Solutions for
Human Resources
A Service Provided
by Your Tax Advisor
Qualified Partners for
Your Human Resources
Employees are the most important success factor in any company. This is because the optimal
use of human resources has a significant impact on the company’s bottom line. This is reason
enough to utilize first-class solutions for the important field of human resources. In this
context, your tax advisor and DATEV support you with advice, service, and software.
Quality from Experience
Your tax advisor and DATEV are expe­
rienced partners with significant exper­
tise when it comes to human resources.
DATEV has offered individual support
services and powerful software solutions
in this field for decades, and today 11
million pay slips are processed each
month using DATEV software. This rep­
resents a wealth of experience you can
benefit from and that external partners
also highly appreciate.
Flexible Support
The flexible collaboration between your
company and your tax advisor is one of
the particular strengths of DATEV soft­
ware. You have the choice of whether
to carry out tasks in-house or outsource
them to your accountant, who will com­
plete them reliably on your behalf. And
should you change your mind, you can
switch at any time. By using individual
DATEV software solutions that are de­
signed to work seamlessly with one an­
other, you can ensure that transferring
data between your company and your
tax advisor is a smooth and efficient
Reduce Your Workload with the
DATEV Data Center
Whether through automatic data backup,
audit-proof archiving, or the encrypted
data transfer with institutions such as
health insurance companies or fiscal au­
thorities – the connection to the DATEV
data center makes numerous jobs easier
for you. A particular advantage is that
you do not need to send the data indi­
 1Services for Human Resources
Periodic Consulting and Annual Reports by a Tax Advisor
Solutions for administrative tasks
Order processing
Solutions for
human resources
Human resources
IT solutions for communication
and data security
IT outsourcing
You can combine the solutions for human resources with solutions for
administrative tasks and IT solutions for communication and data security.
Building Knowledge
We offer seminars for every need – from
beginners to advanced learners. In this
context, you can select between online
seminars, in-person seminars at our
training centers, and customized semi­
nars at your place of business. We are
happy to provide personal consultations
– either on-site or online – to assist you
in rolling out our software at your com­
pany as well as on the topics of quality
management and digitization through
consultations provided by our experi­
enced DATEV consultants.
Completely Reliable Service
As a business owner, you want every­
thing to run smoothly. But in the off
chance that something does not go
according to plan, it is good to have a
reliable partner. Whether for initial in­
stallation and setup, switching products,
ongoing operations, or a technical issue
– we are there for you right from the
Finding answers: you have around-theclock access to free information sys­
tems. And a regular newsletter keeps
you up to date on current issues.
Human Resources Systems
Ask the experts: experienced service
employees take care of your individual
concerns. In doing so, it goes without
saying that we utilize state-of-the-art
remote-maintenance technology. Em­
ployees with significant hands-on ex­
perience from 26 DATEV offices and
additional DATEV Order processing
Accounting Document management
System and solution partners are your
local point of contact.
More Information
Additional Administrative Duties
Your tax advisor is not only your first
stop for human resources solutions, but
can offer solutions for your administra­
tive tasks, such as order processing, ac­
counting, and document management,
as well as solutions for e-mail security
and reliable IT administration. This is how
you create a permanent foundation for
your business success.
More on this topic
“Solutions for Administrative Tasks”
brochure (Item no. 35092)
“IT Solutions for Communication
and Data Security” brochure
(Item no. 35094)
Well-Equipped When It Comes
to Human Resources
The field of human resources is a minefield of legal regulations: companies need to adhere
to payroll tax and social security provisions as well as privacy laws, for example. The related
processes within a company should be lean and adaptable to future developments. With
DATEV solutions, you are perfectly prepared for the future.
“We wanted a partner that we
could count on over the long term.
A partner that provides professional service and solutions that
are designed to work perfectly
Volker Geier, head of DRK Rettungsdienst
Ravensburg-Wangen gGmbH,
Ravensburg, Germany
Services for
Human Resources
Always up to Date
Highest Level of Data Security
Flexible Application Connections
Variable Software Solutions
Up to Date and Future-proof
We analyze new legal and technical
requirements early on and implement
them reliably in our software. As a result,
you can always be sure that the applica­
tions are up to date when it comes to
legal requirements. In order to make your
day-to-day tasks even easier and open
up new methods of collaboration – for
example, with employees – we continu­
ously work on making advancements to
our time-tested DATEV software. In this
context, our focus is on making processoriented work possible and supporting
you with a quick overview of all areas.
More Data Security Than Required
by Law
Your confidential employee data is in safe
hands with us. You see, DATEV has es­
tablished security measures for sensitive
data or data that needs to be protected
that goes far beyond the legal require­
ments. Countless certificates from inde­
pendent auditors confirm our high level
of security. Incidentally, you can also use
several of these certificates for audits of
your company. This means you save the
cost and effort of acquiring such certifi­
cation yourself.
DATEV offers certified security in the
following areas, among others:
Data protection pursuant to the stip­
ulations of Germany’s Federal Data
Protection Act (voluntary data protec­
tion audit pursuant to Article 9 a of
this law).
Information security at the DATEV
data center pursuant to ISO/IEC.
Product testing with regard to
accounting in compliance with the
IDW PS 880 auditing standard and
the German principles of accessing
data and auditing digital documents
Auditing pursuant to the “Interna­
tional Standard on Assurance Engage­
ments 3402 Reports on Controls at a
Service Organization” (ISAE 3402).
Certification of system auditing by
Germany’s National Association of
Statutory Health Insurance Funds
(GKV-Spitzenverband) regarding the
electronic creation and submission of
statutory health insurance reports.
Continuous Processes
Flexible application connections create
the foundation for lean and transparent
business processes. This not only applies
within the field of human resources but
also to the data connections with related
areas, such as financial accounting or
document management. Other manufac­
turers’ software can also be connected
to DATEV software – for example, timerecording systems and merchandise
planning software.
Solutions for Every Need
In order to best cover the different needs
of each company, different versions of
DATEV’s software solutions for human
resources are available. This gives you the
ability to tailor your applications to your
company’s development: if your needs
grow, DATEV software simply grows along
with them. And if you have special needs,
we can even make individual adjustments
to the software specifically for you.
Software for All
Human Resources Tasks
In almost no other field are the jobs as varied as they are in human resources – processing
payroll data and transferring it to financial authorities and health insurance companies,
verifying travel expenses, organizing employee application processes, and drawing up
employee evaluations. On top of that, overseeing vocational trainees and human resource
development both require significant time and effort. At DATEV, you will find the right
solution for every task related to human resources.
Human Resources
Payroll Accounting
Electronic Archiving
Human Resources Management
Management Accounting
Travel Expenses
Integrated Solutions
DATEV software supports you in all ac­
tivities related to human resources. In
this context, we place a particular focus
on easy-to-use, time-saving features –
such as for saving and managing em­
ployee data. Once data is entered, it is
available to all areas of the company –
in human resource applications as well
as financial accounting software. And as
a result, working with headquarters and
branch offices is also much easier, since
preliminary employee data can be en­
tered at the local places of business and
then processed together afterward at
your company’s headquarters.
Efficient Payroll Accounting
DATEV takes care of many payroll ac­
counting jobs for you automatically;
payment orders are directly transferred
to the bank from the accounting appli­
cations. Updating institutional data, such
as health insurance companies’ contribu­
tion rates, is carried out via an online
comparison with centrally managed data
at the DATEV data center. In addition,
the DATEV data center automatically
handles the electronic transfer of payroll
accounting figures to the fiscal authori­
ties (Elster-Lohn in Germany) and the
social insurance agencies (statement
of contributions paid, German DEÜV
reports, immediate disclosures, the
German Zahlstellenmeldeverfahren, re­
fund requests pursuant to the German
expense compensation act (AAG), and
pay slips for the purpose of calculating
unemployment benefits). In addition,
automatically generated forms for all
current pay statements make your job
even easier. Furthermore, DATEV can
also take care of sending pay slips to
your employees. In this context, you
have the choice of sending them by mail
or making them available via a secure
Web site.
Less Paper in the
Payroll Department
An additional advantage of DATEV soft­
ware is electronic archiving. The DATEV
data center offers central storage and
long-term archiving of all your data. You
can then access all the data and any re­
ports you need at any time from your
PC. As a result, you no longer need to
file the paper away in folders. And in
addition, doing so fully complies with
the legal requirements set forth in arti­
cles 146 and 147 of the Fiscal Code of
Germany. If your company is audited,
you can provide the auditor with all
the payroll-related documents either
electronically or on an archive DVD.
The benefits for your
accounting office at a glance:
Payroll accounting:
Importing time records
Managing institutional data
(health insurance companies,
credit institutes, fiscal authorities,
municipalities, etc.)
Payroll accounting always in
accordance with applicable laws
Directly sending pay slips to
employees or making pay slips
available to employees via a
secure Web site
Electronic data transfer and
response to / from institutions
Sending payment orders to banks
Electronic report archiving
Long-term archiving
Human Resources
Payroll Accounting
Electronic Archiving
Human Resources Management
Management Accounting
Travel Expenses
Easily Manage Employees
The electronic personnel file can be used
to store all employee-related data in a
central location, including your employ­
ees’ qualifications and vacation days or
days absent from work. As a result, this
information is rapidly available whenever
it is needed, ensuring optimal human
resources. In addition, DATEV software
can also be used for clearly structured
recruiting activities and human resource
development. As a result, you can always
keep track of your most important re­
source – your employees.
Your Company at a Glance
Rapid access to sound financial figures
is key to successfully managing your
company. DATEV solutions support your
management accounting activities with
human-resource-related reports such as
a list of non-wage labor costs or an over­
view of cost-center figures. All of the
data in the system can be combined as
desired to create, adjust, and graphically
present individual management account­
ing reports.
Flexible Travel Expense Accounting
DATEV software makes it easy to man­
age business trips – from the travel
application to logging travel data and
receipts to accounting and reimburse­
ment. The employee can even collect
receipts and data during the business
trip and transfer them to the company.
When carrying out expense accounting
activities, the software takes both appli­
cable legal stipulations as well as your
company’s own travel guidelines into
account. As a result, you can be sure
to quickly and easily prepare a correct
travel expense report that meets your
internal requirements, even in complex
accounting cases.
More Information
Further information about DATEV’s
software for travel expense accounting
can be found in the “Solutions for
Administrative Tasks” brochure
(Item no. 35092).
as Partners
A Service Provided by Your Tax Advisor
Item no. 35093 2015-04-01 © DATEV eG 2015, all rights reserved
To find out how to create an effective business relationship using DATEV software, simply
get in touch with your tax advisor. They know your company’s needs and provide
reliable advice in all tax-related and business-related matters. Simply ask them about it
directly. For more information, visit or call
us at +49-800-1001116.