Weight Training University of South Carolina College of Education

Weight Training
University of South Carolina
College of Education
Department of Physical Education & Athletic Training
Physical Activity Program
PEDU 100 Sec 004
Course Syllabus
Spring 2015
Meeting Time:
Danielle Nesbitt
T/TH 1:30-2:20pm
BPEC 306 Weight Room
(803) 777-3172 (Department of Physical Education)
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Required Text:
Earle (4th Edition)
Weight Training: Steps to Success / Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W.
Course Description:
This course is designed to understand the fundamentals of Weight Training and promote
healthy lifestyles. Classes will consist short lectures, demonstrations, and workouts to
teach proper use of various weight training modalities and training programs. Programs
are specifically targeted to build muscular tone, endurance, and strength.
Learning Outcomes:
• Demonstrate proper gym etiquette
• Understand strength training principles and the basics of weight lifting.
• Identify major muscle groups and different exercises for each group.
• Execute proper form and technique of exercises for safety and to prevent injuries.
• Understand and apply program design principles to create your own program.
• Understand the basics of nutrition and its importance for staying in good health.
Course Requirements:
• Attend class regularly and fully participate in class discussions and activities
• Proper workout attire should be worn. Any comfortable clothing that allows ease
of movement and the evaporation of sweat (no jeans, cut off shorts, slacks, or
plastic suits). Please be tasteful and wear clothing that is NOT considered
offensive to others.
• Weight training gloves (optional)
• Water bottle and workout/sweat towel
**If a student shows up to class dressed improperly, he/she will not be allowed to
participate and be subject to point deductions. **
Class Format:
Most class meetings will consist of a 10-15 minute lecture followed by an approximately
35-40 physical activity. The first half of the semester will consist of several lectures and
the second half will consist of mostly workout sessions. It is very important to be on time
and well prepared to ensure safety and prevent injury.
Health History Questionnaire:
Because physical activity courses often involve strenuous physical activity, the Physical
Education Department reserves the right to require a physician’s approval before
allowing a student to participate in this course. (Form will be provided separately.)
• Absence from more than 3 schedule class sessions, whether excused or
unexcused, is excessive and may result in a grade penalty. Special
accommodations will be made for prolonged uncontrollable circumstances (please
see Absence Form for valid reasons).
• There are make-up quizzes or exams unless proper documentation is provided for
excuse absences only.
• Attendance will be tracked by the signing in for every schedule class session.
Students are responsible for signing in themselves and NOT other classmates.
This is an act of academic dishonesty and will be penalized accordingly.
Required documentation for excused absences:
• Generally, documentation must be submitted within ONE WEEK of absence. See
the “Absence Form” for specific information.
• Funerals will be excused when provided with an obituary or prayer card.
• Illness will be excused by a medical provider’s completion of the attached form.
• University Sponsored Events and Military Obligation: documentation must be
submitted at least ONE WEEK PRIOR to the absence. The documentation must
contain the exact dates the student will be gone.
Self-handicapping behaviors:
Some students may attend class in a physical condition that is less than adequate to
complete the physical demands of this class. As a result, the instructor reserves the right
to dismiss the student for his or her own safety. These instances include, but are not
limited to: all night social activities, being hung over due to alcohol or other drug use,
and chronic dehydration. Depending on the circumstances and the frequency of these
situations, the instructor reserves the right to charge the student with an absence.
Code of Academic Integrity:
All acts of dishonesty violate the USC Code of Academic Integrity, which may include,
but are not limited to cheating, falsification, and plagiarism. A zero tolerance policy for
academic dishonesty is in effect for this course.
Grading Scale:
A= 90-100 POINTS
B+= 87-89.9 POINTS
B= 80-86.9 POINTS
C+= 77-79.9 POINTS
C= 70-76.9 POINTS
D+= 67-69.9 POINTS
D= 60-66.9 POINTS
F= 59.9 or lower POINTS
Grading criteria:
Pre and Post Fitness Assessments
Exercise Log
Muscle quiz
3 Day Food Diary
Comprehensive Exam
Evaluation of Exercises
*Grades will not be rounded.
*All quizzes and tests will be written and in various formats (multiple choice, true/false
and short answer).
Pass/Fail Option:
S and U indicate, respectively, satisfactory (passing) and unsatisfactory (failing)
performance in courses carried under the Pass-Fail option. A grade of 60% or higher is
needed for a grade of Pass.
Pre and Post Fitness Assessments:
You will be required to do a pre and post fitness assessment throughout the semester.
This will help you in setting a goal and in seeing your progress. We conduct a Curl-up
test and push-up test in class. For 10 extra points you may get a Blood Pressure Screening
and % Body Fat Estimation (Go before you work-out, not after) from the Strom
Thurmond Wellness & Fitness Center Wellness Room (For more information, contact
Campus Wellness at 576-9393.) by the due date. Using the form provided on blackboard
you will record all your fitness assessment results, the corresponding category and a
semester fitness goal. For the post fitness assessment, add your post fitness assessment
results to the original form and a write up of your achievement of and satisfaction with
your goal.
Evaluation of Exercises:
For each muscle (group) covered in class, you will pick one exercise that you want to
perform. You will review the text for each exercise. On paper, note the name of the
exercise, the primary muscle worked/used and the page number from the book. Then,
paying special attention to proper breathing, proper posture and body positioning, write
up 3 things you learned from the book on how to perform each exercise.
3 Day Food Diary:
You will keep a three day food diary and learn from it during our lecture with the USC
Registered Dietitian.
Comprehensive Exam:
Your exam will be a report on everything you have learned through the text and practice.
It is not to be regurgitation of the text, but rather your perspective on knowledge that is
needed if you were teaching someone how to reach a fitness goal through an efficient,
safe, and effective workout program using weights. Use of how this knowledge has
effected your fitness assessments and the change in your starting to current exercise
habits (from your log) is a plus.
Blackboard: Special announcements, class changes, assignments, and other class
information will be posted on Blackboard on the VIP system. This will be the form of
communication from me to you especially in case of an emergency or change of plans.
Please make sure you check the email address connected with blackboard.
Sexual Harassment:
Sexual Harassment is not permitted at the University of South Carolina. Please be aware
that numerous students with very diverse backgrounds are observing your statements and
actions. Another may interpret what may be harmless in one person’s opinion as
harassment. Any concern regarding sexual harassment should be reported to either the
instructor, program coordinator, Mr. Gary Nave 803.777.3239, or Dr. Lynda NilgesCharles at 803.777.3172.
Disability Statement:
Learning-disabled students who wish to take advantage of University-approved program
accommodations must have an academic advisory plan on file with the Office of Student
Disability Services and the Dean of the College. The Office of Student Disability
Services is located in LeConte College at the corner of Pickens and Greene Streets in
Room 112A, first floor. (803.777.6142) SASDS@mailbox.sc.edu.
Tobacco Policy:
The University of South Carolina has a new no-tobacco policy that went into effect,
August 1st, 2006. Tobacco use is now prohibited in and around all USC-owned and occupied buildings, university vehicles and in designated outdoor areas.
Proper ID Needed to Enter the Blatt PE Center:
You will need a valid USC photo ID card to enter the building. The university is trying
to make this a safer campus, and you can help by remembering to have with you and to
show at the front door, your USC photo ID. It is the job of the employee at the front door
to check your ID and to deny you admission to the building if you do not have it with
you. Missing class because you could not gain entry into the building is not an
acceptable excuse for absence. Please help make this a safer building by having and
showing appropriate ID when entering the building. Failure to have proper ID when
requested and being denied entrance to the building will constitute an unexcused absence.
Class Policies:
• Be punctual and do not miss class. Tardiness and absences will be penalized and
negatively affect your grade. Attendance is VERY important and it is your
responsibility to be in class on time and ready to participate. Many activities will
require being on teams and it is disruptive to place you on a team after the activity
has begun.
• Do not miss testing sessions of any kind. Arrange your travel plans to coordinate
with your class schedule.
• Being attentive and respectful of your classmates and instructor is expected of all
students. Those who choose to ignore this policy may be directed to leave the
class and not allowed to return until having a conference with the instructor and
the Director.
• Please turn cell phones to vibrate and use only in true emergency situations.
• If you e-mail me, put the course number and section number as well as your name
in the e-mail.
• It is your responsibility to get any information you may have missed if you were
absent. You can e-mail, text or call me to find out if any assignments are due on
the day you come back, but you need to get notes from a classmate.
• It is your responsibility to sign-in and out at each class. If your name is not on the
sign in sheet you will be counted absent.
• No chewing gum allowed during class because this could be a safety hazard.
Extra Credit (A Max of 3 extra credit options are allowed per semester. 30 points
maximum allowed)
Exercise Consultation:
Part I facilitated by Campus Wellness. Part II facilitated by Campus Recreation. To
schedule, contact Campus Wellness at 576-9393. 10 points max
Cholesterol Screening
There is a fee associated with this service that varies depending on the type of health
insurance you have. Please call the Thomson Student Health Center lab at (803) 7773958 for pricing information. To get credit, you must share proof of your results
consultation. (20 points)
Take a Grocery Store Tour
Tour the Gamecock Bi-Lo at 4464 Devine St. with a Student Health Services registered
dietitian and learn how to shop smart. You’ll learn how to navigate the store, interpret
food labels, spot marketing and packaging gimmicks, and get the most nutritional bang
for your buck. You must pre-register by calling 576-9393. (15 points)
Meet with the Registered Dietitian
Call 576-9393 to make an appointment. (10 points)
Completing Course Evaluations
You will receive an email from the department towards the end of the semester with
directions to complete the evaluation. (10 points)
Absence Form
Today’s Date: ____________________________________
Student Name: ___________________________________ Section No. __________
Date of Absence: _________________________________
Reason for Absence: (Check the appropriate box and staple official documentation to
 Illness (Infirmary requires a letter from instructor for proof of illness. See the
 Serious Family Emergency (e.g., death, serious illness, etc.)
 Special Curricular Requirements (e.g., field trip, conference)
 Military Obligation
 Severe Weather Conditions (e.g., tornado watch, hurricane)
 Official University Activities (e.g., athletics, music, debate, etc.)
 Court Imposed Legal Obligations (e.g., jury duty, subpoena, etc.)
*The Class Absence Form & official documentation must be submitted to the instructor
within one week of an excused absence and alternate assignment should be completed
within two weeks of the absence. Failure to complete all requirements will result in an
absence and a 5-point deduction in your attendance.