supplement law (0909).pub - Library

Penal & Private Law
Basics of research methods for criminal justice and criminology, 2nd Ed. ( 364 MAX b)
Beberapa masalah perbandingan hukum pidana ( 345 ARI b)
Core statutes on criminal law ( 345 COO c)
Dasar-dasar hukum perdata internasional, buku 1 ( 341 HAR d)
Eksistensi pidana denda dalam sistem pidana dan pemidanaan ( 345 SUP e)
Hukum acara perdata Indonesia ( 347.598 MER h)
Hukum pidana militer di Indonesia ( 343.015 SAL h)
Information technology and the criminal justice system ( 364.9285 INF i)
International criminal law and its enforcement: cases and materials ( 345 VAN i)
Kedudukan perusahaan sebagai subjek dalam gugatan perdata di pengadilan ( 346.066 SUP k)
Latihan ujian hukum pidana: untuk perguruan tinggi ( 345.0076 LAT l)
Malpraktek dan resiko medik dalam kajian hukum pidana ( 344.04121 ISF m)
Pembentukan hukum melalui putusan pengadilan dalam perkara pidana ( 345.05 MOE p)
Pengantar hukum perdata di Indonesia ( 347 TUT p)
September 2009
Subject Guide on
Business Law
Faculty of Law has three concentrations: Business Law, International
Law, and Legal Practice Proficiency.
A corresponding Call Number is given for every search term. Below is a selective list
of subject headings that can be found in our on-line catalogue that will help you to locate the
Law Theories
A Common law of international adjudication ( 341.55 BRO c)
An Introduction to law, 7th Ed. ( 340.1 HAR i)
Business law ( 346.4207 KEL b)
Cases and materials on international law ( 341.026 HAR c)
Children's rights and the developing law ( 342.08772 FOR c)
Conflict of laws ( 340.90941 COL c)
Constitutional monarchy, rule of law and good governance ( 321.87 CON c)
Contract law in perspective ( 346.02 MUL c)
Corporation law ( 346.066 FER c)
Defining terrorism in international law ( 345.02 SAU d)
Dimensions of private law: categories and concepts in Anglo-American Legal Reasoning ( 346 WAD d)
Diplomatic law: a commentary on the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations ( 341.33 DEN d)
E-Commerce law ( 343.4109944 TOD e)
Electronic media law ( 343.730994 SAD e)
Essentials of medical law ( 344.041 ESS e)
European union public law: text and materials ( 341.2422 CHA e)
Fundamentals of business law ( 346.07 BAR f)
Hukum medik (medical law) ( 344.041 GUW h)
Intellectual property law and strategy ( 346.048 HAM i)
Anderson's business law and the legal environment ( 346.7307 TWO a)
Bianglala business jugment rule ( 346.07 BOE b)
Business law ( 346.07 KEL b)
Business law: the ethical, global, and e-commerce environment ( 346.7307 BUS b)
Employment law for business ( 344.7301 BEN e)
Essentials of business law and the legal environment ( 346.07 MAN e)
Fundamentals of business law ( 346.07 BAR f)
Indonesian business law ( 346.59807 GAU i)
International business transaction: a problem-oriented coursebook ( 343.07 INT i)
International trade and business law review, volume IX, August 2005 ( 343.087 INT i)
Introduction to business law in Singapore ( 346.07 CHA i)
Law and ethics in the business environment ( 174.4 HAL l)
The Law of business organisations ( 346.07 MCG l)
The Legal environment of business ( 346.07 MEI l)
The Legal, ethical, and international environment of business ( 174.4 BOH l)
Tax Law
Akuntansi perpajakan terapan ( 657.46 PRA a)
Dasar-dasar hukum pajak dan perpajakan ( 343.04 SUM d)
Hand out kuliah perpajakan atas badora (badan dan orang asing) ( 336.24 SOE h)
Himpunan Peraturan Pelaksana Pajak Penghasilan 2001 ( 343.052 PAR h)
Hukum pajak ( 343.04 BUR h)
Undang-Undang Penataan Ruang (UU RI No. 26 Th. 2007) (R 346.045 UND u)
Undang-Undang Pembentukan Peraturan Perundang-Undangan 2004 (UU RI No.10 Th.2004) (R 342.02 UND u)
UUD 1945 hasil amandemen dan proses amandemen UUD 1945 secara lengkap (pertama 1999-keempat 2002)
(R 342.03 UND u)
UUD RI 1945 setelah amandemen ketiga tahun 2001 (R 342.03 UND u)
Undang-Undang Perikanan 2004 (UU RI No.31 Th. 2004) tentang perikanan (R 343.07692 UND u)
Undang-Undang TNI 2004 (UU RI No.34 Th. 2004) tentang Tentara Nasional Indonesia (R 343.59801 UND u)
Undang-Undang Perlindungan Konsumen 1999 (Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999) (R 343.598071 UND u)
• Project MUSE
Canadian Journal of Law & Society
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies
University of Toronto Law Journal
• SpringerLink
Law & Critique
Law & Philosophy
Encyclopedia of Crime & Justice, 2nd ed., 4v, 2002
Some of The Library collection of journal & magazines on law are:
International Journal
Asian Journal of Comparative Law
Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
National Journal
Mediasi : mengangkat harkat dan martabat insani
Buru Koruptor : Tegakkan hukum, kembalikan uang rakyat
Jentera : Jurnal Hukum
Jurnal Hak Asasi Manusia
Jurnal Hukum Bisnis
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Pelita Harapan
Jurnal Keadilan
Jurnal Pemasyarakatan HAM
Law Review
Majalah Hukum Trisakti : menjalin komunikasi hukum
Reformasi Hukum
SUAR : Warkat Warta
Business News
Forum Keadilan
To access the database, please go to You will required to input your
NIM/NIK and your patron barcode (To obtain it, please call information desk, 1370/1372, or
circulation desk, 1384 - 85).
Recommended links for free-access Law:
• Academic Info: online education resource center
• The National Academies Press
• Vascoda
Selected Book on Law
You may access these journals on the periodicals room 2nd floor. For further information, contact our periodical staff at the ext. 1371.
Digital journal & reference collection of the Library, the database or from the websites. For free access websites, see this edition Bulletin, or contact ext.1370/1372.
The related online database are:
• West Law
Psychology, Crime & Law
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology
• ProQuest
Law & Society Review, Amherst
Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Chicago
Journal of Law & Economics
The Journal of Legal Studies
Call Number
: Procedures in International Law
: Biehler, Gernot
: Springer
: 2008
: 352 p.
: 341 BIE p
: 3rd Floor
This book explains us about legal procedure which determines the law. The
great variety of procedures which determine international law including diplomatic means is comprehensively examined. This perspective is original and
helps to explain foreign policy expediencies and conflicting prescriptive rules.
Also contains a synopsis of national bases of jurisdiction.