 b) By Open Cut of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) M 12 c) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 36 d) By Open Cut of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 12 e) Supply of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for 18" NB pipeline) M 48 f) Supply of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for OFC & their conduit) M 48 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline Currency SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 13 of 20 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. II) Annexure - D Page 14 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. M 36 b) By Open Cut of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) M 12 c) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 36 d) By Open Cut of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. (for OFC & their conduit) M 12 e) Supply of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for 18" NB pipeline) M 48 f) Supply of CS Conduit 150mm NB, 6.4mm wall thk. API 5L Gr. B or equivalent (for OFC & their conduit) M 48 Type of Crossing - Railway alongwith Road/ Canal at Chainage of existing Pipeline 74530 Mtrs. (approx.) a) By Pipe Jacking with auger Boring of Casing Pipe - 610mm OD, 7.92mm wall thk. (for 18" NB pipeline) Currency Note: (i) Width of the above crossings indicated are tentative and is total for both crossing. Actual length & cover from top of casing pipe string may vary depending upon site conditions, crossing methods, approved drawings etc. and/ or decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Exact centreline location of boring of 6" NB CS conduit as a casing pipe shall be minimum 4.0m either side based on as installed centreline dimension of carrier pipe inside casing pipe at all cased crossing. The cover to top of casing pipe for OFC & their conduit shall be same as cover to top of the pipeline/ casing pipe as applicable. (iii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline laid by insertion in casing pipe and length of CS conduit string made for crossing are inclusive in this above item rate. No separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewere. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 9.0 Annexure - D Page 15 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Currency ANY OTHER CROSSINGS BY HDD METHOD Complete work of the water crossings (between the limits as defined in approved drawing) by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method including "Receiving and taking over" owner supplied three layer PE coated line pipes from owner's designated places of issue/ dump site(s) and transportation to Contractor's stock yard/ work shop/ worksite including all handling, loading, unloading, aligning etc. supply of all Contractor supplied material including required length of CS conduit of size 150mm NB, 6.4mm thick. of API - 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe duly coaltar epoxy coated of minimum 300 micron for OFC laying works site(s)manpower, equipments, other resources and acquiring the required land for storage, fabrication, access for Contractor etc. and execution of, but not limited to, following works in accordance with specifications scope of work and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provision of Contract Document. - Pre-construction surveys based on site visit, collection of historical data from irrigation/ concerned department including design & calculation and detail engineering and making of crossing drawing for getting their approval from concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge, getting work permit/ NOC for water crossings/ road crossings as well as utility crossings (if any) encountered during crossing prior to start the execution of work. - In case of water crossing, drilling to the required depth on the banks and bed including maintenance of drill hole in all types of strata, all depth to accommodate the pipeline and CS conduit for OFC laying at all conditions of the water crossings by HDD methods for providing with minimum cover over top of the pipe at all point across the maximum possible width of water bed (as per drawing) either 1.5 mtrs. below the predicted scour profile expected during the life time of the pipeline or 2.5 mtrs. below the available lowest firm bed (if scour profile/ depth not available) of the water crossing by ascertaining bed level upto 50 mtrs. both the side from crossing location or the actual depth as decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-in-charge whichever is more. - Laying of the pipeline by the approved HDD method across the crossing including, strings preparation of pipes, welding, testing, radiography, welding repair and retest, coating of field joints with special type Dirax Heat Shrink Sleeve or equivalent and repair of pipeline coating with special PERP-80 repair patch or equivalent material as per specification, pre-hydrotest of complete strings made for crossing etc. - Backfilling of the ditch/ trench including restoration and clean-up of area etc. to the satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge/ Concerned Authority. - Post installation hydrotest dewatering and tie-in with pipeline at either banks etc. - All other works including pigging, cleaning, final hydrotesting etc. alongwith mainline works (as mentioned in clause no. 1.0 above) required as per specifications, codes, approved drawings, calculations, methods and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 Sl. No. 9.1 Annexure - D Page 16 of 20 MAINLINE WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. Mtrs. 100 10.1 Pipeline Warning Signs No. 70 10.2 Right-of-way boundary markers No. 248 10.3 Kilometer Posts No. 30 10.4 Direction Markers No. 18 10.5 Aerial Markers No. 6 Crossing of other water/ road/ canal/ nallah/ drain/ channel crossings by carrier pipeline of size 450 NB x 10.3mm thk. of API 5L Grade X-70 and CS conduit of 6" NB x 6.4mm thick. of API 5L Gr. B or equivalent ERW Pipe for OFC Note: (i) Crossing width may vary as per site condition. Actual string length for HDD shall vary as per design calculations so that pipe is not under stress as permitted by codes/ specifications. However final length of string & cover from top of pipe shall be decided by concerned Authority/ Engineer-incharge. (ii) Payment for the length of final tied-in carrier pipeline string with mainline and CS conduit made for crossing laid by HDD method are inclusive in the above item rate and no separate payment shall be made under other clause mentioned elsewhere. (iii) Width of above crossings indicated are tentative. The width indicated are not for any single crossings. This shall be as per requirement at site for crossing at different locations. 10.0 PERMANENT MARKERS Supply, fabrication and installation of following types of permanent markers along the route including all associated civil works such as excavation in all types of soil, construction of pedestals and grouting with concrete, cleaning, supply and application of approved colour and quality of primer and paint, stencil letter cutting for numbers, direction, chainage, etc., restoration of area to original condition and performing all works as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Currency Note : Final quantities of Marker may vary. This may be confirmed by EIC before fabrication. 11.0 REPAIR OF DEFECTS IN LINE PIPE AND PIPE COATING (ATTRIBUTABLE TO OWNER) Repair of Owner supplied line pipe and external corrosion coating of all thicknesses noted at the time of taking delivery by Contractor, including performing all works as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. Descriptoin of Item No. 11.1 Repair of coating defects in 3-Layer PE Coating Line Pipe Repair of Holiday in Coating Supply of all coating repair materials as per specification to be compatible with line pipe coating material and as per the requirements of the relevant specifications, supply of all consumables, utilities, equipment, and all manpower required, pipe cleaning and surface preparation repairing of coating defects (resulting in holiday in coating) and testing including all handling, transportation, etc. for line pipes, performing all works necessary for the completion of the works strictly in accordance with the relevant specification and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. This rate shall be applicable per of the exposed steel area. Unit Qty. cm2 1000 No. 20 No. 20 Each 1 ii) For pipeline size 400mm NB Each 1 iii) For pipeline size 350mm NB Each 1 iii) For pipeline size 300mm NB Each 1 11.2 Repair of Defects in Pipes i) Cutting and rebevelling (dents / damage in bevels exceeding 3mm in depth) ii) Jack out (dents in bevels ranging between 1mm and 3mm in depth) 12.0 LEAKS/ BURSTS (Attributable to Owner) 12.1 Major Leak/ Bursts which can be located by visual observation. All works for locating & detection of leak/ burst (occurred during hydrostatic testing) including necessary repairing/ replacing defective pipe lengths, including cutting out and removing the defective pipe, pretesting the replacement pipe, welding into mainline, and NDT of welds, repair and re-testing of defective welds, coating of welded joints, clean-up, retesting the full test section of pipeline including providing all labour, materials, consumables and inputs other than Owner supplied materials and performing all works as per drawings, specifications enclosed with the tender/ contract document and directions of Engineer-incharge i) For pipeline size 450mm NB Currency Note: (1) This rate is applicable for manufacturing defects in Owner supplied material only. (2) Leak detection, its rectification and successfully re-hydrotesting shall be carried out as per approved procedure by Contractor with a view that completion of all activity for successful hydrotesting is not inordinalely extended which will hamper the overall project schedule. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 17 of 20 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. Descriptoin of Item Unit No. 13.0 PRE-COMMISSIONING, COMMISSIONING ASSISTANCE & CALIPER PIGGING (ELECTRONIC GEO-METRY PIGGING) FOR ENTIRE UNDERGROUND PIPELINE LENGTH 18" X 30.1 KM APPROX. - Swabbing of the entire pipeline section from tap-off cum despatch terminal at ODJP to Receiving Terminal at Kakinada Junction Point and K. Cheruvu Junction Point and the associated facilities being installed to the specified acceptance criteria, carrying out pre-commissioning works, providing assistance during the complete duration of commissioning operations for entire pipeline and making the entire pipeline system ready for commissioning including supply of all equipment, man-power, consumables (including pigs and nitrogen required for maintaining nitrogen column of minimum 5% of pipeline volume) materials for all temporary works and performing all associated works, complete as per the relevant specifications, other provisions of Contract document and instructions of Engineer-incharge. - Carrying out caliper pigging of entire pipeline from tap-off cum despatch terminal at ODJP to Receiving Terminal at Kakinada Junction Point including supply of all pigs, equipment, instruments, manpower, consumables calibration of magnetic & caliper tools at works and site, submission of reports etc. as per specification and as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. 13.1 Section I - Despatch terminal at Oduru Junction Point (ODJJ) to Kakinada Junction Point (KJP) (18" x Lumpsum 19.3 km approximately) 13.2 Section II - Despatch terminal at Oduru Junction Point (ODJJ) to K-Cheruvu Junction Point (KCJP) Lumpsum (18" x 10.3 km approximately) Qty. Currency 1 1 14.0 LONG RADIUS BENDS Supply of Long Radius Bends (R = 6D) for 18" dia.pipe, thickness 10.3 mm as per T.S. (No. MEC/TS/05/62/015) & Data Sheet No. MEC/23J8Part/05/21/M/001/DS-015-01 enclosed in Tender Document. a) 90° Nos. 6 b) 45° Nos. 20 Note : The quantities of LR Bends may vary. For final quantity, approval shall be taken by EIC before order. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 18 of 20 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. Descriptoin of Item No. 15.0 HOT TAPPING WORKS Arranging the approved specialised agency such as M/s TDW/ IPSCO alongwith hot tapping machine with all its accessories, cuting tool etc. for hot tapping works, obtaining all permissions/ clearances/ permits from Owner/ concerned authorities, submitting all procedures for approval & obtaining approval thereon prior to start of works, carrying out hot tapping works including installation of split tee & full bore ball valve with support on existing pipeline of 18" & 14", supply of all materials (excluding only full bore ball valve which is being supplied as Free issue), split tees (Supply as per TS no. MEC/TS/05/62/011A,R1 and Data Sheets Nos. MEC/23J8(PART-C)/05/21/M/001/DS-011A-01 & DS011A-02), consumables for welding & testing requirements, tools, tackles, skilled and unskilled manpower, safety and fire fighting system etc. hydrotesting the installed fitting, carryingout radiography & all NDT, providing valve pit at tap-off point as per drawing, carrying out all works as per the requirements of specification, other provisions of contract document and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Final restoration of area to its original to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. Note: All works associated with installation of valve pit and fencing including supply of all materials & manpower as detailed in piping drawings shall be paid as per rates covered elsewhere in the tender document and shall not be included in the lumpsum price quoted herein. Run Pipe NB (Inches) x Branch Pipe NB (Inches) 15.1 18" x 12" (with Split Tee) 15.2 14" x 14" (with Split Tee) 16.0 FLOW TEE Supply of Flow Tee as per T.S. (No. MEC/TS/05/62/011) MEC/23JV/05/21/M/001/DS-01 enclosed in Tender Document. 16.1 18" x 18" x 18" D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline & Data Sheet Unit Qty. No. 1 No. 1 Nos. 5 Currency No. SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 19 of 20 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 1 MAINLINE WORKS Sl. Descriptoin of Item No. 17.0 VALVE PITS All civil works including supply of all materials, excavation of pit, piping supports including all PCC, RCC and brick works for valves pits including pedestals with insert plates as required sealing of pipe at valve pits, providing cover,sand filling etc. and finishing , clean-up and restoration of site, filling and grading of area around valve station for avoiding any local flooding of area, as per typical drawing enclosed and instructions of Engineer-in-charge. a) Valve Pit of Size (3m x 2m x 2m) Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Unit Qty. No. 1 Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Total Amount of quoted price In Figure : (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Place : _____________ Date : _____________ Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mainline Annexure - D Page 20 of 20 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-01, Rev-1 (Part-I) Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 2) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR CATHODIC PROTECTION WORKS [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-02, Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 2 Sl. No. 1.0 CP WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. - CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM Design, detailed engineering, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the complete TCP & LumpSum LumpSum PCP cathodic protection system to protect the external surface of 18” NB X 19.3 km (approx.) long & 18”NB x 10.3 km (approx.) long, 3LPE Coated steel pipeline from Oduru Junction Point to Kakinada & KCJP against corrosion, 14" / 16" NB x 100 m (approx.) long & 12" NB x 100 m (approx.) 3LPE Coated steel pipeline from Hot-tapping Point to Existing receiving terminal at Tatipaka & Hot-tapping point to ODJP Terminal against corrosion. Scope shall also include, but not limited to the following for completion of jobs:Measurement of soil resistivity along the right of way of the pipelines route as per specification for design & installation of anodes. Collection of additional data related to cathodic protection along the right of way of pipelines as per specifications Supply, laying and testing of 600/1100V grade single core, stranded tinned copper conductor cables, XLPE insulated/ PVC sheathed, armoured as per IS of following sizes The work shall include excavation for cable trenching at min. 1.0 to 1.2m below GL in all types of soil including rock, backfilling of cable in trenches as per drawings & specification, termination of cables inside the existing (if available) as well as new test station alongwith lug, ferrules, sealing of cable at entry space in test station, supply of all tools, tackles, consumables etc. for completion of work, in all respect as per approved drawing, specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 35mm2 - 25mm2 - 10mm2 - 6mm2 - - Making cable to new proposed pipe connections by thermit welding for following cables, including excavation for exposing pipe, removal of coating/ wrapping, thermit welding, recoating of the area of weld by epoxy filling, holiday testing, backfilling, supply of all tool, tackles, consumables thermit weld kits & labour for satisfactory completion of work in all respect as per approved drawing, specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 6mm2 Cables - 10mm2 Cables - 25mm2 Cables - 35mm2 Cables - Annexure - D Page 1 of 4 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add CP Currency SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-02, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 2 Sl. No. - Annexure - D Page 2 of 4 CP WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit - Making cable to existing charged pipe conductions by pin-brazing for following cables including excavation for exposing pipe, removal of coating/ wrapping, brazing, re-coating of the areas of weld by epoxy filling, holiday testing, backfilling, supply of all tool, tackles, consumables, brazing kits & labour for satisfactory completion of work in all respect as per approved drawing, specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 25mm2 Cables - 35mm2 Cables - Supply & installation of Test stations as per enclosed drawings, technical specification & approved CP schematic drawing. Work shall include all related civil works including foundation, supply of all materials, consumables, tools, tackles etc. for satisfactory completion of work and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of sacrificial Mg/Zn pre-packaged anodes with backfill as per enclosed drawing at a depth of 1.5 - 2.0m in all the type of soil including rock at approved location alongwith 10m tail cable of 6mm2 unarmoured, high conductivity, tinned, standard copper conductor 650/ 1100V grade, XLPE insulated/ PCV sheathed. The work shall include all earth work anode to tail cable connection, laying of anode & cable in position & termination of cable inside the test station with lug, shunt & variable resistors. - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of polarisation cell (krick cell) alongwith zinc anodes including test stations at HT line crossing locations(66 KV & above), complete in all respects as per approved CP schematic drawing, technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge.The rating shall depend upon anticipated fault current & ground bed resistance at the location of installation. However, the rating of polarisation cell (krick) shall not be less than 5 KA & number of 20 kg net weight zinc anode shall not be less than two - Supply, installation, testing and commissioning of spark-gap arrestors with 2 plate Zinc grounding cell of 20 kg net weight each across each insulating joint as per approved drawing & specification. - Supply & installation of Zinc Ribbon Anodes at 4-8 O’Clock position in the interval of 2 metre (max.) on carrier pipes at all cased crossings i.e. railways/ roads etc - Supply & installation of cathodic junction box as per enclosed drawing, specification & approved CP schematic drawing. Work shall include all related civil works including foundations supply of all materials, consumables, tools, tackles etc. for satisfactory completion of work & as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add CP Qty. Currency SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-02, Rev-1 (Part-I) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 2 Sl. No. - CP WORKS 2.0 INSTALLATION OF NEW TEST STATION WITH ASSOCIATED WORK FOR 18" EXISTING PIPELINE Supply and installation of New Test stations in place of damaged the station on existing pipeline as per enclosed drawings, technical specification. Work shall include all related civil works including foundation, supply of all materials, consumables, tools, tackles, removal of damaged test stations etc. for satisfactory completion of work and as per direction of Engineer-in-charge. Unit Qty. Nos. 20 a) Supply, laying and testing of 600/1100V grade single core, stranded tinned copper conductor cables, XLPE insulated/ PVC sheathed, armoured as per IS of following sizes required for New Test Station. The work shall include excavation for cable trenching at min. 1.0 to 1.2m below GL in all types of soil including rock, backfilling of cable in trenches as per drawings & specification, termination of cables inside the existing new test station alongwith lug, ferrules, sealing of cable at entry space in test station, supply of all tools, tackles, consumables etc. for completion of work, in all respect as per approved drawing, specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 35mm2 Mtrs. 20 b) 25mm2 Mtrs. 100 c) 10mm2 Mtrs. 100 d) 6mm2 Mtrs. 100 2.1 2.2 Descriptoin of Item Currency Commissioning of PCP System and “ON/ “OFF” PSP continous survey over the entire length of proposed pipeline with current interrupter. The work include interference study & it's mitigation measures as per approved procedure. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add CP SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-02, Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 3 of 4 Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 2 Sl. No. 2.3 Annexure - D Page 4 of 4 CP WORKS Descriptoin of Item Unit Qty. a) Making cable to existing charged pipe conductions by pin-brazing, if required, for following cables including excavation for exposing pipe, removal of coating/ wrapping, brazing, re-coating of the areas of weld by epoxy filling, holiday testing, backfilling, supply of all tool, tackles, consumables, brazing kits & labour for satisfactory completion of work in all respect as per approved drawing, specification & direction of Engineer-in-charge. 35mm2 Nos. 2 b) 25mm2 Nos. 25 c) 10mm2 Nos. 25 d) 6mm2 Nos. 25 Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Currency Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of In all applicable taxes & duties) Place : _____________ Date : _____________ Figure : In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add CP Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-02, Rev-1 (Part-I) Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR 3 - (I) TERMINAL WORKS (PIPING AND MECHANICAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Annexure-D Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 1 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 1.0 PLANT PIPING (above ground) Enclosure to Addendum-I Transportation of all piping items from Owner's and/ or Contractor's storage point to work site/ workshop as applicable, complete work of fabrication, erection, painting, testing of pipes, flanges and fittings and making ready for further Commissioning / Start-up of carbon steel piping of all sizes and ratings including supply of all consumables, equipment, manpower and other resources and execution of, but not limited to, the following works in accordance with relevant specifications indicated in relevant clause of SCC & scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. - Fabrication including cutting, edge preparation, inclusive of grinding the edges of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching edges of uneven/different thickness wherever required, welding, attachment of all pipe fittings like elbows, tees, reducers. Supply of nipples, coupling etc. as required for completion of job. - Weldolets, sockolets, flanges, vent and drain point connection etc., including providing stub-in connections, fabricated fittings and reinforcement pads etc., as required. - Erection including prior cleaning, lifting, placing on pipe sleepers and supports, overhead on racks, skids and at all elevations including installation and carrying out connected activities for all types of valves including supply and fixing of gaskets, studs/ bolts, nuts wherever required for all sizes, levelling, aligning, joining of flanges, blind flanges, connecting with equipment, nozzles, strainers, tie-in with existing piping/facilities, etc. tapping for inline instruments like pressure gauges, thermowells, sample connection, etc. - Preparation of final bill of material based on piping GADs. - Preparation of isometric and fabrication drawings. - Carrying out Non-destructive testing as required except items mentioned in Sl. No. 9.0 of SOR. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 2 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words - Surface preparation before application of primer by means of sand blasting including supply of approved quality of sand, manpower, machineries, tools & tackles to achieve required roughness as per specification and as per instruction of Engineerin-charge. Enclosure to Addendum-I - Painting of entire system (including aboveground all pipes fittings, flanges and accessories) as per specification MEC/S/05/62/07A suitable for highly corrosive area environment including supply of approved paints and primers, application of primer and paints, indentification lettering/ numbering, colour coding, etc. as specified including rub down & touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required by COMPANY and providing scaffolding for all heights etc. - Cleaning and flushing by water/ compressed air, testing of the systems including hydrostatic, pneumatic and any other type of testing as specified, draining, drying by compressed air/other methods approved by COMPANY. - Precommissioning & making operational all piping system and equipments. - Commissioning Contractor scope shall provide all necessary assistance in term of supply of man-power, equipment, tools and tackles required amount of nitrogen for purging of entire terminal piping system including equipments etc. to the company during commissioning activities. - Completion of all such work in all respects as per scope of work and as per drawings, specifications and instructions of the COMPANY and keeping the system ready in all respects for further commissioning and start up. - Hook-up works (with client/ consumer piping at battery limits): D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 3 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 1.1 Complete Carbon Steel Piping Work with painting including all fittings, flanges and supply of all required gaskets, studs bolts & nuts etc. as described under item 1.0 above API 5L, Gr. X-52 PSL-1, SAW, BE m 18" NB S40 160 Enclosure to Addendum-I API 5L, Gr. X-52 PSL-1, Seamless, BE API 5L, Gr. B, Seamless / A106, Gr. B Seamless BE A106, Gr. B Seamless PE m 14" NB XS 36 m 12" NB XS 60 m 10" NB S40 12 m 8" NB S60 12 m 6" NB S40 118 m 4" NB S40 12 m 3" NB S40 6 m 2" NB S80 56 m 1½" NB S80 18 m 1" NB S80 6 m ¾" NB S80 12 m ½" NB S80 6 Note: 1) Pipe Specification and thickness may vary depending upon availability of pipe. No extra payment shall be made for this. 2) All butt welded fittings end shall generally match with connecting pipe wall thickness. However, in case of misalignment, Contractor shall have to do end preparation without any extra cost. 3) All coupling, nipples etc. as required shall be suplied by contractor but no separate payments shall be made as it is covered under erection rate. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 4 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 2.0 SUPPLY OF ASSORTED PIPE, FITTINGS AND FLANGES Complete work of supply of pipes, flanges and fittings including all taxes, duties, transportation and inspection charges but not limited to, the following items in accordance with relevant specifications indicated in clause 5.10 of SCC & scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of Engineer-incharge and as per all provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. Enclosure to Addendum-I - Handling including lifting, transportation from Contractor Stores to CONTRACTOR's workshop for fabrication and/ or to work site for field fabrication and erection for all piping items supplied by Contractor. 2.1 CARBON STEEL PIPES API 5L, Gr. X-52 PSL-1, SAW, BE m 18" NB S40 160 API 5L, Gr. X-52 PSL-1, Seamless, BE m 14" NB XS 36 m 12" NB XS 60 m 10" NB S40 12 m 8" NB S60 12 m 6" NB S40 118 m 4" NB S40 12 m 3" NB S40 6 m 2" NB S80 56 API 5L, Gr. B, Seamless / A106, Gr. B Seamless BE D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 5 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words A106, Gr. B Seamless PE m 1½" NB S80 18 Enclosure to Addendum-I 2.2 FLANGES a) Weld Neck (B-16.5, A694 GR.F-52, 125 AARH) b) Weld Neck (B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech m 1" NB S80 6 m ¾" NB S80 12 m ½" NB S80 6 Nos. 18" RF 600# 26 Nos. 14" RF 600# 14 Nos. 12" RF 600# 34 Nos. 10" RF 600# 4 Nos. 10" RF 300# 2 Nos. 10" RF 150# 2 Nos. 8"RF 600# 24 Nos. 8" RF 300# 2 Nos. 8" RF 150# 2 Nos. 6"RF 600# 40 Nos. 4" RF 600# 32 Nos. 2" RF 600# 68 Nos. 2" RF 150# 6 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 6 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words c) Socket Welded (B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH) Nos. 1½" RF 600# 23 Enclosure to Addendum-I d) Blind Flanges (B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH) e) Spectacle Blind (API 590, A105) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech Nos. 1" RF 600# 6 Nos. ½" RF 600# 14 Nos. 18" RF 600# 2 Nos. 12" RF 600# 1 Nos. 2" RF 600# 1 Nos. 1½" RF 600# 6 Nos. 1" RF 600# 4 Nos. ½" RF 600# 14 Nos. 18" RF 600# 12 Nos. 14" RF 600# 5 Nos. 12" RF 600# 12 Nos. 6"RF 600# 8 Nos. 4" RF 600# 8 Nos. 2" RF 600# 26 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 7 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 2.3 ELBOW a) 90° Elbow (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52,1.5D) Nos. 18" BW S40 4 Enclosure to Addendum-I Nos. 14" BW XS 4 Nos. 12" BW XS 4 Nos. 10" BW S40 6 Nos. 6" BW S40 22 Nos. 4" BW S40 10 Nos. 2" BW S80 44 Nos. ¾" BW S80 48 Nos. 1½" BW S80 2 Nos. 18" BW XS 10 Nos. 18" BW S40 8 Nos. 14" BW XS 2 Nos. 12" BW XS 6 Nos. 10" BW S40 1 b) Equal Tee (A234 Gr. WPB, B-16.9) Nos. 6" BW S40 6 c) Equal Tee (A105, B-16.11,SW,6000#) Nos. ¾" BW S80 4 b) 90° Elbow (A234, Gr. WPB, B-16.9, 1.5D) c) 90° Elbow (A105, B-16.11, SW,3000#) d) 45° Elbow (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52,1.5D) 2.4 TEE a) Equal Tee ( (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 8 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words d) Unequal Tees ( (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52) Nos. 18"x12" S40 x XS 5 Enclosure to Addendum-I e) Unequal Tees (A105, B-16.11,SW,3000#) 2.5 2.6 WELDOLET (A105, MSS-SP97) SOCKOLET (A105, MSS-SP97) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech Nos. 14"x6" XS x S40 1 Nos. 12"x10" XS x S40 1 Nos. 12"x6" XS x S40 1 Nos. 1"x½" S80 x S80 4 Nos. 18" x 2" BW S80 23 Nos. 18" x 6" BW S40 8 Nos. 14" x 2" BW S80 4 Nos. 12" x 2" BW S80 10 Nos. 6" x 2" BW S80 8 Nos. 18"x¾" SW 6000# 30 Nos. 18"x1½" SW 3000# 10 Nos. 14"x1" SW 3000# 4 Nos. 14"x¾" SW 6000# 9 Nos. 12"x1½" SW 3000# 8 Nos. 12"x¾" SW 6000# 15 Nos. 12"x1" SW 6000# 5 Nos. 10"x½" SW 3000# 2 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 9 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words Nos. 8"x1" SW 3000# 4 Enclosure to Addendum-I 2.7 2.8 REDUCER (MSS-SP75 GR.WPHY-52) REDUCER (A234, Gr. WPB, B16.9) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech Nos. 8"x¾" SW 6000# 4 Nos. 6"x½" SW 6000# 10 Nos. 24"x18" S40 x S40 1 Nos. 18" x 14" S40 x XS 1 Nos. 18" x 12" S40 x XS 4 Nos. 14"x 8" XS x S60 4 Nos. 14"x 6" XS x S40 4 Nos. 12" x 8" XS x S60 8 Nos. 12" x 6" XS x S40 8 Nos. 10" x 8" S40 x S60 2 Nos. 10" x 6" S40 x S40 2 Nos. 8" x 6" S60 x S40 4 Nos. 2" x 1" S80 x S80 6 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 10 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 3.0 VALVES & OTHER ITEMS Handling including lifting and transportation from COMPANY's warehouse to CONTRACTOR'S Stores and/or work site and installation of all types of valves, insulating joint, flow tee including assembly of valve accessories, (if any) by bolting, threading or welding, supply and insertion of gaskets, nuts & bolts, nipples, etc. at all elevations of pipe sleepers, supports or overhead on racks, equipments nozzle, skid & painting etc. supply of all consumables, manpower, equipment, etc. for completion of all works as per scope of work and as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge including servicing/ cleaning of valve wherever requried. 3.1 Flanged / Welded Valves (Full Bore/ Reduced Bore/AV) i) Ball/ Plug/ Globe Valve Nos. 18" 600# 12 Enclosure to Addendum-I 3.2 3.3 Socket Welded Valves Ball/ Plug/ Globe Valve Check Valve D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech Nos. 14" 600# 5 Nos. 12" 600# 16 Nos. 10" 600# 2 Nos. 6" 600# 24 Nos. 4" 600# 16 Nos. 2" 600# 46 Nos. 1½" 800# 7 Nos. 1" 800# 22 Nos. ¾" 800# 59 Nos. ½" 800# 14 Nos. 14" 600# 1 Nos. 12" 600# 1 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 11 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 3.4 QOEC Nos. 6" 600# 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I 4 Supply of Valves Complete work of supply of valves including all taxes,duties,transportation and inspection charges but not limited to ,the following items in accordance with relevant Specifications & Data Sheets indicated in scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of EIC and as perall provisionsof the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. 4.1 Globe Valves Nos. 8" 600# 8 Nos. 4" 600# 4 Nos. 14" 600# 1 Nos. 12" 600# 4 i) PSV 0101A/0101B/0405A/0405B Nos. As per DS As per DS 4 ii) PSV 0102/0103 Nos. As per DS As per DS 2 iii) PSV 0201/0301 Nos. As per DS As per DS 2 iv) PSV 0601/0701 Nos. As per DS As per DS 2 v) PSV 0501A/0501B Nos. As per DS As per DS 2 4.2 Check Valves 5.0 SAFETY RELIEF VALVES Supply, installation of safety relief valve alongwith companion flanges and all accessories including but not limited to gaskets, nuts, bolts, fixtures, clamps etc. required and providing high vent for discharge. Installation shall as per API RP 520 final coat of painting, set pressure testing & commissioning and as per scope of work Technical Specification No. MEC/TS/05/62/056 and Data Sheet (No. MEC/23J8/05/21/DS/PSV-001/PSV-002/PSV-003/PSV-004/PSV-005) enclosed with Tender Document.Size to be decided by vendor based on datasheet D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 12 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 8.0 PIPE SUPPORTS & OTHER STRUCTURES Enclosure to Addendum-I 8.1 Supply, fabrication and erection of all types of pipe supports like clamps, saddle, guide stops, cradles, turn buckles, anchors, T-posts; stockade/ trestle and pipe bridge for overhead piping; frames for canopy, approach ladders and platforms, crossover, cable tray supports, etc. including painting suitable for highly corrosive area as per specification labour and supervision & complete work as per drawings, specifications and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. (Bolts, nuts, washers, U-clamps etc. for supporting shall be supplied by the Contractor within the rates quoted. These items will not be measured and paid seperately). The work is to be completed in all respect as per scope of work and specification. 9.0 RADIOGRAPHY Performance of radiographic inspection by gamma radiation as per scope of work and as per specifications in piping of all types and thickness including providing/hiring of all necessary equipments, supply of all consumables, and whatever else even though not expressely mentioned but required to perform the work as per specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge (full circle reradiography of the repaired joint and additional radiography necessitated due to poor performance of contractor's welder shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost and shall not be paid extra by Company). Radiographs shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for acceptance, whose decision shall be final and binding. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech M.Ton. - - Nos. of Joint 24" 10 18" 200 14" 40 12" 250 10" 25 8" 30 6" 60 4" 40 3" 10 2" 150 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) 10 Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 13 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 10.0 VESSELS & EQUIPMENTS Enclosure to Addendum-I 10.1 Handling, including lifting, transportation from Company's stores to Contractor's work-shop for fabrication or/ and to worksite for field fabrication, assembly of parts/ sub-assemblies erection for all vessels, equipments supplied by company above ground/ underground at all elevation/ depth, fixing of foundation bolts welding wherever required, alinging, grouting, hooking-up, cleaning and flushing by water draining, drying by compressed air providing all mountings, ancilliary, enabling works as required and completing in all respect as per drawings, specification and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Contractor's scope shall include supply of all material and accessories including but not limited to any fixtures, clamps, gasket, nut bolts, finish coat of painting including rub down & touch up of shop primer/ paint scrapping of shop primer/ paint and further their painting after application of primer as per specification, wherever required by Company. 10.1.1 Approx. erection weight and Details of major equipments are as under (Refer P&ID included with Tender). Details of Equipment a) Bidirectional Scraper Launcher/Receiver and Pig handling devices. b) Cartridge Filter MT Nos. 4 2 Note : The rates quoted shall be applicable for all the terminals (Tap-off-cumDespatch at ODJP, Receiving Terminal at KCJP, Receiving Terminal at KJP & Existing Terminal (Interconnection with Narsapur Pipeline) at Tatipaka. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) 18 Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 14 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 11.0 COLD INSULATION Providing cold insulation using Polyurethane foam 50 mm thick, including anti corrosive paint on all pipes laid on sleepers, portals, racks and at all elevations including supply of Polyurethane insulating material and other ancillary materials, protective coverings, consumables, other necessary materials as required, all tools and tackles, equipment, apparatus etc., labour and supervision, transportation of materials to work site, preparation of mattress to prescribed thickness and densities, applying on surfaces as specified, including all preparatory works there on, providing vapour barriers, joint sealers, filler material, vapour seal, adhesives and Aluminium bond wire netting, all binding, tieing, lacing, stitching and / or otherwise securing finishing with Aluminium 24 SWG sheet, providing bolts, rivers and self tapping screws wherever specified, providing inspection windows, end seals for valves, flanges etc., providing all necessary scaffolding and completing teh work as per drawings, specifications, standards, otehr provisions of Contract and instruction of 11.1 PIPING Carbon Steel Pipes (API 5L Grade B / X-52 / A106 Gr. B Seamless) Meter 12" XS 24 Enclosure to Addendum-I D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech Meter 8" S60 18 Meter 6" S40 12 Meter 4" S40 6 Meter 2" S80 6 Meter 1½" S80 3 Meter 1" S80 3 Meter ¾" S80 3 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 15 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words 11.2 VALVES Reduced Bore Ball Valve API 6D (Piping Material Specification D1A / D4A). Nos. 12" 600# 4 Enclosure to Addendum-I Nos. 8" 600# 2 Nos. 6" 600# 2 Nos. 4" 600# 1 Nos. 2" 600# 2 Note : For valve sizes 1.5 inches and below, the rate for providing cold insulation will be considered as a apart of providing cold insulation on piping. No extra amount for the same shall be paid. 12.0 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF SIGN / SAFETY BOARDS The sign / safety boards shall be fabricated with 2 mm thick MS plate with structural steel frame (40 x 40 x 5 mm angle) and stiffness as required and painted for highly corrosive environment. The board shall be completed in all respects i.e. background colours, art work, lettering text matter as per instructions of Engineer-in-charge. Sq. m 20 a) 10 kg capacity DCP type (trolley mounted) Nos. 7 b) 4.5 kg capacity CO2 fire extinguisher (portable) as per IS:2878 Nos. 2 Note : (1) The rate is inclusive of all supply of materials, manpower, consumers for the supply and installation of sign boards. (2) Structural works for stands if required. The payment shall be made as per the SOR item no. 8. 13.0 FIRE FIGHTING (Portable Extinguishers) 13.1 Fire Fighting Equipment Supply, installation and commissioning of the following fire fighting equipment : D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D PART-I Sheet 16 of 16 SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS (Despatch & Receiving Terminal) Sl. No. Description of Item Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Qty. Curr- Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable Amount for Sch. ency taxes & duties Qty. Figures Words c) 2.0 kg capacity CO2 fire extinguisher (portable) as per IS:2878 Nos. 1 Enclosure to Addendum-I d) 2 Nos. Sand Buckets with stand & canopy Set 2 14.1 Design, Engineering, Supply and installation of complete corrosion coupon assembly including all necessary fittings, coupons and components, etc. at all the terminal locations. Set 3 14.2 Design, Engineering, Supply and installation of complete ER corrosion probe retrievable assembly including all necessary fittings, ER corrosion probe and components, etc. at all the terminal locations. Set 3 14.3 Supply of complete online retriever kit for Corrosion Coupon suitable for Corrosion Coupon assembly as detailed in above item no. 14.1. Nos. 1 14.4 Supply of complete Services Valve Kit, 3600 psi. Nos. 1 14.5 Supply of hand held programmable measuring instruments, digital data recorder alongwith rechargeable battery and charger, interconnecting cables including calibration test probe suitable for ER Corrosion Probe as detailed in above item 14.2. Nos. 1 14.0 SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF CORROSION COUPON AND ER CORROSION PROBE ON 18" DIA, API 5L, GR. X-52 PIPE OF 600 # RATING Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(I), Rev-1 (Part-I) In Figure : In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(II) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (CIVIL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(II), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Annexure - D Page 1 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(II) CIVIL WORKS Sl. Description of Items Unit Qty. CurrUnit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties No. ency Figures Words CIV-1 Dismantaling of RCC pavements Dismantaling of RCC pavements and exposed the reinforcement in existing 5 M3 terminal,disposal of broken chips and making good complete as per directions of Engineer-in-charge. CIV-2 Steel Fencing Dismantling Dismantling steel fencing by opening nut bolts and/or by flame cutting including Rm 50 dismembering, site clearance & stacking of serviceable material in the store, as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. CIV-3 SITE GRADING / CUTTING & FILLING OF EARTHWORK Earthwork in excavation and / or filling to the grades and levels shown in the approved drawings n all kinds of conditions using approved quality good earth from designated borrow area, for all heights and depths including clearing and stripping (min. 150mm) of the area marked for filling, taking spot levels, consolidating the exposed natural soil surface, excavating the earth from borrow area loading, transporting & unloading, spreading in layers not exceeding 150mm thickness, breaking clods, watering (if reqd.), ramming and compacting by manual/mechanical means to give minimum 92% of modified Proctor’s density of earth, testing & dressing including disposal of all unserviceable material surplus earth etc. all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. CIV-4 PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE Supplying and laying plain cement concrete of grade M 10C with stone aggregate 40mm down grade (including shuttering if required) in all types of concrete works including levelling courses below foundations, mass concrete works, chambers, cable trench, under floors and any other locations, at all levels and locations as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. CIV-5 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE IN SUB STRUCTURE WORKS Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete of grade M-20 with 20mm and down grade crushed stone aggregate in all types of sub-structures like foundations, pedestals, pedestal bases, pipe supports, sleepers cable trench, RCC retaining wall foundation for boundary wall including construction joints, bitumen painting on surfaces in contact with soil, providing and fixing reinforcing steel (@ 70 kg/cum), shuttering, supplying and fixing MS inserts, finishes etc. at all depths and levels complete as per drawings , specifications and directions of the Engineer in-charge. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Civil M3 8000 M3 140 M3 50 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(II), Rev-1 (Part-I) Amount Annexure - D Page 2 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(II) CIVIL WORKS Sl. Description of Items Unit Qty. CurrUnit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties No. ency Figures Words CIV-6 REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE IN SUPER STRUCTURE WORKS Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete of grade M-20 with 20 mm and 15 M3 down grade crushed stone aggregate in all types of super-structures like columns, beams, except building superstructure if not covered elsewhere, pedestals, pipe supports, RCC retaining wall, boundary wall including construction joints, providing and fixing reinforcing steel (@ 90 kg/cum ), shuttering, supplying & fixing MS inserts, finishes etc. at all heights and levels complete as per drawings , specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. CIV-7 BUILDING WORKS Construction & handing over of control room building complete in all respect as per drg. (to be supplied by Owner) and as per technical specification and directions of Engineer-in-charge. Scope of work shall be as per attached Standard Drawing M2 250 RM 280 (Rate to include cost of all labour, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials such as minimum 43 grade cement, bricks, R/F steel, inserts, bolts, conduits, finishes, bitumen, other minor construction materials, shuttering, staging, earthwork in excavation and backfilling using serviceable earth in all conditions, shoring/ strutting, bailing and pumping out water, masonry work, plastering, painting, false ceiling, flooring, water proof treatment on roof, plumbing, sanitation, electrics etc. with all bye works and sundry works). PAYMENT SCHEDULE : The payment schedule for this item shall be as follows: 1. 40% on casting of roof and completion of brickwork upto roof level. 2. 50% on completion of all plumbing, sanitation, electrical, false ceiling, flooring, water proof treatment on roof, sewerage & finishing works inside and outside of the building. 3. 10% on handing over of the completed building to the owner. CIV-8 BOUNDARY WALL Construction of 3.0 m High (above FGL) Brick Masonry boundary wall with Intermediate pillars of 460x460 mm @ spacing of 2300 c/c including 100 mm thick PCC Coping, with 500 mm MS Y Angle Posts and 14 rows of Barbed wire fencing as per attached Standard Drawing D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Civil SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(II), Rev-1 (Part-I) Amount Annexure - D Page 3 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(II) CIVIL WORKS Sl. Description of Items Unit Qty. CurrUnit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties No. ency Figures Words CIV-9 CONCRETE PAVEMENT Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete pavement 100 / 150 mm thick in M-20 grade with 20 mm and down grade crushed stone aggregate in pavement, including preparation of base (i.e. compacted subgrade, 200 thk sand and 50 thk PCC M-10 grade), leaving pockets if necessary, making recess, projections, fixing inserts conduit pipes (GI, PVC, HDPE, etc.) laying in alternate panels, filling the gaps between the panels with bitumen etc., making slopes, finishing edges, leaving bars for pedestals & sleepers including providing sand fill isolation , shuttering, providing and fixing reinforcing steel, curing, chipping and modification works etc. as specified in any shape, thickness, position and finishing the top surface smooth as per requirement etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (Refer attached Standard Drawing ) a) b) CIV-10 a) - 100mm thick in Pavements of Process Area (Type - 1) - 150mm thick in Approach Roads (Type -2) BRICK WORK Providing brick work with brick class designation M-5.0 of IS:1077 in cm1:4 (1cement : 4 sand) in steps, load bearing structures, drains, or any shape with all lead, depths & height including finishes, curing, scaffolding, etc., as per specifications and drawings with all bye-works and direction of the Engineer-incharge. Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date : _____________ : _____________ M2 M2 1425 1800 M3 650 Total Amount of quoted price In Figure : (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Civil SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(II), Rev-1 (Part-I) Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(III) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (STRUCTURAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(III), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Annexure - D Page 1 of 1 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(III) STRUCTURAL WORKS Sl. Description of Items Unit Qty. CurrUnit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties No. ency Figures Words ST1 Fabrication & Erection of MS Gate Providing and fixing in position steel entrance gate (as per the design shown in the drawing) consisting of MC-75 frame work for shutters, 20 mm vertical bars welded through the frame work @ 100 mm C/C, 2 mm thick M.I.S. sheet boxing, locking arrangement, 25 mm thick 75 mm dia M.S. wheel with ball bearing including fixing of the gate to RCC/masonary with 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm M.S. old fast, M.S. pivot, 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S.Tee bend to shape and embedded in the road surface for gate opening track, gate stopper, painting the gate with two coats of anti corrosive paint and two coats of approved aluminium/ synthetic enamel paint etc., lettering, complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. 4.0m clear opening width of gate in two panels. No. 1 a) Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the Total Amount of quoted price In Figure : SOR. (inclusive of all applicable taxes (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted & duties) In Word : currency(ies). Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Amount Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Strl SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(III), Rev-1 (Part-I) Page 1 of 1 Enclosure to Addendum-I 3 - (IV) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (ELECTRICAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 1 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit Qty. 1 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of flood/ street lighting poles with aluminium paint complete with mounting bracket, flame proof control gear box, internal cable from fitting to junction box, flame proof fittings and mercury vapour lamps etc. including civil foundation with pipe inserts for cables and connecting work, with all material and labour as per specifications, drawings and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Work to be completed in all respects. a) Street lighting, non integral type well glass fixture (for 150W Metal Halide lamp) on a pole (Pole : 410 SP -13, 8m, Lighting fixture : Type : FLPW-1245 of M/s Baliga make or equivalent). Set 21 b) Bracket mounted well glass fixture (for 150 W Metal Halide lamp) on building Set (lighting fixture : Type same as at 1.0a above). 7 c) Bracket mounted single flood lighting fixutre (for 400W mercury vapour lamp) on building/ structure , lighting fixture type : FL PW 3690 of M/s Baliga make or equivalent Set 6 d) High Mast lighting on a 20 m high pole suitable with 8 Nos. lighting fixtures ( Set 400W High pressure sodium vapour lamp) (As per attachede data sheet, Make M/s Bajaj or equivalent). 3 2 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of power distribution board (PDB) and Lighting Distribution Board (LDB) : a) Floor mounted PDB consisting of bus bar chamber, cable alley, 2 nos. 250 Amp No. incomer FSUs & 6 nos. 63 Amp, 6 Nos 32 Amp outgoing FSUs.(as per Specification No. : MEC/S/05/26/26), 02 Nos Feeder of 10KVAR 3 Phase,Self healing type metallized Poly - Propylene Power Capacitor bank with fuses and discharge resistance complete with Fuse Switch units, contactors, Push Buttons, Indicating Lamps etc. 1 b) Recess mounted LDB-1(For Building Lighting Points) Consisting of 1 no. 32 Amps. No. (300mA sensitivity) 4 Pole RCCB (ELCB + MCB) as incomer and 10 nos. 6A SP MCBs & 2 nos. 10A SP MCBs & as out goings with ammeter, selector switch , indicating lamp etc. 3 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 2 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit Qty. c) Recess/Surface mounted LDB-2 (For Building Power Points) consisting of 63A (300mA sensitivity) 4 Pole RCCB (ELCB + MCB) as incomer and 10 Nos. 20A SP MCBs and 10 nos. 20 A SP MCB as out goings with ammeter, selector switch , indicating lamp etc. No. 3 d) Recess mounted LDB-3 (For Outdoor Lighting) consisting of 63A (300mA No. 3 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties sensitivity) 4 Pole RCCB as incomer, Contactor, timer, A/M switch, PB, indication Lamp, ammeter, selector switch etc. Outgoing Through Timer : i)3 Nos 32 Amp TPN MCB ii)6 nos. 32Amp DPMCB Outgoing without timer : 4 Nos. 32A DPMCB 3 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of the complete earthing and lightning protection system, earth electrodes/ pit, earth main ring, earthing of electrical equipments, instrument panels, field instruments, process equipments and pipes/ flanges including all associated civil work with all material and labour as per specification and drawings approved by the company. a) Earth Pits- GI PIPE Electrode with 6 mm thick chequered plate cover Nos. 42 b) Earth Pits- Copper plate Electrode with 6 mm thick chequered plate cover Nos. 6 c) GI Strip (40X5) mm Mtr. 1000 d) GI Strip (25X5) mm Mtr 1500 e) GI Strip (50X6) mm Mtr 1000 f) Copper Strip (25X5) mm Mtr 90 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 3 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit Qty. g) GI Wire, Copper wire, wire rope and all balance earthing material including copper Lot strip (50 mm x 2 mm thick) jumper for flanges etc. as required. 1 h) Copper lightning rod 25 mm dia. 1800 mm long including supply of all hardware labour etc. complete as per approved drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-In-Charge. 3 4 a) Supply, laying, installation, termination, testing, commissioning of 1100 Volt PVC insulated, PVC sheathed and armoured/ unarmoured cables in trenches, excavated under ground trench / trays, pulling through pipes and its proper sealing including underground trench and supply of hume pipes for road crossing etc. as requied as per specifications and drawings approved by company. 3.5X95mm2 AYFY Mtr. b) 2 3.5 x 50 mm YWY Mtr. 60 c) 4x 16 mm2 YWY Mtr. 550 d) 4x10 mm2 YWY Mtr 550 e) 4x2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. 10 f) 3x2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. 500 g) 3x4 mm2 YWY Mtr. 150 h) 5x2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. 500 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect Set Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties 350 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 4 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit 5 Supply, installation, testing & commissioning of point wiring as per details in construction drawing & specification (supply also includes luminaries, sockets, lamps, industrial type heavy duty exhaust fans, ceiling fans, electronic speed regulator, switch boxes & switches(ANCHOR ROMA make or equivalent), Multi strand Flexible HR PVC insulated copper conductor wires/cables etc. as required) Qty. Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties a) i) Surface/ recess mounted mirror type CFL fixture (type TLLE211 of CG make or No. equivalent). 67 ii) Surface/ recess mounted mirror type CFL fixture (type TLS 9 of CG make or No. equivalent). 5 iii) Industrial type (1x28W) (T-5 Type Energy Efficient ). No. 2 b) Fan point ( Energy Efficient, 50 W, 1200mm sweep) No. 9 c) Exhaust fan point (Industrial type 300 mm) with louvers No. 7 d) Socket outlet (5/15 Amp combination) of ANCHOR ROMA make or equivalent No. 16 e) 20 Amp sheet steel enclosed industrial type socket with 20A SP MCB Nos. 10 Dual jack type Telephone sockets in control room building as per requirement Nos. along with 4 pair PVC insulated annealed tinned copper conductor of 0.6 mm dia PVC sheathed telephone cable for the above sockets from Telephone JB to the socket. 12 Supply, installation and connection of portable type emergency lighting unit( 7 W Nos. CFL Lamp) fed by a self- contained SMF battery 12V, 7 Ah and charger operating on 240 V AC supply, including all labour and materials complete as per directions of Engineer-In-Charge. 3 f) 6 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 5 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit Qty. 7 Supply and laying of following sizes of class 'B' G.I.Pipe in required length fixed on steel, concrete or similar sructure, laid in trenches, ready to be buried in concrete including cutting, threading, bending and similar works, supply of clamps, small iron structures, spacers and installation of seats, plugs, bushings etc. small civil works, including all labour and materials complete as per approved drawings and directions of Engineer-In-Charge. a) 40 mm NB M 30 b) 50 mm NB M 30 c) 100 mm NB M 30 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties 8( i ) Supply and installation of the following including the supply of necessary clamp, bolts, rawl plugs etc. breaking and making good of walls, if required , and including all labour and materials complete as per directions of Engineer-In-Charge, applicable standards and Indian Electricity rules. a) Shock hazard charts complete with frame and glass Nos. 3 b) First Aid Boxes Nos. 3 c) 10 litre capacity CO2 type fire extinguishers Nos. 3 d) Caution boards including supply of necessary clamps, bolts and other hardware. Nos. 3 M 16 8( ii) Supply and laying of 900mm wide, of following grade rubber floor mats required for maintenance of electrical equipment in substation as required including cutting to required shape in running length and including all labour and materials etc. complete and as per directions of Engineer-In-Charge as per applicable Indian or International standards and Indian Electricity Rules. a) 11 KV grade D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 6 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. Description of Items Unit Qty. 9 Supply, installation of erection accessories including perforated type GI cable trays in trenches in electrical/ UPS room, brackets, cable tags, cable marker, lugs, double compression cable glands, for mechanical protection of cable etc. as required / as per specification. Lot 1 10( i) Design, manufacture, shop testing,inspection, packing,forwarding, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning at site of UPS systems as per specification and following rating : (a) 10 kVA, 230 V Single Phase, 50HZ, dual redundant industrial type, UPS system suitable for input Power supply voltage of 415 V, TPN, +/-10%, output 230 V +/-1% , AC with solid state voltage stabilizer for bypass supply, ACDB and 12 hrs. Battery back-up (Ni-Cd 1.2 V) Set 1 Set 1 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties (b) Dual redundant Rectifier system and DCDB as per specification and following rating : (i) -48 V DC( 1250 W) (ii) 24 V DC (500 W) (c) All interconnecting cables among UPS, Rectifier, battery stand, ACDB/DCDB etc. 10 (ii) Recommended spares for 2 years operation & maintenance of UPS & Rectifier system 11 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of latest model, BEE Certified (Min. 4 Stars) Split type air conditioner (2T) with remote.(Make: Voltas, Bluestar & Carrier) No. 9 12 63 A welding socket with 125 A Switch Fuse Unit in Flameproof Enclosure. No. 1 13 32 A welding socket with 80 A Switch Fuse Unit in Flameproof Enclosure. No. 1 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 7 of 7 3-(IV) ELECTRICAL (DispatchTerminal at Oduru & Receiving Terminals at Kakinad & KCJP) Sl. No. 14 Description of Items Supply installation & testing of Telephone JB for 30 connections. Note Quantities given above are only estimated quantities. Procurement shall be done as per actual site condition, instruction of engineer incharge and approved construction drawings. 2) The Rate quoted shall be applicable for Tap -Off & receiving Terminal. Procurement for Air Conditioners shall be after approval of model/make from 3) Engineer In-charge/GAIL site incharge Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Unit Qty. Set 1 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties 1) Place : _____________ Date : _____________ Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of In Figure : all applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Elect SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(IV), Rev-1 (Part-I) Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR 3 - (V) TERMINAL WORKS (INSTRUMENTATION) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Annexure-D Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(V) Sl. No. INSTRUMENTATION 1.0 1.01 FIELD INSTRUMENTS Supply . Installation of Pressure Gauges inclusive of supply of necessary piping materials/tubings alongwith all necessary valves & fittings, fabrication and installation of impulse lines/manifolds & hydraulic testing but exclusive of supply of instruments and calibration as per installation standard no. MEC/05/SD/26/011 1.02 Description of Items Unit Qty. Nos. 20 Supply , Installation, Calibration / Testing & Commissioning of D.P. Transmitters including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines and SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per installation std. no .MEC/05/SD/26/012 Nos. 2 1.03 Supply , Installation, Calibration / Testing & Commissioning of D.P. Gauge including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines and SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per installation std. no .MEC/05/SD/26/012 Nos. 2 1.04 Supply , Installation, Calibration / Testing & Commissioning of Pressure Transmitters including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines & SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per installation std. no. MEC/05/SD/26/001 Nos. 4 1.05 Supply , Installation, Calibration / Testing & Commissioning of Temperature Gauges with flanged thermowells inclusive of installation of thermowell on the nozzle and installation of instruments as per installation standard no. MEC/05/26/TG/SK/02 & MEC/05/SD/26/014 Nos 10 3 Design, Engineering, Supply , Installation , Testing & Commissioning Flow Control Valve along with all accessories as per Data Sheet attached in the Bid Document (Data Sheet No: MEC/23JV/05/E5/I/001 - /DS – 062A). D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Instru Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties 4 Supply , Installation, Calibration / Testing & Commissioning of RTD with flanged thermowell inclusive of installation of thermowell on the nozzle and installation of instruments but exclusive of supply of instruments, thermowells and calibration as per installation standard no. 1.06 MEC/05/26/RTD/SK/01 2 Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation , Testing & Commissioning of LEL Detection System including Control unit on Control Panel as per Data Sheet attached in the Bid Document (Data Sheet No: MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/LEL/001). Currency Set 1 Nos. 3 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Annexure - D Page 1 of 5 Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(V) Sl. No. 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 5 5.1 6 6.01 6.02 6.03 a b c d PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 2 of 5 INSTRUMENTATION Description of Items Unit Qty. Sets 1 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 4 3 3 10 86 1 Nos. 2 Nos. 4 Sets 3 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Contol Panel & Panel Mounted Instruments Design, engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Testing, Inspection, Supply , Erection & Commissioning of Cabinet type Control Panel along with all accessories and Panel mounted Instruments including supply of Commissioning spares with special tools and tackles as required as per specification in the Bid document (DS No. MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/CP/001) but exclusive of supply of Items 4.2 to 4.7. Indicators (Data Sheet No. MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/IND/001) Recorders (Data Sheet No. MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/REC/001) Controller ( DS NO. MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/CTR/001) Signal Distribution Card (Data Sht No.-MEC/23JV/05/E5/I/001/DS-054H) Barriers(DS No. MEC/23JV/05/E5/I/001/DS-054 I) Annunciator Wall Mounted Control Panel & Panel Mounted Instruments Design, engineering, Procurement, Manufacture, Testing, Inspection, Supply , Erection & Commissioning of Wall Mounted type Control Panel along with all accessories and Panel mounted Instruments including supply of Commissioning spares with special tools and tackles as required as per specification in the Bid document (DS No. MEC/23JV/05/E5/DS/CP/001) but exclusive of supply of Item 5.1 Digital Indicators FREE ISSUE ITEMS Handling, transportation, loading , unloading, storage, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Ultrasonic Flowmeter & Flow Computer with all accessories including mounting of instruments on Pipeline. Handling, transportation, loading , unloading, storage, Installation, Testing & Commissioning of Gas Chromatograph system consisting of sampling unit in the field and Control Unit in control room along with all accessories and also including tubing, cabling, structural work etc. required to install the system complete in all respect as per Installation Manual of Gas Cromatograph. N.A Sets 1 N.A Handling, transportation, installation, removal and remounting, electrical termination, testing/ calibration of regulators ,shutdown valves, actuator for gas actuated ball valves alongwith mounting of valves and their respective accessories, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines where required, supply, fabrication & installation of manifolds/ impulse lines & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing, painting of supports as per std., but exclusive of supply of valves. PCV SDV Actuator for Gas Actuated Ball Valve Pig Signallers D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Instru Sets Sets Sets Nos. 4 4 4 6 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I) N.A N.A N.A N.A Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(V) Sl. No. PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN Annexure - D Page 3 of 5 INSTRUMENTATION Description of Items Unit Qty. Nos. 5 Nos. 15 Supply and laying of control, signal, Triad cables on main cable trays, perforated trays, trenches including supply of all required cable glands(Explosion proof double compression type) and consumables like ferrules, clamps, PVC tubes, aluminium/SS tag plates etc., clamping , ferruling, glanding of the cables, termination at both ends, including shield/drain/ communication wire, providing/fixing of identifying tags and megger testing and loop testing but exclusive of supply & erection of GI Perforated tray. i) Signal Cables - 1 P x 1.5 mm² (Type I) - 6 P x 0.5 mm² (Type II) Mtr. Mtr. 400 300 ii) RTD Cables - 4C x 1.5 mm² - Quad Cable (Type-I) - 6 TRIAD x 1.5 mm² (Type II) Mtr. Mtr. 200 300 iii) Control Cables - 12C x 1.5 mm² - 3C x 1.5 mm² Mtr. Mtr. 400 250 iv) RS-232/485 Digital Communication Cable Mtr. 400 v) 2C x 4 mm² Power Cable (copper conductor) Mtr. 300 Mtr. Mtr. Mtr. Mtr. 200 200 150 50 7 Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Installation of Junction Boxes including supply of Junction Boxes with plugs for unused entries, supply, fabrication and installation of supports, plugging of unused entries and painting. a) Explosionproof electrical junction boxes for 6 pair/ 6 triad cable entry 8 Supply of canopies fabricated out of Powder coated MS for electronic transmitters including supply, fabrication of support and installation of canopy with support and reflective painting. 9.0 CABLING 9.01 10.0 STRUCTURAL (Complete in all respect as per Scope of Work) (related to instrumentation) 10.01 Supply and erection of prefabricated perforated GI trays of thickness 2.5mm including tees, bends and elbows, supply, fabrication and erection of required supports and painting of supports with one coat of primer as per IS:2074 and 2 coats of finished paint including supply of paint as per std. and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Sizes : a) 60 mm wide X 30 mm high b) 100 mm wide X 30 mm high c) 200 mm wide X 30 mm high c) 300 mm wide X 30 mm high D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Instru SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(V) Sl. No. PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN INSTRUMENTATION Description of Items 11 Unit Qty. Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties CALIBRATION 11.01 Calibration and testing of the instruments listed below including removal of instruments from preinstalled locations like panels, enclosure racks, fields etc. and refixing them back in respective/ required places, providing equipments, necessary test jigs, instrument air and all consumables. Calibration reports shall be prepared and to be submitted to the Purchaser/Consultant a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Pressure gauges Temperature gauge Pressure Transmitters (smart type) Differential pressure transmitter (smart type) Differential pressure Gauge RTDs Pressure Safety Valves Electronic Receiving Instruments i) Recorders ii) Indicators iv) Temperature transmitters Alarm annunciators i) Gas Chromatograph j) LEL Detectors k) Panel Mounted Flow Computers N.A Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. 20 10 7 2 2 7 10 Nos. Nos. Nos. Nos. set set Nos. 2 16 8 2 1 1 3 12.0 Idetification of instrument items wherever requird including supply of approved color of Lumpsum paint(fluorescent),painting of tag number(approx. 25-50 mm high) on instruments item like junction boxes,panels,valves,etc as specified by engineer in charge. 13.0 Excavation of trenches for burying the cables, preparation of same for laying of cable, filling with river sand, laying of brick, back filling and compacting of the excavated earth as per specifications including supply of sand and bricks and removal of surplus earth as per instructions of Engineerin-Charge. Size of Trench: 600 mm (Width) X 675 mm ( Depth) 14.0 Annexure - D Page 4 of 5 1 Mtrs. 250 Mtrs. Mtrs. Mtrs. 20 20 20 Supply and installation of PVC pipes and sleeves for crossing of electrical cables as required including supply of sealing compound. a) 100 mm b) 150 mm C) 50 mm D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Instru SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I) Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 3-(V) Sl. No. PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN INSTRUMENTATION Unit Qty. 15.0 EARTHING 15.01 Supply, laying and termination of both ends from earth grid to Field instruments/JBs/Control Panel by 8 SWG G.I. Wire in tray and conduits as required excluding earth-pit preparation. Mtrs. 250 Description of Items 15.02 Supply, Laying and Termination of both ends of 4 sq. mm. PVC insulated armoured copper cable Mtrs. 50 16.0 Start up & commissioning of complete terminal instruments, including all labour, test equipments Lumpsum and other auxiliaries as required, etc., complete in all respects as per specifications/ drawings/ directions of Engineer-in-Charge. All necessary Testing and commissioning reports, as-built drawings etc., shall also be prepared and to be submitted to the purchaser/consultant Note: 1) The quantities given above against individual items are indicative and shall not be considered to be binding. The quantities may be increased, decreased or deleted at site at the time of actual execution and as per discretion of owner/engineer-in-charge. The unit rate shall be operated to work out the final payment due to contractor. Currency Supply unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Erection unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties - 2) All the items required to complete the work shall be the scope of supply of contractor only. Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date Annexure - D Page 5 of 5 : _____________ : _____________ Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all In Figure : applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Instru SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(V), Rev-1 (Part-I) Total Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR 3- (VI) TELECOMMUNICATION WORKS [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Annexure-D Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. A A.1 A.1.1 A.1.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 A.1.5 A.2 A.2.1 A.2.2 A.2.3 A.2.4 SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items Unit Qty. Nos. 3 Nos. 3 Nos. 3 Nos. 1 No. 1 Nos. 3 Nos. 3 Nos. 3 Nos. 1 Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words SCADA & Telecommunication Work as define in respective Scope of Work in this tender documents and it includes followings as minimum:SCADA WORK : Project management, system design, detailed engineering, manufacture/procurement and supply of all related goods including installation of any free issue SCADA equipments with transportation from client's store, installation of new hardware in existing equipments, necessary cabling, and providing all related services including interfacing with Flow computer and Gas Chromatograph etc, interconnection with the existing networks, testing, integrations with master station, facilitating GAIL for commissioning, warranty etc. complete in all respects, including the related civil works, Cabling, Terminations, preparation of the related drawings, documents, etc. for implementation of the SCADA system as per requirements. SCADA Supply work: (At Kakinada Junction Point) : Supply Input output (I/O's) Modules/cards for RTU of Allen Bradely make, Model No. SLC 5/03 along with Termination Board and firmware suitable for mounting in existing RTU cabinet & interfacing with existing SCADA system SLC 500 DF1 system. Supply of 32(I/f)- channel Analog Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements. Supply of 32(I/f)- channel Digital Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements. Supply of 8(I/f)- channel Digital Output card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely fully configured as per requirements. Supply of Micro bus(1:4) 4 RS232 input & one RS232 output (DTE & DCE) working on 24 Volts DC Supply of 24 V DC power supply with 100 W capacity for Allen Bradely RTU with mounting arrangements. (At K CHERUVU Junction Point) Supply of 32(I/f)- channel Analog Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements. Supply of 32(I/f)- channel Digital Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements. Supply of 8(I/f)- channel Digital Output card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely fully configured as per requirements. Supply of Micro bus(1:4) 4 RS232 input & one RS232 output (DTE & DCE) working on 24 Volts DC D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 1 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items A.3 A.3.1 (ODURU DESPATCH STATION) Supply of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradley make RTU panel fully wired similar to existing RTU with 32 slots, supporting hot redudndant CPU, power supply cards,analog input card, digital input card, digital output card, analog out put card, serial communication hardware and software. Also support with Allen Bradley DF1 protocol and multidrop channel(300 - 19.2 kbps serial communication).with PIC module & RTU programme software (RSlogic) supporting WIN2000,ME,WIN-xp & Vista.All the necessary power, signal & communication cables Glands, connectors per requiremnts and shall be with minimum following I/O's modules 32(I/f)- channel Analog Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements.(including 1 no spare) 32 (I/f)- channel Digital Input card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely RTU fully configured as per requirements.(including 1 no spare) 8(I/f)- channel Digital Output card of SLC 5/03 Allen Bradely fully configured as per requirements.(including 2 nos spare) Supply of Micro bus(1:4) 4 RS232 input & one RS232 output (DTE & DCE) working on 24 Volts DC CISCO make terminal server with 16 serial ports supporting 300 bps - 19.2 kbps with necessary I/f cables(DB25 connectors) & Ethernet port(10/100 BaseT) for connecting ethernet switch. 24 V DC power supply with 200 W capacity for Allen Bradely RTU with mounting arrangements in side the RTU panel A.4 A.4.1 A.4.2 A.4.3 SCADA sit work : All work related to Installation of additional I/o's card as per A.1 above in to existing RTU panel, internal wiring upto terminal (including supply) , testing ,interfacing with FC , GC , Telecom Eqpt and commissioning & hookup with master station in consultation with GAIL for K.J.Point. All work related to Installation of additional I/o's card as per A.2 above in to existing RTU panel, internal wiring upto terminal (including supply) , testing ,interfacing with FC , GC , Telecom Eqpt and commissioning & hookup with master station in consultation with GAIL for K Cheruvu. All work related to Installation of SLC- 5/03 Allen Bradley RTU in designated SCADA Control Room including Cabling, Glanding, Termination including loop checking, Interfacing with FC & GC, Interfacing with telecom eqpt, Supply of Communication and Power Cable and accessories as and commisioning & hookup with master station inconsultation with GAIL. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom Unit Qty. Set 1 Nos. 3 Nos. 3 Nos. 4 Nos. 2 No. 1 No. 1 Lumpsum 1 Lumpsum 1 Lumpsum 1 Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 2 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. B B.1 B.1.1 B.1.2 B.1.3 B.1.4 B.2 B.2.1 B.2.2 SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items TELECOMMUNICATION WORK :Project management, system design, detailed engineering, manufacture/procurement and supply of all related goods including installation of any free issue telecom equipments with transportation from client's store, installation of new hardware in existing equipments, necessary cabling, and providing all related services including installation, interconnection with the existing networks, testing, integrations, trial run, commissioning, warranty, training etc. complete in all respects, including the related civil works, Cabling, Terminations, preparation of the related drawings, documents, etc. for implementation of the telecom system, which shall comprise of an optical fibre based Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) & Primary Multiplexer systems as per requirements. AT Kakinada Junction Point Supply, erection and interfacing of (-) 48 volts DC SMPS power supply 400 W with battery back - up of 24 hrs.minimum along with necessary hardwares & accessories.Make-Eltek,Amararaja, Dyna Supply ,testing and interfacing of Media converter 10 BaseT to E1- one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories working on 48 V DC Supply testing and interfacing 10/100 BaseT to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fibre-one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories supporting 60 Km & above. Supply & laying of Multi-pair armoured 0.5 mm 5 pair telephone cable for extending telephones to security cabins/ with the crone connector JB in telecom room (approx. 90m – material & works) & 5 pair unarmoured telecom cable to instrument panel room. AT KCHERUVU Junction Point Supply,testing and interfacing of Media converter 10 BaseT to E1- one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories working on 48 V DC Supply, testing and interfacing 10/100 BaseT to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fibre-one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories supporting 60 KM & above D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom Unit Qty. No 1 Set 1 Set 1 Lumpsum 1 Set 1 Set 1 Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 3 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items Unit Qty. B.3.1.1 Supply, installation, integration, testing, commissioning etc. of SDH STM-1 equipment at Oduru compatible to operate with ITU-T G-652 fiber, fully wired, configured & equipped in the 19” Rack with all specified interfaces and capable of supporting interfaces as specified in the Tender . Set 1 B.3.1.2 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning etc. of SDH STM-1 equipment (ADM) at Oduru compatible to operate with ITU-T G-652 fiber, fully wired, configured (also for supporting Interfaces as specified in the tender) & equipped with all required interfaces as indicated in the tender. Set 1 B.3.1.3 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning etc of Primary Multiplexer (with necessary cards and interfaces for voice and data as per the requirement, mentioned in the tender). Set 1 B.3.1.4 Supply and Installation of Weather proof telephones as indicated in the Tender. Set 1 B.3.1.5 Shifting/Supply and Installation of AC-DC converters Nos 2 Set 1 Sets 2 B.3 B.3.1 B.3.2 B.3.3 Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words AT ODURU JUNCTION POINT Supply (on turnkey basis), Installation, Testing, commissioning and Integration of Network with existing NMS system shall include but not be limited to (New telecom equipment similar to existing equipment ) : ECI make micro STM-1 ADM with 21 E1s, pre-wired in DDF options to increase upto 63E1s, Bayly make P-Mux type DI with FXO/FXS (one pair), LSDCM card (4 i/f – 2 Nos.) NX64 K HSDCM (2 i/f-1 no) MDM card (4 i/f - 2 nos.)with ringe generator., (- ) 48 volts DC SMPS power supply of 400 Watts with battery back up up to 24 Hrs. shall be provided by the contractor. Any communication cable with D type connector and all the termination and cabling work from FTC to telecom equipment. (If power not provided by client as required) The Scope of work as per MECON's Job Specification for Telecommunication system ( JS No.: MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01) shall be following but not limited to Supply testing & interfacing of Media converter 10 BaseT to E1- one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories working on 48 Volts DC Supply, installation and interfacing 10/100 BaseT to optical media converter supporting Tx/Rx in single fibre-one pair for NMS along with necessary hardwares & accessories supporting 60 Km & above D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 4 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items B.3.4 B.3.5 C Unit Qty. Installation Material including accessories/other associated items at all locations, earthing including electods and pit etc. as required Lot 1 Supply & laying of Multi-pair armoured 0.5 mm 5 pair telephone cable for extending telephones to security cabins/ with the crone connector JB in telecom room & supply,laying of unarmoured 5 pair cable to control room TELECOMMUNICATION WORK : SUPPLY AND LAYING OF OPTICAL FIBRE CABLE AND HDPE DUCTS AND ASSOCIATED WORKS: Supply of materials/ equipments, storage,erection and services (as per specification, drawings etc. provided in this Bid Document). Lumpsum 1 C.1 SUPPLY OF OFC AND ACCESSORIES (as per MECON Technical Specification No. MEC/TS/05/E5/T/096 Rev 1). Design, Manufacturing,factory testing, inspection, packaging, forwarding, transportation, insurance,receipt and storage at site etc. C.1.1 Supply of 24 fibre composite Optical fibre cable (G-655 & G-652 ) of 4 KM +/- 5 % cable drums length as per spec. Meter 30000 C.1.2 Supply of Jointing Closures including all accessories (3 M, SIEMENS, REYCHEM make only.) as per spec. (8 nos. planned joints and 4 spares) Nos. 12 Supply of 40 mm OD permanently lubricated HDPE telecom duct as per MECON Technical Specification No. MEC/TS/05/E5/T/037 Rev 1. It include Manufacturing,factory testing, inspection, packaging, forwarding, transportation, insurance,receipt and storage at site etc. Meter 60000 Lumpsum Lumpsum C.2 D TELECOMMUNICATION SITE WORK (as per scope of work, Standard Specification no. MEC/S/05/E5/T/001 Rev 0 & ../002 Rev 0 of Bid documents) 1.0 Submission of optical fiber cable & HDPE alignment sheets (CAS) based on the existing pipe line survey (No separate survey reqd.),estimation of OFC & HDPE duct including all accessories in accordance with the alignment sheet and specifications.Laying work can not be started without approval of these documents from Client / Consultant / EIC. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 5 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. 2.0 SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items Unit Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Blowing of Optical Fiber Cable All activities pertaining to Blowing of optical fiber cable in same pipeline trench directly Per Meter of (after testing of drum at site) ,through CS/ HDPE conduits at crossing, cable sealing Trench Length using all materials required, including Supply and Laying of Warning Mats, etc. all complete as per specifications and drawing provided in the bid document & as per direction of consultant. 3.0 Qty. 30000 Laying of HDPE Telecom Duct as per specification Laying of 40mm OD permanently lubricated HDPE ducts( PLE HDPE Duct), in same pipeline trench direct buried or cased crossing through CS/ HDPE conduit in all type of soil & terrain, excavation as required, padding, backfilling etc. including supply of HDPE Duct Accessories required including Plastic Couplers, End Plugs, Cable Sealing Plugs, End Caps, etc suitable & sufficient for above supplied Duct, cleaning and sealing of ducts at the end of laid drum lengths,preparation & Supply of Cable Blowing Pit at each KM including sand, jointing of HDPE conduit, Testing of HDPE Duct and accessories after laying,preparation of report and final drawing & documents as per specification, joint location marking , erection accessories (suitable for min 8 kg/cm2 pressure rating) ,all complete as per specifications provided in the bid document & as per direction of consultant. (Two duct with different color 30000 mtr each are for blowing of present 24 F OFC & future requirement for total length of pipeline as per spec. and drawing ) Per Meter Length 60000 4.0 Splicing, Jointing of optical fiber cable (including supply and installation of jointing pits including sand, etc & joint markers) all complete as per spec., drawing provided in the bid document and the direction of consultant.(6 planned joints to be finalised in CAS) Nos. 8 5.0 Supply & installation of 300 dia cable markers at all pipeline marker locations on same pipeline marker post as per specifications & drawing provided in the bid document and direction of consultant. Nos. 30 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 6 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I PART-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN 3-(VI) Sl. No. SCADA & TELECOMMUNICATION WORK Description of Items 6.0 Supply of set of FTC (Make 3 M / Reychem / Siemens /KRONE ) and other accessories for termination of OFC - 24 fibre in the Telecom Room .( Wiremesh supply by GAIL ) 7.0 Supply and Installation & Commissioning of Electronic Marker System as per specification , test certificate and documents etc. consisting of : a) Electronic Markers (To be buried underground along with OFC Joints at all jointing location) (The marker shall be of same make and specification of existing laid marker and shall be procured in consultation with GAILTEL Rajahmundry) 8.0 Note: Termination of OFC on FTC/DDF inside the Telecom Room, splicing with steet fibre, test of the fibre for the smooth operation system on wavelength. Power Testing of laid OFC, Identification of the fault,Rectification, Earthing, final testing & commissioning (end to end for Oduru to Kakinada & Oduru to Kcheruvu section), preparation of reports etc. work complete in all respect with all necessary accessories for all location till the final Handing over & taking over by Owner of the laid Optical Fiber Cable alongwith HDPE Telecom Duct complete as per specification,Drawings and Documentation as per specification & contract agreement and as per the direction of Engineers in charge. Note : The quantites of individual item can varied as per site requirement.The payment will be made as per actual certified measurement at site.For the Payment purpose the actual pipeline length will be considered for the payments of laid OFC and HDPE Duct along the pipeline and length upto control room inside terminal will be considered separately. (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Unit Qty. Set. 2 Set 8 Lumpsum Lumpsum Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR - Part-C-RIL-Part-I-Add Telecom In Figure : SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-03(VI), Rev-1 (Part-I) Annexure - D Page 7 of 7 Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR 4 - (I) TERMINAL WORKS (PIPING AND MECHANICAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Separator -Part-II-Add-I.doc Annexure-D Annexure - D Page 1 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 1.0 PLANT PIPING (above ground) Transportation of all piping items from Owner's and/ or Contractor's storage point to work site/ workshop as applicable, complete work of fabrication, erection, painting, testing of pipes, flanges and fittings and making ready for further Commissioning / Start-up of carbon steel piping of all sizes and ratings including supply of all consumables, equipment, manpower and other resources and execution of, but not limited to, the following works in accordance with relevant specifications indicated in relevant clause of SCC & scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. - Fabrication including cutting, edge preparation, inclusive of grinding the edges of pipes, fittings, flanges etc. to match with the matching edges of uneven/different thickness wherever required, welding, attachment of all pipe fittings like elbows, tees, reducers. Supply of nipples, coupling etc. as required for completion of job. - Fixing/ Installation of weldolets, sockolets, flanges, vent and drain point connection etc., including providing stub-in connections, fabricated fittings and reinforcement pads etc., as required. - Erection including prior cleaning, lifting, placing on pipe sleepers and supports, overhead on racks, skids and at all elevations including installation and carrying out connected activities for all types of valves including supply and fixing of gaskets, studs/ bolts, nuts wherever required for all sizes, levelling, aligning, joining of flanges, blind flanges, connecting with equipment, nozzles, strainers, tie-in with existing piping/facilities, etc. tapping for inline instruments like pressure gauges, thermowells, sample connection, etc. - Preparation of final bill of material based on piping GADs. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Total Qty. Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 2 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri - Preparation of isometric and fabrication drawings. - Carrying out Non-destructive testing as required except items mentioned in sl. no. 6.0 of SOR. - Surface preparation before application of primer by means of sand blasting including supply of approved quality of sand, manpower, machineries, tools & tackles to achieve required roughness as per specification and as per instruction of Engineerin-charge. - Painting of entire system (including aboveground all pipes fittings, flanges and accessories) as per specification MEC/S/05/62/07A suitable for highly corrosive area environment including supply of approved paints and primers, application of primer and paints, indentification lettering/ numbering, colour coding, etc. as specified including rub down & touch up of shop primer or scrapping of shop primer wherever required by COMPANY and providing scaffolding for all heights etc. - Cleaning and flushing by water/ compressed air, testing of the systems including hydrostatic, pneumatic and any other type of testing as specified, draining, drying by compressed air/other methods approved by COMPANY. - Precommissioning & making operational all piping system and equipments. - Commissioning Contractor scope shall provide all necessary assistance in term of supply of man-power, equipment, tools and tackles required amount of nitrogen for purging of entire terminal piping system including equipments etc. to the company during commissioning activities. - Completion of all such work in all respects as per scope of work and as per drawings, specifications and instructions of the COMPANY and keeping the system ready in all respects for further commissioning and start up. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Total Qty. Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 3 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty. - Hook-up works (with client/ consumer piping at battery limits or as per P & ID): 1.1 Complete Carbon Steel Piping Work with painting including all fittings, flanges and supply of all required gaskets, studs bolts & nuts etc. as described under item 1.0 above API 5L, Gr. B, Seamless, BE / A 106 Gr. B & API 5L Gr. X-52, LSAW, BE or equivalent API 5L, Gr. B, Seamless, PE m 14" NB BE XS 2 2 Nil Nil 4 m 12" NB BE XS 12 12 6 Nil 30 m 8"NB S60 Nil 3 Nil 12 15 m 3" NB BE S40 3 3 3 Nil 9 m 2" NB BE S80 40 12 18 18 88 m 1½" NB PE S80 2 2 2 2 8 m 1" NB PE S80 3 3 3 6 15 m 3/4" NB PE S80 1 1 1 1 4 m ½" NB PE S80 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 Note 1) Pipe Specification and thickness may vary depending upon : availability of pipe. No extra payment shall be made for this. 2) All butt welded fittings end shall generally match with connecting pipe wall thickness. However, in case of misalignment, Contractor shall have to do end preparation without any extra cost. 3) All coupling, nipples etc. as required shall be suplied by contractor but no separate payments shall be made as it is covered under erection rate. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 4 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty. 2.0 SUPPLY OF ASSORTED PIPE, FITTINGS AND FLANGES Complete work of supply of pipes, flanges and fittings including all taxes, duties, transportation and inspection charges but not limited to, the following items in accordance with relevant specifications indicated in clause 5.10 of SCC & scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of Engineer-in-charge and as per all provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. - Handling including lifting, transportation from Contractor Stores to CONTRACTOR's workshop for fabrication and/ or to work site for field fabrication and erection for all piping items supplied by Contractor. 2.1 CARBON STEEL PIPES API 5L Grade B/ ASTM A106, Gr. B, BE, Seamless / API 5L, Gr. X - 52, SAW API 5L, Gr. B, Seamless, PE D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech m 14" NB BE XS 2 2 Nil Nil 4 m 12" NB BE XS 18 18 6 Nil 42 m 8" NB BE S60 Nil 3 Nil 12 15 m 3" NB BE S40 3 3 3 Nil 9 m 2" NB BE S80 42 12 18 18 90 m 1½" NB PE S80 2 2 2 2 8 m 1" NB PE S80 3 3 3 6 15 m 3/4" NB PE S80 1 1 1 1 4 m ½" NB PE S80 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 5 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. 2.2 FLANGES a) Weld Neck B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty. Nos. 8" RF 600# Nil 2 Nil 6 8 Nos. 4" RF 600# Nil 2 Nil Nil 2 Nos. 2" RF 600# 12 10 10 8 40 Nos. 3" RF 150# 1 1 1 Nil 3 Nos. 2" RF 150# 4 12 4 4 24 Nos. 1½" RF 600# 1 1 1 Nil 3 Nos. 1" RF 600# 4 4 2 4 14 Nos. ½" RF 600# 2 1 1 1 5 Nos. 2" RF 600# 2 1 1 1 5 Nos. 1" RF 150# 1 1 1 2 5 Nos. ½" RF 600# 1 1 1 1 4 Nos. 12" RF 600# 6 8 2 Nil 16 Nos. 8" BW S60 Nil Nil Nil 2 2 Nos. 2" BW S80 10 8 6 6 30 Nos. 3"BW S40 1 1 1 Nil 3 Nos. 1" BW S80 Nil 2 2 4 8 b) 45° Elbow (A234, Gr. WPB, B-16.9, 1.5D) Nos. 8" BW S60 Nil Nil Nil 2 2 c) 90° Elbow (A105, B-16.11, SW) Nos. 1" SW S80 2 Nil 2 Nil 4 d) 45° Elbow (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52) Nos. 12" BW XS 2 2 2 Nil 6 b) Socket Welded (B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH) c) Blind Flanges (B-16.5, A105, 125 AARH) d) WNRF B-16.5, ASTM A694, Gr. F-52 2.3 ELBOW a) 90° Elbow (A234, Gr. WPB, B-16.9, 1.5D) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 6 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty. e) 90° Elbow (MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52) Nos. 12" BW XS 2 4 Nil Nil 6 2.4 TEE a) Equal Tee (B-16.9, 1.5D) [A234 Gr. WPB) Nos. 2" BW S80 3 2 2 2 9 b) Equal Tee (B-16.9, 1.5D) [MSS SP-75 Gr. WPHY-52] Nos. 12" BW XS 1 2 Nil Nil 3 c) Unequal Tee (B-16.9, 1.5D) [A234 Gr. WPB) Nos. 2" x 1" S80xS80 2 2 2 1 7 Nos. 12"x8" XS x S60 Nil Nil Nil 2 2 Nos. 8"x4" S60 x S40 Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 Nos. 14" x 12" S60 x XS Nil 4 4 Nil 8 Nos. 12"x8" XSxS60 2 2 Nil 2 6 Nos. 12"x6" XSxS40 Nil 2 Nil Nil 2 Nos. 12"x3/4" 6000# 4 2 2 Nil 8 Nos. 2"x3/4" 6000# Nil Nil Nil 1 1 Nos. 8"x¾" 3000# Nil Nil Nil 2 2 Nos. 4"x½" 3000# Nil Nil Nil Nil 0 2.5 Concentric Reducer (MSS-SP-75) 2.6 SOCKOLET (A105, B-16.11) 3.0 VALVES & OTHER ITEMS Handling including lifting and transportation from COMPANY's warehouse to CONTRACTOR'S Stores and/or work site and installation of all types of valves, insulating joint, flow tee including assembly of valve accessories, (if any) by bolting, threading or welding, supply and insertion of gaskets, nuts & bolts, nipples, etc. at all elevations of pipe sleepers, supports or overhead on racks, equipments nozzle, skid & painting etc. supply of all consumables, manpower, equipment, etc. for completion of all works as per scope of work and as per drawings, specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-charge including servicing/ cleaning of valve wherever requried. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 7 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. 3.1 Flanged/ Welded Valves (Full Bore/ Reduced Bore) i) Ball Valve Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty. Nos. 14" 600# 1 1 1 Nil 3 Nos. 12" 600# 2 3 2 1 8 Nos. 8" 600# Nil 1 Nil 2 3 Nos. 4" 600# Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 Nos. 2" 600# 8 6 6 6 26 Nos. 2" 150# 1 1 1 1 4 ii) Plug valve Nos. 2" 600# 1 1 1 1 4 iii) Check Valve Nos. 2" 150# 1 1 1 1 4 Nos. 1½" 800# 1 1 1 1 4 Nos. 1" 800# 2 2 2 2 8 Nos. 3/4" 800# 4 4 4 4 16 Nos. ½" 800# 1 1 1 1 4 Nos. 1" NB 800# 1 1 1 1 4 1½" x 3" 600# 1 1 1 1 4 1" x 2" 600# Nil Nil Nil 1 1 3.2 Socket Welded Valves (Ball / Plug) i )Ball valve ii )Plug valve 4.0 SAFETY RELIEF VALVES Handling including lifting and transportation from company's ware house, installation, final coat of painting, testing and Commissioning of safety relief valves. Vendor scope will include supply of all accessories including but not limited to gaskets, nuts, bolts, fixtures, clamps etc. required and providing high vent for discharge. Installation shall as per API RP 520 and as per scope of work. (Size of Safety Valve is tentative) Nos. Nos. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 8 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri - 300 300 300 200 1100 14" 4 4 2 Nil 10 12" 45 70 25 15 155 10" Nil 5 Nil Nil 5 8" 10 10 10 25 55 6" 10 10 Nil Nil 20 Size Total Qty. 5.0 PIPE SUPPORTS & OTHER STRUCTURES 5.1 Supply, fabrication and erection of all types of pipe supports like Kg clamps, saddle, guide stops, cradles, turn buckles, anchors, Tposts; stockade/ trestle and pipe bridge for overhead piping; frames for canopy, approach ladders and platforms, crossover, cable tray supports, etc. including painting suitable for highly corrosive area as per specification labour and supervision & complete work as per drawings, specifications and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. (Bolts, nuts, washers, U-clamps etc. for supporting shall be supplied by the Contractor within the rates quoted. These items will not be measured and paid seperately). The work is to be completed in all respect as per scope of work and specification. - 6.0 RADIOGRAPHY Performance of radiographic inspection by gamma radiation as Nos. per scope of work and as per specifications in piping of all types of and thickness including providing/hiring of all necessary Joint equipments, supply of all consumables, and whatever else even though not expressely mentioned but required to perform the work as per specifications and instructions of Engineer-in-Charge (full circle re-radiography of the repaired joint and additional radiography necessitated due to poor performance of contractor's welder shall be carried out by the Contractor at his own cost and shall not be paid extra by Company). Radiographs shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge for acceptance, whose decision shall be final and binding. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 9 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 4" 10 10 10 5 35 3" 5 5 5 5 20 2" 40 30 25 20 115 Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. 7.0 VESSELS & EQUIPMENTS 7.1 Handling, including lifting, transportation from Company's stores to Contractor's work-shop for fabrication or/ and to worksite for field fabrication, assembly of parts/ sub-assemblies erection for all vessels, equipments supplied by company above ground/ underground at all elevation/ depth, fixing of foundation bolts welding wherever required, alinging, grouting, hookingup,hydrotesting alongwith the piping, cleaning and flushing by water draining, drying by compressed air providing all mountings, ancilliary, enabling works as required and completing in all respect as per drawings, specification and instruction of Engineer-incharge. Contractor's scope shall include supply of all material and accessories including but not limited to any fixtures, clamps, gasket, nut bolts, finish coat of painting including rub down & touch up of shop primer/ paint scrapping of shop primer/ paint and further their painting after application of primer as per specification, wherever required by Company. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Total Qty. Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 10 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit Size Rating/ Thk./ Sch. 7.1.1 Approx. erection weight and Details of major equipments are as MT under (Refer P&ID included with Tender). Details of Equipment a) Condensate Tank(2m dia x 6m length) b) Scrubber (1.018m dia x 3m length) Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 12 3 3 2 20 Nos. 1 1 Note : 1) The rates quoted shall be applicable for both tap-off-cumdespatch & receiving terminal. 2) The quantities given above against individual items are indicative and shall not be considered to be binding. The quantities may be increased or decreased at site at the time of actual execution and as per discretion of Owner/ Engineer-incharge. The unit rate shall be operated to work out the final payment due to Contractor. 3) All supply items shall be procured after due approval from EIC. 8.0 Supply of Valves Complete work of supply of valves including all taxes, duties, transportation and inspection charges but not limited to the following items in accordance with relevant specifications indicated in scope of work indicated in SCC, drawings, specification and instructions of EIC and as perall provisions of the CONTRACT DOCUMENT. Nos. a) Check Valves, RF 9.0 Supply of Restricted Orifice a) Supply and installation of 2" Restricted ORIFICE Plate (for Nos. Condensate / Drain Line) of SS make for 600# piping inclusive of supply of gaskets(2 nos for each RO) and fastners as per specification b) Supply and installation of 2" Restricted ORIFICE Plate (for Nos. Condensate / Drain Line) of SS make for 300# piping inclusive of supply of gaskets(2 nos for each RO) and fastners as per specification D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech 2" 150# 1 1 1 1 4 2" 600# 1 1 1 1 4 2" 300# 1 1 1 1 4 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 11 of 11 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (I) PIPING & MECHANICAL WORKS Sl. Description of Item No. Unit 10.0 SUPPLY OF CARTRIDGE FILTER Supply of Cartridge Filter alongwith pressure safety valve, Nos. companion flanges and all accessories including but not limited to gaskets, nuts, bolts, fixtures, clamps etc. required and providing high vent for discharge. Final coat of painting, set pressure testing of PSV & commissioning and as per scope of work T.S. (No. MEC/TS/05/62/017, Rev-2) & Data Sheet No. MEC/23J8/05/21/DS/CF/01 for Catridge Filter enclosed in Tender Document. Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Size - Rating/ Thk./ Sch. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 600# Nil Nil Nil 1 1 Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all In Figure : applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Place: _____________ Date : _____________ Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Mech Total Qty. SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(I), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 4-(II) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (CIVIL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(II), Rev-1 (Part-II)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Separator -Part-II-Add-I.doc Annexure - D Page 1 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (II) Sl. No. CIV-1 CIV-2 CIV-3 CIV-4 (TERMINAL WORKS ) CIVIL & STRUCTURAL Description of Items Unit Dismantaling of RCC pavements and supports including cutting & removal of M3 reinforcement, disposal of broken chips & steel and finishing, wherever necessary to the satisfication of Engineer Incharge. Sand filling in layers watered rolled and consolidating the surface including M3 supplying of sand (zone-II/Zone-III sand only) complete in all respect as per scope of work, detailed construction drawings as per technical specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge PLAIN CEMENT CONCRETE Supplying and laying plain cement concrete of grade M 10C with stone aggregate M3 40mm down grade (including shuttering if required) in all types of concrete works including levelling courses below foundations, mass concrete works, chambers, cable trench, under floors and any other locations, at all levels as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (Rate to include cost of all labour, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials, shuttering, earthwork in excavationand backfilling using approved earth in all conditions etc. with all bye works and sundry works.) REINFORCED CEMENT CONCRETE Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete of grade M-20 with 20mm and M3 down grade crushed stone aggregate in all types of structures like foundations, pedestals, pedestal bases, pipe supports, sleepers cable trench including construction joints, bitumen painting on surfaces in contact with soil, providing and fixing reinforcing steel, shuttering, inserts, finishes etc. at all depths and heights complete as per drawings , specifications and directions of the Engineerin-charge. Above includes (a) Earth work in excavation including backfilling (including using borrow earth and disposal of surplus earth. (b) PCC 1:4:8 modmat if required. (c) Grouting of all base plates/ frames of equipment foundations and structural bases as per requirement. (Rate to include cost of all labour, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials such as minimum 43 grade cement including sulphate resistant cement for sub-structures, R/F steel,inserts, bolts, conduits, bitumen, other minor construction materials, shuttering , staging, earthwork in excavation and backfilling using serviceable earth in all conditions, shoring, bailing and pumping out water, testing of concrete, curing etc. with all bye works and sundry works). D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Civil Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 1.5 3 1.5 Nil 6 4 2 4 Nil 10 10 1 1.5 Nil 12.5 6 10 1 Nil 17 SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(II), Rev-1 (Part-II) Total Qty. Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Annexure - D Page 2 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (II) Sl. (TERMINAL WORKS ) CIVIL & STRUCTURAL Description of Items No. CIV-5 Unit CONCRETE PAVEMENT Providing and laying reinforced cement concrete of (M-20 grade) with 20mm and down grade crushed stone aggregate in pavement, including preparation of base (i.e. compacted subgrade, 200 thk sand and 50 thk PCC M-10 grade), leaving pockets if necessary, making recess, projections, fixing inserts conduit pipes (GI, PVC, HDPE, etc.) laying in alternate panels, filling the gaps between the panels with bitumen etc., making slopes, finishing edges, leaving bars for pedestals & sleepers including providing sand fill isolation , shuttering, providing and fixing reinforcing steel, curing, chipping and modification works etc. as specified in any shape, thickness, position and finishing the top surface smooth as per requirement etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. i)150mm thick (Type-I) M2 (Rate to include cost of all labour, tools, tackles, equipment, hire charges, supply of all materials, providing and fixing reinforcement steel, shuttering, earthwork in excavationand backfilling using serviceable earth in all conditions etc. with all bye works and sundry works. Cost of works towards pipe supports & sleepers being raised from pavement is covered under respective items.) BRICK WORK Providing brick work with brick class designation M-7.5 of IS:1077 in cm1:4 M3 (1cement : 4 sand) in steps, walls, retaining walls and load bearing structures drains, or any shape with all lead, depths & height including curing, scaffolding, etc., as per specifications and drawings with all bye-works and direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Above includes a) Earth work in excavation including backfilling. b) Plastering on exposed brick surfaces. c) Lime wash on plaster. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 105 225 710 Nil 1040 3 1.5 3 Nil 7.5 CIV-6 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Civil SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(II), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Annexure - D Page 3 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (II) Sl. No. CIV-7 Note: Place Date (TERMINAL WORKS ) CIVIL & STRUCTURAL Description of Items Unit CIVIL WORK FOR CONDENSATE TANK Supply of all material and construction of foundation for condensate tank as per Lumthe drawing enclosed with tender document. Scope is inclusive of all works sum required for this construction like excavation upto the depth indicated in the drawing, PCC as specified under CIV-3, RCC as specified under CIV-4 with pockets for foundation bolts, Boulder packing, filling of coarse sand after erection of the condensate tank, laying of brick kerb all aroiund as per specifications and directions of the Engineer-in-charge. (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). : _____________ : _____________ Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK Konaseema Vemagiri 1 Nil Nil Nil Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words 1 Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive In Figure : of all applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Civil Total Qty. SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(II), Rev-1 (Part-II) Amount (Rs.) Enclosure to Addendum-I 4-(III) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (STRUCTURAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(III), Rev-1 (Part-II)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Separator -Part-II-Add-I.doc Annexure - D Page 1 of 2 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (III) (TERMINAL WORKS ) STRUCTURAL Sl. Description of Items No. Unit Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Qty. 2 1 3 3 9 Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 No Nil 1 Nil Nil 1 lot 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 m2 200 Nil Nil Nil 200 m2 RM 600 1200 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 600 1200 No. 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 STEEL STRUCTURE FABRICATION ST1 Supply, fabrication and erection of all types of pipe supports like clamps, M.Ton. saddle, guide stops, cradles, turn buckles, anchors, T-posts; stockade/ trestle and pipe bridge for overhead piping; frames for canopy, approach ladders and platforms, crossover, cable tray supports, etc. including painting suitable for highly corrosive area as per specification labour and supervision & complete work as per drawings, specifications and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. (Bolts, nuts, washers, U-clamps etc. for supporting shall be supplied by the Contractor within the rates quoted. These items will not be measured and paid seperately). The work is to be completed in all respect as per scope of work and specification. ST2 Supply and erection of mild steel gate 2.5m high with mesh upto 2m height and 0.5m barbed wire fencing complete in all respects including painting as per TS for highly corrosive environment on all ms items, all work as per Specification and drawings (excluding foundations and RCC beams). 4m wide No a) b) 3m wide Fixing of around 20 m (RM) chainlink on preerected supports, Supply of GI, fasteners, U-bolts,clamps and any other required item for tightening the preerected fencing of 276 RM, fixing on the preerected fencing and tightening of the same. The thicness of wire and the number of rows of wire rope for the tightening shall be as per specifications and drawing for the fencing. ST4 Supply of paint and painting as per TS for highly corrosive environment on all MS items of preerected chainlink fencing ST5 Supply of paint and painting for the preerected chainlink for fencing ST6 Supply and fixing of Barbed wire on the preerected angle posts as per the drawing and specifications for chainlink fencing. ST7 Fabrication & Erection of MS Gate Providing and fixing in position steel entrance gate (as per the design shown in the drawing) consisting of MC-75 frame work for shutters, 20 mm vertical bars welded through the frame work @ 100 mm C/C, 2 mm thick M.I.S. sheet boxing, locking arrangement, 25 mm thick 75 mm dia M.S. wheel with ball bearing including fixing of the gate to RCC/masonary/Fencing Post with 75 mm x 75 mm x 6 mm M.S. old fast/Hinge, M.S. pivot, 50 mm x 50 mm x 6 mm M.S.Tee bend to shape and embedded in the road surface for gate opening track, gate stopper, wicket gate of size 750mm x 1800mm high, painting the gate with two coats of anti corrosive paint and two coats of approved aluminium/ synthetic enamel paint etc., lettering, complete as per drawings, specifications and directions of Engineer-in-Charge. ST3 4.0m clear opening width of gate in two panels. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Str SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(III), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Annexure - D Page 2 of 2 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (III) (TERMINAL WORKS ) STRUCTURAL Sl. Description of Items No. ST 8 Supply, fabrication and erection of powder coated corrugated steel sheets as roofing on the existing support strucure for canopy of metering shed inclusive of supply of required bolts, washers and any other fastioners require. ST 9 Supply, fabrication and installation of latch with 12 mm steel rod for the existing steel gate at the main entrance. The rate is inclusive of supply of all the steel involved in the fabrication and welding of the latch on to the main gate. ST10 Supply of all materials, fabrication and erection of chain link fencing 2.5 m high with 2.0 m mesh and 0.5 m barbed wire, complete in all respects including painting as per TS for highly corrosive environment as per painting specificationon all MS items, all work as per Specification and drawings (excluding foundations and RCC beams). Refer Standard Sketch No. MEC/VD33/05/12/C/011 ST11 Steel Fencing Dismantling Dismantling existing chainlink / steel fencing by opening nut bolts and/or by flame cutting including dismembering, site clearance & stacking of serviceable material in the store, as per technical specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Notes:1. The quantities indicated are estimated values and hence are approximate. Final payment will be made based on actual quantities to be certified by the Purchaser. 2. The cost of MS bolts (permanent and service), washers, electrodes, putty, gases, cost of straightening the raw materials, cutting of flats from plates and providing splices, paints, tools, plants, etc., as required for the work shall be deemed to be included in the quoted rates. All handling and transport charges of raw materials and fabricated structures including double handling, as required, for completion of work in accordance with time schedule, are deemed be included in the quoted rates. Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Unit Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri M2 Nil Nil Nil 24 Qty. 24 Nos. Nil Nil Nil 2 2 RM 20 110 Nil Nil 130 RM 90 Nil Nil Nil 90 Currency 3. Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all applicable In Figure : taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Str SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(III), Rev-1 (Part-II) Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Enclosure to Addendum-I SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR 4 - (IV) TERMINAL WORKS (INSTRUMENTATION) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(IV), Rev-1 (Part-II)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Separator -Part-II-Add-I.doc Annexure-D Annexure - D Page 1 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (IV) Sl. No. 1.0 INSTRUMENTATION WORKS: Description of Items Unit Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Total PRESSURE INSTRUMENTS 1.1 Installation of pressure Gagues and their accessories inclusive Nos. of supply of necessary piping materials and tubings alongwith all necessary valves & fittings, fabrication and installation of impulse lines/ manifolds & hydraulic testing but exclusive of supply and calibration of instruments as per installation standard no. MEC/05/E5/SD/PG/004 2 1 2 1 6 1.2 Installation of DP Transmitter including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines & SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per std.but exclusive of supply and calibration of instruments as per installation std. no. MEC/05/E5/SD/DPT/003 Installation of Pressure transmitters including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines & SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per std. but exclusive of supply of instrument and calibration as per installation std. no. MEC/05/E5/SD/PT/001 TEMPERATURE INSTRUMENTS Installation of temperature gauges with flanged thermowells inclusive of installation of thermowell on the nozzle and installation of instruments but exclusive of supply of instruments, thermowells and calibration as per std. MEC/05/E5/SD/TG/008 Installation of RTD with flanged thermowell inclusive of installation of thermowell on the nozzle and installation of instruments but exclusive of supply of instruments, thermowells and calibration as per installation std. no.MEC/05/E5/SD/RTD/002 Installation of Temperature transmitters including mounting of Instrument on yoke, supply of yoke, and painting of supports as per std. but exclusive of supply of instrument and calibration Nos. 1 1 1 1 4 Nos. 1 1 1 Nil 3 Nos. 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 Nos. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 Nos. 1 1 1 Nil 3 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Instr SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(IV), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Annexure - D Page 2 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (IV) Sl. INSTRUMENTATION WORKS: Description of Items No. 3.0 3.1 a) b) c) d) 4.0 4.1 Unit LEVEL INSTRUMENTS Installation of level gauges & level switches alongwith respective accessories on vessels and equipments or on stand pipes including supply of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication and installation of manifolds/ impulse lines and fittings with supports wherever required as per standards but excluding supply of instruments and calibration. Level Gauges as per Std. MEC/05/E5/SD/LG/005 Level Switches as per Std. Installation of float/ displacer type Level Transmitter along with all accessories for condensate tank and scrubber. Installation of float/ displacer type Level Switch along with all accessories in the condensate tank. FLOW INSTRUMENTS Installation of FLOW Transmitter including mounting of Instrument on Existing yoke, supply and erection of supports for impulse lines wherever required, supply, fabrication & installation of SS manifolds/ SS impulse lines & SS valves & fittings with supports, hydraulic testing and painting of supports as per std.but exclusive of supply and calibration of instruments. Total Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 4 2 1 4 1 1 4 2 Nil Nil 1 3 12 6 Nos. 1 Nil 1 1 3 Nos. Nil Nil Nil 1 1 200 150 150 100 200 150 30 Nil 580 400 5 5 5 5 20 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 10 1 10 1 5.0 5.1 CABLING Supply and laying of control, signal, RTD cables on main cable trays, perforated trays, trenches including supply of all required cable glands and consumables like ferrules, clamps, PVC tubes, aluminium/SS tag plates etc., clamping , ferruling, glanding the cables, termination at both ends, including shield/drain/ communication wire, providing/fixing of identifying tags and megger testing and loop testing but exclusive of erection of ducts, main tray, perforated tray. i) Signal Cables - 1 P x 1.5 mm² Mtr. - 6 P x 1.5 mm² Mtr. ii) RTD Cables - 1 TRIAD x 1.5 mm² Mtr. 6.0 Termination of cables laid already and not covered under item no. 4.0 inclusive of supply of Lugs,Ferrules,Glands etc., (i) for all type of Field instruments (ii) for flow control valve D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Instr Nos. Nos. SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(IV), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount (Rs.) Annexure - D Page 3 of 3 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (IV) INSTRUMENTATION WORKS: Sl. Description of Items Unit No. Total Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri 70 50 70 20 70 50 30 Nil 240 120 2 1 2 Nil 5 4 2 4 Nil 10 STRUCTURAL (Complete in all respect as per Scope of Work) (related to instrumentation) 7.1 Supply and erection of prefabricated perforated GI trays of thickness 2.5mm including tees, bends and elbows, supply, fabrication and erection of required supports and painting of supports with one coat of primer as per IS:2074 and 2 coats of finished paint including supply of paint as per std. and direction of Engineer-In-Charge. Sizes : Mtr. a) 60 mm wide X 30 mm high b) 200 mm wide X 30 mm high Mtr. 8.0 Installation of Junction Boxes including supply of Junction Boxes with plugs for unused entries, supply, fabrication and installation of supports, plugging of unused entries and painting. a) Explosionproof electrical junction boxes for 12 pair cable entry Nos. Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words 7 9.0 Supply of canopies fabricated out of 2 mm thick Fibre Glass Nos. Boxes / Aluminium sheet for electronic transmitters including supply, fabrication of support and installation of canopy with support and reflective painting. Note : 1) The quantities given above against individual items are indicative and shall not be considered to be binding. The quantities may be increased, decreased or deleted at site at the time of actual execution and as per discretion of Owner/ Engineer-in-charge. The unit rate shall be operated to work out the final payment due to Contractor. TOTAL AMOUNT Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. Total (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all In Figure : applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Instr SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(IV), Rev-1 (Part-II) Amount (Rs.) Enclosure to Addendum-I 4 - (V) Annexure-D SCHEDULE OF RATES FOR TERMINAL WORKS (ELECTRICAL) [SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-04(V), Rev-1 (Part-II)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Separator -Part-II-Add-I.doc Annexure - D Page 1 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit No. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Qty Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri 1.0(a) Installation, testing & commissioning of UPS system (upto 5 kVA)complete with battery charger/rectifier, inverter, static switch, bypas stabiliser, battery bank and ACDB including transportation from designated company's stores to site, aligning, levelling, installation on foundation with all materials complete as per equipment drawings, specs., manuals and instructions of Engineer-in-charge.Supply of all interconnecting cables among UPS, ACDB, batttery bank etc for the UPS system. If any material other than those supplied by the Owner is required, the same is involved in the scope of work of Contractor and to be completed as per the scope of work. Set Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 1.0(b) Installation, testing & commissioning of UPS system (upto 5 kVA)complete with battery charger, inverter, static switch, bypass stabiliser and battery bank including (i)Dismantling & transportation of UPS system from the Ponnamanda Terminal (Approx 100 km from Rajahmundry) to the site of work (ii)Transportation of the Battery bank from Rajahmundry Stores to the si of work. (iii)Aligning, levelling, installation on foundation with all materials complete as per equipment drgs., specs., manuals and instructions of Engineer-in-charge .Supply of all interconnecting cables among UPS, ACDB, batttery bank etc for the UPS system. If any material other than those supplied by the Owner is required, the same is involved in the scope of work of Contractor and to be completed as per the scope of work. Set 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 1.0(c) Design, manufacture, shop testing, inspection, packing, forwarding, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning at site of Dual Rectifier systems with DCDB as per specification, Data sheet and following load requirement : Set 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 (i) 0.5 KW, 24 V DC with DCDB (ii) All interconnecting cables among Rectifier and DCDB etc for the rectifier system Recommended spares for 2 years operation & maintenance for the Rectifier system (iii) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 2 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit No. 1.0(d) Design, manufacture, shop testing, inspection, packing, forwarding, delivery, installation, testing and commissioning at site of Dual Rectifier systems with DCDB as per specification, Data sheet and following load requirement : (i) 0.5 KW, 24 V DC with DCDB (ii) 1.25 KW, -48 V DC with DCDB (iii) All interconnecting cables among Rectifier and DCDB etc for the rectifier system (iv) Recommended spares for 2 years operation & maintenance for the Rectifier system Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Total Qty Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Set Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 2.0 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of flood/ street lighting poles / High Mast Poles with aluminium paint complete with mounting bracket, flame proof control gear box, internal cable from fitting to junction box, flame proof fittings and mercury vapour lamps etc. including civil foundation with pipe inserts for cables and connecting work, with all material and labour as per specifications, drawings and instruction of Engineer-in-charge. Nominal height of pole shall be 10M for item 2(a) and 8M for item 2(c). Work to be completed in all respects. a) Twin Flood lighting fixtures (for 400W mercury vapour lamp) on a pole.(Pole : 410 SP- 46, Lighting fixture : Type : FL PW 3690 of M/s Baliga make of equivalent Set Nil Nil 2 Nil 2 b) Bracket mounted single flood lighting fixture (for 400W mercury vapour lamp) on building/ structure.Lighting fixture: FL PW 3690 of M/s Baliga Set 1 1 2 Nil 4 c) Street lighting, non integral type well glass fixture (for 125W mercury vapour lamp) on a pole (Pole : 410 SP -13, Lighting fixture : Type : FLPW-1245 of M/s Baliga make or equivalent). Bracket mounted well glass fixture (for 125 W mercury vapour lamp) on building (lighting fixture : Type : FL PW 1245 of M/s Baliga High Mast lighting on a 20 m high pole suitable with 8 Nos. lighting fixtures ( 400W High pressure sodium vapour lamp) (As per attachede data sheet, Make - M/s Bajaj or equivalent). Set 4 Nil Nil Nil 4 Set 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 Set 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 d) e) D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 3 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit No. Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty 3.0 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of power distribution board (PDB) and Lighting Distribution Board (LDB) : a) Floor mounted PDB consisting of bus bar chamber, cable alley, 2 nos. 200 Amp incomer SFU , 5 nos. 63 Amp, 5 nos. 32 Amp outgoing SFUs, and one no. DOL starter feeder for condensate pump (as per Specification No. : MEC/S/05/26/26). No. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 b) Recess mounted LDB Consisting of one no. 40 Amp 4 pole RCCB as No. incomer and 12 nos. 6A SP MCBs, 3 nos. 10 A DP MCBs as out goings. 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 c) Recess mounted LDB consisting of one no. 63A TPN MCB as incomer and 10 Nos. 20A SP MCBs as out goings. No. 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 d) 2 No., 32A, TPN MCB (G Series) in sheet steel enclosure. No. 2 Nil Nil Nil 2 e) Recess mounted LDB consisting of 63A TPN MCB as incomer and 10 Nos. 20A SP MCBs as out goings. No. Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 f) Recess mounted LDB Consisting of 80 Amp 4 pole RCCB as incomer and 8 nos. 32A SP MCBs - G series 6 nos.. 20 A SP MCBs and 2 nos. 20 A TPN MCBs as out goings. No. Nil Nil 1 Nil 1 4.0 Supply, installation, testing, commissioning of the complete earthing and lightning protection system, earth electrodes/ pit, earth main ring, earthing of electrical equipments, instrument panels, field instruments, process equipments and pipes/ flanges including all associated civil work with all material and labour as per specification and drawings approved by the company. a) Earth Pits / Electrode Nos. 6 2 2 5 15 b) GI Strip (50X6) mm Mtrs 250 50 50 50 400 c) Supply installation of copper strip ( 50x6 )mm across valve Lot Nil 1 Nil 1 2 D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 4 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit d) Lightning arrestor on the roof of control room complete with earth pit (as per 4a) and GI Strip (as per 4-b) Set e) GI Wire, wire rope and all balance earthing material including copper strip (50 mm x 2 mm Thick) jumper for flanges as per the specification. 5.0 Supply, laying, installation, termination, testing, commissioning of 1100 Volt PVC insulated, PVC sheathed and armoured/ unarmoured cables in trenches, excavated under ground/ trays, pulling through pipes and its proper sealing including under ground trench and supply of hume pipes for road crossing etc. as requied as per specifications and drawings approved by company. a) Total Qty Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri 2 Nil 1 1 4 Lot 1 Nil 1 Nil 1 3.5 x 50 mm2 YFY Mtr. 300 Nil 80 Nil 380 b) 4 x 16 mm2 YFY Mtr. 200 Nil 10 Nil 210 c) 5x2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. 100 Nil Nil Nil 100 d) 3cx 2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. 150 200 50 Nil 400 e) 4x2.5 mm2 YWY Mtr. Nil Nil Nil 150 150 f) 4x10 mm2 YWY Mtr. Nil Nil Nil 150 150 Set 1 Nil Nil Nil 1 Set Nil Nil Nil 1 1 No. 6( i ) Installation, testing & commissioning of 1 no. condensate(vertical submersible) pump with motor, including supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of flameproof local push button station (LCS)etc. (Starter included under PDB at sl. No. 2(a) above) 6(ii) Installation, testing & commissioning of 1 no. Vertical Submersible Pump with 3.7 kw/5hp motor for condensate tank, including supply, Installation, testing & commissioning of flameproof local push button station(LCS), DOL starter in the control room etc. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 5 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit No. 7 (i) Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri Total Qty Supply and installation of the following including the supply of necessary clamp, bolts, rawl plugs etc breaking and making good of walls, if required and including all labour and materials complete as per directions of Engineer - in - charge applicable standards and Indian Electricity rule a) Shock hazard charts complete with frame and glass No. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 b) First Aid Boxes No. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 c) 6.8 litre capacity CO2 type fire extinguishers No. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 d) Caution boards including supply of necessary clamps, bolts and other hardware No. 1 Nil 1 Nil 2 Mtr. 9 Nil 9 Nil 18 Lot 1 1 1 1 1 7 (ii) Supply and laying of 900 mm wide of following grade rubber mats required for maintenance of Electrical equipment in substation as required including cutting to required shape in runnig length and including all labour and materials etc. complete and as per directions of Engineer - In - Charge as per applicable Indian or Internationalstandards and Indian Electricity rules. a) 11 KV grade 8 Installation/ erection accessories including GI cable trays in trenches in electrical/ UPS room, brackets, cable tags, cable marker, lugs, double compression cable glands, GI pipes for mechanical protection of cable etc. as required as per specification. D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Currency Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words Amount Annexure - D Page 6 of 6 Enclosure to Addendum-I PART- II SCHEDULE OF RATES ADDITIONAL / RESIDUAL WORK AT EXISTING RECEIVING TERMINALS IN KG BASIN 4 (V) ELECTRICAL WORKS: Sl. Description of Item Unit No. Supply, installation,testing, commissioning of latest model, BEE Certified No. (Min. 4 Stars) Split type air conditioner (2T) with remote.(Make:Voltas, Bluestar & Carrier) Note Sub-Total 1) Quantities given above are only estimated quantities. Procurement shall be done as per actual site condition and construction drawings. 9 Note: (i) The bidder must indicate currency(ies) against each quoted item of the SOR. (ii) The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date : _____________ : _____________ Qty. Qty. Qty. Qty. Gautami GVK konaseema Vemagiri 1 Nil 1 Nil Total Qty Unit Rate inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties Figures Words 2 Total Amount of quoted price (inclusive of all In Figure : applicable taxes & duties) In Word : Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Tender No.: _____________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ________________________________________________ D:\Vijyant\Ipps-kg basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\SOR final-23JB-Part-II-Add Elec Currency SOR.No. 05/21/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/SOR-05(V), Rev-1 (Part-II) Amount Enclosure to Addendum-I 5) Annexure-D SUMMARY OF PRICES (To be submitted with priced part of the offer) [LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN] TENDER NO.: 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A Sl. No. (In Figures) PART- I 1. Total amount of quoted price for Mainline Works SOR 2. Total amount of quoted price for Cathodic Protection Works SOR 3. Terminal Works I) Total amount of quoted price for Piping & Mechanical Works SOR II) Total amount of quoted price for Civil Works SOR III) Total amount of quoted price for Structural Works SOR IV) Total amount of quoted price for Electrical Works SOR V) Total amount of quoted price for Instrumentation Works SOR VI. Total amount of quoted price for Telecommunication Works SOR 4. Gross Total Amount (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) [1+2+(3-I)+(3-II)+(3-III)+(3-IV)+(3-V)+(3-VI)] PART- II 5. Terminal Works I. Total amount of quoted price for Piping & Mechanical Works SOR II. Total amount of quoted price for Civil Works SOR III. Total amount of quoted price for Structural Works SOR IV. Total amount of quoted price for Electrical Works SOR D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc (In Words) Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-D Sl. No. (In Figures) V. Total amount of quoted price for Instrumentation Works SOR 6. Gross Total Amount (inclusive of all applicable taxes & duties) [5-I)+(5-II)+(5-III)+(5-IV)+(5-V)] Gross Total Amount for Part-I & II (Sl. No. 4 & 6) Rebate (if any) offered on gross total amount (Sl.No. 7) above. (which will be applicable on each item of Schedule of Rate) 7. 8. 9. Amount of Rebate as per Sl.No. 8 above 10. Net total amount {7-9} (after considering rebate indicated at Sl.No. 9) ________________ quoted rate (In Words) % of ____________________ Percent of quoted rates Note: The total amount shall also be given by the bidder in the quoted currency(ies). Place Date : _________________ : _________________ Tender No.: ________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ___________________________________________ D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Enclosure to Addendum-I 6) Annexure-D STATEMENT OF TAXES & DUTIES (To be submitted with priced part of the offer) [LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN] TENDER NO.: 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A Description Base ceiling price on which taxes & duties shall apply In Figure In Word % rate of taxes & duties In Figure In Word Total amount of taxes & duties In Figure Total Service Tax Note: Any amount/ price filled-up by the Bidder shall also be suffixed/ prefixed by currency(ies) in above format. Place Date : _________________ : _________________ Tender No.: ________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ___________________________________________ D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : In Word Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-D 7) PROFORMA FOR EXTENDED STAY COMPENSATION (To be submitted with priced part of the offer) [LAYING & CONSTRUCTION OF 18" DIA. PIPELINE, TERMINAL AND ASSOCIATED FACILITIES FOR ODJP-KCJP & ODJP-KJP LOOP LINE AND RIL CONNECTIVITY ALONG WITH ADDITIONAL/ RESIDUAL JOBS IN KG BASIN] TENDER NO.: 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A 1.0 Rate of extended stay compensation beyond the schedule completion period and grace period for reasons solely attributable to Owner. In Figure : ________________________________________________ (per week) In Word : _________________________________________________ (per week) Note: 1) Extended stay compensation shall be loaded on the quoted prices as per relevant clauses in Instructions to bidder & Special Conditions of Contract. 2) Bidder shall submit this format in Un-priced part duly stamped and signed without indicating the price. The price shall be submitted in the price party only. Place Date : _________________ : _________________ Tender No.: ________________________________________________ Offer No. & Date : ___________________________________________ D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\SOR\Summary of Prices-Add-I.doc Signature of Authorised Signatory Name : Designation : Seal : Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – E (Pertaining to Technical Specification & Data Sheets) D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E ELECTRICAL & INSTRUMENTATION SECTION JOB SPECIFICATION KG BASIN PIPELINE PROJECT TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM JS No.: MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 MECON LIMITED DELHI - 110 092 Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 2 of 33 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK 3.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY 4.0 WARRANTY 5.0 SUPPLY OF MANPOWER AND MATERIAL 6.0 FINAL COMMISSIONING 7.0 UTILITIES POWER SUPPLY AVAILABILITY 8.0 NETWORK CONFIGURATION 9.0 INTEGRATION WITH EXISTING GAIL NETWORK 10.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 11.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS 12.0 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION 13.0 NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 14.0 PACKING 15.0 TEST CATEGORIES 16.0 INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING 17.0 TRAIL RUN PROCEDURE 18.0 DRAWINGS AND DOCUMENTS 19.0 ANNEXURES Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION 1.0 Annexure-E Rev. 0 Page 3 of 33 INTRODUCTION To facilitate the operation, monitoring, control and maintenance of the pipeline, dedicated telecommunication system / network is proposed to be installed along the new Natural Gas Pipeline and to integrate with the GAIL’s existing telecom network. GAIL (India) Limited is in the process of laying a new pipeline from Oduru-K.Cheruvu-KJ Point of approx. 30 Kms. length as an extension of existing pipeline network of GAIL. To facilitate the operation, monitoring, control and maintenance of the pipeline, dedicated telecommunication system / network is proposed to be installed along the above mentioned new pipeline, integrated with the GAIL’s existing telecom network. The details of GAIL’s existing Telecommunication network are given at Annexure- 3. Additional details as may be relevant of the GAIL’s existing Telecommunication network shall be provided to the successful vendor. 2.0 SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work would be on turnkey supply and commissioning of network and would be as covered in the following paragraphs. The Vendor’s scope of work for the Telecommunication system defined in this document shall be on turnkey basis, and shall include but not be limited to the following: 2.1 TURNKEY SUPPLY AND COMMISSIONING OF NETWORK The Vendors scope of work for the Telecommunication system defined in this document shall be on turnkey basis, and shall include but not be limited to the following: Survey, project management, system design, detailed engineering, manufacture/procurement and supply of all related goods and providing all related services including installation, interconnecting with the existing networks, testing, integration, trial run, commissioning, warranty, training etc. complete in all respect, including the related civil works, cabling, preparation of the related drawings, documents, etc. for implementation of the telecom system , which shall comprise of an optical fiber based Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) & Primary Multiplexer systems, NMS for SDH and P-Mux as per requirements in tender specification and as mentioned under “ TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK REQUIREMENTS”. 2.2 TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK REQUIREMENT The proposed telecommunication system / network for KGB shall comprise of the following: i) Optical Fibre based SDH System (STM-1), shall be of ECI telecom make where STM-1 as tier 2 with the Network Manageability from Noida (NMC) and Mumbai (NMC) ii) Primary Multiplexer (P-Mux) Equipment for facilitating the voice & data communication facility amongst respective pipeline locations and SCADA Master Control Centre with the Network Manageability from Rajahmundry iii) Network Management Provision for SDH & P-Mux: For SDH and P – MUX equipments. • NMS of SDH ( STM-1) systems: In case the qualifying vendor is the vendor whose NMS is already Installed and running in GAIL , • NMS of P-Mux Equipment: Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 4 of 33 The P – MUX shall be of M/s Bayly. The Multiplexers along KG BASIN are required to be managed and configurable with the existing P-Mux NMS Rajahmundry iv) Integration with existing network The SDH network of new stations shall be integrated with the existing GAILTEL network at k.CheruvuTatipaka-Rajahmundry. The new network would be synchronized with the existing network and the clock would be drawn from the existing network. Required Telecom Network Setup & Telecom Facilities for KG BASIN: The proposed telecommunication system / network for new KG basin locations shall comprise of the following. i) Optical Fibre based SDH Systems shall be installed at new KG Basin locations as the backbone Transmission system. For the same, STM-1 (ADM) Equipment each shall be installed at Oduru and Primary Multiplexer (P-Mux) Equipment one each shall be installed at Oduru to facilitate the following Voice & SCADA communication facilities for new Terminal / Pipeline locations. 2.3 TELECOMMUNICATIONS FACILITIES REQUIRED The proposed telecommunication system shall provide the following facilities for KJ Point-K.Cheruvu-Oduru and KG Basin pipeline: i) Voice Communication: The following voice communication facilities shall be provided through P-Mux channels: • Pipeline Maintenance Telephone Facility: The Subscriber dialing facility for pipeline maintenance of the KG BASIN shall be provided in the following manner: Each stations shall be provided with Wall-mounted Analog Push-button Telephone, which shall be connected to SIC (Subscriber Interface Card) of P-Mux. The telephone shall be supplied as a free issue item by GAIL. The cabling shall be done by vendor along with the work of installing these telephones. For the same, the vendor is required to lay approx. min of 50-60 meter extension telephone cord. These telephones shall be installed by the vendor inside the pipeline control building in the electrical room adjacent to the Telecom room. These telephones are for use of pipeline maintenance group to talk with all the other locations on the pipeline. • Security Weather-proof Telephone Facility: The Subscriber dialing facility for Watchman of each location of the pipeline shall be provided in the following manner: Each stations shall be provided with rugged type weatherproof telephones by the vendor in the watchman cabin, which shall be connected to SIC (Subscriber Interface Card) of P-Mux. The specification of the Weatherproof Telephone is given elsewhere in the document. For connecting to the Weather Proof phone and the vendor shall supply, lay & terminate 5 (five) pair armored jelly filled 0.5 mm telephone cable of estimated length of about 80 meter at each station for each phone, from the telecom room to Watchman cabin Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 5 of 33 To provide voice communication for Control room, Pipeline maintenance and Watchman weather proof telephone at all new KG basin location, Analog telephone Subscriber lines from existing Alcatel-4400 EPABX at Tatipaka & Rajahmundry to new KG basin locations. ii) Data Communication: The following data communication facilities shall be provided through P-Mux channels: • Omnibus digital data channel for SCADA applications: The SCADA RTU polling of GAIL’s SCADA Master Control Centre shall be done in the following manner: • The digital Omnibus SCADA channel shall be extended from Rajahmundry in case of KG BASIN. 2.4 The SDH system / equipment offered by the bidder shall meet the proveness criteria and the requisite support , as laid out in the System proveness Proforma , as placed at Annexure - 1 along with Appendix A / Appendix B . The bidder is required to fill the proforma which shall form a part of his offer. 2.5 The bidder shall include the information on source of supply of different equipments /accessories as per the SOS form placed at Annexure - 2, which shall form a part of his offer. DESIGN OF NETWORK: 2.6 Design of network would include the following: • Study of existing GAILTEL and pipeline Telecom Network Topology. • Gathering information for complete system design & detailed engineering to meet the overall system availability objectives. • Detailed Design & Link Engineering based on the hop lengths and Network diagram • Seamless Integration of the vendor supplied Telecom system/network with GAIL’s existing Telecom system/network with regard to Network management of SDH & P-Mux elements and Network Synchronization of the telecom network. • Co-ordination with SCADA vendor during engineering phase and also during installation and commissioning phase of the project. The vendor shall be fully responsible for detailed engineering and design of the proposed system.The vendor shall provide full details of the network design & engineering (all parameters) in the bid proposal with regard to following in line with Specifications, requirements & Design guidelines, given elsewhere in this document: • Optical Link Engineering Hop-wise • Network Management of SDH & PDH elements • SCADA polling over omnibus Digital channel. • Network Synchronization Immediately after the issue of the order, the vendor shall submit detailed engineering calculations and the complete system design including system performance to meet the technical requirements. The network shall be configured, equipped & integrated with the GAIL’s existing System following the philosophy as mentioned in this specification elsewhere. The details mentioned are indicative. Hence, the vendor shall take all necessary actions & shall supply all required material for fulfilling the overall requirement of the tender. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 3.0 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 6 of 33 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAMME AND IMPLEMENTATION METHODOLOGY This shall include but not limited to preparation of detailed quality assurance programme, quality control parameters for equipment manufacturing and implementation of the network, preparation of implementation methodology covering schedule of supply, installation, testing and commissioning. The Network design has to be approved by GAIL before actual manufacturing of the equipment. The system and sub system shall be accepted and taken over upon successful completion of Site Acceptance Tests (SAT) the link is required to give guaranteed performance of 10 E-12 for a period of 48hours followed by Trial run (30 days). SAT plan shall be proposed by vendor and approved by Engineer-in-charge. Trial run shall be conducted immediately after SAT. This shall comprise the link stability test for 30 days by way of monitoring of link alarm status through NMS. The performance has to meet the ITU recommendations G.826 and G.821 Details and methodology to be followed during FAT, SAT and Trial Runs have been indicated elsewhere in the tender document. 4.0 SUPPLY AND STORAGE OF EQUIPMENT This shall include but not limited to supply and storage of equipment and all other items required for installation and commissioning of the network including the following: • Transportation of equipment and all other components from locations of manufacturing to the locations of installation. • Storage during transit & storage/ warehousing as required till the readiness of owner’s sites. • Statutory clearances including clearances of customs, excise, octroi and others, as required for all the supplied items. 5.0 SITE PREPARATION This includes all electrical and civil works and site preparation activities at the equipment nodes for installation and commissioning of the equipments including but not limited to: • Preparation of earthing Pit and providing Earthing for the equipments at the Equipment nodes. • Preparation of Earthing pit and connecting the grounding arrangement of FTC to the earthing pit; Earthing of OFC armoring at the grounding arrangement in FTC. The Earthing resistance in this regard shall be less than 2 ohms. • Termination of OFC cable at FTC of the equipment room. • Upon completion of OFC laying activities by the OFC laying Contractor, the vendor shall takeover the OFC link after testing jointly with the laying contractor or GAIL’s nominated agency, witnessed by GAIL/ Engineer in line with the approved OFC Hop Test procedure. All testing arrangements such as OTDR, Talk-set, Optical Laser Source and Optical Power Meter for this testing and acceptance shall be made by the vendor. For this the vendor shall make arrangements and come forward for acceptance of OFC links on notice from GAIL. 6.0 ACCESSORIES/ OTHER ASSOCIATED ITEMS Procurement, supply and installation of FTCs, Wire mesh, patch cords, pigtails including splicing of pigtails to optical fibers at Fiber Termination Closures (FTC) and routing the fibers from FTC to FDF/Equipments, Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 7 of 33 Procurement, supply and installation of DDF’s and cabling between the Equipments and DDF’s and all other items not indicated here but required for completion of the system shall be in the scope of the vendor. The quantities of the FTCs, Wire Mesh have been indicated in the Bill of Material. Supply & Installation of necessary equipment, cables & accessories to meet the overall system requirements, extension of telephone cables at respective sites, separate earthing & lighting protection of indoor telecom equipment at respective telecom locations etc. Furniture as required for various systems, sub-systems, equipment etc shall be supplied by the Contractor. System integration including providing requisite interfaces and accessories to realize the complete system, which shall include but not limited to the following: Integration of the optical transmission system with other subsystems and existing network/ system and the optical fibre cable (laid by others) including termination, providing connectors, pigtails etc. to realize the complete optical fibre communication system. Supply of the technical literature, drawings and documentation for the complete system. Supply & installation of DC power Distribution Box (DCDB) with (1+1) spare capacity of 48 VDC power feed / terminations for future use and complete wiring from the distribution box to the respective telecom equipments at each telecom station as per specifications. The vendor shall extend the power from GAIL provided power point to the DCDB, to be installed in the equipment room using the armored DC cable. For the same, the DCDB and armored cable shall be supplied and installed by the vendor. Any item of goods/services not specifically mentioned, but considered essential for completion of the work in all respects shall be deemed to be included in the scope of work of the successful Vendor. Restoration of Optical Fibre Cable (OFC) faults observed after the taking over of Fiber by the Vendor till the completion of trial run shall be the responsibility of the vendor. GAIL shall provide OFC for restoration of faults whereas, other material like joint closures etc. shall be provided by the vendor. Locating Fault, excavation, jointing/splicing, protection of joints, back-filling etc. shall be completed by the vendor. For the restoration (labour, material etc. all inclusive) of each cut, the vendor to provide a concrete chamberThe vendor is required to repair the cut within 48 Hrs of receiving the intimation about the cut. 7.0 SPARES , TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENTS: Supply of Spares of all supplied SDH & P-Mux equipment shall be provided as per the following: For maintenance, patch cords etc. of the SDH & P-Mux equipment, data cables etc. shall be provided as spares. 100 % spares shall be provided for consumables e.g. fuses, lamps, plugs, clamps etc. Vendor shall provide the address, contact person, fax, and telephone numbers of the manufacturer of the spare parts. The vendor shall warrant that spare part for the system would be available for minimum of 10 years after warranty period after system commissioning (taking over). After this period if the vendor discontinues the production of the spare parts, then he shall give at least 12 months notice prior to such discontinuation so that Owner may order the requirements of spares in one lot. In the bid, the Vendor shall provide unit price of each Spare module/card, which shall be valid for the procurement of the spares for operation and maintenance in subsequent years. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 8.0 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 8 of 33 WARRANTY DETAILS OF WARRANTY SUPPORT The details of services to be provided under warranty shall include but not limited to the following : 1. TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICE Technical Support Services that extends coverage for GAIL after handover of the system. This includes 24 x 7 ( 24hours x 7 days a week) on line support. GAIL shall utilize this service by intimating the bidder of its unique customer ID in case of any contingency and Bidder in turn provide telephonic support. Depending upon the severity of the issue, engineer shall be sent by bidder to the site. 2. ADVANCE REPLACEMENT SERVICE The “Advance Shipment” service provides for the replacement of a defective Fields Replacement Unit (FRU) by an equivalent FRU upon request of replacement from GAIL. Using this service bidder, from its warehouse/ factory, will ship an equivalent unit (feature, function, fit compatible) in maximum 3 days without waiting for receipt of the defective part and the defective parts will be sent to bidder immediately. The Hardware shipment shall be made by directly to Rajahmundry in case of KG BASIN and all costs for this are to be borne by bidder. 3. 4.0 5.0 DOCUMENTATION DELIVERY SERVICE Under Documentation delivery service bidder is required to provide engineering practices and Technical Bulletins for updates at free of cost. All the latest software upgrades and updates for complete system are also required to be provided under warranty. SUPPLY OF MANPOWER AND MATERIAL Vendor to arrange sufficient manpower and material for installation and commissioning of the network 4.1 TEMPORARY POWER SUPPLY Vendor shall arrange for the temporary power supply during installation, testing and commissioning of the network. 4.2 FINAL COMMISIONING The Network shall be considered to be commissioned and taken over, only after successful integration with existing GAILTEL network and successful completion of SAT and the trial run. However, the carrying out of SAT and trial run and takeover by owner shall not be delayed for non completion of minor works and such jobs which do not affect the normal operation of the network, and such works/ jobs shall be completed by the vendor in accordance with the plan / schedule which has been approved by the Engineer – In – charge. The date of successful completion of Trial run shall be treated as the ‘Completion Date’ for such purpose as application of contractual provisions such as ‘Price reduction schedule for delayed completion’ etc. UTILITIES AVAILABLE Station wise power and maximum allowable load at each station is indicated. Power shall be provided at one point inside the battery limit. Telecom vendor to generate all other voltage levels required. All necessary DC-DC and AC-DC converters and rectifiers shall be in the scope of vendor. Make shall be Eltek/ Ascom. GAIL (owner) shall provide the room for installing the equipment. False flooring and false roofing is excluded from the scope of telecommunication vendor. KG BASIN 48V DC Power Supply with at least 24 Hours battery back-up will be made available to new locations as per the power supply table below: Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 9.0 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 S.No. Location Type of Location 1 2 3 4 5 Rajahmundry Tatipaka K chervu KJ Point Oduru STM-16 STM-16 STM-16 STM-1 STM-1 Page 9 of 33 Load requirement N/A N/A N /A 400 W Min 400 W min Availability YES YES YES NO NO NETWORK CONFIGURATION STM-16 and STM-1 NETWORK CONFIGURATION The SDH (STM-16/1) Equipments supplied for KG BASIN shall comply with the specifications stated elsewhere in the tender. The Software & Hardware, required for the remote manageability of SDH equipment at central & remote locations shall also be provided to meet the overall requirement: STM-1 Equipments shall be provided in ADM configuration at Oduru For the SDH Equipment, the common modules of power supply, cross connects and controller cards in the SDH Equipment, failure of which shall affect the traffic & performance of the equipment, shall be provided in (1+ 1) hot-standby protection and in line with requirements as stated in tender elsewhere. The Synchronization Input and Output Interfaces and Traffic interfaces for all SDH equipment to be provided as mentioned under the technical specifications. The equipments at various locations shall be equipped & configured as per the following: At Oduru of KG BASIN STM-1 equipment is to be provided. All optical & electrical Interface Modules supplied at all locations of the pipeline shall be provided with all OEM make Cable, Connectors & associated items in complete for the integration with external users’ equipment. Any other interface required in SDH at any other locations of the pipeline to meet the overall requirement shall be supplied, installed & commissioned by the Contractor. PRIMARY MULTIPLEXER (P-Mux) Primary MUX, to be supplied for the pipeline shall be of Bayly and shall be of 2 Mbps terminal and Drop-Insert configurations. The required Hardware configuration of Primary Multiplexer for various locations of the pipeline shall be as per the following. The Software & Hardware, required for the remote manageability of P-Mux equipment at central & remote locations shall also be provided to meet the overall requirement: Primary Multiplexer (P-Mux) in shall be provided at Oduru Exchange-Interface-Cards (EIC) Interfaces: For extending two subscribers at each station from Alcatel-4400 EPABX, required no. of EIC interfaces shall be provided in P-Mux of Oduru. installed at Rajahmundry & Tatipaka Digital Omni-bus Channel Interface: For SCADA RTU polling over Omni-bus, minimum 4 (four) channels/interfaces to be provided at Oduru Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 10 of 33 Low speed data channels shall support RS232C serial communication with RTUs at 19.2/2.4 Kbps (Site selectable) in multi dropped omnibus configuration. It shall be noted that the distance between RTU and Telecom panel across the building is approx. 120 mtrs, hence, line drivers etc, if required, shall be provided by the Telecom vendor. Actual channeling plan shall be finalized during detailed engineering. Telecom vendor shall also provide the channels with proper connectors mounted in a separate panel inside the SCADA server room. Any other interface required in P-Mux at any other locations of KGB to meet the overall requirement shall be supplied, installed & commissioned by the Contractor. To provide SCADA data connectivity for new KG basin locations, it shall require to extend Point-to-multipoint Low speed (RS-232) Data channel (@ 1.2 Kbps – 19.2 Kbps) four ports between Rajahmundry & new KG basin locations: Gudala, BGL, Konaseema, K Cheruvu, GVK, Vemagiri, REL, Gowthami & KJ Point. SCADA System Network Requirements SCADA system shall comprise of Regional Gas Management system at Rajahmundry and National Gas Management system(NGMC) Noida, Remote Work Stations (RWS’) and several Remote Telemetry Units (RTUs) multi-dropped on low speed data channels , Flow computers & Gas chromatograph . Rajahmundry will also have terminal server for polling the RTUs and a SCADA server. The RTUs shall be multidropped on 19.2 Kbps to 2400 bps (configurable) low speed RS 232C data channels. The high speed and low speed data channels shall be provided through OFC links. All the low speed data channels shall be extended to Rajahmundry so that RTUs can be polled. 6.0 INTEGRATION OF NETWORK WITH EXISTING NETWOK The integration of the new network with the existing GAILTEL network would be done in the following manner: The Telecom Network of KGB Rajahmundry/Tatipaka . shall be integrated with the existing GAILTEL network at K-Cheruvu- For the seamless integration of the new telecom network of KGB with the existing telecom network of GAIL with regard to SDH, PDH, NMS connectivity, and network synchronization the vendor shall supply & install all required OEM make cables, connectors, adaptors (like: 75 to 120 ohms, etc), optical attenuators & other associated items & accessories. 7.0 DESIGN GUIDELINES 1. The system design shall be flexible enough to meet future expansion program up to the maximum capacity of each system and sub-system without deteriorating the performance of the system. 2. In general, specifications provided throughout this document shall apply. In case of conflict more stringent specifications shall override specifications given elsewhere and decision of the Owner/Engineer in all such cases shall be final. 3. Equipments shall conform to the similar housing standards and shall preferably be integrated in one 19” or slim rack or ETSI rack. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 11 of 33 4. The optical and multiplexing equipment should be able to work continuously in non air-conditioned environment (guaranteed performance) under prevailing environmental conditions of the sites. 5. All venting, cooling shall be natural. However, in case of equipment internal forced cooling with suitable dust filters may be used, if required. 6. All equipments shall have sufficient number of alarms and supervisory indications and shall be provided with self-diagnostic facilities. All alarms and monitoring & diagnostic facilities shall be built-in & shall be displayed on the front panel of the equipments for ease of maintenance. It shall be possible to transmit these indications, parameters to the control stations /NMS. a. b. c. The point shall be available on the front panel for system monitoring and easy fault-location. The healthy condition of the units shall be displayed by green LEDs, unhealthy condition by red LEDs. All-important switches shall be provided with controls on the front panel with suitable safeguard to avoid accidental operation. Manual changeover should be performed by more than one sequential operating procedure to avoid accidental operation. 7. The equipments shall be fully based on solid-state technology. The system hardware shall be modular to have flexibility to meet any demand for expansion or modification with minimum changes. 8. All equipments shall be immune to EMI; RFI interferences generated by any nearby source & shall meet the latest international standards in this regard. 9. The equipments shall be capable of functioning with minimum maintenance and shall be preferred to have no requirement of any preventive maintenance. 10. All PCBs used shall be glass epoxy type and shall not chip owing to repeated soldering/ desoldering. The PCBs shall not warp on any account. 11. All wiring-including field interconnection wiring shall be cabled and clamped to the chassis. The wiring shall follow standard color-code. All patch cords shall be provided with connectors matching to the cable used and shall have identification markings. 12. All sub-assemblies or modules, switches and controls and the circuit components shall be so mounted as to permit their replacement without appreciable disturbance to other components. 13. Vendor to specify the power requirement of the offered Telecom system at each telecom station. 14. If the vendor is not using distributed power supply system on individual module basis then the Power supply cards shall be duplicated (1+1). However, one standalone power supply card shall be able to run the system for its entire lifetime & there shall be sharing of load between the two power supply cards under normal conditions. 15. Racks for all the equipment of individual system, sub-system shall be provided from the reputed manufacturers only and they shall adhere to all the quality norms. 16. The equipment construction should be such that it does not allow ingress or entry of rodents, insects, and dust. For this, equipment should be suitably sealed from all sides, top and bottom. 17. All the special tools and tackles, etc. shall be procured and supplied as a package with its carrying cases, accessories (interconnecting cables, connectors, lamps, batteries, fuses etc.) for their respective manufacturer. 18. Termination for all user interfaces shall be provided with 100% spares capacity. 19. All equipment racks, housings shall be provided with antistatic wristbands. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 12 of 33 20. The nodes (stations) should be hitless i.e. removing or inserting plug-in-units must not affect the existing traffic on other units. 21. The configuration of the nodes should be easily expandable by adding plug-in-units and modifying software settings. 22. It is required that the laser transmitter is automatically shut down when the incoming signal is missing. 23. Vendor shall be totally responsible for the completion of the project. Owner/Engineer reserves the right to modify, revise, and alter the specifications of equipments and systems prior to acceptance of any offer. System requirements may be modified after selection of successful vendor to meet operational requirements not envisaged at the time of selection of Vendor. 24. Owner/Engineer-In-Charge reserves the right to modify the system requirements till such time the system is ready for final acceptance. Vendor shall undertake to meet the revised requirements without any financial implication to the Owner provided no additional equipments are required. 25. In case at the time of implementation there is any change in the network design & configuration to meet the owner’s operational requirements, the vendor shall undertake all the activities such as design, manufacture, supply, Installation, etc. of additional equipment hardware and software for which additional financial implication, if any, shall be approved by the owner on the basis of sufficient details and justifications being provided by the vendor. 26. If during the course of execution of the work any discrepancy or inconsistency, error or omission in any of the provisions of the contract is discovered, the same shall be referred to the Owner/Engineer who shall give his decision in the matter and issue instruction directing the manner in which the work is to be carried out. The decision of the Owner/Engineer shall be final and conclusive and the Vendor shall carry out the work in accordance thereof. 27. The vendor to give full documentary proof of satisfactory working of the Quoted system along with the bid. 28. The supplier shall provide link engineering for the configuration offered, taking fiber distance 5% higher than the physical distances indicated in the network drawing. Following are the guidelines for the link engineering calculations. a) Attenuation in fibre b) Splice loss c) Connector Lossd) Required Future Margin - : 0.25 dB/Km for 1550 nm or 0.40 dB/Km for 1310 nm : 0.1 dB per splice and splices at every 4km in building the OFC link in each span/ Hop : 1dB total connector loss per Span. : 2 dB margin Vendor shall give complete link engineering calculations as part of offer. 10.0 ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONS All equipment, test instruments, special tools and tackles etc. shall be capable of maintaining the guaranteed performance with operational lifetime of 20 years minimum when operating continuously under the following environmental conditions: 1. Temperature Operate: For all supplies 00 to + 480 C Guaranteed and up to +550 C degraded. Storage: -100 C to +700 C Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 11.0 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 13 of 33 2. Humidity At any relative humidity up to 95% within the temperature range of 0 0C to 400 C 3. Altitude At any altitude up to 600m above sea level. 4. Sand and Dust The housing to be supplied along with the equipment should be in such a way that entry for dust, insect / rodent is totally prohibited. 5. Tropicalisation Shall be fully tropicalised with all cards & confirmally coated with lacquer. 6. Shock and vibration Shall withstand transportation and handling by air, sea and road under packed conditions. 7. Salt, fog and mould Shall withstand continuous usages in Marine growth environment. 8. Electromagnetic Shall meet the requirements as per IEC Compatibility-801. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 11.1 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS OF SDH (STM-1) EQUIPMENT The proposed SDH transmission equipment shall have multiplexing structure in accordance with ITU-T G.707 (includes G.708, G.709) and equipment block functionality in accordance with ITU-T G.781, G.782, G.783, G.784. • Configuration flexibility The equipment shall be able to work in all possible configurations i.e. 1. 2. Terminal mode Add / Drop mode Regenerator mode It shall be possible to configure the equipment in the field and also remotely from GAILTEL-NMC-Noida. The supplied SDH equipment shall be able to work in all possible configurations like Terminal (TM), Regen and Add-Drop (ADM). It shall have a modular design & should be configurable in number of operational modes to perform complex & different network functions under various network topologies like ring, mesh, point-to-point & combination thereof without need of any additional software. The SDH equipment shall conform to general purpose optical fibre transmission system with line signal in accordance with ITU-T rec. G.707. 3. The STM-1 equipment shall have a complete non blocking cross connect capability of 3 x STM-1or higher in a single shelf at both the HO and the LO i.e at all VC-n level (VC-12 ,VC -3 & VC- 4 level). 4. The SDH equipment shall support an integrated fully non-blocking cross connect capability on the same platform (in a single shelf) at all VC-n (VC12, VC-3 & VC-4) levels. It shall have the following features: • Non-Blocking capability: The probability that a particular connection request cannot be met should be zero. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 14 of 33 5. For STM-1 equipment, the equipment should be able to Add-Drop 63 E1’s or VC-4 equivalent. It should also support STM-1(O) and STM-1(E) tributaries. 6. The SDH (STM-1) equipment should provide SNCP for all VC-n levels (VC-12, VC-3 & VC-4). 7. All the Common and Control cards in the SDH (STM-1) Equipment, failure of which shall affect the traffic & performance of the equipment, shall be provided in (1+ 1) hot-standby protection configuration. • Traffic Protection: The equipment shall facilitate SNCP protection to all add/drop traffic over aggregate interfaces. • Tributary interfaces The equipment shall be provided with 16 numbers of E-1 (120 ohms, balanced) interfaces pre wired in the DDF. The length of E-1 cable should be minimum 3.5 meter. • Interface for management functionality The equipment shall provide a standard interface in accordance with ITU-T recommendation for local management and Q interface in accordance with ITU-T G.773 for remote management. • Inter-operability: The Contractor shall ensure and guarantee that the offered STM-1 equipment shall be able to seamlessly integrate and inter-operate with the Owner’s SDH equipment. • Synchronization references: The SDH requires the distribution of synchronization signals to reduce the occurrence of pointer adjustments and possible data slip. The synchronization of the equipment shall be in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.782 and G.783. The equipment shall able to support the following synchronization sources: External G.703, 2.048 MHz clock 2.048 Mbps or 155 Mbps tributary signal Aggregate / incoming STM-1 signal If all synchronization sources fail, the system switches to internal clock with free running / holdover mode. Internal clock quality of the equipment shall be according to ITU-T G.813 or SETs. The synchronization source order of precedence and configuration shall be programmable by the operator via local craft terminal and NMS. Upon detection one of the timing signal failure condition, the next highest priority-timing signal shall be selected automatically. An appropriate alarm shall be raised and signalled to the management system. The equipment shall support the hitless switching between synchronization sources. Following the restoration of a higher priority signal, the higher priority-timing signal shall be selected as the timing signal and an acknowledgement sent to the management system. • Jitter & Wander specifications: STM-1 interface - in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.958 for the Jitter & Wander generation and transfer function for optical interfaces. Jitter & Wander tolerance of input ports shall be in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.825 Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI • Page 15 of 33 2Mbps interface – in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.823 Error performance - Shall meet ITU-T Rec. G.821. The equipment shall provide STM-1 optical aggregates, operating for long haul at 1310 nm and 1550nm as per hop distances. It shall conform to ITU-T recommendations G.707 (includes G.708 and G.709) The nominal bit rate in the synchronized mode shall be in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.811. The specification for optical interface and digital line interface shall be in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.957 and G.958 respectively Contractor shall state the details of the parameters / characteristics (output power, receiver sensitivity etc.) of aggregate interface for optical version The optical interface shall operate at 1310nm and 1550nm The equipment shall conform the error performance objectives in accordance with IUT-T Rec. G.826 Electrical performance parameters: • Rev. 0 Aggregate interfaces • JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E The Contractor shall fully specify the electrical performance of the proposed equipment. Jitter and Wander shall be in accordance with ITU-T recommendation G.703, G.783, G.823, G.824, G.825 and G.958. Frame alignment shall be in accordance with ITU-T rec. G.704, G.751 and G.783. Optical safety requirement Automatic laser shutdown (ALS) shall be implemented in accordance with ITU-T Rec. G.958 Optical connection ports and optical source devices shall be marked with warning labels. A facility is required to prevent hazard to personnel due to the escape laser radiation from a ruptured cable or uncoupled connector. 8. a. E1 interfaces: • Shall be as per ITU-T G.703, G.704 specifications. • Shall support 75 ohm unbalanced /120 ohm balanced interfaces. • 63 numbers of E-1 shall be supported with fully non-blocking cross-connect capability to any free ports (aggregate / trib.) of the equipment. b. STM-1E interfaces complying with ITU-T G.703, G.707 specifications shall be supported by STM-1. SYNCRONIZATION: All SDH equipments should be able to synchronize from the existing PRC installed at Loni. Vendor shall synchronize the clock from the nearest SRC available at Mumbai and Ahmedabad. The coming network shall be synchronized with the existing set up of clocks, the details of which shall be given to the successful vendor. Other clocks as required shall be provided as per ITU – T recommendation. The SDH (STM-1) equipment should have a minimum one Input & minimum one output Synch Interfaces. The SDH equipment should provide a 2MHz clock from the system. The equipment should be capable to synchronize from: a) External clock b) Any STM-N c) Internal clock. The synchronization shall be as per the following specifications: Compliance with ITU-T G.813 standard for clock accuracy. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI 9 JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E Rev. 0 Page 16 of 33 Compliance with ITU-T G.811, G.812 and G.813 standards for minimum free-run accuracy, SDH jitter and wander and holdover stability. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE: The SDH equipment must fulfill the latest version of ITU-T, ETSI & ISO standards and recommendation including the following minimum requirements: Requirement Recommendation a) Functional Characteristics: Functional b) Transmission interface characteristics: G-692, G-958,G.781, G-782, G-783, G-784 b1) Optical Fibre Cable G-652 b2) Optical interface b2.1) Output jitter (all optical interface) b2.2) Jitter tolerance(all optical interface) b2.3) Jitter transfer function (all optical interface) Electrical SDH interface b3.1) Output jitter b3.2) Jotter Tolerance Mapping and de-mapping SOH insertion and extraction Pointer generation and interpretation Multiplexing b7.1) Synchronous frame structure Scrambling and De-scrambling G-707, G-957 G-783, G-823, G-825, G-958 G-823, G825, G-958 G-783 G-707, G-703 G-823 G-823 G-707 G-707, G-783 G-707, G-783 G-707 G-704 G-707 b3) b4) b5) b6) b7) b8) c) c1) c2) c3) D) Synchronization interface characteristics: Synchronization interfaces Selections Output jitter G-703, G-81s G-783, G-81s G-703, G-81s Management interface characteristics: d1) Synchronization digital Hierarchy d2) Management d3) Interface e) Other Engineering requirements: G-784 M-3010 Q3 e1) e2) e3) e4) e5) Equipment practice Electro-magnetic compatibility requirement Storage Transportation Stationary use at weather protected location e6) e7) Power supply Earthing ETS 300 119 ETS 300 386-1 ETS 300 119-1-1,Class 1.2 ETS 300 119-1-2,Class 2.3 ETS 300 119-1-3,Class 3.2 (with air temperature of +50 deg-C) ETS 300 132 ETS 300 253 Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 10.0 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 17 of 33 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 1. FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS The system hardware/software shall not pose any problem due to change in date and time caused by events such as change over of millennium/century, leap year etc. in the normal functioning of the system. The system shall be managed with a comprehensive integrated Network element Management system. It shall be possible to manage distant terminal, ADM Regen & DXC on the same route. The Network Management System shall be for the ultimate capacity of the equipment. Addition of Multiple STM-16 should not impact the link budget of pre-configured STM-16 on the link. The system should have smooth and non-disruptive up gradation in case of software up gradation. 2. Engineering requirements The equipment shall be fully solid state and adopt state of the art technology. The equipment shall be compact and in composite construction and light weight. The actual dimensions and weight of the equipment shall be furnished by the manufacturer. All connectors shall be reliable and of standard type to ensure failure free operation over long periods and under specified environmental conditions. All connectors and the cable used shall be of low loss type and suitably shielded. The equipment shall be housed in standard 19” rack, or ETSI rack and with front access. The equipment shall have natural cooling arrangement, use of forced cooling is allowed provided: • • • • The fan failure is reported to LCT/NMS. Multiple fans are there in one tray with hot standby redundancy. Fans are DC operated. MTBF for fan is better than 60,000 hours. The plug-in units shall be suitable type to allow their removal/insertion while the equipment is in energized condition. The mechanical design and construction of each card/unit shall be inherently robust and rigid under all conditions of operation, adjustment, replacement and storage. Each sub-assembly shall be clearly marked with schematic reference to show its function, so that it is identifiable from the layout diagram in the handbook. Each terminal block and individual tags shall be numbered suitably with clear identification code and shall correspond to the associated wiring drawings. All controls, switches, indicators etc. shall be clearly marked to show their circuit diagrams and functions. 3. MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Maintenance philosophy is to replace faulty units/subsystems after quick online analysis through monitoring sockets and alarm indications. The actual repair will be undertaken at centralized repair centers. The corrective measures at site shall involve replacement of faulty units/subsystems. The equipment shall have easy access for servicing and maintenance. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 18 of 33 Extension of degraded paths to test access points for diagnostic work after traffic is switched over to the healthy path should be provided. Suitable alarms shall be provided for identification of faults in the system and faulty units. Suitable potential free contacts should be provided for extension of summary alarms. As and when bugs found/determined in the software, the manufacturer will provide patches/firmware replacement if involved free of cost for three years. Modified documentation (hard copies and soft copies) wherever applicable shall also be supplied free of cost. Ratings and types of fuses used are to be indicated by the supplier. 4. POWER SUPPLY The equipment shall work on –48V DC supply (Nominal) and shall meet the following requirements : Nominal power supply is –48 Volts DC with a variation over the range – 40V to shall operate over this range without any degradation in performance. – 60 V. The equipment The equipment shall be adequately protected in case of voltage variation beyond the range specified above and also against input reverse polarity. The power consumption shall be minimal. However, station-wise allowable power consumption is indicated in Clause 5.0. The actual power consumption to be furnished by the manufacturer. The derived DC voltages in the equipment shall have protection against over voltage, short circuit and overload. 5. EQUIPMENT SAFETY AND PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS The equipment shall have a terminal for grounding the rack. Protection against short circuit/open circuit in the accessible points shall be provided. All switches/controls on front panel shall have suitable safeguards against accidental operations. The equipment shall be adequately safeguarded to prevent entry of dust, insects and lizards. 6. • OPTICAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS All optical interfaces should comply to Optical safety standards as mentioned elsewhere in the tender specifications. ALS should be supported in order to meet the specified safety requirements. • OPERATING PERSONNEL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS The operating personnel should be protected against shock hazards as per IS-8437 (1993) “Guide on the effects of current passing through the human body” (equivalent to IEC publication 479-1–1984). ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) The equipment shall conform to the EMC requirements as per the following standards indicated therein: and limits Conducted and radiated emissions – To comply with class A [for low capacity (below 34 Mbps data rate)] of C ISPR 22 (1993) “Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information Technology Equipment”. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION Rev. 0 Page 19 of 33 Electrostatic discharge – To comply with IEC 1000-4-2 “Testing and measurement techniques of Electrostatic discharge immunity test” under following test levels : Contact discharge level 2 (+ 4 KV) Air Discharge level 3 (+ 8 KV) Fast transients common mode burst – To comply with IEC 100-4-4 “Testing and measurement techniques of electrical fast transient/burst immunity test” under level 2 (1 KV for DC power lines : 1 KV for signal control lines) Immunity - IEC 1000-4-3 “Radiated RF electromagnetic field immunity test” under Test level 2 (Test field strength of 3 V/m). Surges Common and differential mode – To comply with IEC-4-6 “Immunity to conducted disturbances” indicated by radio frequency field”. 7. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The equipment shall be tested for error performance as follows : In laboratory – BER performance over simulated section shall be tested for no errors for 48 hours on each channel at reference receive level (nominal level). In field – BER performance for 48 hours and Trial run shall be established conforming to G.821/G.921/G.826. 8. SAFETY AND EMISSIONS STANDARDS: The High Capacity SDH System should conform to the following standards. Optical, General Commercial & Regulatory Safety: • • • • • • 9. CAN/CSA-C22.2 No 60950-00/ UL 60950 EN 60950:2000 Telcordia GR-1089-CORE EN 60825-2:2000 IEC 60825-2:2000 FDA 21 CFR 1040.10 SYSTEM RELIABILITY / AVAILABILITY: The system availability should be greater than 99.99% (including SDH & PDH equipments). System BER shall be better than 1 * 10-12. 10.1 FIBER TERMINATION CLOSURE The FTC shall be wall-mounted type as suitable for the Optical Fiber cable used for this project (24 fibers). The FTC shall have grounding arrangement for all the metallic layers of the cable. The cable shall be spliced to pigtails on trays provided in the FTC. The connector side for the pigtails shall be secured with suitable coupler/through adapter provided as integral part of the FTC itself. The FTC shall be of 24/ 48-fibre termination type. The FTC shall have trays suitable for splicing maximum of 6 fibers per tray. The arrangement inside the FTC should be simple and in straight line. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION Rev. 0 Page 20 of 33 FTC should have entry points for a minimum of 2 no. of Optical Fiber Cable (armoured /un-armoured) of diameter up to 20 mm with cable clamps to avoid entry of rodents/ dust in general. It should have a minimum of 2 nos. of outlets for taking out 24 nos. of pigtail. The outlets should have cable clamps. Grounding arrangement should be provided with the FTC. It should include as a minimum 2 nos. Grounding shield bonds with nut and bolts for fixing to the armour of the OFC and 2 nos. of grounding cable of suitable length “& of green color eight lugs clamped to its end for connecting the armour of OFC with the grounding terminal of the FTC. The FTC shall be of reputed make like: 3M, Corning, and Siemens & Raychem Insertion loss of Coupler / Adaptor shall be maximum 0.25 dB per connector. The FTCs shall be provided with Pigtails for all terminations a) PIGTAIL & CONNECTORS TO BE USED IN THE FTC: This specification provides requirements for single mode fibre pigtails and connectors. They should meet the ITU- T recommendations G-652 & G 655 as required. Both connectors and cables should be robust and should withstand wear and tear due to frequent use, connection and disconnection. Normal expected life should be 15 years or more. b) OPTICAL PATCH CORDS Make : Birla-3M/Cancam/Advanced Fiber System, Corning OPTICAL PARAMETERS: (in line with the cable specifications provided in this bid document) The patch chords provided shall be 20 Mtrs. in length c) OPTICAL PARAMETERS OF CONNECTORS WITH PIGTAILS Insertion loss : Maximum 0.3 dB Per connector plus fibre loss : Better than 40 dB Return loss Temperature Dependency : < 0.3 dB From – 20 to + 60 Change in connection loss With passage of time at 60 °C for 100 hrs : it should be < 0.3 dB Change in connection loss Due to vibration : < 0.05 dB : < 0.3 dB Reproducibility of Connection loss by repeated Connections and Disconnection for 500 times. Change in Connection loss In relation to Tensile strength : (1) Loaded (2) Unloaded : – 50 dB : – 30 dB Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 10.2 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 21 of 33 WIRE MESH After entering the telecom room the cable shall be secured on ‘ Steel Mesh ’ or ‘ Wire Mesh’ by the help ties (-15 m cable being kept in turns in oval form). This mesh shall have suitable chemical coating/ painted to prevent corrosion. In case of painting , the color shall match the wall color. The dimensions of the wire mesh at all the locations shall be 3 feet X 4 feet / 3.5 feet X 3.5 feet. 10.3 EARTHING SYSTEM 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 10.4 Standard: I.S. IS 3043-1966 or equivalent BIS & IEC standard. The earthing material to be used shall be Electrolytic Copper having the material specifications confirming to the IS standards. The dimension of the Earthing strip, which shall be connected between Earth pit & the equipment or the earthing distributor, shall not be less than 25 mm x 5 mm. The earthing pit should have water pouring facility. Earthing resistance should be less than 2 ohms or should be suitable for the equipment to which the earthing is extended. SPECIFICATION FOR LOCAL CRAFT TERMINAL The hardware shall be provided form proven sources (hand held service terminal equipment of manufacture/ laptop computer from Compaq. IBM, HP, Digital make). It shall be possible to use the local craft terminal both locally and remotely to manage SDH & PDH network elements. A common LCT may be provided for SDH/PDH. Provision for local accessibility by LCT at each equipment shall be provided along with all hardware /cable, etc available at each station. SDH network element management interface shall be standardized Q3 interface and shall be via DCC and must not require any additional hardware, software. Management level shall include configuration alarm and performance management of network elements and interfaces. Remote software download ( directly through the network) is required for easy up-grad ability without the need to physically visit the NMC’s or hand carrying data ( floppies, etc) i.e. OSC and DCC support for software download software should be upgraded to the node plug-in units by loading it through the Q3 interface form any point in the network . The LCT shall be provided as per the following Specifications: Make Processor Chipset RAM Keyboard Display Mouse Port Slots : : COMPAQ/ HP/ IBM / DELL : Intel P4- 1.6 GHz or higher Intel 845 MP Chipset I : 256 MB, DDR SD RAM, 266 MHz : 87 keys or higher : 14.1” TFT active screen corresponding to 1024 x 768 pixel resolution : Touch pad/ track point : 2 USB/ 1 parallel/ S Video out/ Infrared port External speaker/ External mic/ Line in/ External monitor/ RJ-11/ RJ-45 : one type II Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 10.5 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 22 of 33 Display FDD (swappable with optical drive) HDD SMART LAN/ Modem : DVD-CDRW Drive (Swappable with FDD) : AGP 4 x with min 16 MB RAM : 3.5” 1.44 MB Internal : : 20 GB (4200 rpm) 10/100 Mbps Ethernet and 56.6 Kbps modem, wireless LAN Cisco Make 802.11 b wireless connection 8x min with auto disc cleaner and lens cleaning cartridge Weight : Operating system : Manageability Feature : Anti-virus Accessories Battery : : : less than 2.9 KG with optical drive and battery complete with 16 bit speaker Windows XP professional with documentation & recovery mechanism, office XP CD with license and Media DMI/ PC 2001, WI FI certified state of art management features Norton Antivirus Leather carrying case, AC adaptor 240 VAC 50 Hz Battery back up for 3 hours WEATHER PROOF TELEPHONES This type of telephones shall be weather proof confirming to IP-66 Specifications. The make shall be from Frensic Germany Type 11.0 : Rugged, Wall Mounted NETWORK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN GAIL The existing NMS system at Noida and Mumbai are supplied, installed and commissioned by Nortel , ECI & Fibcom Limited. NOIDA is acting as the master / Main NMS and Mumbai as the slave/ standby. 11.1 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Network Management System (NMS) to enable remote monitoring & control of telecom equipment. The NMS for SDH (STM-16 and STM-1) and other associated equipments to be installed between Oduru-K.Cheruvu separately shall be extended to Noida by using 2Mb channel from GAILTEL network. A redundant connectivity for DCN is to be provided on the existing network of GAILTEL. Noida shall act as the Main / Master and Mumbai (Bandra/ Priyadarshini). Mumbai shall act as standby (slave) Network Management Centre (NMC) for all the systems. All the functionalities of master and slave should be the same, The slave should have the capability to take over the complete Link management as per requirement. The Network management system shall be of open architecture & the NMS shall have built-in supervisory facilities for monitoring the health of various stations automatically. Data from various stations shall be available at both the Network Management systems and shall monitor and control all stations. In case of fiber break/station failure in any section, data pertaining to LOS for failure shall be available in their respective NMS at Noida through the alternate paths provided by GAIL. NMS Noida shall also control and Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 23 of 33 monitor the various stations up to the fibre break/ stations failure on both sides of the DUPL network. After restoration of system, all the active alarms shall be unloaded automatically in the two NMS or else both NMS shall update each other automatically. Network management system should typically include automatic fault management (showing network alarm information, etc), configuration (node installation, configuration, software download, dynamic end-to-end path, trail management, etc.) performance management (collecting performance data for , SDH (such as RS termination, MS termination & high low order path termination. etc.) and security management (assigning user rights , keeping log records etc. ) All the databases should have disk mirroring/ standby configuration. External backup through tape cartridge should also be provided (this should have both options of manual & scheduled backup). The hardware should be provided from proven sources. Hardware shall include work stations (HP, SUN etc.) with in –built NMS all complete. The work stations shall include 19” LCD screen. Both STM-1 and STM-16 are manageable through a single application Platform. Collection and data base storage in the Network Management System should be fully automatic. Operation for NMS should be pre-emptive (i.e in case of any wrong operation the system software should not crash). Should provide control and robustness for database backup and download by supporting database target verification to prevent the use of a wrong database. This management platform will provide topology view (graphical and textural) of all the elements including SDH equipment and alarm log. Management data (Q3 interface) shall be carried between SDH nodes by the DCC (Data Communication Channel) bytes of STM SOH. The management platform have graphical user interface and the graphical view of the network elements should offer a quasi-photographic picture at the highest level, going down to block diagram views of the functional blocks i.e. the network management system shall graphically depict the entire network in a single global view. From this view the following should be accessible. a) The topology level- shall display in the main window and shall be the background for all other management views. b) The NE shelf view –shall show the internal physical layout of the NE’s i.e. the various cards installed in their slots. All functional operation shall be mouse performable. Throughout all presentation layers, continuous alarm information should propagate. For all views and tasks, a context sensitive on line help should be provided. In addition, complete product documentation should be accessible via the online help system. The routing protocol shall be dynamic and in accordance to ISO (ES-IS) and IOS (IS-IS) protocols. Updates of routing tables should be automatic. Any network element should be accessible from the other point of the network through remote Login in NMS. . Vendor to provide details of the NMS provided including details of hardware and software utilized and also how the network management can be expanded if the network grows (state addressing rules, action required limits of network (size, etc.) Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION 11.2 Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 24 of 33 CONFIGURATION It should be possible to read the configuration from the network elements into a file, make the desired changes in to the file and restore the configuration into the network element, thus providing a way of saving the configuration of a network in the NMS for backup purposes. 11.3 USER ACCESS It should be possible to connect two NMS or one NMS and one local craft terminal ( hand held service terminal /lap top computer ) to the network at the same time. Each user should have a login to the NMS when starting it. The user name should define the access right for the system. User privilege classes The different user privileges available shall be as follow: Allow Action Operator Experienced user Network Administrator System Administrator Display network file Yes Yes Yes Yes Enable profile monitoring No Yes Yes Yes Create new profile No Yes Yes Yes Create new network maps No No Yes Yes Create new network files No No Yes Yes Purge historical alarms Yes Yes Yes Yes Install communication drivers No No No Yes Configure drivers No No No Yes 11.4 INTERFACE TO HIGHER LEVEL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Vendor to provide details of such interfaces. 11.5 FEATURES / FACILITIES: 1. Trail creation by pointing the start of the trail to the end point of the trail automatically. 2. Multiple views of layered topology. 3. Unified management of different transport layers. 4. Multilayer service provisioning. Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 25 of 33 5. Evolving TMN functionalities including fault management, performance monitoring, equipment configuration and administration, transmission and connectivity management and system and authorization control features. 6. Open CORBA interfaces towards the TMN upwards. 7. Regular up-gradation of NMS software shall be provided for two years after the commissioning of the network free of cost. 8. Any new element should be automatically sensed & integrated with the Network. The network management system have capable of managing both the optical platform and transport network simultaneously through the versatile network manager. The comprehensive management system should provide maximum integration and full modularity. The network management system have free flow of management information between the SDH and other complimentary access without regard to their source of manufacture it should support data communication channel (DCC) hardware transparency and allow the creation of DCC path for the transfer of third party management information through the network element and sub networks. The NMS shall be provided with CORBA interface for Integration with the other vendor’s NMS on a common platform. The network management system deliver end-to-end management. The NMS hardware should be based on either UNIX or Windows NT platform with either Sun or HP Work stations. The software should be user friendly. The Workstation should have 19” LCD screen and all furniture for the NMS has to be supplied by the vendor. Number of manageable network elements should be at least 100% more than as required at present for the entire network. It should be possible to manage the maximum number of elements simultaneously by the NMS. Standards: It should be in compliance to ITU-T recommendation. The hardware should be provided from proven sources. Printer interface support in the NMS shall be provided for printing the following as a minimum: i) Time, date and alarm ii) Type of alarm iii) Name of station iv) Time, date of alarm reset v) Severity, Status of alarm Alarm reporting interfaces: Real time screen display, both graphical & textual for alarm occurring at any station (without need for logging into the particular station) i.e. in all the cases the alarms to be collected via the management interface automatically. In addition, nodes should have rack lamps and/or unit LEDs to show their alarm status. The management system shall also provide audible alarms (with a provision to disable the same, as and when required by Owner), whenever a new alarm or vent enters the management log. Reminder function sound visible blinking shall be available whenever unacknowledged alarms are present in the system. Alarm export to a remote Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 26 of 33 location should be possible in future (without any additional software). Suitable port for the same shall be provided. Alarm categories: • Critical • Major • Minor • Warning • Cleared or Acknowledged All details of the alarms shall be coming automatically and directly without any human intervention. All alarms (time, date of alarm, Type of alarm. Name of Station, Time, date of alarm reset etc.) shall come discretely at the NMSs, with all details, for each of the above categories ( no summed alarms). The network management system shall provide fault reporting of data communication equipments, interfaces, cables connected in the network (routers, Ethernet. Etc.) Fault message storage : To be stored in a database. Maximum number of records to be stored: Vendor to provide the upper limit of storage of records. House keeping of the database: When the database gets near to the maximum number of records set at the installation, an alarm should be produced for the user. In case database gets filled up, following should be available. A tool for selectively deleting records is to be provided with the NMS. For backups, tools should be provided. In case the user does not delete/clear records, first In first out (FIFO) principle shall apply. The user interface should have separate alarm lists for new, acknowledged and cleared alarms. A separate dialogue should be available for analyzing the historical alarms. 11.6 PERFORMANCE DATA The performance data should be available for each network element. Performance monitoring should be available according to ITU-T Two separate records for last 15 minutes and 24 hour records shall be available. Performance monitoring shall be possible to set on all above functional blocks, including history records. 11.7 BACKUP In addition, backup mechanism should be available • Fault data • Performance data • Configuration data It should be possible to connect two NMSs or one NMS and one local craft terminal (hand held service terminal/lap top computer) to the network at the same time. Each user should have a login to the NMS when starting it. The user name should define the access rights for the system. 12.0 VENDOR DATA REQUIREMENT AND DOCUMENTATION All documents shall be in English language only. The following documents for the complete system shall be supplied for review, finalization and approved by Owner/Engineer in order to start Acceptance Testing: Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 27 of 33 A) • System description • System configuration diagram • Link Connectivity diagram and proposed channeling plan • List of special tools and tackles • List of mandatory spares B) The following set of documents shall be supplied by the Vendor at all the manned stations and NMS centers (hard copy as well as soft copy). • Details technical manual of each type of equipment containing circuit diagrams and description. • Equipment schedule for various stations • Equipment interconnection diagram including details of various interfaces, signaling protocols used at each stage. • Layout of equipment s and space requirements for each station. • Cable layout drawings inside the buildings and requirement of all mounted cable trays for each site. • Installation manual giving manpower requirement, material requirement overall dimensions and weights of each equipment, installation procedure and commissioning. • Power supply distribution, earthing arrangement and station wiring diagram. • Tuning and field calibration procedure for each type of equipment. • Supervisory configuration, alarm list, operator interface etc. • Maintenance manual of each type of equipment and for the entire telecommunication system. • Licenses of all software supplied. The maintenance manual shall be divided into two sections as a minimum: A) Preventive maintenance procedures B) Trouble shooting procedures including failure analysis: The section on repairs shall provide exhaustive information repairs including but not limited to removal, reinsertion of components and cards, repairs, adjustments, tuning, calibration, tools required for a particular operation, test points, including turn around time for repair and the details of the maintenance support service centre to be furnished in the bid and all other maintenance related details.. • Quality Assurance program, Equipment & system test plans. • Expansion possibilities of the system without causing deterioration in the system performance. • Any other data, document not specifically mentioned, but required for the satisfactory completion, operation and maintenance of the system shall be provided. • PRE-SAT test results Documents to be supplied after trial runs but before System commissioning (Final Acceptance of the System by Owner/Engineer) : STATION FOLDERS: In addition to the sets mentioned material requisition, vendor shall supply 1 set of station folders at all telecom stations. The station folders shall include the following as a minimum : Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 28 of 33 Final system diagram description modification made as compared to system offered at bid stage, final wiring diagram system commissioning report, all the performance results of various equipments and for system as a whole for Test and Trial runs. Details of the bandwidth available, details of hardware/software required to utilize the bandwidth available along with details of the various cards, part nos. location from which the same can be procured with details of the contact person, fax, telephone nos. etc. MAINTENANCE FOLDERS In addition to the sets mentioned in material requisition, vendor shall supply 1 set of maintenance folders at NOIDA projects sections. The maintenance folders shall include the following as a minimum: Final modified equipment detailed catalogues, maintenance manual, equipment tuning and calibration manual. Circuit diagrams including component layout of all modules for each sub-system, equipment etc. STATION INVENTORY FOLDERS In addition to the six sets mentioned earlier, vendor shall supply 1 set of station inventory folder at each telecom station. The station inventory folder shall include the following as a minimum ( the exact quantity shall be documented and signed by Vendor and countersigned by Owner/engineer. • Station-wise list of all equipments, components etc. • Spare part list if any The spare part list shall include the following as a minimum: • List of spares available per station basis • Type of system (Optical, Microwave etc.) • Name of equipment • Description of Card • Reference No. • Name, Address & Contact Person of manufacturer & supplier • Information regarding repair ability at factory/site. Note: In addition to the hard copies, 4 sets of soft copies of the finalized document shall be provided in CD-ROMs for records only, before system commissioning (final acceptance of the system by Owner/Engineer). 13.0 packing All equipments shall be individually packed in suitable containers/crates designed to avoid damage to the equipments during transit and storage in accordance with best commercial practice and with the requirements of applicable specifications. The material used for packaging, wrapping, sealing, moisture resistant barriers, corrosion preventers, etc. shall be of recognized brands and shall conform to best standards in the areas in which the articles are packed. The packing shall protect the equipment from impact, vibration, rough handling, rain, dust damp, insects, rodents etc. Each container/crate shall be subjected to impact, vibration and other mechanical tests. Each container shall be clearly marked with the following information at prominent places:. CLIENT PROJECT DESCRIPTION SERIAL NO. OF EQUIPMENT PO NO. ADDRESS : GAIL (India) LIMITED : KGB___________________ : : : : Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 ELECT. & INST. SECTION Rev. 0 Page 29 of 33 All equipment shall be tested for damage after their receipt at respective sites. If any equipment, part, subsystem, component, accessory is found to be damaged during the transit, the same shall be replaced by the Vendor, free of all costs to the Owner. The vendor shall replace such item as shall be indicated to him within 30 days of receipt of information. 14.0 TEST CATEGORIES The following tests (in the same sequence) shall be conducted for acceptance of the equipments and the system before final acceptance of the system. 1. Pre-commissioning test (after installation) for total integrated system. 2. Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) 3. Trial Run a) These tests shall be carried out on all equipments supplied by Vendor including those supplied by subvendors, if any. b) Vendor shall arrange all necessary test instruments, manpower, power supply, accessories etc during above testing activities. c) All technical personnel assigned by Vendor shall be fully conversant with the system specifications and requirements. They shall have the specific capability to make the system operative quickly and efficiently and shall not interfere or be interfered by other concurrent testing, construction and commissioning activities in progress. They shall also have the capability to incorporate any minor modifications/suggestions put forward by Owner/Engineer. d) The Vendor shall arrange power supply and any temporary commissioning facility including communication system required for installation/testing/commissioning of the telecommunication equipments. e) Test Plan: Vendor shall submit to Owner and Engineer ‘Test Plans’ well in advance of commencement of actual testing in each of the above mentioned test categories. The plans shall include: 1) 2) 3) System, Equipment functional and performance description (in short) and Tests to be conducted and purpose of test. Test procedures (including time schedule for the tests) and identification of test inputs details and desired test results Test Report : The observations and test results obtained during various tests conducted shall be compiled and documented to produce Test Reports by Vendor. The Test Reports shall be given for each equipment/item and system as a whole. The report shall contain the following information to a minimum: 1) 2) 3) a) b) c) Test results Comparison of test results and anticipated (as per specifications) test result as given in test plans and reasons for deviations, if any. The data furnished shall prove convincingly true. The system meets the Guaranteed Performance objectives Mechanical and Electrical limits were not exceeded. Failure profile of the equipments during the tests are well within the specified limits Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 30 of 33 4) Failure of Components: Till the Owner accepts the system, a log of each and every failure of components shall be maintained. It shall give the date and time of failure, description of failed component, circuit, module, component description, effect of failure of component on the system/equipment, cause of failure, data and time of repair, mean time to repair etc. Detailed documentation for the same shall be submitted to Owner for future reference. If the malfunctions and/or failures of a unit/module/sub-system/equipment repeat during the test, the test shall be terminated and Vendor shall replace the necessary component or module to correct the deficiency. Thereafter, the tests shall commence all over again from the start. If after the replacement, the equipment still fails to meet the specification, Vendor shall replace the equipment with a new one and tests shall begin all over again. If a unit/sub-system/module has failed during the test, the test shall be suspended and restarted all over again only after the Vendor has placed the Equipment back into acceptable operation. Owner’s approval shall be obtained for any allowable logistics time required to replace the failed component/unit/module/sub-system. 5) Readjustments No adjustments shall be made to any equipment during the acceptance tests. If satisfactory test results cannot be obtained unless readjustments are made, Vendor shall carry out only those readjustment needed to ready the equipment/system for continuance of tests. A log of all such adjustments shall be kept giving date and time, equipment, module, circuit, adjustments, reasons, test result before and after adjustment etc. Fresh acceptance tests shall be conducted after the readjustments have been completed. A) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) B) Equipment Testing: Mechanical checks to the equipment for dimensions, inner and outer supports, finishing, welds, hinges, terminal boards, connectors, cables, painting etc. Electrical checks including internal wiring, external connections to other equipment etc. Check for assuring compliance with standards mentioned in the specifications. Individual check on each/module/sub-assembly in accordance with the modes and diagnostics programs to the vendor. Checks on power consumption and heat dissipation characteristics of various equipments Environment testing Functional testing Any other test not included in FAT document but relevant to the project as desired by the Owner/Engineer at the time of factory acceptance testing. System Integration Testing Functional and performance test of the complete system concerning and connecting the SDH equipment and all major equipments constituting the system (including the equipment supplied by sub-vendors, as applicable) shall be conducted. The system shall also include the total Network Management System. All the functions of NMS shall be demonstrated in totality (as per requirements/specifications of this document). All equipment shall be connected using the same cables (interfaces/components) as will be used during final installation so that the system can be tested in its final configuration. This testing shall be conducted at the manufacturing facility of the main equipment. The following test loops shall be provided as a minimum in the SDH Equipment and tested during the above set of Test Procedures: • For primary mux: 64 Kbps : Equipment & interface loop • For STM-1: Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 31 of 33 2 Mbps: Equipment loop 34 Mbps: Equipment & interface loop The definitions of the loops are as below: Interface loop : Test loop for the interface - the interface card shall enable looping back the incoming signal directly. Equipment loop : Test loop for the card – the outgoing signal is looped back directly into the unit. An alarm must be raised if a test loop or forced laser state is active. 15.0 INSTALLATION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Installation Prior to installation, all equipments shall be checked for completeness as per the specifications of equipment required for a particular station. Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the installation manuals and approved installation drawings in the best workmanship. Vendor shall indicate the number of teams and the list of equipments for each teams to be deployed for installation of the total telecom system in order to complete the work within the stipulated time frame. Vendor shall bring all installation tools, accessories, special tools, spars parts etc. at his own cost as required for the successful completion of the job. If during installation and commissioning any repairs are undertaken, the maintenance spares supplied with equipments shall not be used for the repair. Vendor shall arrange his own spare parts for such activities till the system has been finally accepted by the Owner. A detailed report & log of all such repairs shall be made available by the vendor to Owner/Engineer and shall include cause of faults and repair details, within 2 weeks of fault occurrence. A detailed time schedule for these activities shall be submitted by Vendor to Owner/Engineer to enable their representatives to be associated with the job. Vendor shall include all installation materials required for proper installation of the equipments. These shall include but not be limited to, all connectors, inter-bay and inter equipment cables, power supply cables and connectors, power distribution boxes, anchoring bolts, nuts, screws, washers, main distribution frames, audio distribution frames, voice frequency cables, junction boxes etc. The installation of equipments shall be done as to present neat and clean appearance in accordance with approved installation document drawings. All inter bay, power supply and other cables shall be routed through wall mounted cable trays. No cable shall be visible. All through wall openings, trenches etc. shall be properly sealed to prevent the entry of rodents, insects and foreign materials. Telecom room of one of the attended & unattended sites shall be made as model rooms and vendor shall take approval from Owner/engineer on various aspects spacing etc. After taking approval vendor shall take up installation at other sites in similar fashion. Pre-Commissioning On completion of installation of equipments, the correctness and completeness of the installation as per Manufacturer’s manual and approved installation documents shall be checked by the vendor on his own. A list of Pre-Commissioning tests (same as approved by the Owner/Engineer for site acceptance testing) and activities shall be prepared by vendor and the test shall be carried out by the vendor on his own. After the tests Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION Annexure-E JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 32 of 33 have been conducted to the Vendor’s own satisfaction, the vendor shall provide the test results for review by Owner/Engineer and then offer the system for Site Acceptance Testing. During pre-commissioning, if any fault occurs to any equipment or system, vendor shall identify the same and provide report/history of all faults to the Owner. During installation and pre-commissioning of the telecom system, vendor shall have enough number of commissioning spares so that the installation is not held up because of non-availability of commissioning spares. Vendor shall ensure that the spares meant for operation and maintenance are not used during installation and commissioning. Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) On completion of Pre-commissioning, site acceptance testing shall be conducted on the system as per approved SAT procedures and its constituents by the vendor under the presence of Owner/Engineer. The tests shall include, but not be limited the following: a) Checks for proper installation as per the approved installation drawings for each equipment/item and system as a whole. b) Guaranteed performance specifications of individual equipment/item. c) Self diagnostics test on individual equipment at line side and trib side. d) Tests on alarm panels e) Tests on remote alarm transmission and reception f) System tests on per hop basis and END TO END for the system. 16.0 TRIAL RUN PROCEDURE Upon completion of the site acceptance testing, Vendor shall keep the facilities commissioned for 30 days for ‘TRIAL RUN’ to monitor the link for 30 days from NMS to meet G.826 and G.821. During this period, vendor shall provide all specialist Engineers & Technicians including experts at both the NMC’s so as to maintain the total log, incidents, failures & for assisting site engineer & for total co-ordination. However, the normal operation and maintenance of the system shall be performed by the personnel of the Owner trained for the purpose. If during ‘Trial run’ any defect is noted in the system, the vendor shall rectify, replace the same to the satisfaction of Owner/Engineer. The decision to repeat the final test or restart the ‘Trial’ shall be of Owner/Engineer depending upon the severity of the defect. During trial run, if any fault occurs to any equipment of system, vendor shall identify and rectify the same and provide report, history of all faults to the Owner. Ideally, using the ‘Trial run, no shutdown of the system due to failure of equipment, power supply etc. should happen. A record of all failures shall be kept for each manned/unmanned station and the availability of the system on per hop and end to end basis shall be calculated, accordingly and results submitted to Owner/engineer. If the system fails to come up to the guaranteed performance, the Vendor, within a period of thirty (30) days shall take any and all corrective measures and resubmit the system for another ‘Trial Run’. All modifications, changes, corrective measures, labour etc. shall be at the cost of the Vendor. In case the date of completion for the second trial run exceeds the time schedule for the project, he shall be liable to pay liquidated damages. If the system fails to reach the guaranteed performance even after the second trial run, the Owner shall be free to take any action as he deems fit against the Vendor and to bring the system to the guaranteed performance with the help of third party at the expense of the vendor. 19.0 ANNEXURES Enclosed as Annexure 1 & 2 . Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E MECON LIMITED DELHI ELECT. & INST. SECTION JOB SPECIFICATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM SPECIFICATION No. : MEC / JS / 05 / E5 / T / 23J8 / TC-01 Rev. 0 Page 33 of 33 Annexure 1 System Proveness The equipment (STM-16 and other SDH) being offered should have been employed in at least two networks. These networks, along with associated NMS and protection systems, should be working successfully for at least last six months. Following documents enclosed : are In order to enable the purchaser to assess the proven-ness of the above, the bidder shall provide relevant and necessary documentary evidence e.g. proof or certificates from users towards satisfactory performance of system, etc.. GAIL reserves the right to verify, if so desired, the correctness of documentary evidence furnished by the bidder, for which the bidder shall arrange necessary permissions etc. Annexure 2 Source of Supply(SOS) Form Bidder shall provide data for offered equipments Sl No.Item Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 STM 16 Equipment STM 1 Equipment Equipment Racks NMS for SDH system Hardware Software DCN Equipment Hardware Software Local Craft terminal Hardware (HP/ IBM/ Compaq/ Digital) Software Special Tools and Tackles P-MUX (Nokia/ Bayly/ Newbridge / Loop) 9 NMS for Primary MUX Hardware Software 10 Weather proof (Frensic, Germany) 11 Explosion proof (Frensic, Germany) 12 Acoustic booth 13 FTC (3M/ Corning/ Siemens/ Raychem) 14 Pigtails ( Birla-3M/Cancam/Advanced Fiber System, Corning ) 15 Patch Cords ( Birla-3M/Cancam/Advanced Fiber System, Corning ) 16 DC-DC Converter/AC-DC Converter (Eltek/Ascom) Make, Model no and Place of Manufacturing Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E KG Basin Telecom Network: Network Topology S.yanam PM K Cheruvu STM-16 Kakinada City STM-4/16 45 Km 30 Km STM-16 Konaseema Gudala STM-1 STM-1 14.2 Km STM-16 9.8 Km 40 Km 45.8 Km REL Gowthami STM-1 STM-1 38 Km PM PM PM STM-1 12 Km 2 Km PM KJ point PM PM GVK Vemagiri PM FXO* Oduru LANCO/VSPL LANCO/VSPL Telecom Telecom Network Network STM-1 35 Km STM-1 STM-1 5.5 Km PM PM PM Rajahmundri Legends STM-4 WRI Equipment PM PM STM-1 ECI Equipment Fibcom Equipment (FXO+LSDCM)* (FXO + LSDCM) User Channels: FXS / LSDCM PM Bayly P-Mux STM-1 New STM1 Equip PM New P-Mux Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E TECHANICAL SPECIFICATION FOR COLD INSULATION OF VESSELS, PIPING AND EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/23J8/05/21/CI-01 Page 1 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E CONTENTS 1. SCOPE 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3. INSULATION MATERIALS 4. APPLICATION 5. APPLICATION OF INSULATION OF PIPING, VESSELS & EQUPT. IN DUAL TEMPERATURE SERVICE. 6. COLD INSULATION OF PIPING SUBJECTED TO FOOT TRAFFIC. 7. SAFETY 8. GUARANTEE ANNEXURE – I :INSULATION THICKNESS FOR COLD INSULATION FOR ANTI CONDENSATION – PIPING. ANNEXURE– II :INSULATION THICKNESS FOR COLD INSULATION FOR ANTI CONDENSATION – VESSELS & EQUIPMENT. Page 2 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E COLD INSULATION 1. SCOPE This specification covers technical requirements and procedure for the application of self extinguishing type insulation (expanded Polystyrene, rigid Polyurethane loom) and Mineral Wool to Vessels, equipments, heat exchangers, pumps, piping and instruments. 2. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 2.1 Insulation shall be provided on all vessels, equipment, heat exchangers, piping and instruments etc. containing fluids or vapour, for which it is necessary to: a) b) 2.2 2.3 Maintain low temperature for process control. Avoid surface condensation. All applications of insulation shall be made in accordance with this specification. Contractor shall submit with his proposal, information on intended practices of insulation application, which are not covered in this specification, for approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. This information shall include all the details and sketches including those for the following: a) Removals insulation housings; b) Flashing details; c) Additional insulation supports; d) Vessel head insulation supports; e) Expansion joints; f) Vessel insulation details; g) Exchanger removable housing; h) Machinery removable housing etc; Protection Of Materials During Storage Insulation materials must be protected against any damage from delivery to finish cladding; decking and covering with tarpaulines alone are not considered sufficient protection from weather for any length of time and shall not be permitted. Insulation material slabs and sections shall be stored on a flat surface in a horizontal position. Insulation materials shall never be Page 3 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E stacked directly on the ground. The contractor shall provide covered storage for insulation materials or directed by the engineer-in-charge. 2.4 Protection of Partially Completed Jobs All precautions shall be taken to ensure that each day’s work is vapour sealed and cladded during erection and before being left over – night to prevent seepage of water into the materials and getting trapped. The system shall be protected by tarpaulin, water shed and other protective means. 2.5 Hydrostatic Test Insulation shall be applied on vessels, heat exchangers, piping and other equipment only after successful completion of hydrostatic test. In case insulation work starts before completion of hydrostatic test, all welded and mechanical joints shall be left exposed for testing and subsequently insulated after successful completion of the hydrostatic test. 2.6 Co – ordination with other Agencies Contractor shall work in close co-ordination with the erection contractor. Wherever temporary supports are provided the contractor shall remove these and provide the necessary insulating wood blocks. 2.7 EXTENT OF INSULATION 2.7.1 2.7.2 Items Requiring Insulation Items requiring insulation are specified in the piping GAD Drawing & P&ID. All attachments and projections such as vessel supports, structural steel attached to vessels, piping hanger supports, instrument lead lines, branch lines like vents, drains and instrument connections connected directly to cold insulated piping, vessels and equipment, shall be cold insulated upto a distance of 4 times the adjoining insulation thickness. All flanged joints, manhole covers, etc., shall be cold insulated with removable box insulation. Items Not Requiring Insulation Bonnet of valves above the packing glands. Nameplates, stampings and code inspection plates on vessels & equipments. Page 4 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 3. Annexure-E INSULATION MATERIAL 3.1 General All materials used for insulation, fixing, sealing and protection shall be new. All insulating materials whether dry or wet shall be non – corrosive to the surfaces insulated. 3.2 Insulation materials for insulating piping, vessels and equipment in cold and dual temperature (Cold/ Hot) service shall be as given below. Operating Temperature 3.3 - 1950C to + 800C Polyurethane foam or Polystyrene - 1950C to + 1200C Polyurethane foam. However an initial logging of resin bonded or lightly resin bonded Mineral wool with polystyrene can be used as an alternative. 3050C to + 800C Polyurethane foam or polystyrene (upto + 800C only) or resin banded/ lightly resin bonded mineral wool slabs/ mattresses which are factory made, machine laid and machine stitched. Insulation material for piping, likely to be subjected to Foot traffic shall be Polyurethane; in case of non-availability of Polyurethane, the following materials shall be adopted. Operating Temperature 3.4 Insulation Material Insulation Material - 1950C to + 800C Polystyrene - 1950C to + 1200C A layer of resin bonded mineral wool cladded with polystyrene. Form of insulation shall be as follows: Pipes upto 400 NB Preformed pipe sections Pipes above 450 NB Preformed pipe sections/ radial logs Vessel shells Radial logs Vessel heads Preformed sections or slabs contoured to the profile of vessel heads. Page 5 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Equipment 3.5 Annexure-E Radial logs or slabs as applicable to form. Contour of the surface to be insulated. Dimensions of preformed sections for piping insulation shall be defined by the outside diameter and insulation thickness. Tolerances for preformed sections shall be as under: Outside diameter - 0%, + 5% Concentricity + 3% O.D. Bore + 2 mm - Length, width and thickness of slabs 0 mm + 2 mm 3.6 The material used shall not disintegrate, settle, change its form of composition, in a detrimental way, at the service conditions. 3.7 The insulating material shall be chemically inert, moisture free, rot and vermin proof. 3.8 Preformed half sections and slabs shall be provided having their longitudinal and circumstantial faces flat and smooth so as to mote with the mating sections of the whole face area. Ends of the preformed half sections shall be flat and perpendicular to the centre line. 3.9 Expanded Polystyrene 3.9.1 The insulation material shall be self extinguishing, preformed, expanded polystyrene with closed cell structure, in accordance with IS – 4671, type SE. 3.9.2 Composition The insulation material shall be expanded polystyrene foam prepared from styrene homopolymer or copolymer containing an expanding agent. The finished from in the form of slabs or half sections shall be of uniform closed cell structure free from non-reacted materials, shrinkage and distortion. 3.9.3 Density The applied density of the expanded polystyrene shall be as under: Preformed Pipe sections Slabs - 20 to 22 kg/m3 16 to 18 kg/m3 Page 6 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 3.9.4 Annexure-E Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity of insulation material of density 18 kg/m3 shall be as given below: Mean Temperature 00 C 100C 200C 3.9.5 Thermal Conductivity k. cal./hr.m0c 0.025 0.027 0.028 Water Vapour Permeance Water vapour permeance of insulating material shall not be more than 0.4 gm/m2 24 h mm Hg as per IS : 661 or 3 inch as per ASTM C355 desiccant method. 3.9.6 Flammability The insulating material shall be self extinguishing type when tested by the method prescribed in Appendix – E of IS: 4671. 3.9.7 3.10 The Expanded polystyrene shall be free from reachable chlorides. Polyurethane Foam 3.10.1 The insulation material shall be rigid preformed cellular urethanes foam of self extinguishing type in accordance with ASTM C 591, type II, Grade 2. The foam shall be formulated in such a way that it shall be of a self extinguishing quality which under no circumstances shall cause fire to spread. 3.10.2 Composition The insulation material shall be produced by reacting poly-isocyanates with polyhydroxy compounds and expanded with a fluorocarbon blowing agent. The finished foam in the form of slabs or half sections shall be of uniform closed cell structure, free from unreacted materials, shrinkage and distortion. 3.10.3 Density The density of finished foam shall be within 35.0 kg/m3 to 39.9 kg/m2 and shall be determined in accordance with ASTM C-302. 3.10.4 Thermal Conductivity Page 7 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E Thermal conductivity of the Polyurethane foam slabs and sections shall not exceed 0.019 k Cal/hr.m0C(0.16 BTU/ ft2 hr 0F/in) at 100C mean temperature after ageing. The thermal. Conductivity shall be tested by the method prescribed in ASTM C 335. 3.10.5 Closed Cell Content The closed cell content shall be at least 95% volume. 4.0 4.1 APPLICATION General The following applies to all types of cold insulated equipment and piping: 4.1.1 Surface Preparation The surfaces of tanks, vessels, piping and valves etc. on which cold insulation is to be applied, shall be free of dust, loose paint or any other foreign matter. The surface irregularities shall be filled up with the approved filler. One coat of anticorrosive primer shall be applied over the carbon / Alloy steel surfaces to be insulated and allowed to dry before application of insulation. 4.1.2 Insulation thickness and limit Insulation thickness shall be in accordance with the ANNEXURE I & II is atteched. For piping/ vessels to be insulated for anti-condensation, the insulation thickness shall be as per ANNEXURE – I and II. Insulation thickness on item covered in clauses & shall be equivalent to that on adjoining piping and equipment. 4.1.3 Vapour Barrier Polyurethane Insulation A 3.0 mm (wet) thick coating of vapour seal mastic shall be applied to the surface of the insulation as soon as possible after erection, to reduce the time the insulation is exposed to the weather to a minimum, whilst this coat is still wet, glass cloth shall be laid over the surface and embedded in the mastic. Care shall be taken to ensure that the glass cloth shall is laid smooth and free from wrinkles, and that no pocket of air are trapped beneath the surface. At junctions in the glass cloth, the overlap shall not be less than 75mm. A second 3mm thick coat of mastic shall be applied after approximately twelve hours. When dry this coating shall be a minimum of 1.50mm thick. Core must be taken, however to ensure that the individual coats are not greater than 3mm (especially in Page 8 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E corners), otherwise some cracking of dried coat may result. The total dry filed thickness of vapour seal shall not be less than 2.5 mm with a tolerance of – 0% to 50%. The mastic shall not be applied over wet insulation or until the adhesive is dry. During this drying time the insulation shall be protected from the weather by ‘Alkothene’ film, tarpaulin or similar materials approved by the engineer-in-charge. Where joints have been left uninsulated, a complete vapour seat as specified above shall be applied to the exposed end of the insulation in accordance with the following steps . Polystyrene and Mineral Wool Insulation A vapour barrier meant to prevent moisture penetration into Polystyrene and mineral wool insulation shall be applied over the insulation in accordance with the following steps. 4.1.4 4.1.5 a) One coat of bitumen emulsion (2.5mm thick when dry) shall be applied on the insulation. b) Glass cloth shall be applied, with minimum overlap of 500 mm, over the first coat of bitumen emulsion when the later is not fully dried. Core shall be taken to ensure that the glass cloth is laid smooth and free from wrinkles and that no pockets of air are trapped beneath the surface. At junctions in the glass cloth, the overlap shall not be less than 75mm. c) Another coat of bitumen emulsion (1.5mm thick when dry) shall be applied over the glass fabric, to form a smooth and even finish. Vapour barrier shall be protected by cladding with aluminum sheets. Joints in aluminum sheet shall be staggered and suitably sealed with an approved sealer. Aluminum cladding shall not be applied untill the vapur barrier has completely dried and its solvents have dissipated. Self-tapping screws shall not be used to secure aluminum cladding as they may puncture the vapur barrier. Expansion / Contraction Joints When specified on a pipe line or vessel drawing or where deemed necessary to allow movement and contraction of the pipe or vessel without producing random cracking of the insulation, contraction joints shall be provided in the insulation. At contraction joint location, provision shall be made in aluminium cladding to accommodate contraction of pipe or vessel. The following steps shall be taken: Page 9 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 4.1.6 Annexure-E a) Both longitudinal and circumstantial joints in insulation shall be staggered. b) Contraction joints shall be provided of on interval depending on pipe or vessel material contraction/ expansion co-efficient and temperature. Unless otherwise specified contraction joints shall be provided of an interval of 6.0 m on straight run of pipes or vessels operating of temp. – 400C & below. c) Contraction joints in horizontal vessel insulation shall be close to support points while on vertical pipes & vessels, the same shall be provided of support ring location and of an interval of 4.0 m straight. d) A contraction joint shall consist of 12 mm gap in the insulation, loosely packed with filler material, as applicable, described under clause 4.5 to a depth of 6 mm less than the adjacent insulation thickness. 6 mm gap thus left shall be filled up by approved nonsetting compound (Faster foam seal 30 – 45 sealer or equivalent) and finished smooth with the surface of insulation. Vapour barrier which shall cover the joint shall be applied only after the compound has dried. Expansion/ contractor joint . Stainless Steel Piping Equipment All pipes, vessels and equipment of stainless construction shall be wrapped with 0.1 mm thick aluminum foil with an overlap of 50 mm having barium chromate sealer interposed in the joint prior to application of insulation, FOIL shall be secured in position by aluminum bands, taking every precaution to avoid formation of pin holes or cracking in the aluminum foil. Cladding shall be done after the insulation and vapour barrier exactly the some way as for other pipes and equipment. 4.1.7 4.1.8 For all pipes, vessels, equipments etc lying in a corrosive environment where Sulfur Dioxides or other corrosive media are likely to be present, stainless steel bands/ clips shall be used to secure aluminum cladding in position. Field Welding Field welding of clips or other insulation supports on any vessel or piping, subjected to the pressure of operating fluid shall not be permitted. However, field welding on non pressure parts, to install insulation supports etc can be permitted with prior approval of the engineer-in-charge, but extreme care shall be taken so the welding does not result in decrease of metal thickness or excessive burning of metal. 4.2 Application Vessels & Equipment Page 10 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E 4.2.1 General Individual vessel and tank drawings indicate the location of insulation supports furnished by the owner. However, additional supports, wherever required, to facilitate application of insulation and securing of insulation shall be provided by the contractor at his own cost. All surface shall be prepared as described above before application of insulation. 4.2.2 Single Layer Insulation Insulation radial lags/ preformed sections of handy sizes shall be installed on the surfaces of vessels adhering to each other with applicable joint sealer and secured in position by G.I. wire netting and aluminum bonds at an interval of 225 mm. There shall be no through joints and the insulation shall not be bonded to the vessel. 4.2.3 Multi-layer Insulation The inner layer of insulation shall be bonded to the vessel with the applicable adhesive. Subsequent layers of insulation shall bonded to the preceding layer, with the applicable adhesive. The joint sealer shall be applied to the ends and edges of all sections, including those in the inner most layer to seal all joints. Core shall be taken to ensure that the adhesive is evenly spread over the entire surface of application and the insulation is closely butted to each other. Both longitudinally and circumstantially. All the layers except the final shall be secured in position by metallic bands of an interval of 225 mm while the final layer shall be first secured with G.I. wire net and then with metallic bands of an interval of 225 mm. Bonds shall be staggered on successive layers. There shall be no through joints in the insulation. 4.2.4 Filling All the crocks and voids in the main insulation shall be filled up with applicable filler material. 4.3 Vertical Vessels 4.3.1 Shell (Cylindrical) Slabs in handy sizes or given below shall be applied resting onto the supports with joints tightly butted, staggered & adhering to each other with applicable adhesive and secured in position by circumstantial metallic bands at a pitch of 225 mm. Page 11 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E For vessels upto 2.5 M O.D. – Radial lags of suitable width. For vessels over 2.5 M O.D. – Radial lags. However the procedure given below can be used as on alternative. Flat insulation slabs of width not more than 300 mm shall be cut longitudinally to have notch (es) of suitable size spaced of suitable spacing, so as to form a radial segment suitable for the profile of the vessel shell. However extreme care shall be taken to ensure that no air packets are formed in the finished insulation. All insulation joints shall be sealed with applicable joint sealer. Where more than one layer is used, each layer shall be bonded separately as given in clause 4.2.3. when mineral wool insulation is used, notches shall not be cut as the insulation itself is semi rigid and can be pressed to form contour of the shell . 4.3.2 Top Heads Shaped insulation sections shall be installed on top head, bonded and butted tightly to each other. Insulation shall be held in position by making use of galvanized iron floating ring (25 mm x 0.6 mm) placed over the insulation and positioned in the centre of the head so as not to touch the nozzle of the vortex. The insulation shall be held in position by use of radial metallic bands, one end of which shall be fastened to the floating ring and the other end shall be anchored to the band (s) around the cylindrical section close to the head. Radial bands shall be spaced on 300 mm centres measured around the circumference of the vessel. The final layer of insulation shall be held in position also by metallic wire net loced of the nozzle location by 2-3 loops of 10 SWG galvanized wire and to the wire net over insulation on the shell of the cylindrical section close to the head. When there exists no nozzle of the top of the vortex, the insulation shall be held in position by wire netting and metallic bands stretched over the head and anchered on the cylindrical section close to the head by cirumferential metallic band (s) on the shell and near the head. 4.3.3 Bottom Heads In all the skirt supported vessels, insulation supports are provided inside the skirt. Floating ring and wire loops around the nozzle and bands shall be used to support downward facing of insulation. Such a floating ring Page 12 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E shall be positioned centrally around the nozzle but ever the insulation by radial bands anchored the lagging support angle ring fixed inside the skirt of a pitch of 300mm measured over the support angle ring. If nozzle is not existing, metallic bands shall be stretched across the bottom head and anchored with lagging support angel ring inside the skirt. All the wire ends of wire netting shall be cut short and tuned into the insulation. 4.4 Horizontal Vessels The insulation radial lags of handy sizes shall be installed in close contact with the faces to be insulated and held in position by G.I. wire netting and metallic bands at a pitch of 225 mm. Where more than one layer is required, each layer shall be banded separately. The bands for successive layers shall not coincides with each other. Wire netting on the final layer shall be applied and ends shall be laced together lacing wire before putting the metallic bands as per clause 4.2.3. Insulation sections on the vessel heads shall be secured in position by wire netting and metallic bands attached across the heads and anchored to circumferential metallic band (s) on the shell near the heads. Anchoring of bands measured on the circumference of shell shall be at a pitch of 225 mm max. 4.5 Tank Insulation Material and method of application for tanks shall be the same as specified for vessels. Flat aluminum sheets for weather proofing shall be used exactly in the same manner as specified for other vessels. 4.6 Spherical Vessels Before commencing the application of insulation, the contractor shall ensure that exterior surfaces have been prepared in accordance with clause 5.1.1 Shaped insulation to fit curvature of sphere shall be bonded to the vessel with applicable adhesive. All insulation joints shall be sealed with applicable joint sealer. The inner layer of insulation shall be held in position by 20 mm x 20 SWG aluminum bands of 300 mm max. centres at the equator. These bands are tied up with the floating rings of 180 mm dia made of 15 mm dia S.S. rod of top and bottom of the sphere. The bands being staggered on successive layers and the clips of the bands being recessed into the insulation. 4.7 Vapour Barrier Vapour barrier shall be applied on all the vessels described above as per the procedure outlined in clause 4.1.3. 4.8 Metal Sheet Finishing Page 13 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 4.8.1 Annexure-E Horizontal Vessels The insulation shall be covered with aluminum sheeting with all the longitudinal and circumferential joints having on overlap of minimum 50mm. All longitudinal and circumferential. Joints shall be sealed with suitable approved bitumenized mastic sealer. Aluminum sheeting shall be secured in position by metallic bands on the shell at a max. pitch of 425mm. All the longitudinal joints with overlap of 50mm in the aluminum sheet shall be kept below the horizontal plane passing through the axis of the vessel to prevent water or other spillage from entering into the insulation. Jacketting for dished heads shall be fabricated from radial segments with the radial overlap of minimum 50mm. The sheeting shall be secured in position by radial tensioned metallic bands stretched over the heads. One end of each band is anchored to the circumferential band (s) on the shell while the other is fastened (pop rivited) to 6mm dia. Floating rod ring which can be replacedby 6mm. thick strip (G.I.) rolled in the form of a ring. Radial metallic band, measured over the circumference of shell, shall be at a pitch of 300mm. All the sheet metal joints shall be properly sealed with approved sealing mastic. 4.8.2 Vertical Vessels The aluminum sheeting shall be adequately rolled and installed over the insulation such that all the longitudinal joints are staggered. All the longitudinal and circumferential joints shall have on overlap of 50mm minimum and suitably sealed with approved mastic sealer. Aluminum sheeting shall be secured in position by tensioned metallic bands installed circumferentially at a max. pitch of 425mm. Top Heads Insulation shall be covered with flat aluminum jacket fabricated in segmental form with lapped joints properly sealed with approved mastic sealer. Over – lapping of sheet metal joints shall not be less than 50mm. Aluminum jacket shall be secured in position by radial tensioned metallic bands anchored to the circumferential band (s) of vessel on one side and fastered to 6mm dia. Floating rod ring, centralized of the vortex of head on the other side 6mm thick metallic. (G.I.) strip rolled into a ring can be the substitute for 6mm dia. Rod. Pitch of radial bands measured over the circumferential bands of shell shall be max. 300m. Bottom Heads Page 14 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E Aluminum sheeting shall be installed exactly in the same manner as indicated for top heads. 4.8.3 Spherical Vessels Cladding of each hemisphere of spherical vessel shall be done with aluminum sheets placed horizontally and a thick circumferential tensioned band (6mm thick) shall be used of the equator to hold the radial metallic bands. 4.8.4 Others Openings in metal jackets for nozzle, manways, brackets etc. shall be cut as close as possible for a snug fit. 4.9 Flashing All openings through insulation finish shall be flashed weather tight particularly where connections are not insulated. Shirt supported vessels shall have skirt insulated inside and outside for at least 600mm below the tangent line or such that temp of adjacent non insulated surfaces of the skirt shall not be below dew point. Proper flashing and sealing shall be done on skirt where insulation and subsequent metal finish terminates. 4.10 Exchanger Insulation Exchanger shells except for channels and channel covers shall be insulated and weather proofed as specified for vessel. Exchanger channels and channel covers including flange bolting shall be insulated with removable aluminum covers lined with insulation slabs of required thickness. 4.11 Machinery In general, removable aluminum boxes lined with slab insulation of required thickness shall be used for insulation of machinery after giving a coat of anticorrosive point. The contractor shall submit details of individual pieces of equipment depending on the nature of items to be insulated to the engineer-in-charge at site for approval. 4.12 Application – Piping 4.12.1 General Insulation shall be applied only after ensuring that piping to be insulated is properly, supported and tested. 4.12.2 Horizontal Piping Page 15 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E Piping surface shall be cleaned of loose rust, mill scale, grease, dust or any other foreign contaminants. Surface preparation shall be done in accordance with clause 5.1.1. The insulation shall be applied to pipes in half round sections in reasonably handy sizes. Where insulation thick ness required is greater than 50mm or that the metal temp is below – 400 C, multilayer construction shall be followed with all the joints staggered in successive layers. The inner of insulation shall be banded to the piping with applicable adhesive. Subsequent layers of insulation shall be banded to the preceding layers with the above adhesive. Joint sealer shall be applied to the ends and edges of all sections for sealing all longitudinal and circumferential joints. Adhesive shall be applied evenly and the half sections shall be closely butted to each other both longitudinally and circumferntially. All the insulation layers except the final shall be secured in position by metallic bands of an interval of 225mm, while the final layer shall first be secured with G.I. wire netting and then with metallic bands at an interval of 225mm. Bands shall be staggered an successive layers. Insulation of piping shall be stepped short of flanges to allow for withdrawal of bolts. For fittings, the insulation shall be completed by applying cut segments of the same insulation sections used for pipes. Any crocks or irregularities in the external surface of insulation sections shall be filled up by applicable filler material . For long run of pipes, the ends of insulation sections shall be sealed off at 12m intervals and vapour barrier carried down upto the metal surface. Contraction joints shall be provided of on interval of 6.0m unless otherwise specified as per clause 4.1.5. 4.12.3 Vapour Barrier Vapour barrier shall be applied over the insulation as outlined in clause 4.1.3. 4.12.4 Metal Sheet Finishing Page 16 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E Vapour barrier (after it has dried) shall be protected by cladding it with specified Aluminum sheeting. All joints between adjacent aluminum sheets shall be staggered and grooved with approved sealer. The longitudinal joints shall have single grooves while the circumferential joints shall have two grooves. Aluminum or G.I. bands/ clips at an interval of 425mm shall be used to secure the aluminum cladding in position. Self-tapping screws shall not be used. For pipes, vessels and equipments lying in a corrosive environment where sulphur dioxide is likely to be present, stainless steel bands / clips spaced at intervals of 425mm shall be used to secure the aluminum cladding in position. 4.12.5 Vertical Piping Insulation, vapour barrier and metal sheet finishing shall be performed as specified for horizontal piping. Contraction joints shall be provided in accordance with clause 4.1.5. Insulation supports/ spacer rings shall be provided at an interval of 4.0 m (if other insulation supports are not already existing on the pipe) . 4.12.6 Pipe Supports & Hangers In all the supporting arrangements of both horizontal and vertical piping, dry hard wood pipe support bearing blocks coated with fire retardant paint/ mastic shall be used. Metal cradles, metal pipe supports and hangers shall be attached to outside of the pipe support bearing blocks and not directly to bore pipe. Provision shall be made to prevent seepage of water into the insulation from pipe hangers. 4.12.7 Flanges & Valves Removable covers shall be provided over all flanges and valves. Insulation shall be performed and loose fill mineral wool backed up by slab insulation of thickness equal to that an adjacent pipe shall be applied. Aluminum covers over the valves and flanges shall be fitted with quick release clips. This application shall be proposed for each case by the insulation contractor and approved by the engineer-in-charge. 4.12.8 Refrigerant Traced Lines Page 17 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 5.0 Annexure-E a) The lines to be refrigerant traced shall be given in the line schedule and also shall be given in layout drawings and isometrics. b) When lines are traced with one or more tracers, insulation shall be of sufficient size to house the assembly without distortion or damage to the insulation. c) The refrigerant traced assemblies shall be first wrapped with specified wire netting, thus ensuring trocer pipe bearing tightly against the line refrigerant – traced. d) Application of insulation shall be exactly the same as for piping . e) Application of vapour barrier and cladding with aluminum sheet shall also be same as for piping described earlier. APPLICATION OF INSULATION ON PIPING, VESSELS & EQUIPMENT IN DUAL TEMPERATURE SERVICE (COLD/ HOT) 5.1 Insulation material for dual temperature service shall be selected in accordance with clause 3.2. When, polyurethane or polystyrene or mineral wool is the material of insulation, application of the same shall be in accordance with the procedure laid down in clause 4.0, for piping, vessel and equipment, as applicable. 5.2 When a combination of mineral wool and polystyrene is used, its application shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure laid down in the following clauses. 5.2.1 All surfaces of piping / vessels to be insulated shall be prepared in accordance with clause 4.1.1 After the anticorrosive point has dried, mineral wool pipe sections / mattresses with specified G.I. wire netting and a thickness such that the maximum temperature on the outside of insulation is 600C, shall be applied on the surfaces to be insulated. The insulation shall be applied without any adhesive and all the insulation joints shall be tightly butted against each other so that insulation fibres interlock both along longitudinal and circumferential joints. Mineral wool insulation along with G.I. wire netting shall be held in position by metallic bands located at a pitch of 225mm. 5.2.2 A first layer of vapour barrier shall be applied over the mineral wool insulation, in accordance with the procedure outlined in clause Page 18 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 6.0 5.2.3 After the vapour barrier has fully dried, the polystyrene pipe sections/ radial lags, as applicable, shall be applied with all the longitudinal and circumferential joints tightly butted and sealed with applicable joint sealer. The insulation shall be held in position by G.I. wire netting and metallic bands spaced of 225mm intervals. 5.2.4 A second layer of vapour barrier shall be applied exactly the same way as the first layer of vapour barrier. 5.2.5 Insulation and vapour barriers for vertical piping shall be applied in exactly the same way as for horizontal piping except that support rings shall be provided to hold the insulation at an interval of 4.0m. 5.2.6 Aluminium sheeting shall be applied on the final layer of vapour barrier accordance with clause 4.8 or 4.12.4 , as applicable . COLD INSULATION OF PIPING LOCATED AT OR BELOW GROUND LEVEL AND WHERE THERE IS A LIKELYHOOD OF FOOT TRAFFIC 6.1 Material of insulation shall be preformed sections of polyurethane, as indicated in clause 3.3. However polystyrene and a combination of mineral wool and polystyrene, as applicable, may be used as on alternative as per provision of clause 3.3. 6.2 When Polyurethane or Polystyrene is the material of insulation, application of the same shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure specified in clause 4.0 for piping, vessels and equipment, as applicable, except that instead of providing aluminum cladding over the final layer of vapour barrier, the procedure laid down in clause 6.4 shall be adopted. 6.3 6.4 Annexure-E When a combination of resin banded mineral wool pipe sections and polystyrene is to be used, application procure shall be as specified in clause 5.2 with the only exception that instead of providing aluminum cladding over the final layer of vapour barrier, the procedure specified in clause 6.4 shall be adopted. Bituminized self-finishing roofing felt shall wrapped over the final layer of vapour barrier after it has fully dried, with an overlap of minimum 50 mm both on longitudinal and circumferential joints. 6.4.1 The roofing felt shall be secured with the specified galvanized iron wire netting, laced with 20 SWG galvanized iron wire. 6.4.2 A 3mm thick Bitumen Emulsion mastic shall be applied for water and weather proofing. 6.4.3 When bitumen emulsion has completely dried, the surfaces shall be painted with two coats of bitumen based aluminum paint. Page 19 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I 7. Annexure-E Safety The insulation contractor shall provide adequate protective appliances like hand gloves, masks, glasses etc. to the workmen carrying out the insulation work, to protect them from inhaling and touching insulation dust and fibres. 8. Guarantee 8.1 The insulation contractor shall submit alongwith the tender, authentic test certificates that the insulation materials offered conform to the requirements of this specification and the standards mentioned therein. Any deviations shall be clearly stated. 8.2 The insulation contractor shall guarantee the following: 8.2.1 The insulation and ancillary materials are new and unused and conform to the standards mentioned in the specification. 8.2.2 The operating thermal conductivity shall be as specified. 8.2.3 The workmanship in execution of the insulation works shall be in accordance with sound engineering practice. Page 20 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E ANNEXURE – I COLD INSULATION FOR ANTI CONDENSATION – PIPING TABLE OF THICKNESSES FOR EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE/ POLYURETHANE INSULATION. NOM. PIPE DIAMETER IN MM THICKNESSES IN MM 20 ( ¾: ) & under 45 25 ( 1” ) 45 40 1 ½” ) 50 50 ( 2” ) 50 80 ( 3” ) 55 100 ( 4” ) 60 150 ( 6” ) 60 200 ( 8” ) 65 250 ( 10” ) 65 300 ( 12” ) 65 350 ( 14” ) 70 400 ( 16” ) 75 450 ( 18” ) 80 500 ( 20” ) 80 600 ( 24” ) & over 80 NOTES 1. Design Basis: AMBIENT TEMP. 410C RELATIVE HUMIDITY 89% EMISSIVITY 0.9 CONDUCTIVITY 0.257 MM/Cm. Deg. At– 550C 0.29 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 400C 0.313 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 250C 0.32 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 00C 0.34 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 200C 2. THICKNESS DO NOT INCLUDE FINISH THICKNESS 3. MAXIMUM SINGLE LAYER INSULATION THICKNESS – 50MM. WHEREVER THICKNESS EXCEEDS 50MM TWO LAYERS OF INSULATION SHALL BE USED. FOR HIGHER THICKNESSES SEVERAL LAYERS SHALL BE USED. Page 21 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E ANNEXURE – II COLD INSULATION FOR ANTI CONDENSATION – VESSELS & EQUIPMENT TABLE OF THICKNESSES FOR EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE/ POLYURETHANE INSULATION. VESSEL DIAMETER Upto 1 M 1m to 1.5 M 1.5 M to 2 M 2 M to 3M 3 M to 4.5 M Over 4.5 M & Flat 4. THICKNESS IN MM 120 Design Basis: AMBIENT TEMP. 400C RELATIVE HUMIDITY 89% EMISSIVITY 0.9 CONDUCTIVITY 0.257 MM/Cm. Deg. At– 550C 0.29 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 400C 0.313 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 250C 0.32 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 00C 0.34 MM/Cm. Deg. At – 200C 5. THICKNESS DO NOT INCLUDE FINISH THICKNESS 6. MAXIMUM SINGLE LAYER INSULATION THICKNESS – 50MM. FOR INSULATION THICKNESS EXCESS OF 100MM MINIMU THREE INSULATION LAYERS SHALL BE PROVIDED. Page 22 of 22 Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR CARTRIDGE FILTER & ACCESSORIES SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017, Rev-1 MECON LIMITED DELHI - 110 092 D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 REV-1 Page 1 of 10 CONTENTS Sl. No. Description 1.0 GENERAL 2 2.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY 2 3.0 SCOPE OF SERVICES 3 4.0 DESIGN 3 5.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 4 6.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 5 7.0 PROTECTION AND PAINTING 6 8.0 PACKAGING AND IDENTIFICATION 7 9.0 SPARE PARTS 8 10.0 INFORMATION/ DOCUMENTS/ DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE OFFER 8 11.0 INFORMATION/ DOCUMENTS/ DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED BY SUCCESSFUL VENDOR 9 12.0 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE 10 PREPARED BY Page No. CHECKED BY D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc APPROVED BY Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 REV-1 Page 2 of 10 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 This specification outlines the minimum requirements under which the manufacturer shall design, manufacture, test and supply Cartridge Filter for separating solid contaminants from the gas stream. 2.0 SCOPE OF SUPPLY 2.1 The vendor's scope of supply shall be Cartridge Filter alongwith accessories complete in all respects as per data sheet enclosed. The detailed scope of work is as follows : The filters shall comprise of the following : 3.0 • Filter vessel alongwith necessary filtering cartridge. • Necessary nozzles, companion flanges, blind flanges (with nuts, bolts, gaskets etc.) on the filter vessel as specified in the data sheets. • Cartridge supporting arrangement inside the vessel. • Quick opening closure for maintenance and filter element replacement. • Instruments, viz PSV as per Instrumentation inputs. • Necessary supports for filter vessel. • Cleats for platforms and ladders. • Foundation bolts & base plate for embedding/ grouting into civil foundation. • Documents clause 10, 11 & elsewhere in spec. • Spare parts for two years normal operation. SCOPE OF SERVICES • Engineering, design and manufacturing. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 REV-1 Page 3 of 10 • Procurement of raw materials etc. from sub-vendors. • Preparation and submission of documentation for design approval by purchaser/ consultant. • Inspection and testing as per T.S. • Surface preparation, protective coating and painting as per T.S. • Packaging for transportation to site and supply. 4.0 DESIGN 4.1 Following codes & standards (latest edition) shall be followed for design, manufacture, testing etc. of the equipment. 4.2 ASME Sec-VIII Div-1 : Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code ASME Sec-IX : Welding and Brazing Qualifications ASME Sec-II & ASTM : Material Specifications ANSI B16.5 : Pipe Flanges & Pipe Fittings ANSI B16.1 : Forged Steel Threaded ASME B16.47 : Large Diameter Steel Flanges ANSI B36.10 : Welding & Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe. ASME B31.21 : Design of Non-Metallic Gasket. Fittings Socket Welded & For purpose of material selection national code of the country of origin shall also be acceptable provided the vendor specifically establishes, to the satisfaction of the purchaser, the equivalence or superiority of the proposed material with respect to those specified. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 REV-1 Page 4 of 10 5.0 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 5.1 The cartridge shall be of PECO/ PALL/ FILTERITE/ VELCON/ FACET/ BURGESS MANNING make. For porous metal cartridge, FUJI/ PALL/ PORAL/ MOTT are acceptable. 5.2 Filter elements must withstand a pressure of 1.0 kg/cm2(g) without breaking or failure. 5.3 At least 300mm space from bottom tangent line to be provided. 5.4 Filtering efficiency shall be as per enclosed data sheet. 5.5 Particle size shall be as indicated in the data sheets. 5.6 The end closure to be high pressure quick release type interlock to open only when vessel is completely depressurised. The Quick Opening Closure shall be one of the following makes only : a) Peerless, b) Grinell, c) Peco, d) Siirtec, e) Huber Yale, f) G.D. Engineering. 5.7 Filter element should be suitable for specified mole% of CO2. 5.8 Core of filter element shall be of SS material. 5.9 A davit/ hinged arrangement shall be provided for the closure for convenient handling. The closure shall have perfect sealing arrangement to prevent leakage. 5.10 The equipment shall be of the type as mentioned in the data sheets and shall meet the duty requirements and performance parameters as mentioned therein. 5.11 Vendor shall submit calculations for sizing of the equipment together with all supporting documents/ catalogues/ nomographs etc. with the bid. The type, model and number of cartridge shall be selected based on allowable pressure drop and supplier's recommendation. The total internal cross sectional area of mounted cartridge shall not be less than inlet nozzle area for inlet size upto 150 NB. The calculation for the selected number of cartridge shall be furnished, alongwith the bid. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER REV-1 Page 5 of 10 5.12 Suitable baffle plates shall be provided in the vessels for proper fluid flow distribution. Vessel diameter shall be minimum twice the diameter of inlet nozzle. All internal nuts and bolts shall be of stainless steel irrespective of material of construction of vessel. 5.13 All nozzles/ pipes on the vessel shall be of seamless construction. All nozzle less than or equal to 50 NB size shall be provided with 2 Nos., 6mm thick stiffeners at 90 degress to each other. All nozzles above 80 NB size, shall be provided with reinforcement pads. 5.14 All flanges shall be WNRF except DPT connection which is to be socket welded. 5.15 Dimensions of flanges including shell flanges, blind head cover flanges, nozzle flanges and blind flanges shall be as per ANSI B16.5. Larger flanges shall be as per ANSI B16.47. 5.16 Pressure parts joined by butt welds shall be with full penetration welds. Where both sides welding is not accessible, root run by tungsten inert gas process or backing strip, shall be used to ensure full penetration. Backing strip if used, shall be removed after welding. 5.17 Vessels shall be post weld heat treated, whenever it is required due to service requirement or due to code requirements. Vessels shall be post weld heat treated as a complete unit and no welding shall be permitted after the post weld heat treatment is completed. 5.18 For vessels in stainless steel construction, lower allowable stress values shall be considered as per ASME Code for their design. 5.19 Filter vessel shall be provided with lifting and earthing lugs. Fire proofing and insulation supports shall be provided if indicated in data sheet. 6.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.1 Equipment shall be subjected to stagewise expediting, inspection and testing at vendor's/ sub-vendor's works by purchaser/ its authorised inspection agency. Vendor shall submit Quality Assurance (QA) procedures before commencement of fabrication. Approved QA procedures shall form the basis for equipment inspection. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 6.2 REV-1 Page 6 of 10 Testing at vendor's works shall include but not limited to the following: • • • Non destructive tests such as radiography, dye penetration tests. Hydrostatic test at 150% of design pressure for the vessel. Any other tests as per data sheets/ standards/ codes. 6.3 Any or all the tests, at purchaser's option, shall be witnessed by purchaser/ its authorised inspection agency. However, such inspection shall be regarded as check-up and in no way absolve the vendor of this responsibility. 6.4 Extent of radiography shall be 100%. 7.0 PROTECTION AND PAINTING 7.1 All exposed carbon steel parts to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned from inside and outside to remove scale, rust, dirt and other foreign materials by wire brushing and sand blasting as applicable. Minimum acceptable standard in case of power tool cleaning shall be St. 3 and incase of blast cleaning shall be Sa 2½ as per Swedish Standard SIS 0055900. 7.2 Non-ferrous materials, austenitic stainless steels, plastic or plastic coated materials, insulated surfaces of equipment and pre-painted items shall not be painted. 7.3 Stainless steel surfaces both inside and outside shall be pickled and passivated. 7.4 Machined and bearing surfaces shall be protected with varnish or thick coat of grease. 7.5 Depending on the environment, following primer and finish coats shall be applied. i) Environment Description Normal Industrial Surface Preparation : Sa 2½ Primer : 2 coats of Redoxide zinc chromate each 25 microns (min.) thick. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 ii) iii) iv) Corrosive Industrial Coastal and Marine All Environment (temp. 80-400°C) REV-1 Page 7 of 10 Finish Coat : 2 coats of synthetic enamel, each 25 microns (min.) thick. Surface Preparation : Sa 2½ Primer : 2 coats of Epoxy zinc chromate each 35 microns (min.) thick. Finish Coat : 2 coats of Epoxy high build paint each 100 microns (min.) thick. Surface Preparation : Sa 2½ Primer : 2 coats of high build Chlorinated Rubber zinc phosphate, each 50 microns (min.) thick. Finish : 2 coats of chlorinated rubber paint, each 35 microns (min.) thick. Surface Preparation : Sa 2½ Finish : 2 coats of heat resistant aluminium paint suitable for specified temp. each 20 µ thick. (All values refer to dry film thickness). 7.6 The colour of finish coat shall be intimated to vendor after placement of order. 8.0 PACKAGING AND IDENTIFICATION 8.1 All packaging shall be done in such a manner as to reduce the volume. The equipment shall be dismantled into major components suitable for shipment and shall be properly packed to provide adequate protection during shipment. All assemblies shall be properly match marked for site erection. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER REV-1 Page 8 of 10 8.2 Attachments, spares parts of the equipment and small items shall be packed separately in wooden-cases. Each item shall be appropriately tagged with identification of main equipment, its denomination and reference number of the respective assembly drawing. 8.3 Detailed packing list in water-proof envelope shall be inserted in the package together with equipment. 8.4 Each equipment shall have an identification plate giving salient equipment data, make, year of manufacture, equipment number, name of manufacturer etc. 9.0 SPARE PARTS 9.1 Vendor shall submit his recommended list of spare parts with recommended quantities and itemised prices for first two years of operation of the equipment. Proper coding and referencing of spare parts shall be done so that later identification with appropriate equipment will be facilitated. 9.2 Recommended spares and their quantities should take into account related factors of equipment reliability, effect of equipment downtime upon production or safety, cost of parts and availability of vendor's service facilities around proposed location of equipment. 9.3 Vendor shall also submit a list of recommended commissioning spares with quantities and the itemised prices. 10.0 INFORMATIONS/ DOCUMENTS/ DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH THE OFFER Contractor shall submit with the offer four copies each of the following: 10.1 Manufacturer's complete descriptive and illlustrative catalogue/ literature. 10.2 The completion schedule activity wise. 10.3 In case of failure to submit the documents listed above, the offer may be rejected. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 11.0 REV-1 Page 9 of 10 INFORMATION/ DOCUMENTS/ DRAWINGS TO BE SUBMITTED BY SUCCESSFUL VENDOR Successful vendor shall submit six copies unless noted otherwise, each of the following : 11.1 Inspection & test reports for all mandatory tests as per the applicable code. Test reports for any supplementary tests, in nicely bound volumes. 11.2 Material test certificates (physical) property, chemical composition, make, heat treatment report etc.) as applicable for items in nicely bound volumes. 11.3 Statutory test certificates, as applicable. 11.4 Filled in QAP for Owner's/ Consultants approval. These QAP's shall be submitted in four copies. 11.5 WPS & PQR, as required. 11.6 Within two(2) weeks of placement of order, the detailed fabrication drawings alongwith mechanical design calculations for Owner's/ Consultants approval. These drawings shall be submitted in four copies. 11.7 Detailed completion schedule activity wise, within one week of placement of order. 11.8 Weekly & fortnightly progress reports for all activities including procurement. 11.9 Purchase orders of bought out items soon after placement of order. 11.10 Manufacturer's drawings for bought out items, in 4 copies, for Owner's/ Consultant approval within 4 weeks. 11.11 Manufacturer related information for design of civil foundation & other matching items within 6 weeks of LOI. D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I MECON LIMITED REGD. OFF RANCHI Annexure-E PROCESS & PIPING DESIGN SECTION NEW DELHI TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION NO. : MEC/TS/05/62/017 11.12 STANDARD SPECIFICATION CARTRIDGE FILTER REV-1 Page 10 of 10 All approved drawings/ documents as well as inspection and test reports for Owner's/ Consultants reference/ record in nicely category wise bound volumes separately. Note: All drawings, instructions, catalogues, etc. shall be in English language and all dimensions shall be metric units. 12.0 ORDER OF PRECEDENCE The following order of precedence shall govern in interpretation of various requirements and data : • • • • Data Sheets This Specification Codes & Standards Vendors Standards D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\017 - Cartridge Filter - TS.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E DATA SHEET FOR CARTRIDGE FILTER 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 8.0 8.1 9.0 PROJECT : NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT CLIENT : GAIL (India) Limited FOR IPP'S IN KG BASIN JOB NO. : 23J8 VENDOR : : OPERATING CONDITIONS : ITEM NO. : F-0101 QUANTITY : 01 NO. FILTER : CARTRIDGE FLUID HANDLED : NATURAL GAS MOLECULAR WEIGHT : 18.18 : INLET SIZE : 8" : OPER. PR. KG/CM2G : 50 PARTICLE/ MESH SIZE, MICRON > 2 MICRON PR. DROP KG/CM2, CLEAN/ DIRTY : 0.1 Max. :: CORROSION ALLOWANCE, MM : 2.0 TYPE : VERTICAL FLOW RATE, MMSCMD : Nor. : 1.0 ; Max. 1.3 FLUID VISC, CENTI-POISE : 0.014 : OUTLET SIZE : 8" : OPER. TEMP., °C : 5 - 45 FILTERATION EFF. % : 98 DUST CONC : 0 - 0.1 mg/SM3 OF GAS CORROSIVE/ TOXIC COMPONENT : CO 2 - NIL MATERIAL OF CONSTRUCTION SHELL : SA-515/ SA-516 Gr. 60/ 70 SA 106 Gr. B SHELL FLANGE : SA - 105 HEAD : : HEAD FLANGE : SA -105 BOTTOM : SA 515/ SA-516 Gr. 60/ 70SA 234 Gr. WPB PERFORATED SHEET : NOZZLES : SA-106 GR. B NOZZLE FLANGES : SA - 105 GASKET : SS-304, SPIRAL WOUND - CA FILLED FASTENER : SA-193 Gr. B7, SA-194 Gr. 2H `O' RING : BUNA-N SUPPORT : A283 Gr. C/ IS:2062 VENT VALVE : AS PER P&ID DRAIN VALVE : AS PER P&ID FILTER ELEMENT : FIBER GLASS MEDIA / POLYESTER TO SUIT WET GAS : DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN CODE : ASME SEC-VIII DIV-1 (LATEST EDITION) DESIGN PR. KG/CM2G : 92 DESIGN TEMP., °C : 65 NO. OF CARTRIDGE : : O.D. X LENGTH, : FILTER PR. DROP, KG/CM2 : MAKE : AS PER VENDOR LIST : : FIXING DETAIL : NUTS & BOLTS FLANGE RATING : 600# FLANGE FINISH : SMOOTH PSV SIZE : : DPT SIZE : : FLANGE TYPE : WNRF VENT SIZE : 1" DRAIN SIZE : 1" UC SIZE : NR HEAD CONNECTION : BLIND FLANGE WITH BOLTS & NUTS OVERALL DIMENSION OVERALL LENGTH, CM : : OVERALL HEIGHT, CM : : SHELL DIA, CM : : EMPTY WEIGHT, KGS : : OPERATING WT., KGS : : ACCESSORIES DAVIT DETAIL : YES PAINTING : SUITABLE TO CORROSIVE INDUSTRIAL REMARKS : 1) GAS COMPOSITION (%) C1 - 89.24, C2 - 6.41, C3 - 2.37, i-C4 - 0.432, n-C4 - 0.65, ENVIRONMENT REF. T.S. i-C5 - Nil, n-C5 - Nil, C6+ - 0.024, N2 - 0.869, CO2 - Nil 10.0 INSPECTION & TESTING : AS PER T.S. H2S - N.A. 2) GAS QUALITY : DRY NATURAL GAS : REV. NO VENDOR TO SPECIFY/ CONFIRM DATE ZONE DESCRIPTIONS BY APPRD REVISIONS SECTION PROCESS & PIPING NAME DATE CHKD DRG. NO. Maeka$Na ilim4eD DATE MECON LIMITED PROJECT : NATURAL GAS PIPELINE PROJECT DSGN FOR IPP'S IN KG BASIN DRWN APPROVED REFERENCES CLIENT : GAIL (India) Limited A.K. JOHRI CARTRIDGE FILTER FOR VEMAGIRI TAG NO. : F-0101 SCALE : DATA SHEET NO. : MEC/23J8/05/21/DS/CF/01 REV 0 This document and the design it covers are the property of MECON and issued for the specific project mentioned therein. This is not to be copied or used for other projects unless expressly permitted by MECON D:\Vijyant\IPP KG Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Add\DS-CF-01-Part-C-RIL Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-E 1.0 Valve Manufacturer : 2.0 Valve Size (NB), mm (inch) : 3.0 MECON's Technical Specification No. : 4.0 Connecting Pipeline Design Pressure, kg/cm2(g) 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Connecting Pipe Specification Material Diameter (OD), mm (inch) Thickness, mm : : : : 6.0 6.1. Valve Construction Design Port : Full 6.2. End Connections : : Flanged both ends Butt Weld both ends Flanged one end, butt weld other end 6.3. Flanges (wherever applicable) : a) RF b) Serrated 7.0 50(2") ANSI Rating : 150# MEC/TS/05/62/004, Rev-2 : 19 Design Temperature, °C : +65 N.A. FF RTJ Smooth (125 to 200 microinches AARH) 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 8.0 Corrosion Allowance : 1.5 mm 9.0 Location : Above Ground 10.0 Stem Extension Requirement : N.A. 11.0 Gear Operator Requirement : N.A. 12.0 Gas Powered Actuator Requirement : N.A. 13.0 Fire Resistant Design Requirement : N.A. 14.0 Valve Testing Requirement Flanged (as per ASME B16.5) NA NA Material Offered (Equivalent or Superior Service : Natural Gas Buried Test Pressure (min.), kg/cm2(g) Body Seat Regular Valve Material Specification Part Specified Material Body ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB Cover ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB Disc/ Plates (ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB + 13% Cr Steel Facing) / 13% Cr Steel Body Seat Rings (See Note-3) ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB + 13% Cr Steel Facing Disc Hinge ASTM A 216 Gr. WCB Hinge Pin 13% Cr Steel (No Casting) Cover Stud Bolts ASTM A 193 Gr. B7 Nuts ASTM A 194 Gr. 2H Cover Gasket SS 304 Spiral Wound with C.A. Filler Spring Inconel X-750 7.1 7.2 7.3 Design Standard : API 6D Minimum Duration, minutes 14.1 Hydrostatic Test 15.0 15.1 15.2 Valve Painting Specification Suitable for Environment Type Manufacturer's Painting Spec. No. : : Corrosive Industrial Environment Manufacturer to furnish 16.0 Lock Open/ Lock Close Requirement : N.A. 32 23 API 6D API 6D Notes: 1. This Valve Data Sheet shall be read in conjunction with MECON's Technical Specification No. MEC/TS/05/62/004. 2. Inspection and Testing shall be as per this Data Sheet, MECON's T.S., API 6D and other relevant standards. 3. Seats shall be non-renewable integral type. REV. NO. DATE ZONE DESCRIPTIONS BY APPRD REVISIONS SECTION PROCESS & PIPING NAME DSGN BB DATE CHKD CLIENT : REFERENCES DRG. NO. GAIL (NDIA) LIMITED DATE MECON LIMITED PROJECT : Natural Gas Supply To IPP's KG Basin Through Reliance Connectivity GS DRWN SCALE : APPROVED A.K. JOHRI DATA SHEET FOR CHECK VALVES (NB > 2") DATA SHEET NO. : MEC/23J8(Part C-RIL)/05/21/DS/CV002 REV 0 Enclosure to Addendum-I To Tender No. 05/51/23J8(Part-C-RIL)/GAIL/001A ANNEXURE – F [(Pertaining to Tender Drawing (Mechanical)] D:\old data\Vijyant\IPPS KG - Basin\Tender\Part-C-RIL\Addendum\Cover Annexure.doc Enclosure to Addendum-I Annexure-F