Osher Member Benefits - College of Extended Learning

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Osher Lifelong Learning Institute
37-500 Cook Street
Palm Desert, CA 92211
Osher Member Benefits
See page 7
Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute
at Cal State San Bernardino, Palm Desert Campus
Bring Learning
to Your Life!
Non-credit classes
and activities for
adults age 50 and
Spring/Summer 2015
Bring learning to Your Life!
at Cal State San Bernardino, Palm Desert Campus
Osher Lifelong
Learning Institute
Spring/Summer 2015
First Name
o Yes o No
l Sex:
o Male o Female
* Identifier for the campus registration system.
o Other ______________________________
Are you a:
SUMMER 2015 • Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Registration Form
l Have you ever attended this university before or taken our Osher/Extension classes?
Enter here any other name or student ID# you have used at CSUSB
Mailing Address (Number, Street and Apt. Number or P.O. Box)
Zip Code
Phone (including area code)
E-mail Address
l Date of Birth*: __________/__________/_________
l What year did you start attending Osher courses at CSUSB’s Osher Institute?__________________
l I would like to volunteer as an Osher Ambassador for the following duties:
o Curriculum Committee
o Advisory Board
Membership Options and Parking:
o Year-round resident
o Seasonal resident
If seasonal, what months?
o Jan
o Feb
o May o June
o Sept o Oct
Cardholder’s Signature
o March o April
o July
o Nov
Latest degree received?
o Aug
o Dec
o Associate o Bachelor’s
o Master’s
o Ph.D.
o CHECK or MONEY ORDER #__________________
How did you hear about the Osher
Institute? (Check as many as apply.)
o Friend gave me course catalog
o Picked up course catalog
Where? ________________________
o Newspaper
o Word of mouth
o Phone call to campus
o Internet
o Other:__________________________
Weekly Membership Dates: oWeek 1
o Week 2 o Week 3 o Week 4
o Parking: o $36 Discounted Quarterly Parking Pass o $24 Discounted One-Day Parking Pass
o Weekly Membership: sale
o Quarterly Membership:
o $150 Per Quarter
(Quarterly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses per quarter. Select courses below.)
Weekly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses in the same week.
What was/is your main career
experience? (educator, business person,
consultant, medicine, etc.)
o Please contact me regarding estate planning options.
o Please contact me regarding pledging monthly or annual gift payments.
*One-Day parking passes are for members who have class(es) on campus only one day per week.
l For information concerning special services to accommodate a physical, perceptual or learning disability, please contact the College of Extended Learning at (909) 537-5975.
Sched. #
Course Title
Select Sched. #
Course Title
SUMMER 2015 QUARTER CLASSES Held at CSUSB Palm Desert Campus
Learning Conversational Spanish
New Thought Religions
Into The Past: Film Noir in the Fifties
America's Tap Legends from Vaudeville to
How Did We Get Here? Avant-Garde Art in
America Since 1940
The Seven Deadly Virtues
Revisiting the Modern Middle East
(Not counted toward one of five class choices)
Dieting: Stop the Yo-Yo Mentality
Surviving Your Vacation
Family Caregivers–Who is Caring for You?
Mailing Information:
California State University, San Bernardino
College of Extended Learning, SH-101 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino CA 92407
Your donation is 100% tax-deductible (Federal Tax ID # 95606-7343).
Cardholder’s Name
Expiration Date
l Please direct my gift to:
l o Where need is greatest
o Endowment Fund
l o You may list my name as a contributor in Osher and university publications.
l I wish to support the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute with a tax-deductible gift
in the amount of: o $25
o $50 o $100 o $200 o Other Amount
l o In honor of ____________________________________________________________
l o In memory of __________________________________________________________
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute Donation Form
Making Sense of California's Water Crisis
• Sponsor a class or your favorite
• Donate to Osher’s general operating
fund. These funds will be used to help
bridge the gap between operating
costs and our limited program
• Encourage friends and neighbors to
join our Osher Lifelong Learning
You can demonstrate your appreciation
for your Osher Institute through a
donation which will help to move the
program toward sustainability.
• Apply to be a part of our Advisory
o CHECK or MONEY ORDER #__________________ (Payable to: CSUSB Extended Learning.)
l Payment Type:
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Cardholder’s Name
Cardholder’s Signature
I agree to abide by the deadlines, policies, and registration, refund and withdrawal procedures as outlined in the College of Extended Learning’s Course
Catalog and the CSUSB university catalog.
• Join a committee.
Participant Signature
Help us reach our goal of raising $10,000
to ensure fiscal stability of the Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute at the CSUSB
Palm Desert Campus.
Credit Card Number
(Payable to: CSUSB Foundation)
l Payment Type:
Phone (including area code)
E-mail Address
Zip Code
Mailing Address (Number, Street and Apt. Number or P.O. Box)
First Name
Policies are available on the CEL Web site: http://pace.csusb.edu/policies.html; and on the CSUSB Web site: http://policies.csusb.edu.
Mail completed registration form to: CSUSB College of Extended Learning, SH-101 • 5500 University Parkway • San Bernardino CA 92407
Osher Capital Campaign
To sponsor a course, call (760) 341-2883, ext.
14428 or e-mail osher@csusb.edu.
n An appropriate memorial alternative.
n Demonstrate commitment to topics
of interest to you.
n Show your appreciation for
exceptional teaching.
Sponsor a Course!
We invite you to consider the Osher
Institute at the Palm Desert Campus as
your significant alma mater—the school
you have attended for more than four
years, and the school you are still
Rethinking Your Alma Mater
Your Osher Institute is a financially selfsustaining program, meaning it does not
receive any state funding. Membership
fees are our largest source of revenue, but
they still do not fully cover the costs to
operate your institute. In order to
maintain affordability and availability to all
those who wish to attend classes, we
must, like most nonprofit organizations,
ask for your financial support.
Help Your Osher Institute Remain Financially Viable
Osher Brochure SpSu15-FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 2/23/15 2:00 PM Page 2
Parking information: See page 9.
Register online at
http://cel.csusb.edu/osherLL/ or
complete the registration forms on
pages 8 and 11.
Membership is available at $150 per
quarter. This fee entitles members to
enroll in up to five courses each
quarter. Members can select courses
offered at two locations, including the
CSUSB Palm Desert Campus and the
LGBT Community Center of the
Desert. (See location maps on page 9.)
All classes are offered on a non-credit
basis, so there are no grades, tests or
homework. New classes are offered
each quarter.
The Osher
Institute is a
financially selfsupporting
program (no
state funding)
through Cal
State San
College of
Extended Learning.
Osher’s very affordable membership
fees represent the primary source of
the Osher Institute’s operating funds.
Osher Institute
n Fax: (909) 537-5907
n Phone: (909) 537-5975
n Mail, using the registration form included in this brochure; mail registration
form, postmarked by the registration deadline, to: CSUSB College of Extended
Learning, SH–101, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA 92407.
n Register online at: http://cel.csusb.edu/
New Registration
n Deadline 1 week prior to start date
n Late fee of $25.00 will begin in Summer
2015 if registering after the deadline
n Weekly membership registrations are
appreciated as far in advance
as possible. No refunds on weekly
n Quarterly membership registration deadline for spring 2015 is Thursday,
March 5, 4 p.m.; and for summer 2015 is Tuesday, June 2, 4 p.m.
View Our Osher Video...
At the Osher website, or on YouTube, search keywords “CSUSB Palm Desert Osher Institute”.
Writing and Publishing Your
First Book (Schedule #4040)
Archetypes, Symbols and the
Book of Changes (Schedule #4041)
Edward J. Lopatin, MPA, DTM
Are you a frustrated author, who wants
to get your first book written and
published, but have not yet realized
that goal? Join other authors
discussing today’s publishing
environment, and how you may find
literary agents, publishers, and then
sell your published works. You will
discuss the advantages of having your
book published, how much it costs to
write and publish a book, and how to
get a book published and sold. By the
end of the course, you will be more
motivated and confident to start or
finish writing your book!
Thursdays, 10 am–12 noon
March 12–April 21
(No meeting on March 26)
LGBT Community Center of the
Desert, 611 S. Palm Canyon Drive,
Suite 201
Dr. Michael McDonald, adjunct faculty,
CSUSB, Humanities
The two thousand-year-old I Ching, or
Book of Changes, is revered as one of
the Five Classics of China. Although
significant academically and from an
historic standpoint, our focus will be
on understanding the I Ching as an
oracle--a teacher for the inner journey.
Learn about this archetypal system of
symbols for asking questions and
interpreting answers. Apply to your
own life journey the thousands of
years of human experience embedded
in I Ching symbolism and philosophy.
Thursdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 12–April 23
(No meeting on March 26)
LGBT Community Center of the
Desert, 611 S. Palm Canyon Drive,
Suite 201
SUMMER 2015 • Palm Desert Campus Faculty Lecture Classes
Learning Conversational Spanish
(Schedule #6002)
Pablo Romero, BA, MSA
This course is appropriate for beginners as
well as returning students since it is
largely based on the student
participation. Therefore, every time this
course is offered, it is different. It will
review the basics and expand with new
vocabulary and scenarios for active
participation. The students will learn
pronunciation and the skills necessary to
create coherent sentences, enough to
facilitate communication and
understanding of the language. Learning
Spanish is a way to show respect for
Hispanic culture. Expanding cultural
knowledge and improving
communication skills are not a loss of
idiosyncrasy. Instead, it is a way to
participate in the Hispano-American
assimilation and the new economic
Mondays, 1:30–3:30 pm
June 8–July 20
(No meeting on June 29)
Palm Desert Campus
New Thought Religions
(Schedule #6003)
Dr. Michael McDonald, adjunct faculty,
CSUSB, Humanities
Over the past 50 years, a unique form of
progressive thought has arisen in
philosophy and religion. The concept that
“you create your own reality” (and related
ideas) were made popular by writers such
as Ram Dass, Marianne Williamson,
Deepak Chopra and Eckhart Tolle. Explore
this new-age trend from its roots in the
Unity Church and the Church of Religious
Science, and understand its role in the
modern context of religion through its
literature, poetry, and philosophy.
Tuesdays, 10 am–12 noon
June 9–July 21
(No meeting on June 30)
Palm Desert Campus
Into The Past: Film Noir in the
Fifties (Schedule #6004)
Bernard “Butch” Epps, MFA, UCLA School of
Film and Television
Things heat up when six highly
combustible tales of murder, lust and
betrayal explode on screen in this
SPRING 2015 • Faculty Lecture Classes at the LGBT Community Center
examination of Film Noir in the fifties.
Films to be screened include Niagara
(1953), Sweet Smell of Success (1957), Kiss
Me Deadly (1955), The Blackboard Jungle
(1955), The Wrong Man (1956), and Touch
of Evil (1958). Film analysis and class
discussion follows the screening of each
film for those who wish to participate.
Tuesdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
June 9–July 21
(No meeting on June 30)
Palm Desert Campus
America’s Tap Legends from
Vaudeville to Broadway
(Schedule #6005)
Lorna Thompson, PhD, Health Psychology
This class will explore the fascinating
history of an original American art form—
the tap dance—from its beginnings in
Vaudeville to the present-day Broadway
chorus routines. America’s tap legends
have influenced entertainment and
musical styles for an entire generation.
The class will learn to recognize basic tap
combinations, rhythms and styles,
appreciating the importance of the music
or complete lack of it for a cappella
performances. Sample representations of
styles will include dancers such as Shirley
Temple, Eddie Brown, Fred Astaire, Gene
Kelly, Tommy Tune and Gregory Hines.
Wednesdays, 10 am–12 noon
June 10–July 22
(No meeting on July 1)
Palm Desert Campus
How Did We Get Here? AvantGarde Art in America Since 1940
(Schedule #6006)
Xavier Cázares Cortéz, artist, educator,
The paradigm shift to the avant-garde
and contemporary artist as a thinker of
unexpected ideas evolved from the
movements for democratic revolution
that dominated the Western world during
so much of the last century. Strategies for
producing art were peaking after the
Second World War as New York became
the toast of the art world. We’ll take a
fresh look at Abstraction, American Pop of
the ’60s, and Object/Concept/Illusion in
the nature of materials. Abundant images
of vanguard artworks, both well-known
and obscure, will be shown and discussed.
The more controversial pieces will be
highlighted. Postmodernism and the
politics of making art will round out our
Wednesdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
June 10–July 22
(No meeting on July 1)
Palm Desert Campus
The Seven Deadly Virtues: 18
Conservative Writers on Why the
Virtuous Life is Funny as Hell
(Schedule #6007)
Arlette Poland, JD, PhD, professor,
Philosophy of Religion
With tongue in cheek, we will review what
virtue means and why it still matters in
today’s hectic and politically divided
world. Eighteen well-known conservative
writers, including Christopher Buckley, P.J.
O’Rourke, Mollie Hemingway and Jonah
Goldberg, express their thoughts about
16 different virtues in a humorous and
thought-provoking fashion. Even if you
don’t entirely agree with their views, you’ll
appreciate their insight and walk away
chuckling. Book is available at the campus
Thursdays, 10 am–12 noon
June 11–July 24
(No meeting on July 2)
Palm Desert Campus
Revisiting the Modern Middle
East: 2013 to Present
(Schedule #6008)
Dr. Kevin E. Grisham, assistant professor,
Geography and Environmental Studies,
This course will examine the various
pressing issues and challenges facing the
people and governments of the Middle
East and North Africa in 2013 to the
present. This will include timely
discussions about the rise of ISIS (ISIL),
recent challenges facing Turkey, recent
changes in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict,
the Syrian civil war and the changing
social environment of the region.
Additionally, this course will examine how
this region will fit into the global
community in the future.
Thursdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
June 11–July 24
(No meeting on July 2)
Palm Desert Campus
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The World of International
Cinema (Schedule #4032)
Mike Herbst, founding advisor, Cairo
International Film Festival
Discover lesser-known but equally
brilliant films from a variety of countries.
The complete screening of each film is
preceded by a short discussion of the
director, the actors, the historical
background of the country, and the
political situation surrounding the film’s
theme. The ending times for this class
are approximate and are ultimately
determined by the film’s length and the
duration of the discussion.
Tuesdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 10–April 21
(No meeting on March 31)
Palm Desert Campus
(Schedule #4035)
Arlette Poland, JD, PhD, professor,
Philosophy of Religion
How can you live Buddhism without
practicing the religion? Start with some
basic Buddhist principles and then delve
into one of the gentlest books ever
written. Based on discussions between
the 17th Karmapa and a group of 16
American college students, this
charismatic 28-year-old Tibetan lama
offers advice on how to live with
compassion, ethical principles, integrity
and bravery in the face of the global
challenges confronting humanity. Book
is available at the campus bookstore.
Wednesdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 11–April 15
Palm Desert Campus
What they are saying:
Osher members have enjoyed their
participation in the Osher Institute and they
let us know.
Without your program, our
stay in the Palm Springs area
would not have been nearly as
much fun or as interesting as it
turned out to be.
Palm Desert
LGBT Community Center of the Desert
CSUSB Palm Desert Campus
611 S. Palm Canyon Drive, Suite 201
37-500 Cook Street, Palm Desert
Palm Springs
Mary Stuart Rodgers Gateway Building
Free parking in the Sun Center
Parking Pass Required
How to Register
In most cases, early registration assures enrollment in a course.
Late registration is permitted on a space-available basis with a $25
late fee. Declined credit cards and dishonored checks: There is a
$25 fee for all declined credit cards or returned checks.
Refunds and withdrawals: Quarterly members must notify the
College of Extended Learning in writing at least 48 hours prior to
the first class meeting to receive a full refund, less a $25
administrative fee. There is no refund for weekly memberships once
the week has started.
Four Ways to Register
1) Register online at: http://cel.csusb.edu/ osher.html
2) Mail, using the registration form included in this
brochure; mail registration form, postmarked by the
registration deadline, to: CSUSB College of Extended
Learning, SH–101, 5500 University Parkway, San
Bernardino, CA 92407.
3) Phone: (909) 537-5975
4) Fax: (909) 537-5907
Parking passes are required 24/7 at the Palm Desert Campus and can be purchased
online, by mail or at the campus. Quarterly parking passes are available to Osher
members at a discounted rate of $36 (regularly $102). Discounted quarterly one-day
parking passes are available for $24 to members who have class(es) on campus only
one day per week. Daily parking passes cost $5. (Call for details, (760) 341-2883, Ext.
78121.) Permits must be displayed at all times while visiting the campus to avoid a
$45 parking citation. Members attending classes at the Palm Springs location will
use street parking. CSUSB parking regulations apply to all faculty, staff, students and
visitors parking a vehicle on campus. Osher students are the only students that
may purchase discounted parking permits. We strongly encourage you to
purchase permits in advance of your first day of classes, whenever possible. In
addition to having a valid disabled placard properly displayed or a license plate that
signifies that you are disabled, your vehicle must display a current CSUSB parking
permit. If all disabled parking spaces are occupied, you may use a 30-minute parking
spot with your disabled placard displayed.
SUMMER 2015 • Bonus Guest Lecture Classes
at Palm Desert Campus
(Schedule #4030)
Pamela Plick, CFP® practitioner, speaker,
writer, women and money expert
Women face unique challenges
planning for their financial future.
Careful planning allows for better
management of resources and plans for
the unexpected due to economic
realities or changes in financial goals.
We will learn the five steps to creating
your financial plan; the financial
principles for living a successful
retirement; and challenges women face
in financial planning and how to
overcome them. This interactive course
will educate and empower you with the
knowledge and tools you need to help
you move towards feeling more
confident about your finances and
creating the life you desire!
Mondays, 1:30-3:30 pm
March 9–April 20
(No meeting on March 30)
Palm Desert Campus
The Heart is Noble: Changing
the World From the Inside Out
D ri
Dieting: Stop the Yo-Yo Mentality (Schedule #6009)
Kelly Lewallen, marriage, family and child therapist
We will discuss why diets don’t work, and how the brain functions
around diets. You will also learn what mindfulness is, and how
mindfulness (including mindful eating), meditation, breathing and
movement can all help work for you and your diet. Ample time will
be reserved for a question and answer session so your needs will
be addressed.
Monday, 10 am–12 noon
June 1 (One meeting—Does not count toward one of five class
Palm Desert Campus
What Women Need to Know
About Money Matters
(Schedule #4033)
Lorna Thompson, BA, MA, English
How does one become a Nobel Prize
laureate? And how many Americans
have been given this honor? Have
important authors been overlooked?
This course will explore America’s
Literature Nobel Prize winners from
Sinclair Lewis to Ernest Hemingway to
Toni Morrison—some representative
works and perspectives. See America
through the eyes of master story-tellers
and enjoy their analysis of the
American dream.
Wednesdays, 10 am–12 noon
March 11–April 15
Palm Desert Campus
Family Caregivers--Who is Caring for You? (Schedule #6010)
Kate Hammond, president, Dementia Help Center; author; ambassador,
Alzheimer’s Association
Caring for a loved one? More than likely, you’ve forgotten about yourself. Your ability to cope with and survive the all-consuming family
caregiver role ultimately depends on many things. Discover the 6 “L’s“
and you’ll be on a pathway to more than surviving. Have you been
telling friends and family, “I’m just fine,” when they ask how they can
help you? Want to know how to get your family on board together?
You’ll gain insights to proven tactics and tools that will allow you to
thrive and live a better life.
Tuesday, 1:30–3:30 pm
June 2 (One meeting—Does not count toward one of five class
Palm Desert Campus
(Schedule #4031)
Betty Davidow, BA, MS, business
Students will become a part of dynamic
dialogues and discussions after
studying the Great Decisions briefing
book, featuring impartial, thoughtprovoking analyses on issues devoted
to foreign affairs, global issues and
shaping U.S. policy. The book provides
topic background, informative maps
and detailed graphs in addition to
suggested readings and research
materials. The 2015 Spring Osher course
will feature issues such as Russia and the
Near Abroad; Privacy in the Digital Age;
Sectarianism in the Middle East; U.S.
Policy Towards Africa; Syria’s Refugee
Crisis; Human Trafficking in the 21st
Century; and other topics. These timely
critical issues face this nation and the
world. Books are available at the
campus bookstore.
Tuesdays, 10 am–12 noon
March 10–April 21
(No meeting on March 31)
Palm Desert Campus
Making Sense of California's Water Crisis: Drought, Delta,
(Schedule #4029)
Renee J. Espar, BS, MS, writer/editor
Students will start writing their
autobiography under the gentle
guidance of a professional writer, editor
and credentialed instructor. With her
editing assistance and the constructive
criticism of fellow students, the
authentic self will emerge in writing.
Upon completion (often in more than
one quarter), students will have the
option of publishing their
autobiography as a softcover book at a
nominal cost through an arrangement
with a local printer. It is suggested that
students bring at least four photos of
their early childhood years to the first
class. No writing experience is required
in this safe environment.
Mondays, 10 am–12 noon
March 9–April 20
(No meeting on March 30)
Palm Desert Campus
How to Win a Nobel Prize in
Literature—America’s Winners
and Groundwater Depletion (Schedule #6011)
David Sandino, senior staff counsel and professor for California
Department of Water Resources
This discussion course will explain how California manages its water
supply with its extensive water delivery system of dams and aqueducts, and the complex regulatory environment. We will also discuss
how the system has managed during the drought, and the drought’s
impact on the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, which has been
described as the heart of California’s water supply, and statewide
groundwater resources. The course will include a discussion of the
drought’s impact on the Coachella Valley.
Wednesday, 10 am–12 noon
June 3 (One meeting—Does not count toward one of five class
Palm Desert Campus
Great Decisions 2015
Fo r d
Writing your Autobiography
Two Locations in the Coachella Valley
Surviving Your Vacation (Schedule #6012)
Edward J. Lopatin, MPA, DTM
Do you want to take an exotic vacation to somewhere new, but are
afraid of what can happen to you on that trip? Join other students
talking about surviving travel, having a great time while traveling, and
coming home in one piece. Students will discuss the benefits of travel
including meeting interesting people along the way, and visiting
historic and scenic sites. Additionally, students will also share travel
experiences and tips. By the end of the lecture, you will want to book
your next trip.
Thursday, 10 am–12 noon
June 4 (One meeting—Does not count toward one of five class
Palm Desert Campus
SPRING 2015 • Palm Desert Campus
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2015 • Osher
l Have you ever attended
this university
before or
taken our
o Yes o Form
First Name
Enter here any other name or student ID# you have used at CSUSB
Mailing Address (Number, Street and Apt. Number or P.O. Box)
Zip Code
Phone (including area code)
E-mail Address
l Sex:
l Date of Birth*: __________/__________/_________
o Male o Female
* Identifier for the campus registration system.
l What year did you start attending Osher courses at CSUSB’s Osher Institute?__________________
l I would like to volunteer as an Osher Ambassador for the following duties:
o Curriculum Committee
o Advisory Board
Membership Options and Parking:
o Quarterly Membership:
o Other ______________________________
o Weekly Membership: $25/week. Please complete a separate registration form for any additional
weekly registrations.
Weekly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses in the same week.
o Week 2
o Week 3
o Week 4
o Week 5
Are you a:
o Year-round resident
o Seasonal resident
If seasonal, what months?
o Jan
o Feb
o May o June
o Sept o Oct
o March o April
o July
o Nov
Latest degree received?
o Aug
o Dec
o Associate o Bachelor’s
o Master’s
o Ph.D.
How did you hear about the Osher
Institute? (Check as many as apply.)
o Friend gave me course catalog
o Picked up course catalog
Where? ________________________
o Newspaper
o Word of mouth
o Phone call to campus
o Internet
o $150 Per Quarter
(Quarterly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses per quarter. Select courses below.)
o Week 1
Faculty Lecture Classes • SPRING 2015
o Week 6
o Week 7
o Parking: o $36 Discounted Quarterly Parking Pass o $24 Discounted One-Day Parking Pass
o Other:__________________________
What was/is your main career
experience? (educator, business person,
consultant, medicine, etc.)
*One-Day parking passes are for members who have class(es) on campus only one day per week.
l For information concerning special services to accommodate a physical, perceptual or learning disability, please contact the College of Extended Learning at (909) 537-5975.
Sched. #
Course Title
Course Dates March 9–April 24
Classes Held at CSUSB Palm Desert Campus
Writing your Autobiography
What Women Need to Know About Money Matters
Great Decisions 2015
The World of International Cinema
How to Win a Nobel Prize in Literature—America’s Winners
The Heart is Noble: Changing the World From the Inside Out
Bend It Like Totenberg
Introduction to Native Plants of the Coachella Valley and Joshua Tree
National Park
History of The Beatles, Part 2
Movies Are Like a Box of Chocolates
l Payment Type:
Sched. #
Course Title
Classes Held at LGBT Community Center of the Desert
Writing and Publishing Your First Book
Archetypes, Symbols and the Book of Changes
BONUS OFFERINGS at Palm Desert Campus (Not counted as one of 5 class choices)
Life At Sea
Impressionists’ Style: A Painting Demonstration by Cash Baxter
Interior Design in the Desert
Birds of the Coachella Valley
Frank Sinatra: From Here to Eternity
Friendship and Age: Lessons From LGBT Lives
The Benefits of Technology and What Seniors Should Know!
o CHECK or MONEY ORDER #__________________ (Payable to: CSUSB Extended Learning.)
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Cardholder’s Name
Cardholder’s Signature
I agree to abide by the deadlines, policies, and registration, refund and withdrawal procedures as outlined in the College of Extended Learning’s Course
Catalog and the CSUSB university catalog.
Participant Signature
Policies are available on the CEL Web site: http://pace.csusb.edu/policies.html; and on the CSUSB Web site: http://policies.csusb.edu.
Mail completed registration form to: CSUSB College of Extended Learning, SH-101 • 5500 University Parkway • San Bernardino CA 92407
Bend It Like Totenberg
History of The Beatles, Part 2
(Schedule #4036)
Paul Marchand, Esq.
One of the most significant shortfalls of
modern American media is the rather
short shrift given to coverage of
significant court decisions. Most
American media cover such matters
very poorly. On the other hand, there
are explainers out there like NPR's Nina
Totenberg, who is probably one of the
finest self-taught legal analysts we
have. This class is designed to give the
average consumer a basic knowledge
of how to see past the often
misleading headlines and make
independent sense of court decisions
as they hit the news cycle.
Thursdays 10 am–12 noon
March 12–April 23
(No meeting on March 26)
Palm Desert Campus
(Schedule #4038)
Mark Guerrero, singer, songwriter, rock
music historian
This class picks up where History of The
Beatles, Part 1 left off, with The Beatles
groundbreaking album, “Rubber Soul,”
and continues surveying the band’s
music and career through their last
album, “Abbey Road.” Their music of
this era, which includes the timeless
classic “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Club Band,” became more
sophisticated and their albums more
artistically cohesive than their earlier
works. Teaching tools for this course
include video clips, audio sound bytes
and live musical demonstrations of
their music. Anecdotal information will
also be shared.
Fridays, 10 am–12 noon
March 13–April 24
(No meeting on March 27)
Palm Desert Campus
Introduction to Native Plants
of the Coachella Valley and
Joshua Tree National Park
(Schedule #4037)
The Desert Institute at Joshua Tree
National Park
The annual appearance of the
ephemeral spring wildflowers native to
the Coachella Valley has everything to
do with the amounts of rainfall in the
winter months, which can vary widely
within a relatively small area, and with
warming temperatures that encourage
blooming. A “good” wildflower year
depends on three things: well-spaced
rainfall through the winter and early
spring months; sufficient warmth from
the sun; and the lack of desiccating
winds. Don’t miss this opportunity to
learn about wildflowers in the
Coachella Valley and Joshua Tree
National Park from experts on native
plant life.
Thursdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 12–April 23
(No meeting on March 26)
Palm Desert Campus
Movies Are Like a Box of
Chocolates (Schedule #4039)
Xavier Cázares Cortéz, artist, educator,
You never know what you're gonna’ get
when you watch a film classic through
a contemporary lens, and examine its
vast influences in cinema and art. View
and discuss a mélange of topics
ranging from film noir, innovation,
Hitchcock, Orson Welles, drama,
western, foreign films, eclectic, genius
and copycats. What will you pick?
Explore the arc of some of the finest
moviemaking moments from the 1940s
and 1950s with fresh eyes through
lively, guided discussions. Films include
Rebecca (1940, USA); Brief Encounter
(1945, UK); The Third Man (1949, UK);
Lola Montés (1955, France); The
Searchers (1956, USA). Bonus materials
and movie clips included.
Fridays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 13–April 24
(No meeting on March 27)
Palm Desert Campus
Do you have a passion?
Do you want to share it
with others?
Now is your chance to give back to your
community by doing what you love to do—
teach your passion and share your expertise
with students who are interested and
excited to learn, with none of the pressure
of tests, grades, paperwork, etc.
If you are interested, please contact
the Osher Program at (760) 341-2883,
Extension 14428, or e-mail
Osher Brochure SpSu15-FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 2/23/15 2:01 PM Page 6
SPRING 2015 • Palm Desert Campus Bonus Guest Lecture Classes
Impressionists' Style: A
Painting Demonstration by
Cash Baxter (Schedule #4132)
Cash Baxter, MFA, internationally
recognized award-winning painter
Professor Baxter demonstrates and
lectures with visual presentations of
how painters "captured light," from
French Impressionism (Monet, Renoir),
Post-Impressionism, (Van Gogh,
Gauguin) and American Impressionists
of the late 19th century (Robert Henri,
William Merritt Chase). Note that the
Impressionist movement in art was the
most important one since the
Renaissance and is alive and well today.
Wednesday, 10 am–12 noon
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Interior Design in the Desert
(Schedule #4133)
Joel Bernstein, professional interior
Do you want to find new ways to
decorate your home, or have you
moved into a new home in the desert
and don’t know where to start with the
interior design? Whether you are a
beginner or have been doing this for
years, come and learn some new ideas
including choosing the right colors,
material selection and uses, window
covering, planting, furniture selection,
lighting, space planning and design
solutions, and more.
Wednesday, 10 am–12 noon
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Birds of the Coachella Valley
(Schedule #4134)
Kurt Leuschner, professor, Natural
Resources, College of the Desert
The Coachella Valley lies along the
Pacific Flyway and is home to hundreds
of bird species. From the desert to the
Salton Sea to the mountains, you won't
find a place in Southern California that
can match the diversity of avian life. In
this lecture, you'll see a sample of the
birds that make this area a bird
watcher's paradise. You'll also learn
which birds might be found in a typical
Coachella Valley backyard.
Wednesday, 1:30–3:30 p.m.
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Frank Sinatra: From Here to
Eternity (Schedule #4135)
Thomas L. Harris, adjunct professor
(retired) Northwestern University; author,
jazz authority and president of one of the
world's largest public relations firms
Frank Sinatra's star had fallen. He lost
his recording contract, his movie
contract, his radio show and even his
agent in 1952. Then he read James
Jones's best selling war novel, "From
Here to Eternity.” Frank knew he was
made to play the part of Maggio in the
movie version. With the help of his new
wife, Ava Gardner, he cajoled Columbia
Pictures skeptical chief Harry Cohn into
giving him the part. Frank not only won
the Academy Award for his stunning
portrayal, but a new recording contract
with Capital Records, and was back on
top overnight. There will be a film
screening followed by a discussion.
Thursday, 10 am–12 noon
February 26 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Friendship and Age: Lessons
From LGBT Lives (Schedule #4136)
Brian De Vries, PhD, professor,
Gerontology, San Francisco State
Friends play prominent and often
unsung roles in our lives. A clearer view
of the importance and potential of
friendship may be seen in the
experiences of LGBT persons--friends
are those to whom LGBT persons turned
when so many others rejected or
neglected them; when coming out,
through LGBT rights movements during
the crisis of HIV/AIDS, in later life. This
presentation will examine the role of
friendship and LGBT persons in life's
second half, reviewing what is known
and providing opportunities to reflect
on what could be.
Thursday, 1:30–3:30 p.m.
February 26 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
AmDocs Returns to the
Palm Desert Campus!
The American Documentary Film Festival and Film Fund
(AmDocs) is proud to continue their association with the
California State University, San Bernardino, Palm Desert
Campus and The Osher Lifelong learning Institute.
AmDocs shares impactful, real stories that shift perspectives
and spark conversation for a worldwide audience by showcasing and promoting the
work of independent filmmakers.
This year, the festival will expand its presence on campus from 3 to 5 full days of film
screening—March 26 through March 30, 2015! The festival brings well over 100 films from
around the world and many are premiering at the festival. In addition, producers and directors are often on hand after the screenings for questions and answers.
Osher Members receive a 20% discount on ALL AmDocs regular screenings (excluding
special events).
For more information and ticketing, go to www.americandocumentaryfilmfestival.com
The Benefits of Technology and
What Seniors Should Know!
(Schedule #4137)
Cassandra Beegle, president, iTT
Learn the many benefits of living in the
"Information Age" for the beginner and
beyond. In this highly informative
class, you will be inspired to transcend
your fears and self-imposed limitations
and enter the wonderful world of
technology. A broad range of current
technology tools, concepts and terms
are covered to expand your
knowledge, help you understand what
your options are and what you need to
know about technology, so you don't
feel left behind.
Friday, 9 am-12 noon
February 27 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Bonus guest
lectures are
in addition to your
five course choices!
Non-members are welcome
to sample Osher courses by
attending bonus lectures—
no membership
What they are saying:
Ray Smythe, Osher Member since 2012
Our registration process has
changed. See page 3 for details.
I love being a part of the
Osher program—it has really
improved my life!
37-500 Cook St. • Palm Desert, CA 92211
Life At Sea (Schedule #4131)
Russ Hoberg, captain
The terrestrial traveler faces many
difficulties and dangers. He can become
lost but he always has landmarks. When
the sailor drops below the horizon, he
often loses sight of all land. We will
discuss how the sailor maintains a
sense of his position when land is no
longer visible, and the tools that he
uses to gain that knowledge: the
compass, the sun, planets and stars,
marine charts, methods of determining
the depth of water while underway,
and the changes that have taken place
in maritime navigation since the
invention of electronic methods of
determining position.
Tuesday, 1:30–3:30pm
February 24 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
One of the
many perks
of being an
Osher Members
receive a savings
of nearly
on the
Celebrity Tribute
Concert Series.
Special Osher Benefit Event!
A special Osher event at the
Indian Wells Theater will be held
on Friday, March 27 hosted by
AmDocs. All proceeds from this
event will go directly to financially
support the Palm Desert Campus
Osher Institute. In addition to an
exciting film screening and reception, ticket holders will also have
the ability to attend at no charge
all screenings at the Palm Desert
Campus on the following Sunday!
More details will follow.
The 2014-2015
is just around
the corner.
Check online for
the most current
shows, concerts
and other
campus events!
Osher Brochure SpSu15-FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 2/23/15 2:01 PM Page 6
SPRING 2015 • Palm Desert Campus Bonus Guest Lecture Classes
Impressionists' Style: A
Painting Demonstration by
Cash Baxter (Schedule #4132)
Cash Baxter, MFA, internationally
recognized award-winning painter
Professor Baxter demonstrates and
lectures with visual presentations of
how painters "captured light," from
French Impressionism (Monet, Renoir),
Post-Impressionism, (Van Gogh,
Gauguin) and American Impressionists
of the late 19th century (Robert Henri,
William Merritt Chase). Note that the
Impressionist movement in art was the
most important one since the
Renaissance and is alive and well today.
Wednesday, 10 am–12 noon
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Interior Design in the Desert
(Schedule #4133)
Joel Bernstein, professional interior
Do you want to find new ways to
decorate your home, or have you
moved into a new home in the desert
and don’t know where to start with the
interior design? Whether you are a
beginner or have been doing this for
years, come and learn some new ideas
including choosing the right colors,
material selection and uses, window
covering, planting, furniture selection,
lighting, space planning and design
solutions, and more.
Wednesday, 10 am–12 noon
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Birds of the Coachella Valley
(Schedule #4134)
Kurt Leuschner, professor, Natural
Resources, College of the Desert
The Coachella Valley lies along the
Pacific Flyway and is home to hundreds
of bird species. From the desert to the
Salton Sea to the mountains, you won't
find a place in Southern California that
can match the diversity of avian life. In
this lecture, you'll see a sample of the
birds that make this area a bird
watcher's paradise. You'll also learn
which birds might be found in a typical
Coachella Valley backyard.
Wednesday, 1:30–3:30 p.m.
February 25 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Frank Sinatra: From Here to
Eternity (Schedule #4135)
Thomas L. Harris, adjunct professor
(retired) Northwestern University; author,
jazz authority and president of one of the
world's largest public relations firms
Frank Sinatra's star had fallen. He lost
his recording contract, his movie
contract, his radio show and even his
agent in 1952. Then he read James
Jones's best selling war novel, "From
Here to Eternity.” Frank knew he was
made to play the part of Maggio in the
movie version. With the help of his new
wife, Ava Gardner, he cajoled Columbia
Pictures skeptical chief Harry Cohn into
giving him the part. Frank not only won
the Academy Award for his stunning
portrayal, but a new recording contract
with Capital Records, and was back on
top overnight. There will be a film
screening followed by a discussion.
Thursday, 10 am–12 noon
February 26 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Friendship and Age: Lessons
From LGBT Lives (Schedule #4136)
Brian De Vries, PhD, professor,
Gerontology, San Francisco State
Friends play prominent and often
unsung roles in our lives. A clearer view
of the importance and potential of
friendship may be seen in the
experiences of LGBT persons--friends
are those to whom LGBT persons turned
when so many others rejected or
neglected them; when coming out,
through LGBT rights movements during
the crisis of HIV/AIDS, in later life. This
presentation will examine the role of
friendship and LGBT persons in life's
second half, reviewing what is known
and providing opportunities to reflect
on what could be.
Thursday, 1:30–3:30 p.m.
February 26 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
AmDocs Returns to the
Palm Desert Campus!
The American Documentary Film Festival and Film Fund
(AmDocs) is proud to continue their association with the
California State University, San Bernardino, Palm Desert
Campus and The Osher Lifelong learning Institute.
AmDocs shares impactful, real stories that shift perspectives
and spark conversation for a worldwide audience by showcasing and promoting the
work of independent filmmakers.
This year, the festival will expand its presence on campus from 3 to 5 full days of film
screening—March 26 through March 30, 2015! The festival brings well over 100 films from
around the world and many are premiering at the festival. In addition, producers and directors are often on hand after the screenings for questions and answers.
Osher Members receive a 20% discount on ALL AmDocs regular screenings (excluding
special events).
For more information and ticketing, go to www.americandocumentaryfilmfestival.com
The Benefits of Technology and
What Seniors Should Know!
(Schedule #4137)
Cassandra Beegle, president, iTT
Learn the many benefits of living in the
"Information Age" for the beginner and
beyond. In this highly informative
class, you will be inspired to transcend
your fears and self-imposed limitations
and enter the wonderful world of
technology. A broad range of current
technology tools, concepts and terms
are covered to expand your
knowledge, help you understand what
your options are and what you need to
know about technology, so you don't
feel left behind.
Friday, 9 am-12 noon
February 27 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
Bonus guest
lectures are
in addition to your
five course choices!
Non-members are welcome
to sample Osher courses by
attending bonus lectures—
no membership
What they are saying:
Ray Smythe, Osher Member since 2012
Our registration process has
changed. See page 3 for details.
I love being a part of the
Osher program—it has really
improved my life!
37-500 Cook St. • Palm Desert, CA 92211
Life At Sea (Schedule #4131)
Russ Hoberg, captain
The terrestrial traveler faces many
difficulties and dangers. He can become
lost but he always has landmarks. When
the sailor drops below the horizon, he
often loses sight of all land. We will
discuss how the sailor maintains a
sense of his position when land is no
longer visible, and the tools that he
uses to gain that knowledge: the
compass, the sun, planets and stars,
marine charts, methods of determining
the depth of water while underway,
and the changes that have taken place
in maritime navigation since the
invention of electronic methods of
determining position.
Tuesday, 1:30–3:30pm
February 24 (One meeting—Does not
count toward one of five class choices.)
Palm Desert Campus
One of the
many perks
of being an
Osher Members
receive a savings
of nearly
on the
Celebrity Tribute
Concert Series.
Special Osher Benefit Event!
A special Osher event at the
Indian Wells Theater will be held
on Friday, March 27 hosted by
AmDocs. All proceeds from this
event will go directly to financially
support the Palm Desert Campus
Osher Institute. In addition to an
exciting film screening and reception, ticket holders will also have
the ability to attend at no charge
all screenings at the Palm Desert
Campus on the following Sunday!
More details will follow.
The 2014-2015
is just around
the corner.
Check online for
the most current
shows, concerts
and other
campus events!
Osher Brochure SpSu15-FINAL.qxp_Layout 1 2/23/15 2:01 PM Page 5
2015 • Osher
l Have you ever attended
this university
before or
taken our
o Yes o Form
First Name
Enter here any other name or student ID# you have used at CSUSB
Mailing Address (Number, Street and Apt. Number or P.O. Box)
Zip Code
Phone (including area code)
E-mail Address
l Sex:
l Date of Birth*: __________/__________/_________
o Male o Female
* Identifier for the campus registration system.
l What year did you start attending Osher courses at CSUSB’s Osher Institute?__________________
l I would like to volunteer as an Osher Ambassador for the following duties:
o Curriculum Committee
o Advisory Board
Membership Options and Parking:
o Quarterly Membership:
o Other ______________________________
o Weekly Membership: $25/week. Please complete a separate registration form for any additional
weekly registrations.
Weekly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses in the same week.
o Week 2
o Week 3
o Week 4
o Week 5
Are you a:
o Year-round resident
o Seasonal resident
If seasonal, what months?
o Jan
o Feb
o May o June
o Sept o Oct
o March o April
o July
o Nov
Latest degree received?
o Aug
o Dec
o Associate o Bachelor’s
o Master’s
o Ph.D.
How did you hear about the Osher
Institute? (Check as many as apply.)
o Friend gave me course catalog
o Picked up course catalog
Where? ________________________
o Newspaper
o Word of mouth
o Phone call to campus
o Internet
o $150 Per Quarter
(Quarterly membership entitles you to take up to five (5) courses per quarter. Select courses below.)
o Week 1
Faculty Lecture Classes • SPRING 2015
o Week 6
o Week 7
o Parking: o $36 Discounted Quarterly Parking Pass o $24 Discounted One-Day Parking Pass
o Other:__________________________
What was/is your main career
experience? (educator, business person,
consultant, medicine, etc.)
*One-Day parking passes are for members who have class(es) on campus only one day per week.
l For information concerning special services to accommodate a physical, perceptual or learning disability, please contact the College of Extended Learning at (909) 537-5975.
Sched. #
Course Title
Course Dates March 9–April 24
Classes Held at CSUSB Palm Desert Campus
Writing your Autobiography
What Women Need to Know About Money Matters
Great Decisions 2015
The World of International Cinema
How to Win a Nobel Prize in Literature—America’s Winners
The Heart is Noble: Changing the World From the Inside Out
Bend It Like Totenberg
Introduction to Native Plants of the Coachella Valley and Joshua Tree
National Park
History of The Beatles, Part 2
Movies Are Like a Box of Chocolates
l Payment Type:
Sched. #
Course Title
Classes Held at LGBT Community Center of the Desert
Writing and Publishing Your First Book
Archetypes, Symbols and the Book of Changes
BONUS OFFERINGS at Palm Desert Campus (Not counted as one of 5 class choices)
Life At Sea
Impressionists’ Style: A Painting Demonstration by Cash Baxter
Interior Design in the Desert
Birds of the Coachella Valley
Frank Sinatra: From Here to Eternity
Friendship and Age: Lessons From LGBT Lives
The Benefits of Technology and What Seniors Should Know!
o CHECK or MONEY ORDER #__________________ (Payable to: CSUSB Extended Learning.)
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Cardholder’s Name
Cardholder’s Signature
I agree to abide by the deadlines, policies, and registration, refund and withdrawal procedures as outlined in the College of Extended Learning’s Course
Catalog and the CSUSB university catalog.
Participant Signature
Policies are available on the CEL Web site: http://pace.csusb.edu/policies.html; and on the CSUSB Web site: http://policies.csusb.edu.
Mail completed registration form to: CSUSB College of Extended Learning, SH-101 • 5500 University Parkway • San Bernardino CA 92407
Bend It Like Totenberg
History of The Beatles, Part 2
(Schedule #4036)
Paul Marchand, Esq.
One of the most significant shortfalls of
modern American media is the rather
short shrift given to coverage of
significant court decisions. Most
American media cover such matters
very poorly. On the other hand, there
are explainers out there like NPR's Nina
Totenberg, who is probably one of the
finest self-taught legal analysts we
have. This class is designed to give the
average consumer a basic knowledge
of how to see past the often
misleading headlines and make
independent sense of court decisions
as they hit the news cycle.
Thursdays 10 am–12 noon
March 12–April 23
(No meeting on March 26)
Palm Desert Campus
(Schedule #4038)
Mark Guerrero, singer, songwriter, rock
music historian
This class picks up where History of The
Beatles, Part 1 left off, with The Beatles
groundbreaking album, “Rubber Soul,”
and continues surveying the band’s
music and career through their last
album, “Abbey Road.” Their music of
this era, which includes the timeless
classic “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts
Club Band,” became more
sophisticated and their albums more
artistically cohesive than their earlier
works. Teaching tools for this course
include video clips, audio sound bytes
and live musical demonstrations of
their music. Anecdotal information will
also be shared.
Fridays, 10 am–12 noon
March 13–April 24
(No meeting on March 27)
Palm Desert Campus
Introduction to Native Plants
of the Coachella Valley and
Joshua Tree National Park
(Schedule #4037)
The Desert Institute at Joshua Tree
National Park
The annual appearance of the
ephemeral spring wildflowers native to
the Coachella Valley has everything to
do with the amounts of rainfall in the
winter months, which can vary widely
within a relatively small area, and with
warming temperatures that encourage
blooming. A “good” wildflower year
depends on three things: well-spaced
rainfall through the winter and early
spring months; sufficient warmth from
the sun; and the lack of desiccating
winds. Don’t miss this opportunity to
learn about wildflowers in the
Coachella Valley and Joshua Tree
National Park from experts on native
plant life.
Thursdays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 12–April 23
(No meeting on March 26)
Palm Desert Campus
Movies Are Like a Box of
Chocolates (Schedule #4039)
Xavier Cázares Cortéz, artist, educator,
You never know what you're gonna’ get
when you watch a film classic through
a contemporary lens, and examine its
vast influences in cinema and art. View
and discuss a mélange of topics
ranging from film noir, innovation,
Hitchcock, Orson Welles, drama,
western, foreign films, eclectic, genius
and copycats. What will you pick?
Explore the arc of some of the finest
moviemaking moments from the 1940s
and 1950s with fresh eyes through
lively, guided discussions. Films include
Rebecca (1940, USA); Brief Encounter
(1945, UK); The Third Man (1949, UK);
Lola Montés (1955, France); The
Searchers (1956, USA). Bonus materials
and movie clips included.
Fridays, 1:30–3:30 pm
March 13–April 24
(No meeting on March 27)
Palm Desert Campus
Do you have a passion?
Do you want to share it
with others?
Now is your chance to give back to your
community by doing what you love to do—
teach your passion and share your expertise
with students who are interested and
excited to learn, with none of the pressure
of tests, grades, paperwork, etc.
If you are interested, please contact
the Osher Program at (760) 341-2883,
Extension 14428, or e-mail