Helpful Websit,es for Stoichiometry http :// etlstoichio.html Good explanation of what stoichiometry is all about- with analogies of making a bacon double cheeseburger. http :// trylchprbs toich.html Questions and answer key that shows all the set up! http :// The following sections are good: *Why do we need mols? *Basic stoichiometry *Stoichiometry roadmap *Stoichiometry problems with mass and gas at STP (Click on general idea for more detailed info on set-up) *Stoichiometry problems on concentration and density (Honors) *Stoichiometry problems using complete roadmap. http : / I vriki.answers. com/Q/Irow do you solve stoichiometry problems A detailed explanation of stoichiometry showing the math. Test Bank 3 has many good qaizzes for practice. *Information Derived from Balanced Equations *Factors for Setup of Mole-mole Calculations *Factors for Setup of Mole-gram Problems xFactors for Setup of Gram - Grams Problems *Stoichiometry - Mole to Mole Problems *Mole-mass Stoichiometry Problems *Mass-mass Stoichiometry Problems *Honors: Limiting Reagent *I{onors: Percent Yield *Honors: Percent Yield with Limiting Reagents i H q a E () F\ G F Fl .il Fq F] q{-r -{ o rh o 'Q.{ cq. E o o |<i G N N tlpq o tr '56) - H gE ti a q.{ q) o o H z E{osv eam- Section Objectives Relate volume calcul6:1, tions in stoichiometry ,:i to the inflation o{ autornobile safety fue'axsed? Use the concept Stoichiorwetry and cars ol { limiting reactants to explain why changing fuel-air ratios affects engine performance, ; far in your study of stoichiometry, you have examined a number of chemical reactions with Use percent yield to practical applications-from banana flavoring com p a re th e eff i ci e n cy.,l to cosmetics to aspirin. But stoichiometrfs of pollution-control mechanisms in cars. practical importance goes beyond factories and Iaboratories. When you drive a caE you are depending on stoichiometry to keep you safe and make the car work efEciently with the smallest possible impact on the environment. So Air-bag design depends on stoiGhiometric precision Air.bags are designed to protect occupants in a car from injuries during FEg[lre i5-] d When used in combination with seat belts, air bags can lessen the severity of injuries in the event of a foont-end collision. steeringwheel,windshie1d,orinstrumentpane1ashardastheywould without the air bag. Stoichiometry and the principles of reactions studied-r in Chapter 7 are used by air-bag designers to make certain that air bags do not under-inflate or over-inflate. Bags that under-inflate do not providel enough protection for the occupants, and bags that over-inflate can cause ri injury or may even rupture, making them useless. To adequately protect occupants, air bags must fully inflate within one-tenth of a second after impact. The systems that make an air bag work this quickly are shown in FEgasre E-"EB on the next page. A front-end collision transfers energy to a crash sensor that signals Iar to a smali blasting cap. The ignitor mixture called the gos generant, which {,i;tt forms a gaseous product. The ignitor also a reaction occurs at a rate fast enough to fiIl the bag before the occupant strikes it. This reaction chamber releases the gas into the bag while a highefficiency filter keeps the reactants and the solid products away from the gecupant. 2e4 Chanter 8 i : a high-speed front-end collision, as shown in Figarre E-tE. Mlhen inflated,,j they gently slow down the occupants of a car so that they do not strike th+.: ! + i! of sodium For most current systems, the gas generant is a solid mixture is almost azide,(uNr, plus an oxidizer. The gas that inilates the bag entjrelynitrogengas,N2,whichisproducedinthefollowingdecompositidnreaclion. 2NaNe(s) _+ 2Na(s) + BN2k) and However, this reaction alone cannot inflate the bag fast enough, oxidizers the sodium metal produced is a dangerously reactive substance' they that so such as ferric oxide, Fe2O3, are included in the gas generant can immediately react with the sodium metal in a single-displacement more than reaction. This exothermic reaction also raises the temperature a hundred degrees so that the gas frlls the bag faster' 6Na(s) + FezOs(s) -+ 3Na2O(5) + 2Fe(s) subBut even sodium oxide is unsafe because it is an extre'mely basic and moisture from stance. Eventuall5r, it reacts with carbon dioxide, co2, the air to form sodium hydrogen carbonate, or baking soda' Na2O(s) + 2co2,€) + HzOGI)-----+ The volume of gas needed to 2NaHCOe(s) fiIl an air bag of a certain volume depends ontheamountofgasavailableandthedensityofthegas' Gas density, in turn, depends on temperature' To calculate the amount of gas generaat necessary, air-bag designers must know the stoichiom&= etry of the reactions and account for energy changes in the reaction, which may change the temPerature, and thus the density, of the gas. F:+i+:'i;:iln::1E Figt*re 8-'tg un-inflated bag ,&rash sensor li{tne of several on auto) Backup power suPPlY in case of batterY failure When a crash occurs, a switch in the sensor closes, and electricitY from the battery or the backup power suPPlY flows to the inflator behind the steering wheel. The ignitor within the inflator heats up raPidlY, ignit' ing the gas generant to start the sodium azide decomposition reaction. The nitrogen gas that is made inflates the air bag. StoichiometrY 1295 Partner's Name: Name: Challenge for the Day: Design an Airbag... or BUST!! The volume of gas released when an airbag inflates is critical. To9 mgch B-!s can over inflate the bag, so it may burst. Too l-ittle gas will under inflate thebag, making it ineffective. It !s important thit the correct amount of reactants be used to produce the exact volume of gas needed. Stoichiometry can be used to predict the correct amount of reactants needed to fili the bag with gas. The Challenge: A ziplock bag is going to be your 'iaribag." The chemic+^ttgt y^oq qggoing to use to inflate the b-ag ire baking sdaa (NaUCO3) and vinegar (acetic acid, HC2H3O2). The reaction is shown below. (s) + -NaHCO3 -H CzHzOz(aq)*-N aC2H3O2(aq) + (t) + -HzO (g) -COz Your challenge is to calculate how much baking soda and vinegar you will need to inflate your "ait bag" with COz. Things to Consider: xMake sure the above equation is balanced' xHow can you figure out the volume (in mL or L) of your bag? *Is the vinegar pure acetic acid? *Is the baking soda pure? *What is the amouni of gas (in mL or L) of 1 mole of ANY gas under STP? *How will you keep the iwo reactants separated until you are ready to start the reaction? Before you start experimenting, discuss within your group how to approactr theproblem Discuss-different asplects to consider. Calculate the amountbf reactants you hypothesize you will need to taking into iccount the above considerations. Be sure to show your work with units. Check your hypotheSis with the teacher, then test your hypothesis. xWe found the volume of the bag by: *We figured out the mass of baking soda by: xWe figured out the volume of vinegar by: *We obtained the approval of the teacher to test our experiment: Observations from the experiment: Your observations should be detailed. Explain exactly what you did and what happened. If you need to repeat the experiment, explain why and repeat your calculations below. Obtain a stamp from your teacher when done. You will be handing in this sheet and making a $oup poster. Use the rubric below to help guide ln in the preparation of the Section Description Points lntroduction Your group briefly describes (in your own words) in one paragraph how an airo-ag works and how it relates to 3 stoichiometry. Procedure You write a brief procedure in paragraph form what your group did including how you kept the two reactants separate. 3 Calculations Easy to follow calculations for the mass of ttre baking powder and the volume of the vinegar. All numbers have units. 3 Diagrams Yorir diagrams describe your set up. 1 Results You include brief statement of your results. 1 Assessment You write a brief statement about how successfi.rl you were. What would you do differently next time? 1 Participation You stayed on task and did your share of the group work. 1 a