ENJ P2(U3 4) 11-16 2PP.qxd 8/14/06 4:20 PM Page 88 I]Z:c_dnbZcid[Bjh^XEVX`V\Z I]ZCdgidcGZXdgY^c\h I]ZDca^cZA^hiZc^c\AVW oll ) Listening Guide HijYnHeVXZ - Raimbaut de Vaqueiras: Kalenda maya (The First of May) 89"GDB DATE OF WORK: 89"GDB Late 13th century 89"GDB I]Z:c_dnbZcid[Bjh^X GENRE: TEXT: MUSICAL FORM: WHAT TO LISTEN FOR: I]Z:c_dnbZcid[Bjh^X! H]dgiZg Estampie (troubadour dance song) I]Z:c_dnbZcid[Bjh^X! H]dgiZgZWdd` I]ZCdgidcHXdgZh Strophic poem (6 stanzas of irregular lines; only 4 stanzas sungHijYn<j^YZ on recording) A-A-B-B-C-C (3 short sections, each repeated), for each stanza Nasal tone of rebec. Improvisational quality of instrumentalists (guitar and nakers). Gentle rise and fall of melodic line. Repetition of individual phrases and strophic reiteration of melody. Triple-meter, dancelike character . Opening melody with solo rebec, in upward-rising phrases: & 43 œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ ˙ bœ œ œ œ n˙ œ œ œ Instrumental dance: Entire melody played once (A-A-B-B-C-C) Solo rebec (phrase A). Accompaniment with strummed guitar (on repeat of A). Hand drum (nakers) accompaniment enters (on new phrase, B). Melody continues through phrase C, with more complex rhythms in accompaniment; flutelike pipe enters at end with ostinato figure. Stanza 1, with voice Kalenda maya, ni fueills de faia ni chans d’auzell ni flors de glaia non es qe.m plaia, pros dona gaia tro q’un i snell mes sagier aia del vostre bell cors, qi.m retraia plazer novell q’amors m’atraia e jaia e.m traia vas vos dona veraia, e chaia de plaia .lgelos, anz qe.m n’estraia. A A B B C C Neither May Day nor the beech tree’s leaves nor the song of birds nor gladiolus flowers are pleasing to me, noble and vivacious lady, until I receive a swift messenger from your fair person to tell me of some new pleasure that love brings me; and may I be joined to you and drawn toward you, perfect lady; and may the jealous fall stricken before I must leave you. Stanza 2 Mabell’ amia, per Dieu non sia qe ja.l gelos de mon danria, 88 A ENJ P2(U3 4) 11-16 2PP.qxd 8/14/06 4:20 PM Page 89 qe car vendria, sa gelozia si aitals dos amantz partia, q’ieu ja joios mais non seria, ni jois ses vos pro no.m tenria; tal via faria q’oms ja mais no.m veiria; cell dia moria donna pros, q’ie.us perdria. A B B C C My sweet beloved, for the sake of God, may the jealous one never laugh at my pain, for his jealousy would be very costly if it were to separate two such lovers; for I would never be joyful again, not would joy be of any benefit to me without you; I would set out on such a road that no one would ever see me again; on that day would I die, worthy lady, that I lost you. Stanza 3 Con er perduda, ni m’er renduda donna, s’enanz non l’ai aguda? Qe drutz ni druda non es per cuda, mas qant amantz en drut si muda, l’onors es granz qe.l n’es creguda, e.l bels semblanz fai far tal bruda; qe nuda enguda no.us ai, ni d’als vencuda, vol guda, cresuda vos ai ses autr’ ajuda. A A B B C C How shall my lady be lost, or restored to me, if she has not yet been mine? For a man or woman is not a lover just by thinking so. But when a suitor is accepted as a lover, the reputation that he gains is greatly enhanced, and the attractive appearance causes much stir; but I have not held you naked nor conquered you in any other sense; I have only desired you and believed in you, without any further encouragement. [stanzas 4 and 5 omitted on recording] Stanza 6 Dona grazida, qecs lauz’e crida vostra valor q’es ‘abelli da, e qi.us oblida, pauc li val vida, per q’ieus azor, don’eissernida gar per gençor vos ai chauzida e per meilhor de prez complida, blandida, servida genses q’Erecs Enida. Bastida, finida, n’Engles, ai l’estampida. A A B B C C Worthy lady, everyone praises and proclaims your merit which is so pleasing; and whoever would forget you places little value on life; therefore I worship you, distinguished lady, for I have singled you out as the most pleasing and the best, accomplished in worth, and I have courted you and served you better than Eric did Enide. Lord Engles [Boniface, marquis of Montferrat], I have constructed and completed the estampida. 89