EVA_ newsletter_april_2021_EN.pub

Challenges for 2012
2010 & 2011 Market
VendExpo Moscow
New Coin Desgin
New Members
April 2012
APRIL 2012
Dear Vending Friends,
As of this issue, the “Lobbying” section will be
shorter than previously.
This is due to our
Members now receiving a monthly EU Newsletter, in addition to a quarterly, detailed Lobbying Report, and topic-specific Information
for Members.
Nevertheless, we wish non-members to have a thorough understanding
of what the EVA is doing on behalf of the vending industry and its value
by offering the opportunity to make an informed decision of joining our
The EVA monitors over 30 European Directives and Regulations that
have a direct impact on the vending industry.
It receives a constant
flow of information on new proposals and projects. Our readers can see
examples of proposals that we are busy analyzing to find out if they will
impact vending, in the lobbying section further on.
The EVA also has a number of initiatives to promote the image of vending at European level. Here are 3 worthy of mention:
As a founding member of the European Commission’s Diet and
Physical Activity Platform, the EVA informs stakeholders about
what vending really is, and fights pre-established stereotypes,
which have led to a complete machine ban in schools in France
The EVA’s protocol for energy measurement and rating is in the
pipeline to become the official EU Standard to measure energy
consumption from vending machines
The EVA has created the only pan-European vending conference,
EurOps, where operators from all over Europe can exchange on
business, and share solutions in a non-competitive environment
Over 50 of our member companies invest energy and human resources
in the EVA Committees. Beyond the fact that they are great association
players, they are getting a high enough return on their membership fee
to make it worth the time and energy.
Of course it isn’t until you actually get involved that you realize the full
potential of the association and how much it does.
Knowing what’s
coming for the industry means a better competitive position and bottom
line. We hope to see more members joining our committees in the very
near future.
Feel free to approach us so we can discuss together how YOU can benefit from being a member of the EVA!
Catherine Piana
APRIL 2012
Challenges for 2012
Vending to label allergens
health. The EVA, as representative of the
After three years of legislative negotiations
European vending industry, is one of the
on the provision of food information, the
main spokespersons at European level con-
Regulation was finally adopted end 2011.
tributing towards a better understanding of
The EVA managed to keep the vending in-
what our members are doing: offering qual-
dustry out of most of the provisions. Aller-
ity to our consumers, assuring faultless ser-
gen labeling will, however, become compul-
vices, and contributing to European eco-
sory for products mainly used in hot drinks
nomic growth.
machines and the EVA has decided to handle
this matter in a proactive way; indeed, the
Bans and food taxes
EVA’s Hygiene Committee will design a label
to help operators in Europe cope with the
decided to apply several bans and/or have
new measures.
raised taxes on certain products. The French
This dossier has triggered some far reaching
Parliament, for example, recently decided to
disputes between the industry and the con-
ban bisphenol A (BPA) from all packaging
sumer over the last few years. It certainly is
materials and articles in contact with food,
a clear indication that our society is moving
as for instance yogurt cups, as of 1st January
towards a no-risk-society, in which con-
2014. Taxes will or have already been raised
sumer safety is the highest bid. Nowadays,
in several Member States: tax on sugary
no one is willing to risk endangering human
drinks in France, tax on fatty foodstuff in
health by selling foodstuff with an expired
Hungary or the soda tax in Denmark. Do
use by date or for which insufficient informa-
these governments just wish to fill the cof-
tion is provided on ingredients or allergies
fers of their treasury or do they really want
they could contain. Much effort is made to
to push the population to eat/drink healthier
avoid spoiled food ending up in the con-
products? That is a difficult question to an-
sumer’s plate. The legislator often only takes
swer, but we must admit that fat and sugar
into consideration the representatives of the
are becoming a focal point for authorities.
consumers’ point of view - often foget-
How far will it go? A snowball effect may oc-
ting how burdensome measures can become
cur all over Europe, given that
for the industry. The right balance must be
Health Organisation, and the European Com-
found, because the industry, and especially
mission are both launching several strate-
the vending industry is composed, in major-
gies to combat overweight and obesity, as
ity, of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises)
well as promoting physical activity. The
that quite often do not possess sufficient re-
sources to apply difficult measures. Legisla-
changes, as our aim is to avoid that the
tors and stakeholders must bargain in order
vending industry becomes a scapegoat for
to preserve jobs and to ensure consumer
health problems related to obesity.
the World
APRIL 2012
Promoting vending
We want to promote the image that a vend-
Equipment working in an environment
with an explosive atmosphere
ing machine is like a mini supermarket, open
24/7, offering products similar to a conven-
European Plastic Waste Strategy
ience store. A challenge for 2012 and for the
Metal Beverage Cans
coming years will be to promote a positive
Eco-label for and energy-efficiency of
image of our industry amongst all kinds of
authorities. Alongside the protection of our
Drinking Water
image, is the competitiveness for all vending
Green Public Procurement
actors that must be maintained. For this rea-
Payment Services Directive
son, the EVA monitors many legislative ini-
Consumer Rights Directive
tiatives that might impact vending and will
European Accessibility Act
lobby for their interests where it is neces-
Revision of the Low Voltage Directive
Revision of the Pressure Vessels Directive
Some issues for 2012:
European market for card, internet and
mobile payments
Fluorinated gases
Revision of the Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive
Revision of the Radio and Telecommunications Directive (R&TTE)
vending machines and non-domestic
Road Transport and break times for
hot drinks machines
The EVA speaks about EU lobbying trends
More with less
In the context of the current economic recession, Trade Associations are urged to
do more with less. Members demand that
the Association shows clear added value,
The EVA was invited to the EU Public Affairs
and return on membership fee.
Action Day on 8 February, in Brussels. This
new technologies allow an increase in
event gathered the main EU Public Affairs
quality and productivity alike, as long as
the association shows creativity and readi-
Catherine Piana, the EVA Director General,
ness to embrace the new technological en-
was invited to speak on the Kellen Europe
panel, which discussed the EU lobbying
trends. Here is a summary of her contribution.
APRIL 2012
An efficient radar and intuitive know-how
As a result of the Lisbon Treaty, the multiple
When the EVA was created there were less
levels are also much more relevant than in the
than 10 subjects on the EVA agenda. Today
past, requiring national, regional, European,
there are over 30. The information that the
and sometimes also worldwide associations to
EVA is getting is constant, abundant and
have a cohesive voice.
sources, both digital, EU official and informal.
Professional communicators
In this information labyrinth, it is crucial to
EU lobbying is more about communication than
have an efficient radar system when scanning
it is about legal documents.
the horizon, as well as sound intuition about
speed and transparency of information today,
what will and won’t make it onto the political
you have to get it right the first time over, as
one would rather avoid unwanted publicity on
And with the
Twitter or Youtube You have to occupy cyber
Self-regulation or co-legislation?
space but with the right dosage, be original,
Intuition is also very useful in anticipating leg-
and in the end – and this is the paradox of to-
islation, as this is a way to reduce the eco-
day’s digital information environment – make
nomic impact and use the opportunity to in-
it personal.
crease the image asset of the industry. Being
proactive with the EU Institutions is a definite
Branding the association
advantage, and to this end the EVA needs ex-
This whole set of trends cumulate into the
pertise from its members including facts and
brand and reputation concept.
figures. In doing this however, we have to un-
cial Responsibility and Governance are more
derstand that there is a substantial dimension
than just buzzwords in Brussels, they are cru-
of emotion and societal awareness in EU policy
cial for anyone wanting to actively lobby in
making. Therefore the EVA may sometimes
Brussels. Lobbyists must come not only bear-
come across as too mild for its members, but
ing a set of values but must concretely show
this is necessary to protect the industry’s
these in how they operate such as: consis-
credibility and to maintain its position in Brus-
tency, transparency, legitimacy and credibility.
The competition lawyer is now becoming part
Corporate So-
of a number of associations’ backbones, and
3D lobbying
no meeting takes place without referring to
When actively lobbying in the EU, one needs to
competition law, or even signing a competition
adopt multiple strategies. Whilst in the past we
would have produced only one position paper,
which we would have used for the whole dura-
Personal relations are still key points
tion of the lobbying case, with a press release
At the EVA these trends are well understood,
or newsletter article thrown in, today associa-
and they go hand in hand with maintaining a
tions must have multiple tools, including fact
good personal network. This is probably what
sheets, stories to feed the press, blog posts,
has not changed in Brussels, and what will
continue to make the difference.
posts, etc.
APRIL 2012
EVA to publish 2010 and 2011 Market Figures this spring!
Further to the EVA/Datamonitor surveys that
Kingdom’s AVA Census.
were produced in 2009 and 2010, thanks to a
joint effort of the EVA and some of its mem-
The new 2010 and 2011 Survey will be
bers, the EVA has designated David Hoskin to
available free of charge to the EVA Members,
produce the 2010 and 2011 statistics of the
and upon purchase by non-members.
European vending industry.
David Hoskin has been the EVA President for
The EVA will announce the publication of the
survey in due time, so watch this space.
many years, and is the author of the United
VendExpo Moscow looks at technologies in the 21st Century
The EVA was present for the 3rd
time at VendExpo Moscow, which
took place from 13 to 15th March.
This Expo, organized by the EVA
Member EMTG, is a well-known
vending spot for both vending and
the kiosk industries. It is themed:
“Vending technologies in the XXIst
century”, and seminars were held
throughout the show by various
vending stakeholders to discuss
the state of vending in Russia and
growth opportunities.
APRIL 2012
EVA to launch new Coin Design Handbook at the MDC
written by the EVA Coin Group members,
under the dynamic chairmanship of Klaus
Meyer-Steffens (Crane Payment Systems –
NRI), and with Andrew Yellop (MEI), Bob
Miller (Coinco), Simon Scott-Brown (SCAN
COIN) and Andy Radmer (NGZ). The document is a detailed manual, which is used by
over 50 Mints on a daily basis, to get information on how they can design and produce
circulation coins that will perform securely
and consistently in validators. In this edition,
The EVA’s Coin Design Handbook is a well
the latest coin constructions are reviewed
known and much appreciated publication in the
and commented, and recommendations are
Minting world. At the next biennial edition of
made to optimize them.
the Mint Directors Conference, to be held in
Handbook now also more widely covers the
Vienna from 6
to 11
May, the EVA will
launch the updated version, which has been
Furthermore, the
validators in use in high-speed machines
that are used for coin counting and sorting.
APRIL 2012
Spotlights on innovation at Vending Paris
Organised in partnership with NAVSA, the
French Vending Association, Vending Paris will
be showcasing the latest technologies and new
them to meet changing consumer demand in
the most effective way.
fordable solutions available anywhere and at
any time. Vending offers a genuine response to
this need, providing food products and beverages, everyday basics and consumer goods.
Vending Paris is a unique opportunity to review
the latest market developments and explore
Corinne Menegaux, Director of the Hotel and
Catering Division at Reed Expositions France
and Director of Vending Paris.
Paris 2012 has all the ingredients to make this
a must-attend event for vending professionals.
NAVSA has been delighted to sponsor the International Vending Show since 1998 – an
with NAVSA. The EVA will support the second International Business Day on Friday 26
October by presenting the latest market and
legislative threats, as well as moderating a
Europe’s leading national associations (AVA,
The show will also feature Vending Canteen
needs. The second session of Vending Canteen analyses the role played by vending in
everyday life and highlights potential growth
areas – especially in convenience outlets.
Students from industrial design school Strate
Collège will present an original display illustrating the latest innovative products and
Canteen, International Business Day – Vending
Paris, where it will share a common space
round table with the representatives of
“Increasingly consumers are looking for af-
The EVA will again be present at Vending
strategies in the food service sector, highlights
emerging trends and anticipates the key challenges of the future. With three days of networking between suppliers and visitors, Vending Paris is helping to drive the ongoing profes-
technologies, and offering their vision of how
the world of vending could look in the future.
A talk programme focused on key current
issues: Vending Paris invites leading market
professionals (from NAVSA, food service
consultancy Gira Conseil, etc.) to present
the overall market figures for vending and
pinpoint the sector’s defining trends. The
range of expert insights will include presentations by vending operators and by users,
too – providing a panoramic overview that’s
firmly grounded in market realities.
sional development of businesses in our sector
– a sector where service and quality are more
crucial factors than ever.” Jean-Marc Nigond,
President of NAVSA.
APRIL 2012
VendItalia announces the Vending Revolution
The EVA will be present in Milan for the sixth
edition of VendItalia from 9 to 12 May. organised by CONFIDA. VendItalia 2012 will be
building on the previous editions’ success. Mirroring the dynamism of the Italian vending industry, the show has increased its space from
20 to 30,000 sqm. Confida will run a number
of events during the show. The previous
event welcomed 271 exhibitors from 14
countries and 20,000 visitors. The association is confident that this edition will be even
more successful.
Vending Benelux
The EVA will also be present and support the
second edition of Vending Benelux, organised
on 31 May and 1 June in Antwerp. Encouraged
by last year’s success, the organizers have de-
cided to gather the Benelux vending players
once again, and as of 2012 it will become an
established biennial trade fair, holding its
own amongst key European trade fairs.
EVA travels to meet German operators
The EVA’s Regulatory Affairs Manager, Erwin
Wetzel, travelled to Essen and to Düsseldorf
end of January to visit two German operators: ASM (Automaten Service Maurer) of
the EVA’s Treasurer Michael Maurer, and Betriebsverpflegung Blum. He spent two days
observing the day-to-day work of a mediumsized operator. The purpose was to understand how vending works in practice, how a
vending business runs, which factors must
be taken into account, what kind of problems operators have to face and how the
vending market is evolving in Germany. It is
certainly important for the EVA to get to
know how vending operates in order to bet-
ter represent its interests vis-à-vis the European institutions. It was a very beneficial
experience and the EVA will continue visiting
its members in the different countries to ensure a good communication and transfer of
Industries Association (Orgalime), together
with other big trade associations. This position paper expresses our concern if this new
measure were to be put in place. The Technical Committee will be closely following the
outcome of the vote at their next meeting,
scheduled beginning 2012.
APRIL 2012
New Members
Equipment Manufacturer
Machine Manufacturer
Vending Telemetry Solution Provider
April 2012
09-12 May 2012
Venditalia 2012
31 May -1 June 2012
Vending Benelux
24-26 October 2012
Vending Paris
European Vending Association aisbl
44 rue van Eyck, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 (0)2 512 00 75 - Fax: +32 (0)2 502 23 42
vending@vending-europe.eu - www.vending-europe.eu