© Reg. No. cPn. \º¿ KL/TV(N)/12/2009-2011 Government of Kerala tIcf k¿°m¿ 2009 KERALA GAZETTE tIcf Kkddv PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY B[nImcnIambn {]kn≤s∏SpØp∂Xv Vol. LIV hmeyw 54 } THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, TUESDAY Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw, sNmΔ 1st September 2009 2009 sk]väw_À 1 10th Bhadra 1931 1931 `m{Zw 10 No. \º¿ } 35 PART III Department of Electrical Inspectorate hn⁄m]\w \º¿ Fw.3˛12793/2009/kn.C.sF. 2009 BKÃv 3. tIcf kwÿm\ hnZyp- — ‡n ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uv tIc- f Ønse hnhn[ tI{μ- ß - f n¬h®v \hw- _ ¿ amk- Ø n¬ \S- Ø p- h m≥ Dt±- i n- ° p∂ Ce- I v { Sn- ° ¬ kq∏¿ssh- k ¿ _n. t{KUv ]co- £ bv ° v \n›nX tbmKy- X - b p- ≈ h - c - n¬\n∂pw At]-£I - ƒ £Wn-®psIm≈p∂p. ] - co-£b - n¬ hnP-bn-°p-∂h - ¿°v tIcf kwÿm\ hnZyp-—‡n ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uv \nb-aØnse 29 (1), 30 (1) F∂o hIp-∏pIƒ -{]I-mcw Ce-Iv{Sn-°¬ kq∏¿ssh-k¿ ‘_n’ t{KUv tIm-ºn-‰≥kn k¿´n-^n-°‰pw s]¿an‰pw \¬Ip-∂X - m-W.v kq∏¿ssh-k¿ ]co-£b - ° v p≈ At]-£m-^mdw Pn√m Ce-I{v Sn-°¬ C≥kvs]-ISv dpsS B^o-kn¬\n∂pw “004-3˛00-˛800-˛99” F∂ io¿j-I-Øn¬ 110 (\q-‰n-∏-Øv) cq] {Sj-dn-bn¬ AS®v A ¬ sNem≥ ckoXv klnXw At]- £ n- ® m¬ e`n- ° p∂- X m- W v . IqSmsX At]- £ m- ^ m- d - Ø ns‚ amXrI www.ceikerala.gov.in F∂ sh_vssk‰n¬\n∂pw Uu¨temUpsNbvsXSp-°m-hp-∂-Xm-Wv. Uu¨temUv sNbvX At]-£-tbm-sSm∏w At]-£m-^o-kmb 110 cq]-bpsS sNem\pw lmPcmt°≠-Xm-Wv. At]-£m-^mdw 2009 sk]v‰w-_¿ 30-˛mw Xob-Xn-hsc Pn√m Ce-Iv{Sn-°¬ C≥kvs]-IvS-dpsS B^o-kp-I-fn¬\n∂pw e`n-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. ]qcn-∏n® At]£Iƒ \n›nX tcJ-I-tfm-Sp-IqSn sk{I-´-dn, tIcf tÉv CeIv{Snkn‰n ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uv, No^v Ce-I{v Sn-°¬ C≥kvs]-ISv dpsS Imcym-eb - w, luknwKv t_m¿Uv _n¬Unw-K,v im¥n-\K - ¿, Xncp-h\ - ¥ - ] - p-cw-˛695 001, F∂ ta¬hnem-k-Øn¬ 2009 sk]v‰w-_¿ 30-˛mw XobXn sshIp-t∂cw 5 aWn°v apºmbn e`n®ncn-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. No^v CeIv{Sn°¬ C≥kvs]IvSdpsS Imcymebw, Xncp-h-\-¥-]p-cw. Gaz. No. 35/2009/DTP (Electrical Inspectorate). (H∏v) sk{I´dn, tIcf tÉv CeIv{Snkn‰n ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uv. 8 KERALA GAZETTE [PART III A\p_‘w Ce-Iv{Sn-°¬ kq∏¿ssh-k¿ _n˛t{KUv ]co£ – 2009 1. tbmKyXIƒ.— kq∏¿ssh-k¿ _n-˛t{KUv ]co£ Fgp-Xp-hm≥ Dt±-in-°p∂ ]co-£m¿∞n-Iƒ Xmsg ]d-bp∂ GsX-¶nepw Hcp hn`m-K-Øn¬ Dƒs∏-´-h-cm-bn-cn-°Ww. (1) 2007˛\ptijw ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uv ]co£ FgpXn ]cmPbs∏´h¿. \S-Øn-bn-´p≈ kq∏¿ssh-k¿ ]co-£bv°v At]£n®v (2) hb¿am≥, Ce- I v { So- j y≥ F∂o t{KUp- I - f n¬- F≥.- k n.- h n.- ‰ n. ]co£ (sF.- ‰ n.- s - F .), sI.- P n.- k n.C. (C-eI - v{S-n°¬ F©n-\o-bd - nw-Kv) ]co£ F∂nh ]m m-bh - ¿, tIcf kwÿm\ hnZyp-—‡n ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uns‚ hb¿am≥ s]¿an‰v FSp- Ø - X n- \ p- t ijw Npcp- ß n- b Xv c≠p sIm- √ sØ hb- d nwKv kw_-‘-am-b {]tbm-KnI ]cn-⁄m\w t\Sn-b-h¿. (3) ssek≥knwKv t_m¿Uns‚ hb¿am≥ ]co£ FgpXn ]m mbn s]¿an‰v In´n-b-hcpw A{]‚o-kvjn∏v apX-em-bh Dƒs∏´ A©ph¿jsØ {]mtbm-KnI ]cn-PvRm\w t\Sn-b-hcpw (s]¿an‰v In´n-b-Xn-\p-tijw \mep-h-¿jsØ ]cn-N-bw). 2. -hn-Zym-`ym-k -tbm-KyX.—At]-£-I≥ Fkv.- F-kv.- F¬. -kn.- tbm XØp-ey-amb ]co-£-tbm ]m m-bn-cn-°Ww. 3. {- ]m-b] - c - n[n˛˛-hn-⁄m-]\ Xob-Xn-bn¬ At]-£I - \v 18 hbkvv ]q¿Øn-bm-bn-cn-°W - w. 65 hb v ]q¿Ønbmbh¿°v Cu ]co-£bv°v At]-£n-°m≥ A¿lX D≠m-bn-cn-°p-∂-X-√. 4. ^okv: —tIcfØnse GsX¶nepw Kh¨sa‚ v {Sjdnbn¬/P\tkh\ tI{μØn¬ “0043˛00˛800˛99” F∂ io¿jIØn¬ 360 (ap∂q‰n Adp]Xv) cq] AS® A ¬ sNem≥ At]£tbmsSm∏w lmPcm°Ww. Hcn°¬ \¬Inb ^okv XncnsI \¬IpItbm at‰sX¶nepw BhiyØn\v \o°pt]m°p \SØpItbm sNøp-∂X√. 5. hb pw hnZym`ymk tbmKyXbpw sXfnbn°p∂Xn\p-ff k¿´n^n°‰pIfpsS ]I¿∏pIƒ Kk‰Uv B^ok¿ km£ys∏SpØn Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. sXmgn¬ DS-a-bn¬ \n∂p-ff kz`mh k¿´n-^n-°-d-dns‚ A ¬ lmP-cm-°-Ww. 6. At]£ £Wn-®psIm≠p-ff hn⁄m-]-\-Øns‚ \ºcpw Xob-Xnbpw At]£bpsS apI-fn¬ -FgptX≠-Xm-Wv. 7. ]cn-Nb k¿´n-^n-°-ddv At]-£-bn¬ sImSp-Øn-´p-ff t^md-Øn-em-bn-cn-°-Ww.- ]co£m¿∞n H∂n¬ IqSp-X¬ sXmgn¬ DS-aI - f - psS Iogn¬ tPmen sNbvXn-´p-s≠-¶n¬ Hmtcmcp-Øc - n¬ \n∂pw {]tXyIw k¿´n-^n-°d - dpw lmP-cm-t°-≠X - mWv.Ct∏mƒ tPmen sNøp∂ sXmgn-ep-S-a-bpsS k¿´n-^n-°-ddv At]-£-bn-ep-ff t^md-Ønepw ad-dp-f-fh AtX -am-Xr-I-bnepw Bbn-cn-°-Ww. 8. k¿Δokv Bcw- ` n- ° p- I bpw Ah- k m- \ n- ∏ n- ° p- I bpw sNbv X - X ns‚ IrXy- a mb Xob- X n- I ƒ 10- ˛ mw tImf- Ø n¬ Fgp-tX-≠X - m-Wv. 9. At]-£t- bm-sSm-∏a - p-ff lmƒ Sn°-dd - p-If - psS Hdn-Pn-\¬, Uyqπn-t°-ddv t^md-ßf - n¬ t^mt´m ]Xn®v At]-£b - n¬ ]d-™n-´p≈ {]Imcw ]qcn-∏n®v Ab-bvt°-≠-Xm-Wv. 10. At]-£-tbm-sSm-∏w Xmsg-∏-d-bp∂ {]am-W-߃ lmP-cm-°-Ww. (1) 0043-˛00-˛800-˛99 io¿j-IØ - n¬ 360 cq] AS® A ¬ sNem≥ ckoXv. IqSmsX Uu¨temUv sNbvX At]-£mt^m-dw -k-a¿∏n°p∂h¿ At]£m t^md-Øns‚ hne-bmb 110 cq]-bpsS sNem≥ ckoXv IqSn ka¿∏n-t°-≠-Xm-Wv. (2) Xmsg ]d- b p∂ tbmKy- X - I ƒ sXfn- b n- ° p∂ k¿´n- ^ n- ° - d - d p- I - f psS icn- ∏ - I ¿∏p- I ƒ (K- k - d - d Uv Hm^ok¿ km£y-s∏-Sp-Øn-bX - v). (F) h - b - v . (_n) hnZym-`ymk tbmKyX. (kn) hb¿am≥ s]¿an-‰n-s‚bpw tImºn-‰≥kn k¿´n-^n-°-‰n-s‚bpw ]I¿∏p-Iƒ. (3) -{]m-tbm-KnI ]cn-N-b-Øns‚ k¿´n-^n-°-‰v. (4) 2007˛tem AXn-\p-ti-jtam ]co£ FgpXn tXmd-d-h¿, apºv e`n® lmƒSn-°-d-dns‚ ]I¿∏v lmP-cm-°-Ww. (5) -kz¥w ta¬hn-em-k-sa-gp-Xn-bXpw 5 cq] kvddm-sºm-´n-®-Xp-amb 10- sk.- ao × 24 -sk. -ao. hen-∏-Øn-ep-ff c≠v Ih-dp-Iƒ. \yq\-X-bp-f-fXpw sshIn-°n-´p-∂-Xpamb At]-£-Iƒ as‰mcp Adn-bn∏v IqSmsX \nc-kn-°p-∂-Xm-Wv. 1St SEPT. 2009] DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORATE 9 ]co£m {Ia-߃/hnjb߃ (]-co£m kne-_kv Cw•o-jn¬ A\y{X sImSp-Øn-´p-≠v.) 1. ]m¿´v H∂nse t]∏¿ H∂n\pw t]∏¿ c≠n\pw In´n-bn-cn-°W - w. 2. ]m¿´v c≠nse In´n-bn-cn-°W - w. {]mtbm-KnI sSk-vd-dn\v 100 \qdp-hoXw am¿°m-Wp-f-f-Xv. ]m m-Ip-hm≥ 40% am¿°mWp-f-fXv. AXn¬ ]m m-Ip-hm≥ am¿°v hoXw Ipd-™Xv 50% am¿°v 3. FgpØv ]co-£bv°v (Xn-bd - n) 40% am¿°n¬ Ipd-bmsX hmßp-∂h - ¿°v am{Xta {]mtbm-KnI ]co-£bv°v Ccn-°p-hm≥ A¿l-Xb - p-ff - q. 4. -C-e-Iv{Sn-°¬ kq∏¿sshk¿ tImºn-d-d≥kn k¿´n-^n-°-ddv sImSp-°p-∂-hn-[w:— (1) ] - c - o-£b - n¬ samØw 130-˛\p apI-fnepw 180-˛¬ Xmsgbpw am¿t°m-Sp-IqSn ]m m-Ip-∂h - ¿°v 25 sI.-Uªyp Im‰K-dn. (2) -]-co-£-bn¬ samØw 180-˛Hm AXn¬ IqSp-Xtem am¿°v In´n ]m m-Ip-∂-h¿°v 50 sI.-Uªyp Im‰K-dn. (3) ]co-£-bn¬ ]m mbn tIm-ºn-‰≥kn k¿´n^n-°‰pw s]¿an‰pw In´p∂h¿ Hcp sIm√Øn\ptijw am{Xta kvtIm∏v Iq´p-hm-\p≈ At]£ ka¿∏n-°p-hm≥ ]mSp-≈q. DETAILS OF ELECTRICAL SUPERVISOR ‘B’ GRADE EXAMINATION - 2009 PART I PAPER I Basic Electrical Engineering—Theory Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours. 1. Principles of Electricity :— Electric pressure, current and resistance, Ohm’s Law, Krichoffs Law—Specific resistance. Law of resistance and their application for calculating voltage drop. Series and parallel circuits. Unit of voltage, current, resistance, power and energy, relation between electrical power unit (kW) and mechanical power unit (H.P.), Inductance, Capacitances, Reactances, Impedances. 2. Electromagnetism:—Production of E.M.F.—Faraday’s and Lenzes Laws and Flemings hand rules, Magnetic, chemical and heating of electric current. Magnetic properties of material, Permeability, Hystersis, Electromagnets and their application. 3. Materials :—Conductors—Semi conductors and insulators, Classes of insulation—Insulating materials and their relative merits. Transformer Oil, Effect of heat and moisture on insulation. Lubricants and their uses—Dielectrics— Dielectric strength permittivity. 4. Circuits :— Series, Parallel, Series-parallel circuits, Phasors addition, substraction, multiplication and division, complex impedance—Phase Sequence Simple L.C.R. circuit and solutions—Star delta connections and transformations. Power and power factor—Network solutions-3 phase circuits—Balanced and unbalanced loads—Symmetrical components and sequence impedance. 5. Generation of Electricity: (a) A. C. Generators—Constructional features and essential components—E.M.F. equation—Synchronous Reactance, Regulation, Voltage control—Synchronizing—Synchroscopes—Bright lamp and dark lamp methods. (b) D.C. Generators—Essential components and constructional features, shunt, series and compound dynamos and their characteristics. Causes of sparking-Interpoles, Commutators and their maintenance, Carbon brushes, their adjustment and methods of voltage regulations. 6. Transformer: —Single phase and 3 phase transformers—Constructional features-Transformation ratio- Voltage and current equations-Magnetizing current, leakage reactance-Equivalent circuit- Core and copper losses-efficiency-Open circuit and short circuit tests-Auto transformers-temperature rise-3 phase connections and vector group-Scott connectionInstrument transformers—Territory windings-dry type transformer. 10 KERALA GAZETTE [PART III 7. Motors:— (a) A. C. Motors—Rotating magnetic field, single phase induction motors—Different types—Working Principle of 3 phase induction motors—Squirrel cage and slip-ring —Methods of starting, Slip torque characteristics, no load and blocked rotor tests—Efficiency—Circle diagram and determination of characteristics, synchronous motors, Commutator motors. (b) D.C. Motors—Theory of series, shunt and compound wound motors, their uses, installation, methods of starting and speed control and reversal of direction. 8. Conversions:—Motor generator sets—Rectifiers—Half wave and Full wave rectifiers—Single phase and 3 phase— Voltage Equation—Filtering. 9. Batteries:—Primary cells, dry cells, Storage or secondary batteries— Constructional features of storage batteries or accumulators and their installations. Lead acid cells, Nickel iron or alkaline cells, Initial and subsequent charging of batteries, charging circuits and their calculations. Series and parallel circuits. maintenance of batteries. Use of hydrometers. 10. Transmission and distribution:—Line constants—Determination of voltage drop—Regulation—Short, medium and long lines, Ferranti effect, Economic size of conductors—Coronaloss—Power loss-design of a ground conductorLightening arrestors. 11. Constructional feature of U. G. Cables:—Fault location—Murray and varley loop tests-Charging currents. PAPER II Basic Electrical Engineering—Application Maximum Marks : 100 Time : 3 Hours. 1. Design of Electrical Installations—Load survey-Domestic-Commercial and industrial installations-Connected load— Maximum demand-Demand factor—Diversity factor, Load factor-Selection of sub-station site- transformer capacitySelection of distribution voltage-Main and sub-switch boards-Distribution fuse board—M.C.C.—P.M.C.C.—P.C.C. Distribution layout—Location of switch board—Fault level calculations. 2. Selection of Equipments—Different types of breakers-O.C.B.—A.C.B-V.C.B.—M.C.C.B.—M.C.B.—Contactors. Breaking capacity—Making capacity. Selection of Distribution fuse board—Continuous ratings-H.R.C. fuses-prospective currents—Cut off values—Selection of major and minor fuses-Grading switch boards, design of outlets, fabrication. design-Parameters—F.B.A. Regulations. Cable short time and continuous rating-De-rating factors-Methods of layingDesign aspects of different type of cables in Hazardous areas-Motors-Selection method of starting D.C. Motors-Speed control, Limitation on starting current and voltage drop-system disturbance. High voltage motors, Protection— Capacitors—Power factors improvement-Selection and method of connection-Special type transformers-Rectified transformers-Scott connection-tertiary windings-Captive generation—Determination of capacity-Load segregation-Double bus system, change over arrangements-I.S. Regulations. 3. Protection— Basic methods of Transformer, Generator, Motors and Feeder protections, thermal and magnetic releases-Relays-I.D.M.T. Instantaneous types-Over current-Earth fault and earth leakage relays-Time and current settingP. Ts, C. Ts. Specification and error factors. Static Relays I. S. Regulations. 4. Earthing—Determination of size of earth bus, number of earth electrodes. Plate, Pipe and strip electrodes-Resistivity of soil measurement-Computation of earth resistance-Different materials used for earthing conductors-Current densitiesCorrosion factors-Disposition of electrodes-Joints in earth conductors. Size of earth conductors for equipments of various capacities. Earth continuity wire-earth continuity resistance. I.S. Regulations. 5. Cable Joining—Aluminium and copper cable joints—Type—Precautions—Termination—I.S. Regulations. 6. Clearances:—Statutory clearances of live parts from ground and buildings—Sectional clearance—Equipment clearance-Switch boards clearance inside and outside-Oils containing equipments. Indoor and outdoor equipment clearances-Relevant standards and regulations. 7. Special Type of Installations—C. T. Scan, X-ray, Neon Sign, Lift, Cinema installations—Relevant Rules, circuitry Safety precautions—Earthing-precautionary measures-Energy meters—Tri-vector meter—Installations and computation of energy. Gaz. No. 35/2009/DTP (Electrical Inspectorate). 1St SEPT. 2009] DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTORATE 11 8. Testing and Maintenance—Insulation Tester-Earth tester-Relay testing kit., Schering bridge Break down test of oil— Single phase and 3 phase energy meter testing—Voltmeter—Ammeter—Wattmeter—Different installations—Recommended values of insulation resistance —Earth resistance measurements. Desired values-Continuity measurements-Relay testingMaintenance of various electrical installations—Relevant standards and regulations. 9. Rules and Standards—Indian Electricity Act and Rules, Kerala Cinema Regulation Rules—Kerala Electricity Licensing Boards Rules-Condition of Supply-Provisions applicable to consumers and contractors in particular I.S. Specifications I.E.C. Regulations. PART II Practical and Viva Voce Maximum Marks: 100 A Practical Examination based on the Syllabus in Part I will be held. Note:—The candidate should obtain 50% in Part II for a pass. Electrical Supervisor Grade ‘B’ Competency Certificate and Permit (i) The successful candidates will be eligible for getting Supervisor Competency Certificate and permit as follows: (a) Those who pass the examination and secure above 130 marks and below 180—“All Low Voltage Installations and Medium Voltage Installations upto 25 kW” (b) Those who pass the examination and secure marks above 180—“All Low Voltage Installations and Medium Voltage Installations upto 50 kW”. (ii) Application for enhancing the scope of the Electrical Supervisor permits will be considered only after one year from the date of issue of the permits and Competency.